The New Avengers (1976–1977): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Last of the Cybernauts...? - full transcript

Double agent Felix Kane is horribly disfigured while being chased by the New Avengers. A year later, Kane forces Frank Goff to breathe new life into old Cybermen left in storage by Goff's former employer, Dr. Armstrong. Further more, Professor Mason is kidnapped and forced to apply the Cybernaut technology to rebuild Kane's body so he can exact his revenge on Steed, Purdey and Gambit personally.

Happy birthday, Steed.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

Now with one mighty ...

- Well done.
- You made a wished?

A wish?

Well, I couldn't wished three more
delightful people to share my birthday.

How is that. Furthermore.

- Purdey. The ivories.
- Yes.

Mike, tell Steed ...

Terry, I'm here.

I found the double agent.

I found him ...


No time.

It's Kane, Steed.

Felix Kane.

He is making a contact tomorrow,


same place ...

You can ...


Happy Birthday.

You're thinking about last year?

What's that?

You, me, Gambit,
the delectable Tricia ...

... and Terry.

It's been a year today.

Poor Terry.

You have to learn
when to close the file.

It's in the past. Forgotten.

Laura, my dear!


Frank Goff?

- I don't understand.
- You will.

Do you know them?

And of course.
They would be up to your time.

But this one, Steed ...

John Steed.

He put you away, didn't he?

How long was it for?


... ten years?

I'm only in this for money.

You play along and there will be something
in this for you too.

I would have invited to do
to my home, Mr. Goff,

... but I couldn't be sure
you would come.

So you were abducted.

But I wish you no harm ...

... and as a sign of my goodwill.

The tip of the iceberg, Mr Goff.
A down payment.


Offer a drink to our
reluctant visitor.


Ten years of your life lost
because of this man.

You must hate him very much.

There was a long time ago.

So the time would have
healed your wounds, Mr. Goff?

You are not a man of passion like me,

... conscientiously malicious.

My hatred of these three people has
consuming my body and soul. Perhaps ...

... perhaps it has even
sustained me kept me alive.

And kept me alive
while I should be dead.

And this hate never leaves me.

It fills my dreams
and my waking hours.

I am become a man
with a single purpose.

But that is no matter to you,
Mr. Goff.

I'm pleased to see you.

- Malov?
- Sir?

What face that I wearing?

The bland one, sir.

My face of pleasure then.

I wish to express
my pleasure to Mr. Goff.

Yes, that's better.

A man's face betrays his thoughts,
don't you agree?

Now, to business.

I know you've been working for a while
with Dr. Armstrong ...

... brilliant misguided man
whose thought to control the world ...

... through cybernetics
through robot men,

- Cybernauts.
- Yes.

But Steed
and his partner at the time,

A Mrs. Emma Peel fired that plan.

- Yes or no ? Answer, Mr. Goff!
- Yes, correct.

My resarch had told me,

that before dying,

Dr. Armstrong had established
a storehouse of these ...

... Cybernuts, these robot men.
Is it true?

It was rumored.

Rumored? I have a fact that
there was there. And there is ...

... such a storehouse
and that you know it's location.

Mr. Goff,

I am willing to pay
very high indeed ...

... to learn the location
of that storehouse.

I am willing to go to
any links to obtain it.

Mr. Goff,

I am wearing my face of pleasure.

do not force me to assume ...

... this mask.

The party Mrs. Weir.
Birthday party.

Oh, I see.

That's nice.

Birthday present.

I did not know you a musician.

I am not.

I don't know how to lie.

A miracle of modern science.

- Mrs. Weir?
- Yes?

- Are you a woman of high moral standards?
- Of course!

So avoid the guest bedroom
until tomorrow.

Steed? It's Fitzroy.

Hello, old chap.

Simple routine.
Goff was released today.

- Goff?
- Goff. Frank Goff.

Remember Dr. Armstrong,
the cybernauts ...

Yes. It was years ago.

Ten years.
I wanted to warn you,

... in case Goff wants revenge.
You never know.

Thank you, but Goff
is only small fry.

Calmly. Calmly.

You don't need to be nervous.

- Ready, sir?
- My pleasure, Malov.

Excellent, Malov.

Let us see if Mr. Carson's memory
has served him well.


Quite beautiful.


I made them.
- Yes.

According to Dr. Armstrong's
specific instructions.

- Yes, but I made them.
- I see.

Then you would know
how to operate them.


These were the most complex
Dr. Armstrong ever design.

You can preset program them ...

or use direct radio control.

That way why
you could direct them from ...

From ...

From a wheelchair?

We didn't learn that it even.
- No.

But a proficiency at snooker.

Here's another sign of a misspent youth.



You shouldn't sneak up on
a chap like that.

I didn't want to spoil
your shot.

Consider it, but dangerous.

Laura, this is Tom Fitzroy,
an old friend. Laura.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Laura, if you will mind ...

If you say so.


Is that Goff, Frank Goff.
You know released from prison yesterday.


Well, he hasn't been seen since.

He's dropped right out of sight.


It works!

He works!

Of course.
The doctor knew what he had to.

The doctor gave you the designs
You executed them.

You interpreted them.

That's right.

So the analogy might be.

He the architect,
you the builder.

I suppose.

Your talent is merely
interpretive then.

You would be incapable of
original design.

That's the jungle piece of

But you would be incapable of
progressing that design further.

I'm an engineer ...

A mechanic.

Yes, if you like.

To take Dr. Armstrong's designs
further well.

You need someone like him
an expert.

Someone into cybernetics.

A genius.


That is what I thought.

We must be rid of weak man, Malov.

Indeed, sir.

Right hand down.

- Oh, John!
- Do you like it?

Like it?

He is magnificent.

John, darling I ...

But I can't possibly accept him.

- I insist.
- But why?

Because you like him.
Like people have liked.

You are a generous man.
Too generous.

I have warned you
don't sneakin up on me.

You have.

- Laura, haven't introduced you to ...
- We met.

The last time you hit him.

More trouble?

He's Frank Goff.
He is dead.

Neck broken.

He's been hit with an iron bar.

We're here, sir.

So I see.

Professor Mason
is very well-guarded.

Too well guarded.

We'll never get him out of there.

Proffessor Mason will be attacked by
more than a man.

It really isn't tolerable.

I there a problem, proffessor?

You know perfectly well, but I mean you.
Guard outside. I'm no prisoner.

No, Proffessor Mason.

- Against what?
- Anything, everything.

Trouble times.
You're an important person.

And these times,
important people are a target.

I'm sorry, if I bother you.

Will you do both I mean.
Breathing on my neck.

No privacy, but consider
the bright side, Proffessor.

As long as I'm here you're safe.
No one can damage to you.

They were prepared for men, Malov.

Mortal men.

If it's not a man,

- You saw nothing at all.
- I felt it.

I felt someone fall on me.

When it fell, what sounded it make?

A swish?

Whip cracking?

Whip cracking?

- You're up to see
- What?

Let take form the rules.

Whatever Proffessor Mason
was working on was so secret ...

... perhaps even he didn't know.

But I want to know.

Mason ...

Proffessor Mason ...

Your work for the government
is a closely guarded secret.

But closely guarded secrets have
always been my stock in trade.

And so I know, Proffessor.


Remote control.


Robotics. Robots.

I know, Proffessor.

Who are you?

- What do you want ?
- Want?

Do you recognize it?

The Cybernaut.

I've heard of them,
but I never saw one until today.

Dr. Armstrong is dead,
but you are alive.

And possibly the only man capable of
progressing his brilliant work further.


That is why you're here,

To instruct another of these.

But to my specifications.


You don't spell it like that,
it's C-Y-B-E ...

I know.
Does it matter how you spell it?


You went and looked up
those old files too, didn't you?

Well, I did happen to be checking ...

Didn't you?

A steel robot.

Man made.

Man shaped. Radio control.

A kind of walking missile.
Capable of shattering doors ...

and of riding roughshod over
any kind of guard.

Impervious to bullets
and very very deadly.

Did I leave anything out?

Only that you love me very much.

Besides that.


That's the full story.

I didn't mention Mrs. Emma Peel.

You never do.

I've been meaning to ask you
about that.

She and Steed came up against
cybernauts before.

Twice before.

And nearly died.
- Yes.

- Steed worried.
- Fellows under the bowler.

- Steed never worries.
- It's a feature of the man.

He never never worries.
Not unless he's worried.

Which means it's serious.

Very very serious. That is very very
serious if you get my meaning


- The man who designed the cybernaut ...
- Is dead.

- Very bad.
- And Goff ...

- He was just an engineer.
- Is death too.

- So who is controlling him.
- Is controlling him.


But I say yes, Proffessor.

- That's unthinkable.
- But possible.

Is that possible.

We can persuade you, Proffessor.

In various ways with this ...

... with money.
Name your price.

I would prefer it to be with money.

Because then I could look
upon you as a helpful colleague.

But there is a third way.


The girl.

The girl ...

"Leaves her apartment at 8:30
each morning."

"She walks across the courtyard."
Empty ideal.

"She turns left into a quiet street."
Empty ideal.

"Then she walks across the park."


"To collage."

Your daughter, Proffessor.

We can pick her up
at any time.

We can and we have!

We have the means.

Now, what I am asking
is not impossible.

Why are you doing this thing?


I hope you have a strong stomach,

Now you know why I'm doing this.

I had only half a man
and they did this to me.

Materials the equipment I should need
can be obtained from only one place.

Turner laboratories.

Make a list of the things
you'll require.

The laboratories are government-owned.
Their top secrets closely guarded.

As I told you before.
We have the means.

Humor is not our specialty,

Inventing methods of destruction
nothing to be happy about.

Anyway. We do call this area
Mason's territory.

Proffessor worked here
for so long, you see.

And we're not always seeking
new ways of destroying people unit.

Only last month
we discovered a cure for tendinosis.


It's a particularly virulent
bacterial infection.

If you defined.

Well yes.

Here is the proffessors's den.

This is the chair where he sat?

- His window?
- Yes.

- What was he working on?
- I'm not allowed to tell.

I know.

And even now, almost 150 people
should already take responsibility ...

... and sign under documents
to liar you'll tell me.

But I haven't got the time.

But the regulation ...

The regulations were not drawn out ...

... to possibly say
professor Mason's life.

I don't know if it helps,

but I believe I'm distantly
related to a clamp.


- That's the science of ...
- I know.

You're only confirming
what I had already feared.


That's the professor's Seducer.


Well, he called it that
it's a kind of computer, you see.

But much more incisive

Hence seducer.

You seem to be a very
incisive man ...

The cupboard!


But I was joking ...
- Come on.

They must be a regulation against this!

It means you are not joining with me?

That is the machine you required,


He's coming round.

Purdey ...

Definitely coming round.

He is gonna be allright.

What happened?

I am very disappointed.

- What happeed! - What's a terrible
corny thing to say, Steed.

You could have said:
Where is the party?

That at least would be different.
And amusing.

You could muttered something
more incredible.

On the other hand,

We might want to know
what happened.

You were hit.

I'll give you even money
you know by whom. Or what.

No bet.

Oh, yes.

We found an attractive slightly
hysterical woman in the cupboard.

But she was locked on the inside.
And you're on the outside.

We didn't think that
she would press charges.

I wish you had got
in there with her.

You saved her life.

- Did I?
- And nearly threw away you around.

You must stop being so gallant, Steed.
We're liberated now.

I'll remember that.

That's no who you remember, is it?

- Cybernaut.
- Yes, we got as far as that.

- Before your time.
- Not anymore.

Came here for one purpose:
to steal equipment.

But why?

And for whom?

You wouldn't be playing for time,

That isn't a game you would play.

What you're asking me for
is the most delicate machinery ...

... combined with utter strength
that does take time.

I appreciate that.

But I'm impatient
to put my plan into action ...

... and to see them in agony.

It takes time.

As long as you are not creating
unnecessary delay.

You see, proffessor,
I like you.

I trust you. I delight in you
I beam on you, Malov.

I am wearing my beaming face?

Indeed sir.

Good, good.

I know it is only a mask,

but look deep into my eyes.

Do you not see a twinkle.
A twinkle of anticipation?

Not to cover all traces
is a bad mistake, Malov.

Indeed, sir.
You're saying, but ...

Then .. what about Foster?

But surely sir, I mean ...
there's a hard in a link.

But there is a link.

And we are dealing with three very
brilliant people.

Make no mistake. If there is a link,
they will find it.

They must not ...

... find it.



I suppose you think
that's funny.

- Purdey, what the hell do you want?
- You.

- Why didn't you say so ...
- Down, boy!

I want you to accompany me.

On the piano?

To J.B. Foster's place.

- And who ...
- Is J.B. Foster?

Mrs. Foster's little boy.

Coward or Moliere would
really go for that.

JB Foster works for
the prison authorities.

The prison which Goff was in.
Now ...

Goff was released a day early
from prison, did you know that?

No, you didn't.
I checked on it.

I suppose this is all
leading somewhere.

Only three people knew that Goff was ,
going to be released today early ...

... and one of them was JB Foster.

Now Goff must have been
picked up from jail.

You still with me?

Till the ends of the earth.

Why are you leaning so heavily on
JB Foster?

Because he bets the horses.

So do I.

That's right. And if he's as absolutely
rotten as you are at picking horses.

And if he loses as much money
as you do. He's bribable

I do not lose much money.

That's because of
you're mean mean mean.

You don't deny you
pick rotten horses.

Purdey, aren't we
forgetting one thing?

You're the girl
who gives me the tips.

Stop changing the subject.

So ...

I suggest to get around there
and talk to him.

Okay Purdey, wait outside.

I'm not gonna leave this room.
Because you lock the door.

- Purdey. - And you will get back
into bed. You will go to sleep.

- Purdey. - And I will go off and see
JB Foster and all the hard work.

I'm not wearing any pajamas.

I'll wait outside.

- I'll take the high road.
- I'll take the back road.

And I'll be in Foster's,
before he ...


The last tip I gave you paid off.

Yes, it did.

But you gave it to me.
Two hours after the race.

Nobody is perfect.

Purdey. A party trick!

It is of no matter.


... it served it's purpose.

Now, Proffessor,

... to our real task.

You dented him, Mike
You actually dented him.

Poor clever little fist.

How does it feel now?

Well since I entrusted it to you.

But I can promise you one thing.
You certainly won't play the piano again.

Which is a blessing for us music lovers.


I didn't want to take
any chances this time.

We lifted a thumbprint of this thing.

Just one.

What a pity
you're not wearing your hat.

I could have told you
to hold on to it.

The thumbprint
has been identified.

Felix Kane.

- I'm ready.
- And I.

I've kept my part of the bargain.

Not quite, Proffessor.

Not yet.

Two weeks inside that!
I was lucky didn't mummify.

Absolutely promise you.

But it's gonna get better.

Oh .. Still stiff.

Needs exercise.

Yes, how about.. a drink?

I get you one

Still nothing on Kane.

Must be a mistake.

Keep an eye on Purdey.


Looms are operated by
electronic impulses.

Directly attached
to your remaining muscles.

You'll get the hang of it soon enough.

I think proffessor.
Already have.

Your scientific skill
is to be admired, proffessor.

I have now the strength of ...
what ...

... fifty men?

A hundred?

And with this ...

I am now in bullet proof!

You made me a whole man again,

Or rather half man.

Half cybernaut.

With the passionate hatred of man.
And the killing power of the other.

An invincible combination.

I've done what you asked of me
under duress, but I have done it.

- You have indeed. You have my gratitude.
- You promised me.

I did and I'm a man of my word.
You shall have your freedom.

You shall have it,
when I have completed my task.

These new limbs proffessor,
this new mobility,

... this new strengths.
Supposing something should go wrong.

Who would I turn to.

You must be patient, proffessor.

I have learnt the virtue of patience.

I have waited 12 long months to savor
this experience.

But while these past days
you've had the means.

Send a machine to do
a man's work ...

... to destroy at a distance
by remote control.

There would be enjoy in that.

No, no, proffessor. This is something
I must do for myself. Because ...

... because it would be much more
merciful to send a cybernaut.

And I have other things in mind.

Other refinements.

I think, I shall begin
with the girl... Purdey.


Hello, Purdey.

Why are you lurking out there?

I'm not lurking!

Not? But you were.
Your attitude is not pure and positive look.

Ah that ...

Backache. Legacy from
the encounter with the cybernaut.

I suppose, you want me
to massage it.

No. As a matter of fact,
I don't.

I've got all these years,
I can use thank you.

I bet they don't have
my agreeable nature.

One of them might.

The ugly one.

What are you doing here anyway?

I came to return your book

What book?

The book you lent me.

Damned, if I haven't forgotten.

Book, yes.

See you later, Purdey.

Won't take long.

Shall I pass master?

- Of course.
- Good.

- Merge with the crowds.
- Indeed, sir.

This shall be a momentous day.

- Malov.
- Sir?

Make sure the professor
is kept comfortable.

Very good, sir.

He's mad.
You know he's mad!

He pays well
That's all I know.

He intends killing that girl.

Not right away,
not all at once.

Let's deal hands you've given him
like a razor.

I'd like a drink.

What a good idea.
I will join you.

- Yes.

Water soda?

Water would be fine.

Get away from there.

I said go away!

The thumbprint is reasoned?

Oh yes, very reasoned.

And what's more ...

Excuse me.

It's John Steed?



Proffessor Mason!
Where are you?


Purdey, I think her name is.

He's gonna kill her ...
or worse than kill her.

Kane is more than a man, now.

He's a superman.

He is ..



Minister types no stamina!

Mike Gambit!


I don't believe we have
actually met before.

But you know who I am.


Sharp, incisors, intelligent ...

Kane, or the Phoenix
risen from the inferno.

I chose you first. Because ...

... when Steed sees you,

he will suffer so very much.

He's very fond of you,
I believe.

When Steed sees me?

When he sees ...
what has become of you.

Have you ever considered, Purdey
the cruel vagaries of fate?

The tennis champion
smashes his elbow.

The concert pianist
who breaks his hands.

The ex dancer ...

... whose legs are shattered.

A moment...

Just a moment to look at that
so beautiful face ...

... and that perfect body.

Just a moment to remember you
as you once were ...

... as you use to be!

Delay me!

Push me!
Anticipation can be ...

... save your life!

As longer it takes,

... it will be more I enjoy.

Oh, yes.

More I should enjoy it.


You never stop fighting of it!


Not that, this.

You've given me a great deal
of pleasure, Purdey.

But all the good things
must come to an end.





Subtitling: Ceok