The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure (1956): Season 1, Episode 18 - Boys in Danger - full transcript

(Thurl Ravenscroft)
♪ Gold doubloons
and pieces of eight

♪ Handed down to Applegate

♪ From buccaneers
who fought for years

♪ For gold doubloons
and pieces of eight

Handed down
in a pirate‘s chest.

The gold they sailed for,
east and west.

The treasure bright
that made men fight.

Till none were left
to bury the chest.

♪ So now the gold
and pieces of eight

♪ All belong to Applegate

♪ The chest is here,
but wait...

♪ Now where are
those gold doubloons
and pieces of eight?

♪ Pieces of eight,
pieces of eight ♪

(narrator) Today‘s episode

in "The Mystery
of the Applegate Treasure"...

"Boys in Danger."

(Joe) "...I hid it
in the wall.

Old Applegate‘s treasure is
in the old tower wall."

That‘s it, isn‘t it?
(Frank) Yeah, go on.

Uh, "Pull off
the inside boards,"

uh, "a couple of feet up
next to the steps

where they‘re loose."

That‘s right.

Look... he didn‘t say
the tower of the house,
did he?

And all towers have steps,
don‘t they?

Yeah, I guess so.

We must have just jumped
to a conclusion.

Hey, that thing over there -
that‘s a tower, too, isn‘t it?

Yeah, it‘s a water tower,

but it‘s been abandoned
for years.

Let‘s go over
and have a look at it
while we‘re waiting.

Come on.

Hey, at least
it would explain
Perry‘s doubloon.


I mean, if-if the treasure
really were someplace else,

‘cause we always figured
that Jenkins dropped that one

when he was leaving

That‘s the trouble with us.

A good detective
would stop and figure
all those things out.

Who cares?

They‘ll think we‘re pretty good
when we find some other tower
that -

(church bells chiming)
What‘s the matter?

Hear that?

There‘s a church tower
in Bayport, too.

I got news for you.
There‘s five of ‘em.

Oh, no, and there‘s
the town hall tower.

And the old clock tower.

And the feed and grain

But I don‘t know any more
than I told you.

Hey, stop that!

You expect me to be gentle

after the way
you tapped me on the head
the other night?

It‘s just lucky you are
I didn‘t draw your head
down between your two feet.

I‘m sure Jenkins would have
done that over and over

till your backbone made noises
like an accordion.

Who‘s afraid of a guy
still in prison?

Well, you should be, then.

His own cellmate you were.

But when you were released,

and he trusted you
with a letter to bring
to me, what did you do?

You opened the letter
and read it yourself,
that‘s what happened.

Weeks ago
you read that letter

instead of delivering it
when you should.

So what?
Didn‘t make me any richer.

If old Mr. Applegate
could have heard anything

but his two knees
rattlin‘ together,

he‘d have known
what a phony plumber
he had snoopin‘ around,

and you‘d have landed
back in jail yourself.
You talk too much.

I didn‘t find anything,
did I?
Of course you didn‘t,

or you wouldn‘t
be comin‘ to me

with this silly talk
of a partnership,
would you?

Bolesy, did I look
in the right place?

Since you slugged me
and got your hands
on that note,

you haven‘t had much time
for treasure-huntin‘,
have you?

Hey, let go!
But I‘ll bet
there was something

Jenkins didn‘t say
in them instructions,

something you would catch on to,
something would make you
awful happy.

That‘s not so.
Now, Boles, you better
tell me in a hurry,

before somebody else
figures it out.

Guys like Hardy
will be after you.

Everybody will be after
that treasure again.

Did I ever say there was
such a thing as treasure?

Now, look, you need me.
We gotta work fast.

Now I want you to tell me
where it is.

Tell me, tell me,
before I make your ears
swap places

without takin‘ ‘em off
first, either.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

maybe I do need help,

now that I come
to think of it.

Well, I thought
you‘d see the light.

I‘m sorry
if I hurt you, buddy.

Oh, yeah,
you needn‘t flatter yourself
that I‘m frightened.

I just thought that,
what with such little time
to make a getaway,

those muscles of yours
might come in handy.

Have you any idea,
Mr. Jackley,

of the wonderful
heavy weight

of 3,000 gold doubloons?

(chuckles) heavy weight

How could it be in the tower
of the high school gymnasium?
That‘s stupid.

All right. You‘re the one
who said we shouldn‘t jump
to any conclusions

till we think it all out.

In the morning,
we‘ll at least take a look
at the water tower.

What if there‘s water
in it?



Joe, listen.

There‘s a part of the letter
you left out.

It said, "I didn‘t have time
to bury the treasure

because I had to
hop a freight out of town
as fast as I could," remember?

That‘s right.

Well, if Jenkins
hopped a train,

he must have come
down this way to -

Frank, let‘s get over
and look at that tower
right now.

At least let‘s see
if we can get up that ladder.

Wait a minute.
We better look around first.

We don‘t want anybody
to see us.

Come on.

But we gotta work fast.

I could be makin‘ sure
the treasure‘s still safe.

Look, just tell me
where it is,

and then I‘ll wait there
for you, huh?

Oh, no, you don‘t.

I‘m doin‘ the leadin‘,
Mr. Jackley, partners
or no partners.

But you can trust me.

I‘m not setting foot
out of this room

until we‘re sure
that the coast is clear.

The coast where?
Outside, man.

There was a plainclothesman
followin‘ me

not half an hour ago.

You they won‘t notice.

Go on,
have a look around. Hurry.

I‘ll get your high sign
from the window

when you‘re sure
that the neighborhood
is clear.

Bolesy, I ain‘t
leavin‘ this room
till you do.

But ye can trust me.

Look, don‘t be ridiculous.

How can I leave this room
without you seeing me?

Well, you‘d better not try.

Now go on, go on. Hurry.

I can‘t carry the gold myself,
haven‘t I told ya?

That why Jenkins
had to leave it behind.

Great heavy sacks of...
You mean the hidin‘ place
is right here, then?

Right close
in the neighborhood?

I‘m not saying that it is,
I‘m not saying that it isn‘t.

Go on, go on.
Get going.

I was just thinkin‘
of them kids out there,
that‘s all.

Kids where?

I guess
they‘ve gone away now.

Oh, there‘s been times
when I wanna take
those Hardy kids...

Jackley, your job is to see
that the neighborhood‘s clear

of anyone
who might be watchin‘ us.

Now, I don‘t care
how you do it.

Operator, get me
the police department.

I want to report
a most dangerous criminal
at large.

Yes, right here
in this very district.

Now hurry, Operator.

I guess that ladder
would hold us all right.

But it sure looks rotten
from here, though,
doesn‘t it?

Joe, I wonder if
we oughta tell Dad first.

I mean, if -
if the treasure
really is up there...

Yeah, but what if it isn‘t?
We were wrong once.

(horn blowing)

OK, live a while.

Go home
and eat your supper.
See if I care.

Just so long as you stay
out of this neighborhood.


It‘s a tower.
"Old tower."

Well... here goes.

What‘s the matter?


Well, I‘m comin‘ up, too.

The boards
haven‘t broken yet,
have they?

Well, I guess it‘s OK
for both of us.

Besides, I oughta be
up there first.

I‘m smaller than you are.

Yeah, just take it easy,
will ya?

Oh, there‘s nothin‘ to this.

Joe, look out!

I guess some of these boards
are a little rotten.

Take it easy, will ya?