The Originals (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 3 - Haunter of Ruins - full transcript
After five long years apart, Klaus attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Hope. Elijah mediates a conflict between Hayley and Freya to determine the best way to protect the family.
- Previously on The Originals...
- Maxine.
It's Adam... he never came home.
I've looked everywhere.
- I had a bad dream.
- It's all right.
You're safe.
Why are you doing this to me?
Your grandma's
maiden name was Malraux.
You're the last of your pack,
that makes you special.
You got my venom. When do I get to go?
I barely had enough
to make the antivenom.
If any of my family are ever
bitten again, we'll need more.
Marcel, yeah, this city is in danger.
And it might just be all my fault.
I can sense Klaus is
still in New Orleans.
We free Niklaus today.
This spell is strong. I'll
need someone to channel.
Whatever happens, don't
stop until Niklaus is free.
You're ready to see your little girl?
- Want me to wake her for you?
- No.
Let's let her sleep.
What's the holdup?
All right, we rescued Nik,
we escaped mortal danger...
Why are we not on a
private jet to Saint-Tropez?
You can catch up on the last five years
when we're on our way... I assure you
you haven't missed much.
Circumstances have changed.
We will leave here soon enough.
We have our niece to consider.
Kol has a point.
We need to put an ocean between us
and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible.
We're not going anywhere today.
I want one day of peace with my daughter
before we uproot her.
- Any delay is a risk.
- One day.
We're in the middle of
nowhere, the house is cloaked,
we weren't followed, and I'm not asking!
Everybody, look who's awake.
Mom, can I go play in the garden?
Irascitur detruire.
Eva, come on, where you been?
- I was worried.
- I picked up
your favorite jambalaya for dinner.
I have news.
You was in the Quarter?
Come on, Eva, that's...
that's Marcel Gerard's territory.
And you know that's not
safe for witches there.
The death toll is growing by the day.
It isn't safe anywhere.
Even the Tremé is
crawling with vampires.
Why don't we leave?
We could go anywhere.
There's a whole world out there
with no Marcel to worry about.
Eva, baby, I... I can't keep having
this conversation with you.
All right?
This is my home.
This is bigger than
the two of us, Vince.
I was in the Quarter
to see Sophie Deveraux.
She has a gift, you know?
She knows when a woman is pregnant.
I'm gonna be a daddy?
You're going to be a great dad.
But not here.
Look, baby, wherever we go,
our baby's gonna be a
part of my bloodline.
And it won't be at peace if it's
not connected to its heritage.
A heritage that could get us all killed
- just for being who we are?
- No. See, because when
I was growing up, this place
was a paradise for witches.
This was the best place in the
world to be if you were a kid
and you had a little bit
of magic in your bones.
That's the New Orleans
I remember, and that's...
the New Orleans I want
to raise our kid in.
Give me six months, Eva.
Baby, give me six
months, and I promise you
I will find a way to
make sure Marcel Gerard
never sets foot in the Tremé.
Let me do that. Please.
Let me do that for you.
Baby, let me do that for my kid.
I got your message about the missing boy.
My guys are out searching.
Now, I'm gonna need
you to shed some light.
How does one missing witch mean
the whole city's in danger?
You remember my wife Eva, right?
Eva, yeah,
the child-stealing psycho.
Yeah, she wasn't always
like that, Marcel.
What you saw was a shell.
She was everything, man.
She was smart, she was beautiful.
She was just full of love and light.
And then something evil
got inside of her, and it
twisted her up.
And it left nothing but darkness.
And now I think that that same
darkness has come back again.
Eva was trying to
sacrifice nine children.
Now, do you really think
that somebody is...?
Man, Adam Folsom was only the first.
Whoever is doing this...
they're gonna want more.
What terrible things did you tell her?
I told her that you're a hybrid, like me.
I also told her that you're very old.
Other than that, she's seven...
We can wait to share the gory details.
Well, someone must have disparaged me.
- Perhaps that crone, Mary...
- Stop.
I've spent
five years protecting
her from everything,
including all the horror stories
floating around about you.
She doesn't know your
history. What she does know
is that you protect your family,
no matter what.
And yet she fears me.
She's a sensitive kid.
And you're not exactly calm right now.
You were her fairy tale prince, Klaus.
And now you're real.
You have a lot to live up to.
Now that our brother
has found his noble purpose,
what about you?
Let's give him the
day with his daughter.
Tomorrow we seek sanctuary elsewhere.
That's not what I meant, is it?
You're no longer tethered to him.
You must have thought about it. So...
what will you do with your immortality,
now you're not burdened
with saving Nik's soul?
I don't know.
And what of you?
Do you still desire
a family of your own?
Well, true love continues to elude me.
Though certainly there's
an app for that now.
I am sorry. I know the
way you felt about Marcel.
We have the opportunity
for a fresh start.
Perhaps we should both
use this one quiet day
to decide what we want
our new beginning to be.
I'm sorry. I know it hurts.
Yeah, but you're just trying
to help your family. I get it.
Looks like they're really suffering.
Did their mimosas go flat at brunch?
You're all cut up.
Why aren't you healing?
You know, I never really bought into
that whole wolf pack mentality.
I thought there was
something wrong with me.
But I'm a model citizen compared to you.
A werewolf queen that
betrays her own kind
for a bunch of vampires...
It's disgusting.
Why is her mask off? We need
- as much venom as we can get.
- She needed a break.
She'll live. If we
don't get enough venom
to make more of the cure,
my brothers won't be so fortunate.
Do what you need to do.
I can'n'breathe in here.
That's lovely.
Mom said you like to paint, too.
I do.
Very much.
Never gonna get used to that.
Thanks for coming, man.
You got some news for me?
Not the good kind.
Adam Folsom isn't our only case.
We've got three additional
reports of missing kids.
Look, Vince, maybe this
isn't your kind of case.
Let me conduct my investigation.
I'll let you know if
anything supernatural happens.
I need for you to stay
out of this one, okay?
I need you to make sure the
cops stay out of this one...
I'm not gonna leave you alone
to deal with four missing kids.
I'm not gonna be alone... I
got Marcel and his vampires.
- I still don't trust Marcel.
- I don't...
Yeah, well, that's just too bad.
Because I'm the only guy
here getting anything done.
One of my guys spotted some lights
at the old Strix mansion.
Now, the place has been
boarded up for years.
All of a sudden, lock is
busted off the front gate.
- I should call this in.
- Will,
man, I'm trying to protect you.
These kidnappings are
gonna hit the press, Vince.
My guess, you have till
the end of the day, at best.
Let's go to work.
Hey, hold up.
Weren't you just soaking this thing
in lighter fluid this morning?
Marcel, do me a favor.
I want you to keep that
book far away from me.
If I even try to come for
it, I want you to kill me.
Oh, here you are.
Wherever there are booze and boobs.
Yeah, I came in here to
have a quiet bite alone,
- thank you very much.
- Well, go and be alone somewhere else,
because I have some thinking
to do, and I would like to do it
near the expensive wine.
After five years of being
trapped in a house together,
here we are... trapped
in a house together.
Well, at least this one
doesn't have imaginary blood.
It's not normal.
Living in each other's
pockets for a thousand years.
Paranoia, betrayal,
violence, repeat.
Well, we're undead, so if
it's normal you're after,
I don't fancy your chances.
And why the sudden
melancholy? Did you expect
to break out of the Chambre de Chasse
and into a family cured of dysfunction?
When we were in there,
it felt like the world had stopped.
But it didn't.
It kept turning. Without Davina.
You know, she would have been 23 today.
And I wonder what she would
have done with the time.
She would have made the
world a better place.
we're here, breathing.
And what are we doing?
Paranoia, betrayal,
violence, repeat.
This isn't a punishment.
It's a necessary evil.
Most people who do evil convince
themselves it's necessary.
It's for your wounds.
You're a wolf.
Why aren't you healing?
I dated an orthopedic surgeon.
One morning, I'm trying
to impress her on a hike
and I take a spill.
Broke my ankle, double
compound fracture.
And she was all about helping
me rehabehntil the next day,
she saw that I was good as new.
She freaked.
Being a medical anomaly can suck.
So you had a witch do a spell
to slow your healing process?
No. I swiped a badge,
accessed the path lab.
Used my tissue sample
to analyze the chemotaxis
of my body's enzymes...
Look, even a monster is
still a biological organism.
Exposed to the right chemicals,
it can be weakened or strengthened,
so I devised a treatment
to help suppress my werewolf traits.
It wasn't magic, it was medicine.
Now, I know you've seen a
lot of crazy over the years...
but I've never seen you scared.
All right, you gonna tell me
what we're up against here?
The past.
Your past, my past.
Eight years ago, you
were running this city
with an iron fist.
Well, you had a lot of witches
terrified at every single turn.
I was protecting Davina...
Yeah, well, I had
something to protect, too.
And I wanted to take you down, Marcel.
For my wife.
For my unborn kid.
I start looking for forms of magic
that you can't defend against.
Can't find anything.
And then, one night,
I walk into my house
and I find tnotebook
just sittingn my table.
It's an instruction manual.
Sacrificial magic, but it's not like
anything I've ever
seen practiced anywhere.
It made me feel invincible.
It's not like you're the
first New Orleans witch
to make a sacrifice to his ancestors.
This is not to the ancestors,
Marcel, this is something
different. This is something
older than the ancestors.
And the book never gave it a name.
Okay, so who gave you the book?
- A witch must have planted it or...
- That's the thing, Marcel...
The book's written in my handwriting.
And I don't remember writing it.
Let me guess.
You want the world to disappear.
Not the whole world.
You can stay.
Hope, too.
Klaus can visit on
the weekends, I guess.
I betrayed a lot of people over
the last five years, Elijah.
Killed people just to cover
my tracks, keep Hope safe.
I was ruthless.
You were a Mikaelson.
You did what you had to do.
The truth is, I'd...
do it all again.
I told myself a hundred times
that it was all for Hope, but
maybe I did it for selfish reasons, too.
When I wasn't with my daughter,
all I thought about was you.
I should be happy right now,
but there's one of my kind in a barn,
miserable and scared,
and she doesn't deserve to be there.
Release her.
If Marcel finds you...
You can't do this forever.
Your life is more than the salvation
of the Mikaelson
family. Now, trust me...'ll lose yourself.
I painted on animal skins, mostly.
Bark, cave walls...
You lived in a cave?
I lived in a hovel,
all of us crowded into two rooms.
It was actually nicer than it sounds.
Though your Uncle Kol snored.
Loudly, I might add.
I bet it was cool, always having
other kids to play with.
It was cool, actually.
But I still felt alone.
Different from my siblings.
For one thing, I loved art.
I used to make my own paints
from flowers and berries.
These orange ones are the most vibrant.
I like orange.
Oh, there's a butterfly.
I think it's stuck.
Yeah, it has a broken wing.
Shh. Don't tell my mom.
You're free to go.
A few parting words.
As long as you're alive,
you will be hunted.
You can't go back to your old
life. You need to disappear.
Someone's coming. Go now.
Where is she?
- I had to, Freya.
- Had to what...
Sentence my family to death?
Yeah, I'm going after her.
I don't think so.
I can do much worse.
- Stay out of my way.
- Freya, stop.
We have enough venom to make the cure.
We don't need an endless supply.
Let's just hit the road, avoid Marcel...
Marcel could be handing out
vials of his venom to anyone.
We can't avoid a threat
that could be everywhere.
Keelin shouldn't suffer for that.
Oh, now, suddenly you're the
arbiter of right and wrong?
I've done plenty wrong
in my life, Freya.
But things are different now.
I have a sweet little
girl who's going around
healing injured
fireflies with her magic.
If we're keeping someone
captive in our barn,
she's gonna have questions...
Then tell her that
the world's a bad place
and that sometimes we have
to do bad things to survive.
She'll be safer if
she learns that early.
It's not her job to keep herself safe.
It's mine. It's ours.
And that includes
protecting her innocence.
She's a Mikaelson... she can
live without her innocence.
She can't live without her family.
She's a Mikaelson, and you're...
Before you say something you'll regret.
Thank you, brother.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a wolf to hunt.
You will let her go.
I didn't know you back then.
- When you were with Eva.
- No.
Well, I sure as hell knew you.
Mm. I guess war wounds never heal.
It wasn't a war, Marcel.
No, it wasn't a war, it was a slaughter.
You see, witches that didn't your rules,
- they got slaughtered.
- Yeah, you blame me
- for what happened. For losing her.
- What happened to Eva
was because of me, it
wasn't because of you.
Every day I try to forget that.
Every day I lose.
You never came to bed.
I'm just trying to
figure this... o-out.
I've been sacrificing goats and snakes,
but it doesn't seem to be enough.
It's like it needs something more.
You need sleep, Vince.
Eva, this is for us.
All right? Imagine this.
Enough power that we ain't got to worry
about raising a kid in fear
of Marcel Gerard.
Have a kid that is learning magic
because of all the right
reasons, for the joy of it
and because it fulfills
the soul, instead of because
it needs to protect itself.
Then show me.
No, Eva. This is too powerful.
Oh, really?
I hope you're not
questioning my magical skill.
We're a team, right?
I imagine a true sacrifice
must be something truly loved.
Donez moi...
Donez moi...
Apporte moi...
Apporte moi...
Donez moi fortitudo.
Apporte moi potestatem.
Donez moi fortitudo.
Apporte moi potestatem.
Something truly loved.
That's why she started sacrificing kids.
Eva was committed to that power.
And she was willing to go
further with it than I was.
And that scared me.
We both agreed to stop.
And then one day...
babies started going
missing from their beds.
Mom says when I get bigger,
Freya will teach me real spells.
I think you're doing
rather well all by yourself.
I can't always control it so well.
It scares me sometimes.
You, luv,
are the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.
You're going to be the greatest
witch the world has ever seen.
And nothing will scare you.
I know what you are, you know.
The strongest in the world.
Strong enough to keep all
of the bad things away.
What bad things?
Just bad guys. Monsters.
People who are mean,
selfish, and angry.
Nothing is going to harm my little girl.
Nothing will even get close.
You're all that matters to me.
You're trembling.
Are you cold?
Yeah. I've been cold a while now.
Well, let's get you inside then, eh?
You can show me your drawings.
My daughter is an art prodigy.
Well, she's far better
than you ever were.
Granted, the bar is very low.
True art is lost on the feeble-minded.
Kol wanted me to say good-bye.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
What's he chasing this time?
Does it matter?
He'll return.
He always was a selfish git.
He died twice and
spent five years trapped
in Freya's beige dreamland.
You can forgive him a bit of wanderlust.
I don't see you packing your bags.
Nik, you do not need me anymore.
I know that I'm your favorite
sibling, and of course
I adore you.
But there's space in my
heart for something more.
I want love.
I want a family of my own.
And wouldn't it be nice if we could part
on happy terms for once?
No daggers, no exile.
Just... so long for now.
I'll see you again soon.
You were the only one
who never treated me like a misfit.
For centuries, my only
place was by your side.
And now I belong beside my daughter.
And I suppose you deserve to find
your place in the world as well.
Thank you.
Was she asleep?
With her muddy shoes on.
Who else do I know that does that?
Expecting company?
Yeah. She should be here any second.
I think you're gonna like her.
You okay?
Rebekah asked me something,
who I might be if Niklaus
no longer needed me.
Did I have any desires of my own?
And I thought about it.
There was a time, long ago,
I do recall, I wanted more.
Somehow I have...
I lost the feelings
- beneath blood and chaos.
- Hey.
You can't let the bad things
that you did in your past
define you.
I know you.
You are good.
No, you are good.
I was wrong when I said
that you were a Mikaelson.
You're not a Mikaelson.
You don't have a Mikaelson heart.
There's just too muchmuood in you.
It's why I love you.
I love you, too.
Please, please, please.
Come on.
I told you I can't let you go.
So you have a choice.
Come back with me,
or I will make this hurt.
Get away from them!
I know you.
Vincent Griffith.
How do you know my name?
Because you have been me.
It is happy you're here.
It wants you here.
It wants me here?
What are you talking about?
It is that thing,
the thing that resides within this city.
Within all of us.
It is in you.
Loving you.
As it loved your wife.
Casser les os.
Casser les os.
With which eye
would you most prefer to view your end?
Let it be done.
I think something's wrong.
Let him go.
Let him go right now.
Did you think you were unique, Vincent?
That it had chosen only you?
I had a dream...
about a bad man.
He was hurting these kids
and I think he hurt me, too.
Don't you see?
You freed it, Vincent.
You gave it breath.
And now it must be fed.
I feel dizzy.
And my head hurts. Hayley!
Oh, Marcel, the spell
is already in motion.
It's draining the
life out of these kids.
They're freezing.
Mom, I'm so cold.
Vincent, what the hell is this?
That witch, he used their personal items
to bind them to the spell.
I know this magic, I-I can reverse it.
Nettoyer timoun sa yo,
nettoyer timoun sa yo.
- Vincent?
- Oh.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, you're okay.
Can you stand for me?
There you go.
Marcel, we've got five totems
and we got four kids.
Okay, so who's the other kid?
Nice car.
Hey, do you mind if I borrow it?
I knew you'd like this car.
You're so predictable.
What are you doing?
Well, I'm due an adventure,
and Saint-Tropez is
as good a place as any.
Besides, someone's got to
keep you out of trouble.
Paramedics took the kids to the hospital
to get checked out.
NOLA PD will notify the parents.
Looks like you're a hero.
Adam could have died.
All those kids could have died,
and I'm gonna tell you something,
if Hope Mikaelson is
linked to that spell,
she's gonna die.
We've got to get her back here.
We got to cast a cleansing
spell on New Orleans soil.
I just got rid of them.
Well, bring them back, Marcel.
She's a kid, all right?
And she's practically your sister.
She's never been sick, ever.
This is a magical affliction.
It feels...
I don't know, it's hard to explain.
Almost... cold.
It's from Vincent Griffith.
He knows what's wrong
with Hope, he can cure her.
But we have to go back to New Orleans.
It's done. All right, fine.
You meet them.
You help them. Be discreet.
All right, I don't want anyone to know
that I let them come back here.
Why Hope?
Huh? Why choose a kid that's
probably 1,000 miles away?
'Cause she's a special witch;
she's from a special bloodline.
She's powerful.
She was born here in the Quarter.
I mean, a sacrifice like that
is something that's gonna be rewarded.
All right. Don't let
anything happen to her.
Hey. You said you got into this
for the sake of your unborn child.
What happened?
Well, when I found out
that Eva was responsible
for taking those kids,
I knew that I had to
do something about it.
But she was too far gone
to answer any questions,
so I got some healers and
we tried to cleanse her.
I mean, I used every single
drop of power that I had.
But she wasn't possessed by any demons.
She had become a demon.
So I don't know, I don't know
what happened to our baby.
I don't know if it
was the sacrificial magic.
I don't know if it was
my attempts to save her.
Doesn't even matter.
Either way, it's my fault.
I know what you're thinking.
I'm the wicked witch in your story.
But if I could track you down,
that means plenty of
other people could, too.
The only difference is,
they all want you dead.
My family needs you alive,
- be grateful for that.
- Oh, you want a thank you?
Come closer, I'd love
to show you my gratitude.
My siblings are headed
back to New Orleans,
putting themselves at
risk to protect my niece.
We need a cure now more
than ever, unless...
Unless we destroy the disease.
What are you talking about?
Oh, y-you want to be free, right?
Perhaps you can help
me to set us all free.
You said so yourself, a monster
is just a biological organism.
If you found a way to weaken yourself,
maybe you can help me
to weaken someone else.
My magic, your medicine.
You offering me a deal?
You can have your life back.
But first
you and I are gonna find a
way to kill Marcel Gerard.
You don't need to come.
You spent half a decade
as Marcel's prisoner,
now let me take Hope.
Hayley is distraught,
stay and comfort her.
If this is indeed a trap,
if Marcel is intent on killing us...
your daughter needs a father.
We're all going.
She needs me, I need both of you.
We're family, we stick together.
What lives in me lives in you.
Bitter hunger
clawing at your insides.
It's still there.
And you'll be the one who
gives it breath.
You got away because it let you.
Because it needs you for later.
It's still churning in
the soil of this city.
It's beating in the
hearts of your people.
It will be fed, and it will be set free.
We will all be set free.
It's okay, kids.
Everything's gonna be fine.
- Maxine.
It's Adam... he never came home.
I've looked everywhere.
- I had a bad dream.
- It's all right.
You're safe.
Why are you doing this to me?
Your grandma's
maiden name was Malraux.
You're the last of your pack,
that makes you special.
You got my venom. When do I get to go?
I barely had enough
to make the antivenom.
If any of my family are ever
bitten again, we'll need more.
Marcel, yeah, this city is in danger.
And it might just be all my fault.
I can sense Klaus is
still in New Orleans.
We free Niklaus today.
This spell is strong. I'll
need someone to channel.
Whatever happens, don't
stop until Niklaus is free.
You're ready to see your little girl?
- Want me to wake her for you?
- No.
Let's let her sleep.
What's the holdup?
All right, we rescued Nik,
we escaped mortal danger...
Why are we not on a
private jet to Saint-Tropez?
You can catch up on the last five years
when we're on our way... I assure you
you haven't missed much.
Circumstances have changed.
We will leave here soon enough.
We have our niece to consider.
Kol has a point.
We need to put an ocean between us
and Marcel Gerard as soon as possible.
We're not going anywhere today.
I want one day of peace with my daughter
before we uproot her.
- Any delay is a risk.
- One day.
We're in the middle of
nowhere, the house is cloaked,
we weren't followed, and I'm not asking!
Everybody, look who's awake.
Mom, can I go play in the garden?
Irascitur detruire.
Eva, come on, where you been?
- I was worried.
- I picked up
your favorite jambalaya for dinner.
I have news.
You was in the Quarter?
Come on, Eva, that's...
that's Marcel Gerard's territory.
And you know that's not
safe for witches there.
The death toll is growing by the day.
It isn't safe anywhere.
Even the Tremé is
crawling with vampires.
Why don't we leave?
We could go anywhere.
There's a whole world out there
with no Marcel to worry about.
Eva, baby, I... I can't keep having
this conversation with you.
All right?
This is my home.
This is bigger than
the two of us, Vince.
I was in the Quarter
to see Sophie Deveraux.
She has a gift, you know?
She knows when a woman is pregnant.
I'm gonna be a daddy?
You're going to be a great dad.
But not here.
Look, baby, wherever we go,
our baby's gonna be a
part of my bloodline.
And it won't be at peace if it's
not connected to its heritage.
A heritage that could get us all killed
- just for being who we are?
- No. See, because when
I was growing up, this place
was a paradise for witches.
This was the best place in the
world to be if you were a kid
and you had a little bit
of magic in your bones.
That's the New Orleans
I remember, and that's...
the New Orleans I want
to raise our kid in.
Give me six months, Eva.
Baby, give me six
months, and I promise you
I will find a way to
make sure Marcel Gerard
never sets foot in the Tremé.
Let me do that. Please.
Let me do that for you.
Baby, let me do that for my kid.
I got your message about the missing boy.
My guys are out searching.
Now, I'm gonna need
you to shed some light.
How does one missing witch mean
the whole city's in danger?
You remember my wife Eva, right?
Eva, yeah,
the child-stealing psycho.
Yeah, she wasn't always
like that, Marcel.
What you saw was a shell.
She was everything, man.
She was smart, she was beautiful.
She was just full of love and light.
And then something evil
got inside of her, and it
twisted her up.
And it left nothing but darkness.
And now I think that that same
darkness has come back again.
Eva was trying to
sacrifice nine children.
Now, do you really think
that somebody is...?
Man, Adam Folsom was only the first.
Whoever is doing this...
they're gonna want more.
What terrible things did you tell her?
I told her that you're a hybrid, like me.
I also told her that you're very old.
Other than that, she's seven...
We can wait to share the gory details.
Well, someone must have disparaged me.
- Perhaps that crone, Mary...
- Stop.
I've spent
five years protecting
her from everything,
including all the horror stories
floating around about you.
She doesn't know your
history. What she does know
is that you protect your family,
no matter what.
And yet she fears me.
She's a sensitive kid.
And you're not exactly calm right now.
You were her fairy tale prince, Klaus.
And now you're real.
You have a lot to live up to.
Now that our brother
has found his noble purpose,
what about you?
Let's give him the
day with his daughter.
Tomorrow we seek sanctuary elsewhere.
That's not what I meant, is it?
You're no longer tethered to him.
You must have thought about it. So...
what will you do with your immortality,
now you're not burdened
with saving Nik's soul?
I don't know.
And what of you?
Do you still desire
a family of your own?
Well, true love continues to elude me.
Though certainly there's
an app for that now.
I am sorry. I know the
way you felt about Marcel.
We have the opportunity
for a fresh start.
Perhaps we should both
use this one quiet day
to decide what we want
our new beginning to be.
I'm sorry. I know it hurts.
Yeah, but you're just trying
to help your family. I get it.
Looks like they're really suffering.
Did their mimosas go flat at brunch?
You're all cut up.
Why aren't you healing?
You know, I never really bought into
that whole wolf pack mentality.
I thought there was
something wrong with me.
But I'm a model citizen compared to you.
A werewolf queen that
betrays her own kind
for a bunch of vampires...
It's disgusting.
Why is her mask off? We need
- as much venom as we can get.
- She needed a break.
She'll live. If we
don't get enough venom
to make more of the cure,
my brothers won't be so fortunate.
Do what you need to do.
I can'n'breathe in here.
That's lovely.
Mom said you like to paint, too.
I do.
Very much.
Never gonna get used to that.
Thanks for coming, man.
You got some news for me?
Not the good kind.
Adam Folsom isn't our only case.
We've got three additional
reports of missing kids.
Look, Vince, maybe this
isn't your kind of case.
Let me conduct my investigation.
I'll let you know if
anything supernatural happens.
I need for you to stay
out of this one, okay?
I need you to make sure the
cops stay out of this one...
I'm not gonna leave you alone
to deal with four missing kids.
I'm not gonna be alone... I
got Marcel and his vampires.
- I still don't trust Marcel.
- I don't...
Yeah, well, that's just too bad.
Because I'm the only guy
here getting anything done.
One of my guys spotted some lights
at the old Strix mansion.
Now, the place has been
boarded up for years.
All of a sudden, lock is
busted off the front gate.
- I should call this in.
- Will,
man, I'm trying to protect you.
These kidnappings are
gonna hit the press, Vince.
My guess, you have till
the end of the day, at best.
Let's go to work.
Hey, hold up.
Weren't you just soaking this thing
in lighter fluid this morning?
Marcel, do me a favor.
I want you to keep that
book far away from me.
If I even try to come for
it, I want you to kill me.
Oh, here you are.
Wherever there are booze and boobs.
Yeah, I came in here to
have a quiet bite alone,
- thank you very much.
- Well, go and be alone somewhere else,
because I have some thinking
to do, and I would like to do it
near the expensive wine.
After five years of being
trapped in a house together,
here we are... trapped
in a house together.
Well, at least this one
doesn't have imaginary blood.
It's not normal.
Living in each other's
pockets for a thousand years.
Paranoia, betrayal,
violence, repeat.
Well, we're undead, so if
it's normal you're after,
I don't fancy your chances.
And why the sudden
melancholy? Did you expect
to break out of the Chambre de Chasse
and into a family cured of dysfunction?
When we were in there,
it felt like the world had stopped.
But it didn't.
It kept turning. Without Davina.
You know, she would have been 23 today.
And I wonder what she would
have done with the time.
She would have made the
world a better place.
we're here, breathing.
And what are we doing?
Paranoia, betrayal,
violence, repeat.
This isn't a punishment.
It's a necessary evil.
Most people who do evil convince
themselves it's necessary.
It's for your wounds.
You're a wolf.
Why aren't you healing?
I dated an orthopedic surgeon.
One morning, I'm trying
to impress her on a hike
and I take a spill.
Broke my ankle, double
compound fracture.
And she was all about helping
me rehabehntil the next day,
she saw that I was good as new.
She freaked.
Being a medical anomaly can suck.
So you had a witch do a spell
to slow your healing process?
No. I swiped a badge,
accessed the path lab.
Used my tissue sample
to analyze the chemotaxis
of my body's enzymes...
Look, even a monster is
still a biological organism.
Exposed to the right chemicals,
it can be weakened or strengthened,
so I devised a treatment
to help suppress my werewolf traits.
It wasn't magic, it was medicine.
Now, I know you've seen a
lot of crazy over the years...
but I've never seen you scared.
All right, you gonna tell me
what we're up against here?
The past.
Your past, my past.
Eight years ago, you
were running this city
with an iron fist.
Well, you had a lot of witches
terrified at every single turn.
I was protecting Davina...
Yeah, well, I had
something to protect, too.
And I wanted to take you down, Marcel.
For my wife.
For my unborn kid.
I start looking for forms of magic
that you can't defend against.
Can't find anything.
And then, one night,
I walk into my house
and I find tnotebook
just sittingn my table.
It's an instruction manual.
Sacrificial magic, but it's not like
anything I've ever
seen practiced anywhere.
It made me feel invincible.
It's not like you're the
first New Orleans witch
to make a sacrifice to his ancestors.
This is not to the ancestors,
Marcel, this is something
different. This is something
older than the ancestors.
And the book never gave it a name.
Okay, so who gave you the book?
- A witch must have planted it or...
- That's the thing, Marcel...
The book's written in my handwriting.
And I don't remember writing it.
Let me guess.
You want the world to disappear.
Not the whole world.
You can stay.
Hope, too.
Klaus can visit on
the weekends, I guess.
I betrayed a lot of people over
the last five years, Elijah.
Killed people just to cover
my tracks, keep Hope safe.
I was ruthless.
You were a Mikaelson.
You did what you had to do.
The truth is, I'd...
do it all again.
I told myself a hundred times
that it was all for Hope, but
maybe I did it for selfish reasons, too.
When I wasn't with my daughter,
all I thought about was you.
I should be happy right now,
but there's one of my kind in a barn,
miserable and scared,
and she doesn't deserve to be there.
Release her.
If Marcel finds you...
You can't do this forever.
Your life is more than the salvation
of the Mikaelson
family. Now, trust me...'ll lose yourself.
I painted on animal skins, mostly.
Bark, cave walls...
You lived in a cave?
I lived in a hovel,
all of us crowded into two rooms.
It was actually nicer than it sounds.
Though your Uncle Kol snored.
Loudly, I might add.
I bet it was cool, always having
other kids to play with.
It was cool, actually.
But I still felt alone.
Different from my siblings.
For one thing, I loved art.
I used to make my own paints
from flowers and berries.
These orange ones are the most vibrant.
I like orange.
Oh, there's a butterfly.
I think it's stuck.
Yeah, it has a broken wing.
Shh. Don't tell my mom.
You're free to go.
A few parting words.
As long as you're alive,
you will be hunted.
You can't go back to your old
life. You need to disappear.
Someone's coming. Go now.
Where is she?
- I had to, Freya.
- Had to what...
Sentence my family to death?
Yeah, I'm going after her.
I don't think so.
I can do much worse.
- Stay out of my way.
- Freya, stop.
We have enough venom to make the cure.
We don't need an endless supply.
Let's just hit the road, avoid Marcel...
Marcel could be handing out
vials of his venom to anyone.
We can't avoid a threat
that could be everywhere.
Keelin shouldn't suffer for that.
Oh, now, suddenly you're the
arbiter of right and wrong?
I've done plenty wrong
in my life, Freya.
But things are different now.
I have a sweet little
girl who's going around
healing injured
fireflies with her magic.
If we're keeping someone
captive in our barn,
she's gonna have questions...
Then tell her that
the world's a bad place
and that sometimes we have
to do bad things to survive.
She'll be safer if
she learns that early.
It's not her job to keep herself safe.
It's mine. It's ours.
And that includes
protecting her innocence.
She's a Mikaelson... she can
live without her innocence.
She can't live without her family.
She's a Mikaelson, and you're...
Before you say something you'll regret.
Thank you, brother.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a wolf to hunt.
You will let her go.
I didn't know you back then.
- When you were with Eva.
- No.
Well, I sure as hell knew you.
Mm. I guess war wounds never heal.
It wasn't a war, Marcel.
No, it wasn't a war, it was a slaughter.
You see, witches that didn't your rules,
- they got slaughtered.
- Yeah, you blame me
- for what happened. For losing her.
- What happened to Eva
was because of me, it
wasn't because of you.
Every day I try to forget that.
Every day I lose.
You never came to bed.
I'm just trying to
figure this... o-out.
I've been sacrificing goats and snakes,
but it doesn't seem to be enough.
It's like it needs something more.
You need sleep, Vince.
Eva, this is for us.
All right? Imagine this.
Enough power that we ain't got to worry
about raising a kid in fear
of Marcel Gerard.
Have a kid that is learning magic
because of all the right
reasons, for the joy of it
and because it fulfills
the soul, instead of because
it needs to protect itself.
Then show me.
No, Eva. This is too powerful.
Oh, really?
I hope you're not
questioning my magical skill.
We're a team, right?
I imagine a true sacrifice
must be something truly loved.
Donez moi...
Donez moi...
Apporte moi...
Apporte moi...
Donez moi fortitudo.
Apporte moi potestatem.
Donez moi fortitudo.
Apporte moi potestatem.
Something truly loved.
That's why she started sacrificing kids.
Eva was committed to that power.
And she was willing to go
further with it than I was.
And that scared me.
We both agreed to stop.
And then one day...
babies started going
missing from their beds.
Mom says when I get bigger,
Freya will teach me real spells.
I think you're doing
rather well all by yourself.
I can't always control it so well.
It scares me sometimes.
You, luv,
are the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.
You're going to be the greatest
witch the world has ever seen.
And nothing will scare you.
I know what you are, you know.
The strongest in the world.
Strong enough to keep all
of the bad things away.
What bad things?
Just bad guys. Monsters.
People who are mean,
selfish, and angry.
Nothing is going to harm my little girl.
Nothing will even get close.
You're all that matters to me.
You're trembling.
Are you cold?
Yeah. I've been cold a while now.
Well, let's get you inside then, eh?
You can show me your drawings.
My daughter is an art prodigy.
Well, she's far better
than you ever were.
Granted, the bar is very low.
True art is lost on the feeble-minded.
Kol wanted me to say good-bye.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
What's he chasing this time?
Does it matter?
He'll return.
He always was a selfish git.
He died twice and
spent five years trapped
in Freya's beige dreamland.
You can forgive him a bit of wanderlust.
I don't see you packing your bags.
Nik, you do not need me anymore.
I know that I'm your favorite
sibling, and of course
I adore you.
But there's space in my
heart for something more.
I want love.
I want a family of my own.
And wouldn't it be nice if we could part
on happy terms for once?
No daggers, no exile.
Just... so long for now.
I'll see you again soon.
You were the only one
who never treated me like a misfit.
For centuries, my only
place was by your side.
And now I belong beside my daughter.
And I suppose you deserve to find
your place in the world as well.
Thank you.
Was she asleep?
With her muddy shoes on.
Who else do I know that does that?
Expecting company?
Yeah. She should be here any second.
I think you're gonna like her.
You okay?
Rebekah asked me something,
who I might be if Niklaus
no longer needed me.
Did I have any desires of my own?
And I thought about it.
There was a time, long ago,
I do recall, I wanted more.
Somehow I have...
I lost the feelings
- beneath blood and chaos.
- Hey.
You can't let the bad things
that you did in your past
define you.
I know you.
You are good.
No, you are good.
I was wrong when I said
that you were a Mikaelson.
You're not a Mikaelson.
You don't have a Mikaelson heart.
There's just too muchmuood in you.
It's why I love you.
I love you, too.
Please, please, please.
Come on.
I told you I can't let you go.
So you have a choice.
Come back with me,
or I will make this hurt.
Get away from them!
I know you.
Vincent Griffith.
How do you know my name?
Because you have been me.
It is happy you're here.
It wants you here.
It wants me here?
What are you talking about?
It is that thing,
the thing that resides within this city.
Within all of us.
It is in you.
Loving you.
As it loved your wife.
Casser les os.
Casser les os.
With which eye
would you most prefer to view your end?
Let it be done.
I think something's wrong.
Let him go.
Let him go right now.
Did you think you were unique, Vincent?
That it had chosen only you?
I had a dream...
about a bad man.
He was hurting these kids
and I think he hurt me, too.
Don't you see?
You freed it, Vincent.
You gave it breath.
And now it must be fed.
I feel dizzy.
And my head hurts. Hayley!
Oh, Marcel, the spell
is already in motion.
It's draining the
life out of these kids.
They're freezing.
Mom, I'm so cold.
Vincent, what the hell is this?
That witch, he used their personal items
to bind them to the spell.
I know this magic, I-I can reverse it.
Nettoyer timoun sa yo,
nettoyer timoun sa yo.
- Vincent?
- Oh.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, you're okay.
Can you stand for me?
There you go.
Marcel, we've got five totems
and we got four kids.
Okay, so who's the other kid?
Nice car.
Hey, do you mind if I borrow it?
I knew you'd like this car.
You're so predictable.
What are you doing?
Well, I'm due an adventure,
and Saint-Tropez is
as good a place as any.
Besides, someone's got to
keep you out of trouble.
Paramedics took the kids to the hospital
to get checked out.
NOLA PD will notify the parents.
Looks like you're a hero.
Adam could have died.
All those kids could have died,
and I'm gonna tell you something,
if Hope Mikaelson is
linked to that spell,
she's gonna die.
We've got to get her back here.
We got to cast a cleansing
spell on New Orleans soil.
I just got rid of them.
Well, bring them back, Marcel.
She's a kid, all right?
And she's practically your sister.
She's never been sick, ever.
This is a magical affliction.
It feels...
I don't know, it's hard to explain.
Almost... cold.
It's from Vincent Griffith.
He knows what's wrong
with Hope, he can cure her.
But we have to go back to New Orleans.
It's done. All right, fine.
You meet them.
You help them. Be discreet.
All right, I don't want anyone to know
that I let them come back here.
Why Hope?
Huh? Why choose a kid that's
probably 1,000 miles away?
'Cause she's a special witch;
she's from a special bloodline.
She's powerful.
She was born here in the Quarter.
I mean, a sacrifice like that
is something that's gonna be rewarded.
All right. Don't let
anything happen to her.
Hey. You said you got into this
for the sake of your unborn child.
What happened?
Well, when I found out
that Eva was responsible
for taking those kids,
I knew that I had to
do something about it.
But she was too far gone
to answer any questions,
so I got some healers and
we tried to cleanse her.
I mean, I used every single
drop of power that I had.
But she wasn't possessed by any demons.
She had become a demon.
So I don't know, I don't know
what happened to our baby.
I don't know if it
was the sacrificial magic.
I don't know if it was
my attempts to save her.
Doesn't even matter.
Either way, it's my fault.
I know what you're thinking.
I'm the wicked witch in your story.
But if I could track you down,
that means plenty of
other people could, too.
The only difference is,
they all want you dead.
My family needs you alive,
- be grateful for that.
- Oh, you want a thank you?
Come closer, I'd love
to show you my gratitude.
My siblings are headed
back to New Orleans,
putting themselves at
risk to protect my niece.
We need a cure now more
than ever, unless...
Unless we destroy the disease.
What are you talking about?
Oh, y-you want to be free, right?
Perhaps you can help
me to set us all free.
You said so yourself, a monster
is just a biological organism.
If you found a way to weaken yourself,
maybe you can help me
to weaken someone else.
My magic, your medicine.
You offering me a deal?
You can have your life back.
But first
you and I are gonna find a
way to kill Marcel Gerard.
You don't need to come.
You spent half a decade
as Marcel's prisoner,
now let me take Hope.
Hayley is distraught,
stay and comfort her.
If this is indeed a trap,
if Marcel is intent on killing us...
your daughter needs a father.
We're all going.
She needs me, I need both of you.
We're family, we stick together.
What lives in me lives in you.
Bitter hunger
clawing at your insides.
It's still there.
And you'll be the one who
gives it breath.
You got away because it let you.
Because it needs you for later.
It's still churning in
the soil of this city.
It's beating in the
hearts of your people.
It will be fed, and it will be set free.
We will all be set free.
It's okay, kids.
Everything's gonna be fine.