The Originals (2013–2018): Season 1, Episode 16 - Farewell to Storyville - full transcript
Since the original vampires were stuck in the cemetery, Klaus takes any chances to punish his sister with the Original-killer stake.
Previously on "The Originals"...
This town was my home once. I want it back.
It's the only way I can show
you what you need to see.
There's only ever been one man
Klaus has truly feared...
my father, Mikael.
We'd like you to find Mikael.
Of course.
You needed to see it,
and now you can take your revenge.
Yaagh! Go.
Run as far and as fast as you can.
I'm afraid you're trapped.
Boundary spell.
The Originals can enter,
but they can't leave.
Rebekah! Cherish the breath in your lungs!
It'll be your last.
Hush now. It's just a storm.
Don't be afraid. I won't let it hurt you.
Nik, don't go.
I carved it for father.
It's a brave knight.
Now you can be brave, too.
Will you stay with me till the storm ends?
I will always stay with you, Rebekah,
no matter what.
- Walk away.
- Don't move!
Leave us now.
I can't. I'm stuck here.
Elijah, he has a white oak stick.
I brought it for you, sister.
Get out of his sight.
Your presence here only
serves to anger him.
Leave him to me now.
I'm asking you brother to brother,
we end this nonsense now.
You would side with that traitor?
I am not choosing sides,
but I will not allow you
to hurt our sister.
We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah.
How long do you think you can defend her?
As long as it takes...
by whatever means necessary.
Do whatever it takes. Just stay alive.
I promise you, I'll get you out of there.
I've never seen him like this before.
He's out of his mind with rage,
up all night howling one
obscenity-laced tirade
after the next.
He's gonna kill me.
All right. Stay as far
away from him as you can.
That's a brilliant strategy,
but, given that that dead bitch Celeste
has trapped us in here till moonrise,
my options are somewhat limited.
I'm not leaving you in there.
Davina will find a
loophole, get you out early.
Then we can all go together.
If Klaus comes after us,
we will take him on one hell of a ride.
I lived for centuries
looking over my shoulder,
ready to run at a moment's notice.
Am I to go back to that?
Worry about that later.
Right now, just buy me some time.
I promise you, I'll get you out of there.
Hey, D., how you feel?
Got you some stuff...
organic soap and scented candles,
some incense.
Just trying to help
you get back to feeling,
you know, yourself.
Word on the street is, the
witches are celebrating.
3 out of the 4 girls
sacrificed in the harvest
have come back.
First, it was your friend Monique
and then another girl, now you.
What I hear, the others are
saying that the ancestors
were with them while they were...
dead, you know,
talking to them, teaching them.
They say they're stronger than ever.
Was it like that for you?
There was nothing.
It was cold, empty, and dark,
and it went on forever.
I'm sorry, D.
I don't want to talk about it.
Please, Marcel, don't make me.
You've been at this for hours...
to what end?
Niklaus, I know you, and
I grew up fighting you.
I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded.
You cannot get past me.
I could get past you,
although it might have to be
over your dead body.
You did stab me with that blade,
forcing me to endure hours
of unspeakable pain.
Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you.
You should see yourself...
the murderous expression,
the self-righteous posturing.
You look like father.
I'm not him.
Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger.
His was that of a madman.
You were never the
recipient of his cruelty.
None of you were... not Kol, not Finn,
none of you!
I think you've forgotten
what he was truly like.
I have not forgotten.
Be still.
Deep breath.
Hold. Now.
Your aim is improving.
Next time.
You encourage him, Elijah,
but he grows more pathetic every day.
I'm not pathetic.
Do not talk back to me.
Not man enough to hold this weapon.
If you can't hunt,
you're nothing but a burden.
I'm sorry.
It's a shame we can't feed
on sad-eyed apologies.
It's your one and only skill.
Father, stop.
Stay back, or you'll be next.
The boy needs to be made strong.
Niklaus, I understand your anger,
but, I implore you, be better than him.
Do what he could not.
Demonstrate the grace of mercy
rather than this petty cruelty.
You ask me to show mercy
to one who has wronged me.
You really don't know me
at all, do you, brother?
Whatever I have done wrong,
my guilt is nothing compared to yours.
You want revenge?
Fine, but before you have it,
I will look you in the eye and tell you
why it was your cruelty and your spite
that led us to this.
Go on, then.
Speak your piece,
and when you are finished, I will grant you
the punishment you deserve,
even if I have to go
through Elijah to do so.
Marcel told me you were up here.
Do you want to tell me what happened?
I died...
And at first, I was alone,
but then I heard them,
voices whispering to me.
- Who?
- The ancestors.
They're so angry with me.
I used my power against my own,
and they said they'd
do horrible things to me
if I misuse my magic again.
So a century ago, you betrayed Klaus,
the most dangerous vampire in history,
and the only one that can save you
is the girl that you had
locked up in my attic,
but she's a basket case.
So really, your only hope
is my niece, psychoanalyst
to resurrected teen witches.
Does that about sum it up?
You're pretty smug for
a guy with a witch's hex.
Davina's magic is you only shot at a cure.
Let's not dance around the obvious.
This hex is going to be the end of me.
Every spell has a loophole.
You, of all people, should have more faith.
I lost my faith when Sean died.
When I came back to New Orleans,
I had nothing but hope of preventing a war
between the vampires and the witches,
and now the witches are out of control,
and you allowed an Original vampire
to take control of the quarter.
No. There is no hope...
not for you, not for the city,
and certainly not for me.
I get Davina back, she will find a way
- to take down Klaus.
- No.
He's going to get out of
this trap that he's in,
and when he does, he's going to find you,
and he is going to tear you into pieces.
You reap what you sow, Marcel.
Let it begin...
the trial of Rebekah Mikaelson.
What a relief. His ego is in check.
Just speak your truth.
I'll make certain he behaves himself.
You stand accused of
betraying your own blood.
How do you plead?
I plead you to shut up and listen.
You summoned our father.
You brought him to our home.
What possible defense could you have?
I knew he was the only
thing that you feared,
and I wanted you to run.
Because you hated me.
Because you were hateful.
You denied me the freedom to love.
Oh, so that's your defense?
You called Mikael... the destroyer,
the hunter of vampires...
because I detained you
from pursuing some dull suitors.
You were cruel
and controlling and manipulative.
I was trying to protect you
from imbeciles and leeches,
not to mention your own poor judgment.
And what about the one
that you loved enough to call friend?
Why did you forbid me to love Marcel?
Do not mention his name.
What has happened to you?
I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh
and gave me gifts,
who loved art and music.
I wanted to be just like you.
How could you have fallen so far?
You say you despise Rebekah
for her betrayal,
and yet no one has stood by your side
for so long, not even I myself.
Perhaps it's you that's forgotten.
I remember the day that father
caught you whittling little chess pieces
with his hunting knife.
He beat you so mercilessly and for so long,
I actually feared for your life.
- Please.
- Stay back.
- No.
- Stop it. Stop it.
I will not let you hurt him anymore.
You stand against me
for him?
So you would paint her as a loyal sister,
but she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel.
Perhaps that was why you did it...
for love.
Perhaps I might temper my rage
if Rebekah will admit she was a victim
of her own idiocy, that
her great love Marcel
used her to oust this
family and to take my city.
Marcel did not manipulate me.
You defend him, and yet you can't help
but wonder, what if I'm right?
We loved each other.
It was your refusal to respect that
that led to your ruin.
Then why didn't he chase after you
when you fled New Orleans?
Oh, yes. That's right.
He was here stealing what I built.
You want me to renounce Marcel,
to beg for your forgiveness?
I won't.
Marcel is not at fault. I called Mikael.
Rebekah, you must...
I was the one who
brought him to New Orleans
because of your wickedness.
I wanted love and happiness,
and denied me the freedom to have either.
Yes. I hated and I was
afraid of our father,
but he was a lesser evil than you,
my bastard brother who loomed over me,
threatening me as you are now.
I wanted rid of you,
and given the choice, I'd do it again.
Sister, leave us.
I won't go.
I said, leave us, please.
You wouldn't listen to her.
So now you must deal with me.
I've studied the effects
of trauma and abuse.
The witches that forced
you into that ritual,
they've lied to you.
- They hurt you.
- Cami...
There's nothing you've studied in some book
that can help me.
Ok. Forget the books.
Let me tell you what
I know from experience.
When my brother died, I
never thought I'd be ok again.
I cried for weeks. I blamed myself.
I blamed him, and then I realized
all that sadness was swallowing me up,
and I made a choice I
wasn't going to let it.
You can make that choice, Davina.
You say that like it's so simple,
but the witches aren't
just gonna let me go.
They're not done with me.
No one can control you unless you let them.
How do I even know who to trust?
Should I trust Marcel?
The first thing he did when I came back
was try to use me again to help Rebekah.
Be honest, Cami.
Isn't there something you want, too?
Yeah. My Uncle is sick.
I thought you could help him.
That's not why I'm here.
I care about you. I want to help you.
What can you do?
When I came back, the voices I heard,
they said the only ones who could help me
are the witches, but
after what I did to them,
they hate me.
So how can I go back and
ask for their help now?
What a fool I am.
I actually thought Davina
would come to the rescue.
I'll get someone else.
Whole town is full of witches.
All of whom despise you.
I'll figure this out.
Meantime, just don't piss Klaus off
any more than he already is.
It's a little late for that.
I may have provoked him further,
but then, I didn't much
care for his accusations
that you seduced me into bringing Mikael.
Wait a minute. I would never do that.
We almost got away.
If we just kept going,
we could be anywhere in the world by now.
Klaus might've found us and killed us,
but he'll do that, anyway.
Would've been nice to have
a little happiness first.
He's not gonna kill you. You're his sister.
And you're like a son to him,
and, believe me, he means to kill you.
You know, I've never
much thought about dying,
one of the perks of
being immortal, I guess.
What an odd thing it
is to be here one minute
and gone the next...
rather terrifying.
You need to run, Marcel.
When the moon reaches its apex,
Klaus will be free, and he will do to you
what he's going to do to me, only worse.
Go now and don't look back.
So what's it gonna be?
You hold both weapons.
Tunde's blade'd put me down,
but the stake could finish me off for good.
Well... unlike you, brother...
I have no taste for fratricide.
I only hold this to keep it from you.
This is just my insurance.
Why must you defend her?
Rebekah betrayed you, as well,
when she brought Mikael here.
Because she is our sister
and because I like to remember
her the way that she was
before we became what we became.
Ha ha ha!
She was an innocent girl,
quick to laugh, full of life.
My memories serve to make
her betrayal more painful.
Can you not then accept
some small part of the blame?
After all, Niklaus, it was your cruelty
that led her to do what she did.
Do you not see, Elijah?
She didn't mean to chase me off.
She wanted me dead.
You're wrong.
She has always hated me.
You know that's true.
You have no idea, do you?
You have no idea what she
was prepared to do for you.
When our sister sees
something that she perceives
to be an injustice, she can be stubborn,
impetuous, and, at times,
downright dangerous,
and never was this more apparent
than the night she
tried to kill our father.
What is this,
some melodramatic fiction
designed to garner my sympathy?
It is the truth.
I was there...
And she would have done it,
all to protect you, had I not stopped her.
I often wished that I
could revisit that moment,
complete the task myself.
Why are you telling me this now?
Niklaus, sometimes our
sister acts without thinking.
She's short of temper.
She's quick to fall in
love, but she loves you,
but your malicious treatment
has broken her heart.
So, yes, she responded
by summoning our father.
Yes, that was a mistake.
I'm not entirely sure that I can blame her.
I can.
Niklaus, so help me...
Are you really going to stand against me?
And not with that pathetic blade.
You'd just have to pull it out someday,
and then I'd hate you as I do her now.
If you want to protect Rebekah,
you'll need to use the white oak stake.
I don't have to listen to this nonsense.
Oh, don't pretend you
haven't thought about it.
You look at me, and you see
everything you abhor in yourself.
Sure, you dress it up with your fancy suits
and your handkerchiefs.
You with your mask of
civility and eloquence,
you're every bit the
abomination I am or worse.
Go on, Elijah. Go on.
Use the white oak stake.
I'm not so cowardly that I
have to kill you, Niklaus,
but if I have to make you
suffer to protect Rebekah,
that is what I will do.
You see?
I knew you couldn't do it.
You still cling to the hope
that I can be redeemed,
and if the bastard can be saved,
then maybe there's hope for you.
Now you know how it feels.
Aagh! Aah!
That was supposed to be my line.
Now I have this.
So I decide who lives and who dies.
I'm taking out that blade.
You'll have to kill me first,
and now you hold the means to do so.
Why not finish what you
started a century ago?
I did not want you dead.
I wanted you to run.
Liar! You wanted revenge.
You drove me to betray you,
and now you want to twist it
and make it worse so you can justify
killing me instead of
accepting your own fault.
All I did was love your friend.
You could've been happy for us,
but instead in your paranoia,
you feared losing us both,
and, because of that, you did.
There is no one else to blame, Nik,
only you.
Where is Marcel now, hmm?
I thought he loved you,
and yet he left you
trapped in here with me.
The trouble with the witches in this city
is, they lack direction.
Fortunately, our coven
has found a new leader...
You ask a favor of me,
to lower Celeste's boundary spell,
but you don't control the witches anymore.
You want to help your people,
you need to broker peace,
a treaty with the vampires.
I can help.
The last time I arrived for a negotiation,
you tried to kill me.
I learned my lesson...
if you can't beat them, make them an offer.
So here's the deal.
You help me right now...
you have my word...
vampires stay out of the Cauldron,
no more executions.
A nice start, but if you want my help
lowering that spell,
you're going to have to
give us Davina Claire.
Haven't your people
done enough to that girl?
You must know it's your
fault she suffered in death.
She was shunned by the ancestors
because of her alliance with you,
but all that's over.
Now we can welcome her home.
She will be revered by her people,
and I will teach her
how to control her power,
give her a home where she's safe,
not surrounded by vampires.
Bring Davina to us,
and I'll find a way to
break Celeste's spell.
If not, well, let's just say
that I won't be the one to mourn Rebekah.
You against me?
It's hardly a fair fight, is it?
I mean, perhaps, if Marcel were here,
you'd stand a chance, but I expect
he's already found another girl,
no doubt younger and prettier.
You take joy in other people's pain,
and then you wonder why I hate you.
Yes, and that hatred led
you to do what you did.
Admit the truth.
Admit you wanted me dead.
I wanted you to run... that is all...
despite your delusions.
Elijah lies suffering,
and I will allow you to help him.
All you have to do is admit it.
- You're insane.
- Yes! Yes!
I am a vicious, heartless monster,
and so you summoned Mikael to kill me.
- Admit it.
- It's not true.
You know what you did.
- Admit it.
- I didn't.
You wanted me dead!
Admit it.
Maybe I did.
You missed my heart.
Perhaps I did...
Or perhaps I never meant to kill you.
Perhaps I just wanted
you to feel a fraction
the fear I felt when father came for me.
Do you yourself know the truth?
I know this.
You accuse me of being evil,
and yet you are the one who conspired
to kill your own blood.
You made our lives a living hell.
You tormented us.
I love my family...
you, Elijah.
I loved all of you.
I know I can be difficult,
but I did not make myself this way.
It was Mikael who ruined me.
He ruined me, too.
That's what you forget.
Centuries later,
each of us is broken...
you with your anger and paranoia,
me with my fear of abandonment...
and poor Elijah...
he dedicates himself
to everyone but himself.
We are the strongest
creatures in the world,
and yet was are damaged beyond repair.
We live without hope,
but we will never die.
We are the definition of "cursed"...
always and forever.
How is she?
She needs real help, maybe a stay
in an institution where she can get
round-the-clock care and medication.
No, no, no. She stays in a place like that,
she is never getting out.
You have a better idea?
I could take her back to her people.
There are bigger things
going on here, Cami.
It's the only chance that she has.
We have to talk about this.
I'm not asking for permission.
Uh! Aah!
Now we're even.
So we have a deal?
Davina is asleep.
When she wakes up, I'll explain everything.
Then I'll bring her here.
Meantime, we need to lower that barrier.
Celeste cast a powerful spell.
Fortunately for you, she's gone.
Her power bled back into the earth.
Now I can channel it, manipulate it.
It'll take some doing,
but then, I'm pretty good at what I do.
One more thing,
I need you to fix the priest.
A hex like that, if it's
had time to take root,
there's no undoing it.
Fine. Just get Rebekah out.
I'll have to undo the entire spell.
Can't let one Original out
without letting them all out.
It doesn't matter, and just so you know,
even if Klaus is free, if
you hurt Davina in any way...
Marcel, it's over. You lost.
Try and have a little dignity.
We're still trapped in here.
Whatever you're going
to do to me, do it now.
You said our father ruined us...
and I can't help but wonder,
what if his father ruined him?
The barrier is down.
I know you hate me,
but what's done is done.
What's done is never done.
It remains within us,
a story we tell ourselves
so we know who we are...
vicious father,
a bastard son,
and the sister
who betrayed him.
Perhaps it's time for a new story.
What is it you want, Rebekah?
Same things that I've
wanted since I was a child.
I want a home. I want a family.
I want someone to love me,
and I want to live.
Then go.
Go far away and never come back.
We are far too damaged to remain together,
less a family now than a
volatile mix of ingredients.
New Orleans will be mine.
I will raise my child here
in the city you took from me.
No doubt, Elijah will choose to stay,
but you, sister,
you are free.
I thought I might find you here.
I just came to collect
the last of my things
that didn't burn to ash.
I'll be leaving shortly.
I don't suppose you have
any desire to join me.
I do hope you find
everything you're looking for.
Elijah, when I brought Mikael,
I never for a second meant to hurt you.
I know.
I was certain that Klaus meant to kill me.
Whether he never really did at all
or he changed his mind...
Maybe somewhere deep down,
he still is the brother we once knew.
Very deep, but...
he's still in there.
Help him find his way.
Is there a reason why you lot
are loitering in my home?
I asked them to be here.
You and I need to settle
this out in the open.
I thought you would've run off by now.
Yeah. Well, this is my town.
You may want me to beg forgiveness,
but I'm not sorry.
I may not be able to beat you,
but I came here to face you,
to end this in front of my people.
If you're gonna kill me for that,
get on with it.
Good evening.
I trust I need no introduction.
After all, this was once my family home.
Tonight I'm taking it back.
Your privileges here have been revoked.
Marcellus, out of respect for my sister,
I will grant you this one mercy.
I will allow you to keep your life.
However, you're hereby exiled.
If I so much as find a trace of you
in the French quarter, it
will not end well for you.
Do you understand?
That is all.
Run along.
Nicely done, brother.
You're beginning to sound like me.
I'm impressed.
I was thinking,
my mother was consecrated and buried here.
She is forever bound to this land,
but not me.
I'm finally free.
And you?
Your brothers came in this town
like they own the place,
like they own me, took my home,
my people, everything.
I can't just run away.
I'm not asking you to.
I'm not a fool.
I see how much you love this city,
and I am not the kind of
girl who likes to share.
I do wish you had
finished building our home.
Even if I'd never set foot inside,
it would have been nice
if there was something
beautiful left standing after all of this.
Good-bye, Marcel Gerard.
Do try to stay alive.
Rebekah, what are you doing here?
I came to say good-bye.
What happened to us
girls sticking together?
Well, Nik and I came to a sort of
all-or-nothing arrangement.
I leave town for good, he allows me to.
Can't pass that up.
1,000 years with Klaus,
I guess you deserve a few vacation days.
Listen. About Nik, he is a monster.
Do not ever cross him,
but he does want more from life
than to just be feared.
He's too broken to find it himself,
but I do believe there is hope for him
in the baby that you carry,
and speaking of your child,
our family has no shortage of enemies.
She will inherit all of them.
Please be careful.
You know you can always
come back and visit.
I've been known to keep a
secret or two from Klaus.
Well, if I can't,
you make sure to tell that little girl
stories of her crazy Auntie Bex
and let her know, despite my absence,
I do love her very much.
This town was my home once. I want it back.
It's the only way I can show
you what you need to see.
There's only ever been one man
Klaus has truly feared...
my father, Mikael.
We'd like you to find Mikael.
Of course.
You needed to see it,
and now you can take your revenge.
Yaagh! Go.
Run as far and as fast as you can.
I'm afraid you're trapped.
Boundary spell.
The Originals can enter,
but they can't leave.
Rebekah! Cherish the breath in your lungs!
It'll be your last.
Hush now. It's just a storm.
Don't be afraid. I won't let it hurt you.
Nik, don't go.
I carved it for father.
It's a brave knight.
Now you can be brave, too.
Will you stay with me till the storm ends?
I will always stay with you, Rebekah,
no matter what.
- Walk away.
- Don't move!
Leave us now.
I can't. I'm stuck here.
Elijah, he has a white oak stick.
I brought it for you, sister.
Get out of his sight.
Your presence here only
serves to anger him.
Leave him to me now.
I'm asking you brother to brother,
we end this nonsense now.
You would side with that traitor?
I am not choosing sides,
but I will not allow you
to hurt our sister.
We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah.
How long do you think you can defend her?
As long as it takes...
by whatever means necessary.
Do whatever it takes. Just stay alive.
I promise you, I'll get you out of there.
I've never seen him like this before.
He's out of his mind with rage,
up all night howling one
obscenity-laced tirade
after the next.
He's gonna kill me.
All right. Stay as far
away from him as you can.
That's a brilliant strategy,
but, given that that dead bitch Celeste
has trapped us in here till moonrise,
my options are somewhat limited.
I'm not leaving you in there.
Davina will find a
loophole, get you out early.
Then we can all go together.
If Klaus comes after us,
we will take him on one hell of a ride.
I lived for centuries
looking over my shoulder,
ready to run at a moment's notice.
Am I to go back to that?
Worry about that later.
Right now, just buy me some time.
I promise you, I'll get you out of there.
Hey, D., how you feel?
Got you some stuff...
organic soap and scented candles,
some incense.
Just trying to help
you get back to feeling,
you know, yourself.
Word on the street is, the
witches are celebrating.
3 out of the 4 girls
sacrificed in the harvest
have come back.
First, it was your friend Monique
and then another girl, now you.
What I hear, the others are
saying that the ancestors
were with them while they were...
dead, you know,
talking to them, teaching them.
They say they're stronger than ever.
Was it like that for you?
There was nothing.
It was cold, empty, and dark,
and it went on forever.
I'm sorry, D.
I don't want to talk about it.
Please, Marcel, don't make me.
You've been at this for hours...
to what end?
Niklaus, I know you, and
I grew up fighting you.
I can't be beaten, nor can I be persuaded.
You cannot get past me.
I could get past you,
although it might have to be
over your dead body.
You did stab me with that blade,
forcing me to endure hours
of unspeakable pain.
Perhaps I should direct my rage toward you.
You should see yourself...
the murderous expression,
the self-righteous posturing.
You look like father.
I'm not him.
Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger.
His was that of a madman.
You were never the
recipient of his cruelty.
None of you were... not Kol, not Finn,
none of you!
I think you've forgotten
what he was truly like.
I have not forgotten.
Be still.
Deep breath.
Hold. Now.
Your aim is improving.
Next time.
You encourage him, Elijah,
but he grows more pathetic every day.
I'm not pathetic.
Do not talk back to me.
Not man enough to hold this weapon.
If you can't hunt,
you're nothing but a burden.
I'm sorry.
It's a shame we can't feed
on sad-eyed apologies.
It's your one and only skill.
Father, stop.
Stay back, or you'll be next.
The boy needs to be made strong.
Niklaus, I understand your anger,
but, I implore you, be better than him.
Do what he could not.
Demonstrate the grace of mercy
rather than this petty cruelty.
You ask me to show mercy
to one who has wronged me.
You really don't know me
at all, do you, brother?
Whatever I have done wrong,
my guilt is nothing compared to yours.
You want revenge?
Fine, but before you have it,
I will look you in the eye and tell you
why it was your cruelty and your spite
that led us to this.
Go on, then.
Speak your piece,
and when you are finished, I will grant you
the punishment you deserve,
even if I have to go
through Elijah to do so.
Marcel told me you were up here.
Do you want to tell me what happened?
I died...
And at first, I was alone,
but then I heard them,
voices whispering to me.
- Who?
- The ancestors.
They're so angry with me.
I used my power against my own,
and they said they'd
do horrible things to me
if I misuse my magic again.
So a century ago, you betrayed Klaus,
the most dangerous vampire in history,
and the only one that can save you
is the girl that you had
locked up in my attic,
but she's a basket case.
So really, your only hope
is my niece, psychoanalyst
to resurrected teen witches.
Does that about sum it up?
You're pretty smug for
a guy with a witch's hex.
Davina's magic is you only shot at a cure.
Let's not dance around the obvious.
This hex is going to be the end of me.
Every spell has a loophole.
You, of all people, should have more faith.
I lost my faith when Sean died.
When I came back to New Orleans,
I had nothing but hope of preventing a war
between the vampires and the witches,
and now the witches are out of control,
and you allowed an Original vampire
to take control of the quarter.
No. There is no hope...
not for you, not for the city,
and certainly not for me.
I get Davina back, she will find a way
- to take down Klaus.
- No.
He's going to get out of
this trap that he's in,
and when he does, he's going to find you,
and he is going to tear you into pieces.
You reap what you sow, Marcel.
Let it begin...
the trial of Rebekah Mikaelson.
What a relief. His ego is in check.
Just speak your truth.
I'll make certain he behaves himself.
You stand accused of
betraying your own blood.
How do you plead?
I plead you to shut up and listen.
You summoned our father.
You brought him to our home.
What possible defense could you have?
I knew he was the only
thing that you feared,
and I wanted you to run.
Because you hated me.
Because you were hateful.
You denied me the freedom to love.
Oh, so that's your defense?
You called Mikael... the destroyer,
the hunter of vampires...
because I detained you
from pursuing some dull suitors.
You were cruel
and controlling and manipulative.
I was trying to protect you
from imbeciles and leeches,
not to mention your own poor judgment.
And what about the one
that you loved enough to call friend?
Why did you forbid me to love Marcel?
Do not mention his name.
What has happened to you?
I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh
and gave me gifts,
who loved art and music.
I wanted to be just like you.
How could you have fallen so far?
You say you despise Rebekah
for her betrayal,
and yet no one has stood by your side
for so long, not even I myself.
Perhaps it's you that's forgotten.
I remember the day that father
caught you whittling little chess pieces
with his hunting knife.
He beat you so mercilessly and for so long,
I actually feared for your life.
- Please.
- Stay back.
- No.
- Stop it. Stop it.
I will not let you hurt him anymore.
You stand against me
for him?
So you would paint her as a loyal sister,
but she betrayed me out of lust for Marcel.
Perhaps that was why you did it...
for love.
Perhaps I might temper my rage
if Rebekah will admit she was a victim
of her own idiocy, that
her great love Marcel
used her to oust this
family and to take my city.
Marcel did not manipulate me.
You defend him, and yet you can't help
but wonder, what if I'm right?
We loved each other.
It was your refusal to respect that
that led to your ruin.
Then why didn't he chase after you
when you fled New Orleans?
Oh, yes. That's right.
He was here stealing what I built.
You want me to renounce Marcel,
to beg for your forgiveness?
I won't.
Marcel is not at fault. I called Mikael.
Rebekah, you must...
I was the one who
brought him to New Orleans
because of your wickedness.
I wanted love and happiness,
and denied me the freedom to have either.
Yes. I hated and I was
afraid of our father,
but he was a lesser evil than you,
my bastard brother who loomed over me,
threatening me as you are now.
I wanted rid of you,
and given the choice, I'd do it again.
Sister, leave us.
I won't go.
I said, leave us, please.
You wouldn't listen to her.
So now you must deal with me.
I've studied the effects
of trauma and abuse.
The witches that forced
you into that ritual,
they've lied to you.
- They hurt you.
- Cami...
There's nothing you've studied in some book
that can help me.
Ok. Forget the books.
Let me tell you what
I know from experience.
When my brother died, I
never thought I'd be ok again.
I cried for weeks. I blamed myself.
I blamed him, and then I realized
all that sadness was swallowing me up,
and I made a choice I
wasn't going to let it.
You can make that choice, Davina.
You say that like it's so simple,
but the witches aren't
just gonna let me go.
They're not done with me.
No one can control you unless you let them.
How do I even know who to trust?
Should I trust Marcel?
The first thing he did when I came back
was try to use me again to help Rebekah.
Be honest, Cami.
Isn't there something you want, too?
Yeah. My Uncle is sick.
I thought you could help him.
That's not why I'm here.
I care about you. I want to help you.
What can you do?
When I came back, the voices I heard,
they said the only ones who could help me
are the witches, but
after what I did to them,
they hate me.
So how can I go back and
ask for their help now?
What a fool I am.
I actually thought Davina
would come to the rescue.
I'll get someone else.
Whole town is full of witches.
All of whom despise you.
I'll figure this out.
Meantime, just don't piss Klaus off
any more than he already is.
It's a little late for that.
I may have provoked him further,
but then, I didn't much
care for his accusations
that you seduced me into bringing Mikael.
Wait a minute. I would never do that.
We almost got away.
If we just kept going,
we could be anywhere in the world by now.
Klaus might've found us and killed us,
but he'll do that, anyway.
Would've been nice to have
a little happiness first.
He's not gonna kill you. You're his sister.
And you're like a son to him,
and, believe me, he means to kill you.
You know, I've never
much thought about dying,
one of the perks of
being immortal, I guess.
What an odd thing it
is to be here one minute
and gone the next...
rather terrifying.
You need to run, Marcel.
When the moon reaches its apex,
Klaus will be free, and he will do to you
what he's going to do to me, only worse.
Go now and don't look back.
So what's it gonna be?
You hold both weapons.
Tunde's blade'd put me down,
but the stake could finish me off for good.
Well... unlike you, brother...
I have no taste for fratricide.
I only hold this to keep it from you.
This is just my insurance.
Why must you defend her?
Rebekah betrayed you, as well,
when she brought Mikael here.
Because she is our sister
and because I like to remember
her the way that she was
before we became what we became.
Ha ha ha!
She was an innocent girl,
quick to laugh, full of life.
My memories serve to make
her betrayal more painful.
Can you not then accept
some small part of the blame?
After all, Niklaus, it was your cruelty
that led her to do what she did.
Do you not see, Elijah?
She didn't mean to chase me off.
She wanted me dead.
You're wrong.
She has always hated me.
You know that's true.
You have no idea, do you?
You have no idea what she
was prepared to do for you.
When our sister sees
something that she perceives
to be an injustice, she can be stubborn,
impetuous, and, at times,
downright dangerous,
and never was this more apparent
than the night she
tried to kill our father.
What is this,
some melodramatic fiction
designed to garner my sympathy?
It is the truth.
I was there...
And she would have done it,
all to protect you, had I not stopped her.
I often wished that I
could revisit that moment,
complete the task myself.
Why are you telling me this now?
Niklaus, sometimes our
sister acts without thinking.
She's short of temper.
She's quick to fall in
love, but she loves you,
but your malicious treatment
has broken her heart.
So, yes, she responded
by summoning our father.
Yes, that was a mistake.
I'm not entirely sure that I can blame her.
I can.
Niklaus, so help me...
Are you really going to stand against me?
And not with that pathetic blade.
You'd just have to pull it out someday,
and then I'd hate you as I do her now.
If you want to protect Rebekah,
you'll need to use the white oak stake.
I don't have to listen to this nonsense.
Oh, don't pretend you
haven't thought about it.
You look at me, and you see
everything you abhor in yourself.
Sure, you dress it up with your fancy suits
and your handkerchiefs.
You with your mask of
civility and eloquence,
you're every bit the
abomination I am or worse.
Go on, Elijah. Go on.
Use the white oak stake.
I'm not so cowardly that I
have to kill you, Niklaus,
but if I have to make you
suffer to protect Rebekah,
that is what I will do.
You see?
I knew you couldn't do it.
You still cling to the hope
that I can be redeemed,
and if the bastard can be saved,
then maybe there's hope for you.
Now you know how it feels.
Aagh! Aah!
That was supposed to be my line.
Now I have this.
So I decide who lives and who dies.
I'm taking out that blade.
You'll have to kill me first,
and now you hold the means to do so.
Why not finish what you
started a century ago?
I did not want you dead.
I wanted you to run.
Liar! You wanted revenge.
You drove me to betray you,
and now you want to twist it
and make it worse so you can justify
killing me instead of
accepting your own fault.
All I did was love your friend.
You could've been happy for us,
but instead in your paranoia,
you feared losing us both,
and, because of that, you did.
There is no one else to blame, Nik,
only you.
Where is Marcel now, hmm?
I thought he loved you,
and yet he left you
trapped in here with me.
The trouble with the witches in this city
is, they lack direction.
Fortunately, our coven
has found a new leader...
You ask a favor of me,
to lower Celeste's boundary spell,
but you don't control the witches anymore.
You want to help your people,
you need to broker peace,
a treaty with the vampires.
I can help.
The last time I arrived for a negotiation,
you tried to kill me.
I learned my lesson...
if you can't beat them, make them an offer.
So here's the deal.
You help me right now...
you have my word...
vampires stay out of the Cauldron,
no more executions.
A nice start, but if you want my help
lowering that spell,
you're going to have to
give us Davina Claire.
Haven't your people
done enough to that girl?
You must know it's your
fault she suffered in death.
She was shunned by the ancestors
because of her alliance with you,
but all that's over.
Now we can welcome her home.
She will be revered by her people,
and I will teach her
how to control her power,
give her a home where she's safe,
not surrounded by vampires.
Bring Davina to us,
and I'll find a way to
break Celeste's spell.
If not, well, let's just say
that I won't be the one to mourn Rebekah.
You against me?
It's hardly a fair fight, is it?
I mean, perhaps, if Marcel were here,
you'd stand a chance, but I expect
he's already found another girl,
no doubt younger and prettier.
You take joy in other people's pain,
and then you wonder why I hate you.
Yes, and that hatred led
you to do what you did.
Admit the truth.
Admit you wanted me dead.
I wanted you to run... that is all...
despite your delusions.
Elijah lies suffering,
and I will allow you to help him.
All you have to do is admit it.
- You're insane.
- Yes! Yes!
I am a vicious, heartless monster,
and so you summoned Mikael to kill me.
- Admit it.
- It's not true.
You know what you did.
- Admit it.
- I didn't.
You wanted me dead!
Admit it.
Maybe I did.
You missed my heart.
Perhaps I did...
Or perhaps I never meant to kill you.
Perhaps I just wanted
you to feel a fraction
the fear I felt when father came for me.
Do you yourself know the truth?
I know this.
You accuse me of being evil,
and yet you are the one who conspired
to kill your own blood.
You made our lives a living hell.
You tormented us.
I love my family...
you, Elijah.
I loved all of you.
I know I can be difficult,
but I did not make myself this way.
It was Mikael who ruined me.
He ruined me, too.
That's what you forget.
Centuries later,
each of us is broken...
you with your anger and paranoia,
me with my fear of abandonment...
and poor Elijah...
he dedicates himself
to everyone but himself.
We are the strongest
creatures in the world,
and yet was are damaged beyond repair.
We live without hope,
but we will never die.
We are the definition of "cursed"...
always and forever.
How is she?
She needs real help, maybe a stay
in an institution where she can get
round-the-clock care and medication.
No, no, no. She stays in a place like that,
she is never getting out.
You have a better idea?
I could take her back to her people.
There are bigger things
going on here, Cami.
It's the only chance that she has.
We have to talk about this.
I'm not asking for permission.
Uh! Aah!
Now we're even.
So we have a deal?
Davina is asleep.
When she wakes up, I'll explain everything.
Then I'll bring her here.
Meantime, we need to lower that barrier.
Celeste cast a powerful spell.
Fortunately for you, she's gone.
Her power bled back into the earth.
Now I can channel it, manipulate it.
It'll take some doing,
but then, I'm pretty good at what I do.
One more thing,
I need you to fix the priest.
A hex like that, if it's
had time to take root,
there's no undoing it.
Fine. Just get Rebekah out.
I'll have to undo the entire spell.
Can't let one Original out
without letting them all out.
It doesn't matter, and just so you know,
even if Klaus is free, if
you hurt Davina in any way...
Marcel, it's over. You lost.
Try and have a little dignity.
We're still trapped in here.
Whatever you're going
to do to me, do it now.
You said our father ruined us...
and I can't help but wonder,
what if his father ruined him?
The barrier is down.
I know you hate me,
but what's done is done.
What's done is never done.
It remains within us,
a story we tell ourselves
so we know who we are...
vicious father,
a bastard son,
and the sister
who betrayed him.
Perhaps it's time for a new story.
What is it you want, Rebekah?
Same things that I've
wanted since I was a child.
I want a home. I want a family.
I want someone to love me,
and I want to live.
Then go.
Go far away and never come back.
We are far too damaged to remain together,
less a family now than a
volatile mix of ingredients.
New Orleans will be mine.
I will raise my child here
in the city you took from me.
No doubt, Elijah will choose to stay,
but you, sister,
you are free.
I thought I might find you here.
I just came to collect
the last of my things
that didn't burn to ash.
I'll be leaving shortly.
I don't suppose you have
any desire to join me.
I do hope you find
everything you're looking for.
Elijah, when I brought Mikael,
I never for a second meant to hurt you.
I know.
I was certain that Klaus meant to kill me.
Whether he never really did at all
or he changed his mind...
Maybe somewhere deep down,
he still is the brother we once knew.
Very deep, but...
he's still in there.
Help him find his way.
Is there a reason why you lot
are loitering in my home?
I asked them to be here.
You and I need to settle
this out in the open.
I thought you would've run off by now.
Yeah. Well, this is my town.
You may want me to beg forgiveness,
but I'm not sorry.
I may not be able to beat you,
but I came here to face you,
to end this in front of my people.
If you're gonna kill me for that,
get on with it.
Good evening.
I trust I need no introduction.
After all, this was once my family home.
Tonight I'm taking it back.
Your privileges here have been revoked.
Marcellus, out of respect for my sister,
I will grant you this one mercy.
I will allow you to keep your life.
However, you're hereby exiled.
If I so much as find a trace of you
in the French quarter, it
will not end well for you.
Do you understand?
That is all.
Run along.
Nicely done, brother.
You're beginning to sound like me.
I'm impressed.
I was thinking,
my mother was consecrated and buried here.
She is forever bound to this land,
but not me.
I'm finally free.
And you?
Your brothers came in this town
like they own the place,
like they own me, took my home,
my people, everything.
I can't just run away.
I'm not asking you to.
I'm not a fool.
I see how much you love this city,
and I am not the kind of
girl who likes to share.
I do wish you had
finished building our home.
Even if I'd never set foot inside,
it would have been nice
if there was something
beautiful left standing after all of this.
Good-bye, Marcel Gerard.
Do try to stay alive.
Rebekah, what are you doing here?
I came to say good-bye.
What happened to us
girls sticking together?
Well, Nik and I came to a sort of
all-or-nothing arrangement.
I leave town for good, he allows me to.
Can't pass that up.
1,000 years with Klaus,
I guess you deserve a few vacation days.
Listen. About Nik, he is a monster.
Do not ever cross him,
but he does want more from life
than to just be feared.
He's too broken to find it himself,
but I do believe there is hope for him
in the baby that you carry,
and speaking of your child,
our family has no shortage of enemies.
She will inherit all of them.
Please be careful.
You know you can always
come back and visit.
I've been known to keep a
secret or two from Klaus.
Well, if I can't,
you make sure to tell that little girl
stories of her crazy Auntie Bex
and let her know, despite my absence,
I do love her very much.