The Flintstones (1960–1966): Season 3, Episode 25 - Ventriloquist Barney - full transcript

Barney has a new hobby: doing ventriloquism. He plays a joke on Fred thinking Pebbles can talk. The latter falls for it first, but discovers the joke and kicks Barney out of the house. Later, Barney redeems himself and offers to bring Fred at a wrestling show. But Fred babysits Pebbles and wish to go. He calls a babysitter who happens to be quite a noisy teenager. Afterwards, Fred must take the decision: stay home or bring Pebbles along at the fights?

There's a baby
in the ring!

A baby?

Yes, and somebody better
get her out of there

Before she gets hurt!

[Betty] girls, there's a baby
at the wrestling match.

A baby?
At a wrestling match?

Huh, that poor kid
must have some parents.

Hey, she's cute.
Looks like Pebbles.

Da da goo goo.

it is Pebbles!



meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Let's ride with the family
down the street

Through the courtesy

Of Fred's
two feet

When you're
with the Flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

"Ventriloquism made easy.
Lesson number 12.

"So remember--
Do not strain unnecessarily.

"An easy, natural pressure
on larynx and palate

Is essential
to effective ventriloquism."

Hmm. There's nothing to it.

I'll try it out
on that statue over there.

Hello there.
How are you today?

Fine, thank you.

Is that you,
Barney Rubble?

Yep, it's me.

I'm throwing my voice.
Ventriloquism, you know?

Is that so?

you're pretty good.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, I got to
try this out on Betty.

Da da da da
da da da da da

Far, far away

Hmm hmm hmm hmm
hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm

Hmm hmm hmm
hmm hmm hmm

What's the matter?

Haven't you ever seen
a hummingbird?

I'll sneak up on Betty
and throw my voice at her.

Gee, I wonder if there's
any candy left in the box.

Close the box.


I said
close the box.

Oh, yes, sir!
It talked!

My imagination must be
playing tricks on me.

I wonder
if I'm feeling alright.

'S alright.


Ha ha ha!

did you hear that?

The box talked.

You mean like this?

Close the box.


'S alright.

There. You see?

Ha ha ha!

Barney Rubble,
what's going on?

It's ventriloquism,

I've been
studying this book

On how to
throw my voice.

Oh, boy, I sure
had you fooled, alright.

Me, too.

Oh, Barney!

Haven't you
anything better to do

Than go around scaring people
out of their wits?

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
Forgive me.

's alright.

That's a good
little girl, Pebbles.

You finished
all your cereal.

Now mommy's going to
put you in your playpen.

Hiya, Wilma.

Oh, hello, Barney.
Come in.

And how's little
sweetie pie today?

You got a kiss
for uncle Barney?

Goo goo goo gai ga ee.

Ooh, goo goo.

How long before

She'll be able
to talk, Wilma?

I mean
real sentences.

Oh, not for a while
yet, Barney.

Maybe a year.

I was 3 years old

Before I started
to talk.

Really? You were late.

Yeah. My mother thought
I'd never talk.

Then six months later,

She thought I'd
never shut up.

Oh, Barney.

Hey, is Fred around?

He went to the store
for some ice cream.

He should be back
any minute.

I want to show him how
I can throw my voice.

Throw your voice?

Yeah, yeah. Watch.

Pebbles, I'm lonesome
sitting here by myself.

Why don't you
play with me?

Goo goo ga ga.

Barney, that's wonderful.

Where did you learn
to do that?

I studied a book
on ventriloquism.

It's easy.
You could do it.

I'm not so sure.
Come to think of it,

You don't see many
women ventriloquists around.

I wonder why.

Maybe it's because to be
a ventriloquist,

You can't
move your lips.

How many women are there

keep their mouths shut?

You have a point there.

[Tires squeal]

Oh, Fred's home, Barney.

Listen, Wilma, let's try
my ventriloquism on him.

Ok, Barney.
Good idea.

Honey, I couldn't get
cactusberry ice cream,

So I got ripple
rocky road sherbet.

That's fine, Fred.

Oh, hi, Barney.

Hello, Fred.

And how's my precious?

You been a good girl
while daddy was away?

Hey, there, daddy-O,
your whiskers tickle.

Yeah. I've been so busy
I haven't had a chance...


Wilma, she talked!
Pebbles talked!

What was that, Fred?

P-Pebbles can talk.

S-She said...



Barney, he fainted.

Looks like we fooled
him, alright.


Uh, what happened?

You fainted.

I did?

Oh, yeah, yeah.
I remember now.

Uh, Pebbles talked, Wilma.

She spoke to me.

That was me,

What do you mean
it was you?

Don't you think I know
my own daughter's voice.

I heard her,
didn't you?


Shh, shh! I think
she's going to talk again.

Pebbles, sweetheart,

You got
something else to say?

Dada flop.

Did you hear that?
She said, "daddy flopped."

Imagine talking
at her age.

Wilma, we got a genius
in the family.

At this rate,
in no time at all,

She'll be leaving
for college.

Really? Then
I'd better start dinner.

I don't like saying good-Bye
on an empty stomach.

You didn't really hear
Pebbles talk. You see-

I know what I heard!

My baby talked,

And if you'll shut up,
she'll talk again!

Oh, I don't know
about that.

Well, I do. You keep quiet
and let her do the talking.

Ok. If that's the way
you want it,

That's just
what I'll do.

Good. Come on, now, princess,
say something.

Make a sentence
like you did before.

Remember? You said
daddy needs a shave.

Yeah, and you could
use a haircut, too.

did you hear that?

I told you
she could talk! Wilma!


She talked, Wilma!

She said I could
use a haircut, too.

That's nice.

Come on,
dinner's ready.

It's alright,

Mommy just don't
appreciate genius,

But daddy does.

Daddy, will you
do something for me?

Of course, sugar.

What do you
want me to do?

Stand on your head.

Stand on my head?

I'm a little too old
for that sort of thing.

Please, daddy.

Stand on your head,
or I'll cry.

Oh, no.
No, no, no, Pebbles.

Don't cry. Daddy will
stand on his head.

How's this, Pebbles?

That's good, daddy.

Now spin around
like a top.

Spin around?
Oh, no.

If you don't,
I'll cry, daddy.

Ok, baby.
How's this?

Faster, daddy.

Faster, daddy.

Oh, that's good, daddy-O.

Hey, look at your
daddy go, Pebbles.


He may strike oil
any minute.


Oh, boy.
What a workout.

You're lucky, Fred.

She could have
asked you

To do
some back flips.

Quiet! Don't
give her any ideas!

Pebbles, honey,
daddy's tired now, so--

do some back flips.

Pebbles, sweetheart--

Daddy, you said
you'd do anything.

Yeah, yeah.
That's right, Pebbles.

So you want me to do
some back flips, huh?

Even if you're asleep?

Yes, daddy,
or I'll cry.

You ain't the only one
who's going to cry, Pebbles.

going to cry, too,

When I break every bone
in his body.

Throw your voice at me,
will you?

Now, don't get sore,

It was just
a little joke.

Who's sore? I just
want to congratulate you

On being such
a good ventriloquist.

I just want
to shake your throat!

That's a good girl,

Drink all your milk,

Just like daddy drinks
his cactus coola.


Uh-Uh, dino.
Don't get any ideas.

No cactus coola for you.

Now, Fred, you're sure
you don't want me

To call a baby-Sitter?

Honey, no. I can
take care of Pebbles.

Go enjoy your bridge game
and stop worrying.

Well, alright.

Bye, Fred.
I won't be too late.

Ok. Have fun!
Drive carefully.

Alright, young lady,

How are we doing
with your milk?

You're finished.
Good girl!

Now daddy
will bubble you,

And you'll be ready
to go beddy-Bye.

Come on.
Come on, sweetheart.

You have to bubble,
you know?


Good girl.

Ok, Pebbles,
time for beddy-Bye.


Who's that?

It's me, Fred--

Beat it, Barney.
Scram, vamoose,

And get that silly flag
out of here.

Now, hold it, Fred.
It's a flag of truce.

There's of flag of truce
big enough

To make me forget
what you did to me

With that ventriloquism.

Now, beat it!

Ok, Fred,
if my flag of truce

Won't melt
that heart of stone,

How about these?

To the wrestling
match tonight.


Bronto crushrock meets
the masked mauler

For the championship.

I'd sure like to go,
but I can't.

I'm taking care of Pebbles.

Oh, get a baby-Sitter.

I can't.
I told Wilma I-I...

Yeah. Why not?

Wilma wanted to call
a baby-Sitter

In the first place.
Come on, Barney.

I'll put Pebbles
in the crib,

Then call mrs. Willrock,
our baby-Sitter.


Da da doo doo♪



Ah, mrs. Willrock?
This is mr. Flintstone.

Can you baby-Sit tonight?

This isn't
mrs. Willrock.

This is
her daughter Linda.

busy tonight.

Oh, that's terrible.

I need her bad.
It's an emergency.

Oh, I'd be happy
to sit for you,

Mr. Flintstone.

I fill in for mother
lots of times.

Yeah, but you sound
kind of young.

Oh, I'm not young
at all!

I'm 16 and very good
with children.

Really, I am.

You know the address?

Yeah, yeah.
Just around the corner.

Fine. Thanks.

We're all set, Barney!

Great, Fred.

One baby-Sitter coming.
Two wrestling fans going.

[Doorbell rings]

Hey, that's linda.
Come in, linda!

Hello, mr. Flintstone.
I brought my homework.

I've got some
important examinations

At school tomorrow.

Fine, linda. Pebbles won't
give you any trouble.

She'll sleep right through.
You can study.

Help yourself to anything
you want in the icebox.

Thank you,
mr. Flinstone.

will be alright.

And in case you're lonesome,

Dino here will
keep you company.


Come on, Barney!
The arena awaits!

I'm with you, Fred.

so long, linda.

Good-Bye, mr. Flintstone.
Have a nice time.

Jerry, this is linda.
Where's peg and frankie?

Did he get
his record player fixed?

It's a good thing
the arena's so close.

We don't need the car.

Yeah. Boy, this ought
to be some match, Fred.

That bronto crushrock
is a terror.

Did you ever see him
when he gets real mad?


His face gets red.
His eyes bulge out.

His nose turns purple.

I wish I could describe
how horrible he looks.

You're doing fine.

I forgot the tickets.
I left them on your tv.

You left the tickets
on the t--

Why, you stupid...

oh, of all the dumb--

Fred, that's it!

That's what?

That's how
bronto crushrock looks

When he gets
real mad.

Oh, boy.

Let's go back
and get the tickets,

But we'll have to hurry.

[Rock-'N'-Roll playing]

Gee, linda, you sure
are a swell dancer.

Well, I ought to be.

I've been baby-Sitting
since I was 12.

what's going on in there?

Somebody's playing
musical earthquake.

Hey, you!

Who, me?

Out! Out! Out!

Yes, sir!

Everybody scram!
Beat it!

Watch it, buster!
I'm a precision instrument!

Dino, cut that out!

I'm sorry,
mr. Flintstone.

I didn't mean
any harm.

That's alright, linda.

Goodnight, sir.

The baby!

We forgot to
look in on Pebbles.

I'll bet all the noises
scared her.

Pebbles, sweetheart,
what are you doing, dancing?

You should be asleep.

Come on, now, sweetie,
in you go.

Hit the sack.

Nighty-Night, honey.

Well, the wrestling match
is out for me, Barney.

I guess you'll
have to go alone.

It's no fun
going alone.

I know, but I can't go.

It's too late to get
another baby-Sitter,

Even if I wanted to.

Hey, Fred, why not
take Pebbles along?

Take her along?

Ahh! Ga ga goo goo.

Hey, look,
she wants to go!

Barney, I can't take
a little girl

To a wrestling match!

No. I suppose not.

But if it was a boy,
you would, huh?

Well, yeah.

If Pebbles was a boy,
I'd take her in a minute.

In other words,

What you are doing is

against your own daughter

Because she's a girl.

You are right, Barney!
I'm blaming Pebbles

For something
that ain't her fault.

That's very bad
child psychology.

She could grow up
resenting you.

I can't have her hating me
the rest of her life.

I have got to take her.

Come on, sweetheart.

taking you bye-Bye.

Ga ga goo goo!

Fred, this is a big step

In father-Daughter

Yeah. I want to get back
before Wilma.

She might not understand
that I'm just doing this

So Pebbles will grow
to be a healthy, normal girl.

Oh, boy.

Hey, we got here
just in time, Fred.

The main bout
hasn't started yet.

It's just as good
we missed the preliminaries

They weren't any good anyway.

How do you know?

Look at the ring--
No blood.

Na na boo boo!

[Bell rings]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Before we bring you
the main event,

We have here tonight
a wrestling celebrity.

Introducing the king
of the midget wrestlers--

Shorty shortstone!

Sit down, Pebbles,
and watch the action.

Da ga,
da di do gwook.

Oh! The idea!
Bringing a baby here!

Where'd you ever get
that baby stuff?

I'm powerful Pebbles,

Queen of
the midget wrestlers.

That's telling her,

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Bell rings]

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our feature bout for
the championship of the world.

The defending champion--
Bronto crushrock.


And the challenger,

The darling
of the rock-Pile set--

The masked mauler.

Well, here we go,

Watch this, Pebbles. This
is what you wanted to see.


What did you expect,
westminster chimes?

Come on! Come on!
Mix it up!

Yeah. This is no time
to take dancing lessons!

The referee
breaks them up.

Now the action
has really started.

They're going at it
like saber-Tooth tigers.

The mauler has
crushrock in a spin.

Around and around he goes.

Where he stops,
everybody knows.


Ga ga da boom boom.

Hello, little girl.

Say, you're
a pretty one.

Hey, leslie,
hold it a minute.

Look who's here.

Hi, there, cutie pie.
What's your name?

Her name's Pebbles.
Come on, sweetheart.

Pebbles? Say,
that's a lovely name.

Come to granite's
department store

Around christmas,

I'm the santa claus

Gee, that
masked mauler's

A real sweet guy, huh?

Yeah. He sure is.

Bronto seems like
an awful nice fella, too.

Alright, you guys,

How about a little action?

Yeah! Do your
sleeping at home!

The crowd
is getting impatient.

They want action.

Crushrock is getting mad.

He sends the mauler


The referee
got in the way of that one.

He's out cold.

That makes two down
and one to go.

Bronto crushrock
is now making his move.

He wants to win.

Come on, bronto!
Pin him!

You got him where
you want him, bronto!

The mauler
has recovered.

Both are determined.
They're going to lock horns.

This will be a real battle.

Wow! Now they're both down.

In fact,
all three are down.

It will be tough
to decide the winner.

Not bad, Betty.

I think we can
make a grand slam.

As long as
you're dummy, Betty,

Turn on the television set,
will you?

a fashion show on.

A fashion show?
Oh, sure thing.

They're still out.

Looks like
the match is over.

The crowd
is getting unruly.

We should have a decision
in a moment.

Betty, that's not
the fashion show!

a wrestling match.

Turn it to
the next channel.

Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure.

I guess I got
carried away.

There's a baby in the ring!

A baby?

Yes, and somebody better
get her out of there

Before she gets hurt.

Girls, there's a baby
at the wrestling match!

A baby?
At a wrestling match?

That poor kid must
have some parents.

Say, she's cute.
Looks like Pebbles.

Da da goo goo.

Ah! It is!
It is Pebbles!

Oh, but it can't be, Wilma.

Pebbles is home with Fred.

There goes somebody
after the baby.

Probably the father.

Pebbles, come here.

The ring is
no place for a baby.

Excuse me, girls!
I've got a baby to rescue

And a husband
to pulverize.

Wait for me, Wilma!

I don't know about you,

As far as I'm concerned,
the baby is the new champion.

Whee! Goo goo!
Ja ja! Whee!

Come to daddy, Pebbles.

The fights are over.
Time to go home.

Yay! Goo goo ga ga.


Three cheers for Pebbles,
the new champ!

Rah! Rah! Rah!
Pebbles! Pebbles! Pebbles!


See that, Pebbles?
They like you!

Ooh! Wait till
I get my hands

On that man.

Can you imagine, taking a baby
to a wrestling match?

It looks pretty deserted.

I better go in and check.

The wrestling match is over,
and everybody has gone!

Quick! Let's go home!

Well, home again, precious.

Now daddy will
get you to beddy-Bye.

It's good you got home
before Wilma, huh?

What? Are you suggesting
I'm afraid to have Wilma know

I took Pebbles went to
the wrestling match?

Well, uh--

Listen, Barney,

I am boss in my family.

I do what I want
when I want.

Oh, sure, Fred.

[Imitates Wilma] Fred,
where have you been?

Uh, w-Well, w-Wilma,
you see, I--

Barney, I'm going
to wallop you so hard--

[Tires squeal]

It is Wilma.
Quick, operation hide!

Uh, see you later, Fred.

Go to sleep, Pebbles,


[Wilma] Fred?

He's fast asleep,




She's alright.

Thank goodness.

Well, I'll see you
tomorrow, Wilma.

Goodnight, Betty.


[Door slams]

Huh? Oh! Oh!

Home already, Wilma?

Did you have a good time?

That's just what I
was gonna ask you.


How was
your evening?

Did Pebbles give you
any trouble?

No. Not a bit, Wilma.

It was just as if
she wasn't here.

Hmm. And nothing
unusual happened, hmm?

You didn't leave the
house for any reason?

Leave the house?

Now, why should
I do that?

I mean, uh...

I mean...


I mean,
I can't lie to you.

I took Pebbles
to the wrestling match.

Attaboy, daddy.

I knew you wouldn't
lie to mommy.

Pebbles, what are
you doing out of bed?

Fred, I'm glad
you told the truth,

Because I saw you
at the wrestling match

On television.

You did?
And you're not mad?

Of course I'm mad,

But as long as
nothing happened to Pebbles,

I guess I can forgive you.


Gee, Wilma, you are
one in a million.

Did you see
what a hit Pebbles

Made in the arena?

They called her
the new champ.

Huh, Pebbles?

Ow! Look, Wilma!

She's got a headlock
on me!

She's a champ, alright!

Why shouldn't I be
a champ?

I come from
championship stock.

Oh, that's cute.

Alright, Barney,

Come on out
wherever you are.

where are you?


Hold Pebbles, Wilma.
I'll get it. Hello?

this is Barney.

Tell Wilma the truth
about tonight.

Betty says she saw you
on television.

Yeah. I know, Barney.


Wilma! Wilma, she talked!





Mamma, dada
go go boop boop.


meet the Flintstones

They're the modern
stone age family

From the town of Bedrock

They're a page
right out of history

Someday, maybe Fred

Will win the fight

Then that cat will stay out

For the night

When you're

With the Flintstones

Have a yabba-Dabba-Doo time

A dabba-Doo time

We'll have a gay old time

We'll have a gay old time
