The Odyssey (1997): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

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"The Odyssey (1997)"

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We need to get
her to the palace.



- Odysseus.
- Master, the baby is coming!

Take me home.


Tell them to make ready.

Just think of us.
just you and I.

Lying on the shore.

Hold tight.
Give me the pain.



It is coming. It is coming.

- You must get her to the palace.
- It is coming.

Come this way.


Come this way.



The baby is coming!

Mistress Anticlea!
Mistress Anticlea!

Mistress Anticlea!
Mistress Anti...oh!

Queen Penelope's baby is coming!

The baby is coming.

Oh, the queen.
Queen Penelope's baby...

Calm yourself, boy.

Hold me. Hold me.
Hold me in your eyes.

A boy.

I love you.

Show him his new home.

Do you see, Telemachus?


Your kingdom.


Do you see how beautiful?

Do you?



This day was the
proudest day of my life.

My sweet Penelope and
the gods had given me a son.

But at the same moment, the
world we built together

was changed forever.

Dark news was
coming to my shores.

My beloved Greece
was at war with Troy.

A kingdom,
far across the seas.

The mightiest of my fellow kings,

Agamemnon and Menelaus themselves,
came for me.

Sworn to a blood oath of allegiance.

and bound by honor
to protect my land,

I was forced to leave my home,

not knowing if I would
ever see my wife

and child again.

I am Odysseus,
king of Ithica.

And this...
is my story.


You must it leave here.

The bow.
Now, belongs to your son.

My grandson.

You alone, will teach
him to string it

when he is grown.

- Mother.
- No.

I see, it is war.


Summon the captains.
Assemble the crews.

We sail for Troy.

Gods be with us.

Athena, my goddess, you
have always protected me.

Yet today you remain silent.

Tell me. Is there no way
to avoid this war?


Speak to me.

No tears.

No tears.

He is strong like you.

He doesn't cry.

- Promise me you will return.
- I cannot.

Troy does not fall so gently.

I love you.

- Penelope, If I cannot return ...
- You will!

No, no.
If I fail...

If I fail
and if I die.

Don't even say the words, don't.

You must allow me
to die inside of your.

You cannot live a life alone.

You'll always be my wife.

If there is a beard on his face
and I still hadn't come,

you will choose another.

And you will marry.

And you will give
our son a kingdom.


And all we have worked for.

Now promise me.

I love you.


I will be alive.

Alive like this tree

around which we built this world.

I will wait.


Joint a farewell song.

Set the sails.

Turn Troy to dust.

Return with the spoils of
enemies you slain.

And my heart will rejoice.

Give Penelope the same
strength you gave to me.

I will care for your son
as I cared for you.

The gods of sea and sky
carried me towards Troy.

My warriors at my side.

But I was alone.

You're really, Eurylochus!
He is infected with a lying sickness.

I am telling you, it's true.

The walls of Troy
reach to the clouds.

I see you are no longer with me,

And it's alright.

I can do everything myself.

Ha. Is that any way to
speak to your protector?


I think the wine swells your head,
my Odysseus.

Are you drinking because
you fear your future?

I am afraid of nothing.

I am teasing you.
You are anger with me.

Athena. You could have
only persuaded Agamemnon,

on the day of
my son's birth, no less.

I am a goddess after all.
I have other duties.

And don't forget. I can be
seen by whom I choose.

I did not want you
to escape this journey,

because I want you to go.

I want you, my brave Odysseus,
to defeat the Trojans.

I have fought long enough.

No, your destiny is to do battle
to become immortal.

To have your name on the
lips of endless generations.

No. I have no need to be
remembered by endless generations.

Odysseus. You cannot lie to me.
I know your true character.

I know your pride.

Your vanity.

You even surround yourself with men
who would not refuse you.

Look at them.
I fear for you.

Giant Polites,
he is stubborn beyond words.

That's what makes him relentless.

Eurylochus, lies even more than you.

Eurylochus is the best
blacksmith in all Greece.

Anticlus. His curiosity will
always bring him trouble.

I can see TROY!

That's what makes him fearless.

You see the good in them
because they love you.

You must use this scope
to defeat the Trojans.

You must be brave, my Odysseus.

I have no fear

as long as
you are with me.

Year after year,
we fought beneath Troy's walls.

I stood with the mighty Achilles,

fight to fight
against Hector.

The Trojan's most ferocious warrior,
and his troops.

Thousands of men died
where they fell.

While mothers and wives
spent endless sleepless nights.

And no one knew whose side
the gods were on.


Play, play, play!

Fight. Fight.
Fight! Fight!

Hear me, Greek!

It is I, Hector, defender of Troy,
who challenge you.

Here, before the gods
and your own people,

I will tear open your chest

suck out your beating heart...

and spit your blood in
the faces of your slaves.



Hector is mine!



He's mine!

He's mine!

I killed Hector!

I will bury Troy!

In the 7th year of blood.

Achilles, god among man,
was slain.

Our hope was lost.

had taken the best of us

and still remain locked.

The word on each Greek soldiers'
lips was : Surrender.

But I refused to accept
so much death in vain.

I had a plan.

And I convinced my comrades.

There was a way to enter Troy.

King Priam.

Built from their forgotten ships.

A worthy trophy.

Let me go!
Let me go!

Mercy, good king.
Have mercy on an old man.

It was I who convinced
the Greeks to retreat.

I told them to make this
offering to you, great king.

To my brothers, after 10 years
of war, you have won.

and no one will ever
enter the walls of Troy.

I convinced them to build this mighty horse,
as a gift of surrender to you.

And for my troubles,
they branded me a coward.

- And left me here to beg.
- Good.

Mighty Priam, give me life.
And I'll be your slave.

Any fool can see
that he is lying!

Laocoon, the soothsayer.

He will ruin us.

That man has never
spoken the truth!

Good king, I swear it!

Beware the Greeks,
and their gifts!



Poseidon has sent his sea serpent.

It's a sign!

Your soothsayer has offended
Poseidon with his lies!

You must accept the Greeks' gift!

Wheel it to the gates.

Drop the rope.


Do you see?
You gods of sea and sky.

I conquered Troy!
Me, Odysseus!

A mortal man of flesh
and blood and bone and mind!

I do not need you now.

I can do anything.

Odysseus, why do you defy me?

Who are you?

It is I, Poseidon.
God of the wine dark sea.

You have already
forgotten how I helped you.

Help me?

For 10 years, you played with
us as with toys.

For 10 years,
you let blood spilled your shores!

But it was my serpent who
silenced Laocoon

or your horse was doomed.

Yet, you refuse to give thanks.

You forget a man is
nothing without the gods.

You will suffer for this offense.

For your arrogance, you will drift
on my sea for an eternity.

Never again will you reach
the shores of Ithaca.

You cannot stop me!

You will suffer.


Look what we have!

No one.

No one will stop me
from seeing Ithaca.

Victorious, defiant,
I sailed from Troy.

My mind filled only with
the thoughts of the home.

I had not seen for 10 years.

You see, Telemachus.
It is easy.


- Telemachus, where are you?
- You can't catch me.

I can still catch you.

And yes, I will.
Ha ha ha.

You won't catch me.
You won't catch me.

- Mother, mother, save me!
- Hoy!


Mother! Mother!
Save me!

You save me.

- Oh.
- Mother.




Where are you suppose to be?

In the field shooting sheep.

Eumaeus, take Telemachus back.

Come on boy,
come on.


He is just a boy.

He is not ready
for man's work.

Because you would not
let him grow.

- He is my son, not yours!
- My son was ready for all things.

Yes, your son had his father.

Your's soon enough.

It can never be soon enough.

Each day without Odysseus
last forever.


But ...

if he does not return.

Do not say
those words to me.

You cannot hide from them.

If Odysseus is dead

you must bear it
and go on.

You must live for your son.

As I did.

You must raise a king!

You have a heart of stone.


if stone can
shiver and bleed.




Odysseus, return to me.

Poseidon began his revenge
soon enough.

For months,
he blanketed the sea in fog.

Separated from the rest of the fleet,

I was lost.


Nothing but fog!


When I find you, you and
your flute are in the sea.

It's land!

Man your oars!

- It's not Ithaca.
- Row!

If men live here, they can tell us
how far we wondered.

Let the others go, master.
You can follow if they meet anyone.


I hear it.

Sheep or goat.

And I bet I am the
first to find them.


Bring me gifts,
for our host.

- You stay with the ship.
- And let you go alone, master?

I win!
An empty cave.

No women, but...
plenty of cheese.

Hmm. It's good.

Have some.

They keep sheep in
this cave with them.

No tools.

No weapons.

Oh, oh.
Oh, oh.

Oh. A million number!

No grain.
No oil.

Just cheese!

- Bring the wine.
- Savagers!

The wine.

We will trade it for water.

Mixed wine with water, you pig.
It's too strong without.

I'm no little boy!

No. We will roll you down
the hill when you are drunk.


Let us see these shepherds.

Who are you?

We are just soldiers.

We are lost.

And eating my food!

- Why not?
- And enough.

It's true, we-we...

We just helped ourselves.

As you guest,
we-we know.

We bring gifts, that is the custom
in this part of the world, no?

That is-
That is the law.

Here, we have no law.
Here, we do what we want!


You are not alone?

No, my brothers' at the big caves.

Where are your parents?

Our mother is a sea nymph.

Our father is the
mighty god, Poseidon.


I am the youngest, Polyphemes.
What did you bring?



We thought that...

If you would share some sheep,

we could cook you a feast.



- I like meat!
- Aw!


- Why not?
- No!

Because, man do not
eat one another.

Yes, I thought so.

Calm down.

Who is next?

No no.
Down. Down.

Take me next.

Of course, if you do,

you would eat all the
magic inside my head .

Do you know how much magic
I have in here?

I will spit your head out!

But you would have learned nothing.

Poseidon's sons are not stupid.

They are not foolish.

You eat me, then you kill
all the secrets of the world.

What secret?

What secret?

Anticlus, the wine.

- What is it? Aye.
- It's wine.

It's a drink of the gods.


Try it.

I like it!


- What is your name?
- My name?

- He is the lord of...
- Please!

My name is Nobody.


Oh, alright.

In the morning, you will tell
me more secrets, after I eat.

I will kill him now!

And after he's dead,
who would move the stone?


Keep it, keep quiet.

- Push! Push!
- Come one.

More effort.
Come on, push!

There must be another way out.

There is.

Oh, my eye!
My eye!

My eye!

What have you done to me?

I cannot see!

Help me, I cannot see!

Brothers! Brothers!
He's blinded me!

Nobody has blinded me!

Where are you?

Where are you?
Where are you?

Where are you?

I'll kill you all and
eat you piece by piece!

Where are you?



I will get you!
Where are you?

I will get you!

I hear you!

You can't escape!
I will get you!

Where are you?

Where are you?

What-What happened?

- Man your oars!
- What happened?

What happened?

Tell me!

- Man your oars!
- What happened?




You gave me no choice.

Blame your father, Poseidon!
It is he who made me blind you!

You hear, Poseidon!
I am alive!

Odysseus is alive and
you cannot stop me!

Avenge me!


We sailed for months,

from cyclops island
to the setting sun.

Our hearts heavy with the lost
of Antiphus and his gentle flute.

Our mouths dry with thirst,
desperate for water to drink,

we approached another
unknown land.

Be still!

Are you surprised?
Admit it.

I can see you are surprised.

Who are you?

I am Aeolus, god of wind.

This is my island,

where soft breezes and
raging tempest... all begin.

Well, I am honored.

why do you not
allow me to drink?

Because I know you, Odysseus,
lord of Ithaca.

Do not be afraid.
Step through the water.

I have something for you.

Come ahead!

Do not be afraid.

- Come here.
- You know me?

Everyone knows Odysseus.

The great hero who
built the Trojan horse.


few Greeks know that you are
the only one who can't go home.

Poseidon still believes
he can stop me.

Poseidon. Poseidon.
Poseidon this, Poseidon that.

Poseidon is a bully He's my cousin.
He's arrogant, he's selfish.

He forgets that the sea
is nothing with the wind.

And who is the
god of the wind?

Guess who is the
god of the winds?

I am.
I am.

We'll get back at him.
Give me this.

Give me this, Odysseus.

Thank you.

We'll get back at him.

Up here!

These winds,
very stubborn!

I have left only the
West wind free.

In 9 days, it will blow you
and your ship to Ithaca.

Now here.

Why are you helping me?

Because you are the first mortal
ever to use his mind!

And you understand that
there is always something to learn!

Now go!

And you better not
open that sack.

Lucky Odysseus.

We find water.
He finds gold.

Maybe something better.


Leave it alone.

I will tell you when we
reach Ithaca, not before.

Aeolus had promised me

Soon, I will see my Penelope,
my family, my home.


Tell Penelope I would not sleep
till we embrace in my bed.


Bring the grain!

Move along!
Move it along!

My hear flutters,
as if...

I am afraid to say it.

Finally, he sleeps.

Now, let's open the sack.

It must be full of treasure.

We will bet.


- What do you say it is?
- I don't care.

But I want my share.


You cannot open it.
It is the master's.

- What is the master's is ours.
- Odysseus can keep it.

- I just wanted to see it.
- Well, I'll have a share of it too.

Now, I say it's gold.


It's Ithaca!


We are home!

- I must wake the master.
- No.

Move, and I will
cut your head off.

Once we land he will never
show us what's in that sack.

A strange feeling woke me.


He's coming.




- Come on!
- Slice it open.

What have you done?

What have you done?

Pull the sails!

Pull the sails!

I told you. I told you
not to open this till Ithaca!

Not till Ithaca!

What have you done?

What have you done?

Are you fools?
You betrayed me!

You betrayed me!

You fools!

You fools!

You betrayed me!

Where have you been?

Is that a ship?

I have held Ithaca in my eyes.

Only to have my hopes
of reaching Penelope

crushed by the fury
of the unlocked winds.

Tossed in the storm,

all food and water lost.

We were set down now,

on the far side
of the world.

- Food!
- Stay away!

Here, master,
all I could find.

You will not get
1 kernel from me.

You act alone
and you starve alone.

If there is game here

I will kill it.
But I...

I will share it

with my brothers.

Polites, go with him.

Eyes open.


Gold and silver.

It's you who open the sack
and now we all starve.

I can cut you open too.

We will cook you right here.




Get it!

Get it!

The pig!
Get the pig!

Someone stop it!

Aim for it!
And come on, stop it!

Get in front!
Get the pig!


Oh, stop your squealing.

Please, stop!

Please, masters.
Stop it!

Where are the others?

- Captured.
- By who.

Warriors, Savagers, who?


It's Polites.
Our Polites.

Turned into a pig!

- Ha ha ha...!
- Ha-ha-ha...

- Eurylochus, enough of your games.
- It is the truth! I swear it!

This is the island of a witch,
a sorceress!

She turned all our
brothers into animals.

- I saw it with my own eyes!
- He is lying to protect himself!

What did you do, coward?
Run from the fight?

- Master.
- Let him speak.

For half a day we climbed up
a path into these mountains.

From the woods, suddenly we heard
a sweet woman's voice.

Singing, calling us in.
The witch.

We came to a stone palace,
surrounded by animals: lions, wolves.

We saw her from a distance ,

walking from window to
window, singing her song.

She offered food and wine
in her honeyed voice,

- and in they went.
- But you did not go.

I stayed back, yes!

And never have I felt
worst for being right!

Go on.

I crept closer and saw

there was music.
The witch waved her hands

and each one of our brothers was
turned into an animal before my eyes!


Only Polites escaped!

- It does look like Polites.
- Quiet, fool!

Master, you cannot believe...

Are we to starve
because of his lies.

If you touch that pig,

- I will kill your with my bare hands!
- Move. Get off!


- Get off!
- Enough!

- All this is true?
- On my life.

If I do not return
by sunrise,

leave this place.


Majesty, you cannot go!

She will cast
a spell over you!

I sent them.

I bring them back.

Stay away!
Don't come any closer!


Where are the others?


You're about to lose your sword,
and you need it.

the gods' messenger.

- None other.
- Finally.

Athena sent you.


Take care of my sword.

I'm not allow to touch.

Only offer you words.

Heed my advice,
and reach that stone.


This one!


Eat this.

It's Moly.

It's poison.

I'm giving it to you.
A god to a mortal

No, I refuse.


But it is the only way to
stop the witch, Circe's spell.

Don't you trust me?

She knows you are coming.

But now,

When you drink her honey potion,
you will remain a man.

This will catch
the witch off guard.

Draw you sword,
as if to kill her.

Frighten her a little!
Then she will make you an offer,

to take her to bed.

You cannot refuse a goddess.

Only then,
will she surrender your men.


Come on!
Come, you're almost there.

Come on. Come on. Come on.
Don't be afraid.

You must be hungry and thirsty.

Wine with honey.



Very sweet.

I've hope for a lion
for such a man.

You will not change me.



What would you do
with this knife?

End your life.


and you will never
see your men again.


The only way I will turn
your soldiers back to man

is if you take me to bed.

Brave Odysseus.

Are you still a man?

You are gutless murderers.

I am telling you,
you are gutless murderers.

At least our bellies
will be full!

I believe you, Eurylochus,
but I cannot stop them all!

I'm going to have your share.

Look at me, you idiot!

Come closer.

You don't recognize me?

I told you it was Polites!

- You will regret for this!
- Polites!

You will remember me always!

You will remember me

- You will remember me!
- And he will remember you!

You will always remember me!

Bring your men here.

To eat and rest.

filled our ears with music

and our minds with
magical lotus blossom.

Her potions are
weakening our bodies

and clouding our thoughts.


- I'm going hunting.
- Not with that!

Not yet!

But it's mine!


If I am old enough to keep
my father's flocks and kill his game,

- then I am old enough to use his bow.
- If you can string it.

it's your's to hunt with.

If you cannot,

you will place it in your father's
treasury until I give it to you.

Mistress Anticlea is going to the shore!
Come quickly!



- Anticlea!
- I can wait no longer.

If Odysseus is dead...

- I will meet him in the sea.
- He is alive.

We will wait for him together.


Leave me!



I'm ashamed.

But my stone heart
has broken.

I have nothing left
to bleed!

What of your family?
Of me?

You are not only the
mother of my husband,

You are my mother.
You are my father.

You are my strength.

You are strong enough alone!


You will feel me

with you.


from the land of the dead.



You cannot stop me.

No tears.

You lie with me
yet you think of your wife.



While we shared this bed,
you've forgotten her.


You have given me much, Circe.

But no bare enough flesh
could ever make me forget Penelope.

Not in a life time.

And not in these 5 days.

5 days?

Poor, simple Odysseus.

He thinks he has been here 5 days
when it has been 5 years.

What are you playing at?

You mortals understand
so little here, in my palace.

Time has no meaning.

It passes, slips by, fades,
however I choose.

What seem like a day
to you, even an hour

was a year outside these walls.

I saw the sun rise and set,
that's impossible.

If you needed proof
to you eyes,

go see your ship
buried in 5 years of tide.

And on the way, wonder if your
wife's memory is as strong as yours!

Or if she has found
another partner!

Wake up!

- Odysseus.
- Wake up!

Get up!



I see now you believed.

You conspired with Poseidon
against me!

Don't blame the gods
for your deeds.

You were given your men back,
and yet, you lingered in my bed.

15 years,
I have not seen my son

and my home.

And my mother.

Or touch your lonely wife.

You lose much more
than 5 years

if you don’t open your eyes
and see what you are.

No! You, open your eyes
and you see who I am!

Now, you help me
fine my way home

or curse them
I'll kill you.

I know one man who
knows the way to Ithaca.

Then tell me.

- Tiresias, the prophet.
- Tiresias is dead.

If you still wish to go home,
you must

enter the underworld.

Only there, will you find
the answers you seek.


The kingdom of the dead.

You are right to be afraid.

How do I find Tiresias?

You must cross the river
of fire and sacrifice a ram,

and you must
enter the fire

to find Tiresias.


5 years,
gone with the tide.

5 years of pain
for Penelope.

And what of my son?

He would be 15 by now.

And still
without his father.

The Boy.

Lord Antinous.

Lord Eurymachus,
nobles of Ithaca.

You have brought
news of my father?



Your father is long dead.

You cannot say that,
there is no proof!

Everyone who fought at Troy
has long returned home.

Either Lord Odysseus is dead,
lost in Poseidon's graveyard,


he has chose not to return,

to abandon your mother,

his kingdom,

and you.

Now, your mother will choose
one of us

and marry again.


Men are in the hall.

They say they're here for you.

Men who say my father is dead!

They have brought gifts,

I must receive them.
And you must.

The custom is clear.

Welcome guests,
feed them openly.

I will respect this as
you father did, and so will you!

I will not!

Finish, Melanthe.


You are still beautiful.

The nobles of Ithaca
will beg at your feet.

I will receive these men,
and that is all.

They will have nothing which
belongs to Odysseus.

Not his fortunes

and not his wife.

The river of fire.

Let me come with you.


I must cross it myself.

You soul will burn away.

I know you would
follow me now.

You have always followed me.

You are my warriors.

The time has not come
to enter this house.

This house of death.

We've suffered the lost
of many men,


We survive,


And now,

we may never be
in each other's eyes

ever again.

- You will be back.
- And if I'm not?

We will not reach Ithaca
without you!

Yes, you will.
You will.

It is I, am lost.

And if I do not return,

you row,

row without end.

You will reach Ithaca.



Stay back!

This ram is not for you!





You must show me Tiresias.


Bring me to him.