The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955–1961): Season 1, Episode 8 - The Killer - full transcript

Bennett's bouncer beats up Mr. Hailey who caught Bennett with a crooked Faro game using a screw box to deal. Earp gives Bennett six hours to close up The Palace and leave town which he does. Bennett looks up Manon Clemens who has killed at least 26 men. Clemens is willing to take on Earp but is leery of an ambush or of being in a town. The only person he trusts is his girl friend Laurie Castle who he sends into to town to check things out. Bennett wants Clemens to not only kill Earp but his cowboys to tree the town. Earp hears about the plan so he has Marsh Murdock publish an editorial saying Clemens is a coward plus he has a chat with Laurie acting as if he didn't know who Clemens is or that he had any worries about him. She lets slip that Clemens doesn't like graveyards. Given Laurie's report and the editorial Clemens and his men with Bennett ride to Wichita. Earp meets him at the edge of town on horseback along with 80 deputies. He invites Clemens into the lumberyard where the two of them can settle the fight. Clemens balks when he sees Earp has dug a grave with a tombstone giving Clemens' date of death. Clemens runs but kills Bennett on his way out of town for leading him into the ambush.

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story be told ♪

Wyatt Earp as Marshal of Wichita, Kansas, in 1875

has yet to face the most dangerous threat

which can confront a Western cow town.

Rebellious cowboys need only a leader like Manning Clements,

the deadliest gunfighter

on the brawling Chisholm Trail,

to become an invading brand of outlaws

determined to kill every peace officer and citizen who stands in their way.


Fight! Fight!

Stop it! Come back here!

You shoot your mouth off about this,

and you'll be in worse trouble.

Right from the soil, Mr. Earp!

He's bleeding all over the place!

A man kicked him right in the stomach!

You wait here.

Who beat you up, Mr. Haley?

Bennett's bouncer.

I run into a crooked Faro game.

Look at this deal box.

I haven't seen one like that in a long time.

Gapped up like that, you didn't have a chance.

That's why I grabbed it.

Bennett's dealer use this?


I slipped it into my pocket before they jumped me.

You need a doctor, Mr. Haley.

I need a gun.

You forget about the gun. That's what I get paid for.

You men take him over to Doc Fabrique's office.

I'm all right. You go on over there.

Forget about Bennett. He's my problem.

All right. Come on.

You ever see this before, Bennett?

Of course not.

They both got your own personal brand of cards in them.

Only this one's a screw box.

It's not mine.

Mr. Haley gave me this.

He said your dealer used it to cheat him.

He's gonna repeat that under oath.

I don't think so.

Mr. Haley was a friend of mine.

I'd like to return what you gave him.


Now I'm gonna give you six hours

to close up and get out of town, Bennett.

You can't prove... I can prove!

You're short in this town.

I said six hours.

Sam, your men about ready?

They're all set here, Marshal. Good.

Oh, Mr. Murdock.

What's the news?

Dave Bennett. He's been squawking about your order.

Well, that's good.

Dave's got about the most crooked place I've ever seen.

You just can't tolerate crooked gambling.

I like an honest game too much myself.

And so does every cowhand I ever met.

Gambling house makes plenty of money on its percentage.

Dave didn't have to cheat.

Bennett isn't gonna take this lying down.

He may have to.

What's the idea of letting Earp run you out of town, Dave?

He ain't got no right to close you up.

You got about three minutes left, Mr. Bennett.

When I come back here, you won't have three minutes.

All I'll need is 3/5 of a second with a Colt. 45

if I ever see you in Wichita again.

You're bragging on yourself again, ain't you, Earp?

I don't think so.

You ain't man enough to drink liquor, so you don't like saloons.

You're too lazy to work, so you don't like cowhands.

You asking for trouble?

That's just what I'm asking for.

Come on, men. Let's go get our guns.

All right, now break it up.

Go on! Move!

Your time's run out, Mr. Bennett.

Next time you see me in Wichita,

you'll be hiding up a tree.

Howdy. Howdy.

Can one of you tell me where I'll find Manning Clements?

Well, Manning's here,

but he's in a pretty mean mood.

If I were you, I'd wait till after sunup.

Well, my business is real urgent.

Over past that big rock.

But be sure to call out your name before you ride up.

I know. Thanks.

Manning's killed 26 men.

Hey, I wonder if I did the right thing by telling that stranger.

26 poor fellows in their grave.

Hey, Manning?

It's Dave Bennett. You remember me?

Come on along.

But keep your hands in the air.

Is this the way you want it?

That's the way I want it.

And with you to lead them, I can round up the boys,

and we'll tree Wichita to a frazzle.

But your main job is to take care of Wyatt Earp.

What's so important about Earp?

He's almost as fast with a gun as you.

How many men has Earp killed?

Nobody yet. He hasn't had to.

But he's that fast.

Well, I'm faster.

And I always shoot to kill.

Treat Earp that way.

You get 200 right now and 200 more after you cut him down.

What is the catch in this?

No catch.

How do I know what I'll run into?

Those rabbits won't fight.

Just Earp and a couple of deputies.

If it's more money you want...

It ain't the money, Dave.

I've cut a man in half with buckshot for $50,

and for no money at all.

Well, then what's bothering you?

I don't like towns.

You get Earp out here.

Oh, he's not that stupid.

He tricked Ben Thompson into surrendering Bill over at Ellsworth.

Ben turned Billy in?

Was Ben scared of Earp?

He didn't gun him.

Then I reckon I'll have to settle up for Bill.

I always liked Bill.

Then it's a deal?


Maybe it's an ambush in Wichita.

Could be you're trying to bait me into a trap.

Where's Lori?

Why are you asking?

You trust her, don't you?

She the onlyest one I trust.

I'll send her into Wichita.

We haven't got time for that. I've got time.

Manning, I swear... You swear?

I'm waiting for Lori's word on it.

And don't you try and tempt me with killing Earp.

Because if I go into Wichita,

I intend to do a lot more killing than just him.

But I ain't riding in there to be ambushed.

I'll do the killing.

Sure, Manning.

You do the killing.

I'll bring 'em in.

Come on in, men.

Marshal, Mr. Tom Davidson.

How do you do, sir?

Mr. Davidson, you and your men refuse to check your guns.

Is that correct?

We're not saying anymore.

You don't look like the type of men

that would want to spend ten days in jail.

Ten days?

We can't be in jail when...

Manning Clements is coming to town.


With a lot of cowhands.

They aim to tree Wichita.

Clements is gonna gun you, Mr. Earp.

Where'd you hear this?

We trailed him from Dodge City.

Last night, we joined a cattle outfit driving here.

There was a lot of wide-open talk.

You say you were trailing Clements?

He killed my son.

Murdered him in cold blood.

Killed my grandson.

Killed his brother.

You blame us for trailing him... with guns?

No, sir, I don't. I'm sorry.

Then turn us loose.

Mr. Davidson, are any of your men expert with a gun?

There'll be five of us against Clements.

He'd kill two or three of you before you got him.

That's a big price to pay.

I don't think your families would want you to pay.

I'd pay it... for my boy.

Not in this town you won't.

Mr. Leger, we'll have to hold them for a day or so.

I'm going over to the newspaper office.

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

I thought you'd be around.

You heard about it, huh? Uh-huh.

This might be real rough, Wyatt.

Clements is supposed to have killed about 24 men.

Yeah. Did you ever meet him?

Just once, in Abilene.

Ignorant, savage yahoo.

Better start swearing in extra deputies.

You'll need at least 50 men.

Have you put your paper to press yet?

We lock the forms in an hour. Why?

I'd like you to write me a page-one editorial, Mr. Murdock.

Please sit down. I'll tell how I think it ought to go.

Now, could you read that back to me?


"A report has reached the Eagle

"that some brainless, hairy-eared cowhands

"plan to tree Wichita in the near future.

"Our informant states

"that one Manning Clements will lead them.

"This Clements is a horse thief,

a common murderer, and a coward."

"We have questioned Marshal Wyatt Earp about Clements and his associates.

"Marshal Earp has such a low opinion of Clements

that he dismisses the loose talk of a raid on Wichita with hearty laughter."

You want to get us all massacred?

It's a good piece, Mr. Murdock. Please print it.

Oh, now, Wyatt, this is ridiculous.

Look, I want Clements and the cowhands

to think we're not taking them seriously.

A mob is only one man, its leader.

In this case, it's Clements.

I'm working on him.

Wyatt, this is the sublimest lot

of overconfidence nonsense I've ever heard.

Now, what's gotten into you?

Clements' girl is in town.

She's dripping around the saloons

and asking questions about you, Marshal.

Well, that's good.

I'd like to know her name and, uh, where I can find her.

Her name's Lori Castle.

She's stopping over at the Texas House.

I think I'll walk around.

Oh, will you print that for me?

Uh-huh, along with your obituary.

Pardon me.

Are you Wyatt Earp?

Yes, ma'am, that's right.

Mr. Earp, I'm Lori Castle.

Miss Castle.

I've heard so much about you

that I didn't want to leave town without saying howdy.

Well, thank you, ma'am.

Oh, wait, Mr. Earp.

Just saying howdy isn't all.

Oh? It's business.

Won't you come over and sit down for a minute?

Well, I'm sorry, ma'am, but I do have my...

It won't take long.


My name doesn't mean anything to you?

No, I'm sorry, Should it?

I have a gentlemen friend who's quite well known:

Mr. Manning Clements.


Seems like I recall the name, but I...

This is a surprise.

How come they let you be marshal here

if you don't know about Mr. Manning Clements?

It seems I remember a family in northern Illinois by the name of Clements.

Oh, yes, of course.

Mr. Clements got into a few gunfights, didn't he?

But none of them was really his fault, Mr. Earp.

Oh. Well, of course he's been in no trouble around Wichita here, but, uh...

Well, does this business that you mentioned,

does that concern Mr. Clements?

Well, it might, yes.

Don't tell me you haven't heard the talk.

Something in particular?

They say that Mr. Clements

is going to help the cowhands tree Wichita.

Now, why would he want to do that?

I don't understand.

Mr. Clements has a friend by the name of Dave Bennett.

He talked Manning into it.

He did?

And I can talk Manning out of it.

That is if I got paid for my trouble.

Wouldn't the businessmen here think it would be worth some money

to head off the cowhands?

It might, but, uh...

Exactly how would you persuade Mr. Clements?

I know him sociably quite well.


Well, when would you expect the money?

In advance, just as soon as it can be collected.

How much?

Seems like it would be worth, uh...


It might be, but, uh...

Well, I'd have to know a little bit more about

how you expect to handle Mr. Clements.

Well, he's right fond of me.

And if I requested him...

You want the solemn truth?

I can scare Manning.

I'm the only living soul who can scare him.

Oh, now, Miss Castle... It's the truth.

I can tell him you're setting up a surprise for him here.

Mr. Clements doesn't like to be surprised

in this town like the James boys were.

I can tell him he'll be trapped in an ambush.

Well, of course not. That would be the truth.

Oh, for heaven's sake!

You see, Miss Castle, our mayor and the businessmen,

they don't want me to fight the cattlemen.

No. And Bennett knows that,

and he'd tell your friend Mr. Clements.

So you'll just have to think up something more scarier.

All right. I got something a heap sight scarier.

To tell you the truth, I didn't think anything could scare Clements.

Seems like you keep on calling me a liar.

I've said all I'm gonna say.

Well, now, I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to offend you.

And if told you the real secret, you wouldn't believe me.

I can't very well raise $500 for a secret you won't tell me.

Manning's scared of graveyards.


It's the truth.

I can tell him I dreamed of a graveyard,

and he'll fly right for the Panhandle.

I'm sorry, Miss Castle, the deal's off.


Well, I couldn't raid $500 for a yarn like that.

Why, people would laugh me right out of town.

You're a stupid fool!

You'll be dead tomorrow.


Mr. Clements, have you seen the Wichita Eagle paper?

Don't bother me.

Well, they called you a coward and lots of other names, too.

They've said a lot worse things about me.

Come on, play poker.

Doesn't it make you sore to have Earp call you nobody...

and we're bluffing?

What took you so long?

I talked to that Earp in town. He's a fool.

The Eagle paper doesn't put much stock in you, Manning.

Nobody in Wichita's laying for you,

and Earp hasn't even put on special deputies.

You didn't see no sign of an ambush?

Nearly a one.

You and the cowhands can go through that town easy.

And kill Earp for me if you can find him.

Well, Manning? You satisfied now?

I don't know. It sounds too good.

Oh, you don't trust me anymore?

No, I trust you.

Saddle and ride!

We'll hit Wichita early.

Thank you...

so much.

Now, we've armed about 50 men, Mr. Murdock.

So if I can't stop Clements here at the edge of town,

we can cut his outfit to pieces when he crosses the city line.

Why try to stop Clements and turn the others back?

Let them come in town, take their medicine.

That's right.

Look, I started all this by closing Bennett's saloon.

I'm gonna finish it without getting a lot of people hurt.

All right. You ride out there alone.

What happens? Clements won't palaver.

I'm paid to take chances.

If my plan works, people won't be killing

and getting killed all over town.

Well, yes, but...

If it doesn't work?

So bury me.

Just as Lori told you.

They didn't believe we'd come.

It looks awful quiet.

Is that Earp?

Get him now.

I don't shoot from a horse.

Mr. Clements, I want to talk to you.

Get down off your horse,

and I'll get off mine.

In a minute.

But first I want to warn you

I have 80 men just waiting for you to cross the line.

You're bluffing.


You and Lori lied to me.

Now, it'll be an even fight if you come into town.

We'll lose men and so will you.

All Dave wants is me.

I'm the one your crowd is sore at, not Wichita.

So let's you and me settle it, Mr. Clements.

Get off your horse.

Not here.

When I drop you, I don't want 50 bullets in my gizzard.

We'll ride into the lumber yard and shoot it out in private.

Get him quick.

He'll drop me.

I can gun him in a fair fight.

How do I know you haven't got men in there?

I don't need any help.

You talk brave, Mr. Earp.

You picked a might nice morning to die, Mr. Clements.

He got Earp.

Did you kill him, Manning?

You wanted me ambushed.

You can ride into that trap if you want to.

Not me!

What happened between you and Clements?

He saw an open grave with his name on it.

It's too bad about Bennett.

He should have died on the gallows.

You tell Doc Fabrique you want him laid out in style

for all crooked gamblers to pay their respects.

Yes, Mr. Earp.

♪ Well, he cleaned up the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ He made law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it ♪

♪ The legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be told ♪