The Path (2016–2018): Season 3, Episode 3 - Locusts - full transcript

Eddie creates controversy when he defies the Meyerists. Cal tells Mary he needs a change. Sarah's relationship with a College professor progresses.

Previously, on "The Path":

? I have decided to

leave the gates open

so that anyone can enter
as they please.

Since when does an IS

know more than we do?

This doesn't feel like change.

It feels like it's
the beginning of the end.

? You're Hawk Lane?

I was just expecting some

bearded old hippie dude.

You saved me.

You did that.

Say it.

? I did that.

? Here, in case you want to
talk some more.

? Yeah, I don't.

? No, about... your religion.

? It's easy to be punished.

It's harder to forgive yourself.

? Meyerism...

doesn't work for me anymore.

I think something bad
happened to me

when I was a child.

The son is here.

It begins.

? Is anybody out here?


? I'm Sarah Lane.

So tell me
what brought you in here today.

? I'm scared.

Feels like we're

headed towards World War III.

? What brought you here today?

? I have to lose
a hundred pounds.

? What brought you here today?

? I have a drinking problem.

? I broke up with my girlfriend.

? If it wasn't for my kids,
I wouldn't even

get out of bed
in the morning anymore.

? Nuclear war,
the environment...

World's falling apart.

What have you tried?

? Weight Watchers, paleo,

no carbs, gastric bypass...

? I had to explain to my

what a school shooter is.

? We can help you.

? Everyone looks so happy here.

? Hypnotism, aversion therapy...

? We can help you.

? I can't watch the news

? I feel like I'm wasting
my life.

? We can help you.

? What are you looking for?

? Love.

? Community.

? Guidance.

? Safety.

? Peace.

How did you get here?

Where are you from?

What's your name?

Look, kid...

I really want to help you out,

but you got to give me

? Logan.

? Logan.

All right.

Where are you
supposed to be right now?


Where are your parents?

? Dead.

? Okay, where do you stay
when you're not hiding out

in our woods?

? My brother's place.

? Who beat you up?

? Couple of his friends.

? What's the deal with that?

? My brother gave it to me.

Helped me get by in juvie.

? So you've been to juvie?

? Twice.

? Do you believe in it?

? The tattoo? ? Yeah.

? Doesn't mean anything.


Listen, Logan,

this is a community

full of love and acceptance.

We do not tolerate hate.

? I don't hate anybody.

? What?

? I don't hate anybody.

? Why did you kill
those rabbits?

? Because I hadn't eaten

in four days,

and I was fucking hungry.

? It's so pretty here.

? Yep.

I have to get out of here.

? What do you mean?

? I just can't be here.
Just, um...

we have to go.

? Where? ? I don't know.

? We don't have much money

We need a place to stay,
money for diapers...

? Mary, you don't understand.
I'm suffocating.

I can't be this person anymore.

I??this?this servant.

? Okay. Yeah, of course.

Wait, you mean??
you mean leave right now?

? Yeah, I'm gonna talk
to Harold,

we'll get our things together??

? Is he gonna let us?

? We're not prisoners.

? Why don't we
sneak out when he's asleep?

? God, no, no,
this is exactly why

we have to go,
because I can't be somewhere

where??where we're trapped.

? And what about the contract?

? I'll talk to him.

All right?

He can't force us to stay.

American religion

is a private, personal

Bloom argues

that almost all
American religious groups??.

Seventh?Day Adventism,

Mormonism, Southern Baptists,


believe that salvation
cannot be achieved

by engaging with a community,

but rather by an intense
inward solitude,

that you must experience
some kind of

direct confrontation with God

in order to be saved.

Now, since we have our

friendly resident
fringe movement

representative here with us,

Tell us.

Is that how you understand

? No.

I mean, confrontation
is such a negative... word.

Experiencing The Light is a...

positive, profound experience.

? Has it always been that way?

I mean, Steve Meyer,
didn't he...

find darkness and destruction
at the top of that Ladder?

? I mean, he only saw that
so he could lead

the rest of us to The Light.

To the Truth.

Sorry, I have to go.

? Tell you what, guys:
Class dismissed.

? Shit.

? At least you weren't towed.

I'm sorry.

Was I pissing you off
back there?

? No, not at all.

I'm just, um,

late for a meeting.
? Right. And if,

you're late, then they make you

scrub the bathroom floors
with a toothbrush.

What if they found out
you were here?

? They'd be fine.


You have this narrative
in your head

about Meyerism, and it's...

It's not like that.

We have free will.

? Good, because I wanted
to ask you a question.

Would you like
to have dinner with me?

? No.

That's not... No.

? Because you're not...
allowed, or

because you don't want to?

? Whatever makes you
feel better about yourself.


This kid was me, 20 years ago.

? You didn't have a swastika
tattooed to your arm.

? No, but I had other shit.

We all did.

That is how we got here.

Okay? He is just a kid.

We can help him.

? He's not a kid.

He had a knife. We're open,

but we can't be fools about it.

? Look, in our community,

we accept people
for who they are.

Without judgement.

That's always been the way.

? These are different times.

We can't afford to be naive.

Religious communities
are targets.

We're getting more??
more Possibles than ever.

? I'm doing
a dozen intake sessions a day.

People don't feel safe
in their communities,

and they are coming to us.

? Does this boy want to
live in The Light,

or does he want
free room and board?

? Look, it is our job

to show him The Light

and hope that he makes
that choice for himself.

Vera can help communicate
what we're doing

to the community. ? Vera...

isn't one of us.

She has no part
in this conversation.

We need to assess
the boy's Damage.

? Assess the boy's Damage.

What, by doing the ODE?

We don't do that anymore.

? Because we haven't had to.

We haven't had
anyone like him come through.

? The ODE is the only way
to determine whether or not

he can truly receive The Light.

Sarah, will you administer?

? I'll set it up.

? If he fails, he has to go.

Are we in agreement?

? Yeah.

Let's do the test.

? Wow. This is an embarrassment.

? Okay, Mom, please, breathe.

? So, what do you think?

? What the hell have you
been doing the last two weeks?

? We made a lot of progress.

Sorry, I'm Tom.

? Vera. ? Wow, I've heard

so much about you??
? No, no, okay,

don't shake his hand.
You should kiss her feet.

Do you understand
what he's been doing for us?

We need Meyerism to spread

to all four corners
of the Earth,

and it's well on its way

because of her.

New members every day,

college kids drinking
that dumb-ass juice,

and their leader

can't take a piss
without asking her first,

but meanwhile,
you can't even install a fan.

? Lilith, this type of work
takes time. I had to design??

? It's not a fucking tea party.

It has to be finished.

You can't be setting the table

when the end comes.

Work faster.

Do you realize
how little time we have?

Dear, can you tell him
what happens

if they don't finish in time?

? Yeah. You'll die
like the rest of them.

? Nobody has anything
to unburden?

Then let me offer strength

and community to us all

as we continue our journey to

enlightenment in climbing...

The Ladder of Truth.

? Joy...

? Yeah?

? What was that?

? I didn't say anything.

? Yeah, I know. Nobody did.

That's what I'm talking about.

? Honestly, a lot of people

are really freaked out
by that Nazi kid.

? He's not a Nazi.
? It goes against

everything we believe,

not to mention
it puts us at risk

every time
we step on the compound.

? Okay, well, why didn't
anybody say anything?

That's the entire point
of unburdening.

? Because it's
your dad's decision,

and you're like your dad's
good little foot soldier.

? Okay, that is not true at all.

? Okay, so if people had said
something, you what?

Go and ask your dad, and he...
? No, I??

? Kicks the kid out?

? I would sit with him

and I would ask?? ? Okay, Hawk.

You're white.

Maybe you can afford
to assume that you're safe,

but some of us can't.

Anyway, whatever. I need

your help with something.

? Okay. ? I need you

to go bowling with me.

? Okay, what?

? Caleb and some of the
Musa kids are going

and he asked us if we could go.

? Well, why??why c??
Why do I have to go?

Why can't you just go
with Caleb?

? Because, I'm pretty sure
they can't date

outside their religion,

so it's probably, like,
a group date thing.

? I have a girlfriend??

? Yeah, who's doing 2R in Haiti.

Hawk, come on.

You've had a little bit
of a stick up your ass

since your dad became leader.

You don't have to be
the son of God all the time.

Bowling might be good for you.

Are you ready to begin?


Where am I?

? You're in an evaluation room.

We're getting ready to start.

Observable Damage Evaluation.

? How did you get me here?

? We moved you.

? You drugged me.

? No, we gave you a safe
herbal sleep aid

so we can start with your mind
perfectly clear.

? What's on my arm?

? ODE works best when you're

at complete resting state
heart rate,

below 60.

Are you present?

? I guess.

? What's your full name?

? Logan Dodd.

? Are you a spiritual person?

? No.

? Do you believe in God?

? Definitely not.

? Do you believe in
the afterlife?

? No.

? Do you have control
over your dreams?

? I don't know.

? Do you like being alone?
? Yes.

Do you feel sorry for others

who have less than you?

? Yes.

? Do you feel sorry
for yourself?

? No.

? In general, do you believe

bad things that happen
are your fault?

? No.

? Have other done bad things
to you?

? Yes.

? What would you change
about yourself?

? I wish I could change
what other people see about me.

? Are your harder on yourself
or on others?

? I don't know. ? Go deeper.

? Other people are harder on me.

? What do you mean?

? I don't know. Nothing.

Nobody gives me a chance.

Everybody just assumes
I'm a piece of shit.

? Why is that?

? Probably 'cause my parents
are both pieces of shit,

and my brother's
a piece of shit.

Usually runs in the family,
I guess.

? You told Eddie
that your parents were dead.


My dad is.

? And your mom?

? Didn't want me.

? Who are you closest to?

In the world, right now?

Who are you closest to?

? Nobody.

? Do you remember the last time
you felt joy?


I don't know.

? Go deeper.

? When I was 12, my brother
got me a pet chicken.

? What did you name it?

? Captain.

? Captain.

? He was really smart.

He was my best friend
for, like, two years.

? What happened?

? Cockfight.

My brother made me do it.

Captain was really sweet.
He didn't stand a chance.

Got the shit kicked out of him
by a bigger bird.

Razors on his spurs.

Bled out in a couple minutes.

? Thank you.

He scored a 28.

All right.

Well, give him another shot.

Okay, maybe he was nervous.

? No, that's not how it works.
Steve was a psychiatrist.

He worked with a lot of people
that had Damage.

He knew how to find darkness.

? All right, well, let me
work with him

for a couple of weeks.

Okay? I mean, he's so young.

And he didn't have a choice.
I mean...

Dead dad, his mom...

Look, maybe I can get to him.

? Doesn't matter.

? It does matter.

I refuse to believe that

some people are beyond help.

? You promised the Council.

? What if you guys

turned your backs on me?

? You scored a 97 on the ODE.

? How do you know that?
? Because people

talked about it. You were...

Damaged, but you were
full of Light.

This kid is beyond the capacity
to help.

? Where is he supposed to go?

? His brother is his
legal guardian.

? He's not going back there.

? Well, then, I'll make
some calls.

I'll connect
with child services.

? I am not sending him
to child services.

? They can help him.

We can't.

And if you can't do it, I will.

? No.

I brought him in. I'll do it.

? Been two days.

I still feel like shit.

Thanks, boss.

? Pickled ume. It'll,
replace your electrolytes.

Here. Under your tongue.


Harold, I need to apologize.


The other night, I??
I let you down.

? We both fucked up.
? Yeah, but I'm

supposed to be stronger,

and I let my own Damage

get in the way of our progress

? It's okay. ? No, it's not,

which is why I need

to go away and do some work
on myself.

Yeah, because I'm not in
the condition,

right now, to help someone else.

? What? ? I??I can't afford

to inflict any more harm

onto you.

Mary and I need to leave.

? You can't.
? No, well, I understand

we had an agreement.
? We signed a contract.

? We can't stay here anymore.

? That's not how it works.
You don't break contracts.

That's the point of
a fucking contract.

Look it up. Look it up
on your phone.

? No, I'm not going to do that.

? Saul!

? "A written or spoken

enforceable by law."

? "By law." You're breaking
the law!

You can't do this.

Sorry, you can't leave.

? Harold, Harold,
I firmly believe

that you have the tools
to climb The Ladder.

? I don't. I need you!

? No, you are all you need.

? Okay.

Okay, I get...

At least let me make you a

good?bye dinner or something.

I want to give you guys
a proper send?off.

?... ? Let me at least do that.

? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

? Small Saul!

We've got to clean
this place up!

? Hey.

Hey, what the hell
are you doing?

? Sorry.

I was just trying to fix it.

? Fix it?

? Your irrigation's broke. See?

Those plants are
getting drowned. I just??

I wanted to get them
out of the ground.

I really like plants and stuff.

I lived on a farm for a while.

One of the group homes.

I was just trying to help.

You said everybody here

? I appreciate that.

I'm sorry. I thought you were...

Thank you.

All right.

Let's get these
out of the ground.

? Hello, Meadow. Gavin.


? Can't believe he's
still here, right?

? You all right?

? I'm used to it.

? It's not gonna
be like that here.


Hello, everybody. Um...

I want you to meet Logan.

He's going to be staying with us

for a little while, so please,

make him feel welcome.


Thank you.

All right, so the food
is right here.

Drinks right behind it.

Take whatever you want,
all right?

? Can I talk to you for a sec?

? Not if it's about the kid.

? Sarah said he failed.


? Look, the ODE

doesn't always tell
the full story.

? Since when?

Look, I know you've got this new

open doors policy... ? ?

? But my husband's away

and I need to keep
my family safe.

Did you hear there was
a bomb threat at a mosque

in Spring Valley yesterday?
? The kid is not

building a bomb.

? How do you know?

? Look, he is a good kid

who's had a shitty life.

Not all kids grow up
like your kids.


Some people need
a second chance.

? Don't pull that shit on me.

I have seen hundreds of people

come here
and change their lives,

but they didn't have

a deep, ingrained hatred
in their hearts.

? Neither does Logan.


? You're sure of that?

? Look, it doesn't matter.

He's staying.



? Hey, I, want you to meet


Nicole, this is Logan.

Do you have
two extra seats at your table?

Thank you.

? Yes!

? That was awesome. ? Thank you.

? So, are you guys
allowed to date

outside the religion,
or are you, like,

breaking the rules?

I mean, it's not rules
that we have,

but, yes, technically,
we're supposed to

date other Christians.

? 'Cause we'll corrupt you
or something?

? No, no.

According to the Bible,
we're just...

unequally yoked.

? What the hell does that mean?

? It's Corinthians:

"Do not be bound together
with unbelievers.

"What partnership has
righteousness and lawlessness?

What fellowship has light
with darkness?"

? So we're just

lawless, dark, unbelievers?

? I'm not my dad.

? What do you believe?

? I'm...

attracted to people

who have a deep faith.

Who believe in something.

? Totally.

Me too.


? What?

? You have a girlfriend, Hawk?

? Yeah, um,

she's doing service in Haiti.

? And it's not that serious.

? What are you talking about?

? I mean, she's not, like,
the one.

? You actually have no idea.

? Hawk used to be
really in love with this girl

who was an IS, like you.

Not one of us.

? You're drunk.

? He's a little bit
of a romantic.

Still kinda heartbroken.

? Fuck off, Joy.

? Sorry.

Hawk's dad became Jesus,

and he became sort of
a buzzkill.

? Sorry. ? No, I...

I get it. You do not
have to explain yourself, dude.

? ? I get it all.

More than you know.

? Toast.

We have to toast.

A lovely sparkling cider.

Come on, Cal.

We're toasting.


To you guys.

For everything you've done.

You've changed my life.

You know that, right?
? No, you changed your life.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

Don't know how I'm gonna
do it without you.

? You'll be okay. ? Will I?

? Yeah?Yeah. ? Nah.

Don't worry about it.

Not your problem anymore.

Out of sight,

out of mind, right?

That's what everyone
does to me, anyways.

Takes what they want
and then leaves.

? No, no, no.

That's not what we're doing.

? Cal just needs
to work on himself.

? It's cool.

I get it.

You know how many
buddies from home

I've had mooch off me?

Act like we're best friends

and then get the fuck out
when shit gets dark?

It's cool.
How you want your steak cooked?

- ? We don't eat meat.
- And you don't either.

You've been doing really good.

? We all break the rules
sometimes, right?

You want some?

Cal? Mary?

No, no, no.

And if you're gonna
drink alcohol,

we're gonna leave.

All right?

? Not before I give you
your bonus.

That's what you want, right?

My money?

As much as you can get?

Here. ? No.

? Take it!

? Harold...
I won't take your money.

? Mary. Do you want Cal
to take my money?

? Harold, Harold,
Harold, Harold...

Put the money down.

? What? No, Harold,
are you insane?

? It's just fucking money,

Statistically, I'm gonna
be dead by 45 anyway.

So who cares? ? I fucking care.

I grew up in a fucking
trailer park.

I mean, you could feed

forty homeless people
with that money.

That's bullshit!

? I made Mary mad.

I don't want Mary
to be mad at me.

? Don't you touch her!

? We're gonna play chicken.

Let's see how long

Mary can hold her breath underwater.
I don't want to play.

? Get off of her!

? You are a fucking lunatic!

? It was just a joke.

You can't go!

I'll kill myself! You can't go.

? Then, God, just fucking do it!

I am officially done
with your self?pity!

So I'm gonna need you to

sit your ass in this chair
for the next ten minutes,

while my wife and my son and I
get out of here,

and then you can do
whatever the hell you want.

Good luck!

Okay, you have everything?

? ?

Who's Jackson?

? A Possible.

? What's sushi?

? Something an IS eats.

Don't worry about it.

? Daddy!

? Hey, honey!

? What is he still doing here?

? Decided to let him stay.

? Who?

? A bad kid. He failed the ODE.

? Look, I know that Steve

really believed in that test,

but I am thinking
of phasing it out.

Okay? We shouldn't judge people
for their past.

You, of all people,
should believe in that.

? But you promised
that you would do

what that test said.

? I changed my mind.

? Well, you just do
whatever you want, now, Eddie?

You just want to be the guy
on the billboard?

You wanna be a cult leader?
Is that it?

? Sarah, Sarah,
just think about it.

When Eddie opened the gates,
he opened them to everyone.

It wouldn't look good
for him to kick someone out.

- ? Vera...
- ?.

It would be bad press.
Is that it?

I'm sorry,
what is your role here?

I understand that you
want to sell green juice,

but our movement is founded

on sacred practices and rituals

that you will never understand.

? I'm just here to help Eddie
deliver his message. That's it.

? And what is his message?

That you're in charge here?
That nobody else has a voice?

That nobody can disagree
with you?

Got it.

But as a mother,
I do have a voice,

and as long as he is here,

your daughter won't be.

? Sarah...

? I forgot his bag.

What made you

change your mind?
? My daughter wanted

to stay with her grandparents,

so, um...

I found myself
with a free night.

'Cause I'm free.

To do whatever I want.


Yes, you are.


Thank you. Thank you very much.

Here we go.




? You need a minute alone
with the...

? I'm sorry. ? Yellowtail?

? You were telling me
about Kentucky.

? That's where I grew up.

Heart of the Bible Belt.

Cuban mom, devout Catholic,

Southern Methodist dad.

There was a sign
across the street from

my elementary school.

"Go to church,

or the Devil will find you."

? Did he find you?

? Yeah. Kind of.

I was a real fuck?up
in high school.


do you want some more?

? Please.

My parents wanted me
to be a priest, so...

I went to seminary.

? Really? ? ?I know.

The thing is,
the more that I learned,

the more it kind of...

just collapsed in on itself.

I don't know.
That's what happens

when you look too deep

at this stuff, you know?

? No.

Actually, I've been...

I have been going a bit back,

and the further I go,

the more I find...


? ? Fulfilling.

? Really? Like what?

? Just...

rituals and practices, ways to

reach a higher state of being.

? Yes, the elusive

"higher state of being,"

whatever the fuck that means.

? Well, obviously,
you've never been there.

? So tell me, then:

How do I get there?

? Never mind. ? I mean it.

How do I get there?

? I recently came across

something that Steve used to use

in the early days
of the religion.

Something that was written out

that he referred to as the.

"Hypoxian Cleanse."

? Hypoxian Cleanse.
? Where he'd bind himself.

And take his breath.

? Autoerotic asphyxiation.

? No, it was punishment.

But it was quite transcendent.

? You've tried it?

? No.

? So...

What else have you not tried

? Nothing.

? Okay. ? Why?

? I... just??I'm curious.

Listen, if the Hypoxian Cleanse
is in there,

who knows what else there is?

? This is awesome!

See? 20 minutes
outside the city,

different world.
? You were right.

You actually were right. ? ?

? This is so beautiful.

I have never seen this much sky.

Like, ever.

Hey, what's up?

This is where you're from?

?... My house
is just down the street,

but yeah.

Yeah. ? No wonder.

? No wonder what?


? I wanna sing.


- I wanna sing.
- ? Okay.

? We should start
a Musa?Meyerist band.

? No, no. ? Yes, yes!

Dee plays the drums! Come on!
? That's a terrible idea.

? What do you want?

? Hey.

Logan, right?

I'm, I'm Hawk.

Eddie's son.


? Can you guys keep it down
a little bit?

You're right outside my room.

? Yes, of course. Sorry.

Sorry about that.

Seriously? ? Joy, shut up.

? No. He's a Nazi,

and he's gonna get mad at us
for singing?

? He is not a Nazi.

? What's the deal
with your tattoo, then?

? Nothing. It doesn't
mean anything.

? Well, it's not nothing,
right? Last time

I checked,
it was a symbol of hatred.

? Whatever you say. Jesus.

? Like the opposite
of everything we stand for.

? All right. Okay. Okay.

Just leave him alone. Yeah?

Look, I'll make sure
they stay quiet.

Why don't you just
go back to your dorm?

? But I wasn't doing anything??
? I know,

but they're??they're drunk,

they're being idiots,
I'll talk to my dad tomorrow.

? Hawk Lane, foot soldier,
reporting for duty.

? I didn't do anything wrong.

Yeah, except
he's a fucking racist!

? I didn't do anything!

? Good? You okay? ? I'm fine.

? He's not worth it.

Never were, were you?



? Hey!

? Hey, my god!

? Hey, hey, hey!

? Get off of him!

? Hey, hey, come on! ? Stop it!

? Argh!

? Get the fuck off of him!

Hey, stop!

? ? Are you okay?

? You okay?

? Yep.

? Look, Hawk, I never meant
for any of this

to happen, all right?

Especially to you.

? I'm not supposed to matter
more than anyone else.

Dad, don't...

Don't do this
just because of me.

? It's not just because
of you, Hawk.

All right? This is his one
fucking chance.


It's that one.

? Do you want me
to go in with you?

Look, I'm sorry
that this happened.

? I told you.

? Logan, look.

You can be loved.

You can.

You have it in you.

? Sarah!

Sweetie, can you bring us
the other bag of peas?


? You should call a plumber.

? We don't call people for help.

We fix things ourselves.

I taught you how to
change a tire,

I taught you how to
fix the sink.

The way people waste money
in this country...

? I can't get it to work!

? Try again.

? This is a waste of time.

You have a super.
You have people

to do things for you. I can't

come running to you every time
you have a paper cut.

It's not my job.

? Nobody does anything right

You saw Bridgeport.
They'll never finish in time,

and it's their own fault.

I told them, the martyrdom
is coming.

Sooner than expected.

? Just try it again.

? It's fixed.

See? We don't need help.

? Does he have to die?

? Yes.

Eddie has to die so we can live.

? What you said to Harold...

? Yeah.

? You called me your wife.

? Right. Um...


That's how I think about you.

? Where are we going?

? New York.

? Back to the compound?

? It's mine.

They owe me.

Steve owes me.

? So... ? So I'm taking it back.

'Cause I earned it.

? Shh. It's okay.


