The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 15 - Michelle Obama/Mindy Kaling/John Legend - full transcript
First Lady Michelle Obama; Mindy Kaling (The Mindy Project (2012)). Also: John Legend performs.
The president of the united
states has a completely
preposterous and invented excuse
for the republican losses.
Speaking to the daily caller,
the president said "sometimes
they go to their car, put on a
different hat, a different
shirt, come in and vote again."
The president continued, "if you
buy a box of cereal, you have a
voter I.D.."
When I start my day I want to
start it in a delicious and
nutritious way.
Thats why I choose odios.
Thats right, odios are part
of a pleat breakfast.
So before you put that in your
mouth, can I see your I.D.?
The I.D. You used to buy the
Why would I need an I.D. To
buy cereal?
Without an I.D., you could go
out to your car, change clothes,
and come back and buy cereal
Why would I want to buy cereal
in disguise?
Thats insane.
So im crazy!
Well, im a squirrel!
And things are about to get
Hey, you know what?
Im going to go out for
We know where you live!
Announcer: Its "the late
show" with Stephen Colbert!
Tonight, down in the trunks.
Plus, Stephen welcomes Ben
stiller, jemele hill and musical
guest jorja Smith, featuring Jon
batiste and "stay human."
And now live on tape from the ed
Sullivan theater in New York
city, its Stephen Colbert!
( Cheers and applause )
( Theme song playing )
Stephen: Hello!
How are you!
( Cheers and applause )
Thank you, maam!
Thank you, sir!
Thank you, everybody!
Please, have a seat!
( Applause )
Welcome to "the late show,"
Im your host Stephen Colbert.
( Cheers and applause )
Its first day of snow here in
New York, but did it stop these
These people are like the postal
service, in that Donald Trump
wishes they both didnt exist.
( Laughter )
Of course, Trump doesnt like a
lot of things these days.
Pretty grumpy.
Reports are hes moping around
the White House.
One source says, "hes pissed...
At damn near everyone."
( Laughter )
Being president has really worn
him down.
Remember, inauguration day when
he was so light-hearted and
filled with joy?
American carnage...
Stephen: Thats enough!
( Laughter )
Another former staffer says,
"this is a level of insanity
ive never seen before."
A level of insanity this white
house has never seen before.
And, keep in mind, this white
house has seen kanye.
( Laughter )
Current and former officials are
debating the cause of trumps
outbursts, ranging from his
fears over his son Don Jr.S
legal exposure to the prospect
that house democrats will
unleash investigations in
Other theories include: The
stock market, the existence of
stairs, and a possible mcrib
( Laughter )
One of the things that has Trump
upset is his trip to France
because it did not include a
grand military parade like the
one he witnessed a year ago on
bastille day, leading him to
wonder what the point of the
trip was.
( Laughter )
(As Trump)
"Why did we even come here?
They have a perfectly good
France at epcot, plus jalapeno
poppers over at the Mexico
place, and Mickey leads a
kick-ass military parade!"
Now, there are rumors that Trump
is about to fire a bunch of
people including chief of staff
John Kelly, but Kelly "has
decided to hang in there and get
humiliated day after day."
I think thats actually a white
house motivational poster.
( Laughter )
Kelly is the cat.
( Laughter )
And Trump has a bizarre reason
for keeping Kelly on.
As one insider put it, "the more
the press writes that John Kelly
is gone, the more Trump is
emboldened to keep him just to
prove them wrong."
Theres your stable genius at
( Laughter )
(As Trump )
"The media reported I have no
plans to punch myself in the
nards, so strap in, Bert and
Ernie, its gonna be a bumpy
( Laughter )
( Cheers and applause )
We dont know that for a fact.
Bert and Ernie, I dont know.
Jon: Oh, no.
Stephen: But trumps not
just moping around the white
house, hes also moping around
the Twitter...
"The inner workings of the
Mueller investigation are a
total mess.
They have found no collusion and
have gone absolutely nuts.
They are screaming and shouting
at people, horribly threatening
them to come up with the answers
they want.
They are a disgrace to our
nation and dont dot-dot-dot..."
"... dot-dot-dot-dot care how many
lives they ruin.
These are angry people,
including the highly conflicted
Bob Mueller."
Hes so transparently projecting
all his insecurities onto
(As Trump)
"Im not out of control.
Mueller is.
Poor man, overweight, bad hair,
big diaper tennis shorts,
totally colluded with Russia,
and did you see that video of
him not knowing how to work an
So sad.
So embarrassing.
No wonder he has a terrible
relationship with his wife,
( Laughter )
Thats a hard word to say,
( Laughter )
And trumps bad mood continued
in print.
Yesterday, he sat down for an
interview with "the daily
caller," and Trump came out hard
against anti-fascist protesters:
"These people, like the antifa
youre talking about, the
antifa... they better hope that
the opposition to antifa decides
not to mobilize.
Because if they do, theyre much
Much stronger.
Potentially much more violent."
He does realize "f.A." Stands
for "fascist," right?
So hes complimenting fascists
on their strength and their
capacity for violence.
(As Trump)
"There are fine people on both
sides, but my moneys on the
guys with the jackboots and
the guns."
Trump claimed victory in the
midterms, but hes still stewing
about the ongoing vote counting
down in Florida.
And he hammered broward countys
election supervisor, Brenda
"You look at her past, shes a
When they call this woman
incompetent, theyre wrong.
Shes very competent, but in a
bad way."
( Laughter )
Such a good point.
You never know if somebodys
going to be good competent or
bad competent, which is why
Trump has kept his promise not
to be competent in any way.
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Play it safe.
Better safe than sorry, Jon.
Jon: Yeah.
Stephen: Better safe than
And he made a strong case for
voter I.D.:
They try to shame everybody
by calling them racist, or
calling them something, anything
they can think of, when you say
you want voter I.D.
But voter ID is a very important
If you buy a box of cereal... you
have a voter I.D."
The president of the united
states thinks you need a voter
I.d. To buy cereal?
He must be referring to the many
popular "adults only" cereals
that require I.D. Like, "porn
flakes," "turning trix," and
"grape nuts."
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Funny thing, they dont taste
like grapes or puts, but, lord,
theyre salty.
Jon: Oh, my goodness!
( Laughter )
Wake up the kids at home,
And with Trump in such a bad
mood, no one is safe.
Not even fox news host, and guy
at the poker game who just
realized all reds isnt a thing
Sean hannity.
Apparently, "trumps close
relationship with hannity
hasnt stopped the president
from mocking the fox news star
behind his back for being
such a suck-up."
Does hannity really suck up that
The one thing that has made
and defined your presidency more
than anything else, promises
made, promises kept.
Mr. President, you are
dealing with a lot of good
economic news today.
1overwhelmingly, a lot of
support for you here.
I went out there an hour
before the show, and the crowd
is electric.
What do you say to those people
that love you?
Stephen: (As Trump)
"I would say the same thing I
say to everyone who loves me,
sign this n.D.A."
"And get out."
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Apparently, Trump is so critical
of hannity, that one source
described "the president
launching into a rough imitation
of hannitys voice and
I would love to see trumps
(As Trump)
"Hey, everybody, watch this:
Im Sean hannity!
Now another one: Im Jared!
Heres my Nixon: No collusion.
Witch hunt."
( Laughter )
I like... I like... I like to
eat my apples and bananas!
Literally the first thing I
thought of.
( Laughter )
Of course, this news about
hannity has sent shockwaves
through our in-house, pro-Trump
news team, "real news tonight,"
who now dont know how to talk
about the president.
Welcome to real news tonight,
im Jim anchorton.
And im Jill news lady.
Our top story tonight, the
president is great but maybe not
Yes, hes a big, strong,
virile jerk.
Is that what were going for?
This is a new energy for me.
I dont know.
Also, hes fulfilled so many
of his campaign promises, except
he never locked up Hillary.
Its like some of the things he
says at his campaign rallies
arent true.
Youve gone too far.
Mr. President, your tweets are
fantastic, but...
Yeah and youre a spiteful
demagogue whos done irrevocable
damage to our people and freedom
all over the world.
Would you stop him before its
too late?
Coming up next, has Trump
accomplished so much that there
will be nothing for the next guy
to do?
What do you think, Jim?
I think so.
Stay tuned!
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Weve got a great
show for you tonight.
Ben stiller is here.
But when we return, I tell you
how to raise your kids.
Stick around!
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Jon batiste and
stay "stay human," everybody!
Give it up for the band right
( Cheers and applause )
Hows everybody over there, Jon?
How you doing?
Jon: Hey!
How you feeling?
Stephen: Very good.
Very funny man Ben stiller is on
the show tonight.
Jon: Love Ben stiller.
Stephen: Yeah, hes
directing now.
You know what im really excited
Jon: Whats that.
Stephen: Human beings.
Human beings excite me.
Jon, I dont know if youve
heard, "the late show" made a
"Whose boat is this boat?
( Cheers and applause )
Comments that dont help in the
aftermath of a hurricane,"
consisting entirely of things
Donald Trump actually said while
touring hurricane damage.
In north Carolina.
All of "the late show" s
proceeds go toward hurricane
And guess what: "Whose
boat is this boat" just hit
number one on "the New York
times" bestseller list!
( Cheers and applause )
Right there!
Number one!
Suck it, Dan brown!
( Laughter )
And my publisher said it would
be inappropriate to put in a
subplot about a murder in the
Even better, were number one on
the "advice, how-to and
miscellaneous" list.
( Laughter )
Im so humbled.
Its every authors dream to
one day be considered
( Laughter )
Its the drawer full of buttons
and rubber bands of publishing.
Again, youre helping people.
Please go buy it.
A lot of people are.
Number one!
All right.
( Cheers and applause )
Number one, thats a good
Number one.
Now, folks, as a father, ive
learned one or two things about
rizing kids.
For instance, if you let any
child get near a peanut you can
be tried at the hague.
And being a father has not only
given me knowledge, it has given
me something even better: The
gall to tell you how to raise
your own children.
( Baby crying )
This is "the late shows
Stephen Colbert: Level ten
( Cheers and applause )
Dont tell me what to do!
Nobody tells me what to do!
I tell you what to do!
( Laughter )
Todays topic: Gender reveal
parties... celebrations where
expectant parents reveal their
babys gender in creative ways.
Big crazy gender reveals are the
hottest baby trend right now.
Even more popular than mtvs "my
super sweet sons bris."
( Laughter )
Used to be, you could reveal
your babys gender by cutting
into a cake that was either
pink or blue inside.
If its pink, its a girl and
shell be encouraged to do
things like baking gender reveal
( Laughter )
If its blue, its a boy, hell
be allowed to eat that cake
without society judging his
( Laughter )
But lately, new parents have
really been upping their game
and revealing their babys
gender with elaborate stunts on
social media using things like
fire hoses, airplane drops or
even fun and festive car exhaust
Because its every pregnant
moms dream to
celebrate her Childs impending
birth by huffing pastel carbon
( Laughter )
Gender reveals are bigger,
louder, and hellish-er than
People are revealing gender by
firing bows and arrows, shooting
each other with colored
paintballs and blowing stuff up.
( Laughter )
If youre revealing via
explosion, you might want to
have another couple nearby
revealing via fire hose.
The uptick in violent gender
reveals makes sense.
There are no feelings more
vulnerable or tender than those
we have for our newborn
children, which is why dads want
gender reveals to sack up!
In fact, "popping a balloon to
have pink or blue confetti fall
out, or slicing open a pink or
blue cake... are traditionally
So, many couples have been
pioneering ways to make the
reveal process more manly.
Yeah, cake and balloons are not
Which is why your boys next
birthday party should feature
meatloaf and barbed wire.
( Laughter )
Clearly, to get dads interested
in announcing their
soon-to-be-born childrens
gender, the answer is gratuitous
violence. And im here to help
with some hot tips for gorier,
more terrifying gender reveals
that dads will love even more
than their kids.
First up, cakes are for cowards,
but what if you replaced the
food coloring with wasps if its
a boy, hornets if its a girl.
Either way, good luck getting
them in the cake.
( Laughter )
Or how about a celebratory
street riot and give the police
the correct color tear gas?
Its a girl!
Are these tears of joy?!"
( Laughter )
( Piano riff )
How about gathering friends and
family for an enhanced reveal,
by waterboarding the couple in
either pink or blue gatorade.
"Its a boy!
I swear thats all I know!
Please god stop!"
But for the baddest-ass of all
badass reveals, have the
fathers body injected with
either pink or blue dye.
Then the mom can plunge her hand
into the fathers chest and rip
out his colored heart!
Its a boy!
Now, take a celebratory bite out
of the heart to provide your
unborn child with valuable
( Laughter )
Or perhaps thats too far.
Well, thats all for "Stephen
Colbert level ten baby-master."
Join me next time when I show
you how, using nothing but a
ziploc bag full of gravy, anyone
can breastfeed.
Well be right back with Ben
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Ladies and
gentlemen, what a treat for you
right now!
What a treat, because my first
guest tonight is an actor,
director you know from "meet the
parents," "zoolander," please
welcome back to "the late show,"
Ben stiller!
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Thank you!
Stephen: Hey!
All right!
Nice to see ya!
Happy Thursday!
Stephen: Happy Thursday to
you, too!
( Cheers and applause )
Do you know how I remember its
Its always this tie on
Its the Thursday tie.
Stephen: My Thursday tie.
Just for Thursday.
Stephen: Thats how I know.
Stephen: They drape this
over me when I wake up in the
morning and I said its my
Thursday time.
Reminds you its Thursday.
Stephen: How are you
I havent talked to you in a
wheel or something like that?
Yeah, feels good.
Its always great to come here
because of the history of this
place... and you, too!
( Laughter )
Mainly you.
And also the history.
Stephen: You know why I
like talking to you?
You remind me of someone else.
You know, I pretend im talking
to him and im, like, this is
going to be good!
I was going to go further
back because my parents did the
ed Sullivan show 30 times in
this theater.
Stephen: I think I have a
ticket to one of the shows.
I have a framed ticket from the
ed Sullivan show.
Stephen: I have a ticket to
the night your folks were on.
Were you, like, three in.
Stephen: No, someone gave a
present... go now.
Stephen: You know why I
like you here?
The Dutch settled this and
called it new Amsterdam.
I love it.
Midterms were last week.
I understand you got a little
Im not political.
Stephen: Now you are.
I out you.
Im happy to be out.
Yeah, I went and canvassed for a
State Senate candidate who won
Andrew ginardis in Brooklyn.
( Applause )
We knocked door to door in brick
I wanted to be active and help
get out the vote.
Stephen: A lot of people go
for the bigger, sexier
positions, like...
He eeks sexy.
( Laughter )
Hes cool.
Hes 33 and hes doing a lot of
great stuff.
It was fun.
I had never done that before.
In 2008, I did something for
rock the boat, and thats the
last time I had done something.
Stephen: Is that what this
I have a little picture here.
Yes, I went out with this
Beastie Boys and did a couple of
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Right there.
In case you cant tell which one
is him, thats you right there.
Well, the idea was I would be at
So for his verse, he went
offstage, I came out dressed as
him and did the verse.
Stephen: Did people notice
the change at all?
Yes, they did.
Stephen: It must have been
It was the most nervous I had
ever been in my life.
Canton, Ohio, in an arena.
We did Columbus, also.
You know, first of all, the
Beastie Boys.
Stephen: Sure.
Theyre iconic.
Then to be on stage and to have
to do a verse and be in front of
people and perform and I never,
you know...
Stephen: This is a mccain
Raising money?
No, it was just rock the boat.
Stephen: Just rock the
Doesnt matter whose vote you
rock, just rock the vote.
Get the young people out and
get them motivated.
It was really fun.
Stephen: But it wasnt the
first time you had rocked it, I
Well, I was in a band in high
Stephen: Yeah, these
Yeah, well, some of them are
in there, yeah.
Stephen: Yeah.
We never actually played in
front of people.
We played once, but we recorded
an album.
Stephen: Called?
Called road kill.
( Laughter )
Stephen: And the name of
the band?
Capital punishment.
Stephen: Okay.
Shall we show the people?
Stephen: Heres capital
Thats the band.
( Cheering )
There he is.
Stephen: Yeah.
( Laughter )
Stephen: Thats good.
Thats Peter zuest I.
And Chris robling.
He wrote all the songs and Peter
is now a professor of literature
at the university of London and
our bass player is the chief of
Arizona court of appeals.
Stephen: Wow, youve
achieved nothing compared to
They do real things.
Stephen: Actual culture,
the law.
I know.
Stephen: Wow!
Its hard to get together to
rehearse because everybodys all
over the place.
Stephen: But you, are is my
Somebody discovered road kill
a few years ago, a real record
label and they put it out,
captured tracks.
Stephen: Is that what this
No, thats the follow-up
album we recorded.
Stephen: Is this an
Yes, ths an exclusive for this
Stephen: Whats this
Its called "this is capital
punishment" and its our
follow-up album.
Stephen: Drumming out time
inside of me, hot love, grain
illuminate and Shannon Rose.
And I would say hot love is
probably going to be the single.
Stephen: Again, you played
what on this?
And it drops black Friday.
Stephen: Awesome.
There are going to be people
rushing the pictures o, breaking
down the stores.
We were going to use that for
the cover but we went with
Stephen: You are one to
have the funniest people in show
business yet you have walked
away from your first love funny
to make this new movie "escape
at dannemora."
Right, its a limited series
on show "time."
Stephen: Okay.
What is it about?
Its about a true story of
this escape from Clinton
correctional prison up in
upstate New York three years
ago, these two murderers seduced
a woman who worked in a tailor
shop and escaped into the
adirondacks for three weeks.
Stephen: All three?
He was supposed to meet up
with them but changed her mind.
Stephen: Because they
Well, there was a lot going on.
Its a big commitment.
Stephen: Theyre escaped
Theyre escaped criminals but
she wanted to get out of her
life, and she was supposed to
meet them outside this manhole
but she didnt show up.
But she helped them escape.
She smuggled hacksaw blades into
frozen hamburger meat, gave it
to a corrections officer who
walked it in, who didnt know
that the hacksaw blade was in,
buzz he wasnt supposed to give
them meat anyway.
Stephen: It was all vegan.
Yes, the only vegan prison in
New York state.
Stephen: Why did you want
to do this story?
It was an amazing story to me.
How do people escape from prison
in 2015?
Sawing their way out the back of
a cell into an 18-inch steam
pipe they squeezed into.
It was a crazy story.
We wanted to find out what
happened and tell the real
version of it.
Stephen: We have a clip
Do you know whats happening?
Yes, this is del toro who
plays Richard Matt and hes
working in the at a roar shop
that Patricia arquette
( applause )
Whom he oversees and hes
working her in this scene.
Did you know that in nature
there are no right angles, but
in here there are all right
Its an engineered environment.
Bars up, bars down, bars across.
And the people inside... they
need to be right angles, too.
What the ( Bleep ) Are you
talk about?
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Its amazing.
I didnt recognize her at all.
Yeah, shes an amazing actress.
Stephen: Did you shoot
where this happened?
We shot in the real prison a
Outside of the real prison we
got them to open up the manhole
they escaped out of.
Were lucky the governor of
New York state helped us get
into the prison.
Stephen: Andrew cuomo?
Yes, Andrew cuomo himself.
We were trying to get access to
the prison for about a year and
the New York state didnt want
to help us because they didnt
want to advertise what happened.
Stephen: Right.
Which I can understand.
Stephen: Our prisons are
great except when murderers
Or the people who work there
have sex with the murderers.
But we got a meeting with him
and I said this is what were
doing and he said, how can we
help you?
And he said, can we shoot at the
He said, you got to shoot at the
I said, okay.
Stephen: So few people have
an impression of Andrew cuomo.
( Laughter )
Its getting amazing reviews.
Whats the next comedy, though?
Thats a good question.
I dont know.
I have no idea.
ID like to do a comedy again.
I would like to keep doing
comedic stuff.
Stephen: Good luck.
Thank you!
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Good luck laughing
at something.
I mean, these days.
Stephen: Good luck with
capital punishment.
Thank you.
Well, thats my real love.
Stephen: Dont say that at
the prison.
( Laughter )
Nice to see you.
Good to see you.
Stephen: "Escape at
dannemora" premieres this Sunday
on show "time"!
Mr. Ben stiller, everybody!
Well be right back with jemele
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Ladies and
gentlemen, folks, my next guest
is an outspoken journalist who
spent 12 years at ESPN and is
now a staff writer at "the
Atlantic," please welcome jemele
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Thanks for being
Thank you for having me.
Stephen: Well, you famously
tweeted about Donald Trump.
Stephen: And if I can get
straight this, this is after
charlottesville, right?
Stephen: And you aid Donald
Trump is a white supremacist who
has largely surrounded himself
with other white supremacists.
( Cheers and applause )
Show me the lie.
Stephen: I think a tweet
that has held up like a fine
( Laughter )
But heres the thing, the
president tweeted back at you
and said, "with jemele hill at
the mic, its no wonder ESPN
ratings have tanked, in fact
tanked so badly its the talk of
the industry."
What is your reaction when you
see that the president of the
United States is tweeting at
Well, number one, I was super
impressed h he spelled my name
Stephen: All right, one l.
One l, three es.
That trips a lot of people uh
because grammar isnt exactly
his thing.
Stephen: No.
But as a journalist you sort
of live for that moment because
most of us live for the day when
city hall comes after us, so I
was amused and took it as a
really big compliment.
You know what they say, hit dogs
Stephen: Ive heard that.
I dont understand it, but ive
heard it.
( Laughter )
Sports and politics have been
intertwined for a long time.
What... with Trump interjecting
himself into sports a lot, do
you think theyre more connected
now than ever or is this just
par for the course?
No, theyve always been
I mean, theres a huge bastion
of people who believe sports and
politics dont mix.
Some people dont like the
veggies and mashed potatoes
touching, but in this case
theyve always mixed together.
Jackie Robinson integrated
baseball 20 years before the
civil rights act, Muhammad Ali,
bill Russo.
Weve had these intersections
between sports, race, politics
and gender and usually I find
the people who object at the
intersection dont like the
views expressed.
Theyre mixing in a way that
makes them uncomfortable.
Stephen: Because if a
member of the team said
something positive about the
president, he wouldnt object in
any way?
I harkin back to my colleague
Tim te tebow.
Egave him a lot of credit
because he put his name behind
something he believed, one of
the most divisive things in the
I didnt hear a lot of backlash.
Colin kaepernick talking about
police brutality and equality,
these issues arent necessarily
political, some of this is just
simply right and wrong.
To me, politics is when you have
a pro and con argument.
Is anybody out there pro racism?
Is anybody out there pro police
So what are we arguing about.
Stephen: Ill send you some
disturbing tweets.
Do I understand that, but
its just that people have
become so porlzized about issues
that frankly we should all be on
board with and in agreement
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Now, youre
narrating a three-part
documentary series called shut
up and dribble.
Executive produced by LeBron
I should know this, but where...
Who said shut up and dribble?
Some woman on fox.
Stephen: Im serious.
I cant remember...
I think it was Laura ingram.
Stephen: Who did she say
The president and LeBron
were both in an uber commercial.
LeBron made it no secret how
he feels about the president.
One of the most retweeted tweets
of this year is when he called
the president a bum.
No 144 characters, you get four.
You bum.
Not even y-o-u... u bum.
So LeBron made it no secret
how he feels about him.
That was her response.
I should be thanking her.
So way to give he another check.
Stephen: Where do you put
LeBron in the history of
sports and activism, if not
Hes definitely near the top.
Think about his story.
This is one of the greatest
American stories weve ever
Somebody who his mother was 15
when she had him, moved around a
lot as a kid, came from poverty.
Its funny that Donald Trump
fashions himself as self-made.
LeBron is the self-made
millionaire when you look at
everything hes done and
So with him being willing to use
his voice and platform to get
out his message and to tell the
type of stories he feels like
speak to the multidimensional
layers of athletes, hes really
set a tone.
I always think that in every
generation, whoever is the
athlete of that generation,
thats the one that other
athletes follow.
Now the two most important
athletes of this generation are
Colin kaepernick and LeBron
Now you see other athletes want
to be vocal and activated.
Stephen: How do you think
Colin kaepernick will be
I think as a hero.
Stephen: Do you think hell
play again?
It pains me to say this because
this was somebody that was one
underthrow from going back to
back super bowls but I dont
think hell ever play again,
theyre kind of dug in on that.
Remember what you say today and
how that will be remembered
20 years ago, the n.F.L. Will
have to be answered that they
blackballed somebody from the
league and stood for equality.
If Colin kaepernick hit a woman,
he would be back in the n.F.L. L
but because hes not playing
because of his stance on social
justice and it makes the
ownership and fan base
Stephen: "Shut up and
dribble" airs Saturdays at
9:00 P.M. on showtime.
Jemele hill, everybody!
Well be right back with a
performance by jorja Smith.
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: And now performing,
"dont watch me cry" from her
album, "lost and found," ladies
and gentlemen, jorja Smith!
(Cheers and applause
♪ oh, it hurts the most
cause I dont know the cause
♪ maybe I shouldnt have cried
when you left and
♪ told me not to wait
oh, it kills the most
♪ to say that I still care
now im left tryna
♪ rewind the times you
held and kissed me back
♪ I wonder if youre thinking
is she alright all alone
♪ I wonder if you tried to call
but couldnt find your phone
♪ have I ever
crossed your thoughts
♪ because your names
all over mine
♪ a moment in time
dont watch me cry
♪ a moment in time
dont watch me cry
♪ im not crying cause
you left me on my own
♪ im not crying cause
you left me with no warning
♪ im just crying cause
I cant escape
♪ what couldve been
are you aware
♪ when you set me free
all I can do is
♪ let my heart bleed
oh, its harder when
♪ you cant see
through the thoughts
♪ not that I wanna get in
but I want to see
♪ how your mind works
no, its harder when
♪ they dont know
what theyve done
♪ thinking its
better they leave
♪ meaning that ill
have to move on
♪ oh, I wonder
if youre thinking
♪ is she alright all alone
I wonder if you tried to call
♪ but couldnt find your phone
have I ever
♪ crossed your thoughts
because your names
♪ all over mine
a moment in time
♪ dont watch me cry
a moment in time
♪ dont watch me cry
♪ cause you left me on my own
im not crying
♪ cause you left me
with no warning
♪ im just crying
cause I cant escape
♪ what couldve been
are you aware
♪ when you set me free
all I can do is
♪ let my heart bleed
(Cheers and applause
Stephen: Jorja Smith,
Well be right back.
- (Cheers and applause
- ) >> Stephen: Thats it for "the
late show."
Tune in tomorrow when my guests
will be timothee chalamet,
comedian Graham Kay, and a
special appearance by supreme
court justice Sonia sotomayor.
Now stick around for James
Captioning sponsored by CBS
captioned by
states has a completely
preposterous and invented excuse
for the republican losses.
Speaking to the daily caller,
the president said "sometimes
they go to their car, put on a
different hat, a different
shirt, come in and vote again."
The president continued, "if you
buy a box of cereal, you have a
voter I.D.."
When I start my day I want to
start it in a delicious and
nutritious way.
Thats why I choose odios.
Thats right, odios are part
of a pleat breakfast.
So before you put that in your
mouth, can I see your I.D.?
The I.D. You used to buy the
Why would I need an I.D. To
buy cereal?
Without an I.D., you could go
out to your car, change clothes,
and come back and buy cereal
Why would I want to buy cereal
in disguise?
Thats insane.
So im crazy!
Well, im a squirrel!
And things are about to get
Hey, you know what?
Im going to go out for
We know where you live!
Announcer: Its "the late
show" with Stephen Colbert!
Tonight, down in the trunks.
Plus, Stephen welcomes Ben
stiller, jemele hill and musical
guest jorja Smith, featuring Jon
batiste and "stay human."
And now live on tape from the ed
Sullivan theater in New York
city, its Stephen Colbert!
( Cheers and applause )
( Theme song playing )
Stephen: Hello!
How are you!
( Cheers and applause )
Thank you, maam!
Thank you, sir!
Thank you, everybody!
Please, have a seat!
( Applause )
Welcome to "the late show,"
Im your host Stephen Colbert.
( Cheers and applause )
Its first day of snow here in
New York, but did it stop these
These people are like the postal
service, in that Donald Trump
wishes they both didnt exist.
( Laughter )
Of course, Trump doesnt like a
lot of things these days.
Pretty grumpy.
Reports are hes moping around
the White House.
One source says, "hes pissed...
At damn near everyone."
( Laughter )
Being president has really worn
him down.
Remember, inauguration day when
he was so light-hearted and
filled with joy?
American carnage...
Stephen: Thats enough!
( Laughter )
Another former staffer says,
"this is a level of insanity
ive never seen before."
A level of insanity this white
house has never seen before.
And, keep in mind, this white
house has seen kanye.
( Laughter )
Current and former officials are
debating the cause of trumps
outbursts, ranging from his
fears over his son Don Jr.S
legal exposure to the prospect
that house democrats will
unleash investigations in
Other theories include: The
stock market, the existence of
stairs, and a possible mcrib
( Laughter )
One of the things that has Trump
upset is his trip to France
because it did not include a
grand military parade like the
one he witnessed a year ago on
bastille day, leading him to
wonder what the point of the
trip was.
( Laughter )
(As Trump)
"Why did we even come here?
They have a perfectly good
France at epcot, plus jalapeno
poppers over at the Mexico
place, and Mickey leads a
kick-ass military parade!"
Now, there are rumors that Trump
is about to fire a bunch of
people including chief of staff
John Kelly, but Kelly "has
decided to hang in there and get
humiliated day after day."
I think thats actually a white
house motivational poster.
( Laughter )
Kelly is the cat.
( Laughter )
And Trump has a bizarre reason
for keeping Kelly on.
As one insider put it, "the more
the press writes that John Kelly
is gone, the more Trump is
emboldened to keep him just to
prove them wrong."
Theres your stable genius at
( Laughter )
(As Trump )
"The media reported I have no
plans to punch myself in the
nards, so strap in, Bert and
Ernie, its gonna be a bumpy
( Laughter )
( Cheers and applause )
We dont know that for a fact.
Bert and Ernie, I dont know.
Jon: Oh, no.
Stephen: But trumps not
just moping around the white
house, hes also moping around
the Twitter...
"The inner workings of the
Mueller investigation are a
total mess.
They have found no collusion and
have gone absolutely nuts.
They are screaming and shouting
at people, horribly threatening
them to come up with the answers
they want.
They are a disgrace to our
nation and dont dot-dot-dot..."
"... dot-dot-dot-dot care how many
lives they ruin.
These are angry people,
including the highly conflicted
Bob Mueller."
Hes so transparently projecting
all his insecurities onto
(As Trump)
"Im not out of control.
Mueller is.
Poor man, overweight, bad hair,
big diaper tennis shorts,
totally colluded with Russia,
and did you see that video of
him not knowing how to work an
So sad.
So embarrassing.
No wonder he has a terrible
relationship with his wife,
( Laughter )
Thats a hard word to say,
( Laughter )
And trumps bad mood continued
in print.
Yesterday, he sat down for an
interview with "the daily
caller," and Trump came out hard
against anti-fascist protesters:
"These people, like the antifa
youre talking about, the
antifa... they better hope that
the opposition to antifa decides
not to mobilize.
Because if they do, theyre much
Much stronger.
Potentially much more violent."
He does realize "f.A." Stands
for "fascist," right?
So hes complimenting fascists
on their strength and their
capacity for violence.
(As Trump)
"There are fine people on both
sides, but my moneys on the
guys with the jackboots and
the guns."
Trump claimed victory in the
midterms, but hes still stewing
about the ongoing vote counting
down in Florida.
And he hammered broward countys
election supervisor, Brenda
"You look at her past, shes a
When they call this woman
incompetent, theyre wrong.
Shes very competent, but in a
bad way."
( Laughter )
Such a good point.
You never know if somebodys
going to be good competent or
bad competent, which is why
Trump has kept his promise not
to be competent in any way.
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Play it safe.
Better safe than sorry, Jon.
Jon: Yeah.
Stephen: Better safe than
And he made a strong case for
voter I.D.:
They try to shame everybody
by calling them racist, or
calling them something, anything
they can think of, when you say
you want voter I.D.
But voter ID is a very important
If you buy a box of cereal... you
have a voter I.D."
The president of the united
states thinks you need a voter
I.d. To buy cereal?
He must be referring to the many
popular "adults only" cereals
that require I.D. Like, "porn
flakes," "turning trix," and
"grape nuts."
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Funny thing, they dont taste
like grapes or puts, but, lord,
theyre salty.
Jon: Oh, my goodness!
( Laughter )
Wake up the kids at home,
And with Trump in such a bad
mood, no one is safe.
Not even fox news host, and guy
at the poker game who just
realized all reds isnt a thing
Sean hannity.
Apparently, "trumps close
relationship with hannity
hasnt stopped the president
from mocking the fox news star
behind his back for being
such a suck-up."
Does hannity really suck up that
The one thing that has made
and defined your presidency more
than anything else, promises
made, promises kept.
Mr. President, you are
dealing with a lot of good
economic news today.
1overwhelmingly, a lot of
support for you here.
I went out there an hour
before the show, and the crowd
is electric.
What do you say to those people
that love you?
Stephen: (As Trump)
"I would say the same thing I
say to everyone who loves me,
sign this n.D.A."
"And get out."
( Laughter )
( Applause )
Apparently, Trump is so critical
of hannity, that one source
described "the president
launching into a rough imitation
of hannitys voice and
I would love to see trumps
(As Trump)
"Hey, everybody, watch this:
Im Sean hannity!
Now another one: Im Jared!
Heres my Nixon: No collusion.
Witch hunt."
( Laughter )
I like... I like... I like to
eat my apples and bananas!
Literally the first thing I
thought of.
( Laughter )
Of course, this news about
hannity has sent shockwaves
through our in-house, pro-Trump
news team, "real news tonight,"
who now dont know how to talk
about the president.
Welcome to real news tonight,
im Jim anchorton.
And im Jill news lady.
Our top story tonight, the
president is great but maybe not
Yes, hes a big, strong,
virile jerk.
Is that what were going for?
This is a new energy for me.
I dont know.
Also, hes fulfilled so many
of his campaign promises, except
he never locked up Hillary.
Its like some of the things he
says at his campaign rallies
arent true.
Youve gone too far.
Mr. President, your tweets are
fantastic, but...
Yeah and youre a spiteful
demagogue whos done irrevocable
damage to our people and freedom
all over the world.
Would you stop him before its
too late?
Coming up next, has Trump
accomplished so much that there
will be nothing for the next guy
to do?
What do you think, Jim?
I think so.
Stay tuned!
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Weve got a great
show for you tonight.
Ben stiller is here.
But when we return, I tell you
how to raise your kids.
Stick around!
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Jon batiste and
stay "stay human," everybody!
Give it up for the band right
( Cheers and applause )
Hows everybody over there, Jon?
How you doing?
Jon: Hey!
How you feeling?
Stephen: Very good.
Very funny man Ben stiller is on
the show tonight.
Jon: Love Ben stiller.
Stephen: Yeah, hes
directing now.
You know what im really excited
Jon: Whats that.
Stephen: Human beings.
Human beings excite me.
Jon, I dont know if youve
heard, "the late show" made a
"Whose boat is this boat?
( Cheers and applause )
Comments that dont help in the
aftermath of a hurricane,"
consisting entirely of things
Donald Trump actually said while
touring hurricane damage.
In north Carolina.
All of "the late show" s
proceeds go toward hurricane
And guess what: "Whose
boat is this boat" just hit
number one on "the New York
times" bestseller list!
( Cheers and applause )
Right there!
Number one!
Suck it, Dan brown!
( Laughter )
And my publisher said it would
be inappropriate to put in a
subplot about a murder in the
Even better, were number one on
the "advice, how-to and
miscellaneous" list.
( Laughter )
Im so humbled.
Its every authors dream to
one day be considered
( Laughter )
Its the drawer full of buttons
and rubber bands of publishing.
Again, youre helping people.
Please go buy it.
A lot of people are.
Number one!
All right.
( Cheers and applause )
Number one, thats a good
Number one.
Now, folks, as a father, ive
learned one or two things about
rizing kids.
For instance, if you let any
child get near a peanut you can
be tried at the hague.
And being a father has not only
given me knowledge, it has given
me something even better: The
gall to tell you how to raise
your own children.
( Baby crying )
This is "the late shows
Stephen Colbert: Level ten
( Cheers and applause )
Dont tell me what to do!
Nobody tells me what to do!
I tell you what to do!
( Laughter )
Todays topic: Gender reveal
parties... celebrations where
expectant parents reveal their
babys gender in creative ways.
Big crazy gender reveals are the
hottest baby trend right now.
Even more popular than mtvs "my
super sweet sons bris."
( Laughter )
Used to be, you could reveal
your babys gender by cutting
into a cake that was either
pink or blue inside.
If its pink, its a girl and
shell be encouraged to do
things like baking gender reveal
( Laughter )
If its blue, its a boy, hell
be allowed to eat that cake
without society judging his
( Laughter )
But lately, new parents have
really been upping their game
and revealing their babys
gender with elaborate stunts on
social media using things like
fire hoses, airplane drops or
even fun and festive car exhaust
Because its every pregnant
moms dream to
celebrate her Childs impending
birth by huffing pastel carbon
( Laughter )
Gender reveals are bigger,
louder, and hellish-er than
People are revealing gender by
firing bows and arrows, shooting
each other with colored
paintballs and blowing stuff up.
( Laughter )
If youre revealing via
explosion, you might want to
have another couple nearby
revealing via fire hose.
The uptick in violent gender
reveals makes sense.
There are no feelings more
vulnerable or tender than those
we have for our newborn
children, which is why dads want
gender reveals to sack up!
In fact, "popping a balloon to
have pink or blue confetti fall
out, or slicing open a pink or
blue cake... are traditionally
So, many couples have been
pioneering ways to make the
reveal process more manly.
Yeah, cake and balloons are not
Which is why your boys next
birthday party should feature
meatloaf and barbed wire.
( Laughter )
Clearly, to get dads interested
in announcing their
soon-to-be-born childrens
gender, the answer is gratuitous
violence. And im here to help
with some hot tips for gorier,
more terrifying gender reveals
that dads will love even more
than their kids.
First up, cakes are for cowards,
but what if you replaced the
food coloring with wasps if its
a boy, hornets if its a girl.
Either way, good luck getting
them in the cake.
( Laughter )
Or how about a celebratory
street riot and give the police
the correct color tear gas?
Its a girl!
Are these tears of joy?!"
( Laughter )
( Piano riff )
How about gathering friends and
family for an enhanced reveal,
by waterboarding the couple in
either pink or blue gatorade.
"Its a boy!
I swear thats all I know!
Please god stop!"
But for the baddest-ass of all
badass reveals, have the
fathers body injected with
either pink or blue dye.
Then the mom can plunge her hand
into the fathers chest and rip
out his colored heart!
Its a boy!
Now, take a celebratory bite out
of the heart to provide your
unborn child with valuable
( Laughter )
Or perhaps thats too far.
Well, thats all for "Stephen
Colbert level ten baby-master."
Join me next time when I show
you how, using nothing but a
ziploc bag full of gravy, anyone
can breastfeed.
Well be right back with Ben
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Ladies and
gentlemen, what a treat for you
right now!
What a treat, because my first
guest tonight is an actor,
director you know from "meet the
parents," "zoolander," please
welcome back to "the late show,"
Ben stiller!
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Thank you!
Stephen: Hey!
All right!
Nice to see ya!
Happy Thursday!
Stephen: Happy Thursday to
you, too!
( Cheers and applause )
Do you know how I remember its
Its always this tie on
Its the Thursday tie.
Stephen: My Thursday tie.
Just for Thursday.
Stephen: Thats how I know.
Stephen: They drape this
over me when I wake up in the
morning and I said its my
Thursday time.
Reminds you its Thursday.
Stephen: How are you
I havent talked to you in a
wheel or something like that?
Yeah, feels good.
Its always great to come here
because of the history of this
place... and you, too!
( Laughter )
Mainly you.
And also the history.
Stephen: You know why I
like talking to you?
You remind me of someone else.
You know, I pretend im talking
to him and im, like, this is
going to be good!
I was going to go further
back because my parents did the
ed Sullivan show 30 times in
this theater.
Stephen: I think I have a
ticket to one of the shows.
I have a framed ticket from the
ed Sullivan show.
Stephen: I have a ticket to
the night your folks were on.
Were you, like, three in.
Stephen: No, someone gave a
present... go now.
Stephen: You know why I
like you here?
The Dutch settled this and
called it new Amsterdam.
I love it.
Midterms were last week.
I understand you got a little
Im not political.
Stephen: Now you are.
I out you.
Im happy to be out.
Yeah, I went and canvassed for a
State Senate candidate who won
Andrew ginardis in Brooklyn.
( Applause )
We knocked door to door in brick
I wanted to be active and help
get out the vote.
Stephen: A lot of people go
for the bigger, sexier
positions, like...
He eeks sexy.
( Laughter )
Hes cool.
Hes 33 and hes doing a lot of
great stuff.
It was fun.
I had never done that before.
In 2008, I did something for
rock the boat, and thats the
last time I had done something.
Stephen: Is that what this
I have a little picture here.
Yes, I went out with this
Beastie Boys and did a couple of
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Right there.
In case you cant tell which one
is him, thats you right there.
Well, the idea was I would be at
So for his verse, he went
offstage, I came out dressed as
him and did the verse.
Stephen: Did people notice
the change at all?
Yes, they did.
Stephen: It must have been
It was the most nervous I had
ever been in my life.
Canton, Ohio, in an arena.
We did Columbus, also.
You know, first of all, the
Beastie Boys.
Stephen: Sure.
Theyre iconic.
Then to be on stage and to have
to do a verse and be in front of
people and perform and I never,
you know...
Stephen: This is a mccain
Raising money?
No, it was just rock the boat.
Stephen: Just rock the
Doesnt matter whose vote you
rock, just rock the vote.
Get the young people out and
get them motivated.
It was really fun.
Stephen: But it wasnt the
first time you had rocked it, I
Well, I was in a band in high
Stephen: Yeah, these
Yeah, well, some of them are
in there, yeah.
Stephen: Yeah.
We never actually played in
front of people.
We played once, but we recorded
an album.
Stephen: Called?
Called road kill.
( Laughter )
Stephen: And the name of
the band?
Capital punishment.
Stephen: Okay.
Shall we show the people?
Stephen: Heres capital
Thats the band.
( Cheering )
There he is.
Stephen: Yeah.
( Laughter )
Stephen: Thats good.
Thats Peter zuest I.
And Chris robling.
He wrote all the songs and Peter
is now a professor of literature
at the university of London and
our bass player is the chief of
Arizona court of appeals.
Stephen: Wow, youve
achieved nothing compared to
They do real things.
Stephen: Actual culture,
the law.
I know.
Stephen: Wow!
Its hard to get together to
rehearse because everybodys all
over the place.
Stephen: But you, are is my
Somebody discovered road kill
a few years ago, a real record
label and they put it out,
captured tracks.
Stephen: Is that what this
No, thats the follow-up
album we recorded.
Stephen: Is this an
Yes, ths an exclusive for this
Stephen: Whats this
Its called "this is capital
punishment" and its our
follow-up album.
Stephen: Drumming out time
inside of me, hot love, grain
illuminate and Shannon Rose.
And I would say hot love is
probably going to be the single.
Stephen: Again, you played
what on this?
And it drops black Friday.
Stephen: Awesome.
There are going to be people
rushing the pictures o, breaking
down the stores.
We were going to use that for
the cover but we went with
Stephen: You are one to
have the funniest people in show
business yet you have walked
away from your first love funny
to make this new movie "escape
at dannemora."
Right, its a limited series
on show "time."
Stephen: Okay.
What is it about?
Its about a true story of
this escape from Clinton
correctional prison up in
upstate New York three years
ago, these two murderers seduced
a woman who worked in a tailor
shop and escaped into the
adirondacks for three weeks.
Stephen: All three?
He was supposed to meet up
with them but changed her mind.
Stephen: Because they
Well, there was a lot going on.
Its a big commitment.
Stephen: Theyre escaped
Theyre escaped criminals but
she wanted to get out of her
life, and she was supposed to
meet them outside this manhole
but she didnt show up.
But she helped them escape.
She smuggled hacksaw blades into
frozen hamburger meat, gave it
to a corrections officer who
walked it in, who didnt know
that the hacksaw blade was in,
buzz he wasnt supposed to give
them meat anyway.
Stephen: It was all vegan.
Yes, the only vegan prison in
New York state.
Stephen: Why did you want
to do this story?
It was an amazing story to me.
How do people escape from prison
in 2015?
Sawing their way out the back of
a cell into an 18-inch steam
pipe they squeezed into.
It was a crazy story.
We wanted to find out what
happened and tell the real
version of it.
Stephen: We have a clip
Do you know whats happening?
Yes, this is del toro who
plays Richard Matt and hes
working in the at a roar shop
that Patricia arquette
( applause )
Whom he oversees and hes
working her in this scene.
Did you know that in nature
there are no right angles, but
in here there are all right
Its an engineered environment.
Bars up, bars down, bars across.
And the people inside... they
need to be right angles, too.
What the ( Bleep ) Are you
talk about?
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Its amazing.
I didnt recognize her at all.
Yeah, shes an amazing actress.
Stephen: Did you shoot
where this happened?
We shot in the real prison a
Outside of the real prison we
got them to open up the manhole
they escaped out of.
Were lucky the governor of
New York state helped us get
into the prison.
Stephen: Andrew cuomo?
Yes, Andrew cuomo himself.
We were trying to get access to
the prison for about a year and
the New York state didnt want
to help us because they didnt
want to advertise what happened.
Stephen: Right.
Which I can understand.
Stephen: Our prisons are
great except when murderers
Or the people who work there
have sex with the murderers.
But we got a meeting with him
and I said this is what were
doing and he said, how can we
help you?
And he said, can we shoot at the
He said, you got to shoot at the
I said, okay.
Stephen: So few people have
an impression of Andrew cuomo.
( Laughter )
Its getting amazing reviews.
Whats the next comedy, though?
Thats a good question.
I dont know.
I have no idea.
ID like to do a comedy again.
I would like to keep doing
comedic stuff.
Stephen: Good luck.
Thank you!
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Good luck laughing
at something.
I mean, these days.
Stephen: Good luck with
capital punishment.
Thank you.
Well, thats my real love.
Stephen: Dont say that at
the prison.
( Laughter )
Nice to see you.
Good to see you.
Stephen: "Escape at
dannemora" premieres this Sunday
on show "time"!
Mr. Ben stiller, everybody!
Well be right back with jemele
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Ladies and
gentlemen, folks, my next guest
is an outspoken journalist who
spent 12 years at ESPN and is
now a staff writer at "the
Atlantic," please welcome jemele
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: Thanks for being
Thank you for having me.
Stephen: Well, you famously
tweeted about Donald Trump.
Stephen: And if I can get
straight this, this is after
charlottesville, right?
Stephen: And you aid Donald
Trump is a white supremacist who
has largely surrounded himself
with other white supremacists.
( Cheers and applause )
Show me the lie.
Stephen: I think a tweet
that has held up like a fine
( Laughter )
But heres the thing, the
president tweeted back at you
and said, "with jemele hill at
the mic, its no wonder ESPN
ratings have tanked, in fact
tanked so badly its the talk of
the industry."
What is your reaction when you
see that the president of the
United States is tweeting at
Well, number one, I was super
impressed h he spelled my name
Stephen: All right, one l.
One l, three es.
That trips a lot of people uh
because grammar isnt exactly
his thing.
Stephen: No.
But as a journalist you sort
of live for that moment because
most of us live for the day when
city hall comes after us, so I
was amused and took it as a
really big compliment.
You know what they say, hit dogs
Stephen: Ive heard that.
I dont understand it, but ive
heard it.
( Laughter )
Sports and politics have been
intertwined for a long time.
What... with Trump interjecting
himself into sports a lot, do
you think theyre more connected
now than ever or is this just
par for the course?
No, theyve always been
I mean, theres a huge bastion
of people who believe sports and
politics dont mix.
Some people dont like the
veggies and mashed potatoes
touching, but in this case
theyve always mixed together.
Jackie Robinson integrated
baseball 20 years before the
civil rights act, Muhammad Ali,
bill Russo.
Weve had these intersections
between sports, race, politics
and gender and usually I find
the people who object at the
intersection dont like the
views expressed.
Theyre mixing in a way that
makes them uncomfortable.
Stephen: Because if a
member of the team said
something positive about the
president, he wouldnt object in
any way?
I harkin back to my colleague
Tim te tebow.
Egave him a lot of credit
because he put his name behind
something he believed, one of
the most divisive things in the
I didnt hear a lot of backlash.
Colin kaepernick talking about
police brutality and equality,
these issues arent necessarily
political, some of this is just
simply right and wrong.
To me, politics is when you have
a pro and con argument.
Is anybody out there pro racism?
Is anybody out there pro police
So what are we arguing about.
Stephen: Ill send you some
disturbing tweets.
Do I understand that, but
its just that people have
become so porlzized about issues
that frankly we should all be on
board with and in agreement
( Cheers and applause )
Stephen: Now, youre
narrating a three-part
documentary series called shut
up and dribble.
Executive produced by LeBron
I should know this, but where...
Who said shut up and dribble?
Some woman on fox.
Stephen: Im serious.
I cant remember...
I think it was Laura ingram.
Stephen: Who did she say
The president and LeBron
were both in an uber commercial.
LeBron made it no secret how
he feels about the president.
One of the most retweeted tweets
of this year is when he called
the president a bum.
No 144 characters, you get four.
You bum.
Not even y-o-u... u bum.
So LeBron made it no secret
how he feels about him.
That was her response.
I should be thanking her.
So way to give he another check.
Stephen: Where do you put
LeBron in the history of
sports and activism, if not
Hes definitely near the top.
Think about his story.
This is one of the greatest
American stories weve ever
Somebody who his mother was 15
when she had him, moved around a
lot as a kid, came from poverty.
Its funny that Donald Trump
fashions himself as self-made.
LeBron is the self-made
millionaire when you look at
everything hes done and
So with him being willing to use
his voice and platform to get
out his message and to tell the
type of stories he feels like
speak to the multidimensional
layers of athletes, hes really
set a tone.
I always think that in every
generation, whoever is the
athlete of that generation,
thats the one that other
athletes follow.
Now the two most important
athletes of this generation are
Colin kaepernick and LeBron
Now you see other athletes want
to be vocal and activated.
Stephen: How do you think
Colin kaepernick will be
I think as a hero.
Stephen: Do you think hell
play again?
It pains me to say this because
this was somebody that was one
underthrow from going back to
back super bowls but I dont
think hell ever play again,
theyre kind of dug in on that.
Remember what you say today and
how that will be remembered
20 years ago, the n.F.L. Will
have to be answered that they
blackballed somebody from the
league and stood for equality.
If Colin kaepernick hit a woman,
he would be back in the n.F.L. L
but because hes not playing
because of his stance on social
justice and it makes the
ownership and fan base
Stephen: "Shut up and
dribble" airs Saturdays at
9:00 P.M. on showtime.
Jemele hill, everybody!
Well be right back with a
performance by jorja Smith.
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
( Cheers and applause )
( Band playing )
Stephen: And now performing,
"dont watch me cry" from her
album, "lost and found," ladies
and gentlemen, jorja Smith!
(Cheers and applause
♪ oh, it hurts the most
cause I dont know the cause
♪ maybe I shouldnt have cried
when you left and
♪ told me not to wait
oh, it kills the most
♪ to say that I still care
now im left tryna
♪ rewind the times you
held and kissed me back
♪ I wonder if youre thinking
is she alright all alone
♪ I wonder if you tried to call
but couldnt find your phone
♪ have I ever
crossed your thoughts
♪ because your names
all over mine
♪ a moment in time
dont watch me cry
♪ a moment in time
dont watch me cry
♪ im not crying cause
you left me on my own
♪ im not crying cause
you left me with no warning
♪ im just crying cause
I cant escape
♪ what couldve been
are you aware
♪ when you set me free
all I can do is
♪ let my heart bleed
oh, its harder when
♪ you cant see
through the thoughts
♪ not that I wanna get in
but I want to see
♪ how your mind works
no, its harder when
♪ they dont know
what theyve done
♪ thinking its
better they leave
♪ meaning that ill
have to move on
♪ oh, I wonder
if youre thinking
♪ is she alright all alone
I wonder if you tried to call
♪ but couldnt find your phone
have I ever
♪ crossed your thoughts
because your names
♪ all over mine
a moment in time
♪ dont watch me cry
a moment in time
♪ dont watch me cry
♪ cause you left me on my own
im not crying
♪ cause you left me
with no warning
♪ im just crying
cause I cant escape
♪ what couldve been
are you aware
♪ when you set me free
all I can do is
♪ let my heart bleed
(Cheers and applause
Stephen: Jorja Smith,
Well be right back.
- (Cheers and applause
- ) >> Stephen: Thats it for "the
late show."
Tune in tomorrow when my guests
will be timothee chalamet,
comedian Graham Kay, and a
special appearance by supreme
court justice Sonia sotomayor.
Now stick around for James
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