The Librarians (2014–2018): Season 3, Episode 1 - And the Rise of Chaos - full transcript

The Egyptian God of Chaos inhabits a human, and tries to release pure evil into the world; the librarians must decipher clues in a science museum.



Can we go now?

I'm dying here.


I thought we were gonna see
mummies and shrunken heads.

If I see one more urn,
I'm gonna lose it.

Broaden your horizons,

So painted wood statues
were common

during all dynasties
of the old kingdom.

This decorative urn
from the 13th century

was from Pharaoh Akhenaten
to his first wife...

But you're not really
interested in any of this,

are you, Barry?

What the...
What the hell?

Hey, honey, you're not
gonna believe this.
This thing just...

Go through the door
on your right,

if you want to see
something really interesting.

Okay, I guess.

Yes, keep going.

To the right.

Almost there.

In the center
of the room.

All right.
That's more like it.

Flynn, how we doin'?

Don't know how long
I can hold these goat heads.

I'm climbing,
I'm climbing.

And technically,
it's a ram's head.

Interesting fact,
the ram's head

is a Druid symbol
of power and virility.

More interesting fact,
Druids are trying to kill us.

- I need those translations.
- Give me a second!

- Okay.
- It's, um...

Looks like
ancient Gaulish

mixed with third-century
astrological symbols.

Please tell me

you're working
on an escape plan!

Uh, way ahead of you,
as always.

The entrance
appears to be blocked
by a board game.

All right,
all right, all right.

The markings read,
"North... northern king..."

No. "The King...
when the king
reaches the north",

the light
will reveal itself."

- Ah! Gwyddbwyll!
- Oh, my God.
He's having a stroke.

No, no.

Ancient Celtic
precursor to chess,

Seven-by-seven grid,
21 pieces,

72,804 possible moves...

72,803 possible moves.

Okay, I can see
the board.

It's... two up,
two across,

three down,
another left.
One up.



Boom. Just saved
the world, again.

Did you
see us back there?
- We're unstoppable!

What could possibly
go wrong?

- Don't do that.
- Do what?

Look, I'm from
Oklahoma, okay?

It's not easy for me
to get beat up by...

- By a girl?
- By my boss.

Okay, "Van Damme,"
try the punching bag.

Give it your best shot.

Good impact, but you use
too much energy.

You'll punch yourself out
fighting like that.

Here, try cocking your fist
at 130-degree angle

from your forearm,
bend at the elbow.

- Tae Kwon Do jab.
- Why are you doing this?

What's with
all the practice
and the training?

You have a lot
of raw talent.

But you've never taken
the time to learn.

Do you know how many years
Flynn trained with Excalibur?

Baird, I'm a brawler, okay?
I'm a brawler.

That's what I do.
I've been a brawler
since I was a kid.

I can't learn
this stuff.

Yes, you can.

You're a Librarian.

You have multiple PhDs
in history and art.

We're just gonna add
martial arts to that list.

Okay, but the fighting?
That's what we got you for.

I'm more than just
your bodyguard.

All right, we'll pick
this up tomorrow.



Baird? Baird!

- 'Night, Mr. Stanek.
- Good night, Curtis.


Here you go, old man.

Perfect. Good as new.

Stendec, Stendec,

Stendec, Stendec,

Stendec, Stendec,

Stendec, Stendec,

- Whoa!
- Stendec...


Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec,

Stendec, Stendec...

No. No!

No! No!

Well, my examination
is complete.

And now the fabled
Nwyfre Runestone

is ready to be housed
in its new home.

So what is that?
That's five artifacts
in four weeks?

That's pretty
impressive, right?

Go ahead, Jenkins,
say it.

We're the best team
you've ever seen.

Your mothers did not
hug you enough, did they?

I know that face.

That's the
"I should be happy,

"but instead
I'm unnecessarily
worried" face.

Oh, yeah? And what's my
"If you don't leave me alone,

"I'm gonna punch you
in the face" face?

That one.
What's goin' on?

The team's on a roll.
We're doin' great.

That's exactly
when mistakes happen.

One day you're on top
and then, boom!

Fall of Rome, collapse
of the Mayan Empire,

Well, you're
a "library's half empty"
kinda gal today.

I just want everyone
to be better.

Before, when I saw
Dulaque cut the Loom of Fate,

- I saw...
- Alternate versions
of themselves.

I know. I was there.
Although I wasn't there,

because I was
an alternate version
of myself.

I saw their true potential.
And they're gonna be

amazing Librarians,
Flynn, like you.

I just have to get them
there faster.

We can't wait 10 years.

- What's the hurry?
- I don't know.

It's just this feeling
I have, Flynn.

I can't explain it.
Call it "Guardian's intuition."

Well, I think that
you are worrying...

...for no reason...

Ya think?

What the hell
just happened?

How did it just
explode like that?

It must have been
trying to tell us
something important.

Now we'll never know.

Sure we will.

Sure we will.
Take a look around you.

There's pieces
of the book everywhere.

All we have to do
is think of this

as a jigsaw puzzle,

Piece what we can
back together...

- Find the parts
that are missing.
- That's the spirit.

So the clipping book
bursts into flames.

Big deal.
We can handle that, right?

No problemo.

This is
a huge problemo.

The clipping book
bursting into flames?
Are you kidding me?

Your grace under pressure
is always admirable, sir.

I told you
my "spidey senses"
were tingling,

but you
wouldn't listen.

- What...?
- See?

Okay, please.
Let's just concentrate
on the matter at hand.

Now we know
the clipping book

shows us events
that have happened

or are about to happen,
so obviously there are

so many events
on the horizon,

that it overloaded.

You know, we could
do this a lot more quickly

if we could just use
a reconstituting spell.

We don't use magic, Cass.
We're Librarians.

- We use our brains.
- Yes, but my brain
is telling me

we should use magic.
I mean, we have
the greatest collection

of magic in
the whole world, right
here in this building.

And we never
put it work for us.

- I do.
- You do what?

Use magic.
All the time.

Right now I have
that knit-wheel thingy

fixing some
of my sweaters.

The Spinning Wheel of Clotho?
That's not a toy, Jones.

You guys know why
the Library exists?

To save the world
from things like that.

Yes, but if we
just learned how
to use it properly...

There is always
a price to pay.

Now, I do not disagree
that wielding magic
can have its benefits,

but I have seen too many
corrupted by its power.

We don't need
to use magic.

We have
the finest collection
of minds in the world

right here
in this very room.

Now, what
is the clipping book
trying to tell us?

- This is all we could
piece together so far...
- Uh-huh, uh-huh, yes.

the clipping book
wants us to go

to "Pumpernickel
Rubber Bubbles."

Ring a bell?


What about
"Potato Duck Girdle"?

Okay, how 'bout
"Kidney Weasel..."

Okay, fine, we'll just do it
the old-fashioned way.

It's a gigantic anagram
with missing pieces.

So we need to calculate
the probable outcomes,

divided by the number
of probable events...

In this case, letters,
possible words.

And then determining
the likely odds,

we can reduce the number
of probable outcomes


- Ah! "Story of Man" exhibit.
- "Story of Man."

- Opened last week.
- Jenkins, we need a door.

Please, I already told you
everything I know.

Tell it to us again.
From the beginning.

I was cleaning up.

And then these mannequins
came to life.

From the museum?

And attacked me!

Then I passed out
and I woke up here.

That's all I know.

Who are you people

He doesn't know anything.

Cut him loose.

- I can't believe it.
- Do you guys realize

that this
museum currently has
the Antikythera mechanism,

only considered to be
the first astronomical
clock of its kind?

Keep it together,

Ah, forget
the clock.

Would you guys look
at that awesome submarine?

Dude, that's a 1950s
Barbel-class diesel electric,

- single propeller shaft.
AKA, the coolest
thing ever.

Gotta go, man.
I've wanted to do it
since I was a kid.

Guys, we're here to work.

How 'bout you three guys
go check out what's inside

and Stone and I will
investigate the sub?

We'll go out here...
there's probably
so many clues...

Thank you. Exhibit is closed,
move along.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Open again in an hour.
Thank you, move along.
Scootch along.

- Sorry, we're closed.
- What... what happened?

The janitor freaked out,
started trashing the place.

Probably hammered,
if you ask me.

Started rantin'
about spirits...?
Something like that.

Do you happen to know
where he is now?

What are you, cops?

No. We're Librarians.

Boston General.
Somebody dumped him
on the front steps

and split.

Thank you very much.

Looks like we're
in the right place.

Okay, Flynn and I are
gonna go talk to this janitor,

you guys stay here,
see what you can find out
about these "spirits."

I know just the place
to look.

And no submarines.

- But it's on...
- No subs.

- It's right...
- No subs.

- You go out the door.
- No subs, no subs, no subs.

Hello. Jell-O?

- Get away from me.
- No Jell-O?

You do not want
the Jell-O?

I've already
told you people
everything I know.


- You see the mark
on his neck?
- Yeah.

A distinct nozzle pattern
with a slight impression.

I would say,
judging from the film
around his mouth

and the cloudiness
in the eyes,

that he's probably
been injected with
a powerful sedative,

midazolam most likely,
in the past 12 hours.

He's been interrogated
by the government.

Injection guns with midazolam
is textbook black ops.

Like a secret group
tracking magic.

Do you know
how ridiculous
that sounds?

Other than us,
I mean?

I knew this
was gonna happen.

With magic out there,
it was only a matter of time

before the government
put together their own
task force...

this is bad, Flynn.

This is wonderful.

- Are you sure you don't
want any of this?
- Enough with the Jell-O!

- What are we
gonna do about him?
- Who?

- The Johnson.
- Oh. Right. Um...

Okay, Mr. Johnson.
We are in fact
from the government.

And if you don't tell us
exactly what happened
at the museum yesterday,

we will be forced
to give you another

Except this time,
with a concentrated
lethal dose.

- You're holding a pen.
- No, I'm not.

I can see it
in your hands.
It says "Bic."

- Okay, that didn't work.
- How's 20 bucks sound?

50. Hmm?

That guy
wasn't kiddin'.

The janitor trashed
the joint.

Why would he
do this?

Well, no one likes
to drink alone.

Grabbed the only mates
he had

and bingo,
instant costume party.

I don't think so.

All these mannequins,
they're not where
they're supposed to be.

It's almost as if...

As if they moved
on their own.

They cornered me
and then I passed out.

That's all I remember.

Did these mannequins
try to make contact with you
in any way?

Did they give you something,
did they say something?

They said a word,
over and over again.

Stan... something.

I don't know.
I was scared outta my mind.

Please, Mr. Johnson.
Try and remember.

What word was it?

Stan... die.

Stan... Stan-dike.


That's it.

Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec,

Stendec, Stendec...

Stendec, Stendec,

The thing is, we've seen
possessed people before.
This was different.

They kept saying this word
over and over again.


Comatose patients
and museum mannequins.

Interesting because
when animate subjects
are possessed,

the culprits can be
any number of vengeful

Like the South American

or the Chinese Mogwai,
et cetera, et cetera.

But when inanimates
are possessed...

Mr. Carsen?

Spirits, possessions,
inanimate objects, check.

- What are you doing?
- Oh, I just love this.

Reminds me of telling
ghost stories around
a campfire.

But incomplete



Oh, my...

Inanimates are
almost always possessed

by animistic deities.

They've been around
for centuries.

The most famous of course
being gargoyles...

Oh... Mm, sorry,

- Stumpy...
Yeah, well,
there you go.

What the janitor saw,

they did not
try to cause harm.

They merely chanted.

My belief,
they were possessed

by animistic deities
or "household spirits."

And they reside
with the sole purpose

of protecting valuables
in the home.

And when a threat
is perceived...

Spirits warn
against impending danger.

Like a magical
security system.

Yeah, but that doesn't
explain the sing-along
at the hospital.

Sure it does, because
Animistic deities

travel through
unconscious states.

And since the patients
at the hospital

were all comatose,

they were
the perfect vessels.

Okay, so they were
trying to warn us.

- About what?
- Well, my bet would be

your answer lies in the word
they were chanting.

What did you... Stendec?

- Stendec.
- Stendec.

What if...
what if they were
saying "stekhdak"?

It's an Ancient
Egyptian word.
It's pre-2600 BC.

Hasn't been spoken
a long time,

so no one really knows
the correct pronunciation.

But it means...
"Hours of the day."

So, a calendar?


There's a clock
at the museum!

The Antikythera

I know,
keep it together.

Guess we're goin'
back to Boston.

Great! And maybe
while we're there

- we could check out
the awesome...
- Eve, Flynn: No sub.

Hey, pally?
What the hell you think
you're doin'?

You plan on cleanin' up
this mess?

- Problem, Sull?
- No. I got this.
Just another drunk.

Listen, pal,
you're gonna have to leave.

What are you still
doin' here?

I told you,
I don't need
your stupid help!

Who you callin'
stupid, fatso?

Guys, the
Antikythera mechanism
is a big deal.

Do you have any idea
how big a deal it is?

I have a feeling
you're about to tell us.

Because it is
a big deal!

It was discovered in 1901
by a couple of sponge divers

- off the Greek island
of Antikythera.
- Yeah, okay,

- but I wanted to tell the...
- The mechanism, when

was able to track
the moon, track the sun,

predict eclipses.
Nobody knows who made it,

but radiocarbon dating
puts it back about 150 BC.

Okay, but the truly
interesting thing...

That date predates
similar technology

by at least
a thousand years.

Okay, well,
now you're both uninvited
to my birthday party.

Ooh, look at that.

Whoever designed this
was ahead of their time.

You said that this was
no longer functional, right?

Yes. That is correct. Despite
numerous attempts,

scientists have never
been able to get it to work.

Er, then why
is it ticking?

That's not possible.

The mechanism hasn't worked
in thousands of years.

This place is
full of surprises.

Wait a minute,
the constellation dial
is off.

The North Star, it isn't
in the right place.

Give it a break,
it's more than 2,000
years old.

No, but the North Star
is always in a fixed position.

It's like in a compass,
how it always points north.

- Exactly how far off is it?
- Uh, 2.3 degrees south,

6.5 degrees east.

That's a latitude
and longitude.

The clock is giving us
a location.

It's here in the museum.

Should be
right about...

And before
the fight broke out,
what instigated it?

I'm sorry,
who are you people again?

Agent Prichard,
I'm with "DOSA"...

Department of
Statistical Anomalies.

Statistical what?

You were saying?

Oh, uh, yeah.
Some drunk came in.

Starts tossin'
our brochures around,
lookin' for somethin'.

in particular?


This one.

We should be pretty close
to those coordinates.

Everybody keep
your eyes peeled.

For what, asbestos?
'Cause that's all
I can see.



It's original

This museum's
built on the bones

of an 18th-century church.
This is original subfloor.

- A smuggling vault.
- The church smuggled?

- Ooh.
- Everybody did.

Most buildings
in 18th-century Massachusetts
had smuggling vaults

or tunnels hidden
under the basements.

They hid money.
Or loot from the

Kind of an early act
of defiance

against Thomas Jefferson's
first tax laws.

- In fact, funny story
about those...
- All right, stand back.


Come on, man.

Well, well, well.

I think I know
who the spirits were
trying to warn us about.

Apep, god of Chaos.

Apep... Egyptian god
of Chaos,

and sworn enemy
to Ra, the sun god.

Nasty piece of work.

Egyptians referred to him
as "The Eater of Souls."

I thought that Ra
imprisoned this cat
like centuries ago,

- left him for dead.
- Apparently not.

While repairing
the clipping book,

I discovered
another article.

A tourist, Barry Dubecki,

went missing while visiting
the Great Pyramids.

archeologists nearby

had just unearthed
a sarcophagus

believed to be
several thousand
years old.

Apep's sarcophagus?

Well, if this guy,
Barry found it

and somehow released
Apep's spirit...

It would possess
his body.

Allowing the god of Chaos
to manifest in human form.

And now he wants
the key.

- Key? What key?
the gold box.

It holds the key
that can unlock Pure Evil.

"Pure Evil"?
As opposed to what,
fake evil?

Pure Evil is a force.
Along with Pure Good.

And there's
a delicate balance
between the two.

The Library was created
to protect that balance

and the only reason
Pure Evil

is not running rampant
right now

is the first Librarian
was able to seal it

in a portal,
never to be opened.

So Apep wants
to upset the balance.

If he manages
to open the portal
and release Pure Evil...

It'll feed off
the open ley lines,

growing stronger
by the minute.

Plunging our whole world
into darkness.

And here I was
worried about asbestos.

I highly suggest
that you retrieve the key

before Apep does.

It's locked.
Combination lock.

Combination lock?

Oh, you do know
I'm a thief, right?

It might as well just say,
"Property of Ezekiel Jones."

Most combination locks
have a series of discs inside,
each one with a notch.

When you dial the right combo,
the notches align,

and click,
you're in.

This tricky guy,
he has multiple notches.

Unless there's
someway I can see
the configuration inside,

- this could take hours.
- How are we gonna do that?

We don't have
an x-ray machine.


I am gonna regret
saying this,

but we do have
a sonar system.

- The sub? Submarine!
- The sub? The sub.

Since sonic waves
bounce off metal,

we could modify
the equipment

and turn it
into an ultrasound
and in theory,

that would let us
see into the box.
Please, don't hate me.

Okay, get the sonar

and come right back.
This is no time
to mess around.

We're professionals.

I've got dibs
on the periscope!

Not if I
get there first!

They're taking too long.
I knew I shouldn't have
let them go.

They're probably
halfway across
the Atlantic by now.

Something about
these symbols.

Can't quite put
my finger on it.

You know, if we really
wanted to open it,
I could use a spell.

I am so sick of you
going on and on
about magic.

- Why don't you
just drop it?
- Oh, what?

Are you afraid
someone younger
and better than you

is gonna steal
your glory?

- You are
an amateur, Cillian!
- And you are a dinosaur!

- I'm sorry.
That was weird.

- What just happened?
- That was... weird.

- I'm not sure what just...
- Listen, we're all under
a lot of stress.

- ...just came over me.
- Trying to open the box.

Flynn, you almost
just poked my eye out.

That's it! Yes!

You don't want to talk
about what just happened?

No, no, no.

The Eye of Horus
is the Egyptian emblem
of protection.

symbolized by a falcon eye
with a single teardrop.

Each of these symbols
represents a different
part of the eye.

But the Eye of Horus
wasn't only an emblem.

It's also
a math pictogram.

The Egyptians,
they used it to
make calculations.

Each symbol
represented a fraction...

The pupil is one quarter.
The eyebrow, 1/8th,

- and the teardrop, 1/64th.
- Right.

And if you
theoretically add up
all these numbers...

It's the combination
of the lock.

It was here on the box
the whole time.

Try 12-6-7.

You and your...


We're too late.
Apep was already here.

- Slow. Yeah, slow.
- This place is awesome.

Go, set it down.
Set it down.

Don't drop it.

- What did you touch?
- Nothing...

- What did you touch?
- Nothing!

Stone? Forget about the sonar,
Apep already has the key.

- Meet us at the lobby.
- Well, that's gonna be
a little hard right now, okay?

'Cause we're currently
on a moving submarine!

- This is no time
for a joy ride.
- Not our idea.

This sub's been

It's Apep.
He's taken the sub.

Now that he has the key,
he's going for the portal.

Wait a minute.
A thousand-year-old

can program
a modern-age submarine?

He can if the body
he possesses is ex-Navy.

- Stone, check all the cabins.
- See if you can find Apep.

Torpedo armed and loaded
in tube number two.

Whoa! What the...?

Ezekiel, talk to me.

The sub just did
an about-face on its own.

- It's heading back to port.
- Why would it do that?

- Stone?
Have you found Apep?
- Not exactly.

He's programmed
the torpedo to launch
in less than a minute.

He's gonna try
to blow up the museum.

We have to evacuate
the museum.

We don't have time.
Not with the size
of that warhead.

Here, let me.
Can you access
the launch program?

I'm trying, but the onboards
haven't been upgraded
since the '80s.

I'm a millennial.
I don't know any of this
"Atari" crap.

- Try a matrix system,
I'll walk you through it.
- What about the breech door?

- 30 seconds to launch.
- It won't budge.

-There's water filling the tube.
- Okay, to disengage
the torpedo,

you're gonna
have to manually drain
the flood chambers.

- Are you kidding?
- No, I'm not kidding.

- If he hasn't
equalized the pressure...
- I have a degree... a Ph.D...

It's not helping!
Not helping!

So you're
gonna wanna go

into the main terminal
and then use a linear
and by an algorithm...

- 3/0/6.
- It's not working.

- We're runnin' out of time.
- He's not gonna make it.

- The hell he isn't.
- Slash two...

Ezekiel, do you have
any control over the sub?

Only auxiliary power,

Okay, listen carefully.
I need you to throttle
the propellers

to maximum speed
and come straight at us.

Uh, I'm sorry.
You wanna get blown up

It takes at least
400 yards for a torpedo
to arm itself.

The closer
you get to the museum,
harder it is to detonate.

That makes sense...

Six, five, four,

three, two...

- Torpedoes away!
- Hold on.

It worked.
No explosion.
- Ha! We did it!

You don't understand.
We're not out of this yet.
Ezekiel, full stop!

It's not stopping.



Now, how do I get
out of here?

- There they are.
I am never
swimming there again.

I'm officially
over submarines.

I don't get it.
So Apep stole
a submarine

just to try
to kill us?

Maybe he was trying
to build a swimming pool.

Torpedo was never
meant for us.

Apep just needed access
to the portal

which was under
the museum.


You speak our tongue,

but you are not
one of us.

You are weak.

Do you really think
you can defeat a god?

A god in an out-of-shape
50-year-old's body?

Yeah, I like
our chances.

I have laid waste
to legions.

Turned oceans
into blood.

And after Pure Evil
is released,

I will reign forever.

You cannot stop me.

Just watch us.

Why are you all
just standing there?

- I gave you an order!
- You know, I'm getting
sick and tired

of you giving us orders.
If I'm honest about it,

- I should be the one
calling the shots.
- Don't you touch me!

You know what?
None of you are smart
enough to be the leader.

- I'm the only one
who understands magic.
- That's why nobody trusts you!

- What just happened?
- Was I just yelling?

It's Apep, he's used
some kind of spell

to turn us
against each other.
That must have been

- what happened
back in the basement.
- Of course.

He's the god of Chaos.
He's using all of our

personal differences
to try to divide us,
split us apart.

So what do we do?
Think good thoughts,
like "Peter Pan"?

Like, give him
nothin' to work with.
Show him we're a team.

She's right.
The only way
to defeat chaos?

- Harmony.
- Oh, no.

- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

♪ Mine eyes have seen
the glory ♪

♪ Of the coming
of the Lord ♪

♪ He is trampling out
the vintage ♪

♪ Where the grapes of wrath
are stored ♪

♪ He hath loosed
the faithful lightning ♪

♪ Of his terrible
swift sword ♪

♪ His truth
is marching on. ♪

Just the girls.

♪ Glory, glory,
Hallelujah ♪

- ♪ Hallelujah... ♪
- ♪ Glory, glory,
Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah... ♪

♪ Glory, glory,
Hallelujah ♪

♪ His truth
is marching on. ♪

You made
a mistake, Apep.

You thought
you could divide us.
Cause chaos.

But you don't know
who I am.

Who we are.

We are united.
Bonded together.

In a common cause.

- A common purpose.
- A family.

I'd do anything for them.
Even die for them.

You can't divide us.
Your magic is useless.

Who are you?

Think hard.

Who banished the evil
you wish to release?

Who protects
this world?

Who do you fear
the most?


- You...?
- That's me.

- And me.
- And me.

And me.


Look, the portal's opening.

Stone, get the key.

- There you go.
- Ooh...!

Nobody move!

Hands in the air.

You're under arrest
on the authority

of the Department
of Statistical Anomalies.

You can't arrest us.
On what charge?

We've been tracking
unexplained phenomena
for the past several months.

And they all had
one thing in common.


The artifact.
Hand it over.

- You're making a mistake.
- You're messing with powers

- that you can't
possibly understand.
- Now!

- I told you these guys
were gonna be a problem.
- It's okay.

- It doesn't matter
without the orb.
- What was that?

- Nothing.
- You said something
about an orb.

No, I don't think that I...

let me finish.
The Orb of Nephthys.

The Ankh's magical
powers don't work

unless they're
linked to the Orb.

I'm actually
a little surprised
that you guys didn't know that.

Well, of course
we knew about that.

I just didn't know
that you knew.

- Where is the Orb?
- He's got it.

On his pants.

Watch them.


Wake up.

By the authority of DOSA,
I command you

to hand over that orb.

Get over here
and help me.

Don't you dare
disobey me.

Sneaky Librarian.

Wh... where did they...
where did they go?

But why not start a band?

I mean, we have
the talent, clearly.

And we have
the instruments...

Pan's flute,
Gabriel's horn,

Mozart's piano.

Guys, what do you think
we should call the band?

Uh, "The Dewey Decimals"?
No, that's too obvious.

"The Bibliotechnos"!

The Ankh is safe back
in the Library,

the portal to Pure Evil
is closed forever.

- Not a bad day's work.
- Well done.

Oh, and that
government group?

The Department
of whatever, whatever...

Statistical Anomalies?

Oh, they'll be back.
I'm sure.

You know, they can make
things very complicated.

Well, how much
do you think they
know about us?

About the library
and magic?

It's what
they don't know
that worries me.

I mean, them
running around,

gathering up artifacts
they don't understand.

The consequences
could be catastrophic.

Well, we'll have to
keep our eye on them.

What about Apep?
He's still out there.

I think that
without the Ankh,

and without a host body
to inhabit,

we don't have much
to worry about there.

Excuse me.

All right, let's
get this over with.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, yes you do.
Earlier I told you
I was worried,

I didn't feel our team
was ready and you...

Were 100% right?
Did that happen?

- I don't...
- I need to have
more faith in the team.

We really are ready
for anything.

Well, Ankh you
very much.

For the last time,
I don't know nothin'.

Now let me
outta here.

You're a Navy man,
aren't you?

So I'm sure you know
all about the Battle
of Salamis.

A couple hundred ago,
a Greek guy with 300 ships

managed to defeat
a Persian fleet

four times its size.

You know
how he did it?

He sent a slave
to the Persian commander

saying the Greeks
were gonna retreat,

which in turn,
lured the Persians
into a tactical trap

from which they
could not escape.

In short, he lied.

Just like you're lying
to me right now.

Only you're not gonna
get away with it.

Now, why don't we start
from the beginning?

Mr. Carsen.

I thought
I smelled the burning
of midnight oil.

Thank you, Jenkins.

Just thought I'd get
a little reading in.

"Book of the Dead."

"Necromancer's Manual."

Heavy stuff.

Sir, earlier when you
told Colonel Baird

that she'd no longer
be concerned about Apep.

We haven't seen
the last of him.

But I have a feeling
you knew that already.

Years ago,

Judson warned me
that a war was coming.

The "Ultimate Battle"
between good and evil.

Test the true power
of the Library.

Eve felt it.
I should've listened.

So is the Ultimate Battle

Coming? No, sir.

It has already begun.

that's hot.