The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 4, Episode 8 - The Deadly Quest Affair - full transcript

Karmak, given up for dead by Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, kidnaps Kuryakin to extract his revenge on Solo. Solo must find Kuryakin, who is somewhere in a 10-block area of condemned buildings, before 6 a.m. or else the Russian UNCLE agent will die.


Dr. Lauer.


Doctor's orders, lllya.

Bed rest until they're certain there aren't
any aftereffects from the concussion.

One more day of bed rest and you may
have to put padding on the walls.

Now, now, no negative thoughts.
Think how lucky you are to be here.


You could have been the killed
jumping off that train with Margo.

Instead, you're here, getting plenty of rest,
you have time for meditation, uh...

...fruit of the vine, flowers of the field.


- Exquisite view.
- What exquisite view?

That exquisite view.

I'm afraid you'll have to leave now,
Mr. Solo.

Visiting hours are over.

Time for you temperature, Mr. Kuryakin.



Dr. Lauer.

Dr. Lauer. Dr. Lauer.

Ah, I'm going.

Oh, Margo wanted me to thank you,
but she was busy tonight modeling bikinis.

And, uh, I thought I would
say hello tor you...

...11 I just stopped by
and picked her up for supper.

No, Mr. Kuryakin,
you're to stay in bed and rest.

Dr. Lauer.

And no cheating on the thermometer
this time, Mr. Kuryakin.

I'll be back to check it...

...and make sure you've taken
your emulsion and sleeping pills.

Sorry, Mr. Kuryakin.

I'm Dr. Heller.

The orderly here will help you
into the gurney.

What for?

For the consultation
on your condition tomorrow.

Just some routine cranial vascular x-rays.

But only the emergency x-ray lab
is open after 6.

Yes, uh, that's where we're taking you.

Then why did the nurse
give me sleeping pills?




Get him ready.

But carefully, he still has 10 hours to live.


You may now preset the digital timer.

The message has been delivered?

Exactly at 9:00.


You have both done well.

And the tasks assigned you...

...have been carried out precisely
and to the letter.

You both fully deserve the final installment
of our agreement.


You will see that they are paid in full.

You will find the amount, I believe,
to be exact.

Fifty thousand kroner
was the amount agreed upon, was it not?

- Considering the risk--
- A contract is a contract, gentlemen.

It is now terminated.

The terms have been fulfilled
on each side.

Stefan will guide you out.

What about the escape plan for us?

That was part of the bargain.

That has been provided for.

Stefan will make the arrangements
for your, uh, final disappearance.

Again, gentlemen,
my gratitude for your services.

Let's go.



Viktor Karmak? Alive?

Yes, Mr. Solo, Viktor Karmak,
alive and here...

...and holding Mr. Kuryakin.

Well, someone's grabbed lllya,
but not Viktor Karmak.

He died two years ago in Acabia.
His own people put him out of commission.

You say you witnessed Karmak's death?

Well, something less pleasant than death.

What was left of Karmak was staked out
in a jungle clearing for the scavenger ants.

With scavenger ants, death is slow,
but it's always certain.

Not in this case.

Sir, lllya and I buried him.
Or, uh, at least his remains.

Some shreds of uniform, a few bones.
I'm sure you have our report on the affair.

Yes, I have it. I have it, all right.

And a report from Infiltration Command.

Another from M.I.P. Net.

Both are quite conclusive.

Karmak resurfaced in Brazil
two months ago.

His trail since then is quite distinct.

Montréal, El Salvador.

And now here. Here in the city.

Karmak's entry-visa declaration.

His thumbprint and his own signature.

That doesn't make sense.

Unless he wants us to find him.

Oh, no, he wants you to find him.

You and Mr. Kuryakin were responsible
for his downfall.

You, uh, may care to listen
to the message he's sent.

I think you might find it interesting...

...since, apparently,
it's an invitation to your own death.

Solo. Solo.


Twelve o'clock. At 12. Or lllya dies.

Well, what do you make of it?

Twelve o'clock?

Twelve, 12...


I'll show you. Oh, Miss Rogers?

If Karmak's trying to lure you into a trap,
he has to be sure you'll make it in time.

Must be somewhere in Manhattan.

Well, that brackets it nicely.

We've still got 52 minutes left
to find one specific spot... pinpointed area
that somehow adds up to 12.

Twelfth Precinct, maybe?

No, it's got to be a definite place, uh...

- How about Pier 12?
WAVERLY: Miss Rogers?

We've already checked it out, Napoleon.

And Number 12, 12th Avenue...

...and Track Number 12, Grand Central.


Waverly here.

Grid Net 3 in position.

Awaiting instructions.

All right, I'll be there.

Meantime, instruct Grid Net 3
to proceed with Capital Plan A.

Full red alert. Condition Green permissible
at any possible contact.

Condition Green?

If Karmak spots U.N.C.L.E. agents floating
in there, he may not wait until 12.

He'll murder lllya out of hand.

But if we can guess the place, I might have
a chance of getting to lllya alone.

That's just what Karmak wants.

I couldn't allow that.

I can't afford to lose two agents
because of a childish vendetta.

But perhaps you have an alternative plan
to suggest, Mr. Solo?

- Not yet.
- Then I have no choice.

Solo. Solo.


Twelve o'clock or lllya dies.

Illlya dies.

Have you found something?

Just possibly, Lisa.

Just possibly.


Well, I suppose you're another one
of those nasty people...

...from the Health and Sanitation

Well, I will not be moved again.

ll don't know if you've ever read
the Constitution, but--

Where is he?

What are you talking about?

And look, if you're not from the Health
and Sanitation Department...

...well, then what are you doing here?

- Well, what are you doing here?
- Well, the rent happens to be reasonable.

Oh, you're a starving artist.

- Uh-huh.
- Oh, I see.

And that Tsingtao necklace
you're wearing...

...I gather you got that at a distress sale
in the local dime store.

I'd estimate that each one
of these matched emeralds... worth about, uh, hmm, $15,000?

- Seventeen thousand.
- Oh.

And it just so happens
that my daddy gave them to me...

...when I promised to give up skydiving.

All right, you can drop the pose now.
Where's Karmak?

Watch out. Oh.

Now look what you've done.

Look, you just did that.

I did?

You've gone and altered
the whole dynamic of it.


I was gonna call it
Time in a Cosmic Flight--

Wait a minute.

Now it adds a certain primal thrust.

It could be called Flight.

Flight in Cosmic, uh...

Exactly what are you doing here?

Well, exactly what it looks like.

Of course, art to the Philistine
bureaucratic mind doesn't mean that, uh--

All right, you save the rest
of the compliments till later.

- You're getting out right now.
- Oh, now, just a minute.

An artist has certain rights
and if you think--

Write your congressmen tomorrow, okay?

I am not going anywhere.
I own this place.

- I mean the whole area.
- Sue me.


Excellent, Mr. Solo... passed the first test,
and in good time.

But then I expected you
to decipher my message.

You see, I do have cause
10 respect your capabilities, Mr. Solo.

And your sense of discretion.

Please don't move
or I'll be forced to kill you now.

What is it? Who is he?

An old acquaintance.

Yes, indeed, Mr. Solo.

A very old acquaintance.

And one who has had a long time
to contemplate this reunion.


I have planned your death and Kuryakin's
down to the last minute detail.

And I shall savor every moment of it.

I think we better get out of here.


Let the girl go.

You have a score to settle with me.
She has no part in it.

The young lady was not part
of the original plan of operations.

But she must be now.

Besides, she will even up the odds
of the hunt.

"The hunt"?

Yes, Mr. Solo.

I intend to hunt you, to stalk you.

Kuryakin will be the tethered bait
and you the prey.

Kuryakin is being held somewhere
in this 10-block condemned area.

You have until morning to hunt for him.

I, of course, will be enjoying the sport
of hunting you.

At precisely 6 a.m., Kuryakin will die.

However, he will die earlier
and instantly...

...if you summon help.

The rules of the hunt, incidentally,
require that you surrender your gun...

...or any other UN.C.L.E. devices.

I see you are thinking
of doing something foolish. Don't.



You will give your weapons
to my servant, Stefan.


The fuse cap in your tie clip.

The gas pellet under your lapel.

Thank you.

Well, the odds seems somewhat stacked
in the house's favor now.

I have spent the last two years of my life
making certain of that, Mr. Solo.

You will not attempt to escape,
nor seek help, nor attempt to kill me...

...for with my death, your colleague's
will be quite certain and immediate.

It is now six minutes to 12.

At midnight, the hunt will begin.


KARMAK: I do hope you've lost
none of your skill, Mr. Solo.

It would be a pity
for the game to end too soon.

It's almost 12, it's three minutes of.

I know.

Well, aren't we gonna do something
and try to get out of here?



Wait, maybe I can go to the other side
of the area and try to call--

Karmak's got the deck.
We've got to play it his way...

...and hope that he makes the mistake.

You're not gonna go out there
and do what he said.

And let him hunt you down
like some kind of animal?

I've got to. That's the only way
I'm going to find lllya before...


Do you have anything around here
besides, ahh, wine and peanut butter?

What do you use in your work?

Um, oh, uh...

Well, mallet and chisel.

- Hmm.
- What, you're interested in modern art?

Never more than right now, Miss, uh...?

Oh, uh, Van Tillson. Sheila Van Tillson.

Then you do own this whole area.

Uh, no, my daddy did.
He gave it to the city for a park.

He was gonna build me a studio,
but I refused...

...because I feel that in order to create,
an artist must suffer.

Well, I see you came to the right place.

What did you use, ahh, for this?

- Glue, or...?

You see, in existential art,
we don't use any of the classical methods.

- Hmm.
- I used a welding torch.


Can we use it?

Ahem. Well, I'm afraid it might
cut down on our mobility a little.

Oh, wait,
you're not gonna leave me here alone?

Ahh, no.

As a matter of fact, I think
you'd be much safer coming with me.

Come on.



You do not want your last meal?

If you were sitting in a gas chamber,
would you?

Why not?

The glass.

It fell on the floor.

You should not do that.

For you, there is no way to escape.

Or for you, Stefan.

You don't think he's gonna let you survive,
do you? He can't afford to.

He's gonna dispose of you
just like he did the other two... cover his tracks.


When you are dead and the other one,
Karmak says we leave.

Run away is what he means...

...with every UN.C.L E. agent
in the world atter you.

Either way, you're finished.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Because U.N.C.L.E. will also reward
very handsomely anyone who helps.


Reward very handsomely.


Stefan, come. The hunt begins.


Think about it.


- Stay here.
- Wait, it may be a trick.

I'm counting on that.
Bait to flush out the quarry.

Karmak may take a shot at me
and he may also miss.

If he does, it'll be my chance
to move in on him.

You there, Solo?

I'm listening.

STEFAN: / can tell you where
your friend is, where Karmak has him...

...if you pay me and guarantee I go free.

All right, tell me.

No, not on the phone. I will meet you.

You mean some place
that's good for an ambush, huh?

STEFAN: If I wanted to kill you,
I could dao it right from here.

I'll prove it to you.

All right.

See that alleyway across the street?

I'll meet you there in five minutes.

Come unarmed, with your hands up
and at the back of your head.


Solo. Solo.

Keep your hands up.

Where is he? lllya?

No. We settle first.

The other one, Kuryakin,
said you would pay.

All right.

Your life.

That's as high as I'll go.

I think you'd better take it while you can.

All right, all right.

On the other side of this alley,
two blocks down...

...there's a refrigeration plant.
He's on the second floor.

Well, just to make sure,
you can go with me.

Karmak would kill me if I told--



This Karmak, he killed him?

Yeah, but not quite soon enough.

Not before he had time to tell me
where to find lllya.

Come on.

Patience, Ying.

The hunt is just beginning.

- You all right?
- Oh, I'm all right.

We gotta keep moving.
Karmak can't be far behind.

Hold on to my hand.

I don't see anything.

Unguarded and inviting.

That's hardly characteristic
of Viktor Karmak.

Come on.

All right. I'll jump first.


All right, come on, jump.

I can't. I'm afraid.

Come on now, jump. You said
you did some skydiving, didn't you?

Well, not exactly. I started to.

I even went so far
as to get a silver lamé jumpsuit.

But when I actually looked down
out of the plane...


Did you ever hear of felinophobia?

- No.
- That's fear of cats.

Now, when Karmak comes,
he's going to have a leopard with him.

A leopard is a hunting cat,
and once it trees its quarry--

All right, I know.

- You will catch me?
- I'll catch you.

Take a deep breath,
close your eyes and jump.



Whew. Hey, I liked it.

Maybe I'll take up skydiving again
if you'll be around to catch me.

Now, stay close to me. Karmak
undoubtedly has the plant booby-trapped.



Wait. Maybe he's electrified that too.

Maybe, but if lllya's inside,
Karmak had to turn the handle himself.

That's right.



Oh. Ugh.

Check and mate, Mr. Solo.

I fear you have been too hasty,
too quick to seize on my sacrificial pawn.

I had planned Stefan's death
as a prelude to your own anyway.

Ah, I am disappointed in you, Mr. Solo.

I had expected you to extend
the diversion of the hunt a bit longer.

Still, there is one pleasure left for me.

Ideally, of course, I should have chosen
a more protracted death for you.

But this will serve.




What is it?

Gas starting through the coils.

Karmak's turned on the freezing unit.


Huh, it's useless.


Looks like a conduit aperture.

Pipes must feed through it
from the main freezing unit outside.



And now that it's daylight,
he'll be able to see us anywhere.

Less than a half-hour left.

Maybe that's the only way to find lllya.

Let Karmak see me,
make him come after me...

...and hope to grab him
and twist the truth out of him.

Stay here.




I am here, Mr. Solo.

I congratulate you
on your temporary escape.

Excellent move, excellent.

I am waiting for your next one.

Please continue.

I don't see anything.

Well, it could be a bluff.

Maybe he's got his voice wired
into every air-raid siren in the area.

There's one way to find out.

I'm going to make a run
for that subway entrance over there.

If I make it, you come after me.


That should end any doubts... may have entertained
as to your position and mine.

I'm sure you realize I can finish the hunt
at my own discretion.

Now, at this precise moment,
if ] so choose.

But there may be a certain satisfaction
in keeping you at bay.

That is, until the exact moment
of Mr. Kuryakin's death.

That leaves you precisely 17 minutes
to live, Mr. Solo.

All right. Come on, now,
help me pry this up.


All right, come on.

Go on.




Seems to be a dead end.

It'd take a crew with dynamite
to break it open.

And we can't go back.

Wait, I think I see a light or something
over there.

Yeah, it seems to be coming
from another overhead exit.

- Hold on to my hand.
- Okay.

- What?



- It's gone.
- Well, what was it?

It's probably just a rat.


It's as scared as you were, though.

Every one of those cuts of emeralds
picks up a pinpoint of light.

Probably felt that you were
a 20-eyed monster.

But is it gone?

It's gone.


Yes, yes, this is the one.








So Mr. Kuryakin
is demanding my attention.


But do not feel slighted, Mr. Solo.

I shall leave Ying here
to settle my debt with you.





Can you still see Karmak?

Just barely.

All right. I'm going to keep the leopard
coming after me.

You follow Karmak.

Try to leave a trail of some kind.

I don't have anything.

How about the emeralds
in your necklace?

But they're worth a fortune.

Well, I guess it's all in a good cause,
isn't it?

Easy now.

Move out.

All right, Sheila, move.

Come on.

Come on.





Get away, behind you.

- What?
- Outside, behind you.

Excellent, Mr. Solo. You are just in time.

In exactly 52 seconds,
the cyanide pellets will be released.

You are just in time
to join Mr. Kuryakin in death.

Now go inside.


ILLYA: Get outside, there isn't time.
SOLO: Just hang on.

What else can I do?



ILLYA: The timer must have tripped
an automatic lock.

It probably won't open
till the gas dissipates.


Well, he said it was foolproof.

He was right.

How I envy you.

Peace, quiet, nothing to do
but rest all day every day.



Well, that means all ashore
that's going ashore.

Are you sure there is nothing I can do
for you before I leave?

Just figure out some way for me
to scratch underneath this cast.

...because it itches.

You are not to touch the cast, Mr. Solo.

You are to leave now, Mr. Kuryakin.

Well, that's all right.
. uh, have to go out this evening anyway.


Yes, her father bought her a gallery.
I'm taking her to the official opening.

An art gallery?

No, no, no. An amusement gallery.

Ahh, you will see
that he has everything he needs.

Pills, emulsion.

And what would you say
to a little castor oil?

No, no, not in Mr. Sola's case.

All I have to do
is to take his temperature.

