The Great Food Truck Race (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 2 - A Strange Brew in Portland - full transcript

Previously on
"The Great Food Truck Race,"

eight teams of food truck
rookies met in Hollywood

"The Great Food Truck Race"...

...and a chance to win
their dream truck and $50,000.

They are...

the cafe owner from New Jersey

whose restaurant was destroyed
by Hurricane Sandy...

I'm back where I belong.

...the trained chef

who had to close down
his dream restaurant...

It just got real, man.

...the electrician from Philly

whose career ended
in a car wreck...

The way you order it
is with or without.

...the single moms who just want
security for their children...

Thank you so much.

...the Army vet

who just wants to stake his
claim to the American dream...

...the best friends
from Brooklyn

who just want to share
their love of hot dogs
and have fun doing it...

Hot dog break.

...the Hawaiians who want to
bring the spirit of aloha

to food truck culture...

Seven more burgers!

...and the culinary student

whose sudden illness inspired
her to reach for her dreams.

This is the hardest thing
I've ever done.

The teams raced
into the city of Beverly Hills,

then to the city by the bay.

San Francisco.

After a wild weekend
of high highs and low lows...

Is there any other plate
you guys can think of making?

...Philly's Finest Sambonis
claimed first place.

Solid performance in Beverly
Hills and in San Francisco.

And Murphy's Spud Truck
made the long, lonely trip home.

Now, the race comes here
to Portland, Oregon.

Seven trucks remain,
but not for long.

Who will go home next?

I'm Tyler Florence, and this is
"The Great Food Truck Race."

Let's get rolling.

Food truck road trip!

‐‐Captions by VITAC‐‐

Closed Captions provided by
Scripps Networks, LLC.

Seriously, dude,
we came in first?

There was four or five
West Coast teams in there.

We were in
other people's backyards.

Winning last week was huge
for our confidence,

but as of this point,
it means absolutely nothing.

This is a new city, new week.

we got to figure out a menu.

I say we just put
regular cheesesteaks
on the menu this time.

Who would have thought that we
would be in Portland right now?

I know,
and by the skin of our teeth.

We've learned our lesson
from being a team,

and we need to,
like, think about,

which route we need to go.

- Portland!
- Yes!

It's a lot of hipsters here,
a lot of foodies.

It's a great foodie town.

We know Portland
is very, very health‐conscious.

They really love
their local stuff,

so I want to use as many
of those ingredients that I can.

We have, like,
the perfect, perfect food

that we make ‐‐ sliders.

Back to Portland.

It's been 20 years,
and we're back.

You know what's good
about this town, though ‐‐

you have plenty
of Hawaiians.

I'm excited to be here.
I went to culinary school here.

Being a local
Hawaiian/Polynesian community,

we need to find our people,

get them to come out
and support what we're doing.

Hopefully, all the Polynesians
show up.

You hit the nail on
the head in San Francisco, dude.

We killed it with the nachos,

You know what the smartest thing
that we did,

is we used the same ingredients
for two different meals.

We're keeping it simple.

Keeping it simple means
there's fewer items to shop for.

We don't have to worry about
running out of beef

and still having chicken
left over.

The chicken's gonna go
in everything.

I say we go
chicken tikka tacos,

we go chicken nachos,
and we do chicken taquitos.

What do you think about the type
of food people like in Portland?

We could make
a club sandwich

using savory pancake
as the "bread."

Portland Pancake Club, PPC.

I'm feeling incredibly confident
about our menu options.

We can kind of fine tune it
to whatever Portland wants,

the other trucks really can't.

Portland's a very organic
and farm‐to‐table kind of town,

so we're gonna sell our bowls
for $9.


Let's go!



Guys, welcome to the city
of roses ‐‐ Portland, Oregon!

Let's go!

You're all one step closer
to winning $50,000

and your very own food truck.

Let's do it!

Let's do it!

But you all know,
one team will hand me their keys

at the end of this weekend and
make the long, lonely trip home.

Don't let it be you.

We had such doubt in ourselves,

that we'd be up against

some kind of crazy,
five‐star chefs.

But, you know,
it's a food truck,

and we've learned, and we know
we can hang with anybody here.

So, guys, our first weekend
was fast and furious.

Yes, it was.

Two cities, 380 miles.

You all exceeded
my expectations,

but you all struggled
in one way or another.

And, as you all saw,

one simple, silly mistake
sent a very promising team home.

now we're in a brand‐new city,

and it's nothing like
Beverly Hills or San Francisco.

The food truck revolution
didn't begin in Portland,

but it certainly blossomed here.

So, don't expect to just show up
and have lines around the block.

Tim, Ilene, and I
are extremely confident

that we're gonna take Portland
by storm.

We have the tools,
we have the trade,

we have the knowledge, and we
want to put our menu out there.

Okay, same rules apply.

Each week,
your cash boxes are empty.

All you have on your trucks

are basic staples
like salt and sugar.

Oh, and by the way,
no Styrofoam allowed here.

This is a pretty green place.

So, you may have to use
some of your seed money

to pick up some odds and ends.

And, speaking of
that seed money ‐‐


We get $350, which is still
not a lot of money,

but it's more money than we had
in Beverly Hills.

We'll see how well
you budget your money.

It should be very interesting
in the city,

especially since,
as of right now,

you are free
to do your full menu

without any price restrictions


For the first time, we can
actually make multiple items,

so this presents an opportunity
for us,

but it also
presents a challenge.

However, you will have
restrictions of a different kind

here in Portland.

In Portland, there is no selling
allowed on city streets.

You must be on private property
at all times.

So, get ready to wheel and deal
with the locals.

This is gonna be
pretty interesting.

We're gonna have to
make a few phone calls.

Okay, now, don't forget
to keep those phones handy.

You never know
when I'm gonna call.

But, since I'm a nice guy,

I will give you a little tidbit
to chew on.

I've got a nice surprise
in store for you,

and it'll definitely
shake things up.

It's something
we've never done before

on "The Great Food Truck Race."

Are you guys ready
to start selling in Portland?


Let's get rolling!

Go, go, go, go!

Something that worked
for us last time,

which was our teriyaki burger,

we're probably going to add on
a lettuce wrap today,

being that it's a little
health‐conscious place.

Okay, here we go.

Tubes of garlic ginger ‐‐
5 bucks a piece!

$5.99 each.

This is $20. This has got to
be enough, right?

It's gonna have to be.

This time around, guys,
we definitely have to...

Save some money. money.

We don't want to spend
all our seed money.

I need American cheese.
I'm not asking for ‐‐

Shredded cheese?
Pizza cheese.

Right here.

Don't buy too much.

We're gonna limit ourselves

and just spend $250
and keep that $100.

This is just for today.

We'll do another shopping

'cause we don't want to be,

at the end,
wanting to return stuff.

Worst‐case scenario, we run out.

We'll just close up shop,
go to the supermarket,

and get some more things.


Oh, dude, have you ever
watched that show, "Portlandia"?

They got this little place
that's called "Cartlandia."

There are really not a whole lot
of food trucks around Portland.

Really, there are food carts
that are set up in pods,

which is different than any
other city we've been to so far.

At this point,
we're thinking it's a good idea

if we try to join up
with one of those pods

and capitalize on the business
that's around us.

My brother and I are in town.
We have a food truck,

and we're only gonna be
in the city for a weekend,

and we were wondering if we can
come park our truck there

and sell food
out of your lot.

We can?

Cool, man.

We're excited,
pumped up about it.

People come by the dozen,
by the hundreds, even,

and they hang out
and eat off food trucks.

So, we think we're gonna have
a great turnout in Cartlandia.

Do this!

One of the good things,
I think,

about Hawaii people,
in general ‐‐

one person finds out
where you're at,

it's coconut wireless.

Everybody knows
where you're going.

Our Polynesian/Hawaiian

hooked us up
with the Barrel Room.

It's one of the most historic
spots in downtown Portland.

Hey, brother, we're, like,
right a block away from you.

Are we good to go?
Can we set up shop?

Oh, you are the man.

Where are we parking?

We have a few breweries.

The one that's standing out to
me is called Base Camp Brewery.

We're thinking about teaming up
with a brewery.

People love drinking beers
and eating hot dogs.

I feel like we have a good shot
if we team up with a bar

that already attracts
their weekend crowd.

We were thinking, what goes
better with hot dogs than beer?


I'm looking up here,

and it says there's three events
at the convention center.

I'm gonna try
to contact these guys,

and hopefully, they can let us
park in their lot.

We're gonna go to the convention
center here in Portland,

because in Philly,

our convention centers
always got people around it.

It's got to be the same.

We were hoping
that you could help us out

and maybe let us use your lot
for today?

We'll throw in
a free cheesesteak for you.

The Kells Irish Pub
and the Saturday Market,

they're within a block
of each other.

Tons of foot traffic,
rain or shine in Portland.

Okay, let me call them.

We're figuring every team's
gonna call small restaurants

and little business owners.

Forget that.

We're going for prime real
estate near the waterfront.

I am calling because I'm trying
to get some information

about possibly
being in your parking lot today.

If you could please
give me a call back.

This spot is perfect.

We're gonna do whatever it takes
to make it happen.

We want the best location,
and we're gonna get it.

Oh, my God, I got a text.
I got a text from that guy.

Hold on, hold on,
let me open it.

From the guy
at the parking lot?
Oh, my God, we got it.

We got that spot!

We got the spot?

Oh, my gosh!
This is huge!


I've read about a food cart pod.

That might be a good place
for us.

Okay, so,
let me give them a call.

Hi, my name is Tim.

I understand you have
a nice food court.

We are the Boardwalk
Breakfast Empire food truck,

and I was wondering
if we could obtain permission

to sell on your property.

Thanks so much.
We'll see you soon.

We don't know
what it's gonna be,

how the foot traffic's gonna be,
but at least we have a location.

There's nobody here.


Very light foot traffic.

It's a rainy Saturday.

People are sleeping in.

Just trying
to feel out the vibe.

Does it get busy?

There's not any people here.

We got to sell.
We can't just pick up
and drive around.

We are
really, really discouraged.

This food court just isn't good,
and it's not getting better.

What do you think
we should do?

I really don't know.

We can't just sit here
and go down in flames.

Coming up on
"The Great Food Truck Race."

This sucks, man.

I am sending you local seafood
called geoduck.

You said go left.

Let's go!

Let's go, you guys.

There's no point
in getting mad at each other.

Where are we going?

Marinate some more chicken,
get it ready for our rush.

Our seven teams
are prepping like mad

for their first service
in Portland,

but a sudden burst
of wet weather

is putting a damper
on all their plans.

This sucks, man.

Aloha Plate and the Frankfootas

are teamed up
with popular local bars,

but right now,
no one is venturing outside.

Are you really?
I am.

Come on, give me a hug.

The Slide Show has
a good spot near a local cafe,

but there is no foot traffic
to speak of.

Hopefully, we can get some
people coming through here.

And Philly's Finest
is hearing crickets

at the convention center.
We came all the way
from Philly.

We're cooking up cheesesteaks
for lunch.

Tikka Tikka Taco
and Boardwalk Breakfast Empire

are at two different food truck
parks on opposite ends of town,

but they have
the same problem ‐‐

no customers.

- Give it a little time.
- Yeah.

Bowled and Beautiful's decision
to park downtown by Kells bar

is paying off, big‐time.

But this is about to happen...

Phone, you guys.
Phone call.

Hey, guys, it's Tyler.
How are you?


I didn't want you
to miss me too much.

We miss you so much.
I could use you right now.

Hey, look,
I don't want to keep you.

I know you got
a full menu to prep

and hungry customers to serve,
so I'll cut right to the chase.

Please cut to the chase.

We have 100 million people

that are already starting to
gather outside of our truck.

Until I say otherwise,
you may not restock your truck.

We may not restock?

That's right.

The food you have on the truck
right now

is all you have to work with.

No more trips back to the store.

If we sell out,
we cannot restock the truck.

We have to wait for his word.
Oh, my God, really?

We have all these people.

So, yes,
you can serve your full menu,

but you're gonna have to
rethink it.

You're gonna have to make
what you bought go a long way.

In the restaurant business,
they call that thin to win.

Oh, my God,
we are so screwed.

So, guys, take a hard look
at your prices, your portions,

and how to get the most bang
for your buck.

But, hey, that wasn't
even the big surprise
I was talking about.

Keep your phones handy.
I'm just getting started.

Oh, there's more. Great.

Have a nice day.
We appreciate the call...

kind of.

Bye, Tyler. Aah!

So, whatever we bought,
that's all we got.

We need to string this out.
We need to talk about prices

because we have to
make smaller bowls

because we don't know when
or if we'll be able to go back.

We were kind of going
back and forth between prices,

so I think we go with
the higher of the two.

Supply and demand.
If you're cutting off my supply

and the demand is probably
still gonna be the same,

then that means
you need to raise prices.

Let's get to work.
All right.

We want to still stay
with our signature dish

that we started last week,
the chicken tikka tacos.

And two,
we're gonna serve nachos,

which is nachos, but it's
gonna be on a naan bread.

Our third dish that we're going
to introduce is called taquitos.

Let's do $5 for 1,
$9 for 2, $12 for 3.


Hi, everybody, how are you?

We're gonna try the
grilled goat cheese sandwich...


...with the soup.

With the soup.
What's your name?

This speed bump does not concern
me or my teammates, either.

We have a great menu ‐‐

a Portland
triple decker club sandwich,

which is
a savory cheddar cheese pancake,

a goat cheese grilled cheese
with olive tapenade,

and, on this cold day,
chicken rice vegetable soup.

We got customers.

We're not gonna
run out of anything.

The only way
we'll run out of something

is if we take a major hit
with hundreds of customers.

I would never have thought

of putting all these ingredients

and coming up with this,
but this is very good.

Please, I don't want
to go back to Brooklyn.

We have to get through this day,

so our portion sizes

are definitely gonna be
cut down significantly.

We have a few foot longs.

If we can't sell those at
the price we want to sell them,

I'm willing to cut them in half.

This is our topping
for our veggie Mexican dog,

and I hope I make my mom proud,

'cause I used
her guacamole recipe.

Thank you.
I'll get you change, okay?

One big juicy, please.

The biggest seller ‐‐
the big and juicy.

Maple glaze, sausage,
potatoes, and pepper.

It's really good.
Never had anything like it.

We got a spicy combo
with a cheesesteak fry.

a rib eye cheesesteak

on a great roll baked locally,

a side of fries,
and a bottle of water,

all for 12 bucks.

How is it?
This is the stuff right here.

Good stuff?

Good stuff.
Philly style.

I knew you would love it.
I told you. We never disappoint.

We're finally getting
the convention center traffic

that we were hoping for,

but we need more money
in this till right now.

The math is not adding up.

I think we set our price point
too low.

Another satisfied customer.

Let's not stress out about it.

We'll just focus on
one thing at a time.

One of the biggest strengths
to our strategy is,

we grew up poor,
so we knew how to spread it out.

We got to go thin to win.

You guys got it?
We got this. We got this.

So, we're gonna do $20 burgers
with some seasoned fries

and $25 combo
with some lettuce wraps.

We don't charge these prices
normally back home,

but we are in a competition.

I got a good amount of food
for the price.

I'm actually
pretty full now,

so if I can get that last bite
of her burger,

I'll be real happy.

We make small bowls and charge
as much as we can for them.

We need to bring in the money,

We're gonna make beautiful bowls
of quinoa

on a bed of organic lettuce
with organic vegetables on top,

grilled meat,

and top it with either
our southwest chipotle sauce

or the cilantro teriyaki sauce.

It's definitely worth
more than $7.

I think I would have paid $10
for it.

What'd you say?

$10 or more at the other trucks,

and we have been selling
for $5 and $7 and nice prices.

We have to raise our prices,
but I wouldn't ‐‐

I could never charge $25 to...

We had a huge line,

and we could have been charging
probably $15 a bowl,

and we went with,
you know, the nice price,

and I don't know
if that was the right choice.

We can't waste anything.

We have to make due for every
single thing that we touch.

You have to be creative. You
have to think outside the box.

If our buns run out,
we'll start making open‐faced,

and we'll use two‐for‐one.

We may have to up our prices,

I say we bump 'em up a buck or
two. You know what I'm saying?

Hey, I'm gonna start
flipping these.

Right here,
we have gorgonzola cheese,

fresh ground beef
with grilled onions,

and this next one,

we have guacamole, bacon,
and chicken.

We also have truffle fries
and fried pickles.

Fried pickles ‐‐
we like fried pickles.

Last order up, fellas.

Last combo, man.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and
girls, we are sold out again!

We're out of rolls,
but we can't go shopping,

because we're waiting
for Tyler's call.

Uh‐oh. It looks like
we got some customers.

Tell 'em we're sorry,
we're out of bread, man.

We're gonna just shut down
the doors for the night

and get after it tomorrow.

Let's clean up and roll out.

Curious about Tyler.
He hasn't called us back.

We can't go shopping, but we
still have food for tomorrow.

If we don't get to shop

we'll get creative
with what we got.

We got to stay positive.

Oh, my God!

I'm done.

I'm gonna close it up right now
and call it a day.

It's pretty much a waiting game.

Shut down everything.

Of all the days we decide
to not spend our money?

What if Tyler
doesn't let us shop tomorrow?

This could definitely
put us back at the bottom,

and that's the last place
I want to be right now.

Hopefully, the other teams
are in worse of a position

than we are.

This Tyler guy
is killing me right now.

It's Day 2 in Portland,

and our teams have been
dealing with a tricky speed bump

for almost 24 hours.
Come on back.

They can't restock their truck
until I say the word.

We just have nowhere to go.

we have somewhere to go.

We just don't have
any food to sell.

The Boardwalk, The Slide Show,
Aloha Plate, and Bowled

still have a little product left
to sell.

come around the corner.

We've got great bowls
of delicious food.

So, they've gone back
to yesterday's locations

and are trying to eke out
every dollar they can.

Oh, people, come visit.
Come visit.

The Frankfootas decision
to shop light yesterday

has come back to haunt them.

Each and every one
of these people

could have been
a potential customer.

Today, they have no food
and no clue what to do next.

Well, I'm gonna pull up
in front of this truck

where it specifically says
"No Parking."

Tikka Tikka Taco
and Philly's Finest

are also sold out
and dead in the water.

Right now,
there's nothing else we can do.

at least they have a plan.

They're just gonna wait in
the grocery store parking lot.

It's now 11:30.

Tyler loves to talk.

When we want him to talk,
he doesn't want to talk.

Morale is definitely low
in the Samboni truck right now.

We're getting
increasingly frustrated

because we feel like
this phone call not coming

could be the thing
that sends us home.

I think the next thing
would be

to find an event
where we could park.


She wants to sit
in a supermarket.

We need to just go and get to a
supermarket and wait for a call.

Because it's not like
we can sell anyway,

even if we did secure a spot.

There's no point in all of us
getting mad at each other

and getting stressed out because
we don't have any food anyways.

Even if we go park in
a supermarket and we buy food,

we still have nowhere to park
and sell that food.

I was just banking
on Tyler's phone call

and so concerned about shopping,

I didn't even think
about securing a location.

Kind of sucks that Tyler left us
for dead on this truck.

So, it's been a very eventful
24 hours or so here

watching our teams trying to
make their mark in Portland.

And, as always,
it's a bit of a mixed bag.

Some teams are doing great,
some not so much.

Well, I'm about to take
their mind off of that.

See, now it's time
for their very first truck stop,

you know, a cooking challenge

that makes them
stop what they're doing,

think, strategize, and possibly
make a game‐changing decision.

Oh, and remember that big
surprise I was talking about?

Well, here it comes,
and it's gonna be good.

Talk to me.

Hey, guys, it's Tyler.
We've been waiting.

So, good news first.

As of right now,
you can stock again.

- Lifted the ban.
- Whoo.

That's great news.

That's awesome.
Thank you.

You guys can buy
whatever you want, restock,

reinvest your profits,
knock yourself out.

And just because I'm a nice guy,

I'm sending you all
a free ingredient.

Free ingredient?

It's six pounds of delicious
local seafood called geoduck.

Called what?

Geoduck looks like
a naked turtle.

It's a flavorful
and crunchy clam

that's native
to the Pacific Northwest.

If you haven't tried it yet,
you're gonna love it.


We have to make geoduck.

Oh, and you want to
know the bad news?

that was the good news?

As of right now,
you are all a geoduck truck.

A geoduck truck?

Oh, my God.

Starting now,
you can only sell dishes

that have geoduck
as a primary ingredient.

Anything that's not
a geoduck dish is off the menu.

And every dish needs to be
10 bucks or less.

Geoduck tacos.

All right, guys,
here's the fun part,

and I really have no idea
how this is gonna shake out.

Your challenge is
to make $100 in sales.

Once you do, close your truck

and head up
to Council Crest Park.

Council Crest Park.

When you arrive,
you'll run to the vista point.

The first team there will find
a token waiting for them.

It's a Douglas fir tree stump
with a double‐sided axe,

and it's worth $500
in your till.

The first team that gets there
gets $500 in their till.

The rest of you will just find
a beautiful view of Portland.

Where is this geoduck
right now?
We got to get there.

Oh, and hey, if you haven't
made your $100 by 7:00 p. M.,

just shut it down
and call it a weekend.

There's no reason
to even come up.

Got it.

So, that's it.

Hang up and reinvent yourself
as a geoduck truck.

And just to be clear,

these are the last sales that
you're gonna make this weekend.

Next stop, elimination.


All right.
All right, come on, let's go.

We have to deep‐fry it.

We don't know how to prepare
geoduck. You know what I mean?

You deep‐fry anything,
it tastes good.

At least
they're little shells.

Yeah, on the truck.

Geoduck, it's geoduck.

What is that?

That's not a clam?

If I tried serving a geoduck
in Philly,

I'd have to move to Jersey.

Look at this one.

Say hello to my little friend.


Put it back in the box.
Put it back in the box.

The geoduck looks like
this big elephant trunk.

And, all of a sudden,

now I got to chop this up
and put it in a hot dog?

Damn you, geoduck.

Oh, it's like a steamer

that you just probably
have to pull it off.

It is an exact replica,

100 times the size
of a Jersey steamer.

Do you eat steamers?
Yeah, it smells sweet.

So, you know how you pull
the whole thing off?


No problem.
I know how to take care of this.

What I'm gonna do is,
I'm gonna slice this thing up.

I'm gonna marinate it.

I'm gonna do a little
lettuce wrap with it.

'Cause our lettuce wrap system
is working.

Oh, my God.

That is the craziest‐looking
thing I have ever seen.

Do I have a ticket on the car?


60 bucks.

In New York on Sundays,
you don't pay for parking,

but apparently in Portland,
you pay for parking every day.

What a rip‐off.

Off to a fantastic start today.

We won by 60 bucks last week.

Karma is a real you know what.

I hope we don't lose
by the $60 parking ticket

we have to pay for now.

Where are we going?


All right, let's go, guys.
We need a cart, dude.

There are just seven hours
left to go in Portland,

and our teams are tackling

their first truck stop
cooking challenge.

Flour, eggs, what else?
Keep giving me ingredients.

I'm thinking, dude.

They can only sell dishes made
with an exotic local ingredient

called geoduck,

and that's gonna be easier
for some teams than others.

How do you feel about geoduck?
I love them.

You like geoduck?
We grew up with that.

The challenge is to sell
$100 worth of geoduck dishes

and then race to the vista point
at Council Crest Park.

You guys, we're less than five
miles from Council Crest Park.

Oh, my God,
that's awesome.

The team that arrives first

wins a token
worth $500 in their till,

something that
Boardwalk Breakfast Empire

and the Frankfootas

could both really use
right about now.

Hi, I was wondering if I could
park in your parking lot

for a few hours?

Is there any action
going on over there?

Victoria's been communicating
with the Portland college.

There's no fees to park today
over the weekend?

Oh, yeah, on your campus,
it's free.

I hope there's foot traffic
there on a Sunday,

but at this point,
it doesn't really matter.

That's the only place
we have to go.

It's like shucking an oyster.

I've never cooked
with geoduck before,

but at the end of the day,
it's a clam.

I'm going to break them down
into really small chunks.

That way, we can mix them up
with our ingredients

and form them into our cakes.

I'm gonna add
some roasted red peppers,

some onion, a little bit
of Old Bay seasoning,

lemon juice, salt, pepper,

and I'm gonna make
geoduck patties.

All we need
is 10 patties at $10,

- that's 100 bucks, right?
- Yes, sir.

That's all we need.

We just need to make our money
so we can get to the park.

I'm cutting against it.

What I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna put it in plastic,

and I'm gonna pound it.

This geoduck is tough.

Geoduck is a giant clam.

The Japanese call it mirugai.

I've worked with it before.

I actually eat it a lot
in Hawaii.

It tastes like the ocean.

I mean, it's very versatile,
but we like to eat it raw.

Today, I'm gonna put out
a seafood lettuce wrap

with shrimp, mirugai,
or geoduck, the onions,

the garlic, the sprouts,
the jalapeños, cilantro,

the macadamia nuts
to top it off,

and, of course, Shawn's mom's
homemade lettuce wrap sauce.

This way.

It actually doesn't look
that bad now.

It looks like clams.

I'm not a chef,
but I know how to cook,

and I know
there are certain things,

especially seafood, you can make
into, like, a fritter.

So, we're gonna make
a Philly surf and turf.

It's a geoduck fritter with
cheesesteak fries on the side,

all my creation, of course.

Every other team right now

is sitting in their truck,

"Well, what are the Philly guys
gonna do?

They can't make
a geoduck cheesesteak."

We got three to start.

Two geos.

That's 20 even.


Two more!
Two more for Sandra!

Our geoduck ceviche is amazing.

It's julienned superthin.

It's marinated in lime juice,
jalapeño, and cilantro

over a bed of chips.

It's topped with
a special corn relish,

a little avocado,
and our spicy mayo sauce.

Ellen! Hello!
Thank you so much!

Look at how gorgeous
those are!

Two delicious geoduck tacos
for you.

My game plan is always,
if it's confusing,

just throw it in a tortilla.

I'm taking some cabbage,

I'm taking our geoduck,
putting some on the top of it.

Pico de gallo, slice of lemon.

These are geoduck tacos.

For Reagan,
two more tacos.

Oh, good,
there's plenty of parking.

It's a decent area.

The location seems okay.

We don't have to pay
for parking.

We're on a main street.

I kind of feel like
maybe we could do okay here.

Remember, cut inside the clam
first, like around the shell.

This $60 ticket
is gonna be our inspiration

to sell as fast as we can
so we can race to that hill.

Nobody needs that $500
more than us.

We're just gonna make like
a fritter with tartar sauce.

So, they're gonna be fried
in, like, a flour mixture

that's gonna be super tasty.

I'm pretty confident
this is gonna work.

Who doesn't like fried anything
and a cream dipping sauce?

I came all the way
from the state of New Jersey.

Just made it.
Just made it. It's delicious.

It's like a fritter.
We're calling it a pancake.

I am feeling very confident.
We have this challenge nailed.

Red peppers, chopped in,
after preparation, the geoduck,

some batter to adhere this,

and I am very confident
that the people of Portland

will love
what we will be serving.

Geoduck pancake.

This is gonna be tasty.


Hey, guys, it's me.
What's up, Tyler?!

I got Tyler on the phone.

What's up, my man?

How do you like cooking
with geoduck?

It's a nice protein, right?

These people around here
in Oregon,

they love geoduck so much.

They just love it.

Good, because I'm upping
the amount you got to sell.

You're kidding me!

Hey, guys, it's me.

How do you like cooking
with geoduck?
These people around here
in Oregon,

they love geoduck
so much.

Good, because I'm upping
the amount you got to sell.

He's upping the amount
we have to sell!

Your new number is...

Give me the number!
You're killing me!

...200 bucks.

When you've got 200 bucks
in geoduck sales,

head to the park,
and we'll see what happens.

You guys fired up about this?
You want some more?

All right, nice.

You guys are having
way too much fun.

I'll see you later.

Come on, Portland!
Come and try some geoduck!

How are we gonna stretch
this out to 20 portions?

We have very limited
geoduck left, guys.

We planned perfectly, and now
we're getting thrown again.

$70, $80, $100.

Now we have to make $200?

We have to really rethink
our portion size,

or we're never gonna
get out of here.

We got some geoduck sliders
for sale, guys.

Comes with french fries
and a drink.

We only have enough geoduck
to fill five more orders,

so we're only gonna be offering
one taco for $10 going forward.

Hungry, sir?


I could do a drive‐through.

Oh, what's up, guys?

Seven left!

This is intense.

I want to get to
that finish line.

He wants another one!


I got one more order.

Two more to go
to get to $200.

We got to get out of here!
Here we go.

We have Rich?

Thanks, Rich, for helping me
achieve my dreams.

There's no doubt in my mind

that I'm selling this geoduck
faster than anybody else.

Okay, you guys, I got it.

One more.
One more, one more.

I know we're gonna be
the first team to wrap it up

and head to the vista.


Get outta here!

Thanks, everybody!
Thanks, Portland!

New Jersey loves you!

Our last one! Yay!

Let's go, guys!

Heather, I'm following you,

Thank you, everybody!
Thank you, Portland!


Just keep ‐‐ It looks like
it goes this way.

Go to the right.
To the right?


No, no, no, I'm sorry.
Straight, straight.

I am starting
to get a little panicked.

I am following them.
They are driving in circles.

All right, making a left.
Now what?

It said right, didn't it?

I thought you said go left.
Hold on.

I know, just based
on their body language

in front of me
in the other vehicle,

something is wrong.

We can't lose this because we
can't navigate ourselves there.


Gosh, it's beautiful,
but it's crazy.

I don't know if we're in
first place, last place.

I am peeing my pants.

Is this right, Heather?!
Is this right?

Hey, bro.
Where's Council Crest Park?

See that street right there?
Right here?

That's how we do it in Hawaii,
we ask the natives.

We got to run! We got to go!

We'd love to stay with youse,
but we got to be out.

Thank you guys so much!

We're ready to rock and roll!

Are we the first ones here?

Are we?!
Are we the first ones here?

I don't see
any other trucks!

Come on! Go!
You guys, let's go!

I don't even know
where to go!

See who's fastest!

I'm gonna prove you wrong and
throw up when I get up there!

Where am I going?
Oh, my gosh!

Please tell me
we're the first ones!

Please tell me we are
the first ones, please.

No trucks, no trucks!

Okay, I see something.

There's something there.

There's something there.

I think we're the fastest.
We are! Oh, my gosh!

They said
there's something here.

This is amazing.

We just won $500.

We definitely got
our first place back.

Bowled and Beautiful!

Bowled and Beautiful!

Turn around, boys!

Don't let me steal it from you
right now.

I'll take it from you.

Oh, hey, boys.
Fancy seeing you here.

I would help you guys,
but you're on your own.

I get it.
I got you.


Take it home, girls.
Let's take it home.

Excuse me, do you know where
the front gate to the park is?

It's up that way.
Keep going up that way.

Thank you very much.

Keep your fingers crossed
that nobody else is here.

What should have taken us
15 to 20 minutes to get there,

we are now
at our destination spot

an hour after we started out.

Anybody around?

Oh, god.

Nothing, nothing.

What do we got?

Somebody beat us to the punch.

There's one, two, and three
under here.

I think that that's ‐‐

I think that's how you put
the table together.

I am heartbroken.

Had we not got lost today,

my team would have taken home
that $500 prize.

Nah, nothing.

I don't see anything
in here.

It's empty.

It's a nice view, right?

Tyler said we would get a token
or the view.

Guess we got the view.

This is not even enough
for one order,

so either fry it up.

We'll eat it, enjoy it.

It's the last meal we may have
on this truck,

so let's make it
a good one.

We only have four orders
left to make

before we hit that $200 mark,

and I don't even think
we have enough for two orders.

This day
was an absolute disaster.

We might as well
just go and meet Tyler

and hand over our keys
right now.

I have accepted the fact
that we're going home.

Guys, hold onto your hats.

The second "Great Food Truck
Race" elimination starts now.

And it's gonna be a doozy.

Let me start by saying that this

was one of our most intense
weekends ever.

It's clear that each one of you
has the potential

to be a major force
in the food truck world.

That said, it's not all roses
in this ledger.

And one of you is going home
right now.

- I'm not ready to go home.
- I need this food truck.

I need it for my hometown.
I need it for the Jersey shore.

Let's find out
who made the most,

who made the least,

and who will be
handing me their keys.

In first place with
a big‐time total of $2,505...

Aloha Plate.


Even with Bowled and Beautiful

coming up with the $500 at the
challenge, we still smoked them.

It's like a heavyweight fight.

It's our turn to throw punches,

and I think
we made a good statement.

Bowled and Beautiful,
what happened here?

You guys won
the geoduck challenge

but didn't win first place.
I'm so shocked.

Maybe those $7 bowls
were the reason why.


All right, moving on.

In second place with $1,662...

Bowled and Beautiful.


We did it.
We did it, we did it.

I cannot believe
we're $1,000 behind first place.

Clearly, we should have
charged more money.

We way undersold ourselves.

Now, in third place
with $1,219...

Tikka Tikka Taco.


Guys, third place again.

In fourth place with $1,121...

...The Slide Show.
Congratulations, team.



Now, Frankfootas,

Boardwalk Breakfast Empire,

Philly's Finest Sambonis,

you are the bottom three.

Bottom three is a lonely place.
It doesn't feel good.

I'm just hoping, praying that
we did better than one of 'em.

Okay, guys.
This is it.

In fifth place and safe
with $961...

Philly's Finest.

Oh, my god, Dude. What?

You guys need to
take a hard look

at what went wrong this weekend
and fix it.

That leaves Frankfootas
and Boardwalk Breakfast Empire.

Let me start by saying

the difference between
the two teams is $72.

you were the only team

not to make $200
in the geoduck challenge.

And you got
a $60 parking ticket.

If you go home right now,
you'll know why.

With every word
that comes out of his mouth,

I feel like I'm getting
closer and closer to Brooklyn.

I'm not ready to give this up.

And Boardwalk, you got lost

on the way up the hill
to Council Crest Park.

You may want to brace yourself
for what I'm about to tell you.

You were the first to close,

and you were on your way
to winning the $500 reward.

If you go home today,

that one wrong turn
is the reason.

There's a 1‐in‐2 chance
that we're out of here.

I still am holding out hope
that my hard selling prevailed.

In sixth place and safe,
but barely...


Girls, you made $727.

We're staying?
Are you kidding?

I can't even get excited right
now because I'm still in shock.

It's all good.
It's all good, baby.

Portland had its ups and downs,

but my team definitely
pulled through big‐time.

Boardwalk Breakfast Empire,
it was really great

to see you guys come alive
during that geoduck challenge.

You came so close
to snagging that 500 bucks.

But in the end,

you just didn't put it
all together this weekend.

I don't want to go home
right now, but it's a done deal.

We're not taking the money home.

We're not taking the food truck

I am bummed out.

Joanne, I know you weren't
competing just for yourselves.

I know you were also competing
for all the Sandy survivors.


You know what, teams? I actually
got a pretty good idea.

What do you say we donate
all the profit this weekend

to the Sea Bright Rising
charitable fund?




Even though
we didn't win the food truck,

we get a donation of $6,400
to Sea Bright Rising,

which is a charity
that we started

for the victims
of Hurricane Sandy.

It will be huge
for Sea Bright Rising

to get that money.

This is tough for me.
I'm sorry, Joanne.

Please step forward
and give me your keys.


Thank you, man.
Thank you.

Just because we're going home
does not mean we're losers.

And don't forget it.

It stings a little bit,
but I know right now,

New Jersey is very proud
of our accomplishments...

I hope so.

...both here and what
we've all been doing at home

to help our community out.

My head is held up high.

Well, folks,
we are down to six teams,

and you are one step closer
to winning $50,000

and your very own
state‐of‐the‐art food truck!

Yes, sir!

Let's go!

It's time to motor
to the next city.

This time, we are headed east ‐‐
664 miles to be exact.

Guys, we're going
to Pocatello, Idaho.

What was that?
What was that?

Say it again.

I said Pocatello, Idaho.

And by the way, guys,

it happens to be
the smile capital of America.

Pocatello, Idaho,
the smile capital of America.

We're about to turn you into
the hot dog capital of America.

Let's get in your trucks,
and let's get rolling!


Next time on
"The Great Food Truck Race"...

This is the longest line
we've ever had.

Let's go, let's go,
let's go.

I want you serving
genuine russets

that you pull out of the ground

- What?
- We should have just left.

We've got a situation,
and now we got to deal with it.

