The Outer Limits (1995–2002): Season 2, Episode 14 - The Heist - full transcript

While expecting a shipment of missiles, the militia receive a sealed cargo and messenger refusing to reveal what the deadly cargo is. Shortly afterward, an alien life-form begins a series of chilling attacks.

Help us!

Please! My boyfriend's
hurt bad,

Help us!

He's bleeding!

Help us!

What should we do?

Call for help, please!

Please! He's dying!

Hey, we got to
help her,

Please, Please,

Help me, please,

Go! Go! Go!

I said no shooting!

I had
no choice,

Come on, Let's get them
out of here,

What are you doing?

They were going for
the guns,

That's what
the gas was for,

Clear! Clear, Let's go!

Lee's with me,
You two ride shotgun,

Tell the major
we're on our way,

What did I
tell you, Lee?

There's no way this thing
is back there, Calvin,

There would have been
5 times the escort,

The major said
this was a covert

Covert or not,
it was too easy,

The major
got it right, OK?

Are we ready?

Zeus, this is
Hercules, All clear,

Let's go!

OK, Let's go,

Let's go!

Hey, Bethany!

Ruddick, that's
U, S, Army, bud,

We just kicked them!

It better be for
good reason, Calvin,

You bet,

All right,

All right,
Let's open her up,

Hey, wait a minute, Lee,

The major said
we should wait for him,

I put my ass
on the line here,
He didn't,

I want to know
what for,

Wait a sec!

Back off, Beth,

Baby, you all right?


All right,

We got it,

Open it,

Let's see what we've
got here, boys,

Hold your fire!
There's missiles
in there, you fools!

Good God,

Lee, are you all right?

Go to hell,



There is nothing wrong
with your television,

Do not attempt
to adjust the picture,

We are now controlling
the transmission,

We control the horizontal
and the vertical,

We can deluge you
with 1, 000 channels

or expand one single image
to crystal clarity...

and beyond,

We can shape your vision

to anything our imagination
can conceive,

For the next hour,

we will control all
that you see and hear,

You are about to experience
the awe and mystery

which reaches from the deepest
inner mind to...

...the Outer Limits.

On the long road
between cradle and grave,

we travel alone,

It is not the blind and random
circumstances of our birth

which determine
the quality of our journey,

That is decided by the choices
made along the way.

So, what is this?

What is this?
You're asking me?

I'm telling you, man,
the manifest said Stingers,

I saw it myself,
I was 100%,

Yeah, We all
saw it, Lee,

Bound for a Russian
port, right?

Does this look like
a load of anti-aircraft
missiles to you?

Why don't you
shut up?

Why don't you
make me?

Hey, look, The major
said it was going to be
a covert operation,

The major
got it wrong,

All that crap
exposing some government

to keep the Russian
president in power,

That's all true,
and you know it,

Don't be drilling me
on that again,

Groups like us
are the people's last
line of defense,

Lightning Dawn's a joke,
You're all a joke!

Shut up!

If you're the militia,
what do you need me for?

shut this guy up
right now!

I don't know how I let you
talk me into this,

Because you're
my brother, man,

Who cares?
Take a look!

That's what we fired at
U, S, military for,
Calvin, What is it?

I don't know, but they
certainly were protecting it,
weren't they?

Sometimes I don't know
who's more stupid...
you or me,

What is in the box?

Stingers would
fit in here,
wouldn't they?

I'll shoot her,
I swear,

if you don't
move back right now,

Go ahead,

Don't think
I won't,

And if you do,
my buddies here

will take you out
one second later,

Lower the weapon,
and you won't get hurt,
You've got my word,

I can't do that,

What's your name,

Washington, Terry,
U, S, Army,

You are in illicit
possession of...

We're way past that now,
Captain Washington,

Put down the weapon,

I told you
I can't do that,

Got a shot,
I'm taking her out,

Consider yourself
a prisoner,

Easy, Enough!
Have some respect
for the uniform,

What's in it?
Stingers, right?

It's classified,

Are you kidding me?

Why would they
keep them cold?

They wouldn't,
What's in the box?

You need to let me
call in for help

before the cooling
system breaks,

Hey, you idiot!

OK, Now it's broken,

What is wrong
with you?

You people don't know
what you're dealing with,
This is dangerous!

Dangerous how?

It's radioactive

On ice?
I don't buy it,

Well, you're
going to find out

if you don't let me
call for help,

What are we going to
do with her, Lee?

Tie her up,

Let's get the hell
out of here,

This whole thing's
a bust,

Come on,

She can I, D, us, hero,
You want to go back to jail?

The materials in that box
are dangerous,

We're going to
wait for the major
to decide this,

Yeah, That's right,
He'll be here any minute, Lee,

Listen, soldier,
The cooling mechanism
is damaged,

That means you only have
a few minutes...

Before what? Captain, I'm
already into this
up to my ass,

I'm going to find out
what's going on here,

You open that box,
you're dead,

You're ex-army,

Yes, ma'am,

Purple Heart,
I'll bet,

Yes, ma'am,


Why are you
doing this?

I could ask you
the same question,

Whatever weapons you got,
you were sending them
to Russia by freighter,

It isn't a weapon,

I saw the travel

The Russians
are the only ones
with a cryogenic...

They're the enemy!

They used to be
the enemy,

And they
will be again,

You don't
believe that,

Maybe I do,

You're smarter
than these people,

These men and women
are patriots, Captain,

I don't have to agree
with everything they say,

but I have to believe in
everything we're doing
right now, Understand?

And how much
are they paying you
for the job?


Major, sir,

Major, sir,

Why is this woman here?

She was hiding
inside the truck

behind some kind of
refrigeration unit, sir,

Where are my
Stingers, Calvin?

This is what
we found, sir,

The manifest
said Stingers,

I saw it on
the computer screen,
I swear it,

We think whatever's inside
may be valuable, sir,


We don't know,

But no Stingers?

No, sir,

Sergeant Ruddick,
what is the first principle
of a military op?

Sir, the first rule
of a military

is to establish

and a reliable chain
of command, sir,

Very good, Trust,

I trust my information
because I trust Bethany,

And you, Calvin...

you've been with
Lightning Dawn for what?

3 years, sir,

That rules you out,
right, Calvin?

Yes, sir,

I guess that just leaves
the mercenary,

Major! Major, sir!

He set us up, people,
He had to,

The Feds find out
his brother's with
Lightning Dawn,

they trump up some charge,
fake a little jail time
in Leavenworth,

They used you,

He used you,

You came to me
for help,

You think you're
so good, mercenary,

Do you think
this militia needs you?

Do you think
I need you?

Major, wait a minute,

He's my brother,

He'd never rat, Never!
I swear it,

We just got it
wrong, Major,

Back off, Calvin,

It took Beth 2 years
to get that job
at data control,

Breaking the codes,
tracking covert shipments,

Those were mine!

All that work, time,
and money wasted!

Wait! We don't
know that for sure,

Whatever this
shipment is,

the army's
trying real hard
to cover it up,

And she's not
talking, sir,

'Cause you know,
it has to be
valuable, right?

I'm listening,

Right, Lee, tell him,

You wanted to expose
a government

What's in there
is what you got,

She says
it's dangerous, sir,


Yes, sir,

Well, Captain, is it...


How dangerous is it,

Do you know how
human flesh smells
when it burns?

You have 5 seconds to tell us
what's in that compartment
before you find out,

You don't have to do that,
She's going to tell us,


Light it now
and get it over with,



Tell the man, Captain,


- You couldn't imagine
what's inside of there... - 5!

What is it?

I warned you,
but you didn't listen!

I'll get
the Captain,

Mercenary, leave her,
We're moving out!

Go to hell!

Lee, come on!

I'm not
leaving her,

Let him die with her
if he wants, Let's go!

What the hell?

Where'd this ice
come from?

Go get the truck,


If we don't
get out of here,
we're dead anyway,

Where's the remote?

I don't know!

Who's got the remote?

Ruddick had it,
Damn it!

It's over here!

Damn it!

It's freezing up
the truck,

It's in the engine,

What's it doing
in the engine?

The heat,
It wants the heat,

Clear the way!

Hold your fire!

Let her go,
We need her!

Calvin, grab that torch!
We cut our way out,

Yes, sir!

This is your fault!
You brought this
on yourself,

What is it,
some new weapon

you were going to
hand over to
the Communists?

You're pathetic!

The door's like ice,

Bring that torch
over here,

Where is
that thing?

Are you sure we're
far enough away?

Well, where is
that thing?

You saw what it did to Ruddick
and the truck,

The Captain
will light it,

I only take my orders
from real soldiers,

I'll do it,

No, Lee,

You'll get your chance,

Just back the hell off
till I tell you,

get her!

She's heading up
into the store,

Let's go,


What's that?

Lee, what the hell
are you doing?

Looking for a way out,
You want to live,
you look, too,

We gotta get the girl, Lee,

She can take care
of herself, all right?

But the major said...

I'm sick of hearing
about the major!

You want to go with
that lunatic, you go,

You want to come
with me, let's move,


It ain't exactly like
I knew this was going
to happen, Lee,

Well, me, neither,

Come on!

Don't touch it,

It's getting cold
down here,

How the hell
does it get so cold
so fast?

Son of a bitch,

What is this?

That thing must be
sealing off
the perimeter,

The pipes must be
bursting upstairs,

Calvin, this...




Where are you?

Don't move, soldier,
or I'll put you down,
I swear it,

Now I want you
to roll over slowly

and give me your gun,

Get the light,
Get up the stairs,




Any sign
of her?

I'm freezing, Major,
Let's forget about her,

your brother?

I don't know,

We got separated,

Who are
your friends?

They're not my friends,

One of them's my brother,

Your brother?

Yes, ma'am,

You don't
seem like brothers,

although you act
like brothers,

Been that way ever since
we were kids,

You're not a kid
any more,

Calvin raised me,
Our mother died
when I was 10,

My Dad left
right after that,

He's always
taken care of me,

That doesn't mean you
got to put up with that
Lightning Dawn crap,

When you got no one else,
you stick together,

your lights,

Listen, how about you
give me my gun back?

I don't know,

Are you forgetting who
untied you down there?

It's going to get
mighty cold down here,

Let's find
the electrical room,


Flashes mounted?
Let's move out,

What the hell is this?

Thermostat's on high,

Jeez, The doors
are frozen shut,

It's sealing us in,
isn't it?

It's happening
all over again,

This is just what it did
to the team that found it,

It took an Army Corps
of Engineers

3 days to build a dome
and confine it,

Listen, Captain,
you got to tell me
about this,

I was on
the research team,

We learned what
we were going to learn,

and we were moving it
to a permanent location,

Our travel orders were
Operation Stingers,

which is why your friends
thought we were
transporting arms,

It doesn't matter
any more,

Tell me about
this thing,

It crashed
about 3 years ago
in New Mexico,

Spacecraft, We don't know
where it came from,

We don't know
why it was here,

It wasn't like
any spaceship
you'd imagine,

It was grown,

Grown, OK,

Made entirely
of living organisms,

A biomachine,

OK, Just imagine
your car's engine, tyres,
its suspension,

all separate organisms working
for the better of the whole

to move it down the road,

A colony of symbionts,

And that's what
this thing is?

Well, one part of it,
The one part that survived,

Um... I guess it's
a living cooling system,

It's not hostile,

It just considers us
heat sources that
need to be removed,

like a shark,

It's nothing personal,

And you decided to
ship this shark out

in the back of
a one-ton?

We had to,
There was a leak,

Some Senate subcommittee
didn't want us shipping
the parts to Russia,

That's for
a damn good reason,

Well, they have
a cryogenic facility
in Siberia

that could contain this thing
in a deep freeze for a
thousand years,

With ours, there was
always the threat

that it could escape
into the biosphere,

and it expands
by some kind of mitosis

that cools whatever
space it occupies,

and that means...

It reproduces,

And what's it
made of?

Liquid helium,
some kind of

trace elements
we can't identify
that make it alive,

Well, how do we
beat it?

Ha! We don't,

Well, I'd rather fight it
than wait for it,




Come on, man,

That thing got him,

We would have
heard it,
wouldn't we?

I say we become
the hunter

and blow this thing to hell,

Do you think we can?

Check out the rest
of this floor,

Beth and me
will go up one
and check that out,

What if we
see the girl?

What do you think,

Prison was better
than this,

What'd you
do time for?

of government property,

Two years,

So you're a thief,


Some computers
came into the base

The guys in my unit,
they took them,

Some of them covered my ass
in the Gulf War,

so I covered theirs,


Somebody came looking
for the computers,

Yeah, They hung me out

And this militia?

I ain't got nothing
since doing time,

I ain't got the Army,

Calvin's what I got,
and Lightning Dawn's
what Calvin's got,

Like I said,
brothers stick together,

And who are you
sticking with now?

I told you!

It's everywhere,

Lee! Is that you?

Yeah, it's me,

Man, you scared
the hell out of me,

Damn, You got
the girl,

Yeah, I got her,

She's all right,
She's with us, Calvin,

That thing's still
out there, Lee,

We got to get
out of here, man,

I know,

The Captain's going to
help keep us alive,

She's in charge,
You hear me?

I don't want to go
like Ruddick, Lee,

I don't want to
go like that,

I know, You got to
hang in there,

OK? We're going to
stick together,


how about
I take point?

You watch
my back, OK?

It's so cold,

It'll warm up
once we kill it,

There he is!

You stay here,

All right,
You're mine,

Behind you!


He got her, They got her!
There's 2 of them,

It's reproducing,

It's what?
It's your fault!

Lee? No!

Get off me!

You leave my brother alone,
you hear me?

Back off,


It's... it's cold,

I'll get you
out of here,


I guess I really
screwed up this time,

Don't talk
like that,

Just wanted to do...

I just wanted to do
the right thing, Lee,

I know,

I just wanted to do
the right thing,

I know, I know,
I know,

Don't think about that,
Just take it easy,

Take it easy,

You... you get yourself
out of here,

You're coming
with me,

You get yourself
out of here!

You hear me?


Come on,
Don't touch me!

Lee, we got to go,
We're going to freeze
to death,

Lee, there are
2 of them now,

If they escape
the building...

Listen to me,

They could spread
all over the world
looking for heat,

We got to warn
the people,

Come on, soldier,
Let's move,

My feet,

I can't feel
my feet,

All right, Captain,
We got to keep moving,

Come on,

If the temperatures
drop any more,

I'm not going

Any suggestions?

Insulation, I need...
I need insulation,

Stay here,

I got something,
I got something,

This will
keep you warm,


It'll also hide
our thermal profile
from that thing

so it doesn't
see us so easily,

Come on, Captain,
We got to move,

I'm tired,
I'm sleepy,

Captain, Captain,
we got to move!

You talk to me,
Get up, Come on,


So your brother's
in this militia group,
Lightning Dawn,

How much did
they pay you?

$10, 000? More?

I thought it was
the right thing
to do,

You know what
they stand for,

Maybe I don't
stand for anything,

Maybe you should,

Maybe you don't know
how hard it is
out there,

Please, Nobody ever
gave me a damn thing,

I made it to captain
in a man's army, soldier,

Can you say that?

No, I can't,
You warm yet?

A little, Look, when we
make it out of here...

Don't move!

Don't! It senses

I'm going to buy
some time,

When I say run,
you go for the escalator,

Run! Run!

Lee, I have
an idea,

We can't stay here,

Let's go back
to the loading bay,

I'll grab a torch
and distract it,

Lee, listen to me,
Can you get the electricity
back on?

The circuit boxes
were frozen,

I could try, Why?

Come on, I'll show you,

Drop your weapons! Now!

Drop them!

You did this to me,
you bitch,

She's the only one
who knows how to
kill it, Major,

You created this,
didn't you?
Didn't you?!


Smart, So it can't
see you,

Smart, Give them to me,
Drop 'em!

You take these flares,

Walk ahead of me,

When it goes for you...

I'll blow it to hell,

Come on,

Light it,

There's another way, Major,
Listen to me,

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Get the blanket!

Can you do it?

Maybe, if I can just
break through this ice,

Then I can chip through
the breakers,

One of us has to
go back out there,
Guess that's me,

Wait, I don't even know
what we're doing here yet,

The creatures are
90% liquid helium,

One of the
few substances

that reacts with
helium is neon,

As in neon sign?

Exactly, Neon
and helium combined

create a substance
that cannot be
a superfluid,

You're trying
to poison it,

That's the idea,

I just need you
to turn on the juice
when I shout,

I'll be ready,

Now! Throw it!

Throw the switch!

Now what?


they're going to ask me
if anybody else made it
out of the building,

Tell them
what you want,

to leave, Captain,

Permission granted,

Where are you
going to go?

Someplace warm,

Unit 642, come in, please,

Unit 642, come in,

Why do we
need to belong?

Is it for the fellowship
of others,

or is it the fear of being
left out in the cold?