The Last Enemy (2008): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

David Russell saves Stephen and Yassim just as they are about to be shot. He wants Stephen to go into the TIA database and wants him to go back to the beginning and find out what is going on. It starts with a batch of bad vaccine and the solution to who is out to kill them lies there. Stephen knows his movements are being tracked and must take steps to elude his followers. His former girlfriend, a junior Minister in the Government, learns that TIA is being assigned to someone else. She is also approached by security officials when Stephen can't be found. Stephen also discovers something quite interesting his brother Michael.



You're leaving them.

They're dead.


Stop the van!



What? What!

I can't remember if I
left the window open.

Maybe I did.

I left in a hurry. I...
I forgot to close it.



Get in if you want to find
out who killed your husband!

Don't. He doesn't know.

I'm all you've got. Get in!

It's not just a tag on your
clothes, your whole life's tagged!

We don't know we were tagged.

You know for a genius,
you're pretty fucking stupid!

Stephen. Wait.

I don't take rides from
people who shoots guns at me!



Come on, genius!


What about the civil
liberties of honest citizens?

Their freedom to go
about their lives

without fear of
crime or terrorism.

Think of how we lived ten,
five, even two years ago

and how we live now.

And in trying to solve
one set of crimes

you are creating the conditions
for far more sophisticated ones.

Not with this system,
it's new generation,

the encryptions are impossible
to by-pass even if...

Do you know what an RFID tag is?

- Yes.
- Radio Frequency Identification.

No thicker than a human
hair, less than an inch long.

Developed as a way
of tracking stock,

sewn into clothes,
a pair of jeans

could be traced from manufacture to
warehouse, to shop, to check-out.

Strap yourself in.

Do it!

A new generation of
readers were developed,

linked to a satellite. It
was a relatively simple step,

from tracking the jeans to
the person who wore the jeans,

or the jacket or the
shoes or whatever.

Believe me, genius,
you were tagged.

I'll have them back to you
in the morning. Good as new.




Fucking wanker!

Come on, you want to
fucking have some with me?


He's not Nadir's father.


Nadir's stepfather is dead.

Her mother died when she was 12,

her stepfather died two
years ago. She told me.

Then it must be true.


I don't have to tell
you anything, OK?

And I don't have to tell
you anything either.

But I'll tell you this,

we had a fight, OK, a big
fight, bigger than normal.

She refused to contact me,
she refused to acknowledge me.

I'm not proud of it.

I was in a job, it took
me longer than I expected.

I came back to find my
stepdaughter. Is that OK?

Anyway, where else
are you going to go?


She used to stay here
from time to time.

Made this room her own.

There's a suitcase full of her
stuff - you're about the same size.

Is it true that you've got
three sets of identical clothes

and you just rotate them?

I've looked you up. There's a lot
of weird stuff about you, pal.

Pick yourself something
out from downstairs.

Recently deceased, but
you're about the same size.

Nadir Alfalani. Burn her.


He'll be early, he always is.

I know about your meeting
with George Gibbon.

Am I under surveillance?

That's an odd question for
someone in your profession.

There's nothing sinister
about my meeting him.

It's just a hand
holding exercise.

He has doubts about keeping
Michael Ezard alive.

We've come this far
at enormous risk.

We need to keep this
between the three of us.

Circles within circles
are not the answer.

I assume you'll find him lurking
in front of a Nuna Dan painting.

Just a guess.

He has a part share in one.

He doesn't come to
look at the art,

he likes to see the public
file past in reverence.

It makes him feel secure
about his investment.

Who killed Andrew?

In the coffin...

Who was following us?

Who is trying to kill me?

Hired help.

If it was in-house, they'd
have got you first time.

As for who paid for
it? I don't know.

What do you want?

I want to hurt the people
who hurt my stepdaughter.

What about you?

Justice for my husband.

Bet I get mine
before you get yours.

And you just want to lay something
special at her feet, yeah?

I want to know why my
brother was killed.

We have to assume they're
going to keep coming after you.

Maybe someone thinks you
know more than you do.

If it was more than you told me.

I've told you everything.

Well, in that case, you'd
better stay right here.

No contact with the
outside, nothing.

No phone, no internet,
not even a pigeon.

And if you leave...
you don't come back.

As for you, Stephen, you
are our secret weapon.

You've got access to the most
powerful database in the world.

Just don't let them
catch you looking at it.

First you need to go home,

wear their tags and
get back on the system,

then we need answers.

Start from the very beginning
- a bad batch of vaccine.

Find the company
that manufactured it.

You can't expect
Stephen to do anything.

Whoever tagged you, now
thinks you're a player...

..because you removed their tag.

What am I looking for?

I want you to sweep
the apartment.

This thing will
pick up on a wire.

It's also going to pick up
microwaves, wireless networks,

everything, but it'll
filter those out

and it'll pick up on frequencies

reserved for covert
transmissions, cameras, etc...

Sweep for bugs but don't
make it too obvious,

there could be cameras there,

you have to assume that all
your clothes are tagged.

Test them, leave the tags in
place and wear the clothes.

This thing.

I designed it so a
kid could use it.


Don't come back here
unless I bring you.

And she only ever
used her own blood?

A pint per painting,
mixed with various fixers.

Don't you find them
rather depressing?

It's never depressing to have
one's own feelings mirrored.

There's nothing worse
than being in hell

and have everyone insisting on
bright colours and happy music.

We're not in hell yet, George.

We have no idea what's happened
to Stephen Ezard or Yasim Anwar,

we don't what they
know, or who they know.

We haven't a clue who David
Russell is working for.

What we do know, however, is

that we've given Michael
Ezard the freedom of the city.

Someone who's not only capable
of bringing down this government

but could also kick
off World War III.

How close to hell
do you want to get?

George, 30 minutes ago

Michael Ezard forced his way
into the dead girl's apartment.

He looked around non-specific,
took nothing and left.

And now we're locked onto him.

So, he's a few streets
behind everyone else.

I think we can assume
he'll lead us to his wife.

I know we're supposed
to be celebrating

the miraculous resurrection
of Michael Ezard,

but the sooner we get
him off the streets

and into a place of safety...

First we have to let him run.

We need a complete
picture, no loose ends.


Patrick Nye.

Didn't they all double in value
after she committed suicide?

Yes. And then some.

I bought in afterwards.

The illegal that got picked up
at the docks, it's not good.

I'd better go and take a look.

You don't have to go, you
don't have to do this.

You don't have to
compete with Michael.

Oh, Jesus!




It's me.

And I'm real.

I cried for you.

A lot of people cried for you.

It was a good funeral, a big crowd
- you should have been there.

Well, right now I'm
better off dead.

Where's Yasim?

I saw her a couple of
days before the funeral,

after that, nothing.

Before the funeral?

So, she wasn't at my funeral?


Why wouldn't she be there?


She wasn't there either.

I went to her apartment,
the place was trashed.

Neighbours said they hadn't seen
anybody for a couple of weeks.

What about my brother?
- He was there.

Did you speak to him?

He showed up late.

When you saw Yasim before
the funeral, how was she?

She was a widow.

She was in pain,
sick with the grief.

I did it to protect her.

You faked your own death?

Not exactly.

I need you to break into this.

It's a copy of my
brother's notebook.

I came in with some
people, we need IDs.

They're good people.

Good, bad, we all need IDs.

Question is, do we have cash?


Then they get the best.

Desktop stuff gets better all
the time, perfect biometrics.

I need one in this name...

Anthony Cohen?

So, you're a Jew now?

I need to break inside
a drugs company,

find out about a vaccine,

find out why somebody
tried to kill me.

Maybe they got to Yasim.

Hopefully this might tell me.

Why not just ask your brother?

- You have brothers?
- Enough for a football team.

- You trust them?
- Yeah.

Except in goal.

Steve is the least political
person that I've ever known,

suddenly he's fronting
a government campaign

to get us all
numbered and filed.

He's got encrypted data

on a scientist that I
was coming over to see,

as well as data on Yasim, Nadir.

The scientist is dead,
Yasim and Nadir are missing.

I need to know what he's up to.

I never really thought about
my brother that much before.

I really have no idea who he is.



What are you dressed
like that for?

Old clothes. I've been cleaning.

You never wear
different clothes. Ever.

I'm so fucking angry with them!

Er, with who?

- Can I get a drink, please?
- There's only water.

I get drunk on anything.

The part of TIA you're involved
in is only the first step.

There's going to be a policy
announcement in the next phase.

I can't tell you about it
but I'm being eased out.

Not because of
anything I've done,

it's all to do with a favour
being done for somebody else.

My portfolio's been
handed over to them.

You know, when I first
saw the Cabinet table,

I thought if I ever
I get to sit at it

I might actually have the
power to change things.

Being a junior minister,

you soon realise why it's
a coffin-shaped table.

What's wrong?


How long has he been like this?

- Who are you?
- How long?

About eight hours.

If this man is sick, he's
now mine, do you understand?

We need to get him moved.

Are you a doctor?

He needs to be in isolation.

It was the way it was dealt with,
like, everyone knew except me.

What is that thing?

You're transmitting. BUZZING

You're wired, bugged.

I'm not wired, I'm not bugged, and
I'm certainly not transmitting.


Do you want to search me?





You're still transmitting.

Do you want to
investigate further?


I'm sorry.

Stephen... can we get
you to relax? Hmm?

- Ever since Michael's funeral...
- I know. I know.

No, you don't know.

Michael's death could be
related to deaths of refugees,

the deaths of scientists,
biochemists, a lot of them,

including Moreton.
- Stop.

Stephen, stop.

Look, creating the best,

most complicated conspiracy
theory in the world

is not going to
keep Michael alive.

Someone broke in to
this place last night,

they looked through my
files and then they...

And they what?

They ate some food, they made
a mess, they took a shower.

And how did they break in?

The door wasn't forced,
the windows were locked.

We call that having a key.

This is Michael.

Didn't he used to have
this open house policy,

he'd hand out house keys
to practical strangers.

It used to drive
you crazy, remember?

Look, it was probably
someone passing by.

They might not even
know Michael's dead.

They looked through
my notebooks.

So, they were nosey.

Well, it looks like
I'm not going to get

my few moments of madness, am I?

There's something I need
to tell you... about TIA.

There's a potential glitch
- it could be serious.

Data protection.

There's a weakness
when large companies

stream employee records
onto the system,

and I need to take a look
and test some parameters,

and we might have to turn off
the alarm just for my entry,

and I'd need
ministerial clearance.

- Is that really necessary?
- Yeah.

We don't want to
flag up any doubts.

Well, that's why
I want to be able

to dip in and out of the
system without anyone knowing.

All right.


- How long's Amir been like this?
- This morning.

It might be something, nothing.

We'll get a doctor to him.

First ID, no ID, no doctor.

Don't worry, I'll have you
fixed up in a couple of hours.


She's not in the camps, she's
not with any of her family.

Everyone who can look,
we've got looking.

OK, good.

You're certain you're
not in the system?

I use an American
passport, I was born there.

What about...

..Anthony Cohen?

Anthony Cohen. Irish.

Six weeks R&R in Kashmir.

Being him will get me
into the drugs company.

Be sure this is who you
want to be - an Irish Jew.

One swipe and the
system gets you forever.


It's not Yasim.

Keep trying.

Your brother's notebook, no way
they can pass the encryptions.

They keep trying, but they are like
nothing they've ever seen before.


What's wrong with him?


Is it contagious?


No... nothing.

Don't keep tapping the keys.

'Patrick Nye.'

'Employment - British

British Intelligence!

'Senior Officer.'

Patrick Nye. British

You said you didn't
know who was involved.

I don't know the extent
of the involvement.

A senior officer, possible
connections to the Cabinet Office!

You sent Stephen in there
without warning him!

What would have happened if I had?
Ad what if he had bumped into Nye?

He wouldn't have known whether
to shit himself or go blind.

He would have picked up
on that in a heartbeat.

I was protecting him.

You are using him and
you don't trust him.

Yeah, that's right on both
counts. I know what I want, OK?

And I know what I'm
prepared to do to get it.

You want justice, you're
not going to get it,

but you're going to keep after it
because that's how you're made.

O course I don't trust Stephen.

What happens when the big
first jump comes along, eh?

And he decides you're
just not worth it?

No, we're both using him, baby.

How is Nye involved? How?!

God, you're really beginning
to annoy me now, you know that?

I'll tell you about Nye.
He was at the camps.

He was making sure that
the remains of all the dead

who died from the virus, or
whatever it is, were burnt.

That's probably the same thing
that's happened to Nadir.

- To destroy evidence.
- Or to stop a plague.

Or both. Or neither.

Well, that did it.


Kellerman-Deloit, this is where
they manufacture the Hep B vaccine.

Stephen can break into the
database, the employee records,

see if he can find someone
who worked on the vaccine,

a sympathetic ear, someone
who might want to talk.

The company has enough
data on their employees

to profile that accurately?

The clues are there if
you know where to look.

In TIA you can dig even deeper.

What they buy, what they read,

what they watch, what
they look at on-line,

their circles of acquaintance,
subscriptions to organisations.

For what we need, he'll
be looking for someone

who subscribes to something like
Amnesty, Liberty, Save The Children.

Do they vote?

Are they politically active?

The dots are all there,

he has to join them
up, make a picture.

'Approved match.

'Caroline Scott. KD employee.'

I have an appointment
with Susan Ross.

Anthony Cohen. BLEEPING

Thank you, Mr Cohen.

Thank you.


'Stephan Ezard accessing
Kellerman-Deloit employee file.

'Level 3 security breach.'

It's very good of you
to spare me your time.

What exactly is it
you wanted to know?

Those four have
yet to be checked.

Yeah, that's her car.

She'll come out in
the next ten minutes

and take a left
out the car park.

So, have you worked
for him for long?

It's not just my concern.

There are a lot of us
who think there might be

a link between the Hep
B vaccine and the virus.

Now, every time we've tried to
get records of batch numbers

to match to the spread of the
virus we've met with brick walls.

We've bombarded the charity running
the programme with questions

and got absolutely nowhere.

There's a fear, a silence.

Why me?

I saw your name on a memo
you'd sent to the charity,

some boring information
about a shipping date.

It's the only link I have.

This should have
been handled better.

A lot better.

We also questioned it,

the spectre of a bad
batch of vaccine,

the damage it could
do to the company.

We found nothing,

and we took it to two
independent bodies to make sure.

They came to the
same conclusion.

Over 400,000 have had the jab.

About 1,000 had the jab from
the same batch as the two dozen

or so refugees that
have got sick and died.

The vaccine isn't the
cause of the virus

or whatever it is that's
causing the illness.

There isn't a link.

No-one in the camps were
aware of any investigation.

It was thought to
be too sensitive.

The fear was that a scare story

would stop the
refugees taking the jab

which would cost hundreds,
even thousands of lives.

And that's something
you need to think about.

I've been very candid
with you, Mr Cohen.

Now, you can walk out of here
and repeat this conversation,

it would probably
cost me my job.

But worse than that, it could start
a scare story you couldn't control,

and do a lot of harm to people who
need the protection of that vaccine.

If there was a
conspiracy of silence,

it was entirely for the good.

My own guess is the illness is a
virus and from the data I've seen... doesn't have legs.

Oh, come on.

Wait! Wait! Wait!

- We'll lose her.
- Wait!

She's getting away.

Go, go, go.

You all right?


'Stephan Ezard's co-ordinates
and position. Static.'


'I think you should get down
here as soon as you can.'

It's Caroline, isn't
it? Caroline Scott.

I'm Stephen, Stephen Ezard.

I represent a group of doctors
who work in refugee camps.

They've been using the same Hep B
vaccine you've been helping to make.

How do you know my name?

I looked through the
Kellerman-Deloit employee files

for someone who was smart,
honest, and cared about the world.

Stephen who?

Stephen Ezard. Look, I'm not
crazy, I'm not dangerous.

We're surrounded by people,
and security cameras and...

it's safe. I just
want to ask you

a couple of questions
about the vaccine.

I just work the line.

Look, I know this
sounds odd but, erm...

These are some of the children
we've been inoculating...

For their sake, just
a couple of questions

about the production process.

Look, you've got me wrong, I'm
not a scientist or a technician.

What you are is smart and
decent and I need your help.

- I've got to get back to work.
- Please.

I don't understand what you're doing
looking through confidential files.

Just five minutes. I'll
help you bag your shopping.

Leave me alone!

I'm sure we can
progress this further.

The Prime Minister will need any
policy differences ironed out,

then all you'd have to do is stand
united against the common enemy -

Her Majesty's Treasury.


Thank you.

I went ahead and
saved you some time.

I got you some bread, biscuits,
detergents, toiletries, beer, wine.

And there was a special offer on
dog food, so I got two large ones.

You got beef and rabbit last time,
so I got chicken and the veg.

I also got onto a
government database.

That last eco-protest you went
on with your daughter Isabel,

the East Midlands
Airport, is listed.

Oh, and the library book you got
out, the Philip K Dick novel, um...

Humpty Dumpty In Oakland.

Great read, but you're
two weeks overdue.

Those children are dying.

Is everything all right, madam?

Since you've worked the line,

has the production of
Hep B ever changed?


Is it possible that there
could be a defective batch?

It would be picked up.

There's constant sampling,

everything's heavily
monitored, checked, regulated.

No bumps, no hiccups in the last
three years, nothing at all?


Except when the line broke down.

When was that?

About a year, year
and a half ago.

What went wrong?

Something with the electrics,
it stopped production.

How long for?

A couple of weeks, maybe three.

Yeah, three.

And what happened to you?

We got put on other lines.

Close to where you were before?

The other side of the plant.

Did you ever go back to the line

to see what was going
on in those three weeks?

No, the area was
cordoned off, sealed.

And they have to for hygiene
- contamination risk.

But they were technicians
working there?

Fixing the line.

They wouldn't have
been producing vaccine.

- Can you remember the date?
- My birthday.

I got sent home on full pay.

Now I want to know
everything that's in my file.

Barbara, what are
you doing here?

Having a think.

And you?

Looking for Stephen Ezard.

He's in there.

Minister, would it be possible

for you to come to the
Prime Minister's office.

8:15, this evening?
- Yes.

Stephen Ezard should know
that I found his hiding place.

Third drawer down.

15th of July for three weeks.

If something went
wrong, the date fits.

Caroline Scott said they
weren't producing vaccine,

the line was down.

What if she's wrong?

That's the only access road in
and out of Kellerman-Deloit.

And that's me.

Now if I access the automatic
number plate recognition database

for those cameras. How long
do they hold the data for?

A couple of years,
in practice, forever.

You can store a billion numbers
on a pin head, why throw it away?

We used to argue how many angels
could dance on a pin head,

now it's car numbers.

So I've asked a
simple question -

What vehicles only
passed those cameras

from the 15th of July
for next three weeks?

Anything before the 15th July or
after those three weeks is excluded.

'Analysing matches.'

'Analysing results.'

- Four vehicles.
- Yeah.

And every day for three weeks -
they arrive early and leave late.

- Engineers fixing the line.
- No, they have in-house engineers.

These vehicles are bringing
people in from the outside.

We don't know why,

we only know that they were
very busy for those three weeks.

All four of the cars
are rental vehicles,

so let's ID the drivers.


The bloody driver dumped me out
the front, in front of the cameras.

I must have looked like
some teenager sneaking in.


Good evening, Minister.

We need to talk through
a number of concerns.

One of them being Stephen Ezard.

Israeli female, US
female, two British males.

Well, one things for certain,

they weren't engineers
fixing a broken line.

Those 15 micro-biologists, all
dead in the last three years,

you've got four of them
sitting right there.

Every one of them disappeared

one year after visiting

So we've got something.

We need more.

The connections between them
before that three-week period.

'Cross-referencing data.'

All four of them attended a seminar
held by Professor Lawrence Cooper.

He's our man.

It passed the
encryption? Thank you.

Bepa, I've found her!

There was one file
not encrypted.

My own brother. He
was stalking her.

He's got CCI footage of
her meeting with Moreton

and we know exactly
what happened to him.

Whatever you need.

It does explain Stephen's rather
eccentric and paranoid behaviour.

Minister, I wish we
had the luxury of time

for you to consider
your options,

but we must act on this tonight.

You haven't presented
me with a choice.

There's an absolute
moral imperative here.

And I take full responsibility
for Stephen Ezard.

Come on, Einstein!
Let's move it!

Let's go, let's go!

I saw Michael, earlier
today at the factory.

It looked just like him.

At first, I kept
seeing him everywhere.

And there are times when the
thought of never seeing him again

is overwhelming.

I'll never stop missing him.

You're so different.

If Michael were in your
place, he wouldn't...

he wouldn't think of
"us" as a problem,

He wouldn't be looking
over his shoulder.

I'm not.

And as lovers,
you're so different.

Not better or worse.

Just different.

Well, as in everything.

The only thing Michael
and I could ever agree on

was that we must have
had different fathers.

BANG ON DOOR Come on, let's go!

Be careful with Cooper.

He was willing to help before.

Tell me again.

I get Cooper, find out about
the four dead microbiologists

and stay off the grid. OK?