The Outpost (2018–…): Season 4, Episode 11 - Guardian of the Asterkinj - full transcript
Talon and Luna return to a familiar tomb. Janzo and Wren find themselves in a precarious position. Meanwhile, Zed, Munt, and Nedra must play a deadly game against the gods.
Previously on The Outpost...
The bodies of Golu and Aster
lie sleeping here.
If we destroy their bodies,
our kinjes will be worthless to them.
She's going to Aster's tomb.
I'm going to Golu's.
We need to wake Aster
before the gods get to him.
Does this sequence mean anything to you?
The names of the Masters.
What did you do?
You will help him as you did me.
You made him die.
Brother Golu has risen.
We release the Asterkinj next
to wake the Betrayer.
How did he find us?
He only cares about me for my kinj.
- You do not have it.
- No.
- You're hurt.
- Give me the kinj.
- I have a better chance of getting away.
- Nedra, wait!
Are you sure about this?
Yes. I don't know.
I just need to speak to him.
After everything he did to you and Wren
do you really believe a single word
he says can be trusted?
He was only trying to save his son, Garret.
I need him to understand
why his choice was wrong.
He's dangerous, Janzo.
That's why you're here.
You know,
you shouldn't have hurt us like that.
We trusted you.
I thought we were friends.
3-1-3, look at me.
Yes, friends.
I fed you.
I gave you shelter,
taught you what choice means.
I cared for you, you see?
Cos that's what friends do.
They care for you.
They don't hurt you.
But my Lokma...
I'm sorry I couldn't save your son.
I tried to warn you,
and you wouldn't listen to me.
There's nothing I can do.
I'm alone.
No, you had us.
Friends can be like family.
I choose Lokma always.
You hurt my Lokma. I protect them.
I choose them!
See? He only cares
about his own kind. Come on.
You made the wrong choice!
Come on, Janzo.
Come with us, guards.
Leave him alone to stew.
I need my Lokma!
- Master, you've returned.
- Yes.
This world belongs to us...
and you're going to help us take it.
Keep looking.
Are you sure we're in the right place?
We need to hurry.
They're coming for Aster and for me.
Killing these god things are the only way
I can see to stop them.
You said Zed brought you here last time.
He said this place is called
the Shrine of Vor-Anden.
Built to worship the seven warriors of old.
Any chance the seven warriors of old
are the same nutjobs that were after us?
Well, if they are...
it means the Blackbloods have been
worshiping the enemy all along.
Aster is somewhere in this shrine.
I'm going to find him...
slit his throat...
and end these monsters.
You were right, Nedra.
This is a beautiful place.
You were right about everything.
This is all my fault.
Yes, it is.
If I'd have just left
that cursed cocoon alone
none of this would've happened.
In case you're forgetting,
I was right there by your side.
Begging me to stop,
if I remember it correctly.
Janzo, if I'd really wanted 3-1-3 to die
would not have helped you
save him all this time.
I wanted answers
just as badly as you did.
We let a dangerous creature
loose on our people. That's what we did.
And the best thing that we can do now
is eliminate that threat sitting in our jail.
We brought him into this world,
and now he's our responsibility.
We can't just eliminate him, Garret.
He might have more knowledgeable information
about these gods that could help save us.
Yes, as long as he's locked up and guarded
he's available for us
to question when necessary.
What questions are left?
He's already unlocked the "sketch-vore" thing
under the Outpost.
Whatever, Janzo.
He has finished what Falista started.
All of the compartments holding
those creatures are unlocked.
Now, for all we know, the gods
could show up at any moment
and activate that army down there.
Thousands of those things
just like 3-1-3 at their disposal.
Am I wrong?
You're not wrong.
So give me one real reason
why we shouldn't kill 3-1-3
and every last one of his kind before
the gods have the opportunity to wake them.
Just trying to figure it out.
Give me a moment.
He's all alone, Garret.
And he just watched his child die.
I know. I know.
You have told me, and I understand.
But what I am saying, Wren
is what is to stop him
from trying to save the rest of them?
Well done.
You successfully opened the Skevikor.
No small feat for a Kahvi
without a naviaspore in your head.
Yes, Master.
Are the inhabitants of this settlement
aware of the Skevikor's existence?
Yes, but not many, Master.
The one called Janzo and the soldier,
they are the ones that put me in here.
And one other.
Janzo's mate, but she is different
from them.
Not a human. Her ears...
She is one of the abominations.
We will kill them all.
Rise, Kahvi.
The moment is nearing to wake all the Kahvi.
You will be reunited with your kind
but the path must be clear
of all who stand in our way.
Terminate Janzo and his mate.
I will deal with the soldier.
Yes, Master.
Hey, no visitors allowed!
Gods above! What was that?
Gods above, indeed.
You have your orders.
I will not fail you, Master.
Sister Levare, what have you found?
It just as you felt.
The Skevikor has been opened
beneath a settlement
they call the Gallwood Outpost.
Return and we will take the final steps.
I will, sister, once I've secured
the safety of the Skevikor.
What are you doing?
Listen to me. You have to stay awake.
That wound looks bad, and if you pass out,
I'm not gonna be able to get you up again.
I'm just gonna shut my eyes
for a moment.
Yeah? Alright.
Alright, I'm awake.
I take it you can't walk.
I can walk.
I can't walk.
Where's Nedra?
Could you not find her?
Does that mean she got away with the kinj
and hid it like we planned?
I knew it would work.
- Those gods...
- Nedra's dead, Munt.
We failed.
They got her and the kinj.
I couldn't save her.
I shouldn't have let her
take the kinj from me.
You couldn't have stopped her.
Not once she'd made up her mind.
I mean, no one could talk her
out of anything...
Are you mad at me?
Of course, you're mad at me.
You should be mad at me.
I'm not mad at you, Munt.
I'm mad at those monsters.
I'm mad that the peace
Nedra finally found here
was ripped away from her.
I should've been the one to die, not her.
No, she wouldn't have wanted you dead.
You know, before Nedra left, and, you know
she took the kinj from me...
she told me she loved you.
Yeah. She meant it, too. I could tell.
No, she didn't.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Fine, she didn't!
But she wanted to.
I could tell.
Nedra never used
the word "love" in her life.
I knew her well enough to know
she wouldn't say such a thing.
Even if she thought she was about to die.
Even if she felt it.
Well, she did.
She did feel it.
That's why I said it for her.
I just thought you should know.
It was nice of you to try, Munt.
Oh, I don't know
why we're looking through these.
The High Priestess texts
aren't going to give us a reason
to trust 3-1-3 or the Kahvi.
I mean, he barely gave us
any information on the gods.
We need something. Anything.
Otherwise, we're not going to be able
to argue with Garret's
surprisingly sensible logic.
Well, how about I won't contribute
towards a mass extinction of a species?
I nearly feel some responsibility
for almost doing the same to my own.
We just need one good reason not to kill him,
something that Garret might buy.
Maybe we did a better job
at teaching 3-1-3 choice than we thought.
The injuries on our heads
seem to prove otherwise, Wren.
But he was only trying to save his child.
The real first choice 3-1-3 made
was to protect somebody that he loved.
There's still no evidence to suggest
that the Kahvi even understand
the concept of love.
Well, they certainly understand
grief and pain
and 3-1-3 mourned that child the same way
either you or I would have, Janzo.
I mean, you can't blame 3-1-3
for hurting us just to protect his child.
You would've done exactly the same
if it was ours.
3-1-3 choosing family doesn't make him evil.
It makes him exactly the same as us.
Which why we just didn't go far enough.
Haven't gone far enough? You've lost me.
3-1-3 can't survive as a lone Kahvi
in a new world, right?
- Mm.
- He needs his people.
So they need to be freed,
and then they won't have a motive to hurt us.
Wren, have you lost your marbles?
Listen, we need to wake the Kahvi
before the masters
and wake them without a naviaspore.
Then we can teach them how
to make a good choice
and they won't follow the monstrous gods.
Wren, your thinking's being affected
by your feelings about what happened
to the Blackbloods.
Yes, maybe it is, but that doesn't
make me any less right, so...
Before we make any rash decisions,
let's just consider the alternative, yes?
- Right.
- What if we do wake
the entire Kahvi population
but then they, of their own free will
go and serve their masters.
I mean, they could kill all of us.
Is that really
a risk you're willing to take?
We have to be missing something.
Come on, you're a Dragman.
I brought you here for a reason.
I thought you brought me
cos I'm good company.
Can't you see anything I can't see?
Hear anything I can't hear?
In case you forgot,
I'm not a very good Dragman.
Well, just try.
I can't just hear things at will.
There has to be something to listen to,
and there is...
...absolutely nothing here!
You're not going to hear anything
if you're shouting.
- You hear something, don't you?
- Shh!
You're welcome.
It's written in Blackblood.
What does it say?
"Here lies the one whose blood
forged our souls and made us stronger.
Sleep in peace, Great Father,
for all eternity.
Only if black blood adorns these words
do we call upon your soul
to re-join this world."
Guess he really thought highly of himself
with all that "blood forged our souls"
What does that even mean?
I hate riddles.
Read that last bit again.
"Sleep in peace, Great Father,
for all eternity.
Only if black blood adorns these words
do we call upon your soul
to re-join this world."
"Black blood adorns these words."
Do you think it needs your blood to open it?
What do you mean?
"Adorns these words."
Maybe it literally means put black blood
on the words.
I mean, I doubt it, but you're the Dragman.
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
It's so different to the other one we found.
No gems.
Stand back.
I'm going to end this now.
What are you doing?
This is what I heard.
There's more Blackblood writing.
Here. What does it say?
Guardian of the Asterkinj
if you, the keeper of my essence
has uncovered my sleeping body
seeking answers
then a time I hoped would never have come
has descended upon us.
The moment to awaken me has arrived.
Reunite body and soul.
Send the Asterkinj home.
It was Aster.
He wants me to wake him up.
It'll be dark soon, Zed. We should stop.
And I'm thirsty.
Thirsty, Zed.
I need some water.
We're not going to make it back,
are we?
Of course we are, Munt.
We're just moving a bit slow,
that's all.
I don't heal as fast without my kinj.
Maybe we should have a nap.
Get some shuteye.
- No.
- Zed, relax.
I'm not gonna let you die.
Nedra gave her life for ours.
I'm not gonna waste it.
No! No, no!
- 3-1-3!
- Janzo!
You do not have to do this.
The masters gave me an order.
I will not let you hurt my child.
Yes. Like your Lokma.
This is my family.
We're having a child.
Please don't hurt us.
I just want to be with him
like you wanted to be with yours.
I don't want to hurt a child.
You don't have to, 3-1-3.
You're not a slave anymore, remember?
You can make a choice.
I've made a mistake.
A wrong choice.
I will fix it.
Where's he going?
Janzo's friend, run!
How did you escape this time?
The master, she's coming. Run!
No more chances! This ends now!
The Kahvi have discovered free will.
I'm surprised you didn't run away.
Tobin is dead because of you.
He was a good man.
There's no such thing.
This world belongs to us.
It's not over.
Sister Levare,
we have been awaiting your return.
You must stop engaging in needless battles
with these humans.
This human knows
of the Skevikor's existence.
Thank you, Sister.
The Kahvi are prepared to be awakened,
but there is one that woke on its own.
It has discovered freedom.
This Kahvi turned on me.
It protected a human.
Not to worry. That will be easily remedied.
You saved me.
Thank you for returning the favour.
If you wish, I will return
to the prison where I belong.
No, that won't be necessary.
You've more than proven
which side of the battle you're on.
Please come quick. They're hurt!
They came in here and collapsed.
Oh, no.
Oh, Zed. Zed?
Zed, wake up!
What happened? Where is Nedra?
She's gone.
Nedra's gone. We failed.
Help me get them downstairs.
Just kill him already.
Who cares what some magic vision says?
What difference does it make?
It makes all the difference.
Right. Sorry. Forgot the fate of the Realm
lies on your shoulders.
You think this is a joke?
If I make the wrong choice,
I could kill everyone.
Anyone ever tell you
you put too much pressure on yourself?
Last time I made a decision like this,
it was the wrong one.
So what? Did the world come to an end?
I was the one who brought Yavalla here.
You what?
I opened the portal to the Plane of Ashes
and brought her through
against my better instinct.
I almost destroyed everything
because of one foolish choice.
so maybe the pressure is warranted.
But killing Aster means erasing
our last real chance for answers.
I mean, he might know
how to destroy the others.
So you want to wake him up?
Waking him up is giving the other gods
exactly what they want.
I would have to give up my kinj.
Since the day my mother gave it to me,
I've never been apart from it.
You said when you brought Yavalla back,
it went against your gut.
So what does your gut tell you now?
It's saying I should wake him up.
Well then...
better get on with it.
You're not going to argue with me?
I trust your gut.
It's good thing you brought Munt back
when you did.
You might've just saved his life.
Yeah, well, It was the least
I could do after Nedra's sacrifice.
Nedra was a brave woman.
She knew what she was getting into
when she chose to go with you.
Don't blame yourself.
It's hard not to.
You saved Munt.
Thank you.
- Munt.
- Warlita.
Munt, wake up.
Wake up.
- Come back to us. To me.
- Warlita.
Wh-Where's Munty Junior?
It's time to play with Janzo Junior.
We're not calling our child Janzo Junior.
What's wrong with Janzo Junior?
What's not?
When will he wake up?
The only thing he needs is to rest
a little bit to fight off his fever.
Alright, next patient.
Come on. Let me see to that wound.
I'm fine.
Come on. Don't roll your eyes at me,
There might be internal bleeding
or broken ribs or something. So, come on.
You might have further damage
to that tiny little brain of yours.
- Alright, alright!
- If it's even possible
to have further damage
to your tiny little brain.
Let's get this over with.
Ah! Careful.
So, one of them was here in the Outpost?
Yes, the one that took Tobin's kinj
with the ability to disappear.
Well, she's the one that caught Nedra.
She must've arrived here shortly afterwards.
We believe she came
when 3-1-3 opened the Skevikor.
Wait, 3-1-3 did what?
Oh, it's a long story.
Yeah, and it ends with 3-1-3 saving me
from one of the gods.
I was just as surprised as you are.
Has there been any word from Talon?
Nothing yet.
I know she can handle herself,
but I'm worried about her.
And you should be.
When those things killed Nedra,
I saw the purple kinj fly out of her
and return to the cave where Golu was.
We burned him to an ash,
but I'm still not sure...
...If he can't be resurrected
using enough of Janya's power.
They have awoken six of those things now,
which means there's just one left.
And with the Skevikor open...
That means Talon is our last hope.
There you are.
You're not going to try
to hurt us again, are you?
Do you have any more children in there
that you need to break out?
Yes. One like you.
Like me? A Blackblood?
No, like... you.
Oh, a female.
Wait. A daughter?
You know you can trust us.
We'll do whatever we can to save her.
You shake it.
Like this.
Sometimes it's a way of greeting one another
but it's also a sign of understanding
and forgiveness.
We understand each other
and we forgive you.
You know what?
I think it's about time we called you
something other than 3-1-3.
- You need a, um...
- Hm.
You need a real name.
- A name?
- Yes.
Like I'm Janzo and this is Wren.
What should we call you?
- Absolutely not.
- Hm. No.
No, you need your own name.
I don't know names.
What about...
- George?
- George?
Alright, uh...
- Marvyn.
- Uh...
- I like Marvyn.
- He likes Marvyn.
Marvyn it is.
Yes. I am Marvyn, Marvyn the Kahvi.
Yes. Marvyn the Kahvi it is.
You know, I think you're right.
We need to save his daughter
which means we need
to save the entire Kahvi population.
They may even be able
to help us defeat these monsters.
- We have to tell him.
- Hm? No. Don't get his hopes up.
We still have no idea of how to wake them
without killing every single one of them.
Be ready for anything.
Why do the others of your kind
call you the Betrayer?
Speak up.
We've come this far.
Why do they call you the Betrayer?
I see you, Aster.
You have risen sooner than expected.
The time has come
for you to pay for your sins.
I've made a grave mistake.
If you don't tell us
why you're called the Betrayer right now
I'll put this sword straight through you.
- I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Answer the question.
I am the one who put
my brothers and sisters to sleep.
If you met them, you'd know why.
They leave nothing in their wake but ash.
And how do we know
you don't want the same thing?
Why should we trust you?
Lower your blades
and I'll tell you all I can.
I like my blade right where it is,
thank you very much.
I am not your enemy.
After I put my brothers and sisters to sleep
this is where I hid the kinjes
the keys to our souls, our...
being, um...
our sources of strength.
They were never supposed to wake.
I was never supposed to awake.
I was a fool.
A fool about what?
I don't like him.
Guardian of the Asterkinj.
Join me.
I think he means you.
Is this you? Talia?
Talia was my grandmother.
What's your grandmother's name doing here?
That's a good question.
These are the Guardians.
Generations of your kind
who passed the Asterkinj down to protect it.
There are so many of them.
Many generations have come and gone
since I entrusted the Asterkinj
to your people.
You have done well to protect it.
You still haven't answered
any of my questions.
Why did you betray your own kind?
Why should we trust you?
I grew fond of the intelligent beings
that inhabited this realm.
They became my friends.
I saw what my kind were doing to this world,
to the people that belonged here, and I...
I couldn't watch my brothers and sisters
continue to erase them
like they were nothing.
How'd you put them to sleep?
Putting them to sleep was a mistake.
I should've eliminated them altogether.
My kind do not belong here.
We must find a way, a new way,
and we must destroy them.
This time, so they never return.
Where do you think you're going?
You shouldn't be up on that leg.
It's still healing.
I'm fine.
Well, what if this pesky god shows up again?
You're not at full strength.
You're all alone.
I haven't got my kinj anymore.
There's no god coming after me.
You don't know that.
What are you hiding there?
Look, I don't want to make
a big deal out of this.
I just want to head down
to the riverbank.
So, those are Nedra's ashes?
Yes. And...
- I just want to get this over and done with.
- Well, don't you think
she deserves to be honoured like
any other Blackblood as she's laid to rest?
See? I knew you'd say that.
That's why I didn't come to you.
So you know it's the right thing to do.
Why should I listen to you sing
some ancient Blackblood song
about the gods and our dead
returning to them in the next life?
Look at what these things really are, Wren.
They're monsters.
The myths and the stories were all lies.
The songs aren't about the gods. Not really.
They're about honouring our people
and the rituals are just to help those of us
left behind to heal and say goodbye.
Nedra would want us to say goodbye to her
the same way we have said to the rest
of our people for hundreds of years, Zed.
- How do you know?
- How do you not?
Nedra was a Blackblood hero.
All the survivors from the Plane of Ashes,
all the children...
they're alive because of her.
I'm alive because of her.
Nedra would make fun of me
if she saw me like this.
Yeah, she would've.
I just never realised how she saw the world.
She just seemed to see the light and beauty
in a way I never noticed.
Well, now you do, and that's her gift to you
and you can pass that on to all those
that she left behind.
We need to give them the life
that she always dreamed of for them.
We'll make a better world for all of them.
You're right.
She does deserve to be honoured.
Do you trust him?
Do we have a choice?
Vorta, speak to me.
- What are you doing?
- That's not good.
Betrayer, are you ready to pay
for your sins?
I am ready.
Meet me at the Skevikor.
That's where we will settle our differences,
and we can begin again.
So it shall be.
So it shall be.
What have you done?
I have set the wheels turning.
The end begins now.
The bodies of Golu and Aster
lie sleeping here.
If we destroy their bodies,
our kinjes will be worthless to them.
She's going to Aster's tomb.
I'm going to Golu's.
We need to wake Aster
before the gods get to him.
Does this sequence mean anything to you?
The names of the Masters.
What did you do?
You will help him as you did me.
You made him die.
Brother Golu has risen.
We release the Asterkinj next
to wake the Betrayer.
How did he find us?
He only cares about me for my kinj.
- You do not have it.
- No.
- You're hurt.
- Give me the kinj.
- I have a better chance of getting away.
- Nedra, wait!
Are you sure about this?
Yes. I don't know.
I just need to speak to him.
After everything he did to you and Wren
do you really believe a single word
he says can be trusted?
He was only trying to save his son, Garret.
I need him to understand
why his choice was wrong.
He's dangerous, Janzo.
That's why you're here.
You know,
you shouldn't have hurt us like that.
We trusted you.
I thought we were friends.
3-1-3, look at me.
Yes, friends.
I fed you.
I gave you shelter,
taught you what choice means.
I cared for you, you see?
Cos that's what friends do.
They care for you.
They don't hurt you.
But my Lokma...
I'm sorry I couldn't save your son.
I tried to warn you,
and you wouldn't listen to me.
There's nothing I can do.
I'm alone.
No, you had us.
Friends can be like family.
I choose Lokma always.
You hurt my Lokma. I protect them.
I choose them!
See? He only cares
about his own kind. Come on.
You made the wrong choice!
Come on, Janzo.
Come with us, guards.
Leave him alone to stew.
I need my Lokma!
- Master, you've returned.
- Yes.
This world belongs to us...
and you're going to help us take it.
Keep looking.
Are you sure we're in the right place?
We need to hurry.
They're coming for Aster and for me.
Killing these god things are the only way
I can see to stop them.
You said Zed brought you here last time.
He said this place is called
the Shrine of Vor-Anden.
Built to worship the seven warriors of old.
Any chance the seven warriors of old
are the same nutjobs that were after us?
Well, if they are...
it means the Blackbloods have been
worshiping the enemy all along.
Aster is somewhere in this shrine.
I'm going to find him...
slit his throat...
and end these monsters.
You were right, Nedra.
This is a beautiful place.
You were right about everything.
This is all my fault.
Yes, it is.
If I'd have just left
that cursed cocoon alone
none of this would've happened.
In case you're forgetting,
I was right there by your side.
Begging me to stop,
if I remember it correctly.
Janzo, if I'd really wanted 3-1-3 to die
would not have helped you
save him all this time.
I wanted answers
just as badly as you did.
We let a dangerous creature
loose on our people. That's what we did.
And the best thing that we can do now
is eliminate that threat sitting in our jail.
We brought him into this world,
and now he's our responsibility.
We can't just eliminate him, Garret.
He might have more knowledgeable information
about these gods that could help save us.
Yes, as long as he's locked up and guarded
he's available for us
to question when necessary.
What questions are left?
He's already unlocked the "sketch-vore" thing
under the Outpost.
Whatever, Janzo.
He has finished what Falista started.
All of the compartments holding
those creatures are unlocked.
Now, for all we know, the gods
could show up at any moment
and activate that army down there.
Thousands of those things
just like 3-1-3 at their disposal.
Am I wrong?
You're not wrong.
So give me one real reason
why we shouldn't kill 3-1-3
and every last one of his kind before
the gods have the opportunity to wake them.
Just trying to figure it out.
Give me a moment.
He's all alone, Garret.
And he just watched his child die.
I know. I know.
You have told me, and I understand.
But what I am saying, Wren
is what is to stop him
from trying to save the rest of them?
Well done.
You successfully opened the Skevikor.
No small feat for a Kahvi
without a naviaspore in your head.
Yes, Master.
Are the inhabitants of this settlement
aware of the Skevikor's existence?
Yes, but not many, Master.
The one called Janzo and the soldier,
they are the ones that put me in here.
And one other.
Janzo's mate, but she is different
from them.
Not a human. Her ears...
She is one of the abominations.
We will kill them all.
Rise, Kahvi.
The moment is nearing to wake all the Kahvi.
You will be reunited with your kind
but the path must be clear
of all who stand in our way.
Terminate Janzo and his mate.
I will deal with the soldier.
Yes, Master.
Hey, no visitors allowed!
Gods above! What was that?
Gods above, indeed.
You have your orders.
I will not fail you, Master.
Sister Levare, what have you found?
It just as you felt.
The Skevikor has been opened
beneath a settlement
they call the Gallwood Outpost.
Return and we will take the final steps.
I will, sister, once I've secured
the safety of the Skevikor.
What are you doing?
Listen to me. You have to stay awake.
That wound looks bad, and if you pass out,
I'm not gonna be able to get you up again.
I'm just gonna shut my eyes
for a moment.
Yeah? Alright.
Alright, I'm awake.
I take it you can't walk.
I can walk.
I can't walk.
Where's Nedra?
Could you not find her?
Does that mean she got away with the kinj
and hid it like we planned?
I knew it would work.
- Those gods...
- Nedra's dead, Munt.
We failed.
They got her and the kinj.
I couldn't save her.
I shouldn't have let her
take the kinj from me.
You couldn't have stopped her.
Not once she'd made up her mind.
I mean, no one could talk her
out of anything...
Are you mad at me?
Of course, you're mad at me.
You should be mad at me.
I'm not mad at you, Munt.
I'm mad at those monsters.
I'm mad that the peace
Nedra finally found here
was ripped away from her.
I should've been the one to die, not her.
No, she wouldn't have wanted you dead.
You know, before Nedra left, and, you know
she took the kinj from me...
she told me she loved you.
Yeah. She meant it, too. I could tell.
No, she didn't.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Fine, she didn't!
But she wanted to.
I could tell.
Nedra never used
the word "love" in her life.
I knew her well enough to know
she wouldn't say such a thing.
Even if she thought she was about to die.
Even if she felt it.
Well, she did.
She did feel it.
That's why I said it for her.
I just thought you should know.
It was nice of you to try, Munt.
Oh, I don't know
why we're looking through these.
The High Priestess texts
aren't going to give us a reason
to trust 3-1-3 or the Kahvi.
I mean, he barely gave us
any information on the gods.
We need something. Anything.
Otherwise, we're not going to be able
to argue with Garret's
surprisingly sensible logic.
Well, how about I won't contribute
towards a mass extinction of a species?
I nearly feel some responsibility
for almost doing the same to my own.
We just need one good reason not to kill him,
something that Garret might buy.
Maybe we did a better job
at teaching 3-1-3 choice than we thought.
The injuries on our heads
seem to prove otherwise, Wren.
But he was only trying to save his child.
The real first choice 3-1-3 made
was to protect somebody that he loved.
There's still no evidence to suggest
that the Kahvi even understand
the concept of love.
Well, they certainly understand
grief and pain
and 3-1-3 mourned that child the same way
either you or I would have, Janzo.
I mean, you can't blame 3-1-3
for hurting us just to protect his child.
You would've done exactly the same
if it was ours.
3-1-3 choosing family doesn't make him evil.
It makes him exactly the same as us.
Which why we just didn't go far enough.
Haven't gone far enough? You've lost me.
3-1-3 can't survive as a lone Kahvi
in a new world, right?
- Mm.
- He needs his people.
So they need to be freed,
and then they won't have a motive to hurt us.
Wren, have you lost your marbles?
Listen, we need to wake the Kahvi
before the masters
and wake them without a naviaspore.
Then we can teach them how
to make a good choice
and they won't follow the monstrous gods.
Wren, your thinking's being affected
by your feelings about what happened
to the Blackbloods.
Yes, maybe it is, but that doesn't
make me any less right, so...
Before we make any rash decisions,
let's just consider the alternative, yes?
- Right.
- What if we do wake
the entire Kahvi population
but then they, of their own free will
go and serve their masters.
I mean, they could kill all of us.
Is that really
a risk you're willing to take?
We have to be missing something.
Come on, you're a Dragman.
I brought you here for a reason.
I thought you brought me
cos I'm good company.
Can't you see anything I can't see?
Hear anything I can't hear?
In case you forgot,
I'm not a very good Dragman.
Well, just try.
I can't just hear things at will.
There has to be something to listen to,
and there is...
...absolutely nothing here!
You're not going to hear anything
if you're shouting.
- You hear something, don't you?
- Shh!
You're welcome.
It's written in Blackblood.
What does it say?
"Here lies the one whose blood
forged our souls and made us stronger.
Sleep in peace, Great Father,
for all eternity.
Only if black blood adorns these words
do we call upon your soul
to re-join this world."
Guess he really thought highly of himself
with all that "blood forged our souls"
What does that even mean?
I hate riddles.
Read that last bit again.
"Sleep in peace, Great Father,
for all eternity.
Only if black blood adorns these words
do we call upon your soul
to re-join this world."
"Black blood adorns these words."
Do you think it needs your blood to open it?
What do you mean?
"Adorns these words."
Maybe it literally means put black blood
on the words.
I mean, I doubt it, but you're the Dragman.
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.
It's so different to the other one we found.
No gems.
Stand back.
I'm going to end this now.
What are you doing?
This is what I heard.
There's more Blackblood writing.
Here. What does it say?
Guardian of the Asterkinj
if you, the keeper of my essence
has uncovered my sleeping body
seeking answers
then a time I hoped would never have come
has descended upon us.
The moment to awaken me has arrived.
Reunite body and soul.
Send the Asterkinj home.
It was Aster.
He wants me to wake him up.
It'll be dark soon, Zed. We should stop.
And I'm thirsty.
Thirsty, Zed.
I need some water.
We're not going to make it back,
are we?
Of course we are, Munt.
We're just moving a bit slow,
that's all.
I don't heal as fast without my kinj.
Maybe we should have a nap.
Get some shuteye.
- No.
- Zed, relax.
I'm not gonna let you die.
Nedra gave her life for ours.
I'm not gonna waste it.
No! No, no!
- 3-1-3!
- Janzo!
You do not have to do this.
The masters gave me an order.
I will not let you hurt my child.
Yes. Like your Lokma.
This is my family.
We're having a child.
Please don't hurt us.
I just want to be with him
like you wanted to be with yours.
I don't want to hurt a child.
You don't have to, 3-1-3.
You're not a slave anymore, remember?
You can make a choice.
I've made a mistake.
A wrong choice.
I will fix it.
Where's he going?
Janzo's friend, run!
How did you escape this time?
The master, she's coming. Run!
No more chances! This ends now!
The Kahvi have discovered free will.
I'm surprised you didn't run away.
Tobin is dead because of you.
He was a good man.
There's no such thing.
This world belongs to us.
It's not over.
Sister Levare,
we have been awaiting your return.
You must stop engaging in needless battles
with these humans.
This human knows
of the Skevikor's existence.
Thank you, Sister.
The Kahvi are prepared to be awakened,
but there is one that woke on its own.
It has discovered freedom.
This Kahvi turned on me.
It protected a human.
Not to worry. That will be easily remedied.
You saved me.
Thank you for returning the favour.
If you wish, I will return
to the prison where I belong.
No, that won't be necessary.
You've more than proven
which side of the battle you're on.
Please come quick. They're hurt!
They came in here and collapsed.
Oh, no.
Oh, Zed. Zed?
Zed, wake up!
What happened? Where is Nedra?
She's gone.
Nedra's gone. We failed.
Help me get them downstairs.
Just kill him already.
Who cares what some magic vision says?
What difference does it make?
It makes all the difference.
Right. Sorry. Forgot the fate of the Realm
lies on your shoulders.
You think this is a joke?
If I make the wrong choice,
I could kill everyone.
Anyone ever tell you
you put too much pressure on yourself?
Last time I made a decision like this,
it was the wrong one.
So what? Did the world come to an end?
I was the one who brought Yavalla here.
You what?
I opened the portal to the Plane of Ashes
and brought her through
against my better instinct.
I almost destroyed everything
because of one foolish choice.
so maybe the pressure is warranted.
But killing Aster means erasing
our last real chance for answers.
I mean, he might know
how to destroy the others.
So you want to wake him up?
Waking him up is giving the other gods
exactly what they want.
I would have to give up my kinj.
Since the day my mother gave it to me,
I've never been apart from it.
You said when you brought Yavalla back,
it went against your gut.
So what does your gut tell you now?
It's saying I should wake him up.
Well then...
better get on with it.
You're not going to argue with me?
I trust your gut.
It's good thing you brought Munt back
when you did.
You might've just saved his life.
Yeah, well, It was the least
I could do after Nedra's sacrifice.
Nedra was a brave woman.
She knew what she was getting into
when she chose to go with you.
Don't blame yourself.
It's hard not to.
You saved Munt.
Thank you.
- Munt.
- Warlita.
Munt, wake up.
Wake up.
- Come back to us. To me.
- Warlita.
Wh-Where's Munty Junior?
It's time to play with Janzo Junior.
We're not calling our child Janzo Junior.
What's wrong with Janzo Junior?
What's not?
When will he wake up?
The only thing he needs is to rest
a little bit to fight off his fever.
Alright, next patient.
Come on. Let me see to that wound.
I'm fine.
Come on. Don't roll your eyes at me,
There might be internal bleeding
or broken ribs or something. So, come on.
You might have further damage
to that tiny little brain of yours.
- Alright, alright!
- If it's even possible
to have further damage
to your tiny little brain.
Let's get this over with.
Ah! Careful.
So, one of them was here in the Outpost?
Yes, the one that took Tobin's kinj
with the ability to disappear.
Well, she's the one that caught Nedra.
She must've arrived here shortly afterwards.
We believe she came
when 3-1-3 opened the Skevikor.
Wait, 3-1-3 did what?
Oh, it's a long story.
Yeah, and it ends with 3-1-3 saving me
from one of the gods.
I was just as surprised as you are.
Has there been any word from Talon?
Nothing yet.
I know she can handle herself,
but I'm worried about her.
And you should be.
When those things killed Nedra,
I saw the purple kinj fly out of her
and return to the cave where Golu was.
We burned him to an ash,
but I'm still not sure...
...If he can't be resurrected
using enough of Janya's power.
They have awoken six of those things now,
which means there's just one left.
And with the Skevikor open...
That means Talon is our last hope.
There you are.
You're not going to try
to hurt us again, are you?
Do you have any more children in there
that you need to break out?
Yes. One like you.
Like me? A Blackblood?
No, like... you.
Oh, a female.
Wait. A daughter?
You know you can trust us.
We'll do whatever we can to save her.
You shake it.
Like this.
Sometimes it's a way of greeting one another
but it's also a sign of understanding
and forgiveness.
We understand each other
and we forgive you.
You know what?
I think it's about time we called you
something other than 3-1-3.
- You need a, um...
- Hm.
You need a real name.
- A name?
- Yes.
Like I'm Janzo and this is Wren.
What should we call you?
- Absolutely not.
- Hm. No.
No, you need your own name.
I don't know names.
What about...
- George?
- George?
Alright, uh...
- Marvyn.
- Uh...
- I like Marvyn.
- He likes Marvyn.
Marvyn it is.
Yes. I am Marvyn, Marvyn the Kahvi.
Yes. Marvyn the Kahvi it is.
You know, I think you're right.
We need to save his daughter
which means we need
to save the entire Kahvi population.
They may even be able
to help us defeat these monsters.
- We have to tell him.
- Hm? No. Don't get his hopes up.
We still have no idea of how to wake them
without killing every single one of them.
Be ready for anything.
Why do the others of your kind
call you the Betrayer?
Speak up.
We've come this far.
Why do they call you the Betrayer?
I see you, Aster.
You have risen sooner than expected.
The time has come
for you to pay for your sins.
I've made a grave mistake.
If you don't tell us
why you're called the Betrayer right now
I'll put this sword straight through you.
- I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Answer the question.
I am the one who put
my brothers and sisters to sleep.
If you met them, you'd know why.
They leave nothing in their wake but ash.
And how do we know
you don't want the same thing?
Why should we trust you?
Lower your blades
and I'll tell you all I can.
I like my blade right where it is,
thank you very much.
I am not your enemy.
After I put my brothers and sisters to sleep
this is where I hid the kinjes
the keys to our souls, our...
being, um...
our sources of strength.
They were never supposed to wake.
I was never supposed to awake.
I was a fool.
A fool about what?
I don't like him.
Guardian of the Asterkinj.
Join me.
I think he means you.
Is this you? Talia?
Talia was my grandmother.
What's your grandmother's name doing here?
That's a good question.
These are the Guardians.
Generations of your kind
who passed the Asterkinj down to protect it.
There are so many of them.
Many generations have come and gone
since I entrusted the Asterkinj
to your people.
You have done well to protect it.
You still haven't answered
any of my questions.
Why did you betray your own kind?
Why should we trust you?
I grew fond of the intelligent beings
that inhabited this realm.
They became my friends.
I saw what my kind were doing to this world,
to the people that belonged here, and I...
I couldn't watch my brothers and sisters
continue to erase them
like they were nothing.
How'd you put them to sleep?
Putting them to sleep was a mistake.
I should've eliminated them altogether.
My kind do not belong here.
We must find a way, a new way,
and we must destroy them.
This time, so they never return.
Where do you think you're going?
You shouldn't be up on that leg.
It's still healing.
I'm fine.
Well, what if this pesky god shows up again?
You're not at full strength.
You're all alone.
I haven't got my kinj anymore.
There's no god coming after me.
You don't know that.
What are you hiding there?
Look, I don't want to make
a big deal out of this.
I just want to head down
to the riverbank.
So, those are Nedra's ashes?
Yes. And...
- I just want to get this over and done with.
- Well, don't you think
she deserves to be honoured like
any other Blackblood as she's laid to rest?
See? I knew you'd say that.
That's why I didn't come to you.
So you know it's the right thing to do.
Why should I listen to you sing
some ancient Blackblood song
about the gods and our dead
returning to them in the next life?
Look at what these things really are, Wren.
They're monsters.
The myths and the stories were all lies.
The songs aren't about the gods. Not really.
They're about honouring our people
and the rituals are just to help those of us
left behind to heal and say goodbye.
Nedra would want us to say goodbye to her
the same way we have said to the rest
of our people for hundreds of years, Zed.
- How do you know?
- How do you not?
Nedra was a Blackblood hero.
All the survivors from the Plane of Ashes,
all the children...
they're alive because of her.
I'm alive because of her.
Nedra would make fun of me
if she saw me like this.
Yeah, she would've.
I just never realised how she saw the world.
She just seemed to see the light and beauty
in a way I never noticed.
Well, now you do, and that's her gift to you
and you can pass that on to all those
that she left behind.
We need to give them the life
that she always dreamed of for them.
We'll make a better world for all of them.
You're right.
She does deserve to be honoured.
Do you trust him?
Do we have a choice?
Vorta, speak to me.
- What are you doing?
- That's not good.
Betrayer, are you ready to pay
for your sins?
I am ready.
Meet me at the Skevikor.
That's where we will settle our differences,
and we can begin again.
So it shall be.
So it shall be.
What have you done?
I have set the wheels turning.
The end begins now.