The Garfield Show (2008–2016): Season 1, Episode 6 - King Nermal/Desperately Seeking Pookie - full transcript

King Nermal: To Garfield and Odie's horror, Jon has accepted to host sanctimoniously 'sweet' neighbor cat Nermal while his owner is away. When kicked out like Garfield usually does with Odie, the tomcat pretends to have badly hurt a paw. Commiserating, Jon now promises Nermal the royal treatment and gives him a bell to instruct his own pets. Garfield's plans to end their servile peril keep backfiring, even after Nermal's paw is exposed as healthy.

-[Garfield snoring]
-[alarm rings]

[upbeat theme song playing]

-[Garfield] Hee-hee!
-[remote clicks]

[doorbell rings]


Whoa! Could that be the pizza guy already?
I just ordered!

Hiya, Garfield.




[doorbell rings]

Odie, tell me you didn't see
what I just saw.

-Hiya, Garfield.
-[Garfield shrieks]

[Odie sighs, barks]

[doorbell rings]

Who's at the door?

[Garfield gasps]

Garfield? Move over.

Hi, Nermal. Come on in!

Nermal's master is out of town
so he's going to stay for ten days.

Isn't that right, little fellow?


Ten days? You must be kidding!

[Odie sighs, barks]

Come on, guys, be nice to Nermal
and make him feel at home, okay?

Boy, aren't the three of us
gonna have so much fun?


[both grumbling]


-Really? Oh, but who? Who?
-Yeah! Who? Who?

[orchestral soundtrack playing]

Ah! Just in time for the Ice Skating
International Championship.

I can't possibly miss it.

Oh, yeah? There.

I want to see
the face of the man who did it.

[sighs] I'm bored.


Can't we do something fun?
Like play games?





[Nermal] Oh! My leg!

Did you just hear someone screaming?

[Odie whimpering]


[Nermal sobbing]

My leg!
I've sprained my cute, delicate leg!


[Jon] Garfield!

-[Jon snarls]
-[Nermal meows]

Meow? [purrs]

[orchestral soundtrack playing]

I can't believe Jon gave him
my favorite seat and the remote.

That's just plain unacceptable!

[Odie whines, barks]

[Jon] Lasagna!

Ah! Lunch time. I'm totally famished.

No, Garfield.

I don't think you deserve lasagna
after being so mean to Nermal.

Here you go, little fella.



Four-cheese lasagna with extra Parmesan...
My favorite, my favorite lasagna.


If you need anything or if Garfield
and Odie are not being nice,

ring it twice and I'll come, okay?

As for the two of you,
I'm responsible for Nermal's well-being,

so you'd better behave,

or else you'll be grounded
for the rest of the week. Capiche?

[Garfield] Uh-huh.

Odie, Garfield, would you be so kind
as to bring me a glass of water?

My throat's all dried up.


[Garfield shrieks]


Sure, Nermal.

-Come on, Odie, it's just for ten days.
-[Odie grumbles]


This isn't even warm. How am I supposed
to eat cookies with cold milk?

Ouch! You call that a massage?

You're mauling my delicate fur
with your claws.

-Try to be a little more careful, dog.
-[Odie snarls]

Can I have my cookie or what?

Here. Crawl and get it yourself,
Your Highness!

[Odie grumbling]

-[first door slams]
-[second door slams]

That's it. I'm through taking care
of King Nermal.

Nothing will make me go back in there,
you hear?

-Nothing, Odie. Nothing, nothing.
-[bell dings]

[Jon humming]

[Garfield laughs]

Hey, guys. I figured you deserved a treat
for taking good care of Nermal.

[both] Mmm!

[Nermal] Garfield? Odie?
Where's my hot milk?

Okay, you get the cookies,
I'll go get the milk.


[Nermal swallows]

[Nermal] Meow.

You dirty little liar.

You've been faking your injury all along
just to get royal treatment!

And what if I did?
You and Odie were so mean to me.

Besides, you can't prove anything.


[Odie and Garfield snarling]

[bell ringing]

Garfield, Odie, back off!

Don't you see it's all an act?
He's faking!

Garfield, Odie, kitchen. You're grounded!

[Nermal giggles]

[both stammering]

-[Jon groans]


[Odie yips]

-[Jon groans]

-[both stammering]
-[Nermal laughing]

-[snarls] Hmm?

-[Jon snarls]

[Odie groans]


You won't have to fake anymore
when I'm done with you, Nermal.


-[orchestral soundtrack playing]
-[Nermal] Hmm-hmm.

I'll lose my sanity if I have to listen to
one more minute of lame ice-skating music.


This is what we're gonna do.

[Odie whimpers agreement]

[Garfield and Odie] Yum-yum!

[sounds of eating, licking lips]

Hey, guys, what are you eating in there?

[Garfield] Mmm! This totally yummy
chocolate chip cookie cake.


[Odie] Mmm!


Can I also have a piece?

Of course.
But Odie and I are grounded, remember?

We can't leave the kitchen.
You'll have to come and get it yourself.


No, no, no!

-[Nermal shrieking]
-[bell ringing]

Was that Nermal's bell ringing?

[dance music playing]

[music stops]


[Nermal shrieking]


[Jon] Hmm!


Garfield, Odie, out of the house, now!

[both sigh]

[ochestral soundtrack playing]

[thunder rumbling]


[both gasp]

[ringing softly]

[ringing stops]

Give us the remote
and get down from the chair nice and easy.

[chuckles] Or what?
You and Odie wouldn't dare touch me.

[Nermal] Fine. And don't say
you didn't ask for it!

[Garfield snickers]

Ha ha!

[Odie yips]

[soft metallic rattling]


-[both snarling]
-[Nermal laughs]

[Odie barking]



[Nermal] Ohh!


Heya, little fella, glad to see
your leg's working fine now.

-You don't even have a limp!
-[Nermal purrs]

[Garfield snarls]


You're not gonna get away with this,
you hear me, Nermal?

You'll need a lot more bandages
once I'm--







[Nermal purrs]

Mmm! I really outdid myself
with this four-cheese lasagna.

Aww! Too bad Liz said you couldn't use
your jaws for another month.

[Odie whimpering]

[Garfield stammering]

[doorbell rings]

I have a surprise for you guys.


I've asked Nermal to stay a little longer
so he can cheer you up a bit.

[both snarling]

Have fun!

[Garfield groaning]


Ooh! Ice skating. Sweet!
Look at their cute butterfly costumes!

[Odie howls]

[Garfield snarls]


-[Jon laughs]

Dinner's just about ready, Garfield!

It's lasagna!

Wow, lasagna.
I haven't had any of that since...

about four o'clock.

Come on, Pooky. Suppertime.

Don't worry.
If you don't want yours, I'll eat it.

[Odie yipping]

[Jon] One piping-hot lasagna...


[gasps] I got it, I got it!

You got it.

Boy, I thought you couldn't look
any cuter.

But add marinara sauce, melted cheese
to anything and it looks better.

[Jon] Sorry, Garfield.

-I got your toy dirty.
-Pooky is not a toy.

Pooky is a best friend who just happens
to be made of mostly cloth.

Here. You got him messy. You clean him.

He'd better be as fluffy
and adorable as always.

He'll be done any minute now.

-[bell dings]
-Pooky's done. Here he is.

What have you done to him?

He looks like a porcupine
watching a horror movie.

Relax, Garfield.
He just needs to be dried overnight.

Tomorrow morning,
he'll be his old self again.

Tomorrow morning?

You're a big cat, Garfield.
You can sleep without Pooky for one night.


He's right. I can do without Pooky
for one night.

Boy, I hope he's okay out there.

-[Odie whimpering]
-[Garfield snoring]


[Garfield] Pooky?


Oh, that's right.
He's out in the back on the clothesline.

I'm sure he's all right.

[owl hooting]

What am I worried about? He's fine.

[evil laughter]

[creature howls]

[rooster crows]

Come on, Odester. Let's bring Pooky in
so he can have breakfast with us.

[Odie] Right.

He's gone. Pooky's gone!

Pooky, where are you?

Pooky, where are you?

Don't worry, Pooky, I'll find you.

-[buzzer sounds]


[whistle blows]

Hey! Yaaaaa!

Pooky's not in there.



Pooky's not in here.

Pooky's not down there.




I'm sorry Pooky disappeared, Garfield.

Well, you ought to be.

When I saw he was missing,
I bought you a new friend.

-I hope you like him.
-[toy cries]

Not as cute as Pooky.

I thought you might not like that one
so I also got this one.

-[toy] Meow.
-Looks too much like Nermal.


One more.

It's the latest thing,
the Teddi-tron 2000.

A fully robotic,
state-of-the-art, digital teddy bear.

It's not as cute as Pooky.

You can make it say whatever you want
by speaking into this microphone.

Hello, Garfield! I want to be your friend.

Hello, Garfield! I want to be your friend.

And there are all sorts of other commands
on the controller here.

Hmm. Let's see what happens
when I press "walk."

Still not as cute as Pooky.

Let's see what happens
when I press "dance."


Nope. Maybe this button
that says "cuddle."

Let me go. Let me go. What are you doing?

One of these commands
has got to be "uncuddle."


[electronic whirring]


Stop! Stop! Go back to "cuddle"!




This one says "stop"!

[bell dings]

Oh, wow, Pooky never did that to me.

Oh, boy.

[Odie yips]


Oh, you're back.
Like I didn't have enough bad news.


What's that, boy? You found Pooky?

Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah!

Well, don't just stand there slobbering,
take me to him.


In here?

[gasps] That...

that Pookynapper!

That mutt took my best friend.


Okay, one of my best friends,
and I'm gonna get him back.


You, that's my Pooky you've got there.
I demand that you return him.

[Odie] Huh?

[Chihuahua barks]

[Garfield screams]


I demand that you stay out of my yard.
Pooky is mine now. Mine!

If that mutt thinks
I'm giving up Pooky without a fight,

he's got another thing coming.


This is called "Fishing for Pooky."


I got a bite! Now to reel her in!

Feels like Pooky's putting on
a little weight.

There you are, Pooky.





[Garfield screams]



I got out of that one okay.

All right. I'm trying something else.
Maybe the old phony bush trick.




How much do you get for gardening work?



Okay, I'm through being Mr. Nice Cat.
I know how to get Pooky back.

I need to find an old dress.

[Garfield laughs]

[gasps, shrieks]

[gears whirring]


Oh, where is my baby?
Where is my child, Pooky?

I want to find my baby. Who has him?

There you are, Pooky.

What... what are you doing
with that mangy dog?

You should be with that nice Garfield
where you belong.

You're his mother?

Of course I'm his mother.

Don't you see the family resemblance?

I can get away with this because, as you
may have noticed, dogs aren't too bright.

Let me take you back
to Garfield, little Pooky!

[Chihuahua] I'm sorry. I didn't know
he was your kid, lady.

I just wanted a friend.

I never had one.

I'm supposed to be this real tough dog,
scaring everyone away.

Well, that's the trouble,
I scare everyone away.

[blows nose]

[Odie] Huh?

So long, Pooky.
It was nice having a friend for a while.

Even if I did have to steal you.


You heard it, too? Yeah. Real sad.

So I think we're gonna find him a friend.


Yeah, it's great having you around.
I never had anybody to talk to before.

Boy, I used to not have one friend
and now I got three.

Well, that worked out well.

[Odie yipping]

"Can someone be friends

with a useless creature
that can't even think?"

Hey, you and I are pals, aren't we?

Hmm... uh-huh!

Come on, Pooky. Let's go home
and see if Jon has lunch ready.

And if you don't want yours, I'll eat it.