The Last Ship (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Fight the Ship - full transcript
Slattery and the crew of Nathan James are in a race against time to save an injured Dr. Tophet and regain control of their ship.
Hand me the syringe.
If they manage to get the
cure from Kara's unborn baby,
they will absolutely kill her
and everyone aboard the Nathan James.
Can they really get that from a baby?
Yes, they can.
We're almost there, boss.
Outstanding. Ready?
CHANDLER: Sun's been down for 30 minutes.
It's dark enough.
Let's turn out the lights.
Pass word on to Green.
- Roger that.
Was that a scheduled shutdown?
I'm not sure, ma'am.
Avocet power, come in.
Avocet power, what's going on?
Baltimore Water and Power.
How can I help you this evening?
The current hold time is forever.
lf you need immediate assistance,
please place your lips firmly
on my ass cheeks
and press the pound sign.
Yeah. That ought to get a rise out of her.
- Secure this building.
- MAN: Yes, ma'am.
And send as many troopers
as you can to the power plant.
Take reinforcements from the ship,
if you have to.
I want the power back on immediately.
- MAN: Copy that.
- Alisha!
Go and get her.
MAN: (ON RADIO) There's been an attack
on the power plant.
We need troops outside.
MAN 2: Outside right now!
All right, everybody, to your positions.
Got it! Stay here.
Grab a lamp. We're gonna finish this.
Wait here.
Let's go. Move!
MAN". The Avocet vans are leaving.
All right, Detective, you're on.
All right, men, come on!
Let's move! Let's move!
Fire in the hole.
DR. HAMADA: Okay, okay.
- Get away from the girl!
- Don't shoot her!
Hands on your head!
Get down on your knees, now!
I'm so sorry.
Okay, we're gonna get you out of here.
Let's get you out of these.
Let's get moving.
Starting to leave a lot of bodies behind.
All right. I've got her.
Go, go, go, go, go.
I'm sending a helo
and two boats back to town.
I say again, the power plant has been hit.
I want all available assets
off the ship and headed back.
- MAN: Copy that.
- On Granderson's orders.
MAN: Understood.
MAN: Tom.
- What's going on?
- Shh!
- MAN: Get over to the power plant, now!
- Copy that. Let's go.
They're leaving the armory.
No more guards.
I don't know. I don't care.
Now's our chance.
All right, that's enough stretching.
Sit down.
I said sit down!
Get 'em in their seats.
You said there'll come a time.
I think it's about that time.
MAN: Move.
Right. Left.
Right there.
Granderson's command center's
on the top floor.
You take the east wing,
we'll take the west,
work our way up.
Be safe.
I didn't come all this way
to die in Baltimore.
MY boys.
All right, take five guys.
Cover the east wing.
Secure the lab. I'll see you up top.
Roger that. Let's go.
Ma'am, we have a security breach.
Shots fired inside the building.
Hamada is dead.
The pregnant sailor
and Dr. Scott are missing.
And my daughter?
No sign of her yet.
Seal all exits!
No one gets in or out of the building!
Find my daughter.
Yes, ma'am.
(WHISPERING) All right, we got to move.
Fire escape's across the roof
behind the A.C. unit.
- Are you doing all right?
- KARA: I'm fine. I'm fine.
(WHISPERS) Wait there.
You two, understood? I want eyes on them.
- Change of plans.
- What is it?
Down, down, down, down, down, down, down.
RACHEL: Go, go.
MAN 1: Don't know how many there are.
MAN 2: No sign of them from overhead.
Get the power back up.
Fan out. Get to the main unit.
MAN 1: How many are there?
MAN 2: I counted three.
Up there.
Somebody's watching us.
CRUZ: Damn. We got comms.
Mess decks, night vision.
- Clear!
- Clear!
MAN: Everyone okay? Anyone hit?
Any more where you came from, sailor?
Ma'am, there's someone in comms.
Don't know who,
but he's looking out for us.
Got some goodies for you.
Everyone, take one.
All right, listen up.
You all know the drill.
We flush them up, out, and back aft.
Let's go, sailors.
Everyone to your battle stations.
Time to fight!
Okay, boys, let's take back our ship.
I grabbed some antibiotics,
in case we need 'em.
You use them for your arm, Master Chief.
Your wound's opened up again.
JETER: I'm fine.
Looks like the power's out
all over the street.
That's my son's doing.
I'm sure of it.
JED: That's an Avocet van.
Someone's coming.
JETER: Blow out the candles.
Keep an eye out.
Get down, Ash.
JED: Kids, come over here.
Get down.
ls that the place?
You gonna pay me?
I got twice as many rations last time.
Can I at least get some water?
Come on, man. I'm giving you good leads.
This whole neighborhood would be
full of sickies without me.
Get lost.
MAN: Call for backup.
MAN: ls anyone in there?
We're here to help you.
There are gonna be more
where these guys came from.
We can't stay here.
Let's go.
Hey, Commodore.
What's Lieutenant Foster doing with you?
Crazy witch doctor
tried to get the cure from Kara.
I killed him, sir.
You okay?
I'm fine. Quincy's dead.
Can your men help get them out of here?
Take them.
On me.
Go right! Go right!
Move in!
Go! Go! Cover me.
Go. Go.
MAN: (ON RADIO) The Navy's in the building
with Thorwald's men.
They came in through the basement.
Ma'am, I think we should call
back the chopper
-and get you out of here.
Do you think we're giving up?
No, ma'am.
Get me the power plant.
I want to know what's going on.
You're a cop.
You don't belong here.
- You really don't get it.
Wait. Take it.
Go on. I'll catch up.
- What?
- That's an order. Get safe.
"That's an order." Jesus.
All right, let's go this way.
MAN: What's your count?
I got 67 of them in the cafeteria.
MAN". Copy that.
Find another way to Granderson.
I got to get these people out of here.
Copy that.
United States Navy!
We're gettin' ya out of here!
Everyone, come on!
In here! Come on!
Come on! Go!
Come on! Come on!
Lab is secure.
I say again, lab is secure.
CHANDLER: We've got Dr. Scott in pocket.
Lieutenant Green, what is your sitrep?
Sir, I can't hold them off much longer.
All right. Get out of there.
I'm running out of ammo!
Get out of there! That is a direct order!
- Move, now!
- DAN NY: Roger that!
Don't move.
Where are we going?
We still have the primary rally point.
We can wait there.
DANNY: Vulture Team, I'm on foot.
I'm being pursued.
I say again, I have at least six troopers
on my tail.
And I don't want to bring them your way.
I'm gonna swing back around at Saratoga
and where am I? Fremont.
Saratoga and Fremont!
Master Chief, we have two vans now.
You take one. I'll take the other.
I promised the Captain I'd look after you.
And you did.
I got it from here.
We'll meet you at the rally point.
I still know how to hide
and I still know how to fight.
Go. Help your shipmates.
Lieutenant Green, Cobra Team.
I've got wheels
and can have eyes on you
in less than five minutes.
Hang tight.
Good luck.
All right, kids, get in the van.
Come on, quick!
Come on. Let's go.
Go. They're gone. Untie me.
MAN". Nicely intercepted.
Get the main unit up.
All right, check it out.
MAN 2: I'm trying. Give me a second.
MAN 1; All right, good.
Okay, go. Check it.
Power up in five, four, three...
Power up.
- Good. It's on.
Gloria, get to the other post.
Attention, people of Avocet,
we are under attack
-from rogue elements of the military.
- Keep coming. Try to stay together.
We are under attack!
If you see a Navy uniform,
-don't be fooled.
- Keep coming.
- Try to stay in this room.
- AMY: They've sabotaged our water supply.
There. That's one of 'em.
- No. I am a member of the U.S. Navy.
- AMY: And they've invaded the building.
-I'm here to help you.
- AMY: We are all warriors now.
- I repeat, this is Amy Granderson.
- Get hen!
- No.
- Get her. Get her!
We are under attack.
I repeat, we are under attack.
Stop right there!
- AMY: Don't be fooled.
- Listen to me.
There are hundreds of innocent
people in the building.
They are in danger. We have to help them,
get them out of here.
AMY: (ON PA) We are under attack.
- They've infiltrated our power plant.
We must fight to take what's ours.
We must fight to defend
everything we've built.
Radios down.
We'll link up on the lower level.
Thanks, Master Chief.
Anytime, sir.
They're not fighting.
They're running away!
Ma'am, people are just trying
to get out of the crossfire.
I don't want them out of the crossfire.
We're not making this easy
for Captain Chandler.
Nobody leaves the building. See to it.
- Go.
- Yes, ma 'am.
- CHANDLER: Got it. Got it.
- Just hang in there.
- CHANDLER: Clear. Clear.
- You'll be okay.
- Green, that you?
- She's lost a lot of blood, sir.
(WEAKLY) I had no idea.
You have to believe me.
I know, Lieutenant. I know.
MAN: Clark!
We got to move her.
She's not gonna make it,
not till we close this wound up.
You got people in the tunnels.
Can they help?
- Follow me.
- All right. Get her outta here.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Up.
- I got you. I got you. Here we go.
You're gonna be okay.
- MAN: Get back! Get back, now!
Let us go!
- Everybody, stay back!
- They're gonna kill us!
- Nobody leaves!
Get your asses out of here.
Come on, come on, come on.
Cover me!
Come on, boys.
Cover me.
Smokin' and sinkin'!
I found Dr. Scott at the tunnel entrance.
She's secure.
She was with Lieutenant Foster.
- Kara?
Just hang on, baby girl.
We're getting you back to the ship.
ALISHA: (SOBBING) No, I can't go back.
I can't go back.
I got it from here. You're clear. Go.
- No. I can't. I can't go back.
- Go!
Not to the ship.
Gonna read me my rights?
No, and I forgot to bring my handcuffs.
Hoping I'd go without a fight?
Not your style. Why change now?
The things we could've done for this city.
We didn't have to be enemies.
Yeah, we did.
Oh, well.
Ma'am, time to go.
MAN: (ON RADIO) Sailors are out
and fighting on the ship!
Someone took control of their cameras!
- Who?
- MAN: The hell if I know.
We're getting hit from all sides!
Son of a bitch!
She's headed for the roof.
SLATTERY: Attention, people of Baltimore.
USS Nathan James
is back under the control of her crew.
- Let's go.
- SLATTERY: This ship is now engaged
in the fight to free Baltimore
and spread the cure
for the Red Flu to all of its citizens.
This message goes out to Amy Granderson
and all those loyal to her.
Nathan James has been liberated
and has joined the fight against you.
We demand your immediate surrender.
Lay down your arms.
Or be subject to the full force
of the United States Navy.
How far out is the helicopter?
- MAN: Two minutes away, ma'am.
- Secure the plant.
Head back to base. And where is Norris?
Norris is dead by now.
You want to be the last to die
for a lost cause?
What are you doing? Shoot him!
There are 200 more where I came from.
You heard my XO.
We've taken back our ship,
this building is ours,
and we're telling the people of Baltimore
that your killing zone at Olympia
is out of business.
You have two choices.
A trial
or a funeral.
I gave you a direct order.
(SCOFFS) I am not going anywhere with you.
I found your daughter
lying in a pool of her own blood,
shot by your guards, under your order!
My children
were lined up to be murdered
and sent to the ovens,
along with thousands of desperate people.
All so you can keep the lights on
for your select few.
You don't know!
The virus was spreading!
So you get to decide
who lives and who dies'?
There was panic, Captain,
and I remained calm.
Everybody was fleeing underground,
but I stood firm!
There was no plan, and I built this.
I'm the reason these people
have survived this long.
Except when you had the cure in hand,
you wouldn't stop!
You continued killing.
It's over.
Your grand social experiment is history.
I'm offering you the chance.
Surrender with honor.
And who will judge me? You?
Not me. A jury of your peers.
Pick up the radio.
Stand down your troopers.
Shut down Olympia.
- Turn away your helo and come peacefully.
It's the only way for you now.
(STUTTERS) This is Amy...
This is Amy Granderson.
Stand down.
Cease and desist
all operations at Olympia.
Repeat. Stand down.
We are surrendering.
I am not a monster.
I am not.
Dr. Hamada assured me
that the cocktail provided
a quick and painless death.
I insisted on it.
Nathan James, arriving.
You saved it?
Not me.
Doc Rios.
And Quincy.
Doc said to get that on ice ASAP.
Thank you, Holland. I got it from here.
Sir. Yes, sir.
You'll stay here until
I can find you a stateroom.
I'll use my at-sea cabin for now.
And then what?
We'll sort things out here in Baltimore.
Then we head back home to Norfolk,
so the crew can look for their families.
And from there, we'll figure things out.
So, this is home.
English - SDH
Hand me the syringe.
If they manage to get the
cure from Kara's unborn baby,
they will absolutely kill her
and everyone aboard the Nathan James.
Can they really get that from a baby?
Yes, they can.
We're almost there, boss.
Outstanding. Ready?
CHANDLER: Sun's been down for 30 minutes.
It's dark enough.
Let's turn out the lights.
Pass word on to Green.
- Roger that.
Was that a scheduled shutdown?
I'm not sure, ma'am.
Avocet power, come in.
Avocet power, what's going on?
Baltimore Water and Power.
How can I help you this evening?
The current hold time is forever.
lf you need immediate assistance,
please place your lips firmly
on my ass cheeks
and press the pound sign.
Yeah. That ought to get a rise out of her.
- Secure this building.
- MAN: Yes, ma'am.
And send as many troopers
as you can to the power plant.
Take reinforcements from the ship,
if you have to.
I want the power back on immediately.
- MAN: Copy that.
- Alisha!
Go and get her.
MAN: (ON RADIO) There's been an attack
on the power plant.
We need troops outside.
MAN 2: Outside right now!
All right, everybody, to your positions.
Got it! Stay here.
Grab a lamp. We're gonna finish this.
Wait here.
Let's go. Move!
MAN". The Avocet vans are leaving.
All right, Detective, you're on.
All right, men, come on!
Let's move! Let's move!
Fire in the hole.
DR. HAMADA: Okay, okay.
- Get away from the girl!
- Don't shoot her!
Hands on your head!
Get down on your knees, now!
I'm so sorry.
Okay, we're gonna get you out of here.
Let's get you out of these.
Let's get moving.
Starting to leave a lot of bodies behind.
All right. I've got her.
Go, go, go, go, go.
I'm sending a helo
and two boats back to town.
I say again, the power plant has been hit.
I want all available assets
off the ship and headed back.
- MAN: Copy that.
- On Granderson's orders.
MAN: Understood.
MAN: Tom.
- What's going on?
- Shh!
- MAN: Get over to the power plant, now!
- Copy that. Let's go.
They're leaving the armory.
No more guards.
I don't know. I don't care.
Now's our chance.
All right, that's enough stretching.
Sit down.
I said sit down!
Get 'em in their seats.
You said there'll come a time.
I think it's about that time.
MAN: Move.
Right. Left.
Right there.
Granderson's command center's
on the top floor.
You take the east wing,
we'll take the west,
work our way up.
Be safe.
I didn't come all this way
to die in Baltimore.
MY boys.
All right, take five guys.
Cover the east wing.
Secure the lab. I'll see you up top.
Roger that. Let's go.
Ma'am, we have a security breach.
Shots fired inside the building.
Hamada is dead.
The pregnant sailor
and Dr. Scott are missing.
And my daughter?
No sign of her yet.
Seal all exits!
No one gets in or out of the building!
Find my daughter.
Yes, ma'am.
(WHISPERING) All right, we got to move.
Fire escape's across the roof
behind the A.C. unit.
- Are you doing all right?
- KARA: I'm fine. I'm fine.
(WHISPERS) Wait there.
You two, understood? I want eyes on them.
- Change of plans.
- What is it?
Down, down, down, down, down, down, down.
RACHEL: Go, go.
MAN 1: Don't know how many there are.
MAN 2: No sign of them from overhead.
Get the power back up.
Fan out. Get to the main unit.
MAN 1: How many are there?
MAN 2: I counted three.
Up there.
Somebody's watching us.
CRUZ: Damn. We got comms.
Mess decks, night vision.
- Clear!
- Clear!
MAN: Everyone okay? Anyone hit?
Any more where you came from, sailor?
Ma'am, there's someone in comms.
Don't know who,
but he's looking out for us.
Got some goodies for you.
Everyone, take one.
All right, listen up.
You all know the drill.
We flush them up, out, and back aft.
Let's go, sailors.
Everyone to your battle stations.
Time to fight!
Okay, boys, let's take back our ship.
I grabbed some antibiotics,
in case we need 'em.
You use them for your arm, Master Chief.
Your wound's opened up again.
JETER: I'm fine.
Looks like the power's out
all over the street.
That's my son's doing.
I'm sure of it.
JED: That's an Avocet van.
Someone's coming.
JETER: Blow out the candles.
Keep an eye out.
Get down, Ash.
JED: Kids, come over here.
Get down.
ls that the place?
You gonna pay me?
I got twice as many rations last time.
Can I at least get some water?
Come on, man. I'm giving you good leads.
This whole neighborhood would be
full of sickies without me.
Get lost.
MAN: Call for backup.
MAN: ls anyone in there?
We're here to help you.
There are gonna be more
where these guys came from.
We can't stay here.
Let's go.
Hey, Commodore.
What's Lieutenant Foster doing with you?
Crazy witch doctor
tried to get the cure from Kara.
I killed him, sir.
You okay?
I'm fine. Quincy's dead.
Can your men help get them out of here?
Take them.
On me.
Go right! Go right!
Move in!
Go! Go! Cover me.
Go. Go.
MAN: (ON RADIO) The Navy's in the building
with Thorwald's men.
They came in through the basement.
Ma'am, I think we should call
back the chopper
-and get you out of here.
Do you think we're giving up?
No, ma'am.
Get me the power plant.
I want to know what's going on.
You're a cop.
You don't belong here.
- You really don't get it.
Wait. Take it.
Go on. I'll catch up.
- What?
- That's an order. Get safe.
"That's an order." Jesus.
All right, let's go this way.
MAN: What's your count?
I got 67 of them in the cafeteria.
MAN". Copy that.
Find another way to Granderson.
I got to get these people out of here.
Copy that.
United States Navy!
We're gettin' ya out of here!
Everyone, come on!
In here! Come on!
Come on! Go!
Come on! Come on!
Lab is secure.
I say again, lab is secure.
CHANDLER: We've got Dr. Scott in pocket.
Lieutenant Green, what is your sitrep?
Sir, I can't hold them off much longer.
All right. Get out of there.
I'm running out of ammo!
Get out of there! That is a direct order!
- Move, now!
- DAN NY: Roger that!
Don't move.
Where are we going?
We still have the primary rally point.
We can wait there.
DANNY: Vulture Team, I'm on foot.
I'm being pursued.
I say again, I have at least six troopers
on my tail.
And I don't want to bring them your way.
I'm gonna swing back around at Saratoga
and where am I? Fremont.
Saratoga and Fremont!
Master Chief, we have two vans now.
You take one. I'll take the other.
I promised the Captain I'd look after you.
And you did.
I got it from here.
We'll meet you at the rally point.
I still know how to hide
and I still know how to fight.
Go. Help your shipmates.
Lieutenant Green, Cobra Team.
I've got wheels
and can have eyes on you
in less than five minutes.
Hang tight.
Good luck.
All right, kids, get in the van.
Come on, quick!
Come on. Let's go.
Go. They're gone. Untie me.
MAN". Nicely intercepted.
Get the main unit up.
All right, check it out.
MAN 2: I'm trying. Give me a second.
MAN 1; All right, good.
Okay, go. Check it.
Power up in five, four, three...
Power up.
- Good. It's on.
Gloria, get to the other post.
Attention, people of Avocet,
we are under attack
-from rogue elements of the military.
- Keep coming. Try to stay together.
We are under attack!
If you see a Navy uniform,
-don't be fooled.
- Keep coming.
- Try to stay in this room.
- AMY: They've sabotaged our water supply.
There. That's one of 'em.
- No. I am a member of the U.S. Navy.
- AMY: And they've invaded the building.
-I'm here to help you.
- AMY: We are all warriors now.
- I repeat, this is Amy Granderson.
- Get hen!
- No.
- Get her. Get her!
We are under attack.
I repeat, we are under attack.
Stop right there!
- AMY: Don't be fooled.
- Listen to me.
There are hundreds of innocent
people in the building.
They are in danger. We have to help them,
get them out of here.
AMY: (ON PA) We are under attack.
- They've infiltrated our power plant.
We must fight to take what's ours.
We must fight to defend
everything we've built.
Radios down.
We'll link up on the lower level.
Thanks, Master Chief.
Anytime, sir.
They're not fighting.
They're running away!
Ma'am, people are just trying
to get out of the crossfire.
I don't want them out of the crossfire.
We're not making this easy
for Captain Chandler.
Nobody leaves the building. See to it.
- Go.
- Yes, ma 'am.
- CHANDLER: Got it. Got it.
- Just hang in there.
- CHANDLER: Clear. Clear.
- You'll be okay.
- Green, that you?
- She's lost a lot of blood, sir.
(WEAKLY) I had no idea.
You have to believe me.
I know, Lieutenant. I know.
MAN: Clark!
We got to move her.
She's not gonna make it,
not till we close this wound up.
You got people in the tunnels.
Can they help?
- Follow me.
- All right. Get her outta here.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Up.
- I got you. I got you. Here we go.
You're gonna be okay.
- MAN: Get back! Get back, now!
Let us go!
- Everybody, stay back!
- They're gonna kill us!
- Nobody leaves!
Get your asses out of here.
Come on, come on, come on.
Cover me!
Come on, boys.
Cover me.
Smokin' and sinkin'!
I found Dr. Scott at the tunnel entrance.
She's secure.
She was with Lieutenant Foster.
- Kara?
Just hang on, baby girl.
We're getting you back to the ship.
ALISHA: (SOBBING) No, I can't go back.
I can't go back.
I got it from here. You're clear. Go.
- No. I can't. I can't go back.
- Go!
Not to the ship.
Gonna read me my rights?
No, and I forgot to bring my handcuffs.
Hoping I'd go without a fight?
Not your style. Why change now?
The things we could've done for this city.
We didn't have to be enemies.
Yeah, we did.
Oh, well.
Ma'am, time to go.
MAN: (ON RADIO) Sailors are out
and fighting on the ship!
Someone took control of their cameras!
- Who?
- MAN: The hell if I know.
We're getting hit from all sides!
Son of a bitch!
She's headed for the roof.
SLATTERY: Attention, people of Baltimore.
USS Nathan James
is back under the control of her crew.
- Let's go.
- SLATTERY: This ship is now engaged
in the fight to free Baltimore
and spread the cure
for the Red Flu to all of its citizens.
This message goes out to Amy Granderson
and all those loyal to her.
Nathan James has been liberated
and has joined the fight against you.
We demand your immediate surrender.
Lay down your arms.
Or be subject to the full force
of the United States Navy.
How far out is the helicopter?
- MAN: Two minutes away, ma'am.
- Secure the plant.
Head back to base. And where is Norris?
Norris is dead by now.
You want to be the last to die
for a lost cause?
What are you doing? Shoot him!
There are 200 more where I came from.
You heard my XO.
We've taken back our ship,
this building is ours,
and we're telling the people of Baltimore
that your killing zone at Olympia
is out of business.
You have two choices.
A trial
or a funeral.
I gave you a direct order.
(SCOFFS) I am not going anywhere with you.
I found your daughter
lying in a pool of her own blood,
shot by your guards, under your order!
My children
were lined up to be murdered
and sent to the ovens,
along with thousands of desperate people.
All so you can keep the lights on
for your select few.
You don't know!
The virus was spreading!
So you get to decide
who lives and who dies'?
There was panic, Captain,
and I remained calm.
Everybody was fleeing underground,
but I stood firm!
There was no plan, and I built this.
I'm the reason these people
have survived this long.
Except when you had the cure in hand,
you wouldn't stop!
You continued killing.
It's over.
Your grand social experiment is history.
I'm offering you the chance.
Surrender with honor.
And who will judge me? You?
Not me. A jury of your peers.
Pick up the radio.
Stand down your troopers.
Shut down Olympia.
- Turn away your helo and come peacefully.
It's the only way for you now.
(STUTTERS) This is Amy...
This is Amy Granderson.
Stand down.
Cease and desist
all operations at Olympia.
Repeat. Stand down.
We are surrendering.
I am not a monster.
I am not.
Dr. Hamada assured me
that the cocktail provided
a quick and painless death.
I insisted on it.
Nathan James, arriving.
You saved it?
Not me.
Doc Rios.
And Quincy.
Doc said to get that on ice ASAP.
Thank you, Holland. I got it from here.
Sir. Yes, sir.
You'll stay here until
I can find you a stateroom.
I'll use my at-sea cabin for now.
And then what?
We'll sort things out here in Baltimore.
Then we head back home to Norfolk,
so the crew can look for their families.
And from there, we'll figure things out.
So, this is home.
English - SDH