The Purge (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Should I Stay or Should I Go - full transcript
Marcus' family makes a tough decision; Esme and Ryan risk it all; Ben destroys someone he loves.
Previously on "The Purge"...
Who's Drew Adams, and why is
she on your personal computer?
- Freeze!
- Who the hell are they?
Jackals, thieves who
steal from other thieves
- on Purge Night.
- I need your help.
So you think you can take down the NFFA.
They're killing innocent
people off-Purge,
and I think I found the proof.
If you're that good, you can
help me find someone else.
We worked side-by-side with Esme,
but she has committed an act of treason.
Your husband took out a
Purge contract on Marcus.
Okay, fine! I did it! Please, just stop!
You only took 10k down.
I told you to get rid of
the rest of the contract.
I wasn't the only one.
They all did it.
So the Campus Killer is going viral, yo.
Be careful.
When we bottle up our feelings,
they can come out in other
ways that might be scary.
Very cute, Ian.
The visibility is excellent,
ventilation is greatly improved
from last year's model.
Big step up.
It better be.
We don't need another
suffocation lawsuit.
Thank God that happened on Purge.
I think we should make a
push into the LGBTQ market.
We'll look like we care,
earn a bunch of goodwill,
make a tidy profit.
Well, we do need more lifestyle reach.
And focus groups reacted positively
to the idea of a pride-themed mask.
So we changed a few colors
on an old S.K.U. and voilà!
I'd run with that.
It shows we listen to our customers.
Um, we should at least donate
a portion of the proceeds
- to a relevant charity.
- Fine. Done.
Jimmy, where are we at with the
inspired-by-true-events space?
All the usuals...
presidents, pop stars,
a lot of Hitler variations,
but I would like to put
one more into production.
Well, that'd be a hell of a rush job.
It'll be worth it. Trust me.
It's blowing up.
The Campus Killer?
We make Purge masks, not murder masks.
We'd be promoting
an active serial killer.
Yeah, you might be right.
But our advertising
allowance has been slashed.
With something like this,
cable news does all the heavy lifting.
I'm with Jimmy on this.
I mean, bad taste sells.
Look how simple it is.
Our margins will be huge.
I'll call production.
Let's get a run of these going ASAP.
Hey, good work, kid.
We're gonna make a killing.
You sure we have to do this tonight?
It's a skeleton crew at this hour,
it'll buy us more time.
The NFFA has half the
city looking for you.
You're probably locked out
of their system by now.
No, they wouldn't lock me out.
Why not?
If I log in, they'll be
able to trace my location.
So it's a trap.
Only if they catch us.
I've rerouted my signal
through a few hubs, but still.
Once I'm logged in,
we'll have to move fast.
Yeah, you took a big risk
coming to a former cop.
What made you think I
wasn't gonna turn you in?
You walked away from a
system that betrayed you.
Seemed like someone
who would understand.
I saw you on Purge Night.
- You did?
- Yeah.
You refused to kill
those security guards
when anyone else would've purged them.
Don't canonize me just yet.
You about ready?
I'm in.
Where are we at, Vivian?
Triangulating her position.
She stays on another few
seconds then we'll have her.
- Time?
- We're out of it.
I'm almost there.
We gotta be wheels up.
- Done.
- Let's go.
652 Longview.
Alert dispatch.
Tell them to send everything they got.
Did you get them?
Full names, addresses.
Everything you need to
track these guys down.
Meet your Jackals.
Listen, um, I'm gonna make some coffee.
And just act like is this
a normal morning, huh?
I don't know. We'll eat breakfast.
We'll figure this out.
I'll call the PI.
No, we can't tell the
PI about last night.
Yeah, right.
I can't believe we did that.
Well, at least we got results.
We know more than we did all year.
I mean, but somebody tried to Purge me,
and now I feel like the bad guy.
I know the feeling.
Babe, it can get uglier.
Are you sure you wanna be here?
I am not leaving you.
Not after...
not after the part I played in all this.
Listen, if these people
here at this neighborhood
really wants to Purge you,
they're the crazy ones, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Not us.
Oh, you can't go.
Well, is Ben up? Can't he drive you?
No, I'm calling a car.
That's an awfully long way.
Won't that cost a fortune?
sweetie, did you and Ben get in a fight?
No. It's fine.
I just have to go.
Well, at least let me
make you breakfast.
- Morning, guys.
- Morning.
How'd you sleep?
I slept great. Really great.
Huh, must have. You're
never up before me.
I was just telling your mom
I've got a ton of work to do.
Big poli-sci project coming up.
I'm gonna grab a car back to campus
and get an early start on it.
Thanks for everything, Ms. Gardner.
I'll see you later, okay?
No, wait, I'll... I'll take you.
no, you should spend some
time with your family.
I don't wanna cut your trip short.
It's no problem.
- Right, Mom?
- Of course not.
I'd feel better if you drove her.
Let me just gonna grab
my bags and get dressed.
All righty.
The hell are they doing?
Are you sure you saw them go in?
I'm sure.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Around back.
Oh, boy.
What are you guys doing here?
I want to talk.
Marcus, I, uh, I don't
know what this is about,
but you look upset.
- Why don't we, uh...
- Enough, okay?
Just stop. No more bullshit.
What have I done to all of you
to make you hate me so much?
Please, just talk to us.
Whatever I've done, okay?
I don't deserve to die.
Imagine if it was your family.
Just, please.
Just give us a chance.
What a speech.
Were you finished?
Recognize me?
I'm your neighbor, Clint, and...
you killed my wife.
You can't make amends, Marcus.
Five years ago, I came home from work,
and Maisy, she was having
trouble breathing.
Brought her to the ER at Bienville,
you examined her.
Nurses said you diagnosed, uh,
atrial fibrillation.
You came out, you explained
that you were gonna have
to shock her heart back into rhythm.
How routine it was,
that I had nothing to worry about.
I believed you.
You seemed so fucking
smart and confident.
There was a problem.
As soon as you shocked her heart,
it never started pumping again.
You didn't even come out to tell me.
After all that shit about how
I had nothing to worry about,
you send another doctor
out to break the news.
Uh, um, Clint?
Uh, uh, look, yeah, I don't...
I don't know what to say.
I... I do my best,
and then just... yeah, every time.
But sometimes, there isn't
anything that I can do.
I'm sorry.
Don't pretend like you cared, man.
I do care.
When you moved into the neighborhood,
I thought for sure you'd
come see how I was doing.
You didn't recognize me.
Treated me like a stranger.
She was a pillar of this community.
We all loved her.
She was a saint.
And the truth is
you barely know any of us.
So wait a minute, so you...
you agree with this guy?
I speak for the group, Marcus...
But I'm a fair man.
I'll make you a deal.
You get out of here
tonight by midnight...
and we'll consider taking
the hit off your head.
But if you don't,
I'm the one that's going to
kill you this Purge Night.
You're planning revenge on the Jackals?
Not exactly.
See that box on the floor?
Open that up.
- What's this?
- Put it on.
It's time to change your look.
And when we get there, I've
got to talk to Doug and Sara.
They're a little spooked
at how much heat
you have on you right now.
Your team, your rules.
And I have a passport guy.
Thank you, but I'm not going anywhere.
Graveyards are full of heroes.
- Good thing I'm not a hero.
- Yeah?
Oh, Jesus, how... how long ago?
I understand. Thank you.
- What's going on?
- I got to handle something.
That was my mother's nursing home.
She wandered off the grounds.
No one can seem to find her.
Is she sick?
She has Alzheimer's.
Last time she got out,
she got clipped by a car.
Oh, my God. Where do you think she went?
I'm thinking.
You watch people long enough,
you see that everyone
has their patterns.
What about a childhood
home? A favorite place?
Maybe something related to an old job?
Good thinking.
You're in early.
Uh, oh. I...
I never actually went home.
Listen, don't beat yourself up.
You did a great job last night.
Remember, she knows the playbook.
We'll catch her.
No, that's not it.
What exactly did Esme do?
I mean, I know she's tagged, but...
Vivian, I know you really
care about this job,
and you have a big heart.
But that's not always a good thing,
and I know that sounds callus, but...
No, I... I get it. We
have to remain impartial.
When Esme betrayed the
department, it was...
Yeah, it was hard on all of us.
So why do you think she did it?
I don't know.
Because she cared too much.
She got personally involved
instead of letting the
system do its job.
It's important to trust the NFFA.
I understand.
Open up my bag.
There's something I wanna show you.
just do it.
Why? Let's just listen
to music like you said.
it's important.
Do this for me.
I already saw.
I saw it. I... I... I saw the mask.
I know you did.
But you didn't call the cops.
You know what that means, right?
It means you care about me.
Of course I do, Ben.
After what happened on Purge Night,
I... I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I was on the edge all the time,
just waiting for
something bad to happen.
The farmer, when he grabbed me,
I... I just reacted.
But then afterward, I...
I felt better.
I felt great.
I think it's very brave
that you can talk to me about all this.
It's so honest.
It is,
and the fact that you
see I'm the same guy,
that... that's real.
That... that shows the kind
of connection we have.
I feel like it brings
us closer together.
I love you so much.
But it still scares you.
You keep doing that
thing with your neck.
I didn't want it to be like this.
take it.
I want you to feel completely safe.
You know, maybe I'll give it some time.
I don't think you'll
ever convince that man.
You can't reason with grief.
You're right.
I mean, did you see the
look on their faces?
They were scared.
I mean, he's dangerous.
I'll pack a couple of bags
and send for the rest.
You guys are leaving?
- Darren?
- Are you all right?
Uh, yeah, you just said
you're leaving, right?
It's a long story.
Okay, I'm coming with you.
Darren, honey, we have to leave today.
No, I'm... that's fine. I'm coming with.
Son, what's wrong?
I think I'm in trouble, Dad.
What's going on?
Okay, I messed with the wrong guys,
and I think they're
coming to Purge me now.
Come on.
It's okay.
Hey, look at me.
You're coming with us.
Let's go.
Mom! I'm her son.
Ryan, honey, what...
why aren't you in school?
It got canceled.
Uh, uh, let's get you home.
- I'll get her home safe.
- Oh, hold on there, sir.
We need to get a little
information here.
Let me start with your ID.
Ryan Grant.
That's it.
You're retired NOPD.
Well, old timers retire.
- I just kicked the habit early.
- Right on.
We pulled up an Alice
Grant with an address
listed at Lafayette Assisted
Living over on Dorgenois.
- Is that right?
- Yeah, that's it.
I've got my truck here.
I can get her home.
- Okay, we'll back you back.
- I don't want to trouble you.
Oh, no trouble at all, man.
Anything for a vet.
Where are we going now, honey?
Is this your truck here?
Yeah, it's right here.
I got it.
Here we go.
All right, here I go.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
No problem. Y'all drive safe now.
You hot?
I'll turn on the AC.
There's a gas station up ahead.
I'm gonna stop.
Where are you going?
I have to use the bathroom.
Oh, wait.
Uh, can I borrow your phone?
Uh, mine's dead.
I need to call my mom
and let her know I left
something back at the house.
Thanks for letting me use your phone.
You ready to go?
Drew Adams.
- Hello?
- Vivian?
You saw my flyers?
Photo got my attention.
How the hell did you
know where to post them?
I, uh, paid some people to plaster them
around dead zones where
you were last spotted.
You could get arrested
for talking to me.
They might even have you wired by now.
No, I'm not. It's safe. I just...
I did a keystroke analysis
on your work station
before they erased it.
I saw what you did...
the deleted footage.
Hey, whatever you do, do
not mention that footage
or that case to anyone.
Do you understand? Not even Curtis.
I won't, but it's against regulation
to tamper with footage like that.
Did you do it?
Of course not.
What did you do?
They... they... they won't
give me a straight answer,
Curtis just skirts the issue.
I didn't do anything wrong.
How do I know that for sure?
You don't.
Listen to me.
You cannot trust anyone.
How about you? Can I trust you?
Because there is something very wrong,
and I don't know what to do.
You can help me.
What are you looking for?
I was just, um, checking my makeup.
So I was thinking after finals,
maybe we take a trip somewhere?
Wouldn't that be fun?
Or we can save our money
for an apartment.
If we finally had our own
place, we can get a puppy.
Where are we going? Ben?
What are you doing?
Looks like they're
stopping traffic ahead.
All right, keep moving.
Pull up. Pull up.
Hi, Officer.
Evening, sir.
I need everyone's identification.
Yes, sir. I'm reaching for it right now.
Come on, guys.
- Got it?
- Yeah.
I'll be right back.
I don't mind Mississippi.
- It's so green here.
- Hmm.
I'm afraid we have a problem.
What's wrong?
You and your wife are free to continue,
but, sir, you're on our No Travel list.
I can't let you across the state line.
Wait, that's not right.
Uh, is that some sort of mistake?
The list comes straight from the NFFA.
There's nothing I can do.
Please turn around.
Look, Dad, it's not a mistake.
What are you talking about?
Look, the trouble that I'm
in is not with some guys.
It's the government.
Okay, you... you guys should
probably just go on without me.
Please, I can't have something
happen to you guys because of me.
Darren, no. Can't leave my son.
Please don't do this.
- Why did you write this?
- I was scared.
I'm sorry, but I'm so scared.
It's just because you don't understand.
I don't want to understand.
It's sick, Ben.
You're always going to be afraid
until you see for yourself.
I need you to do something for me.
Pick up the knife. Let me show you.
No. No, no, no. I... I can't.
Kelen, do this for me.
Pick up the knife and I'll show you.
Come on!
Now I want you to cut me.
What? No!
Come on. It's okay.
I'll be here to help you.
You just got to give yourself permission
to let go of all the guilt and the fear.
Come on.
That's it.
Yeah. Come on! Yeah.
Yeah, come on. Do it!
Do it!
What the fuck?
Kelen, wait!
Hey! Help me!
Kelen, wait!
Kelen, wait!
Oh, my God.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck!
Man, I didn't even...
even want to hit her.
She ran right into the road,
dude. I just... are you...
oh, fuck. I've got to call 911!
That was way too close.
Play time's over.
I'm gonna get you a passport
and get you out of here.
I already told you I'm not leaving.
Hey, the cops almost caught you today.
You stay here, you're as good as dead.
When shit went upside down
for you, did you run?
Do you wanna know why?
Because I have people
here that depend on me,
and I'm not gonna put my team
or my mother in that kind of danger.
Yeah, well, I have people too.
People that were hurt by the NFFA,
and I was part of that.
People like Dr. Adams
and Olivia Hughes.
And Tommy.
What do you know about Tommy?
The morning after Purge Night,
when Tommy crossed the line...
I was the one who tagged him.
My best friend is gonna die
in there because of you.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
Why are you telling me this?
Don't you get it?
This is why I have to stay.
I have to set things right.
I told myself it was just a
job, and if it wasn't me,
somebody else would have to do it.
But I can't think that way anymore.
- You need to leave.
- I need to help.
Please, just let me stay.
I don't give a fuck what you do,
but you're not staying here.
Guys, are you sure about this?
We shouldn't have never run.
I mean, why should we leave
everything that we worked for?
For some old psycho?
Okay, you got guys like
Clint all over this country.
Some of them, they're
running this country.
But if we run now,
we'll be running forever.
And I ain't running.
All right? We ain't running.
I wanna say thanks for everything.
The way you feel about Tommy...
The way it eats at you...
I'm carrying that for
a lot of people I hurt.
You know...
some new person is
sitting at my old desk,
pressing the buttons I used to press,
tagging new Tommys every day,
sending good people to prison...
or worse.
And that is why I had to blow
up this whole fucking thing.
Who's Drew Adams, and why is
she on your personal computer?
- Freeze!
- Who the hell are they?
Jackals, thieves who
steal from other thieves
- on Purge Night.
- I need your help.
So you think you can take down the NFFA.
They're killing innocent
people off-Purge,
and I think I found the proof.
If you're that good, you can
help me find someone else.
We worked side-by-side with Esme,
but she has committed an act of treason.
Your husband took out a
Purge contract on Marcus.
Okay, fine! I did it! Please, just stop!
You only took 10k down.
I told you to get rid of
the rest of the contract.
I wasn't the only one.
They all did it.
So the Campus Killer is going viral, yo.
Be careful.
When we bottle up our feelings,
they can come out in other
ways that might be scary.
Very cute, Ian.
The visibility is excellent,
ventilation is greatly improved
from last year's model.
Big step up.
It better be.
We don't need another
suffocation lawsuit.
Thank God that happened on Purge.
I think we should make a
push into the LGBTQ market.
We'll look like we care,
earn a bunch of goodwill,
make a tidy profit.
Well, we do need more lifestyle reach.
And focus groups reacted positively
to the idea of a pride-themed mask.
So we changed a few colors
on an old S.K.U. and voilà!
I'd run with that.
It shows we listen to our customers.
Um, we should at least donate
a portion of the proceeds
- to a relevant charity.
- Fine. Done.
Jimmy, where are we at with the
inspired-by-true-events space?
All the usuals...
presidents, pop stars,
a lot of Hitler variations,
but I would like to put
one more into production.
Well, that'd be a hell of a rush job.
It'll be worth it. Trust me.
It's blowing up.
The Campus Killer?
We make Purge masks, not murder masks.
We'd be promoting
an active serial killer.
Yeah, you might be right.
But our advertising
allowance has been slashed.
With something like this,
cable news does all the heavy lifting.
I'm with Jimmy on this.
I mean, bad taste sells.
Look how simple it is.
Our margins will be huge.
I'll call production.
Let's get a run of these going ASAP.
Hey, good work, kid.
We're gonna make a killing.
You sure we have to do this tonight?
It's a skeleton crew at this hour,
it'll buy us more time.
The NFFA has half the
city looking for you.
You're probably locked out
of their system by now.
No, they wouldn't lock me out.
Why not?
If I log in, they'll be
able to trace my location.
So it's a trap.
Only if they catch us.
I've rerouted my signal
through a few hubs, but still.
Once I'm logged in,
we'll have to move fast.
Yeah, you took a big risk
coming to a former cop.
What made you think I
wasn't gonna turn you in?
You walked away from a
system that betrayed you.
Seemed like someone
who would understand.
I saw you on Purge Night.
- You did?
- Yeah.
You refused to kill
those security guards
when anyone else would've purged them.
Don't canonize me just yet.
You about ready?
I'm in.
Where are we at, Vivian?
Triangulating her position.
She stays on another few
seconds then we'll have her.
- Time?
- We're out of it.
I'm almost there.
We gotta be wheels up.
- Done.
- Let's go.
652 Longview.
Alert dispatch.
Tell them to send everything they got.
Did you get them?
Full names, addresses.
Everything you need to
track these guys down.
Meet your Jackals.
Listen, um, I'm gonna make some coffee.
And just act like is this
a normal morning, huh?
I don't know. We'll eat breakfast.
We'll figure this out.
I'll call the PI.
No, we can't tell the
PI about last night.
Yeah, right.
I can't believe we did that.
Well, at least we got results.
We know more than we did all year.
I mean, but somebody tried to Purge me,
and now I feel like the bad guy.
I know the feeling.
Babe, it can get uglier.
Are you sure you wanna be here?
I am not leaving you.
Not after...
not after the part I played in all this.
Listen, if these people
here at this neighborhood
really wants to Purge you,
they're the crazy ones, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Not us.
Oh, you can't go.
Well, is Ben up? Can't he drive you?
No, I'm calling a car.
That's an awfully long way.
Won't that cost a fortune?
sweetie, did you and Ben get in a fight?
No. It's fine.
I just have to go.
Well, at least let me
make you breakfast.
- Morning, guys.
- Morning.
How'd you sleep?
I slept great. Really great.
Huh, must have. You're
never up before me.
I was just telling your mom
I've got a ton of work to do.
Big poli-sci project coming up.
I'm gonna grab a car back to campus
and get an early start on it.
Thanks for everything, Ms. Gardner.
I'll see you later, okay?
No, wait, I'll... I'll take you.
no, you should spend some
time with your family.
I don't wanna cut your trip short.
It's no problem.
- Right, Mom?
- Of course not.
I'd feel better if you drove her.
Let me just gonna grab
my bags and get dressed.
All righty.
The hell are they doing?
Are you sure you saw them go in?
I'm sure.
Come on.
Where are you going?
Around back.
Oh, boy.
What are you guys doing here?
I want to talk.
Marcus, I, uh, I don't
know what this is about,
but you look upset.
- Why don't we, uh...
- Enough, okay?
Just stop. No more bullshit.
What have I done to all of you
to make you hate me so much?
Please, just talk to us.
Whatever I've done, okay?
I don't deserve to die.
Imagine if it was your family.
Just, please.
Just give us a chance.
What a speech.
Were you finished?
Recognize me?
I'm your neighbor, Clint, and...
you killed my wife.
You can't make amends, Marcus.
Five years ago, I came home from work,
and Maisy, she was having
trouble breathing.
Brought her to the ER at Bienville,
you examined her.
Nurses said you diagnosed, uh,
atrial fibrillation.
You came out, you explained
that you were gonna have
to shock her heart back into rhythm.
How routine it was,
that I had nothing to worry about.
I believed you.
You seemed so fucking
smart and confident.
There was a problem.
As soon as you shocked her heart,
it never started pumping again.
You didn't even come out to tell me.
After all that shit about how
I had nothing to worry about,
you send another doctor
out to break the news.
Uh, um, Clint?
Uh, uh, look, yeah, I don't...
I don't know what to say.
I... I do my best,
and then just... yeah, every time.
But sometimes, there isn't
anything that I can do.
I'm sorry.
Don't pretend like you cared, man.
I do care.
When you moved into the neighborhood,
I thought for sure you'd
come see how I was doing.
You didn't recognize me.
Treated me like a stranger.
She was a pillar of this community.
We all loved her.
She was a saint.
And the truth is
you barely know any of us.
So wait a minute, so you...
you agree with this guy?
I speak for the group, Marcus...
But I'm a fair man.
I'll make you a deal.
You get out of here
tonight by midnight...
and we'll consider taking
the hit off your head.
But if you don't,
I'm the one that's going to
kill you this Purge Night.
You're planning revenge on the Jackals?
Not exactly.
See that box on the floor?
Open that up.
- What's this?
- Put it on.
It's time to change your look.
And when we get there, I've
got to talk to Doug and Sara.
They're a little spooked
at how much heat
you have on you right now.
Your team, your rules.
And I have a passport guy.
Thank you, but I'm not going anywhere.
Graveyards are full of heroes.
- Good thing I'm not a hero.
- Yeah?
Oh, Jesus, how... how long ago?
I understand. Thank you.
- What's going on?
- I got to handle something.
That was my mother's nursing home.
She wandered off the grounds.
No one can seem to find her.
Is she sick?
She has Alzheimer's.
Last time she got out,
she got clipped by a car.
Oh, my God. Where do you think she went?
I'm thinking.
You watch people long enough,
you see that everyone
has their patterns.
What about a childhood
home? A favorite place?
Maybe something related to an old job?
Good thinking.
You're in early.
Uh, oh. I...
I never actually went home.
Listen, don't beat yourself up.
You did a great job last night.
Remember, she knows the playbook.
We'll catch her.
No, that's not it.
What exactly did Esme do?
I mean, I know she's tagged, but...
Vivian, I know you really
care about this job,
and you have a big heart.
But that's not always a good thing,
and I know that sounds callus, but...
No, I... I get it. We
have to remain impartial.
When Esme betrayed the
department, it was...
Yeah, it was hard on all of us.
So why do you think she did it?
I don't know.
Because she cared too much.
She got personally involved
instead of letting the
system do its job.
It's important to trust the NFFA.
I understand.
Open up my bag.
There's something I wanna show you.
just do it.
Why? Let's just listen
to music like you said.
it's important.
Do this for me.
I already saw.
I saw it. I... I... I saw the mask.
I know you did.
But you didn't call the cops.
You know what that means, right?
It means you care about me.
Of course I do, Ben.
After what happened on Purge Night,
I... I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I was on the edge all the time,
just waiting for
something bad to happen.
The farmer, when he grabbed me,
I... I just reacted.
But then afterward, I...
I felt better.
I felt great.
I think it's very brave
that you can talk to me about all this.
It's so honest.
It is,
and the fact that you
see I'm the same guy,
that... that's real.
That... that shows the kind
of connection we have.
I feel like it brings
us closer together.
I love you so much.
But it still scares you.
You keep doing that
thing with your neck.
I didn't want it to be like this.
take it.
I want you to feel completely safe.
You know, maybe I'll give it some time.
I don't think you'll
ever convince that man.
You can't reason with grief.
You're right.
I mean, did you see the
look on their faces?
They were scared.
I mean, he's dangerous.
I'll pack a couple of bags
and send for the rest.
You guys are leaving?
- Darren?
- Are you all right?
Uh, yeah, you just said
you're leaving, right?
It's a long story.
Okay, I'm coming with you.
Darren, honey, we have to leave today.
No, I'm... that's fine. I'm coming with.
Son, what's wrong?
I think I'm in trouble, Dad.
What's going on?
Okay, I messed with the wrong guys,
and I think they're
coming to Purge me now.
Come on.
It's okay.
Hey, look at me.
You're coming with us.
Let's go.
Mom! I'm her son.
Ryan, honey, what...
why aren't you in school?
It got canceled.
Uh, uh, let's get you home.
- I'll get her home safe.
- Oh, hold on there, sir.
We need to get a little
information here.
Let me start with your ID.
Ryan Grant.
That's it.
You're retired NOPD.
Well, old timers retire.
- I just kicked the habit early.
- Right on.
We pulled up an Alice
Grant with an address
listed at Lafayette Assisted
Living over on Dorgenois.
- Is that right?
- Yeah, that's it.
I've got my truck here.
I can get her home.
- Okay, we'll back you back.
- I don't want to trouble you.
Oh, no trouble at all, man.
Anything for a vet.
Where are we going now, honey?
Is this your truck here?
Yeah, it's right here.
I got it.
Here we go.
All right, here I go.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
No problem. Y'all drive safe now.
You hot?
I'll turn on the AC.
There's a gas station up ahead.
I'm gonna stop.
Where are you going?
I have to use the bathroom.
Oh, wait.
Uh, can I borrow your phone?
Uh, mine's dead.
I need to call my mom
and let her know I left
something back at the house.
Thanks for letting me use your phone.
You ready to go?
Drew Adams.
- Hello?
- Vivian?
You saw my flyers?
Photo got my attention.
How the hell did you
know where to post them?
I, uh, paid some people to plaster them
around dead zones where
you were last spotted.
You could get arrested
for talking to me.
They might even have you wired by now.
No, I'm not. It's safe. I just...
I did a keystroke analysis
on your work station
before they erased it.
I saw what you did...
the deleted footage.
Hey, whatever you do, do
not mention that footage
or that case to anyone.
Do you understand? Not even Curtis.
I won't, but it's against regulation
to tamper with footage like that.
Did you do it?
Of course not.
What did you do?
They... they... they won't
give me a straight answer,
Curtis just skirts the issue.
I didn't do anything wrong.
How do I know that for sure?
You don't.
Listen to me.
You cannot trust anyone.
How about you? Can I trust you?
Because there is something very wrong,
and I don't know what to do.
You can help me.
What are you looking for?
I was just, um, checking my makeup.
So I was thinking after finals,
maybe we take a trip somewhere?
Wouldn't that be fun?
Or we can save our money
for an apartment.
If we finally had our own
place, we can get a puppy.
Where are we going? Ben?
What are you doing?
Looks like they're
stopping traffic ahead.
All right, keep moving.
Pull up. Pull up.
Hi, Officer.
Evening, sir.
I need everyone's identification.
Yes, sir. I'm reaching for it right now.
Come on, guys.
- Got it?
- Yeah.
I'll be right back.
I don't mind Mississippi.
- It's so green here.
- Hmm.
I'm afraid we have a problem.
What's wrong?
You and your wife are free to continue,
but, sir, you're on our No Travel list.
I can't let you across the state line.
Wait, that's not right.
Uh, is that some sort of mistake?
The list comes straight from the NFFA.
There's nothing I can do.
Please turn around.
Look, Dad, it's not a mistake.
What are you talking about?
Look, the trouble that I'm
in is not with some guys.
It's the government.
Okay, you... you guys should
probably just go on without me.
Please, I can't have something
happen to you guys because of me.
Darren, no. Can't leave my son.
Please don't do this.
- Why did you write this?
- I was scared.
I'm sorry, but I'm so scared.
It's just because you don't understand.
I don't want to understand.
It's sick, Ben.
You're always going to be afraid
until you see for yourself.
I need you to do something for me.
Pick up the knife. Let me show you.
No. No, no, no. I... I can't.
Kelen, do this for me.
Pick up the knife and I'll show you.
Come on!
Now I want you to cut me.
What? No!
Come on. It's okay.
I'll be here to help you.
You just got to give yourself permission
to let go of all the guilt and the fear.
Come on.
That's it.
Yeah. Come on! Yeah.
Yeah, come on. Do it!
Do it!
What the fuck?
Kelen, wait!
Hey! Help me!
Kelen, wait!
Kelen, wait!
Oh, my God.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck!
Man, I didn't even...
even want to hit her.
She ran right into the road,
dude. I just... are you...
oh, fuck. I've got to call 911!
That was way too close.
Play time's over.
I'm gonna get you a passport
and get you out of here.
I already told you I'm not leaving.
Hey, the cops almost caught you today.
You stay here, you're as good as dead.
When shit went upside down
for you, did you run?
Do you wanna know why?
Because I have people
here that depend on me,
and I'm not gonna put my team
or my mother in that kind of danger.
Yeah, well, I have people too.
People that were hurt by the NFFA,
and I was part of that.
People like Dr. Adams
and Olivia Hughes.
And Tommy.
What do you know about Tommy?
The morning after Purge Night,
when Tommy crossed the line...
I was the one who tagged him.
My best friend is gonna die
in there because of you.
I know.
I'm so sorry.
Why are you telling me this?
Don't you get it?
This is why I have to stay.
I have to set things right.
I told myself it was just a
job, and if it wasn't me,
somebody else would have to do it.
But I can't think that way anymore.
- You need to leave.
- I need to help.
Please, just let me stay.
I don't give a fuck what you do,
but you're not staying here.
Guys, are you sure about this?
We shouldn't have never run.
I mean, why should we leave
everything that we worked for?
For some old psycho?
Okay, you got guys like
Clint all over this country.
Some of them, they're
running this country.
But if we run now,
we'll be running forever.
And I ain't running.
All right? We ain't running.
I wanna say thanks for everything.
The way you feel about Tommy...
The way it eats at you...
I'm carrying that for
a lot of people I hurt.
You know...
some new person is
sitting at my old desk,
pressing the buttons I used to press,
tagging new Tommys every day,
sending good people to prison...
or worse.
And that is why I had to blow
up this whole fucking thing.