The Frankenstein Chronicles (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - Episode #2.1 - full transcript

Any change, Meecham?

I still have hope, Doctor.

Lost cause, this one Father.
God's left him long passed.

God leaves no-one.

Will you pray with me, my son?

Come back to us, John.

Come back to us, John.

My son?


He lives...

He lives...

Come on. Back to bed with you.



Enough now!

Don't make me use it

Forgive me.

Out the way! Out the way!

Let me show you where you were born.

My Adam.

You are the next step.


You told me that if Daniel succeeded,
then we would be in a world without God?

And I would be as guilty for it as he?

Well he has.

And I am.

I was lost...

I couldn't find you.

There will be another one after you.

And others after that.

Fire and water and ice.

You must find him.

You must do this for me.

Heaven is closed to both of us.

Fire and water and ice.

Where are you?

You must find him.

You must do this for me.

You must find him, you must do this for me.

They say the body is a real mess,
like a scene from the Bible.

Who'd kill an Archdeacon
but a man touched by the Devil himself?

Ripped out his intestines
and his heart and his lungs, I heard.

Oi! I told you lot to get down
to the Coroner's office.

Sergeant Nightingale.

Inspector Treadaway.

Look at this.

Sir Robert's Great Metropolitan experiment.

At Bow Street I went out
and got things done.

Now I spend all day
writing about it in triplicate.

Detailed records are the future, sir,
I do believe it.

I think you might be right, Sergeant.

Cos they're no bloody use
to us here in the present.

Have you finished at Portugal Street?

As I suggested, a crime of passion.

It was the husband himself
who killed his wife.

You got him to admit to it?
- No need, sir, the evidence admits all.

Good work, Sergeant.

Very good.

Murder is definitely your talent.

I've another one with your name to it.

The murder of the Archdeacon?

No, a guard at Bedlam,
killed by an escaped lunatic in his flight.

Bedlam is under Southwark Watch-house.

But the toll-man at Regent Bridge
spied the lunatic crossing the river.

Which makes him the concern of Westminster.

How did the guard die?

Throat slit ear to ear, I'm told.

Horrible business.

Constable Bircher!

You'll be assisting
Sergeant Nightingale in his enquiries.

Sergeant Nightingale...
- If you wish to rise

above the rank of constable, you need to be
more conscientious with your work

rather than fuelling babble and hearsay.


Yes, Sir.

We've come for the body
of the Archdeacon. Hand him over.

This murder's the concern
of the church coroner, Mr Renquist!

Says who?
- Says the church!

Out. Get him out!

I don't take orders from Charlies like you.

But maybe you will accept the authority
of the Very Reverend Dean of Westminster

when I tell you
that you have no jurisdiction here.

The Parish Watch are in charge,
not the police.

Never let that happen again.

Yes, sir.

How can I help you?

I was abandoned by God.

And now you seek His sanctuary?

So it is you, John Marlott.

I am not John Marlott.

Yet you walk in his image.


To find Daniel Hervey

and show him God's vengeance.


The man I knew, this man I see before me

you were not a man of vengeance.

Who was I?

You were a man of kindness.

A man of justice.


I was shown no justice.

Now I walk a wasteland, Father.

A world forsaken.

It is the poor who are forsaken,
not the world.

And what they crave is justice.

Then we are all abandoned.
- No. No...

Here in Pye Street it is the church
who has abandoned us.

The church, not God.

My flock lies here

in the cradle of the church,
under the gaze of God

yet every day they wander further
into the valley of death...

While the Dean of Westminster
watches on and lines his own pockets...

...from evil for thyne is the kingdom,
power and the Glory for ever.



Good morning, Mr Dean.

Mr Renquist.

Gentlemen, leave us please?

The Metropolitan police have begun
trespassing on the murder of the Archdeacon.

Yes, how very irritating.

The Home Secretary wishes to illustrate
the competence of his new police force.

It feels like desperation.


I cannot be expected to conduct church
business with their continuing interference.

And you shall not.

Even the Home Secretary will find
he cannot refuse the seal of the King.

Who I'm sure would not object
to my small appropriation of his authority.

Westminster is not the domain of the state.

It is the domain of God.

The Kings seal is the final word

and the people will...

have faith in the Church.

I rescued them after your arrest.

Do you think I'm guilty of it, Father...?

Flora's murder?

That's between you and God.

I won't betray you.

But your clothing might.

Go to this shop and ask for Esther Rose.

She is someone you can trust.

I cannot repay you.

"The wicked borrow and pay not again;
but the righteous show mercy, and give."

Is that a Psalm?

That's right.

I remember it...

Do not forsake God, my son.

And do not forsake
those He has in keeping for you.

They still await you on the other side.

I have seen the other side.

I was taken to the meeting place
but they were both gone.

They were sent on without me.

What marvel brought you back here,
John Marlott?

I am not John Marlott.
- Then who are you?

I passed beyond God's kingdom.

John Marlott is dead.

An Archdeacon is murdered
in the very heart of Westminster

and the Metropolitan police are instructed
to play no part in such matters?

The Dean of Westminster
flaps his wings indeed.

That letter did arrive under the seal
of King George, Home Secretary.

And if King George has witnessed its
contents, then I am a Charing Cross saddler.

No, Fox.

This is the work of the Dean and no other.

Mr Dipple. Forgive me,
I was unaware of any appointment.

No forgiveness necessary, Sir Robert.
I am unannounced.

I'm afraid sir

the Home Secretary's appointments do not...
- Oh...

Oh, that is quiet extraordinary...


Late seventeenth century.

West Bengal, I'd hazard.
- Speak plainly, Mr Dipple.

What is your business?
- Speak plainly.

Novel words for a politician.

We are all aware of your influence,
Mr Dipple

but in the seat of Government
you would do well to address me

with the customary respect.

Sir Robert,
spare me the indignation of tradition.

We are both men of the modern world

governments come and go
like the passing of the seasons.

And yours is in trouble.

What is your business?

Fox, would you be so kind
as to collect the minutes

of this morning's Cabinet meeting,
thank you.

There was a murder,
two nights in Westminster.

The Archdeacon?

And that night also saw the escape
of a dangerous lunatic from Bethlem.

His liberty are of concern to me.

And why should it concern me?

I understand your new cemeteries bill
reaches a crucial stage.

As we have discussed.

Mr Dipple, your support
for this scheme is very generous.

Yes, I believe the swift apprehension
of this man

will hasten the completion
of these documents in no uncertain measure.

And what will you gain from this?


Well, you hardly impress
as the Good Samaritan, Mr Dipple.

Very well, I can assure you
that the Metropolitan Police will consider

the arrest of this escaped lunatic
to be a matter of the utmost urgency.

And the seasons pass thus...

Sir Robert.

Good Day.


Please make it clear that in future Mr Dipple is
not to be admitted without an appointment.

Of course, Home Secretary.
- Though I doubt that it will stop him.

That's the problem
with the extravagantly rich, Fox.

They think they own everything.

Esther Rose?

Father Ambrose told me you could
provide a more suitable set of clothing.

More suitable?

Well, these clothes are...

No matter.

Your business is none of mine, sir.

If you just stand straight.

A military bearing.


I need the collar to be high.

If you can, please?

I know what will do.

Thank you.

I'll give you some privacy.

I'm dressed.

They're a good fit.

Thank you.


Where did these clothes come from?

A dead man.

The shirts of the deceased beg a lower price

and most of my patrons are not fussy.

Why did you choose them for me?

I saw you in them.

Thank you. Is that enough?

That's right.

For a man who served his country.

People forget.
- They do.

Thank you, Mrs Rose.

May God walk with you, sir.

You have no clue to his identity?

None was discovered,
but there was a curious incident

in the days before his escape.

A visit by a Reverend Ambrose provoked
a reaction unlike any I ever saw on him.

Father Ambrose?

Of the parish of St John's, I believe.

The meaning of this?


As you can see,
ramblings are fractured to say the least.

Sometimes in the first person,
sometimes in the third.

This, this is...?

A record of admittance.

Daniel Hervey.

Lord Daniel Hervey?
- I believe so.

His connection to the patient?
- I really have no idea.

Lord Hervey died, quite some time ago.

I recall.

There were stories of a fire.

The patient had been in our care
for almost three years.

As I did not admit the man, I've no
speculation as to Lord Hervey's involvement.

Father Ambrose said that
the patient resembled a man he once knew

hanged for murder of a young girl.

And how would
you describe the man? The patient?

A lost soul.


Sergeant Nightingale what are you doing?

- That's the third time I've called you.

I had to come from over there.

Sorry, sir.
- No matter.

Truth told, this is the furthest
I've escaped my desk all day.

What did you learn at Bedlam?

There's something odd
about the events at Bedlam, sir.

I just can't put my finger to it.

But I believe
the doctor to be concealing something.

Concealing involvement in the murder?

No, nothing so sinister.

He seemed ill at ease
in discussing the escaped patient.

For no reason I can fathom.

Guilt for some fault
beyond his control, perhaps?

I was thinking the same.

Did he at least furnish you
with a description of the man who escaped?

He described the man as...

as a lost soul.

I think we'll need
a little more to go on than that.

Talk to this Father Ambrose
at St John's tomorrow.

The Home Secretary's taken
a keen interest in this one.

Yes sir.

Fire and water and ice.


You must find him.

If you denied me,
then surely you denied Daniel Hervey.

He still walks this earth with me,
I know it.

Where did you cast him?


Heaven is closed to both of us.



Fire! Fire!

Water, we need buckets of water, quickly!

The church is on fire!

Parish Watchmen! To me!

"Second unholy murder
of Westminster Clergyman

as Police pursue incurable Bethlem
lunatic in desperate manhunt."

The Bethlem investigation...
Something has turned up.

The inmate believed he was John Marlott.

That's Bedlam for you.

There's nothing to be afraid of,
it's all under control!

Marlott is dead.

You print one word otherwise
and I'll take this quill

stick it in your tongue
and pin it to that desk.

Search every room,
every cellar, every attic.

Do not take him on.
- What's the point of that, sir?

You'll lose.

With all this talk
of the Devil in Pye Street

I would prefer to have someone here.

How long will it take you to repair it?

- I'd say at least 8 days.
- You have 5 days at a crown a day.

I accept.

Men have survived the gallows before.

And you will hang again,
I'll make sure of it.

You saw what Hervey wanted you to see.

He is using them to resurrect the dead.

And the dead demand justice.
Not just for them, for me.