The Outer Limits (1995–2002): Season 1, Episode 20 - Birthright - full transcript

Senator Richard Adams is an attractive and popular politician who has been promoting a new synthetic fuel additive, a methane-based product from the Sendrax Corporation. The legislation he has sponsored is certain to pass. He's rushed to the hospital after he's in a car accident and his doctor, Leslie McKenna, makes an astounding discovery: Adams physiology isn't human. Adams' security derail take charge of him and is soon interrogated about his mission but has no idea what they are talking about. When he's ordered killed, Adams goes on the run and with Dr. McKenna's help gets to the bottom of exactly what is going on.

Senator, I thought delays had stalled
this project. What turned it around?

I think this just goes to prove
that there's no substitute for hard work.

It's time that we cleaned up the air
in this country, and this fuel additive...

is a great place to start.

Senator Adams, can you get this bill out
of subcommittee and onto the floor?

Absolutely. I promise you. We're gonna
have a vote by the end of the week.

No arm-twisting necessary.

What about the oil lobby?
They're committed to defeating this bill.

Big oil is concerned with profits,
not people, and I'm not gonna let...

any special interests
stand in the way of this bill.

It's getting late, Senator.
Thank you, everybody.

Dave Pettigrew will be glad
to answer any of your questions.

He's the man who helped develop
BE-85 for Sendrax. Dave?

- Senator, thanks.
- Thanks.

- Mr. Pettigrew?
- Mr. Pettigrew, can I just ask you-

- Kyle, good to see you.
- Senator Adams, what about Sendrax?

Aren't they
a special interest group too?

Not unless you consider
fuel efficiency a special interest.

They did contribute heavily
to your campaign, Senator.

Kyle, come on. That's unfair.
So did the Sierra Club...

and about 14 other
environmental groups.

Okay, that's all for now.
Thank you very much.

- Thanks, Kyle.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.

Okay, the dairy farmers
at 11:00...

photo op with the Idaho state
soccer champs at 1:00...

and a Transportation Committee
meeting at 3:00.

They're waiting for final wording
on the BE-85 bill.

That's all taken care of.
What about dinner?

Barbecue with
the meat-packers, 6:00.

Good. I'll come hungry.

Good, because the automakers'
awards dinner's at 8:30.

No rest for the weary.

Man, you're good
at handling the press, Richard.

That bill is a shoe-in.

- Can I use some of that?
- Sure.

That Kyle Haller
sure is a pain in the ass.

He's a reporter.
It's his job to be a pain in the ass.

Easy, Evan.

Evan, look out!

Hello, Senator Adams.

I'm Dr. McKenna, head of Neurology
here at the hospital.

The ER attending
has asked me to consult.

- Are my injuries that severe then?
- No. Not at all.

You've been very lucky.
We think you've just got a concussion.

- Doctor.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- We just wanna give you the best care.

Doctor, what about my aide, Evan?

How is he?

I'm sorry. He didn't
survive the accident.

But he didn't suffer,
if that's any comfort.

I've always been a strong
supporter of your campaign.

I only wish we'd met under
more pleasant circumstances.

This is strange.

- I'm gonna have to order new MRIs.
- Why?

- Somebody's obviously made a mistake.
- What kind of mistake?

Why don't we finish up here
and get you back upstairs?

Tell me what's wrong
with my X-rays, Doctor.

According to these pictures...

your brain seems to have
four lobes instead of two...

and you have organs in your body
that I don't recognize.

There is nothing wrong
with your television.

Do not attempt
to adjust the picture.

We are now controlling
the transmission.

We control
the horizontal...

and the vertical.

We can deluge you
with a thousand channels...

or expand one single image
to crystal clarity...

and beyond.

We can shape
your vision...

to anything
our imagination can conceive.

For the next hour...

we will control
all that you see and hear.

You are about to experience
the awe and mystery...

which reaches from
the deepest inner mind to...

The Outer Limits.

The Roman philosopher
Boethius said...

"In other living creatures, the ignorance
of themselves is nature...

but in men, it is a vice."

Imagine treading into the deep
recesses of one's self...

and finding someone
you never knew existed.

- Get dressed. We're getting out of here.
- They haven't finished with me.

Yes, they have. Come on.
We don't have much time.

Hey, I can dress myself,
damn it!

Do you wanna tell me
what's going on here?

Don't you realize how dangerous it is
letting them run all these tests?

You want medical attention,
you come to us.

- What are you talking about, Peter?
- Don't you know who we are?

Yeah, of course I know who you are.
You're my security detail.

Great. We've got
a syndrome case.

What- Senator Adams,
you shouldn't be standing.

What are you doing with
those patient's X-rays?

What is going on?

We're taking the senator
for security purposes.

I strongly advise against that.

He has a severe concussion and should
be checked for internal bleeding.

Thank you for your help,
Dr. McKenna...

but Senator Adams
has his own medical staff.

I'm sure they'd agree with me.
Who are you?

Agent Tennyson, ma'am.

This agent will debrief you.

This is highly irregular.
Those hospital rec-

Those belong to the-

Right this way, Senator.

Take off his blindfold.

- Who's there?
- Make sure he doesn't see you.

- What do you want from me?
- He's pretty confused.

Answer me.

What is your mission?

I'm a United States Senator,
damn it!

Answer truthfully.

What is your mission?

I don't know who you are
or what you think you're doing...

but somebody's
gonna pay for this.

Inject him.
Maybe that will help.

Wait a minute. You can't do this to me!
Wait a minute!

Do you remember now?

Tell us about the mission.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

It's the Cxoryx Syndrome,
which makes him a security risk.

We will have to terminate him.

Senator, we want to help you.

Tell us about the mission.

Good-bye, Richard.
I'm sorry.

Kill him.

Obviously, he hadn't taken his supplement.
He didn't even know what it was.

Take him down here further.
Less activity.

After him!
Come on! Move it!

Come on! Move it!
Move it out!

So much for goin' home.

My God! Honey, are you okay?
What happened?

Let's just go inside, Mother.

I don't understand what's going on.

I feel like I'm part of some long
nightmare that just won't end.

- But who were these people?
- I don't know. I don't know.

I think that they were part
of the federal government.

I don't know who I can trust.

I just need some time
to sort things out.

Well, of course. You will stay here
as long as you want.

I'll make you something to eat.

Why don't you go wash up now?

- Yes?
- He's here.

All right.
We're on our way.

I warmed this up for you.

Thanks. I'm starved.

What are these, Mother?

I've just been having some health problems
I didn't wanna bother you about.

What sort of problems?

- I didn't want you to worry.
- What sort of problems, Mother?

Diabetes. I've been
diagnosed with diabetes.

- Let me see your insulin.
- Whatever for?

Richard, I don't know
what's got into you.

- Check the back.
- You told them I was here.

Richard, there's still time.
We'll talk to them.

Who are you?

Richard, wait.
It's for your own good.

Hey, Murphy, man, wait up!

- Hey, buddy, spare any change?
- Leave me alone!

Forget it.
Have a nice day!

Hey, Joey!
Hey, how ya doin', man?

There's no excuse.
He should be dead by now.

We'll get him.
Every agency's been alerted.

What if he remembers
something before then?

We've practically forced
him to the other side.

He won't remember
who he is or what he's here for.

"Wanted by police"?

Doctor- I'm sorry.
It's Richard Adams.

- Don't be frightened of me.
- What are you doing here?

- They're looking everywhere for you.
- Could I see your inner arms, please?

- What?
- Just let me take a- Please!

- What are you doing?
- I'm very sorry. I had to look.

I just had to make sure that you
didn't have any marks on your arms.

You see, the men that took me
from the hospital-

at least one of them
had track marks on his arms.

- Doctor, they tried to kill me.
- They were federal agents.

- They work for you.
- Did they say anything to you?

Did they threaten you,
pressure you in any way?

- Yes, they spoke to me.
- What did they say to you?

They said that I didn't see
anything that I thought I saw.

Yes, but you knew
what you saw, didn't you?

Your reaction to those X-rays-
You were as shocked as I was.

That's why I assumed that
you weren't one of them.

- One of whom?
- I don't know.

That's what I'm trying to figure out.
I can't trust anybody.

I can't trust my friends, the police.
I can't even trust my mother.

You're the only one
I could think of to go to.

You see, I'm part
of something, Doctor...

and I can't remember what it is.

Please, please,
you gotta help me. Please.

Oh, geez.

Senator? Look,
let me take you to the hospital.

Let me examine you.

That's too public.
There are too many people looking for me.

Don't you have an office?

Don't you have a private
practice somewhere?

- Don't you wanna know?
- Know what?

Did you see what you really
thought you saw in those X-rays?

All right. All right.
I'll take you to my office.

- Thank you.
- It's closed for the weekend.

Thank you.

It's almost inconceivable.

- Those X-rays were right.
- Good. Then I'm not crazy.

No, but you're different.

Very different.

You have two extra brain lobes.

- How is that possible?
- I don't know yet.

The front lobes are-
Well, they don't look human.

You've sustained damage
to the skull above the left front lobe.

That might explain the headaches
and some of the selective memory loss.

What about my breathing?

And my eyes?
I can't focus.

And I'm losing my hair
by the fistful.

We'll get some more pictures.

We'll try and find out
what's going on.

Let's start
with a blood workup.

- Can you sit up?
- Yeah.

My God.

Looks like you've been
taking injections too.

Oh, God!

Those are the same marks
I told you about.

My mother had those,
and that agent, Bauer.

- I saw 'em when he gave me that shot.
- What kind of shot?

I thought it was
some kind of truth serum.

With all those track marks,
I doubt it.

Hold still.

Oh, my God!

What is it? What is it?
What's wrong with me?

I don't know.

We'll figure this out.

This is Kyle Haller's
Eye on Washington.

Still no word overnight on missing
Senator Richard Adams of Idaho.

Police and federal authorities
have intensified their search...

throughout the Washington
metropolitan area.

Leaders ofboth parties are
unanimous in their concern...

for the popular,
first-term lawmaker.

In addition, his own party worries that
without Senator Adams's strong support...

his controversial energy bill
will linger in subcommittee...

at least until
the cows come home.


It's okay.

You'll be okay.

My God.

Senator, as part of your work...

did you ever volunteer
for any government experiments?

- No.
- Something involving drugs, maybe...

or exposure to radiation?

No, no.
Why would I do that?

- I'm not some kind of lab rat.
- What about genetic abnormalities?

Is there anything like that
in your family history?

No. What did you find?

Your urine is highly acidic.

More so than I've ever seen.

And your organs-
I can only assume...

that some biological mutation
has reshaped them somehow.

- I was fine until the accident.
- No, this isn't from the accident.

I ran the specimen
samples twice.

Your blood is made
largely up of methane.

Even a little would be toxic.

It must be
what's poisoning you.

Those men injected me
with something that...

they called a "supplement."

Maybe it was methane
that keeps me alive.

Whatever the injection was,
it did make me feel better.

Bauer said that I
take it all the time.

What? What is it?
Where did they get it?

I don't know. I don't know.
Whatever it is...

I must have some of it somewhere.

Maybe at home.

What are you doing?
Where are you going?

Well, I gotta sneak
into my apartment.

But you said there were men
guarding your apartment.

I know, but I gotta get in there somehow.
It's the only choice I got.

- I don't have any other choice.
- Yes, you do.

They won't be looking for me.

There's Tennyson there.
They've been there for days now.

And that's my apartment.
Third floor, right by the elevator.


If this supplement
is in there, I'll find it.

Check the bathroom.
That's probably where I keep it.

why are you doing this?

I don't know.

Senator Adams, my father was
a general in the Marine Corps...

World War II.

I was raised to be very proud
of my country-

care about it like
I care about my family.

My father would turn over in his grave
if I didn't help...

a United States Senator
who needed my help.

Where'd she come from?
She look familiar to you?

- Not really.
- Must be a neighbor.

Give me the shot now!

I wanna test it first.

Give it to me now.

We don't know what it is.
It might kill you.

Please, if you don't
give it to me now, I'm dead.

How much did the man give you?

- Try and remember!
- I don't know.

- Please.
- Did he fill the syringe all the way?

I don't know! Please.

I'm gonna give you five cc's.

If it works,
I'll give you more.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- How are you feeling?

Alive, for starters.

I had my doubts
for a while there.

I checked your vital signs
through the night.

They got stronger as your system absorbed
the chemicals in that injection.

Where did this come from?

It was hidden in your medicine cabinet,
along with everything else.

God. I don't know
who I am anymore.

And this chemical
saved my life.

What is it,
and why do I need it?

It's a methane-based polymer,
with traces of ammonia and chlorine...

and a substance
that I couldn't identify.

I tested it while
you were sleeping.

A tenth of the dose I gave you
would have killed somebody else.

But I'm feeling
almost normal.

Obviously, your system needs methane.

The eyedrops were similar.

I just wish I had more to go on.
That's all.

What about your mother?
Did she say anything-

anything to give you a clue?

No, nothing.

But the men who
kept interrogating me...

they kept asking me
about my mission.

Over and over, they kept saying,
what is my mission?

- What does that mean?
- I don't know.

I grew up in Idaho.
My expertise is environmental.

I keep trying to get
an environmental bill passed...

in the Senate
for a fuel additive.

I made a speech at Sendrax
right before the accident.

I spent the morning
with Dave Pettigrew.

He's the VP
of Product Development.

Maybe he can tell us something.

No, I'm not gonna trust anybody
outside of this room.

Maybe I can find out
without him.

- Wait for me.
- No, Doctor.

This is the end
of the line for you.

Thank you very much
for all your help.

But I got my strength back now.
I don't want you taking any more risks.

Yes, you've got your strength back,
but for how long?

You may need me again,
Senator Adams.

You're really enjoying all
this cloak-and-dagger stuff, aren't you?

No. I just feel I have to
see this through.

It's my responsibility.

All right. I admit my life's been
a little boring up until now...

but I have to know what
this is all about...

and you are gonna need help.


Richard. Come on.

How are we gonna get in here
without talking to anyone?

First option,
let's try the front door.

Hopefully, nobody comes in
on Sunday.

Come on.

Pettigrew's office
is in the security wing.

This way.

Great. I have a feeling
this one won't be so easy.

Well, you never know.
I used to have clearance.

Maybe they haven't taken me
off their authorized list yet.

- Yeah. Come on.
- Yes!

Okay, pull all the files
on BE-85-

impact studies,
sales projection-

What? What is it?

I don't know.

My mother has one just like it.

It's just a piece of modern art.

No, it has some sort of meaning.

Like what?

I don't know.

Come on.
Let's find out whatever we can.

You take the files.
I'll take the computer.

Look at all these clippings
about endorsements for BE-85.

Looks like every name
in Washington.

That's the kind of technology
that politicians love-

very little downside.

- Oh, my God.
- What?

This is a chemical breakdown
for BE-85.

It's based on the same molecular compound
as your supplement.

You mean, a fuel additive
has been keeping me alive?

A methane-based fuel additive.

What's this?

Maybe it's some kind of
environmental impact study.

Looks like you can advance
the timeline.

I don't understand.

All the studies said
that it would burn clean...

improve the air.

Apparently it takes time for the emissions
to catalyze in our atmosphere.

They don't turn poisonous
until years later.

Methane is becoming
the dominant element in our air.

My God. It'll be unbreathable
here in 30 years.

In 60, everything on
this planet will be dead.

Maybe not everything.

It might be what people
like me need to survive.

- What was that?
- Some kind of power surge.

Wait a minute.

This is where they brought me from
the hospital-where they interrogated me.

I was sitting in this chair.

Hey, turn on the other lights.

- Look.
- There it is again.

Maybe it does mean something.

It sounds like whatever's
drawing all that power is through here.

Oh, boy.

Who's there?

Thank goodness you're alive.

- What are you doing here?
- Trying to find some answers, Dave.

- Maybe you can help us.
- Why didn't you call me?

Washington's got the search dogs
out for you. Who's this?

What's the mission, Dave?

- To destroy the atmosphere?
- What? What are you talking about?

Isn't that what you
kept asking me?

About the mission
to mandate BE-85-

to poison the air with methane?

Senator, you've been
under a lot of strain.

What's this thing, Dave?

- What's in there?
- Don't you recognize him?

That's your replacement.

Are you telling me
that that thing is alive?

Come on, Richard.

You know it's one of us.

Don't you understand?

You're betraying your own kind.

What kind? What am I?

You were transformed
in a tank like this one.

So was I...

and all the others that have come
to resettle this planet.

There are many of us here,
like yourself...

in powerful positions.

Well, now there's
gonna be one less.

What are you doing?

You fool! Don't you realize that
your entire race is counting on you?

Come here!

- Is that what I think it is?
- Yes. You remember?

- Yeah.
- What? What is it?

It's home.

- It's a globe of his planet.
- And your planet, Richard.

- It's called Torsha.
- It's not my planet.

Accept it, Richard.
Accept who you are!

If what you say is true,
why are we poisoning this planet?

To terraform it for our own kind.

To make the air breathable for us.

But I can breathe it just fine.
So can you.

Not without the supplement.
That'll take another 60 years.

The syndrome you're
suffering from can be corrected.

What is this syndrome
you're talking about?

Cxoryx Syndrome.

You have human brain lobes
implanted in your head...

pushing your natural lobes up front,
making them vulnerable to head trauma.

It's the only flaw
in our technology.

But I remember
growing up in Idaho...

not some strange planet.

You and your mother resettled in Idaho
when you were a child.

Your memory of your life
before that-

of your real home and everything
connected to it-

was in your frontal lobes.

Let us take you home.

It can be repaired!

- What about Leslie?
- What do you think?

You exposed us to her.

So we just eliminate her
and move on?


Take this.
If he moves, shoot him.

I think I can handle that.

Your father would be proud.

What are you doing?

They tried to use the media against me.
It's time I straightened things out.

You can't call the press.
How do you know who to trust?

The one who's the biggest pain
in the ass. Kyle Haller, please.

Tell him Senator Richard Adams
is calling.

Haller never cut the BE-85 plan
any slack at all. He can't be one of them.

Are you willing
to risk your life on that?

Yeah. And yours too.
Hey, Kyle, how are you doing?

Yeah, it's good to be back.
Well, that's a little complicated.

But I got a BE-85 story
that I know you're gonna wanna hear.

Twenty minutes, Wasena Park.

And, Kyle, don't bring
the news crew with you.

It's okay. I got it.

Oh, my God!

I thought he was going for a gun.

He's pushed some kind of alarm.
Come on. We have to get outta here.

Come on.

There's Haller.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

- Hey, Kyle.
- Senator.

- You alone?
- Yeah. Why?

Because I'm trusting you
with my life.

- I'm flattered, I think.
- Here.

Sendrax's BE-85 files.
All of'em.

Is there something in here
we haven't seen before?

Yeah. Plenty.

I'll just be a couple of minutes.

So, what will you do?
Where will you go?

Once Kyle's report airs, the authorities
are gonna round up the rest of my kind.

They'll undoubtedly wanna find me. Maybe
it's better if you don't know where I am.


Take care of yourself.

You too.

Airport, please.
And would you turn on your radio?

Of course, all of us are shocked.
Kyle Haller was a greatly loved...

and respectedjournalist
here in Washington.

Once again, Kyle Haller was found
murdered in downtown Washington.

The FBI has been called
into the case.

Sources tell us that the chief suspect is
a local doctor named Leslie McKenna.

Driver, turn around.
We gotta go back.

Oh, no!

People have long feared invasion
by forces from other worlds.

If that horror comes to pass...

our leaders will stand as
our first line of defense.

Unless, of course,
our leaders themselves are the invaders.