The Osbournes Want to Believe (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Now You See It (Now You Don't) - full transcript

Say, "this is 'the osbournes
want to believe, '" then slap.

This is "the osbournes
want to believe."



That was very scary, that was.

Jack: We may be
the first family of darkness,

But not all of us are true
believers in the paranormal.

They want to believe...

Has a ghost
ever been caught on film?


...And I have the evidence
that will blow their minds.

[ ozzy laughing maniacally ]

I think you're starting
to believe.

Seeing is believing.

- Whoa.
- What is happening?

[ screams ]


Oh, god, no.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

How are we doing?

Well, bella's upset.

Bella's upset?
Why is bella upset?

You kept her waiting.
She doesn't like it.

Well, I'd be surprised
if bella knows much

About... Anything
that's going on.

Leave her alone, the poor thing.
She's going bald. Don't.

Eh, she's, like, old as dirt.

How old is bella?

- 11.
- She's 11?


[ gunshot ]

Oh, daddy, that's horrible!

Well, you guys ready
to dive into it?

- Yeah.
- Oh, yeah, yeah.

This is, by far, the craziest...

Well, that's what
I'm about to tell you.

This is, by far,
the craziest clip.

Do you guys believe in vampires?


I think there are people
that live a life of a vampire.


But it's like acting...
They want to be a vampire.

- Yeah.
- [bleep]

They have their teeth filed
into fangs and drink blood.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

You mean they make themselves
look like a vampire.

Yeah, but they try
and live the lifestyle.

I'm not real? No!

Well, this next clip,
I believe it's from angola.

- Ooh, dear.
- And so, the young boy,

Who is still alive today
and is...

- In a mental institution?
- No, no, he's not.

They treat him like a bit,
like it was a freak show.

Oh, not like a celeb?

No, no. And people say
he's a vampire.

And you will see this,
and this is not bull[bleep]

And he still can do this thing
that he's gonna...

You're gonna see.
- Wait, does he hang upside down

And run the rafters
and all this [bleep]

It's actually cooler.

And they've had scientists
study him a little bit

And, like, research,

And he's the only known person
to be able to do this.


So this footage is
about six years old

And was taken in luanda, angola.

The kid's name is manuel,
and he's about 15 here.

He looks like
your average teenager, right?

Well, watch this.

Look, showing off his teeth.

No weird cuts in the video.

Nothing really to suggest
any sort of trickery.

It's just playing
straight through.

[ man speaks foreign language ]

And then watch.


[ men shouting
in foreign language ]

He got those teeth
out of a christmas cracker.

Watch it again. How did...
he shows the inside
of his mouth.

Unless he's some, like,
wizard magician.

Let's have another look.

Look, you see in his mouth.

What does he do for a living?

Opens cans with them teeth.


[ men shouting
in foreign language ]

Look how big they are.


What did you guys think
about that footage?

[ dog panting ]


That's very odd.

It's a very good trick.

-So you think it's a trick?

He's like the village "celeb"

And does it
to wind everybody up.

See, I don't think
it's bull[bleep]

I think it is... I think
there is something there

And he can, like, pop teeth out.

Well, look at it like this...
like, you know how like
I can't curl...

I've got some fangs
upstairs in my room.

You've got a...
No, you've got a grill.

There's a difference.

And fangs.

You know how some people
can wiggle their ears

And some people
can curl their tongue?

You can curl your tongue.
I can't.

And, like, what if
there's some people...

There's a big difference
between curling your tongue

And growing [bleep]

But what if it's something
that, like,

More people might have?

Wouldn't you think
it would be painful

To push them [bleep] fangs?

He says it is.
He says it's very painful.

And it puts him in, like,
a weird, painful trance.

I'd be a very wealthy
[bleep] fang person.

He should be called
shark boy, then.

"shark boy."
"fangs for the memory."


So, the woogie boogie scale
of scary,

1 being not scary,

10 being absolutely terrifying
and believable.

Where would we put
the angolan vampire boy?

- 4.
- Fire rwanda.

I think he's a 2.

- A 2?
- Mm-hmm.

- A 4?
- 4.

I totally disagree.
That footage, to me, is a 10.

[ bell dings, applause ]

Okay, crop circles.

So, do you believe
in crop circles?

I mean, if you're looking
from the air, they're massive.


And they're ornate
[bleep] designs.

Well, on the way to brighton,
in England, there's a hill,

And on the hill
is, like, a horse.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?

Who did that?


What do you mean, who?

What do you mean,
"there's, like, a horse"?

What does that mean?

Like a... like crop circles.

It's made...
It's not out of [bleep] crops.

It's out of...
Somebody in the medieval times

Put these white stones on.

Oh, okay.

But it's on top of the hill and
you can see it from the flat.

On the side,
on the side of the hill.

You know in london, they've got
a statue of winston churchill.

Oh, hogwash.

[ chuckling ] oh, shut up.

Alright, moving on.
Russian crop circles.

This was in russia.
It made the news.

It was kind of a big deal.

So, some background here.

In 2005, there was
a crop circle incident

That made national news
in tolyatti, russia.

That's amazing.

Like, how the [bleep]
would you do that?

It just happened overnight,
and there's no explanation.

So, that's weird enough.

But then fast-forward
to July of 2015,

Exactly 10 years later,
and another crop circle appears.

How the [bleep] do they
get in a field and do that?

I don't know whether...
I don't know whether it's a hoax

Or it's donald trump.

It's donald trump.

It's melania.

Maybe it was donald trump,
maybe it was melania.

Maybe it was putin. Who knows?

But I think it could be aliens.

No one has come forward
to this day

To take responsibility for it.

It still would be hard to do,
though, from the ground.

- Overnight.
- Yeah.

My thing is this... if these
are being done by people,

They must be learning
to do it somewhere.

Not all, but some of them
are so [bleep] intricate.


And it's... like,

It's so correct and... - yeah.

Short and sweet thoughts on
crop circles. Where are we at?

Ozzy: Um... 8.

Now, that's
what I'm talking about.

Well, shall we move on
to some ghosts?

-Alright. Bedroom ghost.

So this happened in 2016.

This girl named jasmine
is asleep,

And her security camera picks up
some really weird activity.

[ door creaking ]


Watch the bedsheets.


And then the electricity
goes haywire.

And she gets the hell
out of there.


- You've shown me other ones

Which are far more
[bleep] convincing

Than that one.

- What do we give it?
- A 2.

That's it?

Well, prepare yourselves.

I'm gonna make believers
out of you yet.

This is another one,
bedroom ghost.

This happened a few years ago
in new jersey.

A man is just making his bed,
and then this happens.

Man: See if it's gonna go.
Oh, there it is, look.



It's a cat under
the [bleep] blanket.

No, watch this.

Man: There is nothing under it.

It just disappears the moment
he puts his hand on it.

Look, there it is.
- Isn't that weird?


But it's interesting you say
you think it's a cat

Or an animal under the sheets,
because, apparently,

A week or so
before this happened,

The man's dog died suddenly.

So, I don't know, do you think

It could be the spirit of
his dog coming for a visit?

I believe so.

Get the [bleep] out of here.

"get the [bleep] out of here."

For me, it looked like
almost trapped air,

But when he smacks it,
it like...

- Yeah.
- It's very... it's odd,
the movement of it.

Yeah, it is odd. It is odd.

It looks like an animal
underneath the [bleep]

Like a cat or something.
- Yeah, like, screwing around.

- Under his mattress cover, yeah.
- When he taps it down, it's...

It's like that cat moe
we used have when I was a kid

That used to sleep at the bottom
of my blanket in my bed.

And he would bite my toes
in the morning.

- Yeah.
- It was a very cute cat.

Rip. Rip, moe.

[ cat yowls ]

Woogie boogie scale?

- I'll give that a 7.
- A 7?

- Yeah.
- What would you do

If you came into your bedroom
and you saw that?

I would think it was an insect
and immediately be gone.

- You'd be
getting a new mattress.
- Yeah, I wouldn't think ghost.

I would think that
there's some kind of some...

- Rat or rodent.
- Yeah, yeah.

Ozzy: I was in a hotel
in new york years ago.

I was on the phone.

In the corner of my eye,
I could see

The biggest [bleep] cockroach
I think I've ever seen.

[ screams ]

Anyway, as we digress...

Doing some sleeping yoga.

That's [bleep] weird.

Now, watch this.


Shall we move on
to our very final clip?

It's gonna have to be
pretty convincing

To make me a believer.

This is, by far,
the craziest clip.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


I'm just having a... ugh!

[bleep] shut your mouth,
you spazz!

Vampire woman.

No [bleep]

- Woman.
- Vamp.

- No one wants to see that.
- Crisp woman.

Please make that in the cut
so that she's publicly shamed.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

Alright, so, we've got
another bedroom ghost.

Bedroom ghost three.

Look at this. This is weird.
This is in india.

Now, watch the door
in the back crack open.

Then it swings wide.

Now, watch this.


Doing some sleeping yoga.


That's [bleep] weird.


That's [bleep] hard, man.


That's crazy.
That's really strange.

Why is there a camera
in their room?

He was in, like, a... it was,
like, some kind of hostel.

-That was very odd.
-That was good.
Let's see it again.



Now, my thing was, okay,
monofilament wire,

Like fishing wire,
that would cut his feet.

His whole bodyweight is on that.

I was looking at that.

Plus the fact you would...
You would go tight with it.


Look at the way his body...


How long ago was this?

- Recent... 2017.
- Oh.

'cause I can just see

A whole group of young guys
in a hostel,

Traveling around, thinking,
"alright, we're gonna
[bleep] around tonight.

Let's try"...
- But if they're [bleep] around,

How do they do it?
- It's well done.

Have you ever had
sleep paralysis?

- What's that mean?
- When, like, you're awake

But you can't move and, like,
you kind of feel fear.

I had it when... mind you,
I'd had two bottles of cognac.

Well, that'll give
anyone paralysis.

- Yes.
- Yeah?

When I was a kid,

The first house
where I was brought up...

Shut up. - [ laughs ]

And I would wake up,
and I would be terrified,

And I couldn't speak,
couldn't scream.

You know that,
when you get a dream

And you're being chased or
something terrible is happening?

Yeah, and you're trying
to scream but you can't.

You can't. My bedroom
looked out to the door,

And when the door was opened,
you... I could see the stairs.

[ footsteps ]

And there was always somebody
coming down the stairs,

And I didn't know who they were,

And I couldn't
tell you their face,

Couldn't tell you anything,
but I could never scream.


Were you smoking dope?

I was about 8,

And I don't think
it was allowed then.

Yeah, the '50s in England,
not really popular.

No, it wasn't big
in those days for kids.

I had one recently, actually.

- Where you were awake?
- I was at home in bed,

And I saw a woman
leaning over me

With long hair
and, like, sunken eyes,

Like, very, like... looked like
dark circles around her eyes.

And then she looked over
to her right,

And I then I kind of looked
where she was looking,

And there was just
a shadow figure right there.

Were you dreaming?

I was conscious,
and I could see my room.

So, okay, what happened
after you saw the woman figure?

I just closed... I just closed
my eyes, and I was just like,

"go back to sleep, go back
to sleep, go back to sleep."

And then I...
-were you perspiring?
-Then you woke up?

Yeah. No, I went back to sleep.

I was just like, "close your
eyes, go back to sleep."

'cause I couldn't move. - Weird.

Very weird.

Have you ever woken up
and seen something in your room

And you weren't sure
if you were dreaming?

Yep. Your mom.

[ laughs ]

What would you give that one?

- 5.
- 5?

- I'll say 6.
- 6?

If that is a hoax,
it's very well done.

It's well done.

Let's move on to poltergeists.

"poltergeests"? This has been
a topic of discussion.

Is more than one poltergeist

Or "poltergeest"?


No, it's a [bleep]
herd of sheep.

Or geese.

Geese. Poltergeese.

So the man who recorded
this footage

Wants to remain anonymous.

The poltergeist,
or poltergeest, not so much.

Watch this.
This is [bleep] wild.


Now, watch the couch.
This is crazy.

- Ooh [bleep]
- wow.

At first, it seems like it's
only one entity, but now watch.

See, the china cabinet is moving

At the same time
the camera gets flipped.


And for good measure, the couch
gets tossed a second time.


That looks like teamwork to me.

You know what they say...
Teamwork makes the dream work.

[bleep] weird.

If that's string
or [bleep] trickery,

It's [bleep] well done.

What's the scariest part
of that video for you guys?

The sofa going over, 'cause it
could be quite heavy, that sofa.

The sofa was a bit suspect
to me, but...

When something happens there
and something happens
at the same time,

It's just really...
- I saw the curtains

Moving a bit, did you? - Yeah.

- I did.
- But I was wondering

If that was just from everything
getting thrown around.

Why did he have a camera
in his room?

'cause he'd been
experiencing strange...

- Okay, alright.
- Yeah, he wants to
remain anonymous.

The guy who filmed it doesn't
want any attention from it.

Started filming because
strange things were happening,

Captured that.

What's the point in faking it

If he's not trying
to get any notoriety

Or get his name out there?

What does the word "poltergeist"
mean? What language?

So, the definition
of a poltergeist,

Actual, like, if you break
the german word down,

It means, essentially,
noisy ghost or loud ghost.


But that's a...
That's a destructive ghost.

Very pissed-off ghost.

Well, I'll put that
at a 9 out of 10.

I still preferred the filming
of the guy in the cottage.



I mean, yeah,
but if that was a trick,

I don't know how it
could've been pulled off.

I totally agree.

I must confess, jack,

I am somewhat of a believer now.



It's working.


Let's [bleep] get on with it.

[ laughs ]

- Look at that.
- "what the [bleep] is that?"

I just don't... it's clearly
a phenomenon that's occurring,

But no one is [bleep]
talking about it.

This one's weird.
Watch, comes in.

"I wonder if it's something from
that ufo sending the energy."



[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


How would you have responded
if you saw that?

That's... I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know.
I don't know, but...

I don't know what it is.
I don't know. I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.
I don't [bleep] know.

Now I'm [bleep] confused,

'cause I don't know
what anyone's talking about.

I don't [bleep] know.

Okay, let's move on, then.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

Alright, so this one's weird,

'cause it looks like...
Remember in "time bandits"

How, like,
the black square would open

And they would all
fall out from the sky?

- Yeah.
- It looks like that.

And it's just this black square
just floating.

So this happened last year
in conyers, georgia.

The guy goes out for lunch when
he spots this thing in the sky.

So pay attention. It's windy.

You can see the trees
blowing in the wind.

- Rectangular.
- Yeah, look at that.

You're gonna see, like,
all the time bandits

Fall out of it in a minute.

The ufo doesn't seem to be
affected by the wind,

Keeping a slow, constant speed
as it moves through the sky.


It's weird, right?

It could be something floating,

Like a piece of paper
or something, couldn't it?

Well, they tried
to determine like,

"oh, could it be, like,
a balloon, could it be this?"

But it was strong winds,
and so the thing

That they were trying to say is,
like, if it was balloons
or winds,

It would be like...
- Yeah, yeah.

And you can see the direction
the wind is blowing
from the trees.

Almost the opposite direction,
which this thing

Is just slowly moving.

Yeah, moving against the wind.

- Yeah.
- I don't think it's a ufo.

I think it could be
a test plane.

I think it's so weird, though.

Like a...
It's like this, floating.

Well, I mean, if you didn't know
about the stealth bomber

And you saw that, you'd go,
"what the [bleep] is that?"

So what do we think,
government tech?

- Yep.
- It's still a ufo,

'cause it's unidentified
and it's flying, clearly.

Or an inter-dimensional portal
controlled by time bandits,

And... with a secret stolen map.
- Right.

In a suitcase. - Yeah.

It's a flying suitcase
with them inside.

Okay, on to the next.

This case... actually,

This is like
the roswell of canada.

It was the manitoba ufo incident
that happened in the 1960s.

You would've heard of this case,

'cause there's pictures of it
in every single ufo book ever.

But there was a follow-up to it

That happened
only a few years ago.

So, here's some background.

In 1967 in manitoba, canada,

Stefan michalak had a close
encounter at falcon lake.

This large metallic ufo
descended from the sky.

He touched it
and got blasted off his feet

When the object took off again.

He survived the encounter,
albeit with some minor burns.

Nearly 50 year later to the day

Of the falcon lake
ufo sighting...

These are [bleep] ufos, man.

...Two young men
encounter a ufo.

This orb appears in the sky,
followed by a smaller one...

...That flickers
in and out of view.


There's no clouds. Blue skies.

Which we've already

Not ideal weather
for ball lightning

But great weather
for ufo sightings.

That's very odd.

Once again,
more of these balls of light.

Ozzy: Why is there balls again?

I just don't... it's clearly
a phenomenon that's occurring,

But no one is [bleep]
talking about it.

Like, there should literally be

Some kind of
scientific symposium

Just to go, "hey, what are all
these balls of light?"

- All over the world.
- All over the world.

"tell me what it is."

We've all seen, like,
at this time of day,

The moon coming out. - Yeah.

Especially in places like hawaii
and that,

Where there's the moon and
the sun out at the same time.


So, at first, you would
look at it and think,

"oh, it's the moon."

And then...

Yeah. And then there's something
else that comes right alongside.

'cause sometimes reflections
on different surfaces and...


That could be the...
Could be the moon,

And it could be
a plane flying past.

- No. Unh-unh.
- No, I don't think so.

You know, it could be a ufo.

It's just, for me,
it's very consistent

With all the other weird
balls of light we're seeing,

But yet no... - but, as you say,

It might be a good idea
to do some investigation.

I would literally love to gather
all these clips of all these

And get a... [bleep] go around
the world and find the top

Team of experts
from all over the world.

And just go, "explain these,
then. If it's not an alien...

You're telling me what it isn't.
Tell me what it is."

And it's obviously
an area in canada

Where there's not
a lot of air traffic.


So it is somewhat remote.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Woogie boogie scale? You know?

I wouldn't touch it.
I would've gone, "[bleep] hell."

Yeah. Has anything ever
happened to you in your life

That no one believed
that you swore happened?

No, but seriously, has...
Was there ever...

Is there anything
that anyone's been like,

"no, I don't believe that.
There's no way that's true"?

You're not. [ chuckles ]

Mom, anything for you?



Some of my friends
have a hard time believing,

Like, some of the stories
I'll tell them

From doing, like,
paranormal stuff.

- You know, and it's...
- I mean, the thing is...

You're doing a paranormal show,

And if something really [bleep]
weird happened and you go,

"guys, you're not
gonna believe this.

My computer levitated, and
it landed on a different table,"

They'd go, "yeah."

This one was filmed in burbank.

If jesus were to return,
where do you think he would go?

He ain't coming to burbank.

The place is one of the
creepiest places I've ever been.

That's very scary.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

This one, we've got a [laughs]
jesus christ humanoid flying.

This was filmed in burbank.

I would love it if jesus
returned and came to burbank.

- Shut up.
- Oh [bleep]

So pablo morales and his wife

Spot what looks like a man
floating in the sky

Above burbank, california.



Whether it's jesus or not
is up for debate,

But I think we can agree

It definitely looks like
some kind of humanoid.


It could be something floating
in the sky, like a balloon.

It could've been filmed when he
cut off its tether, you know?

It's not moving like a balloon.

It doesn't seem to be
affected by the wind.

What do you think?

Did jesus come back
to visit burbank?

He ain't coming to burbank.

No. I don't think so.

It's like, did you ever see
the toast that had jesus christ?

Yeah, there's been
a few in toast.

In toast or porridge
or... you know?

[bleep] snowball or something.

What would you rate that?
Woogie boogie scale?

Okay, I'll give that a 2.

Come on, seriously?

It's... it's really bad.

It's at least a 5, but okay.

If jesus were to return,
where do you think he would go?

I would think he would
definitely not go to a city.


Do you think,
if he were to return,

People would believe him?

- No.
- I don't.

No one would believe him.
- That's not true.

No, you'd get all those
religious fanatics

Believing him.

There would be chaos
all over the world.

That's exactly
what would happen.

Exactly what would happen.

Yeah, people will,
"oh, he's a charlatan."

And then other people are like,
"no, he's real."

- Yep.
- "his name is brian."

No, that was so well done.


So this is a series of clips

From traffic cameras
or dashboard cameras,

And we'll pause in between
and discuss.

2016, mexico city.

A car rolls through
a quiet intersection,

When, all of a sudden,

A young woman materializes
out of thin air.


That's [bleep] weird.

It looks like a girl
in a white gown,

And they capture it
from multiple angles.


I think it's something to do
with the double-exposure thing.


You can't double-expose digital.

Well, I mean, it's something
with the [bleep] camera,

'cause why is it that the camera
can see it and the people can't?

Well, you know, the human
eyeball can't see x-rays,

It can't see y-rays,
it can't see gamma rays,

It can't see infrared rays.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,

But it's an image of a person
crossing the [bleep]

Sure, but what if it's just...

It doesn't appear in our
light spectrum that we can see?

Yes, but if it's an entity,

Why would it be crossing
the [bleep] zebra crossing?

Maybe they died there.

Alright, let's see
the next bit to this.

This next one's weird because
the drivers do [bleep] see it,

And you'll see.


This clip comes to us straight
out of kuala lumpur, malaysia.

Like the other clip,
this is the story

Of a lone car and a ghost.


But this time,
the driver sees it, too.


That is weird.

Yeah, 'cause they clearly
saw something.

They slammed on the brakes,
and it's gone.

- Let's see that again.
- Look at that.

I need to see the one walking
across the crossroads, too.

No, you haven't.
We've gone past that one.

That's very odd.

What would you do
if you hit a ghost with a car?

- That's odd.
- Is this a joke?

Yeah, what would you do if
you hit a ghost with your car?

Like, would you just keep going,
or would you stop?

- I would stop. I would stop.
- Course you would stop.

You'd think you were imagining
you hit somebody.

Have you ever seen anything
weird on the road when driving?

- Your mom.
- Late at night.

That's the most
terrifying thing of all.

Oh, funny, you two.

Just behave.

[ laughs ]

This one's weird,
and I'm gonna...

I missed it
the first time, so...

But something flies through
the window of this car,

Lights it up like it's
got electricity in it,

And then just...
yeah, just watch.
-Okay. Okay.

Now, this clip from hong kong
is the best of the lot.

Right here,
it happens on this turn.

Watch, it comes in, in,

And then flashing,
and then smack.


- That's very odd, jack.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, that was odd, that light.
- It almost... you know
what it...

Yeah. It almost looked like...

It looked like gas exploding

But shooting into the car
and exploding.

Do you know
what crossed my mind?

I thought, "I wonder if
it's something from that ufo

Sending the energy." - oh.

Maybe the guy got abducted,
that's why the car just
rolled off the road.

But it is weird, and there's
three flashes in the car

Before it hits the tree.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah, yeah.
- What would you rate that?

Woogie boogie scale?

- That's very interesting.
- I'd give that an 8.

Oh, an 8.


An 8. I agree.

I think, late at night,
when you've been driving

A long time, with the lights,
you see...

Or when you're tired and you're
driving, it's the worst thing.

Oh, my god, it's terrible.

It is, you know, with
the oncoming lights and then...

I can remember driving
illegally one time.

And it was patchy fog.

-Always illegally
'cause he had no license.
-It would be clear as that

One minute,
then it would be dense the next.

I was so [bleep] tired driving.

At nighttime, I started wearing
yellow glasses to drive.

It actually helps a lot. Yeah.
- It does?

I really would like
to come on one of your...

Oh, you want to come
and do a ghost hunt?

- As long as bella can come.
- I don't think...

- No, no, no.
- Bella doesn't have it
in her, mom.

That's like putting like
a 100-year-old person on
a roller coaster.

No, but she got a pushchair.
I can bring her.

Yeah, but you got to...


Is it hot down here,
or is it me?


It's you. You're smoking hot.

- What?
- Smoking hot.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

I must confess,
before we go any further,

I've had a blast
doing this show.

Isn't it fun?

I mean, I really would like
to come on one of your...

Oh, you want to come
and do a ghost hunt?

That can be arranged.
- I would love to.

I would love to.
Wouldn't you, mom?

As long as bella can come.

I don't think...

- No, no, no.
- Bella doesn't have it
in her, mom.

That's like bringing, like...
That's like... that's like...

It's like brining a cripple.

I take her everywhere
in a pushchair.

That's like putting like
a 100-year-old person

On a roller coaster.

No, but she got a pushchair.
I can bring her.

Yeah, but you got to...

You guys are gonna have
matching pushchairs soon.

We're gonna have
[bleep] you pushing us.

- That's right.
- Yeah, off a cliff.

A ghost.

Alright, this is
a very haunted house.

This is in lancashire, England.

Lee and stacey hart

Are a pair of globe-trotting
paranormal investigators.

They suspect they might have
a ghost in their own home.

It starts out innocently enough.

You know, one of those
by-the-book hauntings

With wobbling stuffed animals.


But wait, we're just
getting started.


Oh, it's scaring bella.


And finally, a shadow figure

Pays lee and stacey
a late-night visit.

Keep your eyes on the door.



Looks like big dave.

Don't buy that.

- Nope.
- No?


- Alright.
- Felt fake.

- Felt fake to you?
- Yeah.

I thought the door and the...

And we've seen too many
teddy bears moving.

It's true. Why do they all
come after the teddy bears?

- Yeah, it's like...
- What is it?

Yeah. No. Mnh-mnh.

Shall we move on
to our very final clip?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Alright.

I mean, it's gonna
have to be pretty convincing

To make me a believer.

If this doesn't convince you,
I don't know what the hell will.


Do you guys feel like
you've become more open

To the unknown now?

Seeing is believing.

Try and make me a believer.


Woman: Here we go. Over here.


Producer: Everyone.

[ camera shutter clicks ]

Haven't you got
enough photographs of us?

[ laughter ]

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- I'm gonna punch you.


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


[ thunder cracks ]
[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]

Jack: Shall we move on
to our very final clip?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

Alright, this is from
when I was investigating

The trans-allegheny
lunatic asylum.

This lunatic asylum
had operated for 150 years.

Thousands of people had
had lobotomies there.

- Oh, god.
- On the property,

There's 13 buildings
on 666 acres.

It's like some...
Yeah, it's weird.

The place is one of the
creepiest places I've ever been.

- Where is it?
- It's in an area

Called weston,
west virginia.
-Never heard of it.

Is it like an old victorian?

Big? - Yeah. Yep, huge.

We went... we did a film once

At an old abandoned
mental hospital.

[bleep] somebody found
a fetus in a jar,

And it was, like, black.

It was, like, a baby thing.

- Yeah.
- Mm, horrible.

But anyway, this place,
probably equally as horrible

As where you've been.

There was a terrible murder
that occurred in the '80s,

And this gentleman
who was suffering

From severe mental disabilities

Was murdered by these two,

Like, homicidal lunatics
in this one room.

They essentially tortured
and then killed him.

We use this device
called a rem pod,

And a rem pod emits, like,
an electromagnetic field,

That if something that has
an electromagnetic signature

Interferes with, it'll beep.

And we essentially
had a conversation

With whoever was in there, so...

A beep for "yes"
and beep-beep for "no"?

It would just say nothing for
no, but it would beep for yes.



Ready? - Okay.

This is dean metheny's room.

Michelle, the medium,
who's telling us,

"hey, you might get a response
if you bring some toys,"

'cause he was described
as being very child-like,

And so we brought some toys.

And you see right there?

There's the rem pod that we used
to ask the spirit questions.


Dean, is that you?

[ device beeps ]

Do you know the people
who killed you?

[ device beeps ]

Do you get to move throughout
this whole building?

[ device beeps ]

It's a fun toy, isn't it?

[ device beeps ]

Do you like us being here, dean,

Having somebody to talk to
and play with?

[ device beeps ]

This is the craziest thing
I've ever seen... Hands down.


- That's very scary.
- And that continued...

We were there 45 minutes.

We had a producer
at the time, he...

Actually watching it
actually brought him to tears.

'cause he wasn't really
much of a believer,

And when he saw that happening,
he was like...

He got really emotional by it.

It was wild.

100%. I would... I...
- On pearl's life?

Swear on pearl's life
all day long.

Like, that was...
And I even came out,

And I asked everyone,
"did you have a radio on?

Was that you?
Did you guys rig this somehow?"

Like, there's no way.

That's very odd.

What would you rate that?
Woogie boogie scale?

Sharon: 5.

- 5?
- Yes.

On the scale,
9 out of 10, that is.

[ applause ]

How did it feel in that place?

It was freezing, freezing cold.

- Did you leave the toys?
- Yeah.

Have they... anybody...
Ever used dogs

When you go into
places like that...
-A lot of people...

...And so to see
the reaction of the dog?

A lot of people will bring dogs
on investigations.

We just kind of don't
because the places we go to

Are kind of, you know,
run down and dangerous.

There's chances
dogs can get hurt.

I was gonna bring ruby on
a couple of the investigations,

But it's just too difficult.

But some people do.
That's, like, their thing.

They have, like,
their dogs with them.

- To see the reaction, yeah.
- Yeah.

But I've never been anywhere
with a dog

Where the dog, like,
clued in on something.

What would you have done
if we were there?

Like, say we go on a ghost
investigation and that happens.

I wouldn't have
believed it at first.

I swear to you
that was 100% real.

Did you say...
Sorry, I missed this.

Now, let me ask you a question.

How did you feel
when it was going down?

It was re...
It was kind of emotional.

So the guy that killed him,
we found some of his artwork

At the facility,

And we brought the artwork in.

The conversation stopped.

He didn't respond,
didn't say anything

Until we took it
out of the room.

Then it started beeping again
when we would ask questions.

What was the artwork like?

It was creepy.

It was a mask.
It was like a face mask.

Do you know... I was watching
a thing about john wayne gacy.

He was an artist.

[ speaks indistinctly ]
he was artist.

All these [bleep]-up people
were great artists.

Yeah. Hitler...
He was an artist.

He was [bleep]
that's why he was pissed off.


Okay, so quick recap.

Do you guys feel like
you've become more open
to the unknown now?


Are you more or less afraid of,
say, bigfoot now?

I don't believe in bigfoot.


You mean.

I'm not...
I was never afraid of him.

Okay. What about ghosts?
Are you more or less afraid

Or no different?

I've never really
experienced a ghost,

But I suppose if
I saw something,
I would be a bit scared.

Sure I would.

Aliens and ufos?

- Skeptical.
- Skeptical?

Mm, "ish." [ ding! ]

Ozzy: I mean, there has to be
other [bleep] things out there.

Has to be.

Whether it's got two arms,
two legs, a body and a head,

It could be [bleep] something
that we can't see with our eyes.

It could be a slug, it could be
an ant, it could be any...

Could be a prawn.

- Prawn. Prawn.
- [bleep]

Those [bleep] prawn.


Well, it looks like I've moved
the ball a little bit,

But I've still got
some work cut out.

A little bit? You...
I think a lot.

I'm more of a believer now
than I ever was.

Well, I think
mission accomplished, then.

You know what this is like?
You know how, like,

In soviet russia,
when someone didn't believe,

They sent them to, like,
a reeducation camp?

Some of these things you've
shown me, I've gone, "eh."

This is a reeducation camp.

But other things I've see,
I'll go, "[bleep]"

No, I mean,
the poltergeist thing
is [bleep] weird, that is.

Look, we've seen some very
convincing film. We have.

Alright, well,
on that note, bye.

Thanks for tuning in. - Bye.

It's been great.
- Bye-bye, bye-bye.

Hope you enjoyed the show, guys.

[ ozzy laughs maniacally ]


Let's [bleep] get on with it.

[ laughs maniacally ]

Do you want to come
and do a ghost hunt?

As long as bella can come.

Eh, she's, like, old as dirt.

Did you ever see the toast?

♪ All aboard
the osbourne crazy train ♪

Do you guys believe in vampires?

Yep. Your mom.

Just behave.

Seeing is believing.

[ chuckles ]

Fangs for the memory.