The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure (1956): Season 1, Episode 6 - Dig for Treasure - full transcript

(♪ fanfare)

(Thurl Ravenscroft)
♪ Gold doubloons
and pieces of eight

♪ Handed down to Applegate

♪ From buccaneers
who fought for years

♪ For gold doubloons
and pieces of eight

Handed down
in a pirate‘s chest.

The gold they sailed for,
east and west.

The treasure bright
that made men fight.

Till none were left
to bury the chest.

♪ So now the gold
and pieces of eight

♪ All belong to Applegate

♪ The chest is here,
but wait...

♪ Now where are
those gold doubloons
and pieces of eight?

♪ Pieces of eight,
pieces of eight ♪

(narrator) Today‘s episode

in "The Mystery
of the Applegate Treasure"...

"Dig For Treasure."


Oh, my gosh.



(clock ticking)

(phone ringing)


(deep voice) May I please speak
to Mr. Joe Hardy?

Iola Morton, what are
you doing out of bed?

It‘s after 10:00.

(normal) Couldn‘t I please
speak to Joe or Frank?

Oh, for heaven‘s sakes.

The boys have been in bed
for over an hour.

Maybe they‘re still awake.

And it‘s summertime,
isn‘t it?

I mean, if nobody
has to get up early,

couldn‘t you just look
and see if they‘re awake?


all right. Hold on.

Oh, dear.

Where are they?

I don‘t know. I mean,
I just wanted to speak -

You know very well
you do, young lady.

They sneaked out, and I
didn‘t even hear them.

But I don‘t have anything
to do with it. Honest, I don‘t.

I called, and they
wouldn‘t answer me.


From my window.

They were slinking
along the sidewalk,

and they were
carrying a shovel.

Iola, it wasn‘t
very nice of you

to tattle on them
like that,

but I‘m glad you did.
Good night.


Hit a rock, that‘s all.

Give me
the flashlight again.

We‘re crazy.

Yeah. Perry
found his doubloon

just a couple inches
under the dirt.

Here we are halfway
to China already.

Three steps
past the water faucet,

about a foot and a half
from the hawthorn bush

and 3 feet out
from the house, he said.

We‘re in the right place,
all right.

There‘s just nothing here,
that‘s all.

You think
Aunt Gertrude‘s found out
we‘re not in our beds yet?

You think
of the nuttiest things.

Well, I didn‘t say there
was more buried treasure.

Hey, cut it out.

Come on, help me
get this filled in.

We‘re not gonna find
anything more here

Well, you don‘t have to
get sore at me for.

Who said I was?


It‘s only an owl,

I wonder which room
he sleeps in?

Who, Applegate?
Who cares?

Not up there in that tower,
I‘ll bet, anyhow.

Perry said Mr. Applegate
always goes to bed early.

I sure hope he‘s right.

Listen, will you help me
get this hole filled in?

We‘re going home.

Yeah, I guess it was
a crazy idea,

trying to find
more doubloons.

Well, at least we know
more about it now.

More about what?
The mystery.

I mean, if Perry
only found one doubloon

and we‘re sure there aren‘t
any more, at least here,

well, what have we proved?

(owl shrieks)

What do you say we
talk about it at home?

No, wait. Here it was
a few inches under
and sort of rusty-looking,

so when was it
dropped here?

A long time ago.
A few years ago, at least.

That‘s full enough.
Come on, let‘s go.

And how do I know
it was dropped here?

Because nobody put it here
on purpose. That‘s how.

That‘s what we proved
when we didn‘t find
any more doubloons.


Maybe you‘re right.

I guess we could
figure it out just
as well in bed, huh?

(Frank) Come on.
Let‘s go.

Hey, Joe. Let‘s go
this way. It‘s faster.

Stay close to the house,
and keep under the window.


What‘s the matter?


Hawthorn. Oh, no.

About a foot and a half
from the hawthorn bush

and three paces out
from the wall, he said,

but he didn‘t say
there were two bushes.

Take it easy. Maybe there‘s
no water faucet here.

Well, we can‘t go digging
a whole new place up.

No. We dug right where
Perry told us, all right.

I don‘t think we made
any mistakes. Only -



Shh. Wanna get us shot at
or something?

Well, what‘s the matter?
What happened?

Hey, another hole.

Frank, somebody else
has been digging.

Be quiet. We‘re right
in front of a window.

Be careful. He might
even be in there.

(clock ticking)

Aw, it‘s all right.

Hey, look.

Holy smoke.

This whole side
of the house
has been dug up.

Hey, remember that snake thing
of Mr. Jackley‘s?

Well, maybe he‘s just been
cleaning out water pipes
along here.

Yeah. Take an awful big snake
to make that hole.

Maybe somebody else has been
digging for treasure, too.

Yeah, well, it‘s not
Mr. Jackley, I‘m afraid.


Footprints. See?

They‘re all the same size,
the same guy,

and they‘re just too little
for anybody the size of Jackley.

Too big to be a kid. Frank!
(Frank) Look out!

Oh, it‘s you two,
is it?

Please. We didn‘t
do anything.
Let go.


Just what do you think
you‘re doing here?

Last night, it was
that thieving Perry.

Tonight it‘s you two
snooping young Hardys.

W-We didn‘t do
anything wrong.

Please, sir.
We were just looking

for buried treasure,
that‘s all.

Buried treasure?
Huh? What‘s that?

Well, we didn‘t find any
of your doubloons or -

Uh, well, or anything.

My doubloons?
My doubloons?!

My doubloons.

Well, of course
we wouldn‘t take any
if we did find them.

Take any of ‘em?

I should hope not.

If you did,
you‘d get this
and this and this.

But you wouldn‘t.

You wouldn‘t take
an old man‘s gold coins.

Wouldn‘t take them.

Oh, no, sir.

Oh, of course not.
I mean -

Never mind.

I just hope
I didn‘t frighten you,

that‘s all.


You actually believe
in my treasure, don‘t you?

Actually believe it?

Very well.

Come inside, then.

Come on.

Come on.

This will be
a pleasure.

Well, don‘t hang back.

Come on.

Come on. (chuckles)

My doubloons. (laughs)

My doubloons.

What a fine pirate crew
we‘d all make together.

Did you ever handle
a cutlass, boy?

Me? Uh, no, sir.

Or a pike or a stiletto
or a knife?

Uh, well, no, sir.
Only in mumblety-peg.


Do you want to ruin
a good vessel‘s deck?

Uh, no, sir.

I should hope not.

We‘ll stow the mumblety-peg
aboard this ship.

Yes, sir.

"Aye, aye, sir"!

Aye, aye, sir.

That‘s better, matey.

Come on.

Lively, now.
Step aboard.


