The Inside (2005–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Aidan - full transcript

Cheryl Anne Monroe, a pregnant woman, is found dead in Studio City after suffering systemic shock and her baby cut from her - but it is not thought the baby survived due to the brutal way ...

How's my girl? You look tired.
How did you get in here?
Window was open. I came through.
I don't want anyone to see us.
Did you bring what I asked?
You have an answer for me, don't you?
About the case.
I'd like to study the data more closely before offering an opinion.
Of course.
6 months ago, a family went missing in the Angeles National Forest.
The Andersons family were last seen...
leaving a campground in their blue Honda Civic.
2 weeks later, a search party recovered their car hidden in the trees,
on highway 39.
The seats were blood-stained,
the bodies were never found, suspects were questioned.
None were charged.
That's not what I asked you to bring. But that's ok.
I brought it for you.
That's not me anymore. Where did you get it?
From the files of the FBI.
You've had access to it for 2 years now.
- Aren't you curious? - I was abducted.
I was missing for 18 months, I came home, case closed.
What happened during those 18 months?
What did I do to you?
I don't need help from a dead man.
Then why haven't you slept in 48 hours?
Because 48 hours ago, another family went missing.
Barry Presley and his family were on their way to visit his mother in L.A.
She last heard from them on his cellphone as they were driving into the National Park.
Along highway 39.
The director assigned Web this case.
I'm comparing the details in the Andersons investigation.
Mel's on forensics, Paul and Danny are already in Aurora with Web,
supervising search and rescue.
Five suspects...
...have already been apprehended on suspicion.
Don't you see it?
See what?
Why I'm here.
What happened when I came in through the window.
- You took me. - Mmh.
I... came with you.
Was it because of my fancy clothes or my debonair good looks?
I trusted you.
- Webster. - Am I waking you?
You have something?
Maybe, yes.
When do you start questioning the suspects?
Sometime in the morning.
I have to be there.
Bring sensible shoes.
- Put the light on, Sean. - I am!
Dina, are you ok?
Too small. Can't get through!
Dina, honey, you gotta try.
If you get up the air shaft, we can get help.
Something's in the way.
- I got you, here. Hold on. - Ok, I'm trying!
- Watch out, it's falling! - Get back, get back!
Subtitles: Nathbot
All right. Thank you.
Hey, did you make it up alright?
Yeah, no problem. How's the search going?
We're about to up our 15 MRAs to 45.
- Did you get any sleep? - No.
Are these...?
They're copies. It's a small department.
So, this idea comes from the evidence or one of your hunches?
I had a dream.
Suspects ready to be photoed.
Ok, let's take a look.
You got Kerry Sim as a meth junkie from Arcania...
Rufus Sestock, drifter with priors in Utah...
Scott Verts, a parolee from Alberta,
Jerome Burges, a.k.a. the Forest Hermit.
Darryl Matters, janitor at Deer Flat campground and registered sex offender.
A small right, are we sure about this?
This is the one you're looking for.
Which one is he?
Which one of us you want to handle this?
- Rest of you can go home. - Let's go.
Let's see when I find a place we could chat.
I never did nothing to no family.
Come on.
A Sig 229, 40 cal, 12 round clip.
That's Bureau, baby.
Baretta's hold 15.
Yeah, 15! 9mm.
Got no stopping power, useless against body armor.
But great for scaring coyotes or whatever else you use it for up here, right?
Seriously, let's see a side-by-side comparison.
Show me your toy.
You know, they'll tell you that size matters.
We know this to be a fallacy.
Get it?
N o?
What did you say your first name was, again?
Karl, do me a favour. Sit down here and put your hands on the desk.
What? Why?
- Karl Robie? - Sit down, Karl.
I'm not gonna ask you a third time.
- What's going on here? - Officer.
We'd like a word with you.
I don't get it. You're not gonna ask me nothing?
Room's waiting for someone else, Darryl.
- Let's go, now. - Thanks for your time.
This is insane. You people are out of your minds!
Strong words, officer.
Especially for someone who's... "mentally unfit".
According to a Dr Silverman who conducted the mandatorial psych exam you failed.
In the written section, it says you're emotionally detached,
you have a combative attitude, you're narcissistic.
This guy is not a real doctor, you know that, right?
But your father was a real police sergeant with enough pull
to get you on the force after you failed.
My father was retired when I started the force.
- You grew up around here, right Karl? - Yeah.
You remember you way around the park pretty well?
Pretty good.
Do you remember where you buried the Anderson family?
Where I... I can't believe this!
Really? Because for me, it's finally tracking.
You know, what stumped the investigators on the Anderson case...
was how a killer or the killers were able to disappear an entire family and their car.
Without a trace or a witness.
Had to be far from the campgrounds and motels.
Which mean it had to be on highway 39.
No sane parent is gonna pull over a family ride
for a hitchhiker or a down motorist.
They would for a cop if he flashed his lights.
Because that's the law.
And people trust the law.
Recognize your patrol logs?
Highway 39 is your beat. You worked it solo.
These records show you were on patrol the day the Andersons were last seen.
You were also on patrol 3 days ago when the Presley family went missing.
This is what you're accusing me with?
Shrink reports and patrol logs?
Cause I may not be the big FBI expert,
but isn't it what we call "circumstantial evidence"?
Meaning "proves nothing"?
- Mel? - Yeah?
Say hi to Karl Robie, the Angeles Crest killer.
- Oh hi, Karl. - Say hi to Special Agent Sim.
- Big FBI expert. - Big?
Karl is complaining that the evidence we have against him is circumstantial.
Oh, Karl, I've got bad news for you, hon.
We just matched your fingerprints to those unidentified ones on the Anderson family Honda
and my guess is that there's more where that came from.
So what, I'm the one who discovered the car!
Well I'm sure the court will take that into consideration.
Well take this into consideration : I'm innocent.
And when the truth comes out, I'll see you all brought to justice.
You don't get it, do you?
We know, Karl. I know.
And I'm gonna bury you just like you buried the Andersons and the Presleys.
Karl, you seem like a smart guy.
Why don't you take just a minute?
Consider your options.
The Presleys are alive. And you know nothing about me.
Did you say the Presleys are alive?
- All of them? - Last I saw.
Where are they, Karl?
I think maybe I should talk to a lawyer.
My client is willing to make a deal.
He realizes this case is under close public scrutiny
and his will is scrutiny from the governor's office.
What's the offer?
In exchange for a promise of leniency in sentencing
specifically outlined in written agreement,
my client will agree to lead law enforcement and rescue personnel
to the exact location of the Presley family,
somewhere in the Angeles forest.
If we find them dead,
the deal is void.
What's up, Robie?
We've been flying over these woods for almost an hour now.
We're getting close. Just up over that creek there.
You're stalling.
I like the view.
- Just tell us where they are, Karl. - Shut up and drive, Randy.
Do what you're told.
You're gonna burn in hell for what you've done, Karl.
I hope you know you're gonna burn in hell.
I'll say hi to your wife when I get there.
- What did you say? - Alright, come down.
It's ok, sir, Officer Wilks and I know each other.
Randy, what I meant to say was...
I would have killed your family too, but you seem to be having trouble keeping it together.
How about we set this down and you say it to my face?
- Do not engage the prisoner. - Hey shut up, lady.
Hey, it's FBI you're talking to.
Uncut me, I'll set your face right here.
We may have a situation here.
- I'm gonna punch you in the mouth. - Uuncut me!
Store it pilot, keep your eyes front.
Yeah, how about you shut up?
I'm gonna throw you out so you can bounce on the ground, you're gonna like that?
Hey, you got a rotor chip light.
- Wow. - Nice driving, Ace!
Rescue 1, mechanical failure, mechanicule failure, tail rotor!
Mayday, mayday!
We're going down! Rescue 1, we are going down!
Rescue 2 is down. Rescue 2 is down.
- Get us down! - There's no clearing here.
Find one.
You're alive?
Where is it? Where is the key?
- Special Agent Virgil Webster. - Everything is up and running for you.
Transponder's working.
- Why, you're not coming with us? - No.
Rebecca and Danny are down, they could be dead or dying.
So could a family of four, that still hasn't changed.
- I have to find them. - How?
You leave that to me, please. Go, now!
All right, they're under a quarter mile. Let's go, eath, south east.
Karl, this is no good.
You're injured. You need medical attention.
Oh, wait a minute, they've got a lot of that in prison, right?
You say we go there?
In a couple of hours the woods will be flooded with people searching for us.
Where do you think you can go?
Well I was planning to take you to my pagan alter.
Where I sacrifice my prey.
So that I may offer of your blood along with that of the Presley creatures.
Damn it, I almost made it through that.
I am no joke, Britney.
I just survived an helicopter crash.
And like your FBI boyfriend said, I know these woods like the back of my hand.
We're heading for the highway, then we're heading for Mexico.
Me and my blonde bargaining chip.
Body shield if it comes to that.
Oh, no. No, no, no, no, you don't.
Part 2: you slow me down, I strangle you and I dump you.
I won't even waste a bullet.
Believe if we had a minute I'd take it, but we don't have time for anything fun.
Y et.
Did you ever talk to Karl about his personal life?
What personal life?
Did you or any of the other officers ever think it was strange
that he still lived at home with his parents and his brother?
He always said some lying about saving up to buy a house on Crystal Lake.
But after a while it was like, "Karl, man, you're 32".
"Time to move in an apartment."
How would he respond to that?
He'd just make some real cutting sarcastic remark about me and my family.
- So I just quit bring it up. - Did you ever meet his family?
His father, sergeant Robie.
Department Picnics and such.
His brother is mentally... you know.
I don't think his mother leaves the house much because of that.
- You have gas in your car? - Special Agent Paul Ryan...
What? Yeah, why?
- They're at the crash site. - Let me have that.
- Say again, Paul? - Danny's alive.
Unconscious, he's broken a few ribs, but he's fine.
We'll transport him to the medivac site now.
The chopper hit on the right section, the right nose.
The pilot probably died on impact.
Paul, what about Rebecca?
We haven't found her yet. Or Robie.
They could have been thrown clear, but I don't think so.
Why not?
Robie was sitting in the back right.
Now his chair is lose from the floor,
but it's still in the cabin and there's some blood on it .
Rebecca was sitting back left,
her chair is still intact.
And so is the seat belt.
It's intact, and it's unbuttoned.
There is no way she would have left Danny.
People, listen up, please, people.
We have a fugitive on the lose.
Possibly armed, possibly holding a federal agent as a hostage.
We need to divert all search & rescue and spare law enforcement to a 3 mile perimeter
starting at the crash site.
We need to seal off the highway and the entrance to the park.
Sir, we're pulling all our resources off the Presley search?
We find Karl, we'll find the family.
Hey, I said "go".
- Are you a man? - No.
- Are you alive? - No.
- Were you ever alive? - Yes.
- Are you famous? - Yes.
- Are you a movie star? - No.
- Are you a rock star? - No, come on.
You're going too specific too fast.
I don't wanna play this game.
Well I do, and I have a gun.
And that's four noes already, one more you lose.
- Are you a killer? - Yes.
- Are you Aileen Wournos? - No.
Lizzie Borden.
And I said I wouldn't waste a bullet on you, remember?
- I know. - You suck at this game.
I've never played it before.
You never played "five noes"?
What kind of family did you grow up in?
I... lost my family when I was 10.
Really? How'd they die?
They didn't.
Oh, I sense a sob story coming on. And I don't care.
Cause however you tell it,
you got out early, that means you got off easy.
- What do you mean? - Family's a lie, don't you know that?
It's supposed to be the building blocks of civilization, but instead it's just a...
sick little packet, a humane disease.
And when you kill them, you're the cure?
I don't kill anyone.
I just see a litter of rich white folks acting like they're out of Brady Bunch
and I give them what they want.
Some family time together.
So you confine them in this small place and let them go mad.
Well, let's just say after 4 days,
nothing to drink except my urine,
those true family colors start to show.
What about your family, Karl? What color are they?
- You said something about my family? - No.
- What did you see? - Nothing.
Dina Presley.
You wasted a bullet.
Dina Presley?
She went that way.
What are you gonna do if you find her, Rebecca?
- Look at you. - Shut up.
- Just a little girl yourself. - Shut up.
You're never gonna make it out here.
- At least not without my help. - I said shut up!
Dina, it's ok.
I'm your friend. I've been looking for you.
A lot of people have.
I'm not gonna hurt you. Just...
- Just get me the gun. - No! You're his wife!
Whose wife?
The policeman, the man who took us!
No. Look!
I have no ring.
- You were with him, I saw. - Because he took me.
He put me in these.
- You can't trick me! - Oh yes, you can.
If you do what I tell you,
I still know a thing or two about winning the trust of young girls.
Like a monster. Ask her if you can wash your face in that spring.
- Where is he? - He's gone.
I swear.
Would it be alright if I just wash my face over there?
You know how sometimes you just...
feel so much better if you can wash your face?
Yes? Ok.
Are you sure he's gone?
I'm sure.
I'm sure.
He won't be bothering us.
- If you want, I can show you. - No!
- Tell her it's ok. - It's ok.
Tell her she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to.
You don't have to do anything you don't want to.
- Let her think she's in charge. - You're in charge.
Then when you finally take control it'll be all the sweeter.
So what do you wanna do?
I have to find...
- I need... I wanna save... - Your family.
Ok. We can do that.
If you just show me where to go.
If you want, I'll walk in front of you. And if I do anything you don't like...
You can shoot me.
Which way?
Karl Jr. is a survivor.
I saw into it. The boy is not soft.
He can live out in the wild 20 years at least.
He may have to.
"Carl Jr, fries to go, please."
- Nothing in his room. - What do you mean, nothing?
I mean, four walls and a cot.
Karl Jr. likes to keep his room clean.
He knows if he doesn't, she will.
I still think there must be some mistake.
Actually, Karl has already confessed the murders, Mrs Robie.
He was in the process of leading us to the abducted family when the accident occurred.
Confession doesn't always mean it's solved.
I learned that much thirty years on the job.
Now if you told me that one confessed to something,
I might believe you.
Wouldn't know any better.
Hey, Stevie.
So it's not the serial killing you have a problem with, it's the confessing?
I did everything I could for that boy.
If he's got to be put down,
then so be it.
Shut up, Mary.
But if you think I'm gonna help you hang my own son, you're wrong.
Actually we're just concerned with the missing family, Mr Robie.
We don't need any help locating Karl Jr.
We already know where he's headed.
You really think he'd be stupid enough to come to us?
Not to you, sir.
For you.
Five more minutes in that house and I would have become a serial killer.
Scared'em pretty good, I think.
Let's see how good.
Are you sure this is the right way?
Don't remember, it all looks the same.
God it does.
Do you remember where the sun was in the sky when you left?
It's ok. We're gonna be ok.
What if don't find them before it gets dark?
Well then, we'll just...
We'll just stop for a little while and rest.
Maybe get some sleep.
No, we can't!
We're getting up. There's bad things in the woods.
We have each other.
We'll be fine.
Oh, that's good. Lie to her some more.
- You promise? - Promise her anything.
I promise.
Do you want this back?
Only if you wanna give it to me.
She's yours.
You're ready to go?
Me too.
Which... Which way?
Which way we were... we gotta go...
Get up! Get up!
More tracks here.
Coudl be fresh.
Haven't had a good rain in a while though.
Maybe a hiker.
You know, it's tough enough, finding folks out here.
Even when they wanna be found.
She wants to be found.
So, not a hiker.
You have to get up. Please, you have to!
It's him, it's the man!
No, he's not real.
She wasn't talking about me.
That's 3 bullets you wasted!
Hey, pumpkin.
Remember I said I don't have time for anything fun?
You just changed my mind!
Are you having fun yet?
Come on, Rebecca, this is no good!
You're hurt, you need medical attention!
Get down, get down.
Yeah, yeah, like that.
Come on, we can't stop now.
Look, let's just...
catch our breath.
I need you to listen to me. Can you listen?
I need you to run away, ok?
- No. - Yes.
I need you to run away and leave me behind.
- No, you promised. - No, you lied.
I lied.
Now tell her the truth.
I'm sorry, Dina.
I can't protect you.
No, you promised.
Remember what I told you would happen
if you ever left me?
- You said that I'd die. - That's right.
You're wrong.
When you took me...
- ...that's when I died. - No.
That's when you were born.
You're at the forefront of law enforcement in a job advanced well beyond your years.
Because of me.
And you are going to survive...
Because of me.
Tell me what to do.
I gave you my strength.
Use it.
Use me.
To get up.
I'm not leaving you.
- FBI, Mrs Robie. - Remember us?
Did you find Karl?
Not yet.
What are you doing here?
That depends on you.
We own this property.
A lot of families have mine claims up here.
This one was my grandfather's.
Shovel, groom, disinfectant, garbage bags...
Were you planning on doing some house cleaning, Mrs Robie?
As a matter of fact, I just...
This is not some mess you can sweep under a rug.
Where would he have put them?
Don't shoot.
I surrender.
Don't move.
I surrender.
Stay where you are.
You win, I give up.
Now you have to...
place me in custody, right?
I mean, it is your duty...
as a federal agent to get me safely out of here.
Sure thing, boss.
By the way, are you lost?
Or do you mean to keep heading for the rim, cause if you're lost...
I can show you the way back.
The family, Karl.
- Where's the family? - The family?
They're not far.
You wanna go there? I can take you there.
We can still save them.
- He's lying. - I know.
He's waiting for you to fall down again.
- Then he'll kill us. - I know.
- You know what? - You have to shoot him!
I c... I can't.
I'll help you.
FBI! Anybody there?
Watch it, Mel.
You know what I said to the doc?
They rolling me to surgery,
- here I'm talking about my ribs, so... - You said "Go ahead, Doc, take'em out!"
They're spare ribs!
It doesn't really work.
Yeah, but I was sedated at the time.
It's pretty good... Hey!
Look who's up.
Hey, how're you feeling, babe?
Better. Rested.
Thanks for the duds. Beats the gown.
You can say that again.
Do you know what happened when they were rolling me to surgery?
Uh, I'm ok too.
Even though I carried you about a quarter of a mile.
- Sorry about that. - No, it's ok.
Never apologies for what happens when you're inconscient.
In college, I lived by those words.
I'm just gonna...
finish my lap around the hall.
Danny's in here.
I know.
For killing Robie?
For surviving.
I'm not sure I can take all the credit for that.
Don't underestimate your own strength, Rebecca.
It saved you once in the past.
And saved you again.
Speaking of which, the Presleys are checking out.
They wanna thank you before they go.
You must be Rebecca.
They said you might come by. I'm Barry Presley.
I guess we owe you everything.
Oh, not...just me.
Listen, I want you to meet everyone.
This is my wife, Sandra.
- And this is Sean. - Hi.
- Hi. - And Dina.
Yeah, we've...
- Say hi, Dina. - Hi.