The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 2, Episode 28 - The Bat Cave Affair - full transcript

Count Zark, a Thrush agent, operates out of Transylvania and has developed a worldwide menace involving bats. Meanwhile, UNCLE is checking out a young woman who seems capable of reading the minds of others. Solo and Kuryakin discover how both events are related.


- See? It wasn't so far, was it?
SOLO: Ahem.

I'm glad we didn't take the scenic route.

You're gonna agree she's worth it.
Just you wait.

I hope so.

Transom may be testing her again.

I don't wanna disturb them.


All right, clemency. Now concentrate.

What card is this?

Number eight of the diamonds.

And this one?

Number four of the hearts.

And this one?

Number two of the hearts.

And this?

Oh, that's the young fellow in the clubs.

WOMAN: The prince?
- Jack.

The jack.

She hasn't missed a one. Not a one.

- Didn't I tell you she was incredible?
- Professor Glomm...

...I'm well aware that you are one
of our leading scholars... the field of extrasensory perception.

But even the most impressive of tests
have produced results...

...only slightly above the laws of chance
and using five cards.

SOLO: No one has ever gotten
an entire deck right, no one.

That's true, but what about that bomb
under the United Nations Assembly Hall?

- You found it, didn't you?
- That's why I'm here.

To get to the bottom of this.

Your name is Mr. Solo.

Uh, ye-- Hello, yes.

There now. I didn't tell her your name.

Did you, Mr. Transom?

No, sir. I just told her
you'd gone to pick up a man.

And you work for U-N-C-L-E.

A store called Uncle?

You promised it we came here to check
this out that you would not disclose--

I didn't.

And you're trying to find out
some information about a bird.

Thrush or something like that.
I don't really understand.


Who told you this, clemency?

Nobody. I've got the knowing way.



Grandpa, we've got company.
Tum that thing down.

CLEMENCY: It's all right.
You can tum it back on later.

After the--


- IIIya.
- Hmm?

What kind of a name is that?

IIIya “Kuryay-kin.“


What about Mr. Kuryay-- Yakin?

Well, he's a friend of yours
and he's in terrible danger.

- Oh?
- He's in Spain, ain't he? Yeah, Spain.

And he's in terrible danger
from a bull's horn.

Oh, I see.

Well, I'm very glad
to hear you say that, clemency.

Because I was just beginning
to believe you.

It happens that Mr. Kuryakin
is not in Spain.

He's in Stockholm.




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We've checked her out.

Until today, she's never left the hills
and everything she's told us...

...has been correct down
to the last detail.

What about the two scientists?

Glomm is all right.

We're still checking on Transom.

So far there isn't any need for concern.

A girl professing to be clairvoyant.

Well, I must say, Mr. Solo,
I'm more than a trifle dubious.

That's why I brought them all here.
She's in the next--

MAN [OVER SPEAKER]: Mr. Kuryakin is coming in now, sir.


Mr. Kuryakin?

You're supposed to be in Stockholm.
What are you doing in Madrid?

A funny thing happened to me
on the way to Sweden, sir.

I intercepted a Thrush letter.

It contained a list of numbers
which I'm sending onto you.

Commendable, but it doesn't explain why
you're where you're not supposed to be.

The letter was postmarked Madrid.

I thought if I could locate the source...

...I might be able to find out
what the list of numbers is all about.

Ask him what he was doing
in that bull ring.

What were you doing in the bullying?

Well, you see, I was chased there
by two Thrush agents.

He was a very brave bull, sir.

[had to put him to sleep.

I gave him a small dosage of gas
from my fountain pen.

A minor riot ensued.

Where are you now?

Oh, it seems
I'm in protective custody, sir.

Madrid's finest.

Is there anything new on your end, sir?

Oh, nothing much.
An ultimatum from Thrush.

Unless they receive the sum of $1 billion
in assorted currencies by Thursday...

...they will start Operation Night Flight.

It's some sort of scheme...

...they say it will paralyze
air travel throughout the world.

And you can well imagine
what sort of havoc that will cause.


That doesn't give us much time.

Very little.

But you seem to be getting close.

Otherwise, Thrush wouldn't be
chasing you so eagerly.

WAVERLY: Well, maintain stage-three
communications for the present.

Yes, sir.

I notice you didn't tell him anything
about Miss McGill.

At the moment,
I don't see what there is to tell.

Shall we find out?

Ah. Here we are now. Heh-heh.

Clemency, I'd like you to meet
Mr. Alexander Waverly.

- How do you do, miss?
- How do, sir?

He's your boss, ain't he?

Did you think that, clemency?

No, he just looked like he would be.

Mr. Waverly, this is Mr. Transom,
my research associate.

Hello, Mr. Transom.

Well, Clemency, are you ready
to prove yourself to another skeptic?

Well, to tell the truth, Professor Glomm...

...this isn't exactly what I'd like
to do the rest of my life.

I mean, just sitting here,
reading names 0” these silly cards.

I think Clemency's right.

I think we have to vary
the experiment today.

What would you suggest?

Why not try it
with different sets of cards?

Well, isn't this rather irregular, Mr. Solo?

I mean, it's hardly in keeping
with the basic principles...

...of objective scientific research.

Well, I thought if Miss McGill
could place Mr. Kuryakin in Madrid...

...she'll be able to identify
a few picture postcards.

Mr. Solo is quite right, Glomm.
I have perfect faith in Clemency.

My dear.


It's the, uh...

What do you call them things?
The pyramid.

Mm. It's kind 01a big horseshoe on end.

I know. That thing in Paris.

Mr. Solo, I declare.

Oh, I'm sorry about that.

I'd like to try, if you don't mind.

Our pleasure, sir.

My, isn't that a handsome child?

He sure is a good-looking boy.

My grandson, Melvin.


Now, if you'll excuse us.

Well, sir, what do you think?

I'm not quite sure, Mr. Solo.

Of course, she could have second sight.
Extrasensory perception, as we call it now.

Or it could be a trick.

01 she could be involved with Thrush.

Mind you, I am not suggesting that.

But, well, keep a close eye on her,
will you?

Yes, sir.

Not too close.

- What do you call this again?
- A gourmet's surprise.

It's made of 14 different delicious flavors,
all made into one delectable soda.

Why, back home,
we can hardly get nothing but vanilla.

Well, chocolate, sometimes.

Clemency...'re a very remarkable girl,
to say the least.

I mean, this, you know.
gift that you have.

Oh, well, shoot fire
and save the matches.

I can't very well be proud of something
that I was just burn with, can I?

- When did you first discover it?
- My knowing way?

- Mm-hm.
- I guess I've always had it.

My granny said I inherited it from her.
My granny raised me till she died last year.

And she had this ability too, huh?

Oh, yeah, she sure did.

When any of the womenfolk
was expecting a young one...

...she'd always come to my granny
to find out whether to knit pink or blue.

I think I'll just have me
another one of them.

Bartender. Freddie, fill her up.

CLEMENCY: Well, when my granny died,
folks started coming to me.

I do hope her soul rests...

...but some of them do say
I have the power stronger than she did.

- In what way?
- Well, take you, for instance.

Now, I don't know how
I know so much about you.

What do you know about me?

Oh, well, just silly little things like...

Now, why should I know
that last night you went dancing...

...with a girl named Stephanie?

How did you know
that I went dancing with Stephanie?

Well, it just come to me.

And you took her to the Purple Unicorn.

And afterwards...

Yes, I know what I did.

Thank you, Fred.

I hope you don't mind
my making a pig of myself.

But these are so good.

What's the matter now?

Mr. Kuryakin.


Now, I don't know why
I keep getting thoughts about him.

I never even seen him.

What thoughts are you getting
about him now?

Well, I keep thinking that
it he wants to find what he's after...

...he should go to a place in “See-ville“?

- Seville.
- Yeah, what you said.

Outside of this place there's a sign
with a wolf's head on it.

It says...

...Casa del Lobo.












Give me Thrush Central, this is 36.

She got him here right on time.



It's good to have you here, Mr. Kuryakin.

Though I fancy you would have been
better off in the north country...

...instead of opening up
other people's mail.

You have something of ours.

Something I rather hope you will return.

And what might that be?

Come now, sir.
Let us not play childish games.

I'm referring to a list of numbers
which you were foolish enough... intercept.

Oh, those.


You're an amusing chap, Mr. Kuryakin.

I shall be very, very sorry 10--

Oh, do forgive me.

I am Zark.

Count Ladislaus Zark.

You have heard of me, of course.

Well, there's something familiar
about you...

...but just what it is escapes me
for the moment.

You have shattered my ego.

I have fantasies of U.N.C.L.E
issuing orders: “Get Zark at any price.“

And here you haven't
even heard of me.

Well, I...

Well, I can take comfort in the fact
that after Thursday... would have heard of me.

If you had lived that long.


Then you must be involved
in Operation Night Flight.

Ha-ha-ha. My dear boy...

...I am Operation Night Flight
in a very real sense.

I see.

I am director of Flight Research
for Thrush.

It was I who dreamed up the possibility.

I who proved that it was feasible.

And I who shall put it into operation.

Which brings me back to you
and the reason why you were here.

Forgive me for having digressed.

The paper please, Mr. Kuryakin.

Search him.

- Mr. Zark.
- Count Zark.

Listen, I have no desire to be manhandled
by your friend here so...

Watch him.


I think that's what you're looking for.

You gave us quite a start, Mr. Kuryakin.

It was quite unintentional, I assure you.

Yes, it appears to be the original.

Thank you, Mr. Kuryakin.

- May I ask a question?
- Yes, please do.

If you are so anxious to get the letter,
why did you try to have me killed?

Oh, you mean Madrid. The bullying.

Ha-ha. That was a dreadful mistake.

My men were supposed to bring you
back here, but misunderstood.

Terribly sorry you were inconvenienced.

- It happens.
- Yes, my men were a bit premature.

But now I think the time
has finally come.

Goodbye, dear chap. Ha-ha-ha.

I'm sorry you will not be here Thursday.

You would have enjoyed Night Flight.




SOLO: Yours is not to reason why.
Yours is...

Well, you know what I mean.

Yes, I do indeed.

And thank you very much.

The first thing to do in when you land in
Vienna is get the first bus to Transylvania.

And then proceed directly
to the castle I told you about.


I still think I'm on a wild goose chase.

Well, we got the information
on the best authority.

Can you give me a hint?
Is it a Ouija board?


...all right, we got the information
from a girl.

A girl?

A very pretty girl.


Mav ! ask where she gets hers?

Well, I tell you, we really don't know.

But we expect that might be ESP.

You know, E-S-P.

All right.

I'll send you a postcard
from Transylvania. Out.

Mr. Solo?

I thought you were asleep.

Well, I was.

Well, you look very fetching
in your little pajamas there.

Thank you.

- Mr. Solo.
- Yes?

Tell Mr. Kuraykin
there's piranhas in the moat.

Sure, I'll tell him.

- What meat?
- I don't know.

Oh, the one around the castle, I guess.


This is Solo. Overseas relay, emergency.


Kuryakin here.

IIIya, are you anywhere near a meat?

How did you know that?

Listen, it's stocked with piranhas.

Don't be ridiculous.
How could they live here?

I don't know.
Maybe the water's heated, in any case--



To avoid any argument and assuming
that I have to get into the castle... else might one go about it?

I think there's a tunnel under the moat.

You go back down the road a piece
and you'll find a cave.





ZARK: Good evening, Mr. Kuryakin.
- Good evening.

You were trying to find me and I, in tum.
was most eager to see you again.

I trust we are both satisfied.

I trust, too, that you were not
too startled by my bats.

They were very friendly.

Just a few that I let out for a little romp.

Of course, they were not treated.

Would you mind shining
that light somewhere else?

It's giving me a bit of a headache.

Oh, I think I'd better keep it where it is.

I'd also better tell you
that I have a gun in my other hand.

Oh, my dear Mr. Kuryakin. A gun. Really?



I do declare, it's a beautiful thing.

- Well, I'm glad you like it.
- Like it?

Why, back home
in Mr. Tuttle's general store...

...there ain't a thing
that will compare with it.

Well, perhaps you better speak
to Mr. Tuttle when you get back.

Well, there's only one thing though.

Mm-hm. What's that?

My mama once told me,
“Clem," she said.

- She used to call me Clem.
- Mm-hm.

“Clem, a girl doesn't get a finely
like this for nothing.“

You know what I'm getting at?

No. No, no. You tell me.

Tsk. Well...

...we may be just plain mountain folk,
but when a girl gets stuff like this...

...somebody wants something.

All we want is your cooperation.

- That's what I thought.
- Oh, wait, now. On matters of business.


Good morning, Mr. Kuryakin.

I trust you had a restful night.

I slept like a baby.

Would you be so kind
as to let my man slip these on?


Now, Mr. Kuryakin.

Down to business.

That list of numbers you gave me
turned out to be a fake.

Oh, I must compliment you, yes.

The job you did was marvelous.

The handwriting appear to be mine.

The grade and texture of the paper
were the same...

...and even the watermark was identical.

My compliments to your organization.

However, now, I would like the real list.

I don't have it, I'm sorry.

What did you call about, Margot?

WOMAN: Mr. Waverly hasn't heard
from [live in quite a while.

He wonders if you have.

Uh-- Just a minute.

Clem, have we heard from IIIya?

- IIIya, IIIya. That's all you ever care about.
- Please. Now, this is very important.

All right.

Tsk. Don't have to worry about him
no more.

He didn't find nothing at that castle
and he's coming back home.

You know, you could put
Western Union out of business.

Uh-- Margot.

IIIya's fine and he's coming back home.

Oh, incidentally, if you harbor
any sad hope of being rescued...

...let me inform you, your superiors
have received a message from you...

...stating that you're safe
and on your way home.

By the time they find out
that is not the case, it won't really matter.

And how did they get a message
from me?

Well, this...

Well, this marvelous,
marvelous young girl...

...Clemency, I believe she calls herself.
Or something equally bizarre.

Oh, the clairvoyant.



Yes, yes. Isn't it delightful?

It's so delightful.
I wish I'd invented it myself.

I don't say that very often
about today's pretentious gadgetry.

Invented what?

A cortical stimulator.

You see, what we call knowledge... merely the alteration of certain cells
in the cortex of the brain.

These cells are changed
by electrical impulse...

...through the neurological system.

- You know that, of course.
-01 course.

- You do?


You'll appreciate this.

The cortical stimulator...

...can cause these alterations directly
through the skull.

It can literally implant knowledge...

...or what we call thoughts,

You see, all we have to do... program our computers
to the desired thought patterns...

...and microwave
them directly to the subject.

The marvelous thing about it
is Miss McGill doesn't even suspect a thing.


Isn't that marvelous?

It's difficult for me
to contain my admiration.

- Where are you going?
- I'm going back home.

Back where I belong.

Well, now, clemency.
Now, wait just a minute, here.

Why? So you can treat me like a freak
in one of them carnivals...

...that passes through town?

That's what you all think of me.
Professor Glomm, Mr. Transom and you.

Clemency, you have a very unique gift
and it's very--

And you're all taking advantage of it.
Keeping me cooped up here like this.

Here I am in the big city and you haven't
even taking me outside my hotel.

Clemency, you're very important to us.
We must protect you here.

Sure, I'm important...

...because I have this here, gift.
like you call it.

But if I didn't have this gift,
you wouldn't even look at me.

No, that's not true.

You've heard me say before,
now, you're a very pretty girl.

Hmp. I bet you say it to all the girls
with extrasens-- Whatever you call it.

Extrasensory perception.

But of all those girls,
you're the prettiest, you see.

You ain't fooling me.

You're spoofing me.

Now, will you kindly step out
of my way?

Clemency, I wasn't spoofing.
I really did mean it.

You really like me, Mr. Solo?


Miss McGill...

...I purely do.

Please be careful, Mr. Solo.

I mean, Napoleon.

I'll be very careful.

I mean, I don't want you
to scratch your hand on my comb.

Oh. Why don't you take it off?

Well, I can't.

I'm supposed to wear it all the time.

- You are?
- Mr. Transom told me to.

For the life of me, I don't know why.

Mr. Transom gave you this?


But don't you hear that any mind.

Clemency, just a minute.

Ahem. A little business before pleasure.

All right?

Open Channel D.

Waverly here.

- Still no word from IIIya?
- Not a word.

I think he may be in trouble, sir.

I'd like to have your permission to get
the next plane and go after him.

But you told us he was on his way back.

Well, we all make mistakes, sir.

That was a word about IIIya
from Miss McGill, you see...

...and I've just found out
she has been a dupe of Thrush.

They've been feeding her misinformation
through a comb concealed in her hair...

...which has a microwave relay set in it.

Oh, very ingenious.

I wonder why our people
never thought of that.

Very well, Mr. Solo.

The next plane for Vienna
leaves in 17 minutes.

And one other thing, sir.
Make two reservations.

One for myself and one for a girl
with a comb in her hair.

ZARK: But no U.N.C.L.E agent
would destroy a document...

...of obvious importance
without first memorizing its contents.

Even if he didn't know
what those contents meant.

So I put it to you, Mr. Kuryakin.

If by tonight... have not given me
the information I want...

...I shall still salvage something
from this affair... making you the first human test
of my project.

I don't even know what your project is.



You know, of course,
what this castle is named for.

Castle Chiroptera.

It's Latin for a bat.


You do know.

Yes, bats.

Bats are such lovely creatures.

Bless their hearts.

They have such a bad image these days.

And your project
is going help their image.

You know, of course,
that bats are night creatures...

...and navigate by a son of radar.

We", believe it or not,
and I'm sure you will believe it.

I have altered their mechanisms
so that it interferes with man-made radar.


Here, I'll show you.

I will release a single bat
into the radar pattern...

...on the top of the castle.

Watch. That should tum him lose.
Now, watch.



Isn't that mad?

Yes, it's absolutely mad.

In every major airport in the world,
there is a crate containing 100 such bats.

Tomorrow morning,
a signal from this castle...

...will blow the lids off
and free them.

Do you realize the chaos it will cause... the transportation
and defense systems of the world?

A billion dollars worth, I understand.

that sum was not forthcoming.

Mr. Kuryakin.

Another thing about my bats.

We have found
the South American variety...

...the vampire bat is most suitable
for our purposes.

And the most bloodthirsty.

Are you still sure
you do not want to talk?

I'm quite sure.

Very well.

Let me introduce you to my friends.




British Air Ministry, British Air Ministry.

This is U.N.C.L.E. calling.
Do you read me? Over.

Yes, I have you now.
Your signal is a little weak.

I read you. Will you hold, please?


Mr. Waverly, they're showing
the first signs of panic... Paris and Hong Kong, sir.

And the Karachi Airport
wants confirmation.

Confirm it, of course.

All flights are to be cancelled.

Yes, sir. Oh, and, sir.
I have the British Air Ministry now.


Mr. Waverly here.

Yes, that's right.

We can't afford to take the chance.

Operation Night Flight
is scheduled to start in 12 hours.

Of course, it's regrettable
it the people panic.

To paraphrase Marie Antoinette,
“Let them drive cars.“

As far as we know, the plane left in the air
has one of our agents aboard.


That was a right fine movie.

Do you like spy movies, Mr. Solo?

Oh. Napoleon?

They're all right
it you like light entertainment.

I just think they're pretty far-fetched.

You are right.


Well, Mr. Kuryakin,
you appear to be growing weaker.

You sure you have not changed
your mind?

Why do you need it so badly?

I suppose I could tell you.

It won't matter to you one way
or the other.

It's information for retrieving the bats
once they are released.

The precise pattern of frequencies.

You see, it wouldn't very practical
to leave the bats flying around indefinitely.

So you see, Mr. Kuryakin...'ll be performing
a humanitarian service if you tell me.


I have no intention of doing so.

We are now approaching the Vienna Airport.

- Fasten your seatbelts, please.
- My goodness.

- Are we coming down in Europe already?
- Mm-hm.

- We are indeed.
- Land of goodness.

Back home, it take me this long
to get to the county seat...

...and that's only about 30 mile.


I think you have about...

...two more hours.


If you'll excuse me.

Zark here.

WOMAN: Solo and the girl
are approaching your installation.

Do you want interception?

Ahh. What a nuisance.
Yes, yes, take care of them.

Wait, wait.

Change that.

That girl could be very useful to me.
Are you still in contact with her?


Transmit to her that they are
to come directly to the front gate.

I'll be waiting for them there.

- I just" Oh, wait a minute.
- What is it?


I just had a thought.

We should go in the front gate.

Did it come from them?

Well, I can't be sure but I think so.

That cave you told IIIya about?

Wouldn't it be that way?

Okay, clemency, you know best.

The front gate it is.


It's a good thing his transmitter
is still holding up.

This way.


The very eve of Night Flight they
think I have nothing better to do than--

Ah. Mr. Kuryakin.

I gather he has decided to tell us
what we want to know, huh?

Very good, very good.
Excuse me, I'll be right with you.

Hello, this is Zark.

I was given information before that
this Solo was to arrive immediately.

I'm put out. I've been waiting
at the front gate for who knows how long.

Our information is that he arrived.

If that is the quality
of your information...

...please do not bother me
with any more of it.

No one takes pride in their work anymore.
No one wants to accept responsibility.

Seems pretty accurate to me.

See about IIIya.

Oh, Mr. Kuryakin,
I'm so glad to see you.

My name is clemency McGill.
You don't know me...

...but I'm partly responsible
for your being here.

Oh, I could almost hug you,
I'm so glad to see you.

You know how to handle a gun,

Well, I once shot a turkey in the
tail-feathers at more than a quarter-mile.

All right.

Keep him right where he is.

My, ain't he
a mean-looking feller, though.

My dear primitive child.

I hope you don't think that this will stop
Operation Night Flight, Mr. Solo.

- That's the general idea.
- No.

It merely means I will have to put it
into operation that much sooner.

An inconvenience, to be sure,
to our people...

...who will not be able get out
of the way.


Watch out for his hand.



- Nice little pets.
- One of them got out.



- Where is Zark?
- He's gone to his control center.

- Do you know where that is?

SOLO: We can't spend our time searching
all of these corridors--

It's over there.
Behind that wall. I know it.

It's the comb, clemency.

No, it isn't. My hair came down
when I was dodging that thing.

Okay, this way.

- In here?
- Yes.




The devil take your soul.

I think all your operations
have been cancelled, Mr. Zark.

I admit I'm a bit disappointed,
Mr. Kuryakin.

But do not crow too much.

You see...

...I have already opened up
all the gates from the caves.

Yes, my global plans
have been thwarted.

But let me tell you...

...that millions of bats
will not go unnoticed on this continent.

- Is he bluffing?
- Listen.


Listen, Mr. Solo.

Never mind about him.
What about those bats?

We could start by shooting them
one by one.

He said it was a way to recall the bats...

...but the only thing on that piece of paper
was a series of numbers.

- Do you remember?
-01 course.

What to do with them...



Well, he said it their radar
can interfere with ours...

It works in reverse order.
A radar-control setting, huh?

Well, let's see.



Yes, 55.




It works.

The bats are flying into each other...

...and into the cliffs.

Oh, Mr. Kuryakin... does it feel
to have saved Europe?


I don't know.

I hadn't really thought about it.

Yes, I doubt that Mr. Transom
will be heard from for quite a while.

Well, I surely am grateful for that.
I never did like that man.

Of course, if I'd never met him,
none of this would've happened.

And I would have missed out
on a powerful lot of excitement.

- So would I.
- Oh, you do forgive me.

Don't you, Mr. Kuryakin?

Well, I'm very tolerant. Why don't we go
somewhere tonight and discuss it?

I was going to suggest...

...that Miss McGill
go to a concert with me this evening.

I'd like her to have the advantage
of some of the city's cultural benefits.

Well, I purely am grateful
to the both of you...

...but, well, Mr. Solo
has been kind enough to ask me out.


Oh, well, we have been
through quite a bit together...

...and I just thought
we might have a little relaxation.

He's gonna take me to a place
called the Purple Unicorn.

Now, how did you know that?

I don't know.

I guess I got the gift.