The Ray Bradbury Theater (1985–1992): Season 6, Episode 11 - Some Live Like Lazarus - full transcript

A young couple falls in love but his domineering mother comes between them; when the old woman finally dies--forty years later--the next step is not very clear.

[music playing]

[music playing]

(VOICEOVER): People ask,

where do you get your ideas?

Right here.

All of this is my
magician's toy shop.

I'm Ray Bradbury, and this is--

Oh, there you are.

You wanna hear about
the murder, don't you?

And how I've waited
for 40 years for it

to happen, hoping as
only a woman can hope.

It should have happened sooner.

Never did.

Damn, it's a long way to death.

But we've always had time.

There was a time when all
those chairs were full,

and the people in them saw
what I saw, but didn't notice.

A long time ago, they
saw the murderer,

but didn't know that he was one.

And I've sat in this theater,
waiting for the killer

to appear on stage.

There he is, the son, and
their big funeral car here for

their annual Greenwood summer.

And now watch this future
murderer, his honorable son,

reach into the funeral car
and lug out the window dummy,

that ancient sachet
of bones and talcum

powder dust that is named,
surely as a joke, mother.

Hurry up!

Yes, mother.

MOTHER: Roger, why
are you so slow?

I'm nut, mother.

Don't let me fall.

Yes, mother.

Is he a killer?

Is she a victim?

I've waited 40 years.

This must be the year.

Hurry up.

Can't you do anything right?

Never have, mother.

ANNA (VOICEOVER): Every year
the same, year after year.

No one but me to see now.

But that first year,
everyone saw them arrive.

I saw.

I was there.

The court's over there.

Play later?

MOTHER: Roger!


Tag, you're it!

Didn't you hear me?

You're it.


Roger, you can walk with me.

You take care of the luggage.

the other, the weak side.

Haven't you learned?

You're bruising my arm.

Sorry, mother.

Not so fast.

Thank goodness we
changed our minds

and didn't go sailing
off to France.

It would have killed me!

You're not sorry so?

No, mother.

We'll see Paris next year.

Yes, mother.

Be careful.

Watch those flowers.

ANNA (VOICEOVER): Silly girl.

Wasn't I silly?

I should have run away forever.

I stayed on.

Silly girl.
Silly woman.


Another year, another visit.

Grab this.

Chauffeur, you help
me to the cottage.

And you, you carry the
luggage for a change.

Do you good.



Here you are again.

- Seems so.
- You didn't go to Paris?

You haven't changed.
- Why should I?

I'm already perfect.

Who told you that?


Well, you're not.

Tell me what way
I'm not perfect.

You got any play clothes?

Play what?


If I got you some old
jeans and tennis shoes,

would you wear them?




We can play later,
when I finish my chores.

Play what?

ANNA: I don't know, just play.

Roger, hurry up!

We can play later, OK?

Oh, I don't know.

I've got to go.

Sure, Roger.

Mother's calling.


Why did you--

Because-- because I--


MOTHER: Roger!

That summer, when

we were both 12, was
the summer for a time I

knew we loved each other.

6 some years later, well--

Roger, hurry up.

Make yourself useful.

This is a list of the
special meals that I'll need.

See that they get it, and
see that they get it right.

Shall I help you?

I'm no cripple.

I'll make it, even
though it might kill me.

Go on!


Give me that.

Anna, is that you?

Damn right.

Who else would it be?

You've grown.

Out of shape.

I don't know what
to do with these.

Hey, I'll tell you more.

Come on.

I can't.

Sure, you can.

Off the court, Carol.


Sure do, Anna.

You did it!

I'll be damned!


Don't look over your shoulder.

She can't see you.

Your voice carries.

Now, hear this!

Listen, world.

Roger's mother is
not his mother!


She's not our mother, or your
grandma, or your great grandma,


Or your ancient wicked sister.

She is a crone, a witch, a
queen of the mummified mummies.

She-- she stole you from the
crib of a-- a beautiful queen

and a handsome king.

Do you even look like her?

Hell no!


Shut up.

You came out here to play.

She's holding you for ransom.

I'm saving money, putting it
in the bank to buy you back

when you're 21.


You don't wanna go on living
with her while she spins

her webs and hangs upside
down on the chandelier

all night, do you?

I don't--

Pipe down!

I'm not finished yet.

Do this, you do it.

Do that, you do it.

Do the other thing, you do it.

Where will it all end, Roger?

Damn it!

Shut up!

Not in Paris, that's for sure.

Shut up!

Roger Harrison, thank you.

Thank you for what?

For being angry for the
first time in the life,

for telling me to shut up!

I wanted that.

I won't shut up.

Oh yeah, you will.

Only one way to stop me.

I will stop you.

No way, no, no!

That's better.

Make me stop, Roger.

Shut me up.

There, are you shut?

Not quite.

Oh, Anna.

When we're 21, I'm
going to marry you.

Who's gonna let you?

She'll be dead by then.


I promise.

Roger, I'm praying
for her to die.

summer, they didn't

come to the resort at all.

I heard she was sick.

I prayed every night she'd die.

Of course she didn't.

Of course they came back.

Mother, I'd like you to meet--

I do not meet girls
who wait on table.

Anna, I'm sorry.

It's all right, Roger.

She knows I'm the enemy.

You're 21 now.


Anna, one more year.

Two, three years at the
most, the doctors say.

She is going to live forever.

She'll bury us both and
drink wine at our funerals.

She knows we want her dead.

That gives her the
power to go on.


I'm not gonna wait.

I know what's gonna happen.

summer over, another wasted year

of my life rolled away.

Why should I wait?

That mother was never
going to leave that stage.


ANNA: Not now.

Come on, Anna.

Who would know?



All right, mother!

Who is he?


You know him?

He'll be manager here soon.

We'll be married in the fall.

But you loved me.

Do I Roger?

You'll be miserable.

I'm miserable now.

Anna, please, wait.

What if she died this summer?

She won't.

What if she died two
months from now, a month?

Anna, two weeks.

Seven days.

How can you be sure?

I'll make myself sure.


Anna, oh, Anna!

Oh, it's terrible!

Mrs. Harrison?

No, no.

Her son, he's hung himself!


No, it wasn't.

MOTHER: What did you mean?

What did you mean by that?

What did you mean by doing that?





MOTHER: What did you mean by
doing that, you silly boy.

Looking at him there,

I knew he'd try to run
away from both of us.

We were both impossible to him.

I married Paul, and
Roger never came back.

He returned, but not to me.

They returned.

It and him.

The years went on.

We had no children.

Paul died, and she lived on.

And now it's almost over.

How many more years?

Surely he'll speak to
me, tell me it's time.

Here, now, this minute today!


It's time.

I would have thought so.

Sit down.

No, no.

I can't stay.


But you brought something?

I found a poem.

I must read it to you.

"My mother would
be a falconress,

and I her fair falcon
treading her wrist."

Go on.

"She has muffled my dreams
in the hood she has made me.

She rides with her little
falcon upon her wrist.

She sends me abroad
to try my wings, and--

and I come back to her.

I tore at her wrist,
the hole she had for me

till the blood ran hot
and I heard her cry out.

I tore.

And I tore at her wrist
with my savage beak.

Oh, I flew."

You should have read that ago.

I've-- I've read it now.

Something's happened?



It's hard for me to say.

Something terrible.

Did you kill her?

Or did she finally just
die of her own poison?

Would it make a difference?

This late, I don't know.

Where will you go?

Somewhere, anywhere
a long way off.

Maybe Paris at last.

Maybe Rome.

If nobody stops me.

Not me.

I'll give you a head start
before I call the police.

What will it matter if
there's a little delay.

I'm good at waiting.

Go find Paris, Roger.

Oh, Anna.


Come with me.

Come with me.

I can't.

There's no reason why not.

There is.


I don't count.

That's just it, Roger.

You do.

You've been married
for 60 years.

You don't need another
falconress, do you?

Don't I?

You need fly on your
own, Roger Harris.

Take a little time away.

Go all around the world.

And when you've done
that, come back.

Will you be here,
waiting for me?

I haven't got it in
me to wait anymore.

But I'll be here.

Oh, I'll be back.

I'll be back.

I swear I will.

I'll be with you.

I love you, Anna.

I know.

[music playing]