The Invaders (1967–1968): Season 2, Episode 19 - The Pit - full transcript

Julian Reed has apparently gone barking mad. He's seeing aliens everywhere, and finally has a public breakdown resulting in confinement to a psychiatric facility. David Vincent comes to investigate, and must decide whether Reed is really mad, or if the Invaders actually have infiltrated Reed's place of employment, the highly secret Slaton Research Center. When Julian Reed accuses David himself of being an alien, and when David's wife Pat seems reluctant to even see her own husband, David doesn't know how to proceed. Until a chance encounter between a dog and one of the guards at Slaton reveals that at least one alien has found his way into the organization.

Good morning, Professor.

I said, good morning, Professor.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

David... they're here.


Julian, are you all right?



What is it?

Are you all right, Julian?



Are you all right, Julian?

Julian! Are you
all right, Julian?


Starring Roy Thinnes as
architect David Vincent.

The Invaders...

alien beings from
a dying planet.

Their destination... the Earth.

Their purpose... to
make it their world.

David Vincent has seen them.

For him, it began one lost night

on a lonely country road

looking for a shortcut
that he never found.

It began with a
closed, deserted diner

and a man too long without sleep

to continue his journey.

It began with the landing of
a craft from another galaxy.

Now David Vincent knows
that the Invaders are here,

that they have taken human form.

Somehow, he must
convince a disbelieving world

that the nightmare
has already begun.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Joanne Linville...

Donald Haren... Kent Smith...

and special guest
star Charles Aidman.

Professor Julian Reed,

a member of David
Vincent's group of believers

has been hospitalized as insane.

But is he a victim of the aliens

or of his own mind?

Hi, Pat.

I'm sorry.

Very, very sorry.

Oh, it's so good
to see you, David.

Come on in.

David... this is
our son, Frankie.

Frankie. Nice to meet you.

How are you? Fine, sir.


Mr. Vincent going to be
spending a few days with us.

Listen, Pat, I know
you're having a rough time,

so if I'm in the way... please.

Oh, no. Nonsense.

How's Julian?

Hey, isn't it past your bedtime?

Sure, Mom. Pleased to
meet you, Mr. Vincent.

Thank you. See you tomorrow.

Okay. Good night, darling.

Good night.

You needn't have
come, David, you know?

There's really nothing
that you can do.

How bad is he?

Oh, I don't... I don't
believe that he's, uh...


I just think he's...

just emotionally
tired, that's all.

How did it happen?

I'd rather not go
into it right now.

Sit down, David.

Pat, I have to know.

But I can't!

Just... just give me a
day or two, all right, David?

I'm sorry.

Where is he?

In Brookside.

David. Hi, Julian.

I'm glad to see you.

How do you feel?

A lot better, thanks.

I had a few wild hours there.

overtones of paranoia...

It's all over, thank God.

How long you been here?

Couple of weeks.

Still hazy about a few things.

You mind sitting over there?

You suspect him?

I suspect everyone.

When they told
me I had a visitor,

I thought it might be Pat.

How is she and how's Frankie?

Haven't you seen them?

Well, Pat is very busy
with her work, I guess.

Well, they're, uh... fine.

And Frankie and I are
getting to be friends.

They're fine.

David... it's no
accident that I'm here.

The psychosis that I had
was induced deliberately.

They used the dream machine.

I, uh... I'm not sure
I know what that is.

What's a dream machine?

Well, it's at the
core of the project

that I'm involved in now.

How much do you know about
the Slaton Research Center?

Just what I've read in
the papers and magazines.

What's the expression they use?

Uh... it's a think factory.

John Slaton has
gathered together

some of the finest
minds in the country

to think out problems
relating to our space program.

Much of it is highly secret.

Now, I'm not sure whether
the aliens are merely observing

or actively interfering,

but some of the projects
have already been canceled.

So you, uh...
think they're here.

I'm sure of it.

My assistant, Jeff
Brower, is one of them.

He knows that I found out
about aliens being at Slaton.

And tried to discredit you by...

driving you out of your mind.

I'll get on it right away.

I wish I could be out
of here and helping you.

We haven't got much time, David.

Find John Slaton.

Warn him.

Okay. Take care
of yourself, hmm.

The aliens are the result
of Julian's sick mind,

not the cause.

Well, I just had
a talk with him.

He's as rational as you or I.

You should've heard
him two days ago.

He'd begun using
himself in his experiments,

and I guess they just
got away from him.

Mr. Vincent...

accept it as a tragic accident.

Is it logical that a
man like Julian Reed

would put himself in a position

where he'd be driven
insane, even accidentally?

Scientists are a strange
breed, Mr. Vincent.

In their zeal for knowledge,

they'll push themselves
beyond normal limits.

To the extent of playing
Russian roulette with their sanity?


Look at Pasteur.

He risked a
hideous, painful death

by injecting himself
with rabies, not certain

that his treatment would work.

That's pushing,
wouldn't you say?

Now, I've given you all
the time I have to spare.

Edgar Scoville... All I'm asking

is that you investigate
your employees.

My associates.


You're poking around in the dark

for something that isn't there.

Mrs. Fielding, these are next.

I don't want to
instigate a witch hunt

on the say-so of a deranged man.

Do you mind if I
ask a few questions?

Frankly, I do. Yes.

But since Scoville's
an old friend of mine,

he's done me a
few good turns, I...

Where do you want to start?

The dream machine.

Actually, it's an

We call it a dream machine

because it records
brain impulses

and indicates when
someone is dreaming.

What do dreams
have to do with sanity?

Forgive me for sounding rude,

but I'm a busy man, Mr. Vincent.

Are all these questions
really necessary?

I think so.

The need to dream is so strong

that when people
are deprived of them,

they will actually
dream while awake.


If the person is continually
deprived of dreaming,

he becomes mentally deranged.

That's hard to believe.

I assure you I am
not making it up.

How does it work?

The electrodes are
attached to the scalp.

The electrical impulses
which the brain gives off

are registered here.

When a dream starts,

a bell will automatically ring,

which wakes the subject.

At this point, he has
total recall of the dream,

which we record on
tape for our records.

Now, if you'll excuse
me, Mr. Vincent,

I haven't had any lunch.

Well, you, uh, still
haven't explained

why Julian Reed
became psychotic.

Before I left him for the night,

I turned on the machine.

Left him alone?

That's the usual procedure.

That way, nobody
has to stay up all night.

There's a relay here.

After five interruptions,

this switch turns
off the machine

and allows
uninterrupted dreaming

for the rest of the night.

Unfortunately, the relay failed.


Professor Reed had been
without dreams for too long...

For over a week.

He was nearing the
point of breakdown.

That's why the machine
was set for only five a night.

What about this?

We also record pulse,
respiration, heartbeat.


What the devil are you doing?

Thank you for your help.

Then I didn't take you away
from any major discoveries.

No, today was a
very discouraging day.

I discovered about
as much as you did.

You're a celebrity, you know.

The whole staff is taking bets

as to whether you actually
believe in planetary intruders

or if it's a magnificent put-on.

I'm used to that kind of stuff.

Can't make any sense out of it.

I've checked everything
Julian's told me.

And found nothing because
there's nothing to find.

I'm going to see him tonight.

Come with me.

I can't, David.

Why not?

These are our friendly
night watchmen.

Ralph, Alfie, I'd like for
you to meet Mr. Vincent.

So long, Mrs. Reed.

Good night.

Pat, he wants to see his family.

I don't want Frankie to
see his father like that.

Not till he's better.

He is better.

He's calm, he's rational,

he's fully aware
of what happened.

Anyway, you wouldn't
have to take Frankie.

I know.

You haven't seen him
since he's been there.

Think I don't feel
guilty about that?

I'll go see him soon, David.

I promise.

I don't understand.

I want you to understand, David.

I suppose I have...

seemed very cruel
and... and unfeeling.

My grandfather...

was a wonderful old man.

And I loved him dearly.

When I was seven...
we were left alone.

My parents had gone out.

And all of a sudden, he just...

he just lost his mind.

He just went berserk!

He just smashed
everything in the house...

Before one of the
neighbors could subdue him.

That was the
first time in my life

I'd ever felt...
terror, I suppose.

I've just never
been able to forget it.

Well, that's all
very unfortunate,

but that's a long time ago.

First my grandfather
and now Julian.

I keep looking at Frankie.

He seems so withdrawn
ever since Julian is...

I just hope it's my imagination.

Pat, you know insanity
is not hereditary.

No, but the tendency is.

You know, the weakness.

David, Julian was
always so strong,

and I need him now.

I need him the way he was.

He needs you, too.

I'll tell you what,

why don't you sleep on it, huh?

And I'll give him your love.


No, I'll give it to him.

David, did Pat say when she...?


I'm sorry I didn't come before,

but I couldn't.

Aw, that's all
right. I understand.


Hey, this is no kind of behavior

for a scientist.

How's Frankie?

He's fine.

We're both fine.

Nobody's bothered you?


How are you?

Oh, good appetite, pulse normal,

ready to get back to the wars

and a little homesick.

David... what about Brower?

You saw him?


He's, uh, kind of
pompous, but, uh...

he's just not an alien.

I checked his heartbeat.

Well, it's some kind of trick.

That-That's wrong.

There's no question about it.

Well, he's an alien.

He-He rigged the machine.

Well, he explained that.

He said, uh, the relay
broke down on the machine.

And you believed him?

Julian, please.

It was an accident.


I think you're
covering up for him

because Jeff Brower is an alien.

There were no signs.

You don't believe me, do you?

Neither of you do.

The only one that
does is Frankie.

Frankie... what?

He saw them, didn't he tell you?

What's the matter?

You're one of them.

I never saw that before.

Saw what?

You're one of them! Julian!


Julian! You're one of them!

He's an alien!

Look at his hands!

He's an alien!

Don't you see him?!

Go after him!

Don't hold me!

He's an alien!

You should be after him, not me!

Sorry you came all this
way on a wild-goose chase.

I'm not.

I had to find out.

And you won't let me
drive you to the airport?

No. I'll catch a cab.

Pat, if there's
anything I can do

to help Julian...
I'll call, of course.

Will you and
Frankie be all right?


I'm going to work
very, very hard.

Hmm... kids bounce back.

I don't believe it.

That's how they die here.

Doesn't that prove something?


It just seems impossible.

Julian wrote me
before his illness

and told me about the aliens

and he was right...
They are here at Slaton.

Now, he thought they were here

because of the
sophisticated projects

that are going on here.

Can you tell me anything
about the projects?

Well, they, they cover a...

a pretty broad area...

Some environmental systems,

space medicine, nutrition.

My own project is a
theoretical propulsion engine.


How did you know that?

Some of the people
I've worked with

think that's the kind
of engine they use

to propel their spacecraft.

Have you, uh, had any unusual
problems with the project?

Any interference?


How about the other projects?

Well, we've had a
few projects scrapped.

Some, we had high hopes for.

It could be sabotage.

David, that's impossible.

We send duplicate
reports to Washington.

They keep a
record of everything.

Do you send the
reports yourself?

No, we give them
to... John Slaton.

All the reports go
through his office.

Do you think there's
any possibility that, uh...

That he's one of
them? Not a chance.

I've known him for years.

What if he sold out?

I don't believe it.

He was more than cordial

when I told him you were coming.

Can you give me any more?

Only that if I were an alien,

I'd give priority to
a propulsion system

they're working on here.

It happens to be
Pat Reed's project.

Agreed. I'll put in a
call to Washington.

Thanks, Ed.

Let me know.



Mind if I come in?

Frankie, last night,
when I saw your dad...

he said you had seen something.

What was it?

I don't know what he meant.

Something strange, spooky.

I didn't see anything, honest.

Frankie, this is important.

No, I didn't.

Really, I didn't.

All right, I believe you.

Mr. Vincent...

he made me promise
not to tell anyone.

He won't mind you telling me.

I'd been down on
the pier, fishing,

by the amusement park,

and I saw a couple
of kooky-looking guys

go in there.

Why was that strange?

Well, 'cause it's all
shut down for the winter.

Anyway, I climbed the
wall just to take a look,

and there was a lot of
funny-looking machinery.

I told my dad

and he started
poking around there.

And... and the next
thing I knew, he...

he, he was...

Hey, Frankie, Frankie...

It wasn't your fault.

I'm afraid if they found I...

found out I know...

they're going to
do it to me, too.

Don't worry about that.

Just don't worry.

Your mom will be
home in a few minutes.

Will you tell her I went
to the amusement park?

Where is it?

West side of town.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

There's somebody
in the restricted area.

Jensen, take over.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

It's so strange.

It doesn't make
scientific sense.

It's not strange, Pat.

Turn a computer loose on it.

It's like an infinite
number of typewriters

and an infinite
number of monkeys.

Do you really think
you'd get Hamlet?

What happened to you?

Where have you been?

The amusement park.

Fall off the roller coaster?

David... I don't
believe you know

all these gentlemen.

May I introduce to
you Art Llewellan,

this is Paul Meyers,

and Jeff, I believe you
know. David Vincent.


Aren't you the fellow that...?

I'm the one.

I thought so.

We were just discussing
going to other planets.

Sit in. Tell us about
your spacemen.

I can do better than that.

I can show you some.

After all, if we can
go to other planets,

why can't people from
other planets come here?

We're not saying
there's no such animal.

We're willing to
acknowledge the possibility

of life on other planets,

but in the absence of proof,

we rather doubt that
that life is here right now.

I can show you proof.

David, you must be freezing.

Proof is to him as he sees it,

which means that what
may be proof to you

is not necessarily proof to us.

There's alien machinery
at the amusement park.

Well, the, um, penny arcade

or the Tunnel of Love?

You're beginning
to sound like Julian.

What kind of machines?

I don't know.

Describe them.

I was jumped before
I could see them.

I only heard them.

"Jumped"? By whom?

Julian's psychosis
must be contagious.

Do you have feelings of
persecution, Mr. Vincent?

Can't you stop playing
psychologist for a moment?

I'm not being paranoid.

Gentlemen, the meeting is over.

Good night.

All I ask is that one
of you come with me.

I thought scientists
explored every possibility.

But on a cold night,

we also weigh the probabilities.

Good night, Mr. Vincent.

Good night, Pat.
See you tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night.

I saw them, too, and so did Dad.

You march on
out of here, mister,

and go to bed.

I told Mr. Vincent that... Move!

You're turning your
back on this whole thing.

Now, look, I won't have
you involving my son

in your fantasies.

But it's true. He saw something.

Will you listen to
me for a minute?

No, I won't listen to you!

I am sick to death of
hearing about aliens

and being reminded that
my-my husband has had

a nervous breakdown,

and now you're trying
to involve my son.

I-I like you, David, but I
think it would be better

if you found
another place to stay.

Pat... No. It-it would
be best. Really.

I don't like the idea of you
and Frankie being alone.

Will you stop it, David?!


You're sorry; I'm sorry;
the whole world is sorry.

I've just had too much happen
to me in too short a time.

I know.

No, you don't know.

You think you do, but you don't.

I need Julian, David.

I am so weak without him.


I just had a long
session with Washington.

They reached a decision
yesterday on Pat Reed's project.

They're going to cancel.

Did they give any reason?

Faulty chain of reasoning...
Something pretty esoteric,

but they feel they're
no further along

than they were six months ago.

After what happened
to Julian and now this.

Pat's going to be crushed.

I know. It's a darn shame.

She'll probably get official
notification sometime tomorrow.

Listen, is it possible

that someone could have
changed those reports

before the government
people saw them?

It's possible.

I'll try to get hold of a copy.

Can you break
away from the plant?


Yeah, I'll be staying
at the Rancho Motel.

Okay, fine.



What reports?


That was Edgar Scoville.

I'm afraid the reaction in
Washington was rather negative.

That's not possible, David.

We've made a real breakthrough.

It is possible that someone
tampered with those reports

before they got to Washington.

Oh, I don't believe that, David.

For your sake, I
hope we're wrong.

That must be my cab.

You call me if you
need me, will you?

Yes, I will.

You don't believe me.

Nobody believes me.

Julian, stop it!

You're one of
them! Stop it, Julian!

That's what you are.
You're one of them.

You're an alien!


Look at his hands!
He's an alien!

Yes. Julian, stop this!

He's an alien!

Why don't you go after him?

He's an alien!

Go after him! He's an alien!

He's an alien!

He's an alien. Don't
you realize that?!

He's an alien!

What's proof to you, Vincent,
may not be proof to us.

Alien machinery at
the amusement park.

Where, in the Tunnel of Love?

You sound just like Julian.

What kind of machines?

I'm not sure.

Then how do you know
they're alien machines?

I heard the sound. I was jumped.

By whom?

I don't know.

You sound just like Julian.

What kind of machines?

I don't know.

I don't know!

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know!

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know!

And that's all they
said... canceled.

I can't understand it, either.

I'm sorry, Pat... really sorry.

But you read the reports, John.

They were good reports.

They were better than good.

They staked out a whole
new direction for us,

a whole new way
of investigation.

If this were the first time,

I'd charge it up to
Washington red tape

or bureaucracy or lack of funds.

Well, at least it doesn't
come as a surprise.

What do you mean?

David told me last night.

David Vincent.

He talked to Scoville.

Scoville had talked
to Washington.

It was so incredible

that I could hardly
make myself believe it.

Let me check this through.

In the meantime, you go out

and buy yourself
an expensive lunch.

You'll feel better.

Thank you, John.

He's already here?

Don't worry. I'll
take care of my end.

Yes, he said the Rancho Motel.

He never registered.

Has a Mister... a
Mr. Scoville come by?

Yes, I know where that is.

Well, if you see
either one of them,

will you have them
call Pat Reed, please?

Yes, thank you.

Oh! Jeff. Thank God you're here.

What's wrong, Pat?

Oh, just everything.

It's just like some
crazy nightmare.

Julian ill and David disappeared

and my project
canceled. It just...

Take it easy.

There are answers
for these things.

Vincent will show up.

But what about my project?

Why was it canceled,

like he said it would be?

I know it's a blow,
but back off for a day.

Give Slaton a chance
to follow through.

No. It was going too well.

I've got my research notes,

and I'm going to get
them to Washington now.

Good idea.

If I can help...

No, Jeff, you're
very dear to offer,

but I've got to ask someone

who can take them
straight to the top.

Dr. Slaton?

No. David has a friend...

A man by the
name of Mr. Scoville.

He said he'd be at the motel

but no one's seen him.

He'll turn up, Edgar.

Chances are he's off
looking for aliens someplace.

Don't put him down, John.

I'm not putting him down.

It's just that, well,
he's created quite a stir

among some of our people.

Let me tell you something.

These aliens you're scoffing at

are possibly responsible

for some of your
projects being canceled.

Edgar, a week ago,

if anybody tried to
talk to me seriously

about invaders from outer space,

I'd have tossed
them out on their ear,

but today...

Today I'll buy any
explanation of what's going on,

rational or otherwise.

That magnetic propulsion
engine is one of our key projects.

Pat Reed has the most
extraordinary facility

for blending science
and imagination.

I've read all the reports.
They're excellent.

Then why did they cancel?

I don't know.

Edgar, what's it all about?

Here's a copy of your report,

the way it arrived
in Washington.

I suggest you read it.

Dr. Slaton's office.

This is Pat Reed.

Uh, has an Edgar
Scoville been there?

No, Dr. Reed.

No one's been by
here since lunch.

Oh. Well, if he comes in,
or if you see David Vincent,

would you have them
call me in my lab?

It is terribly important.

Of course.

Edgar, these aren't
the reports I read.

They're the ones that
went to the government.

Who had them after you?

Nobody. They were
typed up fresh and sent in.

Who typed them?

Mrs. Fielding, my... secretary.

Empty. Half our
records are gone.

Including Pat Reed's report.

Well, is there another copy?

She'll have her research notes.

That'll be good enough.


Sorry, she's not
back from lunch yet.

Sure. Glad to.

Who was that?

Somebody for your assistant.

Sounded like a boyfriend.

Oh. Scoville left
word at the motel

that he'd be at Slaton's office.

I'm going over there and wait.

If anybody can get these
reports to Washington, it's him.

Like me to come with you?

I'd appreciate that very much.

Hold it!

Oh, n-never mind.

You go right ahead.

I-I forgot something.

What's the matter?

That man... his hand.

Didn't you see it?

David says some of the
aliens have hands like that

with a mutated finger.


I'm sorry, Jeff, I'm
afraid to go up there.

Tell you what.

Come over to my lab.

You'll be safe there.

I promise you
I'll find Scoville.


There's not a sign of them.

Where the devil can Pat be?

I'm John Slaton.

Oh, yes, sir, I know.

This is important.

When Professor Reed
gets back from lunch

have her contact me immediately.

Have you got it?

Yes, sir, but, uh, well,

Mrs. Reed got back from
lunch almost an hour ago.

She got back? Oh, yes, sir.

She just left the
building with Mr. Brower,

just a couple of minutes ago.


Yes, that's Julian
Reed's assistant.

Brower? That could have been...

That was Brower on the phone.

You'd better come with us.

I think I'll call
the motel again.



What?! What are you...?!



You can't be one of them.

The heartbeat.

Figure it out.

You're a scientist.

A mechanical heart.

A pacemaker.

It's Fielding.

Get the car.

Take care of him.

Break it open.


David, are you all right?

This is what they did to Julian.

Feeling better?

Yeah. Another
couple of minutes...

Thank you, Edgar.

Sorry, Pat... checkmate.

Can't win 'em all.

I have a plane to catch.

Take care of yourself, huh?

Mr. Slaton's anxious
to put you back to work.

Thanks for everything, David.

I'll see you to the door. Okay.

Have I told you lately how
much I appreciate you?

No, not for a half hour.

Don't worry. He's
going to be all right.

He's responding to treatment.

If you hadn't come,
I wonder how all this

would have turned out.

Oh, come on.

Good-bye. Bye-bye.

Perhaps it has ended
for the Reed family,

but for David Vincent
it is still the beginning.