The Magicians (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - The Source of Magic - full transcript
Quentin is distraught as he faces expulsion for his involvement in an otherworldly attack on Brakebills, while Julia delves deeper into underground magic and takes a test to prove herself to the Hedge Witches.
Mr. Coldwater?
Describe The Beast
that attacked you.
- Uh.
- How did it
get in here?
Mr. Coldwater,
what did The Beast say to you?
How did it know
your name?
- So what is this place exactly,
besides a health hazard?
- Time was, the finest meat
packing plant in town.
- Yeah,
it's a winner.
Hey, that star on your arm--
- I earned it.
You will too with effort,
whole sleeve of 'em.
- So what does it mean?
Does it mean that--
- You ask a lot
of questions.
- Yeah, I sure do.
- Oh, my God, these are real?
Every one of them?
- Guys, this is Julia.
Julia, my associates.
- Holy shit, it's--
- And that is--
I'm sorry, what's your name,
- I'm Marina.
I'm new.
- Yeah, no kidding.
up and running?
- Yeah.
- Julia, Marina.
Grand tour.
- Wait, so who were
those people exactly?
- You seriously
don't know?
What are you even doing here?
- I don't know.
I'm waiting for something
interesting to happen.
- Magic is what I'm doing here.
They're hedge witches.
We're hedge witches.
how are you even--
- Girls, play nice.
So here is where we keep
all our ingredients and such.
Keeps them safe.
- It's a--
- Meat locker,
or it was anyway.
Now it is
so well stocked,
it's like the end
of the rainbow.
After you.
- Hey!
Come on, open the door.
Hey, don't be
an asshole.
Open the door!
- We were frozen.
Some kind of paralysis spell...
took over the whole room.
[wings fluttering]
- Let's just nip this all
in the bud.
- I already told you,
the Dean had something
in his hand.
I don't know where
it went after that.
[wings fluttering]
- You can materialize
- I've been doing card tricks
half my life.
I guess some of them
were disappearing.
- [raspy breathing]
take this.
[wind rushing]
- Is he dead?
The--the Dean?
- Kady!
- How did you know that spell?
- Look, I know we're not
supposed to fire off
battle magic,
but...I mean, come on.
[wings fluttering]
- [grunts]
- Can we just get
out of this room soon?
- I know you want
to understand what happened.
Here's what I can say.
We live in a world that is
one world among many.
The Beast you saw was
from one such place.
We do not know the exact nature
of this entity,
only that it was powerful
and malevolent.
- [groans]
Stop it!
- And we know
that it is gone now.
Wards and shields
protect Brakebills.
They are encoded to each
authorized person on campus
and no one else.
We are investigating
how this beast got through
and resetting everyone.
If someone is responsible
for this attack,
rest assured,
they will be expelled.
Classes are cancelled
They will resume
There will be a quiz.
- Alice.
Okay, um--
- Don't.
- Hey, we did that spell.
You don't get to say don't,
If they find out--
- There they are.
- Glad to see you, kid.
- Oh, you poor thing.
Are you okay?
- Nurse?
No, it's okay, we're just
gonna get you a nice drink.
Jesus, you didn't tell me
you were dangerous.
- [shaky breathing]
Damn it.
Damn it.
And damn it.
Pretty sure my boyfriend's
starting to get curious
where I am.
- Oh, Jesus Christ,
it's cold.
We're stuck, and they're trying
to kill us, so--
- They're not trying
to kill us, okay?
These people are not murderers.
Trust me.
- How do you know that?
- Because, they don't have
the balls for it.
It's like some sort
of hazing ritual, a test.
I'm sick
of flunking tests right now.
I'm gonna figure it out.
- [screams]
[rock music]
- Nothing to see,
you louche little degenerates.
Avada Kedavra.
- Whatever, Eliot.
- [clears throat]
to the Physical Kids' Cottage.
It's the single best place
on campus
for a number of reasons
that will become clear
as soon as you taste
our signature cocktail.
- I-I've got to--
- Try on this dress
I have.
It's perfect. It's made
exactly for those assets
you're hiding
underneath that pilgrim tent.
Yes, you must.
Trust me.
Après moi.
♪ ♪
- On purpose?
Like, you guys cast it,
"Oh, monster
from another world.
By all means,
come on in."
So you messed up.
- It's a little bit bigger
than messing up.
- Than what?
Than whatever blew up
the entire
third year class?
There's a bad story
every few years around here.
I'm not sure
that's avoidable.
And if you confess--
- Then I'm done.
- Yeah.
- Uh--
[inhales deeply, exhales]
Before I got here,
I was in the hospital.
I have--or I had--
I don't know,
this thing that I couldn't shake
where I felt like
because nothing was ever
not gonna be
pointless and empty,
then, uh, why go on?
And then I...
got here, and...
it's amazing I survived
as long as I did
not knowing that I was
a Magician.
I can't go back.
- So, okay.
There's a spell
if they question you
so they can't read your minds.
I'll write it down.
It's bulletproof.
- Thank you.
Now, can you just help me
live with myself?
- Okay, I'm gonna tell you
something deep and dark
and personal now.
Ready? Good.
I killed someone.
- What?
- I was 14.
He was this--
He beat me up.
So I'm walking on the street
eating a candy bar,
'cause by then I already
ate my feelings
at a professional level,
and I saw him crossing over.
And there was
this bus coming.
I barely thought
the thought.
I knew immediately
what I'd done, that it was me.
My nose literally
started bleeding.
Logan Kinear died
and I ruined
my favorite button-down.
And that is the story of how
I discovered I was telekinetic.
- If you're trying to tell me
that it gets better--
- Oh, God, no.
No, it doesn't.
I'm trying to tell you,
you are not alone here.
funny little irony
they don't tell you,
magic doesn't come
from talent.
It comes from pain.
- So, do you know what it was,
the thing that attacked you?
- No, I have no idea.
- Oh.
I thought you
might be familiar
with some pretty crazy shit
since you're family.
- Yeah, no,
my family's not--
- Right.
- Yeah.
- I get it.
Mine too.
Pointless and toxic.
[both chuckle]
- [sniffles]
I didn't really learn magic
formally as a kid.
- I heard you never
got invited
to take the Brakebills
entrance exam.
How'd you even find it?
You walked right in.
- It's not that hard.
- [chuckles]
We're in the Bermuda Triangle
of Upstate New York.
How'd you get through
The wards around the school
are fingerprinted.
You're a stranger.
- My parents
have alumni keys.
- Which are supposed to be
with McNaughton's Unstealable.
- I stole one.
- Hmm.
- Um, I just wanted
to go to school.
Why do you care?
- Curious.
Just 'cause--
I don't know.
I want to be your friend,
I guess.
- I don't feel
like you do.
- [scoffs]
- I'm sorry, I should go.
Thank you.
- There has to be
something here.
Maybe the phone numbers
are, like, a code or--
- That's too easy.
- Come on.
Chop chop.
[ominous music]
♪ ♪
- There has to be something.
I mean--
- [laughs]
- [panting]
- [panting]
Is it--
is it--
- Dead?
Mm-hmm, yeah,
but it was already dead,
so I don't know.
- Oh, my God.
Jesus Christ,
they're gonna kill us.
Why did I sign up for this?
This is--
- Shh, shh.
Stop it, stop, okay?
- Okay, okay.
- It's dead dead now, I think.
I don't know.
- [screams]
- Calm down.
Jesus, guys, it's me.
- Pete, is that you?
- Howdy.
- Wow.
Pete, that's definitely
a good look for you--
an improvement.
Why don't you
join us in here?
I think Marina
misses you.
- Just let us out.
- Don't be stupid.
You have to find your way out.
- So this is a test,
another test.
- Look, if you can't
get through this, you definitely
can't deal with what it takes
to do what we do.
Do you want magic
or not, Julia?
Did you look everywhere?
Fast, frostbite's
gonna set in.
- Asshole.
- What did that mean?
- Where didn't we look?
Where didn't we look?
"Une chaleur temporaire."
Temporary warmth.
[pop music playing]
♪ ♪
- [sighs]
I was just researching.
- Reading a kids' book?
- What do you want from me?
Jesus, we could not have
screwed up that spell worse,
and we can't take it back,
you don't even like me.
- I don't know you.
- I don't know you either,
except that we summoned
some kind of killer mothman
from another world.
- Yeah, there is that.
♪ ♪
You should hate me right now.
I dragged you into this.
It's just you showed up
with that sigil on your hand,
and it was the same one that was
on the book that I needed,
and my brother--
his spirit, I mean,
sent you to help me
contact him.
- So, I'm not really sure
that that's what happened.
The thing on my hand,
this--the sigil,
it appeared when I was dreaming,
of "Fillory."
- Okay.
- In my dream,
the sigil on my hand,
it--it came from Jane.
Chatwin. From "Fillory."
- Look, honestly,
growing up, the last thing
I wanted to do
was read fantasy.
- [sighs]
What if, um...
what if "Fillory" is real?
And I know that you think that
this is just about Charlie,
but I think--
I think maybe it's bigger,
because what came through
that mirror instead of Charlie,
it didn't exactly grow up
in the neighborhood.
- Okay.
- So what if it came
from, like, actual "Fillory"?
- That's a leap,
I mean, there are
other worlds out there,
but "Fillory" is just fiction.
- Oh, no, the Chatwins,
they're real.
They lived next door
to the author.
He based the characters
on them.
Jesus, how do you not know
any of this?
Is there someplace on campus
we can to go to watch a video?
- Yeah.
- Good.
After living next door
to the Chatwins for years
and writing stories
for young Jane and Martin,
when Martin Chatwin
Christopher Plover
was devastated.
- This was just one of a series
of painful events
that haunted
Christopher Plover.
It suffused his work with
a sense of melancholy and loss,
And the mystery of
Martin Chatwin's disappearance
was never solved.
Even more mysterious,
Martin's sister Jane
disappeared the following year.
- That's a lot
of disappearing.
- Yeah, I mean,
that's kind of why
people are obsessed
with the books,
'cause you have these kids
walking into clocks,
into other worlds,
and they're based on real kids,
and the real kids, uh,
- You're saying
that Charlie vanished too--
- No, no, no, no, no.
I don't--I don't know--
I don't know what happened
to Charlie or anyone.
I just--
I don't know.
I mean look, we called
something from another world.
I don't know, can that
really be a coincidence?
- So what do we do?
Don't get caught.
I can't get kicked out.
I mean, I have to find out
what happened to him.
- Yeah, I know,
what if "Fillory" is real?
Ah, Jesus,
you don't understand
how mind-blowing that is.
It's just like--
- Do you want to stay
at Brakebills?
- Yes.
- Okay, so do I.
So let's just hide the evidence
and get our story straight.
[mysterious music]
♪ ♪
- What, you're leaving?
- I'm gone.
- Come on.
Look, I know I don't
know you that well,
but I know you're not
the type to scare easy.
- You want the truth?
No sweat.
Hearing people's thoughts
is the least of my problems.
Couple lines,
right mix of meds.
- But you hurt Quentin and Alice
in the lab.
- No, I didn't.
There's this voice.
Everyone else comes
with a lot of static,
but him, he's clear
as a fuááing bell.
says he's a Magician.
That's all that I know
about him.
That and everything that he
taught me is real and it works.
- Holy shit.
- Let's just say life wasn't
exactly nonstop fun growing up.
That's why I love
that voice.
Saved my ass so many times,
he's basically my only friend.
Yeah, right up until
he sent me to a lab to help,
and then that thing
walked in through the mirror.
- You were hearing
The Beast?
- I was getting duped.
- But, do they know?
I mean, Sunderland, anyone?
- No,
there's no point now.
- But don't--
Penny, don't go.
Come on.
It's not your fault.
He tricked you.
Come on,
don't be stupid.
Why would you leave
the only place with experts
that might actually
be able to help you with this?
- Why do you care?
- Look, I did the spell too,
If you're guilty,
I'm guilty.
- You're guilty.
- Okay, great,
let's jump off a bridge.
- Kady.
I can't stand it.
- Okay.
hey, since you're out
come do something stupid with me
before you go.
Come on.
Yeah cuz uh crushed
rocks you see that in spells
a concentrated area of effect.
- I'm sorry, you knew this and
you didn't want to say anything?
- Okay, well,
I don't know what I know.
Years reading
Internet crap
and accidentally poisoning
myself twice,
and now I'm stuck
in a freezer with some bitch.
Well, you are.
What, did you figure
you wanted magic
at your blow dry
last week?
This is serious
for some of us.
- Okay, you know what?
I'm not interested
in your personal issues.
- [chuckles]
- Hey.
Wait, there was sand
in that paint can.
Yeah, and I'm gonna need
a knife and a bowl.
"Graisse de l'animal--
de préférence de mouton."
Animal fat.
Maybe there's meat?
Come on, let's go
before we freeze our tits off.
This isn't just some lark to me,
so you know.
- No offense, okay, you just
smell a little Ivy League to me.
- Yeah, well,
it's 'cause I am.
I was.
Have you ever--
have you ever heard
of Brakebills?
- No.
- [sighs]
Well, it's like--
it's like this secret Yale,
but for magic.
- What?
- And you have to be able
to do magic to even get in.
- Well, I can do magic.
- Yeah, so can I.
And yet, somehow, I flunked
the entrance exam.
- That doesn't seem right.
Either you can or you can't.
- No, it's not right, and yet
they just left me behind.
I mean, seriously,
what do they expect, you know?
Magic is real
and that's the thing,
and once you know that,
you can't--
- Nothing else matters.
- Exactly.
It's like...
I know it's there.
It's everywhere,
all around me,
a whole world
of power and beauty.
- [chuckles]
You can't unsee it.
You wake up
for the first time.
- Yeah.
Who are we kidding?
There's no meat in here.
We've checked everything.
[breathes deeply]
- No, no way,
I cannot do that.
No, please do that.
"Black Lemon" playing]
- ♪ I let my old life
tie me to the tracks ♪
♪ I heard my best friend
tell me ♪
♪ You can never go back ♪
♪ I spent my long years ♪
♪ Learning
to get out of the way ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I have been taught
to turn the other cheek ♪
♪ I get my back stabbed, buddy,
to the end of the week ♪
♪ I only try to make it
to the end of the day ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I've seen it break
so many before ♪
♪ I don't wanna stick
around here and watch anymore ♪
- Mmm.
- Oh.
- Yo, this one
looks bunk.
- Well, it's not.
It's Emerson's Alloy.
- Uh, alloy's rusting.
How do you know?
- 'Cause I know things.
Like this place--
What? It's a gold mine.
Look, you can't run away
from you.
And, well, I'm here,
and I'm amazing,
so I mean--
- I'll take it
under advisement, okay?
- Hey.
- No, leave us alone.
- Gladly, we just--
we've got to discuss, um--
- There you are,
Quentin and Alice,
and Penny and Kady.
You're exactly
who I was looking for.
I found
the most interesting thing
buried in our woods.
Follow me.
- We never
got near the mirror, I swear.
- We were studying,
that's all.
- What language
even is this?
- Yes, I mean, sure,
I touched it.
We all touched it.
I mean, I touched--
We were studying, so--
- Look, I'm just trying
to make sense of this.
There's residue
all over this book,
including a summoning
we believe opened the door
to The Beast.
- What did you say?
- Nothing, I--
- Don't look at me.
- [sighs]
- Look, I know
they're your friends.
- [scoffs]
- Okay, at this point,
I just have to assume
it was all of you.
- Yeah, well, it wasn't.
Shut up and I'll tell you,
It's fine, let's go.
You're welcome,
by the way.
- What does that mean?
- Quentin,
can I see you, please?
you're free to go.
- There's nothing
I can do in this moment
to stop the comet from crashing
into the earth, is there?
Hold on.
Uh, What is this?
- My books.
I'm headed to return them.
You've heard, I assume.
Word travels fast
when you're life's over.
- Don't say that.
- They're bringing in
a Specialist.
Yeah, thanks.
- I'm sorry.
- I don't know,
I keep trying to tell myself
this is somehow better,
you know, not to know.
'Cause who would want to know
that--that magic exists
if there's nothing you can do
about it, you know,
if there's no one to teach you
or help you.
- I...don't know
what to say.
- Of course you don't, because
nobody would rather not know.
You don't see color
and want to go black and white.
You do not have to make me
feel better, we--
really, we basically
just met each other.
- Well, I bond fast.
Time is an illusion.
Look, don't go out there
and be the old you.
- How, Eliot?
I go back there,
and I'm...
I'm a depressed super nerd.
- How about I find you,
and I don't say magic is real,
but I do seduce you,
and so lift your spirits
that life retains
its sparkle for decades.
- Yeah, that sounds nice.
Thank you.
- Okay.
Is there any way
not to get wiped?
- I don't know.
I've heard of the Specialist,
and all I can say is,
I hear they're very good.
[depositing coins]
[dialing numbers]
[line trills]
- This is Julia, little busy.
Leave a message.
- Hey, it's Q.
Look, I know
when we last met that--
I'm sorry, Jules.
I am.
I didn't know it,
what it must be like for you,
and I-I, um, I hope that
you are doing better.
- [grunts]
- Oh, my God,
you're just going for it.
- [grunting]
- Um, so I got expelled and they
are sending in a Specialist
because the local brain wipe guy
is dead and--long story. Um--
So if you remember
or you figured out
why it didn't work on you,
I'd like to know that about now
because I need you to remind me
that magic is real.
- Oh, yeah.
[laughing] Yeah.
- You know,
without Brakebills, it's just,
I'm lost and you're not.
- Magic, oh ho.
- Okay.
Let's find a way
out of this shit hole.
- You can't help
and I can't help you,
and it's just--
- To send your message,
press one.
To erase, press two.
[long tone]
- Deleted.
- Hey!
- Ho, ho, ho,
you little piece of shit.
- You ratted me out.
- I told the truth.
- Not all of it.
- Oh, am I a fool?
- [groans]
- Apparently not.
- Get off!
- Yeah, that's what I thought.
- [groans]
- What the hell was that,
you maniac?
- Hey!
Step back, both of you!
Who shot off that spell?
- He did!
- I did.
- Infirmary,
both of you, now.
- Figured it out.
The spell, or, you know,
the whole point,
that there isn't one--
not to get out of the room,
not to
keep the door locked, nada.
Cute, Pete.
Oh, and scissors make
a shitty screw driver,
by the way.
- Good for you.
Now you get why
it was so important.
- To almost die
for no reason?
- To figure out
that not everything
gets solved by magic.
Key fact if you want
to last the month.
- You're not
still debating
letting me into your club,
are you?
- Hey, I invited you.
- No, you attacked me
in a bar,
in the bathroom,
on my birthday.
I'm done trying
to prove myself to you.
- You weren't.
You were trying
to prove yourself to me.
- That means level 50.
- Um...
Uh, wait,
s-so you were--
- Top bitch in New York,
for starters.
- Um, and this was--
- Me discovering
how much I like you.
You are smart.
You're passionate.
You question things.
- You messed with my head!
- Think about how much
you learned
about how to do that
for when you're level 50.
- [scoffs]
- Hey, don't be mad.
- Don't be mad.
- How am I supposed
to trust you?
- Why would you ever
trust anyone?
I am willing to teach
the right people
everything I know,
and I know a lot,
because I have certain
connections in certain places,
just like, for instance,
- Brakebills.
- You want a drink?
- Let's get a drink.
Might burn a little.
This is why you're not
supposed to throw
this kind of magic
If you're lucky
I can fix this.
You're lucky
you're not expelled.
- Yeah, so lucky.
that's actually--
[sucks in air]
- Hold still, please.
- [groaning]
- Pussy.
- Nobody asked you.
- Me, the guy
you threw battle magic at?
Hey, have you
heard of karma?
Well, sometimes
it's instant.
You're welcome.
- What is that?
How--how did you--
- Real Magicians
protect themselves.
- Would somebody please
sign him out of here?
- [laughs]
- [sighs]
She's late.
- She's coming.
- Or she's just
done with your shit.
- She doesn't have
the option.
- Finally.
- Hey, look,
that thing you wanted,
that charm or crystal
or whatever?
- The Emerson's
Alloy Repellant?
- Yeah, this guy I was with,
he grabbed it.
Look, I'll find you
another one, okay?
And more.
There's a ton
of good shit in there.
- Hmm, listen to all that
- I'll get it, okay?
Whatever you want.
I'll find you another one.
- Great.
You're a sweet girl, Kady.
- You're a heartless bitch.
- I'm generous with you,
Get me everything on this list,
this week.
Thanks so much.
You better get
back to bed, hon.
I'm sure you got class
in the morning.
- Hi.
- Oh.
Caught me where I'm not
meant to be, a terminal snooper.
How are you, Quentin?
I heard about the attack.
- You--you were--you were there
the day of the alumni interview.
You were a paramedic.
- Call me Eliza.
I was there that day
to make sure that you got here.
- Oh.
Well, uh, thank you,
but I kind of screwed that up.
They're calling
in a Specialist.
He's supposed to wipe it all
away like it never happened.
- That sounds--
You know, I'm the Specialist?
Shall we sit?
- Okay.
Um, just before,
um, can I--
Why did you give me
that book?
"Fillory and Further,"
book six.
- I thought you'd
appreciate it.
- I lost it.
- Guess I was wrong.
- No, you're not, I--
I need to read it.
I just, I can't find it.
- Things with "Fillory"
are funny that way.
- Is "Fillory" real?
- Why even ask if you'll just
forget it again?
- The books,
they're just--
They always felt
realer than anything.
- Then it's real.
- That's not
a real answer.
- Shall we begin?
- Okay, do it.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, Quentin,
I am pleased!
- What?
- You're a much better liar
than I expected you to be.
Can I level with you?
- I wish you would.
- You're not
very remarkable.
You're smart,
but no genius.
You do magic,
but nothing special.
And the worst is,
you're so eager to belong,
you even forget
why you're here.
- Why am I here?
- You dreamed of it,
didn't you,
"Fillory," before the attack,
like a warning?
- Yeah, did you--
how did you?
- Because I've dreamed
of it too.
And I've looked
into that Beast's eyes.
- What?
- Do you think you have
a destiny?
- Um, yes.
- Yeah.
I used to believe that crap too
when I was young.
There is no destiny,
no born heroes.
I can't tell you why--
why The Beast came
sniffing for you.
There's no reason
it should be you.
You can either step up to it
or not, it's up to you.
We'll just hope
for the best.
- Who are you?
- Just another
inadequate Magician
who's lost people.
So will you if you don't
get strong.
Learn fast,
any means necessary.
Which is why I'm so pleased
to see you sitting there
like you don't have
an Emerson's in your pocket
to repel any spell
to wipe your mind.
- You stole that.
- Who stole it?
Relax, nobody's taking
your mind today.
We'll make something
of you yet.
I'll tell the school
one more chance, probation.
They'll respect my call.
Don't make me regret it.
Don't hop back
on the garden path
like some little lemming,
or I'll erase everything
and start you over entirely,
for your own good.
- The garden path?
- Everything's connected.
Don't over-think it.
[indie rock music playing]
♪ ♪
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- Congratulations, Julia.
Big day.
First star.
First of many.
- Yeah.
- This is just
the beginning.
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- ♪ And, and you said
they wouldn't ♪
♪ Have to drive too far ♪
[music fades out]
- Hope your bits
are covered.
Coming in.
How are you, Henry?
I'm sorry.
I knew he'd come, but I swear
I didn't know so soon.
- No one is ready.
We need more time,
and a teacher with full use
of his hands.
There's that new wrinkle.
- I'll find a way
to help you.
We'll heal your hands
and your eyes.
- It wouldn't help us.
It wouldn't help them, would it?
- This is all my fault.
- This is your problem,
that you should solve!
Quentin, Penny, they're not
built for this.
- I know,
and I've tried.
- Go back there.
- You say that
like I could hop a bus.
- Find a way back.
Find The Beast.
Kill him.
- [scoffs]
If I could manage that,
we'd be sharing a drink
right now,
not a care in the world
and four good eyes between us.
I'm sorry.
Just tell me
what else I can do.
- All we can do is
make them Magicians.
- That's not enough.
- I know.
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪
- Gonna just keep this BBQ
poppin', my love.
[both laughing]
Oh, man.
[indistinct chattering]
- Ha ha!
- [laughs]
Get over here.
- Quentin.
Come on!
- Come on!
Join the party, sad sack.
Hurry up.
- Mm.
- Oh, my God,
it's not like
we have all day.
- We're so drunk.
- Okay, we have all day.
[both laughing]
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪
Describe The Beast
that attacked you.
- Uh.
- How did it
get in here?
Mr. Coldwater,
what did The Beast say to you?
How did it know
your name?
- So what is this place exactly,
besides a health hazard?
- Time was, the finest meat
packing plant in town.
- Yeah,
it's a winner.
Hey, that star on your arm--
- I earned it.
You will too with effort,
whole sleeve of 'em.
- So what does it mean?
Does it mean that--
- You ask a lot
of questions.
- Yeah, I sure do.
- Oh, my God, these are real?
Every one of them?
- Guys, this is Julia.
Julia, my associates.
- Holy shit, it's--
- And that is--
I'm sorry, what's your name,
- I'm Marina.
I'm new.
- Yeah, no kidding.
up and running?
- Yeah.
- Julia, Marina.
Grand tour.
- Wait, so who were
those people exactly?
- You seriously
don't know?
What are you even doing here?
- I don't know.
I'm waiting for something
interesting to happen.
- Magic is what I'm doing here.
They're hedge witches.
We're hedge witches.
how are you even--
- Girls, play nice.
So here is where we keep
all our ingredients and such.
Keeps them safe.
- It's a--
- Meat locker,
or it was anyway.
Now it is
so well stocked,
it's like the end
of the rainbow.
After you.
- Hey!
Come on, open the door.
Hey, don't be
an asshole.
Open the door!
- We were frozen.
Some kind of paralysis spell...
took over the whole room.
[wings fluttering]
- Let's just nip this all
in the bud.
- I already told you,
the Dean had something
in his hand.
I don't know where
it went after that.
[wings fluttering]
- You can materialize
- I've been doing card tricks
half my life.
I guess some of them
were disappearing.
- [raspy breathing]
take this.
[wind rushing]
- Is he dead?
The--the Dean?
- Kady!
- How did you know that spell?
- Look, I know we're not
supposed to fire off
battle magic,
but...I mean, come on.
[wings fluttering]
- [grunts]
- Can we just get
out of this room soon?
- I know you want
to understand what happened.
Here's what I can say.
We live in a world that is
one world among many.
The Beast you saw was
from one such place.
We do not know the exact nature
of this entity,
only that it was powerful
and malevolent.
- [groans]
Stop it!
- And we know
that it is gone now.
Wards and shields
protect Brakebills.
They are encoded to each
authorized person on campus
and no one else.
We are investigating
how this beast got through
and resetting everyone.
If someone is responsible
for this attack,
rest assured,
they will be expelled.
Classes are cancelled
They will resume
There will be a quiz.
- Alice.
Okay, um--
- Don't.
- Hey, we did that spell.
You don't get to say don't,
If they find out--
- There they are.
- Glad to see you, kid.
- Oh, you poor thing.
Are you okay?
- Nurse?
No, it's okay, we're just
gonna get you a nice drink.
Jesus, you didn't tell me
you were dangerous.
- [shaky breathing]
Damn it.
Damn it.
And damn it.
Pretty sure my boyfriend's
starting to get curious
where I am.
- Oh, Jesus Christ,
it's cold.
We're stuck, and they're trying
to kill us, so--
- They're not trying
to kill us, okay?
These people are not murderers.
Trust me.
- How do you know that?
- Because, they don't have
the balls for it.
It's like some sort
of hazing ritual, a test.
I'm sick
of flunking tests right now.
I'm gonna figure it out.
- [screams]
[rock music]
- Nothing to see,
you louche little degenerates.
Avada Kedavra.
- Whatever, Eliot.
- [clears throat]
to the Physical Kids' Cottage.
It's the single best place
on campus
for a number of reasons
that will become clear
as soon as you taste
our signature cocktail.
- I-I've got to--
- Try on this dress
I have.
It's perfect. It's made
exactly for those assets
you're hiding
underneath that pilgrim tent.
Yes, you must.
Trust me.
Après moi.
♪ ♪
- On purpose?
Like, you guys cast it,
"Oh, monster
from another world.
By all means,
come on in."
So you messed up.
- It's a little bit bigger
than messing up.
- Than what?
Than whatever blew up
the entire
third year class?
There's a bad story
every few years around here.
I'm not sure
that's avoidable.
And if you confess--
- Then I'm done.
- Yeah.
- Uh--
[inhales deeply, exhales]
Before I got here,
I was in the hospital.
I have--or I had--
I don't know,
this thing that I couldn't shake
where I felt like
because nothing was ever
not gonna be
pointless and empty,
then, uh, why go on?
And then I...
got here, and...
it's amazing I survived
as long as I did
not knowing that I was
a Magician.
I can't go back.
- So, okay.
There's a spell
if they question you
so they can't read your minds.
I'll write it down.
It's bulletproof.
- Thank you.
Now, can you just help me
live with myself?
- Okay, I'm gonna tell you
something deep and dark
and personal now.
Ready? Good.
I killed someone.
- What?
- I was 14.
He was this--
He beat me up.
So I'm walking on the street
eating a candy bar,
'cause by then I already
ate my feelings
at a professional level,
and I saw him crossing over.
And there was
this bus coming.
I barely thought
the thought.
I knew immediately
what I'd done, that it was me.
My nose literally
started bleeding.
Logan Kinear died
and I ruined
my favorite button-down.
And that is the story of how
I discovered I was telekinetic.
- If you're trying to tell me
that it gets better--
- Oh, God, no.
No, it doesn't.
I'm trying to tell you,
you are not alone here.
funny little irony
they don't tell you,
magic doesn't come
from talent.
It comes from pain.
- So, do you know what it was,
the thing that attacked you?
- No, I have no idea.
- Oh.
I thought you
might be familiar
with some pretty crazy shit
since you're family.
- Yeah, no,
my family's not--
- Right.
- Yeah.
- I get it.
Mine too.
Pointless and toxic.
[both chuckle]
- [sniffles]
I didn't really learn magic
formally as a kid.
- I heard you never
got invited
to take the Brakebills
entrance exam.
How'd you even find it?
You walked right in.
- It's not that hard.
- [chuckles]
We're in the Bermuda Triangle
of Upstate New York.
How'd you get through
The wards around the school
are fingerprinted.
You're a stranger.
- My parents
have alumni keys.
- Which are supposed to be
with McNaughton's Unstealable.
- I stole one.
- Hmm.
- Um, I just wanted
to go to school.
Why do you care?
- Curious.
Just 'cause--
I don't know.
I want to be your friend,
I guess.
- I don't feel
like you do.
- [scoffs]
- I'm sorry, I should go.
Thank you.
- There has to be
something here.
Maybe the phone numbers
are, like, a code or--
- That's too easy.
- Come on.
Chop chop.
[ominous music]
♪ ♪
- There has to be something.
I mean--
- [laughs]
- [panting]
- [panting]
Is it--
is it--
- Dead?
Mm-hmm, yeah,
but it was already dead,
so I don't know.
- Oh, my God.
Jesus Christ,
they're gonna kill us.
Why did I sign up for this?
This is--
- Shh, shh.
Stop it, stop, okay?
- Okay, okay.
- It's dead dead now, I think.
I don't know.
- [screams]
- Calm down.
Jesus, guys, it's me.
- Pete, is that you?
- Howdy.
- Wow.
Pete, that's definitely
a good look for you--
an improvement.
Why don't you
join us in here?
I think Marina
misses you.
- Just let us out.
- Don't be stupid.
You have to find your way out.
- So this is a test,
another test.
- Look, if you can't
get through this, you definitely
can't deal with what it takes
to do what we do.
Do you want magic
or not, Julia?
Did you look everywhere?
Fast, frostbite's
gonna set in.
- Asshole.
- What did that mean?
- Where didn't we look?
Where didn't we look?
"Une chaleur temporaire."
Temporary warmth.
[pop music playing]
♪ ♪
- [sighs]
I was just researching.
- Reading a kids' book?
- What do you want from me?
Jesus, we could not have
screwed up that spell worse,
and we can't take it back,
you don't even like me.
- I don't know you.
- I don't know you either,
except that we summoned
some kind of killer mothman
from another world.
- Yeah, there is that.
♪ ♪
You should hate me right now.
I dragged you into this.
It's just you showed up
with that sigil on your hand,
and it was the same one that was
on the book that I needed,
and my brother--
his spirit, I mean,
sent you to help me
contact him.
- So, I'm not really sure
that that's what happened.
The thing on my hand,
this--the sigil,
it appeared when I was dreaming,
of "Fillory."
- Okay.
- In my dream,
the sigil on my hand,
it--it came from Jane.
Chatwin. From "Fillory."
- Look, honestly,
growing up, the last thing
I wanted to do
was read fantasy.
- [sighs]
What if, um...
what if "Fillory" is real?
And I know that you think that
this is just about Charlie,
but I think--
I think maybe it's bigger,
because what came through
that mirror instead of Charlie,
it didn't exactly grow up
in the neighborhood.
- Okay.
- So what if it came
from, like, actual "Fillory"?
- That's a leap,
I mean, there are
other worlds out there,
but "Fillory" is just fiction.
- Oh, no, the Chatwins,
they're real.
They lived next door
to the author.
He based the characters
on them.
Jesus, how do you not know
any of this?
Is there someplace on campus
we can to go to watch a video?
- Yeah.
- Good.
After living next door
to the Chatwins for years
and writing stories
for young Jane and Martin,
when Martin Chatwin
Christopher Plover
was devastated.
- This was just one of a series
of painful events
that haunted
Christopher Plover.
It suffused his work with
a sense of melancholy and loss,
And the mystery of
Martin Chatwin's disappearance
was never solved.
Even more mysterious,
Martin's sister Jane
disappeared the following year.
- That's a lot
of disappearing.
- Yeah, I mean,
that's kind of why
people are obsessed
with the books,
'cause you have these kids
walking into clocks,
into other worlds,
and they're based on real kids,
and the real kids, uh,
- You're saying
that Charlie vanished too--
- No, no, no, no, no.
I don't--I don't know--
I don't know what happened
to Charlie or anyone.
I just--
I don't know.
I mean look, we called
something from another world.
I don't know, can that
really be a coincidence?
- So what do we do?
Don't get caught.
I can't get kicked out.
I mean, I have to find out
what happened to him.
- Yeah, I know,
what if "Fillory" is real?
Ah, Jesus,
you don't understand
how mind-blowing that is.
It's just like--
- Do you want to stay
at Brakebills?
- Yes.
- Okay, so do I.
So let's just hide the evidence
and get our story straight.
[mysterious music]
♪ ♪
- What, you're leaving?
- I'm gone.
- Come on.
Look, I know I don't
know you that well,
but I know you're not
the type to scare easy.
- You want the truth?
No sweat.
Hearing people's thoughts
is the least of my problems.
Couple lines,
right mix of meds.
- But you hurt Quentin and Alice
in the lab.
- No, I didn't.
There's this voice.
Everyone else comes
with a lot of static,
but him, he's clear
as a fuááing bell.
says he's a Magician.
That's all that I know
about him.
That and everything that he
taught me is real and it works.
- Holy shit.
- Let's just say life wasn't
exactly nonstop fun growing up.
That's why I love
that voice.
Saved my ass so many times,
he's basically my only friend.
Yeah, right up until
he sent me to a lab to help,
and then that thing
walked in through the mirror.
- You were hearing
The Beast?
- I was getting duped.
- But, do they know?
I mean, Sunderland, anyone?
- No,
there's no point now.
- But don't--
Penny, don't go.
Come on.
It's not your fault.
He tricked you.
Come on,
don't be stupid.
Why would you leave
the only place with experts
that might actually
be able to help you with this?
- Why do you care?
- Look, I did the spell too,
If you're guilty,
I'm guilty.
- You're guilty.
- Okay, great,
let's jump off a bridge.
- Kady.
I can't stand it.
- Okay.
hey, since you're out
come do something stupid with me
before you go.
Come on.
Yeah cuz uh crushed
rocks you see that in spells
a concentrated area of effect.
- I'm sorry, you knew this and
you didn't want to say anything?
- Okay, well,
I don't know what I know.
Years reading
Internet crap
and accidentally poisoning
myself twice,
and now I'm stuck
in a freezer with some bitch.
Well, you are.
What, did you figure
you wanted magic
at your blow dry
last week?
This is serious
for some of us.
- Okay, you know what?
I'm not interested
in your personal issues.
- [chuckles]
- Hey.
Wait, there was sand
in that paint can.
Yeah, and I'm gonna need
a knife and a bowl.
"Graisse de l'animal--
de préférence de mouton."
Animal fat.
Maybe there's meat?
Come on, let's go
before we freeze our tits off.
This isn't just some lark to me,
so you know.
- No offense, okay, you just
smell a little Ivy League to me.
- Yeah, well,
it's 'cause I am.
I was.
Have you ever--
have you ever heard
of Brakebills?
- No.
- [sighs]
Well, it's like--
it's like this secret Yale,
but for magic.
- What?
- And you have to be able
to do magic to even get in.
- Well, I can do magic.
- Yeah, so can I.
And yet, somehow, I flunked
the entrance exam.
- That doesn't seem right.
Either you can or you can't.
- No, it's not right, and yet
they just left me behind.
I mean, seriously,
what do they expect, you know?
Magic is real
and that's the thing,
and once you know that,
you can't--
- Nothing else matters.
- Exactly.
It's like...
I know it's there.
It's everywhere,
all around me,
a whole world
of power and beauty.
- [chuckles]
You can't unsee it.
You wake up
for the first time.
- Yeah.
Who are we kidding?
There's no meat in here.
We've checked everything.
[breathes deeply]
- No, no way,
I cannot do that.
No, please do that.
"Black Lemon" playing]
- ♪ I let my old life
tie me to the tracks ♪
♪ I heard my best friend
tell me ♪
♪ You can never go back ♪
♪ I spent my long years ♪
♪ Learning
to get out of the way ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I have been taught
to turn the other cheek ♪
♪ I get my back stabbed, buddy,
to the end of the week ♪
♪ I only try to make it
to the end of the day ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I've seen it break
so many before ♪
♪ I don't wanna stick
around here and watch anymore ♪
- Mmm.
- Oh.
- Yo, this one
looks bunk.
- Well, it's not.
It's Emerson's Alloy.
- Uh, alloy's rusting.
How do you know?
- 'Cause I know things.
Like this place--
What? It's a gold mine.
Look, you can't run away
from you.
And, well, I'm here,
and I'm amazing,
so I mean--
- I'll take it
under advisement, okay?
- Hey.
- No, leave us alone.
- Gladly, we just--
we've got to discuss, um--
- There you are,
Quentin and Alice,
and Penny and Kady.
You're exactly
who I was looking for.
I found
the most interesting thing
buried in our woods.
Follow me.
- We never
got near the mirror, I swear.
- We were studying,
that's all.
- What language
even is this?
- Yes, I mean, sure,
I touched it.
We all touched it.
I mean, I touched--
We were studying, so--
- Look, I'm just trying
to make sense of this.
There's residue
all over this book,
including a summoning
we believe opened the door
to The Beast.
- What did you say?
- Nothing, I--
- Don't look at me.
- [sighs]
- Look, I know
they're your friends.
- [scoffs]
- Okay, at this point,
I just have to assume
it was all of you.
- Yeah, well, it wasn't.
Shut up and I'll tell you,
It's fine, let's go.
You're welcome,
by the way.
- What does that mean?
- Quentin,
can I see you, please?
you're free to go.
- There's nothing
I can do in this moment
to stop the comet from crashing
into the earth, is there?
Hold on.
Uh, What is this?
- My books.
I'm headed to return them.
You've heard, I assume.
Word travels fast
when you're life's over.
- Don't say that.
- They're bringing in
a Specialist.
Yeah, thanks.
- I'm sorry.
- I don't know,
I keep trying to tell myself
this is somehow better,
you know, not to know.
'Cause who would want to know
that--that magic exists
if there's nothing you can do
about it, you know,
if there's no one to teach you
or help you.
- I...don't know
what to say.
- Of course you don't, because
nobody would rather not know.
You don't see color
and want to go black and white.
You do not have to make me
feel better, we--
really, we basically
just met each other.
- Well, I bond fast.
Time is an illusion.
Look, don't go out there
and be the old you.
- How, Eliot?
I go back there,
and I'm...
I'm a depressed super nerd.
- How about I find you,
and I don't say magic is real,
but I do seduce you,
and so lift your spirits
that life retains
its sparkle for decades.
- Yeah, that sounds nice.
Thank you.
- Okay.
Is there any way
not to get wiped?
- I don't know.
I've heard of the Specialist,
and all I can say is,
I hear they're very good.
[depositing coins]
[dialing numbers]
[line trills]
- This is Julia, little busy.
Leave a message.
- Hey, it's Q.
Look, I know
when we last met that--
I'm sorry, Jules.
I am.
I didn't know it,
what it must be like for you,
and I-I, um, I hope that
you are doing better.
- [grunts]
- Oh, my God,
you're just going for it.
- [grunting]
- Um, so I got expelled and they
are sending in a Specialist
because the local brain wipe guy
is dead and--long story. Um--
So if you remember
or you figured out
why it didn't work on you,
I'd like to know that about now
because I need you to remind me
that magic is real.
- Oh, yeah.
[laughing] Yeah.
- You know,
without Brakebills, it's just,
I'm lost and you're not.
- Magic, oh ho.
- Okay.
Let's find a way
out of this shit hole.
- You can't help
and I can't help you,
and it's just--
- To send your message,
press one.
To erase, press two.
[long tone]
- Deleted.
- Hey!
- Ho, ho, ho,
you little piece of shit.
- You ratted me out.
- I told the truth.
- Not all of it.
- Oh, am I a fool?
- [groans]
- Apparently not.
- Get off!
- Yeah, that's what I thought.
- [groans]
- What the hell was that,
you maniac?
- Hey!
Step back, both of you!
Who shot off that spell?
- He did!
- I did.
- Infirmary,
both of you, now.
- Figured it out.
The spell, or, you know,
the whole point,
that there isn't one--
not to get out of the room,
not to
keep the door locked, nada.
Cute, Pete.
Oh, and scissors make
a shitty screw driver,
by the way.
- Good for you.
Now you get why
it was so important.
- To almost die
for no reason?
- To figure out
that not everything
gets solved by magic.
Key fact if you want
to last the month.
- You're not
still debating
letting me into your club,
are you?
- Hey, I invited you.
- No, you attacked me
in a bar,
in the bathroom,
on my birthday.
I'm done trying
to prove myself to you.
- You weren't.
You were trying
to prove yourself to me.
- That means level 50.
- Um...
Uh, wait,
s-so you were--
- Top bitch in New York,
for starters.
- Um, and this was--
- Me discovering
how much I like you.
You are smart.
You're passionate.
You question things.
- You messed with my head!
- Think about how much
you learned
about how to do that
for when you're level 50.
- [scoffs]
- Hey, don't be mad.
- Don't be mad.
- How am I supposed
to trust you?
- Why would you ever
trust anyone?
I am willing to teach
the right people
everything I know,
and I know a lot,
because I have certain
connections in certain places,
just like, for instance,
- Brakebills.
- You want a drink?
- Let's get a drink.
Might burn a little.
This is why you're not
supposed to throw
this kind of magic
If you're lucky
I can fix this.
You're lucky
you're not expelled.
- Yeah, so lucky.
that's actually--
[sucks in air]
- Hold still, please.
- [groaning]
- Pussy.
- Nobody asked you.
- Me, the guy
you threw battle magic at?
Hey, have you
heard of karma?
Well, sometimes
it's instant.
You're welcome.
- What is that?
How--how did you--
- Real Magicians
protect themselves.
- Would somebody please
sign him out of here?
- [laughs]
- [sighs]
She's late.
- She's coming.
- Or she's just
done with your shit.
- She doesn't have
the option.
- Finally.
- Hey, look,
that thing you wanted,
that charm or crystal
or whatever?
- The Emerson's
Alloy Repellant?
- Yeah, this guy I was with,
he grabbed it.
Look, I'll find you
another one, okay?
And more.
There's a ton
of good shit in there.
- Hmm, listen to all that
- I'll get it, okay?
Whatever you want.
I'll find you another one.
- Great.
You're a sweet girl, Kady.
- You're a heartless bitch.
- I'm generous with you,
Get me everything on this list,
this week.
Thanks so much.
You better get
back to bed, hon.
I'm sure you got class
in the morning.
- Hi.
- Oh.
Caught me where I'm not
meant to be, a terminal snooper.
How are you, Quentin?
I heard about the attack.
- You--you were--you were there
the day of the alumni interview.
You were a paramedic.
- Call me Eliza.
I was there that day
to make sure that you got here.
- Oh.
Well, uh, thank you,
but I kind of screwed that up.
They're calling
in a Specialist.
He's supposed to wipe it all
away like it never happened.
- That sounds--
You know, I'm the Specialist?
Shall we sit?
- Okay.
Um, just before,
um, can I--
Why did you give me
that book?
"Fillory and Further,"
book six.
- I thought you'd
appreciate it.
- I lost it.
- Guess I was wrong.
- No, you're not, I--
I need to read it.
I just, I can't find it.
- Things with "Fillory"
are funny that way.
- Is "Fillory" real?
- Why even ask if you'll just
forget it again?
- The books,
they're just--
They always felt
realer than anything.
- Then it's real.
- That's not
a real answer.
- Shall we begin?
- Okay, do it.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, Quentin,
I am pleased!
- What?
- You're a much better liar
than I expected you to be.
Can I level with you?
- I wish you would.
- You're not
very remarkable.
You're smart,
but no genius.
You do magic,
but nothing special.
And the worst is,
you're so eager to belong,
you even forget
why you're here.
- Why am I here?
- You dreamed of it,
didn't you,
"Fillory," before the attack,
like a warning?
- Yeah, did you--
how did you?
- Because I've dreamed
of it too.
And I've looked
into that Beast's eyes.
- What?
- Do you think you have
a destiny?
- Um, yes.
- Yeah.
I used to believe that crap too
when I was young.
There is no destiny,
no born heroes.
I can't tell you why--
why The Beast came
sniffing for you.
There's no reason
it should be you.
You can either step up to it
or not, it's up to you.
We'll just hope
for the best.
- Who are you?
- Just another
inadequate Magician
who's lost people.
So will you if you don't
get strong.
Learn fast,
any means necessary.
Which is why I'm so pleased
to see you sitting there
like you don't have
an Emerson's in your pocket
to repel any spell
to wipe your mind.
- You stole that.
- Who stole it?
Relax, nobody's taking
your mind today.
We'll make something
of you yet.
I'll tell the school
one more chance, probation.
They'll respect my call.
Don't make me regret it.
Don't hop back
on the garden path
like some little lemming,
or I'll erase everything
and start you over entirely,
for your own good.
- The garden path?
- Everything's connected.
Don't over-think it.
[indie rock music playing]
♪ ♪
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- Congratulations, Julia.
Big day.
First star.
First of many.
- Yeah.
- This is just
the beginning.
[tattoo machine buzzing]
- ♪ And, and you said
they wouldn't ♪
♪ Have to drive too far ♪
[music fades out]
- Hope your bits
are covered.
Coming in.
How are you, Henry?
I'm sorry.
I knew he'd come, but I swear
I didn't know so soon.
- No one is ready.
We need more time,
and a teacher with full use
of his hands.
There's that new wrinkle.
- I'll find a way
to help you.
We'll heal your hands
and your eyes.
- It wouldn't help us.
It wouldn't help them, would it?
- This is all my fault.
- This is your problem,
that you should solve!
Quentin, Penny, they're not
built for this.
- I know,
and I've tried.
- Go back there.
- You say that
like I could hop a bus.
- Find a way back.
Find The Beast.
Kill him.
- [scoffs]
If I could manage that,
we'd be sharing a drink
right now,
not a care in the world
and four good eyes between us.
I'm sorry.
Just tell me
what else I can do.
- All we can do is
make them Magicians.
- That's not enough.
- I know.
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪
- Gonna just keep this BBQ
poppin', my love.
[both laughing]
Oh, man.
[indistinct chattering]
- Ha ha!
- [laughs]
Get over here.
- Quentin.
Come on!
- Come on!
Join the party, sad sack.
Hurry up.
- Mm.
- Oh, my God,
it's not like
we have all day.
- We're so drunk.
- Okay, we have all day.
[both laughing]
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪