The Original Ghostbusters (1986–1987): Season 1, Episode 59 - A Cold Winter's Night - full transcript

Prime Evil creates an enormous volcano to push the Earth out of orbit.

[theme music playing]

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters


♪ Let's go Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

Let's go, Ghostbusters!

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪


♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪


♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go


♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪


[eerie music]

[intense music]

[Prime Evil screeches]

Ha ha ha! Perfect!
That comet will be perfect!

Perfect for what,
Your Lowsomeness?

Perfect for my plan,
you despicable vermin!

My plan to cripple the Earth.
To wipe out all resistance.

To force the people of Earth
to surrender to me.

Prime Evil! I am unstoppable!

Yeah! Ha ha ha!
Goodie goodie goodie.

Ha ha ha!

Even now, Long John Scarechrome
is moving that comet

to a new orbit!

[dramatic music]

Hey, Jake, you should
come check out this comet.

It's really neat.

I've seen comets before, Eddie.

Yeah, but this one's
really bright!

Gosh! I wish
I could get a closer look.

No problem.

[comical music]



Thanks, Trace. This is great!

I can see the comet
really well now.

And the ship too.


That's what I said.

There's a big sailor ship
right next to the comet.

-Let me look, Eddie.
-[Eddie] Hey, wait your turn.

Sorry, Eddie,
but this could be important.


It's Long John Scarechrome's
Ghost Galleon.


He's one of Prime Evil's crew.

What's he doin'
chasin' a comet?

I don't know, Eddie,
but one thing's for sure.

If Prime Evil
is up to something

then there's
only one thing for us to do.

[theme music playing]

Let's go, Ghostbusters!

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go


[Jake whistling]


♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go


♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go





♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

Oh, bend my axles,
why don't you?

No time to groan, G.B.,
we've got bustin' to do.

Hit it!

[all screaming]

[all screaming]



I-I k-know
we're in a hurry, Tracy.

B-b-but next time,
open the garage door first.



[Long John]
Avast there!

Get those moorin' lines
attached here, swabs.

And make ready
for a long haul.

Captain Scarechrome sir...

There be a strange crack,
six points off our bowser.

Ha ha. Be there now?

Aye! I see it!

It's those scurvy

Battle stations, me hearties.

Prepare to the repel borders!

There's Long John's ship
just ahead, Jake.

Ooh! What's he up to?

Looks like he's pulling
the comet to Earth, Eddie.

Oh, no! We've gotta stop him.

Right you are, Eddie.

Let's go, Ghostbusters!

[indistinct shouting]

Hit it!

Arr! What's happening?

Hey-y-y! Watch the paint,
won't you?

I think it's time
for a ghost grenade.


Nice work, Eddie.
That got 'em.

Yeah, well,
warn me next time, okay?

Those ghost grenades
tickle my ign-n-nition.

Hey, you ghost busting

you haven't scuttled me yet.
Heh heh heh!

See you later.

You just wait, Long John.

Heh heh heh!

You failed, Ghost Bunglers!

The Ghost Galleon has already
changed yon comet's orbit.

It'll be headed for Earth now.

And there'll be nothing
you can do to stop it.

Ha ha ha!


[both grunting]


You guys should
consider losing a few tons.

Yeow! Help me, guys.

[peppy music]



Hey-y-y! If you goofballs
wanna quit playin' ar-r-round

that comet's headed
right for us!

I think we better
g-g-get out of here!

[all screaming]

There's no way
we can stop this huge comet.

We'll just have to get
everyone out of the way.

Tracy, can you figure out

where that comet's
gonna hit the Earth?




-[Tracy] Right here.
-The South Pole, huh?

Well, at least
that's a lucky break.

Not many people there.

Hit the turbos, G.B.

[Ghost Buggy]


According to Tracy's

the comet should hit
about right here.

But I don't understand, Jake.

There's nothing down there
but ice!

Why would Prime Evil wanna drop
a comet on a South Pole?

I don't know, Eddie.

But I think we'll find out
in a few minutes.

-What is it, Tracy?

I-- I got it. Here.


You're going to a wedding?

No! Look, Jake!
Penguins! A whole bunch of 'em.

Oh, no! They're
right in the comet's path.

How're we gonna
get them out of there?


Great job, Trace! Bring 'emback here to safety and hurry!

The comet's almost here!

[penguins squawking]



Well, I guess that's over with.

The comet hit
and nothing happened.

Whatever Prime Evil was up to,I guess he failed.


I-I wouldn't be too sure, Jake.


I think we still got
b-b-big trouble.

[dramatic music]

Jake, that's the biggest
volcano I've ever seen!

It's startin' to push
the Earth like a rocket.

Right you are, little buddy.

It must be part
of Prime Evil's plan.

He's pushing
the Earth out of its orbit.

The stars are moving,
O Master of Malice.

[Brat-A-Rat snickering]

What does it mean?

[Prime Evil screeches]
It means my plan is working
perfectly, Brat-A-Rat.

The comet has created a huge
volcano at the South Pole!

Which is pushing the Earth
away from the sun!

Ha ha ha!

What good's that gonna do?

Simple, you simpleton!

Without the sun,
the Earth will freeze.

The humans on Earth
will have to surrender to me!

Come... [screeches]

we will move Haunt Quarters
to the South Pole!

I wish to witness
my triumph personally.

Ha ha ha!


[dramatic music]


[Eddie stammering]
J-Jake, like, I know this
is the South Pole and all...

b-b-but it feels like
it's gettin' even c-colder.

I think it is, Eddie.

The volcano must be pushing
the Earth far away
from the sun.

If we don't do something soon,the whole Earth
is gonna freeze!

We have to stop that volcano.

Got any ideas, Tracy?




Yay! Great, Tracy, you did it!

Uh-oh! Maybe not, Eddie.

The heat of the volcano
is melting the snowball.


Darn! Right back
where we started.

-Cheer up, Tracy.

It was a darn good try.

We just have to find somethingelse to plug the volcano with.

With something that won't melt.

However that's gonna be
a real problem.

Speakin' of real problems,
Jake, here comes
Prime Evil!

Look, master! Hee hee hee!

It's the Ghostbusters!


So I see.

No doubt they're trying
to interfere with my plans!

Well, I'll just see about that.

Fangster, Long John,
Scared Stiff...

Trance-A-Lot, Haunter...

get them!

[Jake] Uh-oh! Looks like
we've got a party on our hands.

Get ready, boys.

Let's go, Ghostbusters!

[dramatic music]

Come on, guys, let's get them!He he he!

[dramatic music]

Nice work, Eddie.




[Eddie shouting]

[Fangface growling]


Thanks, Trace. Oh!

Dear! I say, dash it!
A bit hasty,
but quite alright, ol' boy.

Only jostled me rather.

Gee, s-- sorry!

Now be a good chap
and hold still a moment.

[British accent]
Sowie, old bean,
'fraid you've been busted!

[intense music]


Oh, my masterful maven
of morbid maliciousness...

the Ghostbusters
have busted your ghosts.


So I see.

All except one cowardly
little vermin who ran away!

Me? Run away?

No, no, no,
Your Exotic Sleaziness.

I was just coming back
to report.


You're right, I was chicken.

That's better.

Now, if those
gibbering goofballs

and their malodorous monkey

think that they have heard
the last from me...


...they are very much mistaken!


Well, I guess
we showed him a thing or..


Looks like we made
ol' red robes mad!

I think you're right, Jake.
Let's get out of here.


You dratted Ghost Bunglers!

You're dealing with me now!

Take that!

Guys, this is terrible!

Prime Evil's
got us pinned down here

and all the while,
the volcano is pushing
the Earth

farther away from the sun.

I'm telling you, Jake,
I-I-I don't like
the looks of this.

Don't worry, little buddy,
I think I've got a plan.

Pop your helioblades, chum,
we're gonna need 'em.

[Prime Evil screeches]

Those blasted... busters
can't hide from me!

Once I find them
on the view screen, I'll...


Hey, spark face.

Were you lookin' for us?

You insolent insects!

I'll take care of you goofball,
you... Ghostbusters

once and for all!


-Here he comes!
-So here we go!

He's after us, Jake,
and he looks plenty mad!

I hope your plan works!

It was our only chance, Eddie.

There's only one thing
around here that's big enough

and solid enough
to plug that volcano.

And that's
Haunt Quarters itself.

Come on.

[penguins squawking]

-He's gainin' on us, Jake.
-Hang on, little buddy.

We gotta buy enough time
for Tracy to save the world!

Hmm, you won't escape me,

Take this!

Jake, he got my ghostpack!

I'm going down!

Hang on, Eddie!


Eddie, are you all right?

I'm all right,
but my ghostpack isn't and..

Uh-oh! Here comes Prime Evil.

Scram, Jake, he's comin'!
Leave me! Save yourself!

No dice, little buddy.

You're my friend and I'm gonnastick by you no matter what...

or who.

Ah! At last!

I have you now.


What? What's going on?


It must be Tracy.

He's deflecting the volcano.


[Prime Evil]
The Earth is turning around!

That's right, Prime Evil.

Tracy's turned
the Earth around.

And now
we're headed back home.

Not if I can help it.

Hold it right there,
Prime Evil.

You're not going anywhere.


You can't stop me!

But I can, Prime Evil.

Argh! Drat you!

You'll pay dearly
for that later! [screeches]

But for now,
I have to stop that ape!

Jake, we forgot. Prime Evil
doesn't need the bone flyer
to fly.

We've gotta slow him down.

I'll use the specter snare.

[dramatic music playing]

Grab on, Eddie.


I just hope this
buys Tracy enough time.


Ha ha! Just in time!

Now to stop that ape!

Tracy, look out!

Go! Go! Go!




Yay! Beautiful!

You did it, Tracy.

The Earth is safe!

They helped too.

[penguins squawking]


You dratted... Ghostbunglers!

Do you know how long
it's going to take me

to get my Haunt Quarters
out of that volcano?

Well, at least you
won't have to worry
about heating the place

for a while. Heh heh heh!

Argh! No!

-Better get out of here,

[penguins squawking]


I'll get you yet...

Ha ha! Gee, Prime Evil seems
pretty hot under the collar.

He'll cool down, Eddie.

He's gonna be
at the South Pole
for a long, long time.

[all laughing]

In today's story

the Ghostbusters were faced
with a huge problem.

It was so big that none of themcould handle it by themselves.

Right, but they were able
to solve the problem
by working together.

In other words, teamwork.

It's important to do
some things by yourself.

But it's also important
to work well with others.

So the next time
you or a friend has a problem

that's too big
to handle alone...

try team work.

[theme music playing]

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪

♪ Let's go

♪ Let's go, Ghostbusters
Let's go ♪