The Last Ship (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - SOS - full transcript
After picking up a distress call near Jamaica, Chandler and a small team stage a rescue attempt. But a surprise attack leaves Chandler and Tex stranded at sea. Slattery and the crew search desperately to find their lost at sea Captain and his comrade, hoping to do so before their enemies beat them to it.
I don't understand
why you won't listen to me.
It's a splice overlap PCR reaction
with an immune-modulatory gene.
It will help the body identify the virus
and create antibodies.
Yes, you are young
and have a bright career ahead.
Don't waste your time
with schoolboy science fiction.
The virus is spreading.
There are cases being reported beyond
the Middle East. It will be in Oslo by winter.
It is deadly and will likely mutate.
Niels, I am well aware of what's at stake.
But what you are proposing
is too dangerous.
The Australians tried it on mousepox.
It was a complete disaster.
I have already done the experiment.
- What?
- On myself...
...while you were gone, and it worked.
- You're mad.
- I'm still here.
- Absolutely mad.
- I'm perfectly healthy. Professor Lindblom.
You stay away from my lab. You hear me?
I am finished with you.
- What was that?
- Stubborn old man still living in the past.
He still views you as his pupil.
Someday the world will see you like I do.
But only I get to be your wife.
Now let's eat. I have a plane to catch.
Ahem. Ugh, Oslo to London.
London to Frankfurt.
And if I don't miss my connection,
I have less than a day in Rome.
Ahh, too much travel. Mm. And
I think I'm coming down with something.
I've been taking these homeopathic
immunoboosters. Jana swears by them.
You'll be happy to know
that the ship is finally repaired.
Dr. Scott can't have gone too far.
We'll find her again.
Well, you found and lost her
several times before.
Forgive me for not getting my hopes up.
If she were close to having a vaccine,
where would she go?
She would need animals to test it on.
Ones that are bigger than these.
Like what?
Closest place to here is Puerto Rico.
No. Captain Chandler would
have wanted to get farther away from us.
It must be somewhere else.
Central America, then.
Can you be more specific?
Remember I told you I discovered
an extra gene on the virus?
All this time I've been struggling
to figure out where it came from.
It turns out that it's a human gene.
Someone added a human gene to the virus?
- Why?
- I have no idea.
No matter what I try,
the virus seems to be one step ahead of me.
It's outsmarting whatever I throw at it.
Worse, it's made the original virus 10 times
more lethal and virtually indestructible.
How many monkeys you have left? Three?
Ripped By mstoll
You want to listen to the same
50 songs for the rest of your life?
Three playlists for one granola bar.
You ain't gonna find a better deal.
Don't even think about it, Pete. Everybody
knows Miller's got the lamest music.
All right. You get the goods,
when I get mine.
- Done. Yup.
- Okay?
It's gonna take time, bro.
Heard you were up and about.
- Doing great, sir.
- Hmm.
And your team?
Cruz is fully healed,
been whooping the new guys into shape.
And I talked to Cossetti.
He's contrite, sir.
Anxious to prove himself again.
Let's get him out there as soon as we can.
- It'll help him win back some of the crew.
- Makes sense.
We didn't want to hit you with this
until you were back.
But you're aware
we're punishing Lieutenant Foster.
- I am.
- Two weeks' double night watch for you.
- Starting tonight.
- Yes, sir.
Complete transparency
as to why you're being punished.
It's not enough
that people know you broke rules.
They need to know why it's dangerous.
- Sir, I cut it off after that night.
- Doesn't change a word I've said.
- I don't want people to lose faith in me, sir.
- You're a leader.
I can't believe how fast my girl is growing.
She started to roll onto her tummy,
and she can almost sit up by herself now.
But I think we're gonna have to--
We're in Little Rock.
We do have a little bit of water,
but we sure could use some more.
This way that we take
That's Marilyn. Palm Beach.
She was a bunny
at the Miami Playboy Club in the '60s.
She puts on her own show every afternoon.
She's amazing.
We have a good signal today.
Is anyone out there? I'm on a fishing boat--
- Too sad. I'm going back--
- No. Wait. Stay.
My name is Bertrise. Everyone
on the boat is dead. But I'm not sick. I swear it.
I just need help. Please.
Wayne. Get Dr. Scott and the C.O.
Won't last much longer. I'm scared. Please.
She's an 18-year-old girl
from Jamaica on a fishing boat... the coast of St. John Point.
I logged her three weeks ago.
There were 50 people on her boat.
A week later we heard her again...
...but then there were only 15 people left.
- And now she's alone.
So if everyone on her boat has died
from the virus and she's the only one alive... could be she's naturally immune.
- Want us to find her?
- I need you to find her.
If I can take a look at her DNA...
...we might figure out a way
to beat this thing.
Awfully convenient.
- You think it's a trap?
- I don't know.
How many immune people in the world?
Be incredibly rare, but of course they exist.
Are you absolutely sure that it's been
this girl's voice on the radio the entire time?
I know that voice.
Any idea where she might be?
I've got four RDF bearings
from some of her recent transmissions.
Sixty percent confidence
of her position within 10 miles.
A boat that size. Still would take hours
to find her, if we found her at all.
Sir, she's all alone out there.
She's running out of water.
We don't even know
how much longer she'll last.
We have to reach out to her.
Sir, if I may. Breaking radio silence...
...broadcasts our bearing
to anyone out there listening.
- And we are broadcasting.
- Bertrise?
Bertrise, you there?
Hello? This is Bertrise. Can you hear me?
Bertrise, this is Joe Brown. I'm on
a fishing boat. I might be in your area.
Oh, my God. Are you talking to me? Hello?
I need you to find the GPS.
It's a little computer screen
with numbers on it.
Okay. Okay. I know what it is.
Can you read me those numbers?
It says 18, then 36.4, and the letter N.
One-eight tack 36.4 north.
Can you read me the next line of numbers?
Seventy-nine, 46.7, W.
- Are you coming?
- She's approximately 280 miles north.
Yes, Bertrise. We're coming to get you.
Oh! Thank you. The boat has a blue octopus
painted on the side.
- Can you keep talking to me?
- I've gotta go now so we can find you.
- Please don't hang up.
- Hang tight. We're on our way.
Which boat are we in?
Doc hasn't cleared me yet, so ride Cobra
Two with Lieutenant Burk and his team.
- You got it.
- Good.
You wanted to see me, sir?
You've only been on my team
for a couple weeks. But everything you do...
...reflects on me. I'm not gonna be
out there today to cover your ass.
I'm aware, sir,
that everybody's doubting me.
That I brought that on myself.
But I will do the job.
You know you took Frankie Benz's spot.
You can never fill those shoes, and I don't
expect you to. But you gotta bring it.
Every second of every day from here on in.
Or I will find somebody else that will.
I'll bring it, sir.
You'll ride with captain in Cobra One.
Sir, I just wanted to...
...tell you I appreciate this opportunity.
I won't let you down.
- Gear up, then.
- Yes, sir.
Mason, monitor all stations.
We need to hear everything that's going on.
- Aye, sir.
- Remember, no transmissions.
Nathan James does not transmit
under any circumstance.
- Where are the beacons?
- They're not wearing any.
Can't risk anybody else
picking up their location.
From 1835.20 north, 70946.12 west... bear 320.
Sir, they've located the boat.
Put it on speaker.
Roger that, captain.
All right, fellas. Masks on. Stay frosty.
Fan out. Search every inch of this boat.
They're boarding the Octopus, sir.
- Steady. Watch our 3.
- Come on. Where is she?
Nothing in the hole.
Bertrise, we're not gonna hurt you.
Set security.
- To the left. Left.
- Bertrise.
Search every inch of this boat.
- We're here to help you.
- Got you covered.
Bertrise! Bertrise!
No sign of her, captain.
Keep looking. She has to be somewhere.
- Tex. Cossetti. Come with me.
- Yes, sir.
U.S. Navy. We're hereto help you.
Bertrise! You down here?
This does not feel right.
Bertrise, are you down here?
There's nothing but death down here.
Captain, we got company.
- What direction? You got something?
- Negative, sir.
Tower, CIC. I want that bird in the air now.
- Good to go.
- Paging final prep here.
Two boats approaching.
Fast off the starboard bow.
All right, give me eyes, 360.
- It's the Russians.
- Sons of bitches.
You think they set us up?
Might not be anybody alive on board.
We don't know that. Keep looking.
Sir, we have 30, maybe 40 seconds
before they're in firing range.
And we don't know
how many more are behind them.
- I found her.
- They got her.
You're not fishermen.
- No. We're the United States Navy.
- We're here to help. Come on.
We got her, captain.
- Got her.
- Get her out of here. Now!
- Go, go, go! Move, move, move!
- I got you. Come on, let's go.
Cruz, take the helm.
- Package is on the RHIB.
- Cobra Two, extract now!
- We'll create a diversion.
- Aye, sir.
Go with Burk in Cobra Two.
- Damn it!
- Go, Cossetti!
Get moving, Cossetti. Get moving.
- Stay down. Good.
- Move it! Move it!
Where's my bird? Tell me she's in the air.
Clearing the deck. Show is en route.
Copy, read that.
- Come on, Tex!
- Hey, man. It's not as easy as it looks.
Son of a bitch.
Enough of this shit.
Tex, go to the 50 cal.
When I brake hard starboard, light them up.
Yeah, baby. Ha-ha-ha.
We took a lot of hits. We're sinking.
If those are the Russians, they'll be back.
You dive?
The girl's boat is close to here. Assuming
the Russians were coming from Cuba...
...their ship should be in this region.
Their boats were broadcasting from here.
What am I doing here?
Your Russian pals are back.
- You sure? What'd they say?
- I don't know. That's why you're here.
You're gonna sit down next to Mason.
So you just listen.
Pick up anything on the UHF, you translate.
I'm damn sure
Ruskov's out there listening to us.
You'll tell me later
what this is gonna cost me.
I'll do what you ask.
But when this is over,
you make sure Ruskov dies.
We are 20 miles
from last known point of contact.
We have contact
with a vessel at 11 o'clock, half mile.
Saberhawk One,
Cobra Two. How copy, over?
Solid copy, Cobra Two.
We have the package. En route home base.
Account for personnel.
Besides the package, seven souls.
Burk, Cruz, Cossetti,
Jeter, Dennison, Rowler, Walker.
Interrogative whiskey for Cobra One?
We do not know their whiskey.
Repeat, we do not know their whiskey.
Be advised, two Russian Zodiacs
in proximity to the Octopus.
Solid copy.
Saberhawk One,
ETA overhead the Octopus three mikes.
Nathan James, we have
negative beacon contact from this vessel.
How far do you think we are
from that fishing boat?
- With the currents?
- Yeah.
Ten miles. Maybe 15.
I don't know whether they...
...picked up on our radio transmissions
or intercepted my call to Bertrise.
Either way, I'm pretty sure the Russians
are closer to us than the Nathan James is.
Good thing we've got beacons
in those suits, right?
I took them off before we started
in case the Russians were around.
- Huh. Good plan.
- Yeah.
You still got the radio? Call for help.
That's a chance we've gotta take.
Do it. Do it.
Nathan James, this is Cobra One.
Sir, that's the captain.
Cease and desist
all rescue operations. I say again...
- ...cease and desist any--
- What the hell you doing?
That's a direct order.
We'll ride off into the sunset
with that package.
It has been my sincere honor
serving with you all.
This will be my final transmission.
Please tell me that was some kind of a code.
It wasn't code.
Oh, man.
I mean, you gotta be kidding me.
What was that?
- You've got a death wish.
- Nathan James sends a helo...
...Russians can home in on it and track
it back to the ship. I can't allow that.
Great. You're martyring yourself and taking
me along for the ride. Thank you very much.
- I am sorry, Tex.
- Sorry?
It was the proper command decision.
Wasn't worth the risk.
- They need you.
- No, they don't.
- They need you!
- It's not worth the risk.
So, what is your plan? Drown out here?
Or maybe we swim back to the Octopus,
hang out with those people...
- ...till our eyeballs start bleeding out.
- There's a reef...
...north, northeast of here.
Start swimming.
This is Dr. Scott.
She's gonna take care of you now.
It's an absolute pleasure to meet you.
Where's Captain Chandler?
- You heard the captain's orders, sir.
- What if it was a misdirect for the Russians?
I don't think so.
"Ride off into the sunset" is what he said.
We found the girl.
Now he wants us to move forward.
- We can't know that for sure.
- But you know him. He's right.
- He wouldn't leave any of us behind.
- Under normal circumstances, yes.
Things are different now.
- Where's Lieutenant Burk?
- Decon.
- The master chief?
- Same.
We have no contact
and we have no idea where they went.
They should still have radio.
Captain suspended rescue ops.
He won't give us the coordinates.
- Why?
- If the Russians lock in on the helo...
...they can home in on us
once it comes home.
The helo's launched. The XO's gonna
take one shot before it has to refuel.
Now I need you to think. What directions
were the Russians coming from?
Is there anything, anything you can tell me
that will help us narrow this down?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
There are people starving
to death in this world, and you refuse to eat.
Perhaps you'd rather be back in the brig
than dine with me?
Eat, darling. Please.
I suggest you explain
to your daughter how lucky she is.
What more do you want from us?
How about a little gratitude?
Have I not provided for you?
Taken care of your needs?
And I think I've taken
care of yours in return.
You have.
But not with gratitude.
Saberhawk One, state fuel.
Currently at 40 percent.
Nathan James, be advised. We are
also conducting IR sensor scan per sector.
Roger, Saberhawk One, copy.
Lieutenant Burk, over here.
Where the hell are they?
Picking up mobile bandwidth low latency
transmissions. Could be UAV datalink.
Enable spy radar.
If the Russians pick it up,
they'll track us.
- You've got 30 seconds.
- Sir?
I gave an order.
Aye, sir.
- You hear that?
- Sounds like a lawn mower.
- It's a UAV.
- Ours?
- Theirs.
- Oh, boy.
Suspect track 85023,
bearing 351, range 38 miles.
Heading south-southwest at 50 knots.
Recommend kill track 85023.
- Roll FIS green.
- FIS is green.
Killing track 85023 with bird.
Salvo size one.
Bird away. Track 85023.
- Tell me that's not a bomb.
- Hope it's a camera.
It's getting awful close.
Ha, ha! Yeah! Thank you, Nathan James!
- Mark delta. Right on target.
- Datalink broadcast terminated.
Secure spy radar.
They shouldn't have done that.
Negative contact.
Eagle Tower, this is Saberhawk One.
Dusk visibility dropping with the sun.
Eagle Tower, this is Saberhawk One.
No sign of Cobra Team One... sector seven. Heading to sector eight.
This is the last sample I'll need...
...while we wait for the results
from your first test. I promise.
You're being very brave. I do apologize.
I'm the one who is sorry.
I made things so difficult for the soldiers
who came to rescue me.
After the virus came...
...there were many stories
of men in suits like that with guns.
We heard that they came to kill
the sick people, not to rescue them.
Time to rest.
Uh, how far do you figure to that reef?
Gator said it was roughly 20 miles
from the Octopus.
Though he was only 60 percent sure of that.
Oh, good.
Hey, you think we're getting anywhere?
Or do you...
...think the waves are just knocking us back
to where we started?
Are you really this damn heroic
ordering off your own rescue?
You're asking me if I'm scared to die?
I wasn't thinking about it then, and it's not
gonna do me good to think about it now.
Hey, you want to know something?
Only reason I came out here today... to impress that Dr. Rachel.
- You gotta be shitting me.
- Yeah. I'm sweet on her.
Yeah. You weren't making a move.
- Yeah.
- Oh, my Lord.
- You think she's interested?
- Get some rest, Tex.
- Yeah.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Hey, opposites attract, you know.
I was in Negril once.
My parents took me
to the black cliffs to watch the jumpers.
Never seen anything quite like it.
Me father ran a hotel there. I helped him.
It was a small place, right on the beach.
The sickness came first
to the larger resorts in the north.
Within a couple of weeks it was with us.
We turned our hotel into an hospital.
But after my mother died,
my father took me and Dominic away.
Dominic's your brother?
He died on the boat.
I'm so sorry.
When we left Jamaica,
there were 51.
Within a couple of weeks, there were 15.
And then there was just me.
Why didn't I die?
Because you're immune...
To every single strain of the virus.
So, what does that mean?
It means we have a chance.
Visibility nil. Sunset approaching,
will switch to night vision.
Saberhawk One diverting--
He may have called off the rescue,
but he would never give up.
- No chance, sir.
- Hmm.
- What would you do if you were out there?
- I'd take my chances.
Swim back to the Octopus.
Could be Russians.
Well, all I know is captain always has a plan.
Gator, how far is that reef?
Approximately 20 miles from the Octopus,
sir. But they could be even farther.
Yeah, but it could be closer.
Saberhawk One, state time left.
This is Saberhawk One
calling bingo now. Overhead in 20 mikes.
They're out of fuel.
Then we hit that reef on the next pass, sir.
Keep looking up there
like it's gonna change.
It's called navigating.
It's called drowning.
It's dark. We're screwed.
You said we'd almost be there
three hours ago.
When did you become such a pessimist?
Cat's only got nine lives.
Already been through 12 or 13 of them.
How'd you join the Navy, anyway?
I joined the Navy because of my father.
- He was Navy too?
- Army. I did it to piss him off.
Well, you see how that worked out for you.
Hey, don't fall asleep.
I'm just so relaxed.
You never did tell me
what part of Texas you were from.
Probably because I'm from Reno.
- Hey, Tex?
- Yeah, boss.
I am afraid.
To die?
To never see my wife.
And my kids.
I know what you're doing.
Playing it over and over again in your head.
Every second. Every moment.
What you could have done differently.
I tripped.
If I hadn't, I'd still be
on the RHIB with them.
Then you'd be lost out there.
What good would that do us?
Maybe they wouldn't be lost.
Maybe I could have done something.
A thousand hours of training.
For five minutes of pure chaos.
And then a thousand hours
of second-guessing yourself.
That's the job.
For all of us.
Saberhawk One, final approach.
Gear down and locked, team landing.
- Skate down.
- : Roger, Saberhawk One.
I just came from the lab. The girl has
a gene mutation that makes her immune.
Dr. Scott injected her blood
into the monkey, and if it works...
...we may have the vaccine.
...everybody did their job.
The doctor is wondering if she can join us
in here. She's concerned about the captain.
And Tex, obviously.
XO, the Russians are talking.
They're still searching the water.
- He thinks the Americans have drowned.
- He thinks?
- What exactly did he say?
- Shh, shh.
- Do they have a body?
- I don't know. I missed some of the words.
- Well, what words did you get?
- They said "drowned."
I swear, if you're lying to me,
I will strap you to a torpedo.
- It's what I heard.
- Sir...
...helo just landed. Standing by to refuel.
We can't trust anything we hear.
The Russians know we're listening.
They could be deliberately
feeding us bad intel.
Sir, if you mean to do this...
...then I recommend we have a helo fly
low zig-zag to make it harder to track it.
- That'll burn a lot of fuel, sir.
- Yes, it will...
...but it means we've got enough time
to make one more pass.
I concur. Head for that reef.
All stations report. I'm
on instruments. On altitude, 100 feet.
On air speed, 90 knots. Negative contact.
Roger. Visibility nil.
They're out there.
They've gotta be out there.
This is Saberhawk One. We
see something reflecting on the surface... the southwest.
Taking closer look. Over.
Dropping down to 90 feet.
Roger, right side light chop.
You hear that?
Hey! Hey! We're here!
We're here!
Don't tell me you're pissed at Slattery now.
Son of a bitch.
In sight. Engaging automatic approach.
- Stand by to lower the harness.
- Roger.
- You first!
- Not a chance.
You first, captain. I insist.
What is that?
What the hell?
- It's not them.
- Roger, no sign of survivors.
Ripped By mstoll
why you won't listen to me.
It's a splice overlap PCR reaction
with an immune-modulatory gene.
It will help the body identify the virus
and create antibodies.
Yes, you are young
and have a bright career ahead.
Don't waste your time
with schoolboy science fiction.
The virus is spreading.
There are cases being reported beyond
the Middle East. It will be in Oslo by winter.
It is deadly and will likely mutate.
Niels, I am well aware of what's at stake.
But what you are proposing
is too dangerous.
The Australians tried it on mousepox.
It was a complete disaster.
I have already done the experiment.
- What?
- On myself...
...while you were gone, and it worked.
- You're mad.
- I'm still here.
- Absolutely mad.
- I'm perfectly healthy. Professor Lindblom.
You stay away from my lab. You hear me?
I am finished with you.
- What was that?
- Stubborn old man still living in the past.
He still views you as his pupil.
Someday the world will see you like I do.
But only I get to be your wife.
Now let's eat. I have a plane to catch.
Ahem. Ugh, Oslo to London.
London to Frankfurt.
And if I don't miss my connection,
I have less than a day in Rome.
Ahh, too much travel. Mm. And
I think I'm coming down with something.
I've been taking these homeopathic
immunoboosters. Jana swears by them.
You'll be happy to know
that the ship is finally repaired.
Dr. Scott can't have gone too far.
We'll find her again.
Well, you found and lost her
several times before.
Forgive me for not getting my hopes up.
If she were close to having a vaccine,
where would she go?
She would need animals to test it on.
Ones that are bigger than these.
Like what?
Closest place to here is Puerto Rico.
No. Captain Chandler would
have wanted to get farther away from us.
It must be somewhere else.
Central America, then.
Can you be more specific?
Remember I told you I discovered
an extra gene on the virus?
All this time I've been struggling
to figure out where it came from.
It turns out that it's a human gene.
Someone added a human gene to the virus?
- Why?
- I have no idea.
No matter what I try,
the virus seems to be one step ahead of me.
It's outsmarting whatever I throw at it.
Worse, it's made the original virus 10 times
more lethal and virtually indestructible.
How many monkeys you have left? Three?
Ripped By mstoll
You want to listen to the same
50 songs for the rest of your life?
Three playlists for one granola bar.
You ain't gonna find a better deal.
Don't even think about it, Pete. Everybody
knows Miller's got the lamest music.
All right. You get the goods,
when I get mine.
- Done. Yup.
- Okay?
It's gonna take time, bro.
Heard you were up and about.
- Doing great, sir.
- Hmm.
And your team?
Cruz is fully healed,
been whooping the new guys into shape.
And I talked to Cossetti.
He's contrite, sir.
Anxious to prove himself again.
Let's get him out there as soon as we can.
- It'll help him win back some of the crew.
- Makes sense.
We didn't want to hit you with this
until you were back.
But you're aware
we're punishing Lieutenant Foster.
- I am.
- Two weeks' double night watch for you.
- Starting tonight.
- Yes, sir.
Complete transparency
as to why you're being punished.
It's not enough
that people know you broke rules.
They need to know why it's dangerous.
- Sir, I cut it off after that night.
- Doesn't change a word I've said.
- I don't want people to lose faith in me, sir.
- You're a leader.
I can't believe how fast my girl is growing.
She started to roll onto her tummy,
and she can almost sit up by herself now.
But I think we're gonna have to--
We're in Little Rock.
We do have a little bit of water,
but we sure could use some more.
This way that we take
That's Marilyn. Palm Beach.
She was a bunny
at the Miami Playboy Club in the '60s.
She puts on her own show every afternoon.
She's amazing.
We have a good signal today.
Is anyone out there? I'm on a fishing boat--
- Too sad. I'm going back--
- No. Wait. Stay.
My name is Bertrise. Everyone
on the boat is dead. But I'm not sick. I swear it.
I just need help. Please.
Wayne. Get Dr. Scott and the C.O.
Won't last much longer. I'm scared. Please.
She's an 18-year-old girl
from Jamaica on a fishing boat... the coast of St. John Point.
I logged her three weeks ago.
There were 50 people on her boat.
A week later we heard her again...
...but then there were only 15 people left.
- And now she's alone.
So if everyone on her boat has died
from the virus and she's the only one alive... could be she's naturally immune.
- Want us to find her?
- I need you to find her.
If I can take a look at her DNA...
...we might figure out a way
to beat this thing.
Awfully convenient.
- You think it's a trap?
- I don't know.
How many immune people in the world?
Be incredibly rare, but of course they exist.
Are you absolutely sure that it's been
this girl's voice on the radio the entire time?
I know that voice.
Any idea where she might be?
I've got four RDF bearings
from some of her recent transmissions.
Sixty percent confidence
of her position within 10 miles.
A boat that size. Still would take hours
to find her, if we found her at all.
Sir, she's all alone out there.
She's running out of water.
We don't even know
how much longer she'll last.
We have to reach out to her.
Sir, if I may. Breaking radio silence...
...broadcasts our bearing
to anyone out there listening.
- And we are broadcasting.
- Bertrise?
Bertrise, you there?
Hello? This is Bertrise. Can you hear me?
Bertrise, this is Joe Brown. I'm on
a fishing boat. I might be in your area.
Oh, my God. Are you talking to me? Hello?
I need you to find the GPS.
It's a little computer screen
with numbers on it.
Okay. Okay. I know what it is.
Can you read me those numbers?
It says 18, then 36.4, and the letter N.
One-eight tack 36.4 north.
Can you read me the next line of numbers?
Seventy-nine, 46.7, W.
- Are you coming?
- She's approximately 280 miles north.
Yes, Bertrise. We're coming to get you.
Oh! Thank you. The boat has a blue octopus
painted on the side.
- Can you keep talking to me?
- I've gotta go now so we can find you.
- Please don't hang up.
- Hang tight. We're on our way.
Which boat are we in?
Doc hasn't cleared me yet, so ride Cobra
Two with Lieutenant Burk and his team.
- You got it.
- Good.
You wanted to see me, sir?
You've only been on my team
for a couple weeks. But everything you do...
...reflects on me. I'm not gonna be
out there today to cover your ass.
I'm aware, sir,
that everybody's doubting me.
That I brought that on myself.
But I will do the job.
You know you took Frankie Benz's spot.
You can never fill those shoes, and I don't
expect you to. But you gotta bring it.
Every second of every day from here on in.
Or I will find somebody else that will.
I'll bring it, sir.
You'll ride with captain in Cobra One.
Sir, I just wanted to...
...tell you I appreciate this opportunity.
I won't let you down.
- Gear up, then.
- Yes, sir.
Mason, monitor all stations.
We need to hear everything that's going on.
- Aye, sir.
- Remember, no transmissions.
Nathan James does not transmit
under any circumstance.
- Where are the beacons?
- They're not wearing any.
Can't risk anybody else
picking up their location.
From 1835.20 north, 70946.12 west... bear 320.
Sir, they've located the boat.
Put it on speaker.
Roger that, captain.
All right, fellas. Masks on. Stay frosty.
Fan out. Search every inch of this boat.
They're boarding the Octopus, sir.
- Steady. Watch our 3.
- Come on. Where is she?
Nothing in the hole.
Bertrise, we're not gonna hurt you.
Set security.
- To the left. Left.
- Bertrise.
Search every inch of this boat.
- We're here to help you.
- Got you covered.
Bertrise! Bertrise!
No sign of her, captain.
Keep looking. She has to be somewhere.
- Tex. Cossetti. Come with me.
- Yes, sir.
U.S. Navy. We're hereto help you.
Bertrise! You down here?
This does not feel right.
Bertrise, are you down here?
There's nothing but death down here.
Captain, we got company.
- What direction? You got something?
- Negative, sir.
Tower, CIC. I want that bird in the air now.
- Good to go.
- Paging final prep here.
Two boats approaching.
Fast off the starboard bow.
All right, give me eyes, 360.
- It's the Russians.
- Sons of bitches.
You think they set us up?
Might not be anybody alive on board.
We don't know that. Keep looking.
Sir, we have 30, maybe 40 seconds
before they're in firing range.
And we don't know
how many more are behind them.
- I found her.
- They got her.
You're not fishermen.
- No. We're the United States Navy.
- We're here to help. Come on.
We got her, captain.
- Got her.
- Get her out of here. Now!
- Go, go, go! Move, move, move!
- I got you. Come on, let's go.
Cruz, take the helm.
- Package is on the RHIB.
- Cobra Two, extract now!
- We'll create a diversion.
- Aye, sir.
Go with Burk in Cobra Two.
- Damn it!
- Go, Cossetti!
Get moving, Cossetti. Get moving.
- Stay down. Good.
- Move it! Move it!
Where's my bird? Tell me she's in the air.
Clearing the deck. Show is en route.
Copy, read that.
- Come on, Tex!
- Hey, man. It's not as easy as it looks.
Son of a bitch.
Enough of this shit.
Tex, go to the 50 cal.
When I brake hard starboard, light them up.
Yeah, baby. Ha-ha-ha.
We took a lot of hits. We're sinking.
If those are the Russians, they'll be back.
You dive?
The girl's boat is close to here. Assuming
the Russians were coming from Cuba...
...their ship should be in this region.
Their boats were broadcasting from here.
What am I doing here?
Your Russian pals are back.
- You sure? What'd they say?
- I don't know. That's why you're here.
You're gonna sit down next to Mason.
So you just listen.
Pick up anything on the UHF, you translate.
I'm damn sure
Ruskov's out there listening to us.
You'll tell me later
what this is gonna cost me.
I'll do what you ask.
But when this is over,
you make sure Ruskov dies.
We are 20 miles
from last known point of contact.
We have contact
with a vessel at 11 o'clock, half mile.
Saberhawk One,
Cobra Two. How copy, over?
Solid copy, Cobra Two.
We have the package. En route home base.
Account for personnel.
Besides the package, seven souls.
Burk, Cruz, Cossetti,
Jeter, Dennison, Rowler, Walker.
Interrogative whiskey for Cobra One?
We do not know their whiskey.
Repeat, we do not know their whiskey.
Be advised, two Russian Zodiacs
in proximity to the Octopus.
Solid copy.
Saberhawk One,
ETA overhead the Octopus three mikes.
Nathan James, we have
negative beacon contact from this vessel.
How far do you think we are
from that fishing boat?
- With the currents?
- Yeah.
Ten miles. Maybe 15.
I don't know whether they...
...picked up on our radio transmissions
or intercepted my call to Bertrise.
Either way, I'm pretty sure the Russians
are closer to us than the Nathan James is.
Good thing we've got beacons
in those suits, right?
I took them off before we started
in case the Russians were around.
- Huh. Good plan.
- Yeah.
You still got the radio? Call for help.
That's a chance we've gotta take.
Do it. Do it.
Nathan James, this is Cobra One.
Sir, that's the captain.
Cease and desist
all rescue operations. I say again...
- ...cease and desist any--
- What the hell you doing?
That's a direct order.
We'll ride off into the sunset
with that package.
It has been my sincere honor
serving with you all.
This will be my final transmission.
Please tell me that was some kind of a code.
It wasn't code.
Oh, man.
I mean, you gotta be kidding me.
What was that?
- You've got a death wish.
- Nathan James sends a helo...
...Russians can home in on it and track
it back to the ship. I can't allow that.
Great. You're martyring yourself and taking
me along for the ride. Thank you very much.
- I am sorry, Tex.
- Sorry?
It was the proper command decision.
Wasn't worth the risk.
- They need you.
- No, they don't.
- They need you!
- It's not worth the risk.
So, what is your plan? Drown out here?
Or maybe we swim back to the Octopus,
hang out with those people...
- ...till our eyeballs start bleeding out.
- There's a reef...
...north, northeast of here.
Start swimming.
This is Dr. Scott.
She's gonna take care of you now.
It's an absolute pleasure to meet you.
Where's Captain Chandler?
- You heard the captain's orders, sir.
- What if it was a misdirect for the Russians?
I don't think so.
"Ride off into the sunset" is what he said.
We found the girl.
Now he wants us to move forward.
- We can't know that for sure.
- But you know him. He's right.
- He wouldn't leave any of us behind.
- Under normal circumstances, yes.
Things are different now.
- Where's Lieutenant Burk?
- Decon.
- The master chief?
- Same.
We have no contact
and we have no idea where they went.
They should still have radio.
Captain suspended rescue ops.
He won't give us the coordinates.
- Why?
- If the Russians lock in on the helo...
...they can home in on us
once it comes home.
The helo's launched. The XO's gonna
take one shot before it has to refuel.
Now I need you to think. What directions
were the Russians coming from?
Is there anything, anything you can tell me
that will help us narrow this down?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
There are people starving
to death in this world, and you refuse to eat.
Perhaps you'd rather be back in the brig
than dine with me?
Eat, darling. Please.
I suggest you explain
to your daughter how lucky she is.
What more do you want from us?
How about a little gratitude?
Have I not provided for you?
Taken care of your needs?
And I think I've taken
care of yours in return.
You have.
But not with gratitude.
Saberhawk One, state fuel.
Currently at 40 percent.
Nathan James, be advised. We are
also conducting IR sensor scan per sector.
Roger, Saberhawk One, copy.
Lieutenant Burk, over here.
Where the hell are they?
Picking up mobile bandwidth low latency
transmissions. Could be UAV datalink.
Enable spy radar.
If the Russians pick it up,
they'll track us.
- You've got 30 seconds.
- Sir?
I gave an order.
Aye, sir.
- You hear that?
- Sounds like a lawn mower.
- It's a UAV.
- Ours?
- Theirs.
- Oh, boy.
Suspect track 85023,
bearing 351, range 38 miles.
Heading south-southwest at 50 knots.
Recommend kill track 85023.
- Roll FIS green.
- FIS is green.
Killing track 85023 with bird.
Salvo size one.
Bird away. Track 85023.
- Tell me that's not a bomb.
- Hope it's a camera.
It's getting awful close.
Ha, ha! Yeah! Thank you, Nathan James!
- Mark delta. Right on target.
- Datalink broadcast terminated.
Secure spy radar.
They shouldn't have done that.
Negative contact.
Eagle Tower, this is Saberhawk One.
Dusk visibility dropping with the sun.
Eagle Tower, this is Saberhawk One.
No sign of Cobra Team One... sector seven. Heading to sector eight.
This is the last sample I'll need...
...while we wait for the results
from your first test. I promise.
You're being very brave. I do apologize.
I'm the one who is sorry.
I made things so difficult for the soldiers
who came to rescue me.
After the virus came...
...there were many stories
of men in suits like that with guns.
We heard that they came to kill
the sick people, not to rescue them.
Time to rest.
Uh, how far do you figure to that reef?
Gator said it was roughly 20 miles
from the Octopus.
Though he was only 60 percent sure of that.
Oh, good.
Hey, you think we're getting anywhere?
Or do you...
...think the waves are just knocking us back
to where we started?
Are you really this damn heroic
ordering off your own rescue?
You're asking me if I'm scared to die?
I wasn't thinking about it then, and it's not
gonna do me good to think about it now.
Hey, you want to know something?
Only reason I came out here today... to impress that Dr. Rachel.
- You gotta be shitting me.
- Yeah. I'm sweet on her.
Yeah. You weren't making a move.
- Yeah.
- Oh, my Lord.
- You think she's interested?
- Get some rest, Tex.
- Yeah.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Hey, opposites attract, you know.
I was in Negril once.
My parents took me
to the black cliffs to watch the jumpers.
Never seen anything quite like it.
Me father ran a hotel there. I helped him.
It was a small place, right on the beach.
The sickness came first
to the larger resorts in the north.
Within a couple of weeks it was with us.
We turned our hotel into an hospital.
But after my mother died,
my father took me and Dominic away.
Dominic's your brother?
He died on the boat.
I'm so sorry.
When we left Jamaica,
there were 51.
Within a couple of weeks, there were 15.
And then there was just me.
Why didn't I die?
Because you're immune...
To every single strain of the virus.
So, what does that mean?
It means we have a chance.
Visibility nil. Sunset approaching,
will switch to night vision.
Saberhawk One diverting--
He may have called off the rescue,
but he would never give up.
- No chance, sir.
- Hmm.
- What would you do if you were out there?
- I'd take my chances.
Swim back to the Octopus.
Could be Russians.
Well, all I know is captain always has a plan.
Gator, how far is that reef?
Approximately 20 miles from the Octopus,
sir. But they could be even farther.
Yeah, but it could be closer.
Saberhawk One, state time left.
This is Saberhawk One
calling bingo now. Overhead in 20 mikes.
They're out of fuel.
Then we hit that reef on the next pass, sir.
Keep looking up there
like it's gonna change.
It's called navigating.
It's called drowning.
It's dark. We're screwed.
You said we'd almost be there
three hours ago.
When did you become such a pessimist?
Cat's only got nine lives.
Already been through 12 or 13 of them.
How'd you join the Navy, anyway?
I joined the Navy because of my father.
- He was Navy too?
- Army. I did it to piss him off.
Well, you see how that worked out for you.
Hey, don't fall asleep.
I'm just so relaxed.
You never did tell me
what part of Texas you were from.
Probably because I'm from Reno.
- Hey, Tex?
- Yeah, boss.
I am afraid.
To die?
To never see my wife.
And my kids.
I know what you're doing.
Playing it over and over again in your head.
Every second. Every moment.
What you could have done differently.
I tripped.
If I hadn't, I'd still be
on the RHIB with them.
Then you'd be lost out there.
What good would that do us?
Maybe they wouldn't be lost.
Maybe I could have done something.
A thousand hours of training.
For five minutes of pure chaos.
And then a thousand hours
of second-guessing yourself.
That's the job.
For all of us.
Saberhawk One, final approach.
Gear down and locked, team landing.
- Skate down.
- : Roger, Saberhawk One.
I just came from the lab. The girl has
a gene mutation that makes her immune.
Dr. Scott injected her blood
into the monkey, and if it works...
...we may have the vaccine.
...everybody did their job.
The doctor is wondering if she can join us
in here. She's concerned about the captain.
And Tex, obviously.
XO, the Russians are talking.
They're still searching the water.
- He thinks the Americans have drowned.
- He thinks?
- What exactly did he say?
- Shh, shh.
- Do they have a body?
- I don't know. I missed some of the words.
- Well, what words did you get?
- They said "drowned."
I swear, if you're lying to me,
I will strap you to a torpedo.
- It's what I heard.
- Sir...
...helo just landed. Standing by to refuel.
We can't trust anything we hear.
The Russians know we're listening.
They could be deliberately
feeding us bad intel.
Sir, if you mean to do this...
...then I recommend we have a helo fly
low zig-zag to make it harder to track it.
- That'll burn a lot of fuel, sir.
- Yes, it will...
...but it means we've got enough time
to make one more pass.
I concur. Head for that reef.
All stations report. I'm
on instruments. On altitude, 100 feet.
On air speed, 90 knots. Negative contact.
Roger. Visibility nil.
They're out there.
They've gotta be out there.
This is Saberhawk One. We
see something reflecting on the surface... the southwest.
Taking closer look. Over.
Dropping down to 90 feet.
Roger, right side light chop.
You hear that?
Hey! Hey! We're here!
We're here!
Don't tell me you're pissed at Slattery now.
Son of a bitch.
In sight. Engaging automatic approach.
- Stand by to lower the harness.
- Roger.
- You first!
- Not a chance.
You first, captain. I insist.
What is that?
What the hell?
- It's not them.
- Roger, no sign of survivors.
Ripped By mstoll