The Following (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 4 - Mad Love - full transcript

Paul, Jacob and Emma now have to figure out what to do with Meghan, the woman Paul kidnapped. As far as Emma is concerned there's only one thing they can do. Peter reveals something to Emma about Jacob. The FBI pursue Maggie Kester but Joe isn't too forthcoming when Ryan questions him about her. It doesn't take long to get in touch with her though - she's kidnapped Ryan's sister Jenny. Agent Mike Weston accompanies him to New York where Ryan is to meet them. Joey begins to suspect not all is as it should be. Flashbacks reveal more of Ryan's earlier life.

REPORTER: Carroll was convicted in 2004
for the murders of 14 young women.

We need you in Virginia, Ryan.

I'm not an agent anymore.

FRANKLIN: You caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.

- What's my sequel about?
- We're gonna write this together, Ryan.


Even though you slept with my wife.

I have so many surprises waiting for you.

Cults, my specialty.

Gay neighbors. The nanny.

How do they figure into your new plot?

Why is my dad such a bad man?

Maybe he's not so bad.


JACOB: Hey, where are you going, huh?
- You're a liar.

EMMA: What the hell?
- Hey, guys, this is Megan.

I never killed anything before.

We 're just getting started.

They're teaching him.

Why did your husband try to kill you?

Rick can be scary when he wants to be.

So who has Joey?

- I don't know where the kid is.
- Does Rick know?

- I don't know, but his wife does.
- What?

JORDY: Maggie.
PARKER: Maggie Kester is one of them.


How you doing?

Sleep all right?

What are we gonna do, Paul?

You've really screwed up here.

I think we've all made mistakes, Jacob.

Mistakes are important,
it's how we learn.

But you have gone off the deep end.

That is an understatement.

Megan, you remember Emma.

Look, she's not very friendly.
Just don't take it personally.

- I thought you were gonna deal with this.
PAUL: Funny.

- When has he ever dealt with anything?
- Will you stop it?

Who is she? Where did she come from?

We met in a little grocery store
one town over.

You fool. This is going to get us caught.

Girls go missing all the time.

Was there a surveillance camera?

No, you didn't think about that.
You will be identified. ifs a matter of time.

We're wanted in 50 states, Emma.
Who cares?

They won't find this farm
in the middle of nowhere.

Emma's right. This is not cool.

Wow, Jacob, thanks for pointing out
an uncool situation. That helps.

Told you.

First things first, we can't have Joey see her
so get rid of her.

Kill her and bury her out behind that stable
or barn, whatever it is.


All right, sounds like a plan.

Jacob, you kill Megan and I'll make breakfast.
I'm thinking pancakes.

Megan, do you like pancakes?
Oh, wait, sorry, you'll be dead.

Denise'! Where are you'?

Damn it. Just do it.

What are you doing, Paul?

No, Jacob, what are you doing?

How long do you think you're gonna
get away with it?

Because I, for one,
am tired of all the lies.



Say bye-bye.

You got hardwood, barn,
fences, a farmhouse.


- Have you got it?
WESTON: Analyzing it now.

Northern red oak trees and tall fescues
grass in the yard, puts us East Coast.

Trying to pull a number
from the telephone pole.

PARKER: What about the e-mail
the video was sent from?

An open IP address
courtesy of North Korea.

- Changing the routing.
PARKER: They're watching news.

They know we got Rick
and his cell phone.

How are you doing?

I'm good.

All good here.

Keep me posted.

This is-- It's helpful.

You know, they made this video
for shock value.

Joe's playing with us.
It's like a game to him.

There's no concrete evidence to support
psychopathic behavior is hereditary.

You think I don't know that?
I know my son's not a psychopath.

Put heroin in someone enough, they
become a junkie. These people are killers.

- Why can't you find him?
- We will--

That's what you keep saying.
That's what everyone keeps saying.

You're the FBI.
If you can't find him, who can?

Claire. Claire--


How did Jordy kill himself?

He choked.

Pried the bandage loose with his mouth
and ate it.

You certain Maggie knows where Joey is?

He said Emma and Maggie
were behind setting up the house.

She'd know where they have Joey.


Okay. Not that way. Straight--

RYAN: I am going straight.
- No, no, no.

- I know that it seems that way, but--
- You--

You don't have to help me walk.

I know how to walk.

Well done.

Oh, my God.
What am I going to do with you?

I'm sorry I drank too much.



PARKER: You gonna take that?
- No.

I wanna talk to Joe about Maggie.



Hello, Joe.

- How can I help you today?
RYAN: I'm having a problem.

I just can't see the brilliance in all this.

If you're writing a book,
where's the smarts?

So far it just all seems like amateur hour.

You found these three unstable freaks,
you got Emma, Jacob, Paul.

You convince them that to kill is to love or live
or whatever the hell you're preaching.

You get them to kidnap your son.

But it just seems beneath you
to go after such easy targets.

I don't follow.

They're obviously screwed up.

Rick master's running around
wearing a Poe mask.

It just all seems so silly.

Yeah, I'll give you that one.
I was never a big fan of that idea.

But I do appreciate his wife, Maggie.

- I find her most interesting.

And they are so in love.

- As you know...
- Yeah.

-...I'm partial to a good love story.
- Well, that love story's come to an end.

Are they dead?

Rick is. Yeah, I killed him myself.

Oh, I--

I'm delighted to hear that.

You're getting your mojo back.
That's wonderful news.

I don't suppose Maggie
was too pleased to hear that.

Why's that?

Oh. This is about Maggie.
You're on a fishing expedition.

Why didn't you say?
We could've cut to the chase.

Yes, Maggie“ Maggie is-

She is a very special girl.

How so?

Her real name is Margaret Schuller.

- That's S-C-H-U-L-L-E-R.
- Go get on that.

She first visited me eight years ago.

She'd written to me once or twice.

It turned out she'd been on this
extraordinary killing spree in Arkansas...

...and completely got away with it.

No, I find Maggie
to be extremely resourceful, tenacious...

...and impressive.

'02 to '05, Little Rock, Arkansas,
there were six murders.

Still unsolved,
attributed to a female serial killer.

I remember this. Victims were stabbed.

Little Rock Homicide sent a witness sketch,
it's on my screen.

They are not aware of Margaret Schuller.

If she visited Carroll in prison,
she used an alias.

I need the phone. Where is it?

Did you see the news?

There's an APB on Maggie.
They can't find her.


MAGGIE [ON MACHINE]: Leave a message.
- She's not picking up.

Maggie? Where are you?

Call me. I'm worried.
You know the secure line. Call it.

Somethings wrong.
She should have called.

Maybe she can't.

That's what I'm worried about.

Well, sounds like Rick screwed up.



I'm coming.

- I'll be right out.
- Okay.

What's happening in the basement?

Ask your boyfriend.
He's taking care of it, if he can.

What is that supposed to mean?

I lived with the guy for three years.
That's a long time to get to know someone.

Is that about you two
getting your gay on?

Look, I don't care
how much you fooled around.

I'm not stupid. I know there's a reason
you were playing the jealous little bitch.

But whatever happened, don't fool yourself,
Jacob's not gay.

Try again. You are way off.

This is about Jacob and his lies.

He's lied to you and me and Joe
and everyone else.

About what?

Jacob's never killed anyone.


You didn't know that, did you?

God, I wish you could see your face
right now.

This is from a hardware store off I-95
in Trenton, New Jersey.

Now, they chat, somethings funny,
they laugh and then--

- What did she buy at the store?
- Cash purchase.

Cord rope, tape, flashlight and several
magnets. Neo base magnets.

Magnets? Chick's weird.

If Joey was upstate,
then I-95 would be the route that you'd take.


WESTON: Well, Forensics said
New York or Connecticut.


You had a doctor's appointment
this morning. I called.

They said that you missed
your last checkup too.

You're a drunk with a heart problem.

You have a pacemaker sewn into your chest
to keep you alive, Ryan.

You don't have to take care of me.


I care about you. I do.

But I am just being stupid now.

I mean, you've gotten a raw deal,
but something has to give here.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

What, is that a slogan
from one of your little groups?

You know what? It hurts too much
to be around you, so I'm done.


Sorry, gotta take this.

Hello, Jenny.

Uh, Ryan?

- What's up? Everything okay?
JEN NY: No. No, it's not.

Hello, Ryan. It's Maggie Kester. Remember me?
The wife of the man you killed.

Maggie. Where are you?

What are you doing with Jenny?

We're bonding. Since you've been too busy
to pick up the phone I won't keep you.

I just have one question,
how do you want me to kill your sister?

What do you want?

I want you.

I'll trade you for your sister's life.
Bu! you come alone. Unarmed.

If you bring any FBI near here,
your sister dies.

- Does Joe know what you're doing?
- I've gone off-book.

That's what killing a husband
will do to a girl. Come alone.

Where are you?

Your sister promised to show me
how to make a good risotto.

N. save you some. Hurry.


You heard from Maggie?


Are you getting worried?

EMMA: I'm more worried
about the girl in the basement.

What are we going to do about her?

We can't let her go
and I don't want Joey to know about her.

Take care of it.

I mean, I really think Paul should do it.

He's the one that brought her here.

I think you should do it, Jacob.

Since you never have.

I dragged her body from the car
down to the water.

That was the first time that I realized
how heavy bodies are when they're dead.


I floated her out to the water
until just barely where I could stand.

And I stood on her for a good hour.

Heh. I wanted to make sure her body
was completely weighted with water.

And then I drove home.


Who's next? Ha-ha-ha.

You told that story
about the girl in high school.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

And I was ashamed.

I mean, I was the only one who hadn't--

Why be a part of this?

Because I want to.

I want to be a part of this.

I tried.

It's time to do more than try.

Do it.

- What's wrong?
- It's personal. I'll be back as soon as I can.

You're lying. Tell me the truth.

I have a personal matter
that I need to attend to. I will be back.

- Uh, where's he going?
- I don't know. Go find out.

You put me in the role of snitch before,
I didn't like it.

He just took a call and now he's out of here.
Somethings up.

Well, who called him?

Someone named Jenny.

Where are you going so fast?

- Parker tell you to follow me?
- Yeah. I'm starting to feel used.

She thinks we bonded,
we both know you don't bond.

So are you going to Brooklyn?

Why would I be going to Brooklyn?

It's where your sister lives.

Jenny Orson, 38, divorced,
runs a restaurant in Williamsburg.

Is that where Maggie is?

Does Parker know where I'm going?

Did Maggie threaten your sister?

Maggie has Jenny.
She wants revenge for her husband.

Everything Joe told us checks out.
She's a wanted serial killer.

- You can't go on your own.
-It's my sister.

So let me go with you. Please.

I didn't tell Parker about Jenny.
She doesn't know anything.

You'll be fired.

I think I'm traumatized
from the loss of a fellow agent.

I'm not thinking clearly.

Probably get off with a warning.


My name is Mike, sir.

You keep calling me Weston.
That's my last name. My first name is Mike.

So your sister, Jenny?

Are you two close?

It's complicated.

Copy that. I got three brothers.

Close with one, hate the other two.

No? Nothing?
No conversation at all?

It's a long way to Brooklyn, that's all.

RYAN: I'm glad you came.
CLAIRE: And surprised.

Yeah, I'm surprised.

Me too.

- But I'm more glad.
- Me too.

- And then they get mad.
- No.

- There she is.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.

- How you doing? Hi.
- Hi.

Claire, this is Jenny, my sister.
Jenny, Claire.

- Hi. It's nice to meet you.
- Hi. Nice to meet you.

- I love your restaurant.
-It's yours. Take the mortgage. Take it all.


- So do we get menus, or--?
- No, this is a special occasion.

I have a whole menu prepared.
I hope you like salmon. Say yes.

- I love salmon.
- She's winning me over.


Ifs Parker.

So, what's the plan?

My sister's restaurant is a few blocks up. It's
closed. I'm gonna do whatever Maggie says.

The moment I know my sister is safe,
I don't care after that.

You need a better plan. Take my gun.

No, she said come unarmed.

- Are you a good shot?
- I'm an overachiever, sir.

There's a kitchen door, side alley,
I'm gonna leave it unlocked.

Something happens, you don't worry
about me, you make it all about Jenny.

You understand?




Hello, Ryan.

I'm here, Maggie.

- Where's my sister?
- She's here.

Don't do that. Or she dies.

Okay, okay. You got me. Just let her go.

I intend to.

I've grown fond of your sister.

She loves you very much...

...and I've enjoyed getting to know all about
Ryan Hardy, the early years.

It's a very sad story.

Where is she?






Don't scream. Okay?


Thank you.

Thank you.

- Jacob, right?
- No talking.

I'll be quiet.

I just want to say one thing.

If you let me go,
I won't say anything to anyone.

Of course you won't.

I know you don't want to hurt me.

Look, I have an idea.

You can cut me a little bit.

On my arms and my legs.

And I'll bleed a lot. All over the place.

And then you can tell your friends
you killed me.

Then you can say that you
took me out to the woods...

-...and dumped me in the ravine.
- They won't believe that.

You'll make them believe it.

And then I'll go home.
I won't tell anyone. Not a soul.


Let me go!

I don't want to die.

What's wrong, Jacob?

I don't want to disappoint you.

I tried...

I can't do it.


Do the others know?

I lied.

I know that I shouldn't--


Do you want to be a part of us?

Very much so.
I don't want to go back to my old life.

I can't.

Deep into that darkness peering

Long I stood there wondering, fearing

Dreaming dreams no mortal
Ever dared to dream before

It's okay.

No one need know.
It'll be our secret.

But I want to.

I know.

And one day you will.

But when you are ready.




Shut up. Shut up.

Come on. Wake up, that's it.

Easy, you don't want to tip.
That could hurt.

Jenny? Did she hurt you?

No, I didn't.

We were waiting for you.

- Right, Jenny?
- Oh, yeah.



You're gonna be okay.

I don't know about Jenny here.

You promised me.

I'm not going to kill her...

...but the psychological damage
of watching her brother die... bound to leave a few scars.

Tell me what to do.
Just please tell me what to do.

It should be Claire who witnesses
your last breath, but, well...

...she's locked up tighter
than Joe Carroll.

Claire would have been
a more appropriate choice, but...

...oh, well, pain is pain.

You know, I really enjoyed
meeting your sister today.

Good. I'm glad.

I feel like I got a little more insight
into the mystery that is Ryan Hardy.

Not much, just-- Just a sliver.

- A sliver, huh?
- Yeah, just a sliver.

So I just gave you a really good in... open up and talk to me,
and you didn't take it.


Come on, Ryan, just talk to me.

It's kind of a downer.

- I don't care.
- Yeah.

All right.

You asked for it.

My mom got sick when I was a kid.

And she fought for years,
but it got her.

- She died when I was 14.
- Ryan, I--

My dad, uh, was a street cop...

...Albany P.D. his entire life
until he retired.

One night he walked into the wrong
corner store... the wrong time
and tried to be a hero.

Ryan, I'm-- I'm so sorry.

So it's just you and Jenny then?

We had an older brother, Ray.

New York fireman.

- Oh-- If you say 9/11--
- Okay, I won't say it.

I told you it was a downer.

- You and death go way back.
- Hmm.

A lot farther than Joe.


Go. Get out of here.


--are flying to end a recent murder spree...

...that looks to be the work
of a secret cult...

...loyal to serial killer Joe Carroll. Several
people are dead, and Carroll's son Joey...

It's the girl.
She's getting away.

You go that way.
I'll go around the back.




Relax, it's only a flesh wound.



One of my foster dads...

...he had a pacemaker just like yours.

I read your book.
I know how bad off your heart is.

You really need it.

Did you know electromagnetic fields...

...can interrupt the function
of a pacemaker?

"No! No!

All you have to do is watch.
You have the easy part, Jenny.

But your brother...

...he is probably...

...starting to feel a little woozy.

Let her go.

Please. Please don't--
Please don't do that to Jenny.

You can kill me, but please let her go.

Do you really think
she's going to walk out of here?

There's too many knives
in this place for that.

- No, no.
- We're off-book.

- No.
- Remember?

It's improv night.

- Joe doesn't want you to kill me.
- That's the beauty of it.

I'm not killing you. Joe is.

He's the one who stabbed your heart.
I'm just shutting down your heart gizmo... that Joe actually does kill you.
I think it's perfect.

Jenny, you watching... cursed your family is?

This is for Rick.
We loved each other.

Do you even understand love, Ryan?

Real love?


Your fingers are blue.
Your blood's not circulating.

Hurts, doesn't it?

No, no!

RYAN: Unh!
- No! No!

It'll be soon now.

You don't want to miss the end.

Let's get closer
so you can see his last breath.



Okay, he)'-

Hey, come on.

You okay? Come on, wake up.

All right. Okay.

- I'm sorry, I didn't hear anyone.
- I was just cleaning up.

Yeah, same here.

She really found the mud, didn't she?


We both love him, Paul.

I know that's hard for you.

Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

Don't freak out.
It's not like we're going to get it on.



Your pacing is normal.

Once you remove the interference,
it diverts back to its normal function.

- Good to know.
- Make an appointment with your cardiologist.

- You okay?
- Yeah, you?

Maggie Kester's cell phone.
It was on her. I got calls, e-mails.

Thought it was
on a secure server.

If there was a delay on an incoming
and an outgoing, I can pull a location.

- Does Parker know?
- Oh, yeah. She still chewed my ass out.

I'll get suspended over this.

We should go. I gotta get back.

Yeah, Mike, just give me
one minute, okay?

I'll be right with you.

Do you think you could disappear for a while?
I think it would be a good idea.


Uh, Miami's called once or twice.


Maybe a visit's in order.


How's Claire?

- So, what happened?
-Told her I needed time.

We were never going to work.
You said so yourself.

Until I saw you guys.

I mean, it's weird, the situation,
but I saw you guys. I was wrong.

You love her.

I'm well aware of that, Jen.

So you break up with her
in some gesture of nobility?

Claire and her son need to move forward.

As long as I am there, I am always going
to be a part of Joe Carroll.

She needs a new start. She deserves that.

What do you deserve?

She's hanging in there.

You know that woman tonight
was right about us.

Our family has been cursed somehow.

Surrounded by death.

I know that you're afraid
to let anyone get close to you.

It's who we are.

But we can't go through life alone.

That's no life.


I'm sorry about--

We're not giving up on you.

When will you know?
Let me know as soon as you do. Thanks.


That woman I went after,
we got her cell phone.

They were able to find a signal
in upstate New York, Dutchess County.


- I'm glad your sister is okay.
- Thanks.

Cyber team thinks they're gonna
have an address, two hours at the most.

This is a break, Claire.

We're gonna find Joey.

I know you will.

L-- I should go.

No, you need to-- You need to rest.
You need something to eat. I can--

I can make you something.

What do you deserve?

I'm not ready.

Life doesn't wait for you.
You've got to jump in.

Claire's not ready. She's been through
too much. She has a kid.

I can make you breakfast.
It's no trouble. Just--

Just-- Just until they call.

We're not talking about Claire.

I'm no good for her or for her son.

I am a constant reminder
of the worst time in her life...

...and she doesn't deserve that.

- But you love her.
Because I love her.

Ryan, stay.


I really need to get back.

I'll call you as soon as I know anything.

[English - US - SDH]