The Invaders (1967–1968): Season 2, Episode 21 - The Peacemaker - full transcript

David Vincent and Archie Harmon manage to capture an alien, and bring him to General Concannon as proof. But another alien manages to slip him a suicide capsule, and soon there is nothing but ashes. Concannon sees the second alien blaze up, and is convinced. But he wants to meet with the alien leaders to see if a peaceful solution is possible. He sends David and several generals to an isolated farmhouse, and David arranges for several alien leaders to attend. But Concannon solves problems with violence, and he's going to solve this one by dropping a large bomb on the aliens, David, and his own men! The alien retaliation is likely to be ferocious, and the loss of life high, unless David can stop Concannon!

Go home, Corporal.

Keep your mouth shut.

I expect to find you
that way when I get back.

Yes, sir.

I'll get the general.

General, we've got one.


Fine work, Archie.

Who've you got in there?

He's on fire!


Halt, or I'll shoot!

The one in that
cell is gone, too.

I want this stuff analyzed
by 9:00 tomorrow morning.

NARRATOR: Starring Roy
Thinnes as architect David Vincent.

The invaders...

alien beings from
a dying planet.

Their destination... the Earth.

Their purpose... to
make it their world.

David Vincent has seen them.

For him, it began one lost night

on a lonely country road

looking for a shortcut
that he never found.

It began with a
closed, deserted diner

and a man too long without sleep

to continue his journey.

(eerie whirring)

It began with the landing of
a craft from another galaxy.

(whirring intensifies)

Now David Vincent knows
that the invaders are here.

That they have taken human form.

Somehow, he must
convince a disbelieving world

that the nightmare
has already begun.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Phyllis Thaxter...
Lin McCarthy...

Alfred Ryder... Kent Smith...

and special guest
star James Daly.

NARRATOR: For two years

David Vincent has been
waging war on two fronts:

One, against the alien invaders,

the other, an attempt to
enlist allies in high places

while there is still time.

Now, finally, with the help
of some friends in the military,

David Vincent is
opening the second front.

Colonel Harmon.

That's right.

In the car, please.

Yesterday, you kidnapped
one of our people.

Brought him in here.

All right.

We want him back.


We'll exchange.

You for him.

He's dead.

No. We would have heard.

From an officer named
Vance, you mean.

You won't hear from him again.

Colonel Harmon's apartment.

I'm afraid you've lost

your bargaining
position, Colonel.

So close.

All that hassle
to get a live one.

I hope we haven't blown it.

At least we have the
government involved now.


Concannon is chief of
Hemisphere Command.

He saw one go.

So, that puts
Concannon on our side.

That could be an advantage.

I don't know.

Archie tells me
you and Concannon

don't get along very well.

Just a personal thing.

Nothing to do with this.

So, the government's in on this.

That means we
might get some action.

I hope Archie gets home soon.

Is there someone
in your apartment?

Perhaps a cleaning woman.

Leave her out of this.

Open it.

(tires squealing)


I suspect I was about
to be found dead

in my own bed.

Any luck with the ashes?


No, they were
only cellulose fibers.

The Bureau of Standards
has the analysis.

Concannon wants to see you.


What's on his mind?

The only thing he'd tell me is

that he was speaking
for the president.

Mr. Vincent, I'm
glad you could come.

I know how busy
you are. General.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Not at all. Not at all.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

You're, uh, in this
with Edgar Scoville.

Is that right?


How is he?

He's fine... busy.

I've always liked Edgar.

We, uh, had a little
spat a few years back

so I don't see much
of him anymore.

It was probably my fault.

Tell him I asked, would you?

I will.

Of what I'm about
to say, Mr. Vincent

I want you to read
between the lines

and draw whatever conclusions
you think are warranted.

Is that all right?

Yes, sir.

We know they're here.

We know who they
are and what they are

and we mean to do
something about it.

I'm saying this

on the highest
possible official level.

We understand each other?


Now, before I tell you
what our approach might be,

I want to ask you: How
strong are they, militarily?

Well, Colonel Harmon,
uh, has looked at our files.

He'd be better
qualified to answer that.

HARMON: Strong
and getting stronger.

We'd guess they won't attack

until they get more gear
and people down here,

but when they do...
it won't be much fun.

We don't want a war.

It's insane to want
war these days.

There's no reason
on God's green Earth

why we can't live
peaceably with these people.

Will they talk to us?

I don't know.

They seem to think they can
get what they want by taking it.

What do they want?


We can give them
everything, within reason

if we know how
much land they need...

facilities, technology.

Will they talk about that?

If they think they
have nothing to lose.

They'll be afraid we'll
try to expose them...

unite the whole
world against them.

"Expose them"?

Good Lord, no.

All we want to do is
talk with them privately...

A few of our people,
a few of theirs...

See if we can't
settle this thing...

responsibly, that's all.

Well, I'm inclined to
agree with Colonel Harmon.

If they know you know,

they might speed things up

and we'll find ourselves
in an all-out war.

Mr. Vincent...

do you know what a
doomsday device is?

No, I don't.


In theory, it's, uh,

an automatic
self-detonating bomb

designed to go off

under certain rigidly
defined circumstances

destroying the whole world...

The ultimate weapon.

If we can't get together
with these people,

we could tell them

that we're going to
build one of those things.

I don't know whether
we can or can't

but if they think we can...

If they think that
we'll blow up the world

before we'll hand
it over to them...

They might have to
sit down and bargain.

What do you think about that?

I think they'll listen.

Good... so do I.

Now, about finding another
one of these aliens...?

Well, what about the
one who got away?

I saw the car and the
license-plate number.

I'm sure it could be traced.


You let me know if
there's anything I can do.

You've been
carrying a heavy load.

It's time we helped out.



You, uh, let me know
as soon as you find

one of these
people we can talk to

and, uh, take care of yourself.

Thank you.

That's a fine boy, Archie.

He'll do it.

(crickets chirping)

(door opening)

Better shoot now.

You'll never get
me to your people.

I don't want to shoot.

I want to talk.

Let's go inside.

(door closes)

(door closes)

(door closes)


Come on in, Archie. Sit down.

Hello, dearest. Hello, Archie.

Oh, there you are. Hi, Sarah.

Have a good day?

Quite a good day. You?

Did the gardener show up?

Mm-hmm... chrysanthemums
will be out next week

and he thinks the
new roses are lovely.

What about the woodchucks?

Oh, maybe one or two traces.

Nothing serious.

Well, maybe after dinner,

I'll take Billy out
and we'll shoot some.

The gardener said we
could spray the ground, Sam.

That would be the
best way, he thought.

And have you breathe
that noxious stuff

and get sick again?

Oh, no.

Archie, you want to
shoot some woodchucks

with us after dinner?

What do you use on them?

A .270 With a soft-
nosed slug, 180 grains.

They want war,
I'll give them war.

What made it a good day, Archie?

Oh, you'd better ask the boss.


We, uh...

solved a problem.


The one that kept
you up last night?

Was I up?

I don't remember.

(chuckling): I guess so.

Did I, uh, say anything?

Well, come on, dearest.

We don't have
secrets from Archie.

Did I talk in my sleep?

What about?

Armageddon... doomsday...

sounded like the
end of the world.

You know I never
ask about your work.

No, you don't, Sarah.

He's working too
hard, isn't he, Archie?

I mean, it's not

as if we were 20 years old.

Can't you get him to slow down?


When you don't
sleep at night, I worry.

Hi, Uncle Archie.

Hello, Billy.

Hey, Billy.

Hi, Dad.

Dinner ready?

Let your father
finish his drink.

Would you like to shoot
some woodchuck after dinner?



Yeah, sure.


You men go in to dinner.

I, uh, want to speak
to Sarah for a moment.

Hey, come along, Billy.

Don't you ever, ever, ever say

that I'm too old to do my work

in front of Archie
or anybody else.

All I can do is

take you to the man I report to.

Fair enough.

Well, well, well, Edgar.

How good to see you again.


I'm going to need
your good counsel

here today, Edgar.

Sit down. Sit down.

Will you have some
coffee before we begin?

Thank you, no.

Have you heard from David?

We've given him a big task.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Caesar was killed in a minute.

Edgar, what do you think about
this idea of a doomsday device?

Very effective.

If anything can make
them talk, that's it.

I think so.

Could you build one?


Can one be built?

Could you build it?


I couldn't build one,
and I wouldn't if I could.


Can anyone?

I mean, hypothetically.

I hope not.

It would be insane.

To put us at the mercy

of a machine that
couldn't be shut down?

There's an accident factor
that's impossible to calculate.

I suspect you're
exactly right, Edgar.

Still, if the time ever
came, I'm sure there'd be

other opinions.

Nice to see you
again, Mr. Vincent.

Have my people
been treating you well?

Oh, yes, very.

As a matter of fact,
they gave me aspirin

for the headache I
acquired when I was clubbed.

Aw, forgive them.

They were under the impression

that, as usual, you
meant us no good.

But this time,

you do have our
best interests at heart.

And ours.


You want to give us what, now?

Land? A helping hand?
Peace? Things like that?

I'm in no position
to offer you anything.

I'm here to ask
you if you'll talk

with the man who can.

Hmm, who says he
speaks for your president.


What do you want in exchange

for these things you'll give us?

Permanent cease-fire.



Sit down with
them, they'll use it

as a chance to expose you.

They'll unite.

Create any safeguard you like.

We want only to talk.

He's lying.

He's been trying to
tell the world too long.

It's all in the open now.

One of your men burned

in the general's office
building yesterday.

They know you're here.

Either you talk with them

or they'll begin building
the doomsday device.

Mr. Vincent, you and the
general come here tonight at 8:00.

But drive in slowly in one car.

Don't tell anyone you're
coming or bring anyone with you.

Then, if I feel like
it, we might talk.

Go after him.

Watch him.

Well, they're talking tonight.

Edgar, you know
something I don't know?

I mean, uh, this is what
we've been working for.

This is big news.

You want me to honk my horn?

What is it between
you and Concannon?

I told you, a personal thing.

Archie Harmon has served
under him for 28 years.

Says he'd walk
through hell with him.

I knew him for five minutes

and went through
hell with Concannon.

I was subcontracting
for the early moon shots.

Remember when the rocket

blew up on the pad?

It's happened a couple of times.

Well, this time it killed
two men, two boys.

Concannon headed
the board of inquiry.

Will you take my word for
what caused the explosion?


Human error.

A technician pushed
the launch button

before the fuel
chamber was secured.

And Concannon blamed you.

I think his exact words were

"Edgar Scoville
murdered those two boys

"just as surely as if he'd
shot them in the head.

"In better days, we would have

and could have
hanged him for it."

Did he have any reason at
all for holding you responsible?


He told Archie Harmon

he thought the public
needed a scapegoat

and he was going
to give them one.



Well, I think we're going to
have to go along with him.

He's going to be there
at the meeting himself.

I don't think he'll
pull anything.

He is speaking
for the president.

That's what he says.

We're being followed.

If you trust them,

you've nothing to worry about.

If you trust Concannon.


What is it, dear?

I have a nice surprise for you.

The lobsters came
early this year.

Oh, isn't that fine?

Archie, do you
remember Jack Barney?

From the march?

A corporal?

From Bataan?

That's the fellow.

What did you think
about on the march

more than anything else?


I thought of a two-quart glass

of ice-cold milk.

I could taste it in my sleep.

With me, it was lobsters...

Sweet, little, pound-and-a-half
chicken lobsters.

I told Barney, and
he promised me

if we ever got out alive

he'd send a dozen
every year, and he has.

Isn't that fine?

Would you like one tonight?

I'd love one tonight, Sarah.

Oh. We've crossed a
lot of bridges together

since the Philippines,
haven't we, Archie?

I'd say so.

And this is the
toughest one yet.

You'll get us across, sir.

You always have.

Sometimes I don't know

why you put up with me, Archie.

I'm a mean old crock, aren't I?


You know I don't
mean anything by it.

You're family to me.

Thank you, sir.

I know.

Can I buy you a drink?

If you'll join me.

Sure you won't come in?

Sure. Good luck tonight, David.



You'd better write
all that down for me

before I forget.

Oh, I'm going to have
to eat and run, dear.

Is dinner ready?


Just bring me one lobster,
no salad or anything.

You and Archie and Billy
can eat after I've gone.

Uh, are you hungry?

No, thank you.

Sit down. Sit down.

Tonight, right away?

This is fine, fine
work, Mr. Vincent.

It'll only take me
a minute to eat.

Sarah, as quickly as you can.

What conditions did they make?

Two people, the
general and myself.

They'll be watching
the meeting place.

Incidentally, they sent
someone to follow me here.

Do you really
think they'll talk?

I think they'll
talk about talking.


Oh, thank you, darling.

You're sure you won't join me?

No, thank you.

Well, keep talking.
Keep talking.

They took me to a
farmhouse in Virginia.

Who did you meet with?

I've met him before.

He's one of their leaders.

He trusts us?

Not really.

Enough to take the
first step, I guess.

HARMON: Old Chinese proverb...

"Journey of a thousand Miles

begins with a single step."

Now, we're on our way, buddy.

Hmm... (clearing throat)

Uh... (choking)


(coughing and gagging)

Poisoned... I've been poisoned.

I-I've been poisoned.

(siren wailing)

SARAH: Was it food poisoning?

Poison poisoning.

Billy, go wrap up that lobster
in waxed paper for me...

and watch yourself.

Yes, sir.

What was it?

I don't know yet.

Nothing that was going
to do you any good.

A little more and you
might not be asking me.

Who did it, Sam?

Whoever it is, I'll get him.

You go home now, Bill.

Take your hearse with you.

Not a chance.

Go home. I'm not
going to your morgue.

Everybody, please clear out

except Archie and
you, Mr. Vincent.

Nice people we're
dealing with, Mr. Vincent.

They don't trust us...
As soon as you tell them

we know they're
here, this happens.

I don't know. They
wanted to talk.

They could have killed me.

What sense does it make?

They don't want
you. They want him.

There are easier ways.

He was going to meet them.

It's off.

We tried to talk to them.

I wanted to talk to
them... You know that.

Let me talk to them again.

Are you out of your mind?

I say no, son.

You'd be committing suicide.

We had a few like
that on Corregidor.

Yeah, tough monkeys.

All dead.

Mr. Vincent, until the
general had this trouble,

you were going to live
up to your part of this?

Every word.

The general, too,
I suppose? Yes.

Alone, you're useless to us.

You have no authority.

But I do have the authority
to arrange another meeting.

Mr. Ryder, you'd
better be interested.

They're about to build the
doomsday device, remember?

Is that a threat, Mr. Vincent?


If you still want to talk, it
perhaps might be possible.

That has to be your decision.

Now, I'm not sure the
general would come.

Sit down.

Let's see if we can't
arrive at satisfactory terms.

Who is it?


How are you feeling?

Come sit by me, Sarah.

Dr. Jacobs says you'll be fine.

Sarah, how long
have we been married?

23 years.

Good years?

Oh, now, don't make
it sound that way.

We'll have 23 more.

Sarah? Hmm?

Why did you try to kill me?

Why did I try...

Sam, pl... I called
that corporal Barney.

He didn't send the lobsters.

But then somebody...
I called the market.

You bought them, Sarah.

Sam, please... Why? Tell me why.

To stop you.

From what?

What you're going to do.

You talked about
it in your sleep.

But kill me...?

Not kill you. I didn't want
you going there tonight,

but I wasn't trying to kill you.

(phone ringing)

It was only the spray
I used on the grounds

to make you sick, Sam. Please!


(phone continues ringing)


They still want the
meeting, General.

After they tried to poison me?

He said they had
nothing to do with that.

I believe them.

What conditions?

Tomorrow, 12:00
noon. The farmhouse.

They'll have all
their top people

from all over the world...

if you will, too.

How many?

No more than six.

All right.

He'll be there.

Get out my uniform,
would you, dearest?

Archie... set up a meeting
in my office in one hour.

Cullenbine, Schoonover,
Rush and Zagor.

Get Scoville there, too.

Right. See you there.

Oh, yes, I'm fine.

Dad... why was mom
screaming a minute ago?

She was worried about
me, Billy, but I'm fine now.

Thanks for asking, son.

I don't know what it's about,

but anything that gets
me out of a bridge game

with John and Maxine
is an improvement.

Wait outside, please.


You all know me.

I'm not a dramatic man.

I'll just say what I have to say

and leave it at that.

We're into something pretty big

and unless we act together...
Correctly, immediately...

Our country and our
world may not survive.

Take these envelopes
to a farmhouse

200 yards from a school,

4.2 miles due east
of the intersections

of Routes 9 and 106 in Virginia.

Arrive a little before noon.

Do not open the
envelopes until noon.

Your instructions are inside.

General, I would...

There will be no discussion.

I have been given
these instructions.

That's all, gentlemen.

Good luck to you.

Edgar... Yes, General?

I know how you feel
about the doomsday device,

but you must, without argument,
be present at that meeting

to convince the other
side that it can be built--

Not will be, but can be.

General Concannon, I... Edgar...

I have been given
these instructions.

Yes, sir.

General Ludwig, please.

Samuel Concannon calling.

General. Sam Concannon.

Fine, thank you,
sir. How are you?

Good. What I'm
calling about, General,

is that my aide
Colonel Harmon and I

want to fly a practice bomb run.

He needs to get his
hours in, and, uh...

Tomorrow would be fine.

Morning? 1100?

We're checked out on
86s, 100s, 47s and 52s.

Whatever is easiest
for your people.

Full crew. Gassed and
ready to go at Andrews Field.

Thank you very much, General.

I'm much obliged to you.

Hope to see you soon.

Sit down, Archie.

Sit down.

This is General Samuel
Arlington Concannon,

Commander of Hemisphere Defense

for the United
States of America.

For 36 years, I have
served my country as soldier

statesman and patriot.

No one can question
my love for America.

In recent days, I have
learned that our country

faces the gravest threat to
her existence in her history.

We have been invaded by
beings from another planet...

Beings who bear us great malice

and who will not be content
while any of us remain alive.

I have, as a consequence,
determined to take

immediate and forceful
action against them...

although this action will
certainly cost some American lives

including some of my
most devoted friends

and possibly my own

and that of my devoted aide
for 28 years, Colonel Harmon.

What we have done is this.

We've invited the top leadership
of these beings to a meeting

where they will be destroyed.

Without leaders,
soldiers have no army.

It is our hope that
they will go home,

retreat from the battle

and leave us with
our... beloved America.

Militarily, the plan is sound.

With God's help,
it will succeed.

Did I leave anything out?

God... bless America.

Oh. I would have forgotten that.

What would I do
without you, Archie?

These gentlemen will accompany
us to the plane, just in case.

And you'd better give me

a refresher course
in flying, just in case.

Get in the ship.

Stay overhead
where you can see us.

If they're doing this to
expose us or capture us,

come down here and pull us out.

It's time to go, Archie.

Yes, sir.

Good-bye, Sarah.


Good-bye, my dearest.

Have a good day.

You, too, Sam.

I thought you were going to
be at the farm, Mr. Vincent.

I was under the impression
I'd be going with you

and I had no idea you'd
be leaving this early.

Archie and I have some
government business to take care of.

You wait here. If there's
time, we'll pick you up.

If not, you've done
your job and done it well.

Thank you.

That's a fine boy, Archie.

I'm glad he won't be killed.

Terrible responsibility
ordering men to their deaths.

Go ahead.


Archie, trust me
just one more time.

There's a right way
to do these things

and take it from
me, I'm doing it.

You tell the crew the target?

Yes, sir.

But not why?

No, sir.

Good boy.

Now get this
monster off the ground

and I'll be able to take over.

We might just make it, Archie.

Surprise us both, huh?

Ready to give 'em what for?

Come on!

Archie said that?

What else?

That I was to try and reach you.

He thought you
could get everyone

away from the farm.

There's no phone at the farm.

Marge, it's David.

Let me speak to Scoville.

How long ago did he leave?

You are negotiating
for your people?

I presume so... among others.

I'm not to open my instructions
for another five minutes.

When will the general arrive?

Shortly, I imagine.

Like swimming
or riding a bicycle.

Once you know
how, you never forget.

General, there's
something I've got

to talk to you about.


Where are we going?

To look at a farm.

Oh, are we going to buy one?


Mom, what's the matter?

Billy, your father's
not as young

as he used to be.

He's been working very hard.

He's under a strain.

They were getting ready

to retire him before this.

Before what?

He's about to drop a
bomb on some people.

We're going to ask him not to.

Apparently, he said he's
speaking for the president

when he isn't at all.

We don't know the whole story.

What are you talking about?

Just that if we don't stop him,

we'll be at war.

Your father loves us very much.

When he knows we're at the farm,

he won't bomb it.

I don't believe you.

Why didn't you
call the Air Force?

They'd stop him.

Because then everyone
would know about it.

We're going to
stop him ourselves.

Why is he doing this?

He's used to living violently.

That's the only way he knows how

to get things done.

You what?

I ordered the crew off, sir.

There's just two of
us flying this thing.

I didn't know any
other way to stop you.

Take over.

"Stop me"?

Stop me from what?

You bomb that
farmhouse, General,

you'll be killing good people...

Your friends.

I know that!

You're a soldier, Harmon...

or I thought you were.

Whoever told you you can make
an omelet without breaking eggs?

Not only kill good
people... they'll retaliate.

They'll kill as many
of us as they can.

All right, they'll
kill a few of us,

but the rest of us
will be an army.

The world will know.

The bombs start
to fall, what world?

Just give it to them
without a fight?

Roll over, bellies up?

This whole charade
you went through

just to get 'em to the table
so you could bomb them.

You never intended
to talk to them.


People don't understand talk.

A kick in the teeth.

That's what they understand.

(chuckles sardonically)

28 years I trusted a coward.

What did you tell Sarah?

I told her I was going
to try to talk you out of it.

If I couldn't, she
was going to try to get

everyone away from the farm.

Go there with Billy, so
you wouldn't bomb it.

That's what they understand.

At least we know
they aren't Chinese.


Concannon's flying in.

He's going to bomb this place

in less than a minute.

Ryder, do you have a
broadcast radio here?

Outside in a truck.

Make an all-bands transmission
over a ten-mile radius.

Talk to your husband.

Sam... dearest... Billy
and I are here at the farm.

We don't want you to do this.

Please don't.

Sam, can you hear me?

Don't do this.

Talk to me!

Please talk to me!

Sam, can you hear me?

Don't do this!

Sam, talk to me!

Please talk to me!

I'm sorry, Sarah.

Sam, listen to me!

Mrs. Concannon, I'm sorry.

We tried, but there
are other people

who live in this area.

Can your men destroy that plane?

We have less than a minute.

There's a plane in the area.

Destroy it at once.

Archie Harmon's on that plane.

(hydraulic whirring)

(eerie whirring)

If we find someone else

who will talk with you?

Put yourself in my
position, Mr. Vincent.

Would you take another chance?

I would.

One man like
Concannon doesn't mean

we couldn't work it out.

There are men in
our government...

Responsible, reasonable,
sane men you can talk to.

If we get someone who is
speaking for our president,

will you listen?

I don't know.

Will he listen to you?

NARRATOR: David Vincent returns

to his war against the invader.

He returns to his
search for another day

and another place

where the powers from both sides

will meet again

and an armistice
will become a reality.