The Invaders (1967–1968): Season 2, Episode 13 - The Captive - full transcript

Wesley Sanders breaks into the embassy of a foreign power to steal troop movement data. But he fails to disarm the security and gets caught. Examining him, Dr. Serret notices some strange signs, and recalls reading about David Vincent, who might be able to answer her questions. David is interested, but clever misdirection allow Sanders and his allies to pit David and the United States interests against those of the foreign power. The aliens are willing to destroy the embassy to keep Sanders from talking, even knowing that this may precipitate an atomic war! David finds himself forced to help the aliens.

Get Dr. Serret.

He's dead.

No pulse.

No, he's alive.

Hold him.

Who are you?

What are you?

It's obvious who he is.

He's a spy.


but it's also obvious
he isn't a human being.

Starring Roy Thinnes as
architect David Vincent.

The invaders...

alien beings from
a dying planet.

Their destination... the Earth.

Their purpose... to
make it their world.

David Vincent has seen them.

For him, it began one lost night

on a lonely country road

looking for a shortcut
that he never found.

It began with a
closed, deserted diner

and a man too long without sleep

to continue his journey.

It began with the landing of
a craft from another galaxy.

Now, David Vincent knows
that the invaders are here,

that they've taken human form.

Somehow, he must
convince a disbelieving world

that the nightmare
has already begun.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Dana Wynter... Don Dubbins...

and special guest
star Fritz Weaver.

In a confused and divided world,

one thing remains certain:

a man must earn his daily bread.

And so, David Vincent
takes advantage

of a precious lull
in his lonely war.

Mr. Vincent?


I'm Josef Dansk.

Forgive us for
intruding like this.

What can I do for you?

If I were to tell you

that we've captured
an alien, Mr. Vincent,

would you be willing

to share your knowledge with us?

Who's "us"?

One of our medical people
read about you in the newspaper.

She hoped you might
be able to help us.

Where are you keeping him?

At our U.N. Headquarters.

We caught him rifling our safe.

All right, I'd like
to take a look.


Peter, I want you to cable home

for a team of experts.

It's premature.

I've sent for a fluoroscope.

You should have it in an hour.

That's enough for
a start. But it isn't.

I'm not expert enough for this.

Look at the skin tests.

But you're a
biochemist, aren't you?

Trained to evaluate
American research projects,

not creatures with
skin like cellulose

without pulse or
heartbeat, without blood.

It's not from this Earth,
Peter, and I need help.

If you're suggesting
he's from outer space,

you really do need help.

What do you really
think, Katherine?

I've sent for an American

who may have had experience

with these creatures.

His name is Vincent.

I hope you don't mind.

Fine. Then you do have help.

When the ambassador gets here,

I want a full file
for him to read.

Well, I could tell you
what it would say now.

Don't tell me.

Tell the ambassador.

I want the decision to be his.

What is it, Peter?

Are you afraid to
commit yourself?

1944, you mean?

No. No, you lived that
down a long time ago.

"Lived it down"?

Is that why I'm Deputy
for Intelligence here

and not in the bureau at home?

I will send the cable,

and I will take the
responsibility for it.

I'm in charge here.

Any cable sent home
will come from me.

Send Sanders to my office.

We've checked out

your Social Security
record, Mr. Sanders.

Supposedly, you've
held at least four jobs

in heavy industry

in firms requiring medical
examinations for insurance.

I must wonder, Mr. Sanders,

how your peculiarities
have escaped detection.

Can you explain that to me?

Where are you from, Sanders?

How many of you are there?

Why are you interested

in our troop
dispositions in East Asia?

I wasn't.

I was hoping there'd
be some cash.

There was, in plain sight,
yet you managed not to find it.

Who sent you here, Sanders?

If you want to be difficult,
I can be difficult, too.

On the other hand, if
you want to be reasonable,

I will be reasonable, too.

Don't try to pressure me.

We've been briefed
on you people.

Who briefed you?

Where were you born?

I was manufactured.


Somewhere over the
rainbow where blue...

This is the United
States, mister.

I've got rights.

All right.

We have other ways.

That's him, Mr. Vincent.

This way.

Well, from what you've
said, he must be from space.

Now, the important thing

is to get him out of
here as soon as you can.

They'll know you have him

and they won't let you keep him.

"Get him out."

Where to?

State Department Security
or Military Intelligence.

To your people... of course.

Mr. Vincent... our
scientists at home

are very interested
in flying saucers.

One popular view is that
they are made in America.

Yes, I've heard that theory.

Do you believe it?

You've examined Sanders. Do you?

It's arguable.

The nearest galaxy

is 1,800 trillion miles away,

but I could stand on the Potomac

and throw rocks at half a
dozen biological warfare projects.

Meaning what?

"The fault, dear Brutus,

"may not be in our stars,

but in ourselves."

"That we are underlings."

Mr. Borke, is there anyone
higher up you could ask?

When I'm ready.

Until then, I want to
weigh all possibilities.

You're weighing impossibilities.

You're wasting time.

He's proof that they're here.

They'll kill to get him back.

You must get him out of here.

Mr. Vincent, I've listened,

and I'm not satisfied.

Take him downstairs.

I'm going nowhere.

I've offered my help.

If you don't want
it, I'll be leaving.

I'm sorry, Mr. Vincent.

Take him downstairs.

I don't suppose you care
that I'm an American citizen.

Until I learn who Sanders is

and who he represents,

I want you to be my guest.

You are risking
Vincent's life, Peter,

putting him down
there with that...

Keep an open mind for
five minutes, Katherine.


Open it.

Inside, Mr. Vincent.


How did they get you?

They didn't get
anything out of me.

Did they work you over, too?

What are you talking about?

Come on, you can level with me.

DAVID: About what?

What kind of a... I get it.

Somebody's listening.

Is there some way we
can notify Intelligence?

This can blow the
whole operation.

If they put two and two toge...

I think they heard
enough, don't you?

They won't believe it.

Don't bet your life
on that, Vincent.

That's pretty much
what I'm doing, isn't it?

Not just yours.

You'd better pray that I find
some way to get out of here.

I don't know how long
my people will wait

before they blow this place up,

but they will,

and your government
will be blamed for it.

I think you know
what'll happen then.

The gate.

Two police officers
from Point Pleasant.

The Deputy
Ambassador will see you.


Please, sit down.

Did Borke believe
what he overheard

on that bugging devise?

Yes... perhaps
because he wants to.

I wonder if he'd believe that
after I found that microphone,

Sanders told me the truth.

Unless he's released soon,

his people are going to
blow this place sky-high.

Do you believe it?

Yes, I do.

They have to keep their
presence here a secret.

Now, you must talk Borke

into either turning him
over or releasing him.

I can't talk the
Deputy Ambassador

into anything, Mr. Vincent.

I'm a subordinate here.

Mr. Borke is a nervous man...

a very careful man.

He may not know
exactly what he has here,

but whatever it is,

it's more than he
wants to deal with.

The ultimate weapon...

Creatures created to
do America's bidding,

outer space people...
Here to do God knows what.

No, he's just
going to sit tight,

do nothing and wait for
someone else to make a decision.

That's great.

That's just great.

Borke dragged me off my job,

brought me here to find
out what I had to say,

yawned in my
face, locked me up...

What sense does it make?

11 years ago, there
was a girl raising chickens

on a collective farm.

She did well in
the science exams,

so they sent her

to a university.

It cost them seven
years and a small fortune

to turn her into a scientist...
For them to disregard.

What sense does that make?

We can try to change the Deputy
Ambassador's mind, Mr. Vincent...

And I will try...

But failing that,

we have no alternative
but to follow him.

To the grave?

I wish you'd join me, gentlemen.

Leo could send
down for sandwiches

in no time at all.

I'm afraid we have no
time, Mr. Ambassador.

And you don't drink on duty.

That is one of the pleasant
prerogatives of diplomacy.

Some of our hardest work

is done at cocktail parties.

Mr. Borke, the man
we're looking for

is blond, medium
height, about 35 years old.

You might call him handsome.

He goes by the name of Sanders.

He was seen this area.

We think he's hiding
somewhere in the compound.

Gentlemen, would it be rude

if I asked to see
your credentials?


As a matter of fact, we did
have some trouble here last night.

Someone tried to break
into our safe right over there.

The alarm went off,

but by the time we got there,

the thief had gone
right out that window.

Did you see him?


Why didn't you
call Headquarters?

Nothing was stolen.

Privacy is very important here.

You mind if we
have a look around?

You understand, gentlemen,
this is a foreign embassy.

It's for your own
protection, Mr. Borke.

Of course.

And I appreciate your interest.

Thank you.

Mr. Borke, what's upstairs?

Living quarters.

You're welcome to
check them if you like.

Let's start in the basement.

Gentlemen... this is an embassy,

and as such, not
American territory.

I was willing to be courteous,

but I really must in...


Who are you?

There is no one in there.

It's only a store room.

Why do you ask?

Just answer the
question, Mr. Vincent.

Have you ever seen one die?


What happens?

They incinerate.

How long does it take?

Not long at all.

Do they leave any residue?

A trace of ash or soot. Why?

If they were made in one of
your biological warfare projects,

wouldn't they be designed
to burn up the same way

so as to leave no evidence?


Why not?

They can be built,

they can be destroyed
any way you want.

We can't build them.

Mr. Vincent, I'm
sorry I locked you up.

Then let me go. Let
Sanders go right now.

I've got to know the truth.

I've got to be sure.

If you want me to tell
you again, I'll tell you.

Now, listen to me. In 1944...

1944, I was beginning my
intelligence work in this country.

It was simply not
possible in 1944

for anyone to come
up with an atomic bomb

in time to affect the
outcome of the war.

I went to Alamogordo.
I went to Oak Ridge.

I personally collected
all the evidence.

I studied it,

and then I reported
to my government.

Not possible.

Not possible!

You know how I felt August
6, 1945, 5:30 in the afternoon

when I heard on the
radio that word, Hiroshima?

I won't bore you with
the cost of that marvelous

piece of misjudgment
on my part, but I paid it.

Not again.

Never again... I
don't want that.

What you are
asking me to believe

is simply not possible.

I can't blame you for
playing this thing safe,

but this is not safe.

You can have us all killed.

Supposing you're right.

Supposing there's half a
chance even that you're right.

Do you know what
they will do to me?

I know... you don't think

I'm a very courageous
person, Mr. Vincent.

We're ready, sir.

Come with us.

It was like a magnesium flare,

then there was nothing.

They were both gone.

Would you burn
up in the same way?

What causes that?

Go ahead.


What do you make of it?

He's not from this Earth.

No chance.

Sanders, is that right?

Go take a flying leap, Jack.


Vincent! How did they get you?

They didn't get
anything out of me.

Did they work you over, too?

What are you talking about?

Come on, you can level with me.

About what?

What kind of a... I get it.

Somebody's listening.

Is there some way we
can notify Intelligence?

This can blow the
whole operation.

If you put two and two toge...

Sanders, where were you made?

If I tell you, what
happens to me?

You stay alive.

Now, where were you made?

Where were you made?!

Langley, Virginia.


That's what he
wants you to believe.

Look, I'll tell you
anything you want

but first we've got
to make a deal.

Any deals you make

you make back in my country.

Get him out of here.

What was he trying to do?

He was trying to
kill himself, I think.

Another way of
keeping their secret.

Of course, pure
oxygen must be fatal

to an organism like that.

Mr. Borke, if they
were made here,

quite obviously, we wouldn't
make them vulnerable to oxygen.

There will be a courier
plane tomorrow morning

at Kennedy Airport.

You and Sanders will be on it.

Maybe you should welcome that.

My government will help you.

At least you won't
be alone anymore.

Dr. Serret, I'd like
to talk to you alone.


Borke may not be entirely wrong.


Alone... please.

Wait outside, please.

Doctor, are you sure?

Wait outside.

I don't believe...

I'm sorry about
this, Dr. Serret.

Under no circumstances

is he to be moved
except by my order.

Vincent's on the grounds.

The gate.

Vincent is free somewhere
in the compound.

Electrify the fence.

Yes, sir.

You're sure they
were incinerated?


What was Mr. Borke's conclusion?

He thinks Sanders
is a... a super weapon

made in America.

The animosity that you
people feel toward one another

is almost beyond belief.

Of course, we'll have
to destroy the compound.

I thought your people

didn't want to inherit
a radioactive world.

The tension in
world affairs today,

this could cause a
nuclear war... A blood bath.

You have left us no alternative.

How soon will Sanders
need regeneration?


Let him incinerate.

If he's gone, so
is the evidence.

He has another nine
days, Mr. Vincent.

Time enough to reveal him

either to their
government or to yours.

We cannot take that
chance, Mr. Vincent.


I might be able to get him out.

After my men failed?

I know the house, and there's a
doctor there who might help me.

I can't take the chance.

Why not?

They won't tell anyone
what they've got.

Give me until tomorrow morning.

I'll give you two hours.

Until 5:00 this afternoon.

That's not enough time.

If Sanders is not free by 5:00,

a helicopter will be sent

to obliterate the compound.

As I told you, Mr. Vincent,

there is no alternative.

He must have gone over it.

Well, keep searching.

I didn't help him, Peter.

I wouldn't do that.

I know that.

There's no harm done.

I still have the one
that really counts.

He won't escape, Katherine.


Tell me, what do
you really think

of your friend Mr. Vincent now?

Nobody likes to
be made a fool of.

Including me, Katherine.

Now, can we do things my way?


This man that you say
is being held prisoner...

He's an American?

No, he... No, he's not American.

Well, what is he,
then, Mr. Vincent?

You've been beating
around the bush

for five minutes now.

I can understand

why Mr. Vincent's hesitant
about being specific.

I just called Washington,

and he's the man
who's been so persistent

about the UFOs
and alien creatures.

Oh, I see.

This, uh, prisoner is, uh,
one of those aliens, I suppose?


But if you don't believe
that, I was a prisoner there.

I'm an American... That
makes it your business,

doesn't it? Yes and no.

Now, technically, the
compound is foreign territory.

The only way that
we could get in there

is for them to ask us for help.

Well, what do you do?

Just stand by and
let this happen?

I guess we could
give them a call.

Dansk here.

Uh, James Royer.

Security Office,
State Department.

Security Office?

I'm sorry, but the
Deputy Ambassador

is not available.

This is important, Mr. Dansk.

Now, we have, uh,
reason to believe

that the prisoner that
you're holding there

is a threat to your safety.

Prisoner? We have no prisoners.

This is a diplomatic mission.

Dr. Serret?

I'm sorry, Mr. Royer, but
Dr. Serret isn't available either.

I'll tell the Deputy
Ambassador you called.

Well, we gave it a
shot, Mr. Vincent.

I've got a meeting.


Uh, just a second, Mr. Vincent.

You know, if you were
running at Hialeah,

I'd figure you at about
a hundred to one.

How would you figure it?

About that.

Well, my partner
sticks with the favorites,

but, uh, I'll tell
you something.

I pick just as many
winners as he does.

Can you stand some company?

You have any thoughts
on how we'll get inside?

Not yet.

That's funny. I just got
it back from the shop.

No, sit still. I'll fix it.

Just take me a second.

The gate.

David Vincent is on the grounds,

and he's armed.


Please, listen to me.

Don't scream. Don't do anything

till you've heard
me out. Please.

Don't you want to
tie and gag me first?

They've given us an ultimatum.

Wonderful! I love ultimatums.

Now get out before
I call the guard.

Borke has ten minutes
to let Sanders go

or this entire compound
will be bombed at 5:00.

That's right, by them.

Now, you've got to tell
Borke that right now.

Won't anyone accept
responsibility around here?

Wait! Don't go out there.

They'll shoot you.
You'll be killed.

I'll take my chances out there

rather than be in
here when it's bombed.

How do we know
they're going to bomb us?

They've told me.

Give me one reason
why I should believe you.

Just one.

There's one.

The only one I have.

All right. What do
you want me to do?

Where's Sanders?

Still in the cellar.

Get him up here right now.

I can't. Borke gave orders

that he wasn't to be moved.

Then force him.

Do you have a gun?

If you think Sanders
and I are working

on the same side
in this, we are.

You have a gun?

Yes, but I won't commit treason.

You have about five minutes

to save your country.

What's he doing up there?

Entering our territory,

and I'm going to make the
strongest possible protest.

Peter, I just saw Vincent.


In the woods.

He was running
towards the fence.

What do you mean,
you spoke to Vincent?

Where? When?

He came to the infirmary.

But you told Josef...

Peter, that helicopter is
going to bomb the compound

if you don't let Sanders go.

Who told you that? Vincent?

He risked his
life to tell it to me.

It's a bluff, Katherine,

another bluff just like
those two policemen.

Not this time.

All right, if the Americans

want to start a war... let them.

It is not the
Americans; it is them.

You're trying to play
safe, and there isn't time.

Now, forget 1944. Take a chance.

Commit yourself!

Order Sanders brought up.

Katherine... you're
committing treason.

Have him come
up... or I'll kill you.

Bring Sanders up to my office.

Hold it right there.

Hands up.

All right, Sanders, I'm
going to get you out of here.

I'll have you executed for
this, Katherine. I swear I will.

And I hope we both
live long enough.

Go ahead. I'll cover you.


Come back, Peter!

Don't stop it!

Let him go!

Are you all right?

I know next to nothing
about biochemistry,

but I know a great
deal about weapons.

No weapon on Earth
could have done that.

It appears that in
certain particulars,

you were right, Mr. Vincent.


I shall mention the
incident in my report.

You know they
might laugh at you.

A man does what he
has to do, Katherine,

regardless of consequences.

The courier plane taking
Borke and the others home

is overdue six hours.

Do think that your
aliens are responsible?

Don't you?

Poor Peter.

Just as he was going
home to be a man.

Are you planning
to go home, too?



A commercial flight. Thursday.

Don't take it.

Stay out of sight a few days

and take a boat

or... What?

Stay in this country.

I feel very close to you, David,

but someone has to go
back to warn them at home.

Someone has to.

Good luck.

Thank you.

A long and lonely war.

And yet, the invaders,
seeking to take advantage

of the differences
between nations,

have provided David Vincent
with an ally half a world away.