The Outer Limits (1995–2002): Season 6, Episode 16 - Revival - full transcript

Ezra and his daughter Sarah work together on the revival circuit with a phony healing act performing miracles with prearranged plants. When a strange young man in a wheelchair approaches Ezra, he lays his hands on him and he is healed. He received a proposition that if he teaches him the art of the revival meetings, this young man will continue to help him in his act.

EZRA: Jesus loves you!

And has loved you forever.

His death on the cross,
and the blood of his body

gives us the authority
to accept Him as our Savior.

So we praise Him!

Praise Him with me now.
Repeat. "Praise Jesus!"

ALL: Praise Jesus!

I can't hear you.

ALL: Praise Jesus!

Praise Jesus!

ALL: Praise Jesus!

Not loud enough for him
to hear you in heaven.

-Praise the Lord!
-ALL: Praise the Lord!

Yes! Yes! Yes!
Let's have a hand for Christ.



EZRA: Not only do you have
to praise Jesus in words,

but you must believe in Him,
you must trust Him.
You must have faith in Him.

One day, I asked God how
to receive and give love.

So, I started to pray.

And then out of my mouth came,
without me thinking,

"Dear Lord,
I love my enemies."

I talk to God like he's here
because now I know he is.

And sisters who work out here,
brothers who work out here.

We're gonna have a great
night, we're gonna have
a good night.

We're all gonna feel
feel the power of God.

Some of you are going to
feel the power of God

like you've never felt
power before.

Now in His name, in His glory,
in His righteousness,

I would like to present
to you, brothers and sisters,

the choir of God.


Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Praise his name forever.

-EZRA: Hallelujah!
-ALL: Hallelujah!

EZRA: I can't hear you!



Okay Ezra, here we go.

Sarah, talk to me.

Don't worry, we got some
good ones tonight.

Who wants to be the first
to feel the power of Him?

SARAH: Red hat, second row,
stage left, arthritis.

Sister, red hat, come forward.

Jesus has a word with you.

Okay, stage right,
blue jacket,

wanted to be seated there

cause he can't hear
in his right ear.

I feel a blue jacket.
Man in the blue jacket.

Come down.
The Lord just told me
he wants you to hear better!

Third row, middle,
polka dot dress.

Her husband is leaving her.

Your sister,
in the polka dot dress.

The Lord can heal
broken hearts.

You come and stand before Him.

Your arthritis causes
you great pain?

Oh, yes!

In the name of Jesus,
I pray, dear Lord,

take your disabilities away,
right now!


How do you feel?

Oh, I feel different.

EZRA: Take this believer's
heart and his ears

and restore it to the way
it was when he was born.

The way it was.
It will be done!


Now, praise the Lord!

EZRA: Dear heart, I ask God
to reveal joy

and take away the pain
that's been in your heart
for so long.

I say in His name
for this to be done.
Now, heal!

How do you feel?

Tell me something.

Oh, I feel love.

-Oh, thank you.
-Don't thank me, thank Him!

Please seat her.
God bless you, dear.


EZRA: We've warmed the heart
of Jesus.

God bless you all!

Drive safely. Say your prayers
and hug your children.

Where'd he come from?

Who's this guy?

Sarah, talk to me.

No, he's not on here.
I don't have him.

I don't want any surprises.

I was right by the doors,
when the audience
came in, Ezra,

you know that.

But I didn't see him.
I don't have his story.

ALL: Heal him! Heal him!

-MAN: Hallelujah!
Let him walk!
-AUDIENCE: Heal him!

ALL: Heal him!

MAN: Let him walk!
Let him walk!


SARAH: What's happening?

Okay, keep going.


Talk to me, brother!

Where's your faith?

I don't feel it.

If you don't have faith,
trust and belief in Him,

you will be a loser.
Where is your faith?

Dear Lord, I pray,

to take my brother into
your arms,

and let him walk.

In the name of Jesus,
I command you to stand up.

-WOMAN: Stand!
-EZRA: Stand up!

-Stand up.
-MAN: You can do it!


Stand up. Stand up for Jesus!


That's good.

You're standing.

That's good.

Okay, I'm gonna let
you go on your own.


-Praise the Lord!

-You've just seen
another miracle tonight.

A most wondrous one.

This man came out
of the woods.

Never seen him before,
never felt him before.

Nevertheless, he came up,

he received the Spirit
and received the faith,
the love and the praise,

and he's walking.

He's walking!

Thank God!
Thank God, he's walking!

Oh, my God!

Holy shit.


MAN: Hallelujah!

There is nothing wrong
with your television.

Do not attempt
to adjust the picture.

We are now controlling
the transmission.

We control the horizontal
and the vertical.

We can deluge you
with a thousand channels

or expand one single image
to crystal clarity

and beyond.

We can shape your vision

to anything our imagination
can conceive.

For the next hour,

we will control
all that you see and hear.

You are about to experience
the awe and mystery

which reaches from
the deepest inner mind

--The Outer Limits.

Faith is the bedrock
of our religious beliefs,

but what happens when
that foundation is shaken
to its core?

Now that was A1,
prime, all-time religion
at its best.

Ah, well it's prime
A1 something.

But I don't know
if you could call it...

You will seek and
you shall find.
Let's go see these people.

Good evening,
I'm Ezra Burnham.

This is my lovely
daughter, Sarah.

Not much of a talker, huh?

My name is Luke.

This is Serena, my mother.

-EZRA: It's a pleasure,

-Welcome, Luke!

I was shivering back there.

The power of God is so moving.

LUKE: It was an illusion.

I'm glad you liked it.

We can do more.

Are one or both of you
affiliated with the
law enforcement agency?

No, we're not.

60 Minutes?
National Enquirer

Dateline, NBC?

Now, Jesus doesn't have
a good rapport with the media.
Have to be careful.

You are a great man.

People like you
and they listen to you,

and I would like my son
to learn from you.

Excuse me?

I would like you to teach Luke
how to be a preacher.

That's very
flattering, Serena.

But I'm not in
the disciple business.

We both hope you've been
inspired in some way tonight.

God bless you.

SERENA: We can make
you famous.

You like the illusion, no?

There are more like it.

I'm not in the business
of deceiving people.

Good evening.

But, these illusions
are very convincing!

And they could fill
your tent with people

and money.


Yeah! That's good.
That's good! That's good!

Are you nuts?

Yes, I'm nuts! N-U-T-S!

-Never underestimate
the Spirit!

This is wonderful,
what's happening!

Okay, you tell me
the down side.

We have some kid
following us around.

I give a powerful
anointed finale every night.

I look at him, I see
what he does, I figure it out
and we remove him.

-I just...
-You just what?

I don't know. I don't know.
There's just something
about this guy.

-Are you jealous?
-Oh, come on!

-Oh, come on.

Honey, no one's ever
gonna replace you.

You're my daughter
whom I love very much.

You're impossible!

I love you, Sarah.


When the Saints
Go Marching In


We're gonna have
a great night.
We're gonna have a good night.

All of you are of God.
Some of you

are going to feel
the power of God personally.

Allow the Lord to
come through you.

Let his passion...

Praise the Lord!

In his name...

-Be healed!

B-I-B-L-E. "Basic Instructions
Before Leaving Earth."


Isn't this wonderful?

EZRA: That's right.
That's right.
Feel the Spirit coming.

Do you feel the Spirit
of the Lord in you tonight?

Because he's in this
room with us. He's holy.


That's not loud enough.
Praise Jesus!

ALL: Praise Jesus!

Praise Jesus!

ALL: Praise Jesus!

CINDY: Hi. Um...

Mr. Luke?


I was in the audience tonight.

I thought you were
just amazing.

The Spirit is strong in you.

Thank you, uh...

-LUKE: Cindy.

Would you like to come in?


I've come to a decision.

It's time for Luke to go
on stage and preach.

-He's charismatic
and he's so natural.

You know, I don't think
that that's such a good idea.



I know that you think
that those things he does
are tricks.

-Well, I'm not so
sure anymore.

You said you were
gonna figure it out, right?

Have you?

SARAH: Because I've tried,

I've tried and I come up
completely blank.

(CHUCKLES) Come on.

Come on. What if there
is something else
going on here?

Is something wrong?

I mean, I know they
ain't the biggest in
the country but...

I want you.

Not as much as I want you.


What's wrong?





EZRA: Pick a tree on
the other side,

and walk straight
towards that tree.


Okay, you're doing good.

-Don't be nervous.
-LUKE: Do you know what
NUTS stands for?

NUTS stands for
"Never Underestimate
The Spirit."

Just be open to all the Lord's
asking you to do.

He's asking you
to open your hearts,
open your mouth...

So in order to get
from the Lord,

you've got to give

Lord, help me heal this woman.

You are healed!

-LUKE: Praise Jesus!

-SARAH: Ezra!




I needed to go over
some light cues with you.

What? What is it?


I found this locket today.

I'm sorry.

The day you were born,
I gave her this locket.

And I promised
I'd be there for her.

I'd care for her and I'd love
her and I'd protect her.

But I failed.

I put my faith in God.

And he ignored me.

And he ignored her.

And she suffered horribly.

He let her die.





Oh, I want you to practice
your English.

I have their trust.

You have done so well

that you're ready
for the next step.

I am bringing Reverend Garland
here tonight

and I want you to impress him.


-Okay, yeah. Okay.
-Excuse me.

May I help you, officer?

-Sheriff Norm O'Brien.
-Ezra Burnham.

Wonder if I could have
a word, sir.

If you're talking about
the permits for the assembly,

-I have those in my trailer.

-It's not about the permits.

We've had a few disappearances
in Oregon and Washington

over the last month or so.

-Young women.

I read about that.

That's terrible.

Well, these disappearances,
uh, they coincide
with your visits.

-You don't think I had
anything to do with it.
-Oh, no, no, no.

I'm not implying you had
anything to do with it.

But, I have seen your show,
it's, uh...

It's very impressive.

I can see where a young
girl might wanna

join up.

This is a ministry, Sheriff.

It's not a commune
or a carnival.

I'm not in the habit
of picking up runaways.

I'm in the habit
of saving them.

I understand.

All the same, I wonder
if I might

take a look around?

I'd like for you to stay
for my testimony.

You might find something
in your heart that's wanting
to get out.

God bless you.


Praise the Lord!

Brothers and Sisters,
I have a special treat
for you tonight.

A new generation
of God's service.

Ah, he's here and you may
have heard about him.

But let His word speak
through him.

Welcome Brother Luke.


LUKE: Welcome, my friends!

Welcome to salvation!

Many of you are looking
for the way.

You're looking for answers.

I'm here to tell you that
I have those answers.

That's right!
I have those answers!

It's not money that's going
to get you into
the Kingdom of Heaven.

It's faith!

Faith in the Lord!

ALL: Hallelujah!

"Put on the whole armor
of God,

"that ye may stand
against the wiles
of the devil."


Are you ready to put on
God's armor?

-MAN: Hallelujah!

Are you ready to feel
the power of His might?

ALL: Yeah!

To quench the fiery
thoughts of the wicked.

To pick up the sword
of the Spirit!

ALL: Yeah!

LUKE: Hallelujah!

Ephesians. Why is he quoting
from Ephesians?

-I don't know.

Are you ready to fight
the fight?

Are you ready to follow
without question?

And do whatever he
asks of you?

ALL: Yeah!

Who will be the first
to feel His power?

Okay, Luke, um,

woman in the purple suit,

third row, has cataracts.

No. Third row.

Where's he going?

Wait, Luke. Luke,
this guy's not on our list.

LUKE: What happened to your
ear, brother?

I lost it in a thresher
when I was a kid.

LUKE: Do you want the Lord
to heal your ear, brother?

Yes, Reverend.

Luke, what are
you doing?

I said, do you want
the power of God

to heal your ear, brother?

-Yes, Reverend.

give me the power
to heal this man.

Let me be your vessel,

your prophet.

Kneel. Kneel.

Hear us, Lord.

Hear us!

Hear us!

Hear us!


LUKE: Heal us!

Heal us!

Heal us!

Stand up.

Show them that ear, brother.
Show them that ear.

-MAN: Praise the Lord!
-See that,
ladies and gentlemen...


MAN: Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

It's a miracle.

-Praise Jesus.
-Praise Jesus.

LUKE: Praise Jesus!

MANGLED MAN: Praise Jesus!


You wanna explain that?

-Don't play innocent with me.

The ear and that wind.
Where did the wind come from?

It was the power of God.

I mean it.

It's okay with me if you keep
your little tricks secret

when it comes to levitation
and bleeding on cue, but
this is different!


-Did it scare you?
-Of course not.

And what is this about
the armor of God?

And the sword of the Spirit?

Just using what you taught me,
following your lead.

I didn't give you that lead
and I did not give you
this coat.


-I did.-Serena.

Ezra, I don't believe
you've met Reverend Garland

I know who you are.

And it's an honor, sir.
God bless you!

And mine, Brother Ezra.

You put on quite a show
out there.

Thank you, Reverend.


I can safely say I have
never seen anything

like what I saw here tonight.

You're truly blessed.

Your mother told me I was
in for something special
but this...

This is something touched
by the Almighty himself.

Thank you, Reverend.

Oh no, please, Samuel.

Brother Samuel.

So, what brings around
the woods tonight?

To be honest, Ezra,

I'm looking for another
hour of programming

for our little family
over at HBN.

And I think I just
may have found it.



Dad, what is it?

-It's Luke.
-What did he do?

Did you see the service?

Did you see that coat?

That little sermon of his
and the ear?

Oh, it was amazing!


What? I thought you would
be thrilled.

Amazing? Mesmerizing?

Are you starting to be
a believer?

That sneaky little bastard
is trying to take my revival
away from me!

the student is outstripping
the teacher.

And his mother's got
Sam Garland to give us an hour
on HBN.

The Heavenly Broadcasting
Network, that's great!

Oh, yeah, that's great.
I can't wait to get there.

Since when is HBN not great?

They have 150 million viewers

in 24 countries.

Something is not right.

You said that before
and you were right.


-Yes, you said that.
You weren't wrong.

-You said that!
-Are you really going
to refute what we saw?

That man was injured.

Luke healed him.

-No. No.
-Yes. When are going to admit
it that Luke

truly, truly has a gift.

No, he doesn't!

It goes beyond that!

That's not God's grace!

There's something else
going on.

You're jealous.

Of what?

Him? No, I'm not jealous.


Why do I even bother
talking to you.


Let him heal that!


LUKE: And I saw
the heavens open

and behold a white horse.

And he that sat upon him
was called faithful and true.

And righteousness
he doth judge.

And make war.

Now, some of you may say
that's a scary image.

But I say that's
a beautiful prophecy.

For the Good Book tells us

that the word of God
is quick and powerful.

And as sharp as
a two-edged sword!

And you better stand on
the right side of that sword

or it'll chop you down!

Are you ready to obey
God's Word?

-ALL: Yes!
-I said,

I said, "Are you ready
to obey God's Word?"

ALL: Yes!

Are you ready to join
the army of righteousness
using God's sword

to smite all those
that would oppose us?


Thank you, Brother Luke.

Thank you.
My brother Ezra, I'm not
done with my sermon.

I think you are.

Brothers and sisters,
thank you for coming tonight.

God bless you and carry
the word of God home
in your heart.


Sing, dammit!

When the Saints
Go Marching In

You wanna talk about
what happened out there?


You think I overreacted?

You don't?

I... I don't know.

Obeying the word?

Joining the righteous?

Those are your words.

Smiting those who oppose
us aren't my words.

He got that Scripture wrong.

The word of God

is sharper than any
two-edged sword,

not as sharp as a
two-edged sword.

He's not being true
to the Scriptures.

Okay, he gets a little
bit carried away.

He's young.

But haven't you ever
overstated to make a point?

Not that message.

Look, I wouldn't be
splitting hairs on Scripture
interpretation if I were you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that ever since Mom
died, you've been more
about the take

than spreading the word.

I don't have to hear this.

You let your anger
consume you.

You twist everything
that we were doing.

I got sucked right
in there with you, Dad.

I was ready to forget
everything that was important.

But Luke, he changed that.

He has a gift.

And I see in him what you
used to have.

And that is just
true belief in something.

The fire of conviction.

Cause that's what's
really eating at you,
isn't it?

Is that Luke, he has something
to believe in and you don't.

Admit it!

-Say it.
-Don't talk to...

(SCREAMING) Stop it!


Gosh! Sarah, Sarah!




-EZRA: Luke.

It's Ezra, I need to talk
to you.



Oh my!

LUKE: May I have my Bible?

What's in that?

Why, the word.
Or didn't you know?

You know what I mean.

That electronic circuitry
or whatever it is.

Come on, Ezra, you know
a magician never reveals
his tricks.

I believe you taught me that.

Or did you think that
I was truly divine?

Touched by
the Almighty Himself.

I want you gone before
the service starts tonight.

Or what?

Do you really think
this is still your show?

Do you really think
those people are showing up

to see your tired,
old "Jesus loves you" routine?

And what's your routine?

Smite thy enemies with
the sword of righteousness?

-That's about hatred.
-It's about the new message.

It's about empowering people
and giving them
what they really want.

Someone to blame for
their lot in life. A way out.

No one is going to follow you.

-Really? -Really.

I don't wanna
seem unappreciative.

In fact, I'll even let you
come along for the ride

as long as you
behave yourself.

But don't think
you're still in control.

What about this?

What about it?

I don't believe celibacy
was ever part of the deal.

Or are you implying
something else?



Sheriff O'Brien, please.

Sheriff O'Brien,
this is Ezra Burnham.

I need to see you right away.

-Mr. Burnham.

So, you took the scarf back?

I'm positive it had
blood on it.

Anything else suspicious
in his trailer?

His Bible.

He's got something
very strange inside of it.

Thank you, Mr. Burnham.
I'll get some men out
there this afternoon.

No, not this afternoon.
You can come with me
right now.

Well, no sir. I'd need
to get a warrant first.

He'll be gone by then.

LUKE: There's no fear of that.

EZRA: How'd you get here?

There are more things than
heaven and Earth

that are dreamt of
in your philosophy, Ezra.

I'm gonna need you
to come with me, sir.

Sorry, Sheriff.
I can't do that.



Serena and I have big plans.

Much too big to let
you screw it up.

You are a product
from the devil!


Well, well!
A believer after all.

Sorry, Ezra,
I'm not the devil.

Oh, yes you are.

Just a pilgrim.

The first of many
that will follow.

We could never hope
to enslave you using force.

Despite the trickery,
we're as frail as you are.

But we are looking
for a new home with a simple,

impressionable race and
I certainly found one here.

You see, human beings
love their freedom.

But throw a little God
into it and they're willing
to do almost anything.

It took your religion
a thousand years to take
over a continent.

It'll take mine much less.

You're wrong.

The people will find out
what you are!

And that's a false prophet!

They won't follow you!

I wouldn't be so sure.

People wanna be told
what to think.

They want something
to believe in and someone
to blame...

-No, no, no!
-I can give them all of that.

I can start with you!

Good catch.

I took the liberty
of calling them anonymously.

I hope you don't mind.

"I beheld Satan

"as lightning fall
from heaven."

Very good.

Chapter 10, verse 18.

The Book of Luke.


LUKE: That body didn't just
show up in Ezra's trailer.

You gotta face
the facts, Sarah.

But I mean, he was never
the same after my mother
died but...

I mean, I just don't
believe this.




Thanks, I just think that
right now, I really just
need to be by myself.

Of course, I understand.


-(WHISPERS) Sarah.

-It's lies. It's all lies.
-My God, are you hurt?

No! Luke has been
doing all of this.

What do you mean Luke
is behind all this?

He shot Sheriff O'Brien.
Look at the body they're
pulling out of my trailer.

Why, why, why would he do
something like this?

'Cause he's not what he seems.
He's not what he seems.

He's got this strange power
and somehow it comes
from that Bible of his.

-I know how that sounds.

But you must believe me.

He must be stopped.

-Okay. I believe you.
-Okay? Okay, good.

-I believe you and I wanna
help you.
-Okay, good.

Okay, so you need to come
with me and you need
to speak to the police.

No! No.

-Dad I can't help you...
-No, no, no. Don't you see,
that's what he wants.

He wants to make me
the killer.

The evil one,
when it's been him all along.

Dad, you have to come
with me and talk to them.


Don't do this!

"He that diggeth a pit
shall fall into it."

It was my anger,
rage, bitterness,

it was my hatred that
brought this here.

I brought the serpent
into my congregation.

I brought him into my heart.

And I'm the one that's
gonna get him out.

-No, that's not true.
-No, no, no.

Believe in me, okay.
Have faith.


We've seen some
dark days, my friends,

dark days indeed.

The shepherd has
frayed from his flock.

And so, my friends,
betrayed the deliverance
of brotherhood.


But even if he has fallen,

his good work goes on.

ALL: Hallelujah!

So it gives me great
pleasure to announce

that our HBN family will be
joined by a new member.

MAN: Praise the Lord!

Please welcome
Reverend Luke Todd.


Thank you, Reverend Garland.

It is an honor and a privilege

to be a part of the Heavenly
Broadcasting Network.

Welcome, my friends,
to the beginning.


The beginning of a new era
of destiny for the faithful.

For those that truly believe.

My friends, evil
is everywhere.

Brother Ezra fought it,
but he succumbed
in his battle.

I am ready to carry
on that fight.

And yes, it is a war.

A war against evil...



-Are you with me?

Are you with me?

I said, "Are you with me?"


LUKE: Are you ready
to follow His word?

Are you ready to do
what needs to be done
without question?

Praise Jesus!

ALL: Praise Jesus!

Praise Jesus!

Praise Jesus!

-In the name of Jesus,
I send you to hell!









I love you, honey.

I love you.

I'll stay.




MAN: And now,
broadcasting live,
it's The Hour of Power.


Our savior was taken
from us before his time.

He was persecuted for what
he believed and yet

his faith

lives on in those who
follow and so I ask you,

are you ready to follow him?


Are you ready to make
his death worthy
of your faith?

To join him in his fight
against the godless ones?


Will you remember
his sacrifice,

his death for you!

Oh! Oh, praise his name!

Praise his name!

ALL: Praise Luke!


Blind faith
can lead us toward the light,

or plunge us into
eternal darkness.