The InBetween (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Another Broken Morning - full transcript

Cassie is drawn to a young mother who needs her help and encounters young Abigail once again. Tom and Damien investigate a complicated murder that has international ramifications.

Previously on.

"The InBetween"...

Cassie has certain abilities

that can be very helpful.

She's still alive.

- Medic!
- Over here!

What she sees...


Is incredibly rough on her.

I see ghosts.


You're just like my mom.

You don't care about me.

Sometimes they

send me a message.

- And sometimes.
- They just show up.

This stuff only happens

when the universe

wants it to happen.

[inhales deeply,


- Tom, it's me.
- Hey.

I'm having a weird morning.

- Well, I'm at.
- A drive-by shooting,

So the gunfire tracks,

but no horned monsters,

scary trees, or crying babies,

not yet, anyway.

Listen, I got to go.

I'll talk to you later.

Dispatch said shots fired.

Mia Fuentes was hit.

- She's running.
- For City Council...

Young, Latina, - lot of fans.

And at least one enemy.

She and her team were leaving

a campaign fund-raiser.

- They came through.
- This back door.

Witnesses say that someone

- started shooting.
- From a motorcycle.

Edwin Bernal,

the campaign manager.

Fuentes is on her way to ER.

A lone gunman on a motorcycle

says hit job to me.

Maybe a street gang?

Well, Fuentes

has been very vocal

- about cracking down.
- On local crime.

Yeah, but isn't everyone

who's running for office?

- Why her? Why now?
- Good questions.

And what about this?

- If the shooter.
- Was waiting in the alley,

- That means.
- He must have known the team.

Would be using

the back door.

Someone tipped him off.

Let's go visit Fuentes.

[indistinct chatter

- A monster?
- Yes.

Some sort of horned creature

- and a scary tree.
- With no leaves.

- Well, Seattle's.
- Full of trees.

- Well, let's just sit on it,
- shall we?

Mr. Fuentes?

Detectives Asante and Hackett,

Seattle PD.

Any word

on your wife's condition?

She's still in surgery.

You were working

on your wife's campaign.

I took a leave from my job.

Had Mia received any threats

from anyone?

Anyone on the team

acting suspiciously?

Well, last night...

one of the volunteers

made a bit of a scene.

He'd spent the day canvassing,

and when he came back

to headquarters,

he was very agitated.

He demanded to see Edwin,

the campaign manager,

in private.

Then we could hear

raised voices.

- What was the argument about?
- I don't know.

They were speaking Filipino.

But I heard the word "denila"

several times.

- Honestly,
- it was all over pretty quick.

The kid stormed off.

Edwin said we shouldn't worry.

- It was just.
- "end of the campaign" stress.

- What was.
- The volunteer's name?

Olly Navarro.

- Well, now that.
- I think about it,

Olly rides a motorcycle.

Okay, we'll check him out.

And we'll need a full list

of your campaign employees.

- Of course. I'll have someone.
- Send it right over.

Thank you, Mr. Fuentes.

- And we'll keep a good thought.
- For your wife.

[upbeat music playing

Okay, I'm

looking up "denila."

- It doesn't mean anything.
- In Filipino.

Well, maybe it's a name.

Damien, Tom.

The security cameras from

the parking lot in the alley

- caught a partial view.
- Of the attack.

Facial recognition's out,


- And there's no license plate.
- On the bike.

What's that?

It's a gang tag...

VB16, Vicious Bloods.

That's the local chapter

of the Asian gang.

What's their makeup?

Cambodian, Vietnamese,


So Olly Navarro's

a campaign volunteer by day,

gang member by night?

Maybe VB16 had him

infiltrate the campaign.

- Maria's doing.
- A background check.

- On Navarro right now.
- Good stuff.

Thanks, Zayn.

Will, can you do me a favor?

Yeah, sure.

Um, why are you yelling?

Sorry, I have a migraine.

I have to go home and rest.

Can you cover for me?

Yeah, yeah, no worries.


All set, let's go.

Head north towards

Thomas Street.

[bell clanging,

[seat belt clicks,

Olly Navarro is 24,

- a naturalized citizen.
- Of Filipino origin.

- What else do we know.
- About him?

- There's not much we can tell.
- From immigration records,

Other than that he was eight

when he came to the U.S.

- He'd been orphaned.
- In the Philippines,

- Raised in foster care.
- Gang ties?

Well, he's record's clean,

but word on the street is

he rides with VB16.

- And the make and model of his.
- Motorbike registered at DMV,

- Same one used.
- At the drive-by.

- All right, well, why don't we.
- Just get a couple of unis,

Go pick him up?

Already done that.

- Neighbor said that he hasn't.
- Been home since he left.

- For campaign headquarters.
- Yesterday morning.

If the gang is hiding him,

he won't be easy to track down.

Let's reach out to all

the precincts in the city.

Let's see if anyone

has a CI in VB16,

- and let them know.
- We're willing to make a deal.

- For information.
- On Olly Navarro.

- You got it.
- Will do.


You have arrived

at your destination.

[siren wailing




Hi. Hi.

Okay. Hey.

[siren wailing

Yes, I'm at

71 East Olive Street.

A woman has been injured.

No, I-I don't know

what happened.

Well, I'll tell you

what happened.

Crystal's daddy had too much

to drink last night,

and her Mom didn't move fast

enough to get him breakfast.

That's what happened.

Yes, I can wait.

Thank you.

Abigail, how long

has this been going on?


And you're just wasting

your time trying to help.

You'll see.

What are you going to tell

the cops when they come?

- That you know Hannah because.
- You talk to her dead daughter?

I'll say I walked past the

house on my way to somewhere,

and I heard a baby crying.

- The crying was still going on.
- When I walked past.

An hour later,

so I got worried.

You're a good liar.

You know who else

is a good liar?

My mom.




Who are you?

Where's the baby?

- My name is Cassie.
- The baby's fine.

I-I put her down in her crib.

There's an ambulance coming.


No, I'ml'm fine.

I justoh, God, I took

a tumble down the stairs.


You should let them

check you out.

I-I think you were unconscious

for a while.

You may have a concussion.

And if there's

something else going on,

they might be able

to help with that, too.

Look, uhhey,

thanks for stopping.

I got it from here.

Are you sure?

Yeah, positive.


Next time feel free

to keep walking, okay?

- I just hung up.
- With Vice in Lake City.

- They brought in.
- A guy for possession.

With ties to VB16.

In exchange for a walk,

he gave up the street name

- of Olly Navarro's lieutenant...
- Guy named Q.

- Did they get an actual name?
- Negative.

But the perp did give them

the address to Q's safe house.


Let's go take a look.

Can you run the name "Q"?

- See if you can get.
- An actual ID?

- On it.
- Thank you.

- Just going to talk to Cassie.
- For a second.

- Sure. I'll arrange.
- A few units to bring with us.

- Thanks.
- Hey, what's up?

Hey, do you have a minute?

- It's about something.
- Kind of tricky.

Well, I specialize in tricky.

Take a seat.

Do remember the little girl

who was staying with me?


I think her mom's in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

She's with a guy who's

violent, and they have a baby.

I, found her

this morning

after he clearly

knocked her around.

And she was a mess,

so I called 911.

- But then when.
- The ambulance came,

She told them

she fell down the stairs.

- Well, if she's scared of him,
- she's got her reasons.

- Can you just convince her.
- To leave him?

I don't know.

But it'll be fun

to see you try.

She's pretty resistant.

Is there anything you can do?

- To be honest,
- there's not much anybody can do.

- If she refuses to file charges.
- On the guy.

That's what I was afraid of.

She'll never report him.

I think she feels like

she doesn't deserve any better.

- I think she feels guilty.
- About what happened to Abigail.

That's understandable.

It's a parent's job

to protect their child.

Aw, see?

He gets it.

- Well, I'm not going.
- To give up on her.

She needs help.

Just don't be too surprised

if she doesn't want your help.

It sounds like

she needs a professional.



Okay, no problem.

Good luck.

[indistinct chatter

No sign of Olly.

The safe house was a dead end.

Maybe not.

You see that?

You mean the scary tree

with no leaves?


- I appreciate you wanting.
- To do something for Hannah,

- But if she.
- Doesn't want your help...

I thought maybe

you could talk to her.

She needs a professional,

and you're a psychiatrist.

I think she'd do better

talking with someone

- who specializes.
- In domestic-violence survivors.

- You're all I've got.
- Right now.

- Patients need to.
- Seek out therapists,

Not the other way around.

- I can't help someone.
- Who doesn't want to be helped,

- And neither can you,
- for that matter.

- I have to try...
- If not for Hannah,

Then for the little baby.

I know what it's like

to grow up

with a mom you can't rely on.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

If you can get her to agree

to come see me,

I will meet with her

free of charge.

- And I'll put together.
- Some names of shelters in town.

- Where she can go and stay.
- With the baby.

Thank you.

- But steer clear.
- Of the boyfriend.

- Don't put yourself at risk.
- I won't. I promise.


I got to go.

You're not working too hard,

are you?

- Someone's been talking.
- To Tom.

- He might have.
- Casually mentioned.

You've been having

some headaches lately.

He worries too much,

and so do you.

You worry about me.

I worry about you.

I hear this is how

families work.

Must be nice.

What must be?

Having a dad.

I didn't have one, you know...

just Grandpa.

You've been practicing.

You know, Crystal's dad

is mean to my mom,

but he's nice to the baby.

They're so sweet.

You should see them together.

No, thanks. I'm good.

He pays for everything.

He always sends my mom flowers

after they fight.

If you think about it,

you're breaking up a family.

- You want to take the only daddy.
- Crystal has.

And put him in jail?

How come you never step in

and help your mom, Abigail?

I saw you push

your grandpa around.

What for?

If this one went away,

she'd just find

another crappy boyfriend.

All my mom knows how to do

- is make bad choices.
- And cry all day.

She's crying because

she feels guilty

for not protecting you.

That's what you say,

but I don't believe it.

She just feels sorry

for herself.

- When they locked me up.
- In that box.

After they made my face pretty

- and put my.
- Favorite dress on me,

- They asked her.
- If she wanted to stay.

But she shook her head

and said, "No, I can't."

She put my toy bear,

Otis, in with me,

and she let them take me away.

And do you know what they did?

They set me on fire.

That's just what people do

when someone's dead...

because your soul

wasn't there anymore.

That was just your body.

The dress, too.

I can't ever wear it again.

And it was so pretty.

I hate these.

You're wearing those because

you're stuck in a moment.

- You've got all this.
- Pent-up anger,

And it's pinned you

to the night you died.

It's got nothing to do

- with what you were wearing.
- When you were cremated.

She should have stayed

with me until it was over.

She should have made sure

they did it right.

- They gave her the little bag.
- That's just my ashes,

And she put it in a drawer.

She never talks to me.

She deserves to be unhappy.

If that's the way

you feel, Abigail,

then why'd you lead me there?

I didn't, and I want you

to go away.

You know, my mom...

She never talks to me either.

Isn't your mom dead?

Maybe she doesn't know

you can hear her.

No, she knows.

My point is, Abigail,

I know what it's like

to have a mom

who lets you down.

The truth is, sometimes

we stay mad at them

because it's easy,

not because it's right.

I don't know

what your mom did to you,

but you're still alive.

So don't talk to me

like you understand.

Fan out, guys.

Go ahead and just work

your way around.

They might need them.

Stand by.

[indistinct chatter

- Just make sure he's posted.
- By the door.

Take a look at this.

Sir, we got something.

Watch your step.

Check the barrels.

Sarge, over here.

It's Olly Navarro.

The cause of death

was a bullet

from a .45 to the heart.

- Based on body temp and rigor,
- probably sometime between

- 1:00 and 5:00 a.m.
- yesterday morning.

That's at least six hours

before the drive-by.

- Olly Navarro.
- Is not our shooter.

- Looks like he was tortured.
- Yeah.

And as far as torture goes,

this is some pretty

sophisticated stuff.

You see this tape residue here?

These abrasions suggest

- that it was pulled.
- On and off repeatedly.

- To asphyxiate him?
- Almost.

- And then off for a breath.
- And back on.

- When the asphyxiation.
- Didn't work,

The killer went

for an infallible method.

Electric shock?

Tongue, chest,

genital trifecta.

They used two electrodes,

an entry point and an exit,

to create a closed circuit

in the body.

It maximizes pain.

The muscle contractions got

so intense that it even caused

the victim's left femur

to fracture.

Is this what they used

to restrain him?

You see this?

Well, those are

nautical knots.

Our killer has

sailing expertise.

Along with torture techniques

and gunplay.

Amy, thank you.

Yeah, good work.

You again.

- Look, if you're here for money,
- I got none, so...

No, I...

I wasn't completely honest

with you the other day.

I didn't just come by

and find you.

I was kind of led here.

Led here?


I'm still trying

to figure that out.

Can I come in?

I-I waited until your

boyfriend left with the baby.

I was hoping

we could talk...


It's important.

So that's Olly's lieutenant?

Yeah, he goes by Q.

Full name, Quentin Hahn.

- Pretty high up on.
- The Vicious Bloods food chain.

- He operates.
- Out of the safe house.

- Where we think.
- The kid was grabbed.

- And Olly was taken out.
- By his own gang.

- Wouldn't be the first time,
- would it?

Maybe Olly turned on them,

- refused to do the hit.
- On Fuentes.

- If he tried to warn.
- The campaign manager,

That could be why

they fought at headquarters.

We're about to find out.

- So you going to tell me why.
- The hell you raided my house?

We were looking

for Olly Navarro.

Why would he be there?

When did you last see Olly?

What's this about?

Olly Navarro is dead.

- We found him.
- Stuffed in a barrel.

A stone's throw away

from your safe house.

- That's why we got to think.
- You did it,

Or you know who did.


You were his lieutenant.

Was it a rival gang?


Olly didn't ride with us.

That was just a front.

Olly grew up in

a foster house on my block.

- I put our tag on his bike.
- To let people know.

He was under my protection...

so they won't mess with him.

He did me a solid once.

What did he do for you?

Saved my life.

That kid was always wired,

always on edge.

- One day.
- I'm coming out of my crib.

When a couple bangers cruise

by looking to start something.

Olly peeped them before I did

and had me on the ground

- before they even had their.
- Weapons out their jackets.

- Sounds like he'd be.
- A fine addition to your gang.

Yeah, but Olly

wasn't like that.

He went through stuff as a kid.

It messed with his head.

In the foster care?

In the Philippines.

But he didn't talk about it,

not even to me.

And I was the closest thing

he had to family...

until that Edwin guy

started coming around, anyway.

Edwin Bernal.

The Fuentes campaign manager.

- Edwin was from.
- The same town as Olly.

Back in the Philippines.

They hooked up here.

- His family kind of.
- Took Olly in.

Edwin got the kid a job,

said he'd look out for him.

But if he had stuck

with me and my boys,

maybe he'd still be alive.

They'll be back soon.

He won't like it

if you're here.

He took the baby to the park.

He's so good with her.

I mean, you could

make assumptions

- about people based on.
- The way they act sometimes,

But that's not really

who they are inside.

I know he's good

with Crystal.

Abigail told me.

Abigail never knew him.

She was...

Hehe came along after she...

Who are you?

What do you want?

I don't want anything,

I swear.

I have a message from Abigail,

and then if you want, I'll go.

And I-I won't come back.

Why should I believe

anything you say?

Abigail told me that

at the funeral home,

you put her favorite stuffed

toy in the coffin with her.

What is this, some trick

you play on grieving mothers?

It's disgusting.

She called him Otis the bear.

She also said you keep

her ashes in a drawer,

and you never talk to her.

I think she wishes you would.

I try to talk to her.

I really do.

But then I feel this emptiness,

like I don't have the right.

I think she blames me

for what happened.

I blame myself.

Well, she's smarter

than I thought.

Tell her she's right.

Tell her it's all her fault.

Abigail doesn't blame you

for what happened.

She knows it's not your fault.

That's not true.

Stop it! Stop it right now!

She sees you're in pain.

She doesn't want that.


You're a liar!

Abigail forgives you.

Now you need to

forgive yourself.

Was that her?

She wants you to know

she's here

and that she loves you...

and that if you want to talk

to her, she'll listen.

Because your daughter's

at peace.

I never want

to see you again.

What have you got?

So Olly Navarro's

immigration file

- was practically nonexistent,
- but going off the new intel.

That he and Edwin Bernal

were from the same village...

That would be Takaban,

a small town

- on the southern Philippine.
- Island of Mindanao...

Apparently Takaban was

wiped out in 2001.

The Bernal family had already

emigrated to the U.S. by then,

- but Olly was still back home.
- Wiped out how?

- Unclear.
- Some sort of violent conflict,

Maybe a tribal thing.

All I've been able to dig up

are pictures an NGO took

- when they came.
- Across the massacre,

- But by the time help arrived,
- it was too late.

Everyone was dead.

Everyone except

for six-year-old Olly.

This must be the traumatic

past Q was talking about.

Thanks, Zayn.

Sure thing.

- Good work.
- Thanks.

A horned monster.

Two of our victims are from

the same small town

in the Philippines.

That can't be a coincidence.

I cannot believe

you lied to her.

- Therapists don't do stuff.
- Like that.

- But maybe we should.
- I'm not sure.

I may have made

another mistake.

- Well, what was.
- Your first mistake?

- Bringing Abigail.
- To the prison.

- She was so angry, and.
- I wanted to protect the baby,

But I think

she got worse there.

- Well, here's your chance.
- To make it right.

Or maybe I should just do

as Abigail says

and butt out...

go back to trying

to block this stuff.

I'm not so sure about that.

You were always the one

trying to make it stop.

- Well, making it stop.
- Completely is one thing.

- I'm still for that.
- If we can figure out a way.

But, you know, trying to

block it or just ignoring it,

- that didn't work out so well.
- For your mom.

- Well, maybe.
- That's because she went.

For the "drinking herself"

"into a stupor" method.

There might be

something else I could try.

Like medication?

- Remember that summer,
- you were 16,

And we put you

on a low dose of Clozapine?

I don't, actually.


I might have slept

through that.

- Listen, you're not going.
- To get it right every time.

But in the end,

are you doing

more good than bad?

This is Hannah's number.


- I just heard.
- From the hospital.

Mia Fuentes is out of surgery.

Her condition is stable.

So you get to get

her statement tomorrow.

That's good to hear,

but we no longer believe

- it's a politically.
- Motivated hit.

Ballistics confirmed the

bullet that killed Olly Navarro

was from the same weapon

used in the drive-by.

- Okay, now we're looking.
- For a killer.

Who had a motive

against Olly and Fuentes.


Take a seat.

It turns out

the campaign manager,

Edwin Bernal...

He was close with Olly.

They were from the same village

in the PhilippinesTakaban.

Apparently there was

a total solar eclipse

in the southern Philippines

in 1988.

The villagers of Takaban

believed it to be an omen.

Then a farmer found

a dead carabao

that washed up by the swamp.

A dead what?

- It's a water buffalo,
- sacred in the Philippines...

- A lot of superstition.
- Surrounding its death.

A local fellow, Nimuel,

jumps on that.

He starts talking

about judgment day.

As in he started

a doomsday cult?

Yeah, and to solidify

his control,

he brings in a group

of rogue soldiers

- to basically murder and torture.
- Anyone who speaks out.

The kind of torture

that they did to Olly.


- Nimuel grew more.
- And more paranoid.

- He became convinced.
- That the government.

- Was coming.
- To take them all away.

- Nimuel's soldiers slaughtered.
- Everyone in the village.

Everyone but Olly Navarro.

Somehow he escaped.

Fast forward 18 years later,

and Olly connects with

other Filipino emigrants.

And eventually he meets

someone else from Takaban.

Edwin Bernal.

So Edwin knows

- all about.
- Olly's troubled past.

He sympathizes,

even gives the kid a job

- canvassing houses.
- For Mia Fuentes.

Okay, so...

Both of our victims

share a violent past.

Probably had something to do

- with their murders,
- but why now?

- Well, that's what we're.
- Trying to figure out.

We're tracing Olly

and Edwin's final steps.

Okay, well, keep me posted.

Will do.


Um, I can't stay long.

Crystal's with a sitter.

Yeah, that's okay.

Come in, this is Brian.

Brian, Hannah.

- It's really nice.
- To meet you, Hannah.


So what do we do now?

- Well, you and I are going.
- To talk a little bit...

About what's going on with you,

and what your options are.

- Yeah, I'm going to.
- Leave you alone to do that.

Call me later and tell me

how it went, okay?

- Okay.
- There's a pot of coffee on.

- I'm just going.
- To get my jacket.


You want to head this way?

I wasn't going to come back.

I was so mad.

But Mom talked to me today.

She said she was sorry.

She told me a story

about her sister, Molly.

- I didn't know.
- You had an aunt.

I don't.

Not really.

She killed herself

when Mom was 15.

Mom thinks...

She thinks maybe Grandpa

did to Molly

the same stuff he did to me.

Mom said she didn't know.

Do you believe her?

I do.

But I'm still so mad

it happened.

I think about it,

and I just want to...

- You have to learn to control.
- Your anger, Abigail.

- Why?
- Because you're just.

Making yourself more unhappy.

When I was about your age,

I was seeing

lots of scary stuff...

Stuff that wasn't there

and stuff that I couldn't

do anything about.

But I couldn't handle it,

so I started acting out.

My mom, she knew

it was otherworldly,

so she didn't take me

to therapy or anything.

She took me to a shaman.

What's a shaman?

It's like a wise person.

He told me

that we all have

two wolves inside us.

One is kind and generous

and moves toward the light.

The other is violent and angry

and brings despair.

The two wolves

are always fighting,

but only one will win.

Which one?

The one you feed.

I'll see you later, okay?

Mia Fuentes' husband said

that when Edwin and Olly

- were arguing at.
- Campaign headquarters,

He heard the name.

Denila several times.

- Yeah, and?
- It turns out.

- Colonel Denila is the alias.
- Of a criminal.

- Wanted by.
- Philippine authorities.

Wanted for what?

- Denila was Nimuel's.
- Hired gun.

- He led the massacre.
- Of the village.

- Interpol issued a Red Notice.
- On him in 2004.

Hasn't been seen since.

- Fled the Philippines,
- suspected of hiding in the U.S.

Now, we think Olly

saw Denila here.

In Seattle?

- Why else would.
- Denila's name come up.

- In a heated conversation with.
- Edwin all these years later?

And that torture that Olly

suffered was very specific.

- We've never seen.
- Anything like that locally.

And Olly and Edwin

- were from the same town.
- In the Philippines.

Where Denila carried out

the massacre.

So you're saying that Denila

is hiding in plain sight

under an assumed name.

Invisible to law enforcement,

unrecognizable to anyone.

Except Olly.

Picture this, okay?

- The kid's out there.
- He's canvassing.

He's knocking on doors.

Who greets him one time?

The Colonel.

- Wait, wait, wait, this.
- Massacre happened years ago.

Olly was just a kid.

- The Colonel wouldn't.
- Have recognized him.

- No, but Olly would have.
- Recognized Denila.

- It's hard to forget.
- The face of the man.

- Who blew your world.
- To smithereens.

- And something about Olly's.
- Reaction gives him away.

Denila knows he's been made.

- He's got to keep.
- Olly quiet, right?

He follows him,

he grabs him at the safe house,

and he tortures him.

He wants to know who Olly

might have told.

- Olly fights hard,
- but he gives up Edwin Bernal.

And then...

This is the clever bit...

Denila uses Olly's motorbike

in the shooting

of Mia Fuentes

and Edwin Bernal,

and he makes it

look like a gang hit.

It's a damn good plan.

- Yeah. We're cross-referencing.
- DMV records with the addresses.

- Olly canvassed.
- On the day he was murdered.

And what if Olly ran into.

Denila at a coffee shop?

- Then he'll be.
- A lot harder to find.


Excuse us.

You were surrounded

by dead bodies?

- It was more like.
- Buried underneath them.

That's how Olly

survived the massacre.

Is there anything else?

There was a lighthouse,

and I could hear seagulls

and waves on the shore.

- But Takaban's.
- Several miles inland.

We'll figure it out.

Thanks, kid.

Yeah, thanks.

The sea.

What could that mean?

I think we found the Colonel.

George Duane West.

Nothing on his record

before 2004.

- It's like he didn't.
- Even exist before then.

- That's when he was last.
- Spotted in the Philippines.

- Now he works.
- Private security.

- Fits his profile.
- His boss says George.

- Is a good employee,
- keeps to himself.

- He also said George showed up.
- For his shift on Monday.

- Yesterday.
- He must have thought.

He'd gotten away with it.

Today he called in sick.

He's on to plan Brunning.

Let's get SWAT on to this.

Denila's armed,

extremely dangerous.


It's clear.

Great, thanks.

[indistinct chatter

CSU found a vat of

sodium hydroxide in the garage.

- Looks like we got.
- To Olly's body.

- Before Denila could destroy.
- The evidence.

- If these bullets match.
- The ones used in the drive-by,

- That'll be enough to.
- Send him to prison for life.

- Assuming we can find him.
- Before he vanishes.

For another 20 years.

That was Zayn on the line.

- Apparently our suspect,
- Mr. George West,

- Has just purchased a one-way.
- Train ticket to Vancouver.

Swanstrom says that

she's deployed a unit

- to King Street Station.
- As we speak.

Great, let's go grab the guy.

You see these?

Do you remember Cassie

saw the sea...

and a lighthouse?

Olly's body was covered

in nautical knots.

What are you thinking?

- We check local marinas.
- For boats.

- Registered under.
- The Colonel's fake name?

He knows we're onto him.

I've got a feeling

that train ticket is a decoy.

The Colonel's leaving by sea.



Come quick!

It's my mom!


Are you okay?

What are you doing here?

- What happened?
- Where's Crystal?

She's in her crib asleep.

I'm just sitting here

working up the courage

to call the cops

and turn myself in.

Myoh, my God.

He came home early, and...

he caught me packing

to leave.

He said, "I'm gonna kill you."

I said, "Go ahead."

- I can't live.
- "Like this anymore."

And he said, "I'm going"

to kill Crystal, too."

And he grabbed the knife,

- and as he was walking.
- To her room,

I thought,

"God, not again."

This time...

I can't say I didn't know

what was happening.

This time

I'm not going to let...

anyone hurt my child.

Yeah, it's okay.

It'll be okay.

[sirens wailing

Seattle Police!

Don't move!

Let me see your hands!

Let me see your hands!

Hold it right there!

George West,

you're under arrest

for the murder of Edwin Bernal

and Olly Navarro...

and the attempted murder

of Mia Fuentes.

You got the wrong guy.

- Then we'll hand you off.
- To Interpol and the Hague,

And you will stand trial

for crimes

against humanity, Colonel.

- You have the right.
- To remain silent.

Anything you say...


I spoke with the detective

assigned to your case

and the ADA.

They're confident you acted

in self-defense.

They won't be filing charges.

Thanks, Tom.

What about Crystal?

Will I lose my baby?

Don't worry. I'll speak

with Social Services.

- There's still a spot for you.
- Over at the shelter.

I'll take you

over there tonight.

And if you need anything,

even just to talk,

please reach out.

You should.

He's the best.

Thank you.

I will.


thank you...

for everything.

Hey, sleepyhead.

Look what I found.

It's as pretty as you said.

I just wanted to show you

before saying good-bye.

Where are you going?

Not back to see Grandpa, right?

I have other plans.

- You said someone called you.
- To come and help my mom,

But it wasn't me.

I think maybe

it was my Aunt Molly.

I'm going to go find her.

I think that's a great idea.

If I see your mom, I'll tell

her you're not angry at her.

Maybe then she'll come see you.


Don't you get stuck, too.

Sometimes we stay mad

because it's easy,

not because it's right.

Good point.

And one more thing.

I'm going to feed

the good wolf.