The Governor (1995–1996): Season 2, Episode 5 - Episode #2.5 - full transcript

- [Cell doors clanging]

I'm onto you.
I know all about you.

I'm sick to death

with people talking about me
behind my back.

BUFFY: I'm gonna write to
the home secretary about this.

Lockup! Lockup!

SNOOPER: There's deals
going down all the time.

Every day.
Every night.

What's a fax machine?

BUFFY: Put that bastard
on the wing, and I'll kill him.


Put it down!

I'm gonna kill him.

I'm gonna kill him!

♪ Three little maids
from school ♪


You need to keep to small steps,

I wouldn't be stupid enough
to bring gear in here.

I'm going out.
I am due for release.

No, you're not, Mr. Snooper.

- Take him back to the cell.
- But she's not pressing charges.

You can't keep me here!


WATTS: Oh, look at his little

[Baby cooing]

Hello, Kevin.

- Aah!
- No!

You big pillock, Tully!

I'll take the lot of you on!
Come on!

DR. HARRIS: He's obviously been
given a very severe beating.

HEWITT: He should never
have been accepted

back to Barfield
in this condition.

Tray collection!

[Indistinct shouting]

Don't say a word.

That bugger Bradshaw
stitched us up.

Fifty quid
that Tarzan won't last

more than 24 hours on my wing.

Well, let's see if we can cope
with him for 48.

We'll clean up.

Ah, but we're still lumbered.

Where's he gonna go?

SYONS: Number 4.
It's ready for him.

Morning, Mr. Tarzan.

I'm your wing governor,
Mr. Syons.

Officer Jackson.

Thank you very much.

Get your kit sorted.
It's lockup till 10:30.

Oh, sir, will I be allowed
on the wing for association?

You're no different than anyone
else on this wing, Tarzan.

Want to bet?

I see the musical's back on,

Governor's orders.

Okay, Tarzan.

What's that about a musical?

I can sing, you know.

He's all yours, mate.

- Cheers.
- See you.

♪ Holy, Holy, Holy ♪

♪ Lord God Almighty ♪

So Officer Hully then said that
he would bring in balaclavas?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Officer Jason Hully said
he'd bring them in

and he'd leave
Keith Smith's cell door open

so we could go in there
and beat him up.

But since then,
has he reapproached you

or discussed it further
with you both?

Yeah, he did.

- No, he didn't.
- No. No, he never.

No, 'cause we haven't
encouraged him.

We wanted to speak
to the authorities first

'cause we know our word
against the screws don't count.

Well, that's exactly what it is,
isn't it?

- Yes, ma'am. I know that.
- Yeah, we know this.

That's why we're here
and we're prepared to prove it.

What we want to do is tape
his next visit

so we've got proof
and you've got proof.

Simple. Understand?

Thank you, Mr. Buffy,
Mr. Samora.

- Let's go.
- Right, mate.

[Keys jingling]

[Door closes]

No one's spoken to the officer
in question?

Not so far as I know.

Then tape him.

Stand up and behave.
The governor's here.

SAMUELS: I'm very sorry to hear
about Ms. Bullock.

We all are.

Uh, you've requested
a visiting order for Ms. Purvis?

Yes, Ms. Hewitt,
and I have this to show you.

It's a letter from Ms. Purvis.

She says she wants to see me.

She knows
what I'm in Barfield for.

Said it didn't make
any difference.

Finish cleaning your cell.

Have a nice visit, Mr. Samuels.

Thank you very much.

[Indistinct conversations]

Well, he's back!

[Cheers and applause]

About time, you skiving bugger.
Come on. Come here.

- Oh, wow.
- Good to see you.

[Down-tempo music plays]

So pretty boy has dared

to step out of his cell
this morning.

Well, well.

You've been keeping yourself
to yourself, haven't you?

With scum like you,
best way to be.

Hark the rapist.

Hey! I ain't no rapist
for you, right?

You twisted pervert.

Dirty likkle nonce, you.

Now, now.
You'll upset my friends.

Oh, yeah?

And they'll cut me up
and eat out my balls, right?

You don't frighten me, you know.

You disgust me.

- Morning, Vernon.
- Hey, Jumbo.

Is the, uh, barber working
this morning?

- Barber!
- What?

Come on, now, you two.

Governor's on her rounds
any second.

Will you do me a quick one?

I told you to make
an appointment.

I've got a bleach, a streak,
and a blow job.

- How long are you gonna be?
- Hours.

I've only got a short break.

I've got to get back
on the wing.

Yeah. Well, I can hardly leave
him here, can I?

Good morning.

I'll like to see Mr. Snooper
in the probation office, please.


Mr. Jackson.

You've not been transferred
to the VP Wing.

No, Ms. Hewitt.
It's my break.

And, uh, I've just come to get
a quick trim.


Morning, Barber.

Good morning, Ms. Hewitt.

Now, you've asked for...

I need some more.

And if possible,
a new set of these.

They're me only pair,

and I'm having to cut
cardboard up with them.

I'm making these
for "The Mikado,"

and I'm attaching pigtails
down the back for the chorus.

But you had glue two days ago.

I know.
I know.

But I've told him.

It's been whipped
soon as I get the cap off.

I need that white stuff.
You can't sniff that.

But I'm blunting me scissors,
and they are an expensive item.

I'll have a word
with the education department.

Thank you very much, Ms. Hewitt,

and may I say you've had
a very nice cut.

Thank you.

Could do better meself.

I need them rollers back,
Arnold... all 12 of them.

What about a-a beard trim?

Well, I'll fit you in between
the bleach and the blow job

if you get me some foil.

They're nicking that as well.

If they're not smoking it,
they're sniffing.

You'll have to shave it off

What, my beard?

Who told you that?

I got to make you
a Mandarin black mustache.

You can't play a Chinese
with a red beard.

I need them right now.

I am not shaving my beard off.

No way.

What are you looking at?

Mr. East?

- You've complained that...
- My mail is being tampered with.

Gifts stolen, money removed,
my videos taken.

Your mail is automatically

And cash, postal orders,
and checks amounting to £7,000

have been listed.

You're not allowed videotapes.

But they are educational.

How do you intend to play

these so-called
educational tapes, Mr. East?

It is usual to use
a video recorder, Ms. Hewitt.

And we have one in our lounge.

I'd like to look over
Mr. East's cell.

Step out, East.

[Down-tempo music plays]

[Music continues]

Officer Welks.

If there is any single item
in Mr. East's cell

that is not approved
and on his possessions list,

then I want it removed.


And as from today,

his mail is to be limited
to three letters per day.

And please remove all
of that stack of correspondence,

as it is a fire hazard.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you.

You won't forget, will you,
Ms. Hewitt?

Oh, and make sure the cell
doubling as a hairdressing salon

is used for that purpose.

It closes at 5:00.
It stays locked.

Scissors removed.

Oh, Barber's a decent
little bloke, ma'am.

I'm sure he is, but there are
others here who aren't.

[Mid-tempo music playing]

My game.

I got a visit.

If you need any puff, rocks,
smack... name it...

- I can deliver.
- You dealing?

It's just a phone call away.


I don't approve of drugs.

Uh, are you gonna play, Tarzan,
or not?


It's your serve.

I really hate it down here,
Ms. Hewitt.

I want to go back on the C Wing.

You're on
the Vulnerable Prisoners Wing

for your own protection.

I can't put you back
on an ordinary wing.

Look, Ms. Hewitt.

I've got to face
that sick, queer, pervert killer

every morning.

He gloats.
You know what I mean?

I mean,
he's got people working for him.

The man gets fan mail.
You know what I'm saying?

That's sickening!

I just don't want to be
around him, yeah?

And those queer boys,
they won't leave me alone.

I mean, they want to drill out
my bottom hole.

You know what I mean?

All right, Ms. Hewitt.
All right.

Don't go, yeah?



What if I was to make a deal
with you, Ms. Hewitt?

Just so that I could get out
of here.

I'm not here to make deals.


Well, let me run this one
by you, Ms. Hewitt.

I know every major drug dealer
in this nick.

I know who brings it in.

I know who passes it out
on the wings.

I know who the runners are...
and I know all the barons.

We know this.

Every prison knows this.
But you know what we might have?

A bloody whopper of a headache.

If this gets out, he could get
cut up or probably even worse.

Did he know he was being


There are a lot of users
on the VP Wing...

Ones that have asked
for their own protection.

It is a bit of a farce, though,
really, isn't it?

They use us for Rule 43,
when they owe the barons money.

And then, once they've got
the money they owe them,

they want to go back
on the wing.

Cons hate rapists, but a grass
will get his throat cut.

Now, we've got no option
but to move him.

If he's willing to name names,
then I'll get him his transfer.

He won't grass till he's moved.

Can you make sure Governor Syons

gets that to, uh, Eugene Buffy,


Mr. Turnbull
is here in healthcare

with his client, Mr. Falla,

and Mr. Morgan's
in the staff room.

Mavis, could you get me, um,
something for an upset stomach?

That pink stuff.


Is Mr. Morgan all right?

- [Telephone ringing]
- Yeah. I think so.

If you want to take a break
at any time, just say so.

If you don't understand
any of the questions,

don't be afraid to ask for them
to be repeated.

You are not on trial in any way,
Mr. Morgan.

This is just
a preliminary inquiry

into the hostage situation.

Now, there'll be
two police officers

asking you
the relevant questions.

All right?

[Door opens]

Do I go straight
to the boardroom or do I wait?

Uh, no.
Uh, we'll page you.

- Oh, this is for you.
- Oh, great.

Mavis said you had
an upset tummy.

You all right?


[Clears throat]

Well, there's no brain damage
to Kevin Watts,

but they are worried about him
and want to keep him monitored.

Speech is, uh, very slurred.

Oh. [Coughs]

Excuse me.
That's disgusting.

- Are they talking about me?

I'm sick to death of people
talking about me behind my back.

They're not, all right?

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, Jumbo.

I was told to bring this down.

It's a tape recorder
and a brand-new tape.

- Governor Syons wants it.
- I don't know what that's about.

You'd better put it
in the office.

Did you see Russell Morgan?

- He's not the same man, is he?
- He isn't.

Hey, Eugene!

Stop gassing and get your lunch.

All right, Gov. All right.

No. It's Tarzan.
Can you see him?

He's coming on the line.
Can you see him?

I don't want to see him.
I owe him favors from the block.

Oh, you're dead.

- Hey, Tarzan. Welcome to C Wing.
- Will you shut up?


MAN: I've got your tray for you,


I don't approve of drugs,

so there'll be no drugs
on this wing, okay?

I'm Eric.

Hello, Eric.
Now get out of my face.

S-Sorry, Tarzan.

What are you doing
with potatoes and pudding?

Put it back.

You want just soup, meat,
and veg.

The state of you.

You're overweight and unfit.

You want protein, no carbs.

Sorry, Tarzan.

Who wants to work out with me
in the gym,

do one-on-one training?

Yeah. Great, Tarzan.

I'll go to the gym with you.

I'm on medication.

I've never seen him
so well behaved.

Everything all right, Tarzan?

So far so good, Mr. Jackson.

I want to be in this musical,
you know.

I'm afraid it's fully cast,

but uh, you can come
to the show.


I want to be in everything.

Want to be involved
in everything.

When can I see the show?

Not just yet
because we're still rehearsing.

How many performances are there?

Just the one.

Better be good, then, hadn't it?


You require Dr. Harris,
all the officers on duty,

and S.O. Russell Morgan.

- Is that correct?
- TULLY: Correct.

Have I kept everyone waiting?

- Perfect timing.
- Thank you.

If you'd like to sit
on this side of the table.

- Right.
- HEWITT: Here you are.


Just a reminder...
Will you call Mr. Andrews at HQ,

perhaps after the meeting's

- Okay.
- Ah! We're all gathered. Good.

Where shall I park myself?

There's a chair for Mr. Falla
when he is called.

I would like him present

I do not think Mr. Morgan
should be subjected

to facing him across a table.

I have no intention of doing so.



You have something white
on your upper lip.

I'll kick off
the preliminary discussions,

which deal with
Barfield's security

and transfer arrangements
on the day in question...

- Is it gone?
- November the 22nd,

which in case anyone here
is not aware,

that was the date that
my client, Mr. George Falla,

was accused of taking Senior
Officer Russell Morgan hostage.

Perhaps you could outline
for me, Ms. Hewitt.

Or, as you were not actually in
charge of Barfield at the time,

perhaps you'd care to delegate
to someone who was?

I was the HOC

and... and acting governor
on the 22nd of November.

Would that be because the...

The then-governor of Barfield
was unavailable

because he was playing
a round of golf?

Mr. Turnbull,
Governor Keller is no longer

with the prison services.

Well, now he's retired, he'll
have plenty of time for golf.

Could you now take me through
the transfer of prisoners

from their release,
in the case of Mr. Falla,

from Parkhurst Prison to
their arrival here at Barfield?

HQ issued a movement order,

which was then faxed here
to Governor Keller.

The officers accompany
the transportee.

The times for the relocation are
decided between the two prisons.

In this case,
the prisoner, George Falla,

was in a wheelchair,

but traveled in a CAT-A
reinforced van.

But the hospital wing did not
have the relevant information

regarding my client's
previous prison records

and security records.

No, they did not, but...

They remained at reception and
were then sent to the governor,

who was, as we know, absent.

So the officers
in the hospital wing

were not aware of my client's
previous prison records.

More coffee?

[Down-tempo music plays]

Oh, hot.

Hot in here.

It's quiet.

It's quiet in this section.

Different from the wings.

When I joined up first,

I thought I'd never get used to
the noise.

It's constant... noise, noise.

But in the end,
you don't hear it.

[Door opens]

WOMAN: Mr. Morgan, would you
come into the boardroom now?

Is he in there?

Is that bastard Falla in there?

No, he's not.

You okay?

I'm fine.

One, two. One, two.

This is Eugene Buffy,
Barfield Prison DJ...

- Eugene?
- Coming at you loud and clear

- with the number-one musical...
- Eugene.

Hang on a minute, Bri.

You can record it on mine if you
can't work that one, you know.

I can work this one.

I want two tapes, not one tape.
Two tapes.


Because I don't trust
the bastards.

This way, you know, we get
our evidence and we keep it.

- A bit like our little weapon.
- Yeah, man.

BUFFY: This is Eugene Buffy,
Barfield Prison DJ,

- Eugene?
- Coming at you loud and clear

with the number-one...

I saw this mop against the wall
of Mr. Falla's cell.

I crossed to get it.

It shouldn't have been left
in the cell.


As I got to it,
Falla struck me from behind,

forcing me to the floor.

He beat my head repeatedly
against the toilet bowl.

He broke the mop in two pieces,
smashed two medical bottles,

and stuck them on the ends.

He used the mop like a weapon,
like a bullfighter,

- jabbing at me...
- He broke the mop...

he put the bottles
on each end, he smashed them,

and he came at you
like a bullfighter.

That must have taken some time.
Why was that?

I was unconscious.

When I awoke, I was bound
hand and foot to a chair,

with a noose 'round my neck.

Were you not, Mr. Morgan,
very scared?


Perhaps the experience was even
more traumatic...

Because you had previously
been taken hostage

and held in a closed cell

and forced to get down
on your knees and beg.

Yeah, but this time I had
a bottle jabbed into my neck.

You see this?

You want to see what else
he did to me?

Mr. Morgan, I am in no way
making light of your injuries

or of the terror
that you must have felt.

You would also have been on duty
for 18 hours.

That is true.

Mr. Morgan, would you like
to take a break?


They're about to take a break.

Mr. Morgan should have had
more than just a break

on the afternoon
of November the 22nd last.

Senior Officer Morgan
is not on trial here.

His work has been exemplary
for more than 10 years!

And a fat lot of good
it's gonna stand for.

You bastards can bring me here
for this so-called Inquiry,

but it's not for my benefit,
is it?

It's for the prisoner
who did this to me.

- Come on.
- I can't sleep.

I can't work.
I can't eat.

All I can think about
is what happened in that cell.

Hey, you gonna tell me
who is taking care of me?

- Who is looking after my wife?
- Come on.

I am sick of the lot of you.

You think I don't know you're
gonna let that evil bastard

get away with what he did?

- Well, screw you all.
- Hey, hey. Hey.

Stay with him.

You seen Russell Morgan?

He's in the yard, Gov.

It's lockup. Come on.
Back to your cells.

Come on, you lads!
Let's be having you now.

We ain't got all day.

Back to your cells now!

You, down the far end!

Move when I say.
Go on.

Don't you hang around
when I talk to you,

you ugly little man.

Come on. Let's be having you.
Back to your cells.

Move when I talk to you!



I've had Williams
take Russell Morgan home.

I'm gonna go over to see him.

Ms. Hewitt, Mr. Marshall,
could we continue?

Now, would you tell
everyone here, Mr. Falla,

a little
of your medical history?

When I was 12 years old,
my father became very ill.

He was diagnosed as having
cancer of the bowels.

It took nearly two years
for him... to pass on.

And I saw him become a skeleton,

unable to feed himself, dress...

or do anything for himself.

It left me with a deep emotional
scar and a terror of illness.

Especially anything
to do with the bowels.

Look, I don't know
about balaclavas.

I mean, I'm not sure about this.

- Maybe you wait a few days.
- No.

You said you wanted us to knock
Keith Smith about for you.

We're prepared to do it, but
you've got to play your part.

- Come on.
- I know. I know.

I just don't know when.

You leave the cell door open
for us, then.

If you do, we'll go down there
and do him in.

You made the deal.

I'll get the masks.

But don't do anything
till I tell you, all right?

I've got to go now.

Here's some extra smokes,
and there's paper, all right?

Nice one.
Thank you.

- Whoa.
- Yes.

We've got him, Bri.

We've got the bleeding lot
of them now, mate.

HULLY: Here's some extra smokes,
and there's paper.

Thing is, Eugene,
when they know we've got this,

they're gonna do a strip search.

It won't get us a deal
for open nick.

I've thought about that.

We're gonna give it to Tarzan
to protect it.

Oh, that's brilliant.
Nice one.

Who's gonna give it to him,

He's your mate, isn't he?

- You little bastard.
- [Chuckles]

- Governor.
- SAMORA: Gov.

- Well?
- You said you wanted proof.

Here's your proof.

- Oh, let me keep it.
- BUFFY: Let's keep that, Gov.

- No.
- Come on. It's a little tape.

Hand it over.

Oh, all right.



Then six years ago,
when I was in Brixton,

I had to have an enema
for constipation.

We have got Mr. Falla's
medical reports, Mr. Turnbull.

I'm aware of that,

but you do not have in detail
the emotional reasons,

nor the deep-seated fear
under which my client has acted.

Your client, Mr. Turnbull,
has been sentenced

for three terms
for his part in armed robbery.

I've always maintained
my innocence.

- Well, on the last one...
- Y-Yes, I think at this stage

we should give Mr. Falla
the opportunity,

before being questioned
by D.C.I. Tully and D.S. Marsh,

to explain his state of mind.

You may continue, Mr. Falla.

CHISWICK: All prisoners
in the educational classes,

form a line at the gate.

Those on metal
and woodwork shops, wait.

Well, we listened to the tape.

They've got him,
the stupid bastard.

So what happens next?

She'll have to decide
what we do from here.

Look out.
He's coming.

[Indistinct conversations]

Tarzan on workshop, is he?


Applied for beginner's
computer training.

Bugger me.

Make sure you've got
some extra backup.

All right.

You then placed
both broken medical bottles

on the end of the mop pieces.

No comment.

Is it right
that you then threatened

and assaulted
Senior Officer Morgan?

No comment.

Is it still all right
to say nothing?

TULLY: You then fought
this same officer

and in doing so slashed
his throat several times.

I deny slashing his throat.

Do you agree
you might have caused an injury

in the throat area?

No comment.

TULLY: Do you accept
that you made various threats

to kill Officer Morgan?

No comment.

TULLY: Do you accept
you tied him to a chair?

No comment.

TULLY: During the early stages
of negotiation

between yourself
and senior prison staff,

you displayed a knowledge of
the procedure of such incidents.

How did you come by
that knowledge?

No comment.

Was it because you've held
hostages in a similar manner

in a prison situation before?

No comment.

By persistently answering
"no comment" to these questions,

are you saying
you don't wish to answer

or are you denying
these allegations ever happened?

It is my right
not to answer questions.

[Scoffs, sniffs]

You wish to say something,
Mr. Bunny?

No comment.

ZANIA: Will you all take
your exercise books

from the shelf, okay?

And also... settle down... take
one of these leaflets, okay?

What's a fax machine?

Well, it's about that big, like.

But that's a printer.
That's not a fax machine.

If it were a fax machine,
you put the paper in there,

and then you dial the number,

So the paper goes in this end
and out there,

and at the other end,
they get the message.

Stop talking, please.

- As we have more students...
- Which other end?

- Well, you've sent it now.
- Than we have machines,

two people will have to work
the same word processor, okay?

How does it do that?

Well, they've got a fax machine
at their end.

It's all done with codes.

What codes?

Phone numbers.

- I'm not talking to you.
- Settle down.

MAN: Do you think we can bring
up porno from the Internet?

- How does it work?
- I don't know.

If it was a fax machine,
you'd put the paper here,

it comes out there,
and then they get it.

What, the same piece of paper?

No. They've got their paper
at the other end.

The keyboard now here,
on the word processor,

is structured like
an ordinary typewriter, okay?

But your commands...

It rolls out from their end.

- The light comes on and...
- Please sit down.

- Can you type?
- No.

I can.
I can type.

Can you take care of this?
I'll explain later.

Brian, all of you, please,
do not talk amongst yourselves.

Mr. Tarzan, isn't it?


Glad you could join us.

Thank you.

Well, how much typing
have you done before?


Do you have a speed?


You want to show me?


Do you touch-type
or need to look?

I wouldn't mind touching her up,



You behave yourself, son, or
I'll put you through that wall.

- Sit down!
- What the fuck?

- Sit!
- [Laughter continues]

Shut up!

The next one of you
starts talking,

I'll give you a thrashing.

I could do it a lot faster,
you know, if it was a real one.


Now pass the card to Brian.

You'll be able to start

on the word processor.

This isn't in alphabetical
order, you know, miss.

That is the point, Brian.

The keyboard is structured to
assist fast movement, all right?

The letters are arranged



Does anyone have any idea
why they are arranged

in this particular order?

- Miss?
- Yes.

Because we use them the most.


- Ooh! He got it right.
- Ooh!


No comment.

During the continued assault
on Officer Morgan,

you placed a noose,
or a ligature, around his neck

and you tightened it.

Why was that?

No comment.

You continued to threaten
Officer Morgan

inasmuch as you were intending
to take his life.

Was that really your intention?

No comment.

This interview will terminate

Due to police procedure,

you have the right to read
the record of this interview.

If you agree it to be a true
and accurate record,

you may initial
each of your answers

and sign at the foot
of each page.

Will you do that?


Well, at least that got
a response.

Is it still all right to say no?

D.C.I. Tully, the governor
would like to see you

before you leave.

W-Why... Why am I in here?

I-I w-w-want to hold my baby.

CHISWICK: Sorry, Kevin.
Nothing to do with us.


Kev, what's the matter with you?

- WATTS: W-W-W...
- What have they done to you?

H-Hold him.

- Kev, your voice is all slurred.
- L-Let me see him.

And your face.

- Who did this to you?
- S-Show me the baby.

Anna, s-show me my boy.

[Baby cooing]

The escaped prisoner,
Kevin Watts.

What about him?

When he was returned to us,

he had severe bruises
covering almost his entire body.

Did he need to be restrained
by any of your officers?

I don't know
what you're implying.

Did he require to be restrained
by your officers?

I have no knowledge
of any extra force being used

to restrain
the escaped prisoner.

Has he filed a complaint?


Then there's, uh,
nothing more to be said.

Excuse me.

All right, Kevin. Time's up.

Visit's over.
Let's go.

- [Baby cooing]
- WATTS: Hey.

Let's go, Kevin.


- [Grunts]
- Kevin!

Kevin, don't fight them!
Don't fight them! Please!

- [Sobbing]
- Let's go.

Could you, um, find me
that stuff for my upset stomach?

I don't know where I left it.

I never touch it.

It wasn't shellfish.
It was chicken.

You might have salmonella.

Did you friend have it
as well... Mr. Lennox?

I believe you left this
in the boardroom.

Oh, thank you.

You mind if I say something?
Without prejudice.

You're going to try and prove

that George Falla
is mentally unstable.

Mr. Falla was obviously
greatly distressed and desperate

to get the correct medical
assessment of his illness.


He's a nasty, vicious bastard
with a string of convictions

and a history of violence

towards officers
and inmates alike.

What are you trying to prove,

That everyone held
in Her Majesty's prisons

has the legal right
to proper medical treatment

and not to be forced into taking
drastic steps to ensure it.

Thank you for your cooperation,
Ms. Hewitt.

Mr. Marshall,
would you show Mr. Turnbull

to the gate, please?

Mavis, would you, uh, would you
call Mr. Lennox, please?

Ask if he's poorly too, shall I?

No, Mavis.
I need him to drive me home.

I don't know about you,
but I don't like it.

I mean, he may be the new boy
on the block,

but I hate it.

'Cause every time he comes up
to me,

I make some excuse to walk away.

Who are you on about?

Come on.
Officer Hully. Jason.

- Ah.
- That's nice. What is it?

I just stay well out of it,

- Is it expensive, this?
- Don't know.

Bloody hell.

I'll stick to me Old Spice.

Which one?

Well, they're both all right.
Are they silk, are they?


I mean, Ms. Hewitt, she said
not to mention it to him,

but I don't like it.

Neither does Len Syons.

And according to Buffy

and that other little Scouse git
Samora, he's bent.

I preferred the other one.

What, gay?
Are you kidding me?


Bent, as in trying to get
those two little pillocks

to beat up Keith Smith.

Oh, well, I know he's been
having a go at him for weeks,

but Smith gives the aggro
to all of us.

Do you know what I mean?

This is serious.

They say he's bringing in

Oh, yeah.
What, and a baseball bat?

They're just having a go.

She ain't taking it seriously,
is she?

She's taking it seriously.

They've got him repeating it
on tape.


Are we on for a game of darts

Yeah, I'm on for that.


Do you want some advice?

Stay well out of it, mate.

He's one of us.

Uh, maybe he is.

And maybe, just maybe, he isn't.

Got a date, have you?

I sincerely hope so.

Good night.

Good night.

Going down the pub?

Not tonight.

Got a date as well, have you?


But I deserve one.

Good night.


Anyone coming down the pub?

I can't have you persuade
or cajole me into something

that I don't feel
fully confident about taking on.

Now, what exactly have you told


But you are a lawyer,
aren't you?

I mean,
are you so inundated with work

that you can't even consider it?

No comment.


I've only just been made a
junior partner, for God's sake.

Well, maybe you'd make senior if
you showed a bit of initiative.


You know,
just because you run Barfield

doesn't mean you run me,
my life, or my business.

You have no right
even to... to insinuate

that I might take on

Russell Morgan.

I thought you'd read the file.

Well, perhaps
you wouldn't be suitable

if you can't even remember
the man's name!

He has nothing to do with me!

But he has a lot to do with me
and that bastard Turnbull!

You said he was good.
Well, he is.

And all I want is somebody
as good as he is to represent...

Oh, forget it. Just forget it.

I'm sorry.
I presumed too much.

Put it down to an addiction
to Bisodol.

- Well, go to bed, then.
- I am going!


Just give me
your professional opinion.


You see,
I think that the prison service

was Russell Morgan's life.

And I doubt that he will
ever be fit enough...

Well, mentally fit enough...
To work for them again.

He is such a nice man, Simon.

Such a good officer.

Is Anthony Turnbull the reason
you won't consider this?

No, it isn't
bloody Anthony Turnbull.

You may know everything there is
about running a prison,

but you know bugger-all
about the law.

I know that Turnbull
is making my officer feel

that it was his fault
that he was taken hostage!

No, Helen, he isn't.

He's attempting to prove

that his client was in
a serious state of ill health.

He only had inflammation
of the bowel!

And that without
the correct medical attention,

his client was forced
into taking the action

which subsequently resulted
in your officer's condition.

Whose side are you on?

If you'll just be patient.

If Russell Morgan sues
the prison service,

he will get little
or no compensation,

because it is not responsible
for the cutbacks.

However, there's a possible

Sue the people
who are responsible.

The Home Office?


Now, it could have repercussions
for you.

If you encourage Morgan
to take them on,

they'll know,
and they won't like it.

You still want me to take on
his case?


[Indistinct conversations,
mid-tempo music playing]

Oi. These flowers
are out of all proportion.

You done those pansies?
You see them?

Pansy perverts.

No. The nonces did the begonias,
over there.

These are good for something,

Tell you what, though.

You wouldn't have daffodils,
would you?

Not in your plan.

Hey, Officer Chiswick,
want to tell the nonces

you can't knock off the tree?

I've always liked to do art.
I was dead good at it at school.

How many women are coming
from the operatic society?

Could be half a dozen.

I saw an opera once.
It was full of women.

Well, you guys aren't gonna
pull any, are you?

I mean, you're in drag.



[Bell chimes]

All right. That's it.
Let's go.

Get your overalls packed up.
Clean your brushes.

Make sure you clean
your brushes.

Right! You two!

Pack that up!

[Indistinct shouting]

Let's go.

On with you.

Gov says to get back
to the wing.


You, uh, you know
you've got paint, uh...

- Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
- No, mate.

It's... It's all down
your pants.

You little bastards!

[Men shouting, cheering]

Yeah, we've got him taped, man.
Got the magic taped.

Hey, why... why bother
coming all this way

just to tell me someone else
is dead?

Today I painted all the scenery.

We're getting singers in

from the local amateur
dramatic society... women!

They don't have a right...
Any right...

To take my phone card, do they?

No. You're right.
They don't.

I swear before God I never made
any threatening phone calls.

Nobody's called me to see
if I can play at rehearsals.

I don't go out
in case I miss the call.

You should get an answer phone,
Adele, not just for the musical,

and you should get a man
to record the message.

Safer that way.

So if anyone rings, they don't
know you're a woman alone.

I worry about that, Adele.

Been on my own for a long time.

Not anymore.

You've got me, Adele.

- BUFFY: Shit!
- JACKSON: Calm down, Eugene.

- I'm warning you.
- All this shit!

Now pack it in!

Well, we got another tape.

We got a second tape,
and you won't find it!

- Step out your cell, Eugene.
- Bollocks!

Step out your cell.
Get out now!

You didn't find my Semtex,
did you, you prat?

The Semtex.
You didn't find it.

Right, boys.
Get him here. Take him down.

Take him downstairs.

Brought your girlfriends,
have you?


All screws are bent!

[Men shouting,
trays clanging in distance]

Okay. I'll get the masks.

But don't do anything
till I tell you, all right?

Well, they said
they'd get proof.

Can we keep this internal?

Might be difficult.


Buffy said they made a copy.

We made a search.
Didn't find it.

Falla is to be transferred
until his trial.

HQ feel
that it would be beneficial

if he were in
a more relaxed prison.

Have you listened to the tape?

You've done our pad over,

You've done our pad over!

You've wrecked our room!

I know what you're looking for!

We've got it hidden!

- Why don't you do us a favor...
- Shut up!

- [Grunts]
- [Grunts]

Where have they got him?!

- Eugene!
- MAN: He's down the block!

- Eugene!
- They took him down the block!




I don't think this looks
very good for anyone involved,

Eugene Buffy being held
on the block.

In fact, it stinks.

Well, every officer has the
right to strip-search a cell,

and the little bugger said
he had Semtex.

Oh, come on!

We all know
what they were looking for.

The second tape, right?


So now we've got to strip it
again, to check it.

[Knock on door]

Officer Hully
is in the boardroom.

If Eugene Buffy has got Semtex,

then he should not be
in the block.

He should be in the SSU.

So your head hurts, does it?

It's shocking, Doc.

It's like I've got... ooh...
Cotton wool in there

or something.

Apart from that,
do you feel all right?

Is that supposed to be a joke?

I was thrown down an iron
staircase, Doc, headfirst.

I could have brain damage
or something.

Yes. All right, Brian.
I'll keep you in overnight.

Could I have something to make
me sleep, please, Doctor?

- Yeah. Get undressed first.
- I already am undressed.

Get some pajamas on, Mr. Samora.


I wasn't serious.

I was joking. Honestly.
I swear.

But you do admit the prisoner
Keith Smith was harassing you.

Yeah. Constantly having a go
at me. Yes, he was.


I know the recording
makes me look... or sound bad,

but it was just a joke.

There is now a very serious
allegation against you...

And with evidence.

I just don't believe this.

I really don't.

Until it is determined
what the next step will be,

you are suspended from duty.

This is unfair.


[Door closes]

BUFFY: I'm gonna write
to every newspaper,

contact the prison watchdogs,
the prime minister!

- You won't get away with this!
- Mr. Buffy!

- Will you listen to me?!
- I'm gonna write to Judge Tuman!

Eugene, I've got the governor
with me.

We want to talk to you.

I should not have been brought
down here!

This is a plot
to keep me from talking!

I agree. I don't think
you should be here.


You stated you were
in possession of Semtex.

Yeah. I'm gonna blow the lot
of you to smithereens!

- Now, piss off!
- Open the cell door.

You'll have to take it seriously

Strip-search his cell
on C Wing and tonight.

Trolley's on the wing.

Trolley's on the wing.

How's the stomach?

Oh, it's fine.

Is, uh, Brian Samora well enough
for me to have a quick chat?

DR. HARRIS: There's nothing much
wrong with him.

We're keeping him monitored
'cause he fell on his head.

I'm starving hungry.

Get out of the way.

How are you feeling, Mr. Samora?

Oh, Ms. Hewitt.

Fell right on me head, you know.

I was pushed...
Pushed down the stairs.

Were you very upset about
your cell being strip searched?

Yeah. We all know what that
was about, don't we?

Do you know anything
about explosives?

Oh, it's explosive.

I'm not saying nothing.
Eugene told me not to.

I'll tell you one thing, though.
You won't find it.

Whoever does will get throttled.

[Man singing in distance]


Since when do we have to do
a strip at night?

JACKSON: Since Eugene Buffy said
he had Semtex.

I'm not kidding.

And if he was,
he's gonna be very sorry.

[Drill whirring]

Where's me cocoa?!

Shut it, Eugene.

Hey, I've changed me mind!
I want to go back on the wing!

You ain't going anywhere!
Good night!

The doctor said I can have
another mug full of cocoa.

Any more choccy biscuits?

Give us a hand.

Take that into cubicle 2.

No way.

I'm not going near the AIDS lot.
No way.

It's for Kevin Watts.

All right.
Take him a few biscuits, yeah?

Aye, do.

I've brought your cocoa, mate.

If you don't want your
choccy biscuits, I'll have them.

Oh, bleeding hell, Kev.
You been run over?

You're in a right mess.

What have they done to you,

I fell on me head, you know.

I'm acting up, actually.
It's cushty in here, isn't it?

Give us...


G-Give me me f-fucking cocoa.

All right.




No! No!

[Muffled screams]

The specials have not found

We checked every tape
in their cell.

- Nothing.
- So Buffy was lying.

They both lied.

It means we could keep this
balaclava business internal.

No, we don't, Gary.

Every officer in Barfield
must be trusted.

What Hully did
was a criminal offense.

- I stand corrected.
- However...

cell searches
are within our rights,

even more so when they're
threatening to blow up Barfield

with Semtex.

Get rid of a lot of aggravation,
though, wouldn't it, eh?

Very true.

Anyone fancy a pint?

Ah. That's the best offer
I've had all night.

- Come on, Gary.
- Allow me.

Oh. Thank you very much.
I say.


♪ Three little maids from school
are we ♪

♪ Pert as a schoolgirl
well can be ♪




Lights out!

Lights out!

What are you keeping me waiting

Get back to your pad, Bert.

You know the rules.

Move it.

Lazy bastard.



Lights out!

