The Fosters (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 10 - Collateral Damage - full transcript

Nick gets out and starts to stalk Mariana, prompting Jesus to stand up against his former friend. AJ becomes jealous when Callie starts to hang out with Aaron more often. Brandon is stressed over the Julliard Acceptance letter.

Previously on The Fosters...

Ow! Aah!

- That's a...
- Nail.

It's embedded several
inches into his frontal lobe.

You know, I'm at an increased
risk of having a seizure.

So is this something you do now?

You get high?

Noah has a medical marijuana card.

I took some of Jesus' ADHD pills.

That's like taking speed. Are you crazy?

- I can't believe you're still seeing Nick!
- What does it matter

if he thinks that I'm his
girlfriend as long as he's locked up?

Callie's caused Brandon a lot of trouble

from the time she showed up.
And what about this Aaron kid?

Is she yanking his chain too?

Hey, anybody home? Police.

You heard gunshots. You
were amped on adrenaline

and I was lying on the ground.

- Of course you thought that he still had the gun.
- But he didn't.

I'm gonna talk to Robert
today, change my statement.

They're gonna think you're
lying to cover my ass!

There was other DNA on the murder weapon

besides Martha Johnson's and Kyle's.

Why did Kyle's lawyers never see this?

Because Detective Gray
didn't want him to.

Detective Joe Gray.

I understand you're interested
in an old case of mine.

If we can place another suspect
at Martha Johnson's house

on the day she was murdered,
then we might get a judge

to order them to give a DNA sample.

Like our curb painter Doug Harvey.

I want to go to Juilliard

more than anything.

Promise me that you will not hold back

on this audition because you feel

that you have an
obligation to this girl.

Do you have any idea what
it takes to study here?

What do I do then? Break up with her?

So Rita called me and
she's up in Sacramento

talking to like,
representatives and stuff,

and the good news is
that Justina's bill died

before it even made it to a vote.

That's because of you, Callie.

Yeah, but...

so apparently, they've
got like, a ballot measure.

You know, when they put
something out to the voters.

- Like they did with Prop 8?
- Yeah, exactly.

So they're calling it the
Foster Care Reform Bill,

but, you know, of course it's
just the same terrible law

that puts most of government
funding towards privatization.

- They're relentless, aren't they?
- Yeah, and of course

people are gonna vote for something
called "Foster Care Reform."

Yeah. I mean, it sounds good to me.

Exactly, and the only
way to get voters to see

that there's, you know,
a better way to do things

is to put a different
bill on the ballot,

and they're calling it Jack's Law.


- That way, voters can at least...
- See the difference?


Sounds like a good idea.

Maybe the bills just
cancel each other out?

Even that would be better than
Justina getting her law passed.

So, they need 500,000 signatures

to get the new bill on the ballot,

so I was thinking since we're
all already going to the Bayfest

to see Brandon's big reunion
with Someone's Little Sister...


What if we had like a booth

and, you know, like,
collected signatures

and... and took donations?

There's gonna be a ton of people there.

Can I go? I... I mean,
I know I'm grounded,

but it's not like Noah's
gonna be there, so.

You're not grounded from family
things. Of course you can go.

Uh, hey, Mama?

Where's my refill? I'm almost out.

- They haven't sent it yet?
- No.

Uh, okay. I will call them tomorrow.

Oh, my god.


I... I got an email
from... from Juilliard.

- And?
- Open it. Open it, love.

I... I...

What... where are you going?

Where is he going?


W... why isn't he doing anything?

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

I... I got in!

I got in! Oh, my god!

Oh, my god, I got into...

Oh, my...

Oh, my...

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

Let me see, let me see!

- Come on!
- Okay, here.

I... I didn't read it all.
I... I couldn't read it all.

Oh, my god! Look at you!

Can't believe he did it.

You know? It's one of those things that

you talk about for years
and years and years,

and then it finally
happens, and... and...

I have to find a way to pay for it.

We will.

And I'm sure he's gonna get
a really good aid package.

Yes, and hopefully I
will make detective,

so that will take some of
the pressure off too, right?

Honey, I don't want you to
do that just for the money.

I'm not, I swear.

I... I do really enjoy this
line of work, all right?

And... and to be quite honest,

it's time.

You know, it's long past time
for me to get off the beat.

Well, I know I'm gonna sleep better.

I know, love.

Me too, you know, if for no other reason

than I won't have to
be on my feet all day,

so hopefully my... my knees won't hurt

all the time, and... and...

ugh, won't have to put on
that damn uniform anymore.

Hey, what's the matter with the uniform?

It has been an honor to wear it everyday

for the past 20 years,
but it's... it's polyblend

and it's hot and it's
incredibly unattractive.

It'd be fine with me
if I never saw it again.


Oh my.

You have the right to remain silent.

- Do I?
- Mm-hmm.

And you better start...

right now.



And after 20 years on the beat,

I think that, uh,

I think I finally
realized that my talents

would probably be put to
better use elsewhere, so.

Well, you know what?
I think you're right.

We're always looking for
more female detectives,

and to find someone with your
experience and commitment,

well, we'd be lucky to have you.

Thank you.

- Of course, I've gotta run it up the ladder,
- Yes.

But I think everything looks very good.

And it doesn't hurt
that you've already got

a recommendation from one of
our most decorated veterans.

Someone put in a recommendation for me?

Yeah. Gray.

Joe Gray.

I figured you knew him, asked him to.

Yeah, I know him. Yup.

And in the end, if so
many people had to die,

well, that was just a
byproduct of our hero's journey.

The Romans were pretty
merciless that day.

Okay, more on this tomorrow.

Make sure you've done your reading.

Mariana, a word?

- Yeah?
- So...

I read your paper.

It's not your best work.

I expect a lot more from you.

- _
- Oh, my god.

I... I've just...

I've been so busy with Robotics,

I've gotten so far behind.

I'm just... I'm just trying to catch up.

You had the same time as everyone else.

Please, if... if you can,

can I just have this
weekend to make it better?

I... I promise I will fix
it. Please. It's just...

this will ruin my GPA.


But I want it Monday. First thing.

And it better be good.



Hey. It's me.


Um, I've got some good news.

- What?
- I'm home.

You are?

Well, I mean, just for the weekend.

They've got me on house arrest, so...

I can't leave.

Oh. Well...

that must be nice, to
be home for a little bit.

Yeah, it is.

And you know the best part?

You can come over.

I can finally touch you again.

Bad interview?

No, great interview, in fact.

Got a big, fancy detective
puttin' in a good word for me.


Gray sent over a recommendation.

The hell is that?

Does he think that he can
just buy me, buy my silence?

I'm just gonna owe him, be his bitch?

He obviously doesn't know you very well.

So, I mean, what are you gonna do?

Are you gonna take
yourself out of the running?


That's evidence that Benjamin
Torres was 14 years old

when Molloy molested him.

Give that to your friend in Vice

and tell him that Gray threatened
to have Benjamin's parents deported.

See what he can do with it.

Okay. Are you sure you want to do this?

It sounds like Gray is
keeping an eye on you.

Yeah, I'm sure.

I missed you.

I'm so glad... you're home.

Where are you going?

You fell asleep.

No, I didn't.

It's okay.

I'm sorry. I just...

I haven't been sleeping like, at all.

Hello. Just wanted to make sure
everyone was decent in here.

Don't worry.

Okay. Oh, Mat,
congratulations, by the way.

On what?

Getting into Berklee.

Very happy for you.


You got into Berkeley?

I didn't even know you applied there.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- It's no big deal.

I... I don't even know if I want to go.

You should probably take a nap.

Call me later if you want.


what do you have for me?

Whatever it is, give it to me quick.

Uh, this place is giving me
flashbacks to high school.

Is this a hint?

Are you trying to tell me something?

It's from Doug Harvey.

The curb painter?


Did you break into his house?

Callie, what the hell? You could
have gotten yourself killed.

Well, I didn't, so now we can see

if Harvey's DNA matches
anything on the murder weapon.

No, we can't. It's not admissible.

What's the point? Not
to mention the fact

that you broke a bunch
of laws to get it.

Okay, what was I supposed to do?

No, if you could have heard Kyle

when he told me that they were
sending him to Folsom early...

I'm telling you, if we can't figure out

how to give him some hope at least...

he's gonna...

Okay, um...

we'll get it tested.

At least we'll know.

As long as you promise not
to do anything stupid again.


Callie, I'm serious.




I said nothing.

- Was it Nick?
- Jesus!

Whoa, he's home?

You can't go see him.

- Yeah, I know!
- I'm serious.

Mariana, you can't go see him.

I'm not going to. God.

Well, then text him.

- I will.
- Yeah?

- Do it now.
- No, I'll do it later.

No, you won't.

Yes, I will, Jesus!

I'll do it as soon as I'm
done with this stupid paper!

Now leave me alone!


See now, no sooner do
I try and help you out

you go and make me regret it.

Nobody asked for your help.

Too high a price as far as I can see.

All I did was ask you to stay out of it.

And I did.

Handing over evidence
to the guys in Vice

doesn't seem like
staying out of it to me.

So making detective, that's
not worth anything to you?

Not this.

What about having a job at all?

Keep talking.

Give me more to go to
Internal Affairs with.

It's funny you should mention IA.

I was thinking they'd be very interested

in finding out how you tried
to cover for your ex-partner.

Or was it your ex-husband?

No, wait, it's both,

when he was being investigated
for shooting an unarmed man.

That's one thing about IA.

They hate being lied to.

You're not the only one who could
do a little digging, officer.

You have a good night now.


You're raising money for Kyle too?

I thought it couldn't hurt.

Wow, nice location, Callie.

I think we could do some
damage from here, huh?

Um, where do you want this?

Uh, just across the back. Thanks.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Hey, AJ, come give me a hand.


Hey! Oh, I love them!

- Thank you so much for doing this!
- Of course.

- Yes!
- Yay!

Wow. There... there's two of you.

That's... crazy.

Um, I'm gonna go grab
the rest of the chairs.

Okay, who is that? He was cute.

Oh, that is Aaron.

You know, the intern I told you about
from the Juvenile Justice Center.

Oh, so he's smart too.


Hey, Jude, I...

Hey, what's up with Callie and that guy?


Why are you asking me that?

Just looking out for you.

Look, Mike, I know
you don't like Callie.

Okay? But I do,

and I'm gonna keep seeing her.

And if you don't want
me to keep seeing her,

well, that's too bad.

I'm gonna be 18 soon,
and if you don't want me

staying under your roof anymore,
I guess... I'll just move on.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Did... did your sister
tell you that I was home?

You want to come in?

Look, Mariana doesn't
want to say this to you

because she doesn't want to,
you know, hurt your feelings

I guess, but...

she doesn't want to be with you anymore.

She's with Mat now,

so you have to leave her alone.


Why didn't she tell me this herself?

Because she's afraid of you.

So we're calling it Jack's Law

for my friend who was
killed in the system.

Uh, so we just need enough signatures

to get the bill on the ballot.

I was a foster kid,

so believe me, it's really important.

Oh, we already signed
the Foster Care petition.

You did?

Yeah, about an hour ago
over by the entrance.


That's weird.

- We just got here.
- Yeah, I know.

Or maybe they just didn't want to sign.

Yeah, maybe.

So there's this other bill

that like, puts all the money

into like, businesses
instead of for the kids,

but we're trying to fight
that, so maybe you could sign?

Um, I don't think so.

I gotta meet my friends.


Couldn't close, huh?

Thank you. Thanks.

Hi, are you interested
in foster care reform?

We just, uh, we need some signatures
to get our bill on the ballot.

- Uh, yeah, sure.
- Thanks.

Would you also consider donating to help

Kyle Snow get a fair trial?

He was wrongly convicted of murder.

No, I won't.


You know, you shouldn't be doing that.

You're raising money for a murderer.

Okay, well, he's not a murderer...


He is.


I'm Troy Johnson.

Martha was my grandmother.


See, a friend of mine
called me this morning

to tell me about this,
and I didn't believe it.

You have to stop.

I just got my mother
back after years of her

being so depressed, she
couldn't even get out of bed.

I'm sure this has been
really hard for you all,

but Kyle is a victim here too, okay?

- He did not do this.
- Yes, he did.

No, he didn't. The detective
on your grandmother's case

made sure that he was convicted
even though there was evidence

that points to somebody else, okay?

Don't you want the person
that's responsible to be found?

Look, Kyle is guilty.

I know that, and so did the jury.

And I'm sorry if you
have convinced yourself

of some cockamamie theory,

but please let this go.

For my family's sake.

Hi there. Can we talk to you for
a minute about foster care reform?

Okay, this is so frustrating.

What is going on? Why
aren't you working the crowd?

You're much better at
harassing people than I am.

I, uh...

Detective Gray came to visit me
as I was leaving work yesterday.

- Again?
- Yeah,

and he, uh, threatened to go to IA

if I didn't drop the whole thing.

He knows about how I covered
for Mike after the shooting.

- How does he know about that?
- I have no idea.

Does this mean you could lose your job?


you don't have to make detective.

That's fine. We're gonna be fine.

But if you lose your job...

you have to let this go.

Hey, listen, there's a child molester

still out on those streets
thanks to Detective Gray.

And an innocent kid is sitting,

rotting away his life in jail.

How am I supposed to
walk away from that?

There are other people
who can take this on.

- Well...
- Let the JJC handle it.

Isn't that what they're there for?

They're not gonna get justice
for Benjamin Torres, Lena.

They're not.

This is an issue of
integrity for me, Lena.

- Why can't you see that?
- You... you are the one

who's always saying that
we can't save them all.

And you know what?
Sometimes you have to.

You have to compromise your integrity.

It sucks, but it's true.

You do what you have to do
for the sake of your family.

Excuse me, uh, can I talk

to you for a second about,
uh, foster care reform?

Hi, do you have a moment
to talk about foster care...


Do you have a moment to
talk about serious reforms

needed in the foster system?

- Sure.
- My team and I are collecting signatures

to get a really important
bill on the ballot

and would...

Wait a minute, I know you, don't I?

I mean, Berkeley?
That's eight hours away,

and he didn't even tell
me he was going to apply,

and it's because he knew that I
was going to be upset. That's why.

At least it's not one of those schools
that he was looking at on the East Coast.

And my grandparents live
nearby, so I can visit,

and... and... it's...
it's just a year, right?

Are you... okay?


Maybe. I don't know.
I'm gonna get these guys.

Excuse me.


Are you familiar with Jack's Law?

Uh, we're trying to get another
reform bill placed on the ballot.

So Justina's people are here too.

- For real?
- Yeah.

Guess we weren't the only
ones with the brilliant idea

of getting signatures here.

But I am not going to let
them have the upper hand.

I'm going to work harder
and I need a new petition.


Damn, that is impressive.

But of course, if we
were all as cute as you,

I'm sure we'd be on
our fourth petition too.

Are you serious right now?

I'm standing right here.


You know what. Stop hitting
on my girlfriend, man.

I know you kissed her.

And I've been trying
to be chill with you,

but every time I turn
around, you're making moves.

- AJ...
- Stay in your lane, man.

- For real.
- AJ, he's just playing.

Well, that's enough playing.

Does he always get this worked up?


You really want to
start something with me?

You're about half my size
on a good day, little man.

I will break you, so
watch your damn mouth.

Okay, okay, you know what, um...

Aaron, he has a point, okay?

And you need to stop
pressing people's buttons...

but you need to shut the hell up

- and stop being such a jerk.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's going on?

Oh, good! Yeah, yeah, yeah, great!

I'm sure you think that
I've created all this drama,

that I'm just yanking
everyone's chain, right?

- Callie, I don't know...
- No, Mike.

It's actually none of your business

and I don't care what you think,

so you need to stay the
hell out of it, okay?

Dammit. Aaron!

What was that?

Come on, Mike. You always
blame her for everything.

- What?
- It's not fair, and you know it.

AJ, I have nothing
against Callie personally.

I... I'm just... I worry.

Look, let's be clear about one thing.

You're family.

Hey, you're not going
anywhere no matter how I feel

about your love life.

Okay? You always have a home with me.

Hey, can we stop soon? I'm starving.

We just had lunch.

Excuse me, sir?

Would you sign our petition
for foster care reform?

Some people are weird.

No kidding.

Come on. Let's go.

- Excuse me, would you two...
- You got what you wanted.

Aaron went home.


You are such a jackass.

How am I the jackass here, Callie?

You're the one that pulled away from me

when I tried to kiss you this morning.

And then you went and comforted him

after all those shots he took at me.

Okay, I didn't pull
away because of Aaron,

I pulled away 'cause Mike was there.

And yeah, I... I went after
him because of what you said.

- It was so shady,
- What?

I didn't say anything that wasn't true.

Calling him out for his size,

obviously he's sensitive about that.

Well, obviously I'm sensitive

about some dude hitting
on my girlfriend.

Okay, Aaron is trans, AJ.



Anybody want to sign for Jack's Law?


- Jack's Law?
- I'll sign.

I... I, uh...

You're not...

I'm... I'm not...

not supposed to see you.

I won't tell if you won't.

So, you know, I was thinking,

and Berkeley isn't so bad.

I mean, it's not ideal,
but it's not that far

and they've got a really
good Robotics program,

so I was thinking maybe
I could apply next year...

I'm pretty sure Berkeley
doesn't have a Robotics program.

Yes, it does. I... I looked it up.

It's a really good one, in fact.

Pretty sure Berklee College of Music

doesn't have a Robotics program.

Berklee College of Music? Where is that?


Come on. We're up soon.


So I called Justina
Marks. You know her, right?


Well, to tell her how well we were doing

and how weird it was that there's this

whole other group
collecting signatures here,

and, well, she asked me to
pass along a little message.

She told me to tell you
that opening people's mail

is a federal offense.

- I didn't...
- Well, she knows you posted

a picture of the check
she got online, so...

pack up, go home, and stop all this

or she's gonna have you arrested.


So, uh, listen, I handled
the whole Nick thing.


What do you mean you handled it?

What... what did you do?

I... I went to see him, and, um...

- You went to see him?
- Yeah, and we talked

man to man, and I... I made it clear

that you're not his girlfriend
anymore, that you're with Mat,

and you don't ever
want to see him again.

Oh, my god, why did you do that?

You're so stupid!

Now he's gonna be mad at me

and I'm gonna have to... I...

Mariana, it's... it's
okay. It's gonna be fine.

- You're fine.
- You don't know that.

Hey, what's going on?

I can't do this. I...

- Can't do what?
- Just any of it.

I can't...

keep trying to help people,

and just have it blow up
in my face again. I can't.

It's hard to help people sometimes.

You know, it's hard
to do the right thing,

and sometimes people get
hurt, sometimes you get hurt.

But it's no excuse though.

You gotta keep doing what you're doing.

And you're doing a
great job, you hear me?

Hey, can I go up with you guys?

Um, on stage? Why?

Captain Roberts, this
is Stefanie Adams-Foster.

Um, I want to leave
this on your voicemail

so that I don't change my mind.

I'd like to see you on Monday.

Something I'd like to take to IA.

Hey, how's everyone doin'?

Sorry, I... I know everyone's
here to see some music,

and the amazing Someone's
Little Sister is about to play.


I just want to take
a few seconds to talk

about my friend Jack Downey.

He was let down by
the foster care system

and died because of
abuse in an unsafe home.

Uh, and I'm here today
because I want to make sure

that his death was not in vain.

See, there's two different
bills circulating today,

and one of them is
sponsored by the people

that are directly
responsible for Jack's death.

So, I just... I'm asking you, please,

please take one minute
from your day today

to help us get Jack's Law
on the ballot this fall.

Thank you.

And now, Someone's Little Sister.


Thank you. We're
Someone's Little Sister.

Uh, well, some of us are.

Our keyboardist is actually
on a little vacation right now,

so we asked our old friend,
Brandon Foster, to join us.

And, uh, Brandon actually just
got some really exciting news.

He will be attending
Juilliard this fall.

I think he deserves a round
of applause for that, yeah?

In honor of this most
momentous achievement,

uh, we wanted to play a
song that he just wrote.

It's called Collateral Damage.

It's work.

Hey, Monty, why are you
calling me on a Saturday?

What's going on?

Hey, uh, I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

I'm gonna step away and call you back.

He's here.

Who? Who's here?


Okay, where are you?

- Um...
- Mariana.

Uh, I'm... I'm by the bathroom.

Mariana, what's going on?


I... I gotta...

Hey, sorry about that.

So what's going on?

- Let me. I'll check inside.
- Okay.

- Hello?
- Hey, are you here?

- Are you at Bayfest?
- What?

Listen, are you at Bayfest?

Did you come here looking for Mariana?

I have an ankle bracelet, dude.

I can't leave.

She's not in there.

Then where the hell is she?

Wait, what's going on?

Hey, what's going on?

I think that she might be
taking your pills again.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, what do
you... what do you mean "again"?


Have... have you seen Mariana?

Uh, no, babe. Not for a while. Why?

Because we can't find her anywhere.

- And...
- And, um, she might

have taken some of my pills.

Look, I... I didn't
know anything about it,

but I'm worried because she called me

and she said that she... she
thinks she sees Nick here.

N... Nick here? How
could he possibly be here?



Listen, I'm sorry.

I just...

You should have told
me about Aaron before.

I mean, I wouldn't
have gotten so jealous.

Why? 'Cause he's trans?

That's a very ignorant thing to say.


Aaron is no less of a man than you are,

and just 'cause he's trans, that
would never stop me from seeing him.

Okay, so do you want to date him?

No, that's not what I said.

I mean that I would consider it

if I weren't seeing you.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be then.


Seeing me.


Hey, have you seen Mariana?



Why were you in my house?

Excuse me?

Why were you in my house?

Why are you watching me?

I haven't. I...

I'm not... I'm not.
I'm not watching you.

I don't even know who you are.

Don't lie to me because I saw you.

- I'm not...
- I saw you. I know you're watching me.

I'm not watching you. I
don't know who you are.

- Don't lie to me.
- Okay, if you could just let me...

What's going on here?

- Hey. Have you... Anything?
- No. No, no, no.

We've looked everywhere.
We've been all over this place.

Okay. Uh...

Okay, hold it right there.

Excuse me, my name
is Stef Adams-Foster.

I'm a police officer
with the sixth precinct.

I have reason to believe
that my daughter is missing.

- She is 5'2, she's Latina...
- Attention all officers,

we have a BOLO for Nick Stratos.

Be on the lookout for Nick Stratos.

18, sandy brown hair.

I repeat, we have a
BOLO for Nick Stratos.

Parolee cut off his ankle
bracelet and is on the run.

He's out on early parole.


Uh, I just got a call.

The, uh, the college board,

they flagged that Tristan kid
when he took the SATs again

and he scored so much lower.

Uh, and?

And, um...

he told them... he told them everything,

including your name.


what does... what does that mean?

It means you... you're
not going to Juilliard.


Oh, hey.

You all right?

Uh, yeah.

Hey, look, I'm sorry about before.

It's, um...

just been kind of hard.

No, I understand.

Actually, um...

I think my sister's missing.

Uh, she's Latina, uh, really short,

um, she has a #justice4jack shirt on.

Have you seen her?

- Uh, dark hair?
- Yeah.

- Pretty girl?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I think I actually
did see her get into a car

just a little bit ago.

Um, do you want to...

I mean, I think if we
hurry, we could probably...

Yeah, yeah. Thank you.

Yeah, sure.

Mariana, get in the car.

Come on. Hey, it's okay.

- Just get in the car.
- No, leave me alone!

No, you can't. You...
you broke in to my house!

- You had a gun!
- I know, I know, I'm sorry, okay?

- Just please, please...
- No! You don't get to touch me!

You hurt me! You scared me! You...

- I know, I know just...
- You made me afraid in my own bedroom!

You... you were gonna...

No, I... I was never gonna hurt you!

- You were gonna kill yourself!
- Please! I... I'm sorry!

- Just come with me please!
- I don't love you, Nick!

Stop! You don't get to do that!

You don't get to do something like that

and then just be with me!

I never want to see you again!

They couldn't have
gotten too much further.

Hey, so, uh, I just
got a call from the JJC.

They got the DNA report back.

- And?
- And Harvey is not a match.

- Oh.
- But there was more DNA

on the murder weapon besides Kyle's.

They can't ID it,

but it's from someone related to Martha.

A man.

It's okay, Mariana.

I'm okay.

I understand that you don't want

to see me anymore, and I understand why.

I'm sorry I ever scared you like that.

There! There! Stop the car!

Stop it! Let me out!


What did you do to her?

Jesus! Whoa! Jesus...

- Stop, stop, stop...
- Jesus, stop!



Jesus, stop, stop.


Oh, my god! Jesus!

Jesus, honey, can you hear me?

Call 911. What did you do?!

Buddy, baby, are you okay?

Jesus, talk to me, honey.


- What?

Listen, are you at Bayfest?

Did you come here looking for Mariana?

I have an ankle bracelet, dude.

I can't leave.

She's not in there.

Then where the hell is she?

Wait, what's going on?

Hey, what's going on?

I think that she might be
taking your pills again.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, what do
you... what do you mean "again"?


Have... have you seen Mariana?

Uh, no, babe. Not for a while. Why?

Because we can't find her anywhere.

- And...
- And, um, she might

have taken some of my pills.

Look, I... I didn't
know anything about it,

but I'm worried because she called me

and she said that she... she
thinks she sees Nick here.

N... Nick here? How
could he possibly be here?



Listen, I'm sorry.

I just...

You should have told
me about Aaron before.

I mean, I wouldn't
have gotten so jealous.

Why? 'Cause he's trans?

That's a very ignorant thing to say.


Aaron is no less of a man than you are,

and just 'cause he's trans, that
would never stop me from seeing him.

Okay, so do you want to date him?

No, that's not what I said.

I mean that I would consider it

if I weren't seeing you.

Well, maybe you shouldn't be then.


Seeing me.


Hey, have you seen Mariana?



Why were you in my house?

Excuse me?

Why were you in my house?

Why are you watching me?

I haven't. I...

I'm not... I'm not.
I'm not watching you.

I don't even know who you are.

Don't lie to me because I saw you.

- I'm not...
- I saw you. I know you're watching me.

I'm not watching you. I
don't know who you are.

- Don't lie to me.
- Okay, if you could just let me...