The InBESTigators (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - The Case of the Sleepover Secret - full transcript

[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]

[voice over]
The Case of the Sleepover Secret..

-Is that on?



I really want to do footy cards with Ezra,

but he says we have to record this week’s
case first and he’s ten minutes late.

I know we’ll run out
of time for footy cards,

so I’m going to start
reporting without him.

So, on Sunday, Ava got the
Inbestigators to do some decorating,

except, she wasn’t doing much decorating.

If Ava thinks we need new pots,
why are we doing all the work?

Because I'm sad!

Ezra and I don’t really know
what to say when Ava gets sad.

Would you like some tissues?

I’m not outside sad, I’m inside sad.
You know?

I didn’t. We needed a girl who
would know the right thing to say.

Why don’t you just stop thinking about it?

[Ava screams]

Maudie was not that girl.

[Ava continues screaming]

How can I stop thinking about it?!

Pixie, can I use your glue stick please?.

Amelia, can you please tell Ava that only
my friends that don’t tell my secrets

get to use my glue stick.

Pixie isn’t speaking to me!
Do you even know why that’s hard?

Because you have to use
sticky tape instead of glue?

Because she’s my best friend!

I’m sorry, Ava, for not understanding.
Do you need a hug?

-Yes please.
-Ezra, give her a hug.

[Kyle] Hugs with girls...

are disgusting but
the sooner Ava cheered up,

the sooner she could
help with the new pots,

which were her idea in the first place.

-So, are you ready to help now?
-Why isn’t Pixie speaking to you?

Oh Maudie, it’s so rude to pry,
here Ava, have a trowel.

No it’s not rude at all!

Okay... well, you know how Pixie’s
parents are getting divorced?

Yeah! Pixie told me after she
went with her Mum and Dad

to the school counsellor during the week,

because after that Pixie
said she felt a lot better about it.

So what’s the divorce got to do
with Pixie not speaking to you?

Before she told anybody else, she told me,

obviously because I'm her best friend,
last weekend,

at our post netball
grand final slumber party.

She made me promise not to tell anyone,

but then somebody else found out at the
party and she thinks that I told them.

And did you?

[Ava gasps]

Either Ava had asthma,
or she was really mad.

Cross my heart and hope to die,
stick a needle in my eye,

I, Ava Rose Andrikides, pinkie promise
that I never told a single person.

[Ava] But Pixie thought I did.

I can’t believe you told my secret!

Wait, you were you suppose to have told?

That’s just it, I don’t know!

Who was at the party?

Hang on,
is this turning into an investigation?

And if so,
will it affect the new pots?

Okay, well, there was Caitlin, Ruby,

Amelia, Max, Esther, Pixie, and me.

Our team is called the Dolphins,
so I had sea shell soap in the bathroom,

and we were having
salt and pepper calamari,

and even though we had won
the grand final, Pixie was quiet.

[Kyle] Wait!

You were handing out
salt and pepper calamari,

which made me suddenly remember something.
I’m starving.

Anyway, I really noticed
something was wrong with Pixie

after we voted for which
Mermaid movie we should watch.

Okay, give me your votes.

That’s so unfair, I forgot my glasses
so I couldn’t write my movie choice down!

Wait, did you guys vote
for the movie without me?

-I didn’t!
-Guys! Be quiet!

[Ava] Everyone was being so noisy,

that I hadn’t noticed that Pixie
was putting on a lot of lip gloss.

Lip gloss? Why was that strange?

It’s like a nervous thing for Pixie.

Some people bite their
nails or chew their hair--

Or cuddle a blanky.

Some people do that. Not me. I don't even
have a grey blanky with elephants on it.

And Pixie bites her lips, so she
puts on heaps and heaps of lip gloss.

Anyway nothing cheers
Pixie up like a selfie.

[Ava] So after we’d all changed
into our pyjamas, I grabbed a group one.

-Say, Dolphins!
-[all] Dolphins!

Why can’t I be in the middle?

Because Pixie’s in the middle, Max.

Just because I’m wing defence doesn’t mean
I should never get to be in the middle.

[Amelia] Hey!

I can't believe you took
the group photo without me!

Oh, sorry Amelia, we’ll take another one,
yes, Max, with you in the middle!

[Ava] But right then, Pixie left the room
with her phone. And her lip gloss.

Wait! Had she already told you
about the divorce by this time?

-Have I said that she did?

I think Ezra tuned out a bit,
which is what I usually do,

but for once I was listening because
I wanted to hear what food they had.

Oh, and about Ava’s problem. Obviously.

She said she followed
Pixie into the kitchen,

and found her at the table.

Pixie! What’s wrong?

I can’t say it out loud because
I might cry. I’ll text you.

[Kyle] She texted you?!

She was sitting right next to you!

She was sad and she didn’t have
a blanky with elephants to cuddle.

Good point.

[Ava] Pixie put lip gloss on,
took a deep breath, then texted me.

Her mum and dad were getting a divorce.

I told her that I was so sorry
and I would be there for her.

She texted back that I had to absolutely
promise that I would not tell anyone,

which is when Caitlin and Ruby came into
get drinks and Pixie dropped her phone.

[phone thuds]

She dropped it?

She got startled when they came in,

[Ava] and dropped her phone
and Caitlin picked it up.

So we stopped texting for a bit.

And you’re sure you didn’t
say anything out loud?


They didn’t need to say anything.
Caitlin picked up the phone.


Maudie wrote that
Caitlin picked up the phone,

which should have been
the end but Ava kept going.

So Caitlin and Ruby left,

and we texted a little more,
but then Amelia came to join us.

and it would be have been rude
to text in front of her so we stopped.

-What are you guys doing?
-[both] Nothing.

Let me give you a fish braid!

[Kyle] A what?

-A fish braid. In her hair.

-Not an actual fish.

[Ava] And then Esther came in
and was doing her own fish braid,

and we went into my bedroom
so Pixie could see the back.

And you left your phones in the
kitchen with Amelia and Esther.

-They were locked obviously.
-Does anyone else know the passcode?

Ezra said that ever since
he and Mr McGillick

hosted the cyber information evening,
no one shares their passcode.

Ezra didn’t actually host it.
He just sat at the front and nodded a lot.

I don't know Pixie's passcode.
And Pixie doesn’t know mine.

No one knows anyone's passcode.

Okay, go on.

So we all went into my bedroom
to look at our braids,

and Pixie actually started to cheer up.

Esther came in and was being really funny

and Pixie was even laughing enough
for Max to yell at us to be quiet.

Wait... Where was Max?

She was sitting outside my bedroom.

She was on the second last chapter of her
book and she really wanted to finish it.

-[loud laughter]
-Would you guys be quiet!

And where were Caitlin and Ruby?

They were in the lounge room
waiting for the movie.

[Caitlin] We’ve queued up the movie!

Amelia can you bring us some more chips?

I want to send a picture
of my hair to my Mum.

[Kyle] Wait! Hang on.

-I have two questions.

Firstly, what kind of chips did
Amelia bring from the kitchen?

Secondly, do we have any chips?

What happened next?

[Ava] We all got comfy to watch the movie,
except Pixie wasn't there.

Wait, Pixie's not here. Pixie!

-I went to find her.
-And you found her leaving.

I can’t believe you told my secret!

Maudie, I didn’t!

I know you didn’t... Does Pixie text
with her thumbs or her finger?

Maudie is officially the
most random person I know.

She texts with her...


Then I know who found out Pixie's secret.
Come on Ava.

For once I knew who it was too.

It was Caitlin! Caitlin picked up
the phone and saw Pixie's text!

It wasn’t Caitlin.

How could it not have been Caitlin?

She didn't have her
glasses to see close up.

I forgot my glasses so I couldn’t
write my movie choice down!

[Maudie] How could she have read the text?

Oh yeah.

Also, she was in the
lounge room with Ruby,

she didn't have a chance
to say anything to Pixie.

But, did Pixie tell someone her passcode?

No, Pixie showed someone her passcode.

Suddenly we had crossed the road.

Why are we at Amelia's?

Pixie hasn't spoken to Ava all week
and I think you owe Ava an apology.

I’m so sorry, Ava.

Wait, why is she sorry? What happened?
Start at the beginning.

Amelia was having a bad time at the party.

Everyone had voted
for the movie without her.

Wait, did you guys vote
for the movie without me?

They always forget me and they
always do things without me!

They do. Like when they took
the group selfie without her.

Ava said they’d take another one but they
never came back and Amelia felt left out.

You did?

Of course she did.
So when Amelia went into the kitchen,

and the two of you
suddenly stopped texting...

-What are you guys doing?
-[both] Nothing.

Amelia thought you were texting about her.

We would never do that, Amelia!

Especially after Ezra and Mr McGillick’s
cyber information evening.

But then, everyone had left and
Amelia was alone in the kitchen.

[Maudie] She was looking at Pixie’s
phone and she noticed something.

-Four shiny spots.
-[Ezra] The lip gloss!

Pixie had marked the
numbers of her passcode,

with her sticky lip gloss fingers!

[Maudie] Amelia couldn’t
resist breaking into her phone.

She tried some combinations
with the lip gloss spots,

from the biggest to the smallest blobs...

and got in.

I’m so sorry!

I thought you’d been talking about me,

but when I saw that you’d actually been
talking about Pixie’s parents’ divorce,

I felt terrible.
And then Pixie came in.

-I’m really sorry.
-For what?

But then I was too scared to admit
what I had done so I just said,

I’m sorry...
that your parents are getting a divorce.

I honestly didn’t know
that it was a secret.

Until school on Monday.

Pixie, can I use your glue stick please?

Amelia, could you please
tell Ava that only my friends

that don’t tell my secrets
get to use my glue stick.

The more time passed the harder
it was to tell the truth. I’m sorry.

[Ava sighs]

Although Amelia should have
never broken into Pixie's phone,

Ava said she was sorry that
Amelia got left out all the time.

At school the next day,
they all worked it out,

but I think the moral of the story is,
lip gloss is dangerous.

Come on Ezra!

Now you’re 25 minutes late!

-[turns on the phone]
-What did your message say?

Ooh, no, I’m a day early.

[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]

[voice over]
The Case of the Big Mouth Challenge.


Hello, I’m Ava, bringing you today’s
Inbestigators with Maudie,

-who has sprained her ankle.
-I haven’t really sprained my ankle.

No, we’ve been doing a First-Aid course
and we’re up to bandages.

And we’re getting tested so we’re
revising while we report this case.

Which all began last month,
when Ben came to school.

I am so happy to welcome a
new addition to the class today.

Is it a dog, Miss?

What? No!

You said last term
that we might get a dog.

I, I don’t remember saying that.

Yeah, you said... wait, that was my Mum.
Go on Miss.

I'd like you all to welcome Ben.

It’s always very exciting when
a new kid comes to school.

So everyone was very welcoming.

[all] Hi Ben!

But Ben didn’t look very welcomed.

Ben didn’t look happy at all.
And Ezra thought he knew why.

He used to come to our school a few
years ago but he was in the grade above.

He should be in Grade Six.

Miss Tan told us that Ben
had been living overseas, Denmark, and America,
and where else, Ben?

Colombia and Indonesia.

-[class] Wow!
-[Miss Tan] I know.


Because Ben had been to schools
in all those amazing countries,

he’d been learning different things.

So his parents thought it would be
good for him to do Grade Five here,

so he could get ‘on the same page’.

But getting on the same page is hard.

Especially at lunchtime when
you have no one to sit with.

Ben didn’t feel like he fitted in and...
I thought I sprained the other ankle.

Really? Whoopsie.

We felt sorry for Ben,
so Ezra and I sat with him,

so he would have someone to talk to.

So you lived in Colombia.

That’s in South America, right?

But Ben wasn’t much of a talker.

My Dad said that in Colombia there are
pink dolphins. Did you ever see them?

I think they’re called
Amazon River Dolphins and...

Dolphins are my most favourite animal,

and pink is my most favourite colour,

and how did I not know
about pink dolphins?!

That is the most amazing
thing I’ve ever heard.

I don’t know anything about dolphins.

Woh. You have a Disc Chockey!

What’s a Disc Chockey?

-You’d never heard of a Disc Chockey?
-Well you’d never heard of pink dolphins.

Fair enough.

Maudie, a Disc Chockey is a biscuit
that’s joined to another biscuit,

with sticky marshmallow and it’s round
like a disc and covered in chocolate,

so it’s a Disc Chockey.
And it’s absolutely delicious.

You should see the ones
they have in America.

They’re even bigger with
more sticky marshmallow!

Even though I wished Ben was talking about
pink dolphins instead of Disc Chockies,

at least Ben was finally talking.

They were my favourite treat in America,
and my Dad had some sent over,

because you can get them
in a jumbo pack or a super jumbo.

Ben knew everything
about the Disc Chockies,

I don’t think that’s how the bandage goes.

Oh, I’m so sorry,
I got wound up in the story.

No, I got wound up in the story.

Ezra and Ben were getting on really well

over their shared love of Disc Chockies.

I like rotating the biscuits
away from each other,

and snapping it into two halves.

Because then you can share it.

But even more than that,
I like doing this.

And he put the whole thing in his mouth.
It was disgusting.

That is disgusting.

Ben looked actually surprised
when I said he was disgusting.

And Ezra looked even more surprised

when Ben popped the
Disc Chockey back out of his mouth.

It didn’t break! It’s still a whole disc!

That was so greedy of you
to put that whole thing in your mouth

when you could have given some to Ezra.

It’s so cool how it didn’t break.

I feel like you’re off-topic here.

I was cross with Ben for putting
the whole Disc Chockey in his mouth,

and Ezra was impressed with Ben

for putting the whole
Disc Chockey in his mouth.

And he wasn’t the only one.


-[electric guitar sounds]
-Leg - ond!

-All the boys thought Ben was a hero.
-And some of the girls.

-That’s so cool!
-So cool!

[cheering, applause]

Ava and I didn’t understand it.

But Ben had suddenly become
the most popular kid in our class.

Ohhhh! You are my new best friend.

Kyle! What about Ezra?!

I don’t know,
is Ben your new best friend too, Ezra?

I meant that isn't Ezra
supposed to be your best--

Hey! I want to try it too!

Has anybody got a spare
Disc Chockey in their lunchbox?

Kyle knew perfectly well that our parents
do not let us bring things like

Disc Chockies for our snack.

Kyle knew, but Ben didn’t.

Why not?

Because they’re a treat food
and not an every day food.

I have them every day.

A Disc Chockey every day? That’s


I mean terrible. Obviously.
For his health.

Everyone stayed and watched Ben put
the Disc Chockey in and out of his mouth

a few more times,
but eventually even Kyle got bored.

-Let’s get back to soccer.
-Hey, wait!

What if...

I bring one tomorrow and if you can put
it in your mouth without breaking it,

you can have my
Disc Chockies for a whole month!

Yes! Disc Chockey Challenge accepted.

Kyle could not believe what he just heard.

Neither could Ezra.

What about me?! I was here first!
I want to do it too!

You can have a go after Kyle, Ezra.

But if he doesn’t break the Disc Chockey
tomorrow I have to wait a whole month!

Yes! A whole month
of Disc Chockies all for me!

Kyle gets really annoying
when he has too much sugar,

and he hadn’t even had any sugar yet!

Ben didn’t look very happy
with his new best friend.

[sighs] Well, you might not
be able to do it, Kyle.

Keeping it whole in
your mouth is pretty hard.

Are you serious?
I was born to do this challenge.

My Mum is always telling me to not
put so much in my mouth at once.

You guys thought Ben was good,
wait till you see me!

The next day,

everyone gathered around to watch Kyle
put the whole Disc Chockey in his mouth.

Actually, not put the whole
Disc Chockey in his mouth.

What?! What happened?!

My mouth was all warmed up and stretchy.

Kyle could not believe that he couldn’t
fit the Disc Chockey in his mouth.

-He was devastated.
-Ezra was not.

Yes! You lost! My turn tomorrow!

I mean... bad luck Kyle.

The Disc Chockey challenge
was making everyone mean.

-Wait, who said it’s your turn?!
-Well it’s mine the day after!

-No, I’m the day after!
-No way! I was here before you, Caitlin!

I said yesterday that I was next!

Everyone started fighting
about whose turn it was.

So Ben tried to sort it out.

So uh, Ruby, then Caitlin, then Mario
on Friday, which means James is on Monday.

Ben organised a Disc Chockey Challenge
roster for a few weeks.

Which Ezra thought was silly,
because he was up the next day,

and there was no way he wasn’t
fitting that whole thing in his mouth.

[all] Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Except for that way. It didn’t fit.

Ezra didn’t even get to eat
the one he had because...


Ezra put his name down
on Ben’s roster again,

but he had to wait because
so many kids had signed up.

-Maudie I have a question.

Is my leg supposed to be blue?

Too tight? Sorry.
Next up after Ezra was Ruby.

[all] Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

[Maudie] The next day was Mario.

[Maudie] Then Caitlin.

[all] Go! Go! Go! Go!

[Maudie] Then James.

[all] Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Then Justin, Diet, Archie
and more and more kids,

But no one could fit the Disc Chockey
in their mouth without breaking it.

-It was actually really boring.
-It actually was.

[Ava] Everyone gathered around to watch

instead of playing and
hanging out like normal,

and it wasn’t even fun because
nobody wanted anyone else to win.

And Ben was getting boring too.

Week three of the Disc Chockey Challenge
and I am still the Champion!

Who's the champion?! I'm the champion!
Whoo! Let's go!

Even Ezra was getting sick of it.
But he didn’t want to give up.

Nobody wanted to give up
because they’d seen Ben do it,

everyone thought they could do it too.

But then,
something interesting finally happened.

Right, people!
Today’s Disc Chockey Challenger is...

[Maudie] Ben!

-No, it’s me!
-I think it should be Ben.

Max was really annoyed that
her turn was being interrupted,

but Maudie had her insisting face on.

I think the champion needs
to show us how it’s done.

No! I’ll show you how it’s done!

Yeah, that’s not fair to Max.
I can’t take her turn!

Yes you can!

Ezra was really excited to get some
inspiration from Ben. So was Kyle.

-Do it Ben! Do it Ben!
-[all] Do it Ben! Do it Ben!

[all] Do it Ben! Do it Ben! Do it Ben!

-Ben really didn’t have a choice.
-Everyone gathered around

and got really quiet...

Ben put the Disc Chockey
up to his mouth and...

Didn’t put it inside!

-I can’t.
-Of course you can!

We watched you put the Disc Chockey
in your mouth over and over again.

Except it wasn’t with
a Disc Chockey like that.

It was with a Disc Chockey like this.

I pulled out my own Disc Chockey.

You have your own Disc Chockey?

Maudie having her own Disc Chockey
was the first surprising thing.

The second surprising thing was that
there was something wrong with it.

Why is it so small?

Yeah, what happened to it?
It should be that big!

Not that big.

Maudie’s Disc Chockey was smaller.

This looks like
a Disc Chockey but it’s not.

I think someone’s tricked you Maudie.

No, I think someone’s tricked you.
And his name is Ben.

Everyone was very confused.

Except for me, because Maudie
had explained it to me first.

There’s nothing wrong
with Maudie’s Disc Chockey.

This is the one you buy here in the shops.

And this is the one you buy in America.

Ben had told us that the Disc Chockies
they have in America are even bigger,

and my Dad had some sent over,

because you can get them in
a jumbo pack or a super jumbo.

I thought it was weird that some of
the boys, who are even bigger than Ben,

couldn’t fit the
Disc Chockey in their mouths.

She wondered if Ben was bringing the
American ones his Dad had ordered instead.

He was.

-You cheated! Why would you cheat?!
-I’m sorry...

If you didn’t want people
to take all your Disc Chockies,

why were you wasting
them on the competition?

He didn’t want the Disc Chockies.
He wanted friends.

Ben had been to so many schools all over
the world and it was hard to make friends.

I knew that you’d easily
be able to fit it in your mouth,

and then the competition would be over and
then I wouldn’t have any friends again.

Ben was confused about
what having friends means.

Holding a competition, that’s not fun,

and everyone’s mean,
does not mean you have friends.

-It just means you have Disc Chockies.
-Ben didn’t know how to make friends.

Which you do by talking about things
you don’t know about, like pink dolphins.

And not just about things that you
do know about, like Disc Chockies.

And guess what? Ben doesn’t even
bring them to school any more!

No. Because they got banned
when Kyle wanted one last try.

[Miss Tan] Kyle!

What are you doing?!

[muffled crunching] I’ve nearly done it.

Get that out of your mouth at once!

Miss Tan got really mad when she
found out what had been going on.

That is a very silly thing to do!

You could hurt yourselves! And I don’t
want to see them at school ever again!

Ben didn’t actually mind.

Because Ava organised
a new roster for Ben,

where everyone in the class
sits with him on different days.

It’s a really good roster.
He’s getting to know all of us properly.

We’ve run out of bandages.

That’s okay, I think we’ve done
very good revision for our test.

I think we should revise again
without telling the story.

I think that’s a good idea.

[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]