The Flash (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 20 - Negative, Part Two - full transcript

With The Flash still reeling from everything that just happened, the rest of the team rallies to support him when he needs it the most.

You were dead.

I saw your body.

And yet...

here I am in the flesh.

How's that possible?

The Negative Forces...

brought me back

because they were too weak

without a fourth member
of their merry band.

Didn't I tell you

that finding ways to kill you

is my life's work?

Here's what's really funny...
Killing your mother

led to the birth of the Flash,

and killing Iris

led to the rebirth of me.

So I guess you could say
your mother...

and Iris...

were good for something.

Dad, stop!
He's not worth it!

He killed your mother!

Ha ha ha!

Dad, if you do this,
you'll be just as bad as him!

What's the matter, Flash?

You can't finish the job?

You better finish the job!

'Cause if you don't...

They're next.

Don't listen to him, please.

Even if he did kill Mom now
in 2022, we're still here.

Don't you see?
We're still alive.

She's right.
We haven't been erased

from the time line yet,
which means Mom isn't dead yet.

They're both hurting badly.

Okay, so what do we do now?

We find Iris,
and we bring her home.

Then we find a way to take
down the Negative Forces,

'cause if they come
back for a rematch...

I don't think they will.

They already got
what they came for...

The last Thawne in existence.

What do they
need him for anyway?

There's only one way
to find out.

I have to find a way
into the Negative Speed Force.

Dad, no offense,
but that's insane.

I don't have a choice.
As long as Thawne's out there,

everyone's in danger.
Chester already ran

a satellite search.
Thawne's nowhere on the planet.

The only place to hide
is the Negative Speed Force.

- If I can find a way in...
- No, look.

I can feel
all of the anger inside you,

I can, and I know
that you've been

to hell and back today,
but we need to think

our next move through.

He killed Iris!

Barry, how can you
possibly be so sure?

Because I am.

Guys, we need
to talk to our dad.


I'll call Joe and tell him
that we're all okay.

Look, assuming
we can find our way

into the Negative Speed Force,
let us handle this.

We will make sure Thawne
gets back to Iron Heights.

Dad, we promise.

You weren't there.

You didn't see what I saw.

Iris died in my arms

before her body disappeared.

You say she's alive,
but for all we know,

she's already been erased from
this time line, only the changes

haven't caught up with us yet.
It's happened before.

You still wanna kill him,

don't you?


Is anybody here?

Hello, Iris.


If you're here, does that mean
that I'm dead too?

No, it doesn't.

What happened to you is far
more interesting than that.

We have a lot to discuss.

Going inside is
the only way to end this.

Barry, it sounds dangerous.

'Cause it is.

Fine, so how exactly

do you get inside
the Negative Speed Force?

The first time I went into
the Positive Speed Force,

Harry hit me with
a concentrated blast

of dark matter and lightning

that generated
a tachyon reaction.

Well, I could rig the
tachyon harness to do the same.

Only, if you're trying
to get in a negative place,

you're gonna need
a negative source of lightning.

Like me.


Meena, I-I don't think that's
such a good idea right now.

We need to find a way in.

I'm the key.

go ahead and get started.

You wanna tell me
how you're gonna deal

with all of that anger?


I can feel it
pouring off of you.

What are you planning?

Oh, my God.

You want revenge.

But why?
Bart and Nora said

- that Iris is alive.
- And I know she's not.

Cecile, Cecile...

- What is it?
- Someone's calling my name.

And now
I-I'm picking up desperation.

You have to find us.

You're the only one
that can help us.

- Who is it?
- Bashir, what happened to you?

Where are the other Forces?

- He's gone.
- Was it our Bashir?

Yeah, and he's
in pretty bad shape.

He said that I'm the only one
who can help them.

I think he wants me to help

bring back
the other Positive Forces.

This timeline's gone.

I love you.

Well, we wanted you
to feel at home.

You, uh, you know who we are?

Beings who can do all this.

I'm guessing
you're the Negative Forces.

Why am I here?

You never wondered where
your speed really comes from?

I built a machine

that taps into
the Negative Speed Force,

allowing me to siphon it
for my own use.


Oh, you didn't tap into it.

No, no, no, it tapped into you.

It's true.

The Negative Speed Force
has always existed.

It chose you as an avatar,

because it feeds off
your hatred for Barry Allen.

The other Thawne forgot that.

No hate,
no Negative Speed Force avatar.

That's why he had to go.

I don't know
what you're planning,

but if you think
I'm gonna stand here

and play your stupid game...

we're not gonna hurt you.

We're just
gonna transform you.

So let me guess...
The last thing you remember

is figuring out that
the Negative Forces

used your time sickness
to rebirth a new avatar.

Yes, but if I've had this
time sickness for months,

- then...
- Why now?

The Negative Forces used

your body as an incubator.

And yes,
it's a dastardly scheme.

Reminds me of my bad ol' days.

Okay, so if I'm alive,
then... where am I?

You're here
inside my Time Stone.

The talisman
that you and Barry used

to wipe out anachronisms
during Armageddon.

I can't feel my connection
to Barry anymore,

and if it's the same for him,

then Damien,
I have to get out of here,

and I need your help,
even if you're...

A remnant
of my old consciousness

imprinted on a stone,

bearing witness
to all time lines for eternity.


Are you saying that
I'm stuck here forever too?

Oh, no, no, no.
No, that's up to you.

See, unlike me,
you aren't supposed to be dead,

which is why the moment
that the Negative Forces

annihilated your body,
the stone spared you.

It senses that you still have
something important to do.

Question is are you up to it?

Okay, y'all ready?

Harnesses are good to go.

What's happening?

- Oh, God.
- I'm shutting down

- remote ignition.
- Keep mine going!

- But Barry...
- Do it!

Uh-uh, I'm calling it.


- Why didn't it work?
- I-I don't know.

If this won't work,
we can't access

- the Negative Speed Force.
- Then we need to find

another way.

Eobard would've
known what to do.

But now he's gone.

Because of me...

and that damn machine.


you don't wanna do this.

Yes, I do!

This machine ruined my life!

No, it didn't.
Thawne did.

There is nothing
we can do about it!

Not anymore.

Yes, there is.

Look, Meena,

I know exactly how you feel.

You're the only one
who understands, who knows,

how this has to end.

That's why you can't
destroy your work.

We need it.

What for?

So we can get you charged,

and you can share
your speed again... with me.

Your speed's at 100%.

Promise me
when you find that bastard,

you'll never let him hurt
anyone else ever again.

You remember what you did
when you shared your speed

with Eobard?

He told me I had to share the
most important parts of myself.

Baby girl,
wherever you are...

Please, please

come back home soon.

Jay, Joan, what are...
What are you doin' here?

We've been following
Iris' particle trail

across the time stream,
and it led us here.

When Cecile called, she said
that Iris was still missing.

Not anymore.

Come this way.

- What is that thing?
- It's a Time Stone.

I've heard about it
in my travels.

Where did you get it?

Damien Darhk gave it to me.

He said I might
need it one day.

But why is it glowing now?

Those particles
that were left behind...

They're Iris' consciousness,

and now, I think
they've somehow ended up

inside the stone.

How do we get her
out of there?

I can't believe
we're doing this.

Look, Allegra, we have to
bring the Positive Forces back.

This is the only way
we can help Flash do it.

Who cares about him?

Yeah, we just want
our powers back.

Okay, look, both of you
are now ex-psychics,

but you know exactly
the way that this works.

Now start concentrating,
and help me focus in.

I will do
all the heavy lifting.

You found me.


Oh, my God, are you okay?

Wow, this is a nice office.

What happened?

Iris' time sickness, it...
it spread to us.

So we needed
to tether ourselves

to someone in this reality.

- I chose Cecile.
- Why?

Because of
your boundless potential.

I opened the floodgates
of your mind.

That's how you were able
to absorb the gifts of others.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on.

Wait, wait, wait.
So, you're the guy

- who gave her all of our powers?
- Mm.


You're... welcome?

So you now have the strength
to bring back the Forces...

That is if you're willing
to help us.

Of course I will.

What do you need me to do?

Your biometrics are spiking.

We thought
the bad Forces were back,

but now you're going
into the Negative Speed Force

without us.

We're too late.


What the hell?

Eobard can't come
to the phone right now.

He's going through
some changes.

What are you doing to him?

Helping him reach
his full potential.

If this was all about Thawne,
why'd you attack us?

Oh, man,
you came at us first

for Armageddon
when you cut off

the Negative Speed Force
from his avatar.

Now, see, we...

We've been pulling the strings
ever since.

Finally ready now.

See, this is on you, Flash.
You tipped the scales.

We're just puttin' things
back to normal,

and-and-and then some.

This all started the day that
you severed Thawne's speed...

The day that you upset
the cosmic balance.

Something we didn't know
was possible

until you showed us how.

And that was also the day
that we realized...

we could do the same.

Time to tip the scales.

Are you okay?

It's all my fault.

- What about Thawne?
- Negative Forces...

they were transforming
him somehow.

So he's still alive?

But they already gave him
his speed back.

What more could they want?


I'm picking up a huge influx
of negative kinetic tachyons.


Right over Downtown.

There's no point in running.

You're all going to die.

Holy shrap, that's Thawne.

Who's his new tailor?


Guys, I'm not just picking up

negative kinetic isotopes...
Reading temporal, geothermic,

electric chemical ones too.

He has the power of
all four Negative Forces now.


To tip the balance
of power in their favor...

Turn the entire world
into a living hell.

You said I had
unfinished business.

What is it?

It's Barry, isn't it?

Where is he?
What's happening?

If you wanna find out,

you have to get out
of here yourself.

Damn it.

Oh, come on, Iris.

Look at your life.

Look at everything
that has happened to you

since Barry
went into that coma.

You were destined to die,

held captive
in another dimension.

Hell, you faced certain death
over and over and over again,

and every time, you should've
died, only you didn't.


Because I always had help?

Thanks for playing!

Wrong answer!

Come on.
It's right in front of you.

You're a survivor.

You always will be.

I haven't reached my limit.

No, you haven't.

But what about the spark
between Barry and I?


Just because you can't feel it,

doesn't mean it isn't there.

So what are you gonna do now,

spend the rest of eternity
hangin' out with Damien Darhk?


That-a girl.

I'm gonna reignite it.

Say hi to your old man
for me.

You're outnumbered
four to one.

You're gonna pay
for everyone you've hurt.

Especially Eobard.



Is he gonna be okay?

If that's Impulse,
where's Thawne?

Right here.

What did you do?

I sent them back in time

a billion years, to be precise.

We only have one chance.

What do you need me to do?

Put it on.

There's a reason you were
given all these powers, Cecile.

The powers you absorbed
were enhanced

by the one thing that I lack...

Your ability to care
about people.

That's why you were chosen.

So take it.

The mask will reabsorb
your psychic powers

and transfer them to me.

Don't even think about it.


She has to go through this.

Cecile, are you okay?

Did it work?

I sure as hell hope so.

Ha ha ha.


Well, well, well.

Who's faster now, Flash?


How does it feel, Flash?

How does it feel, knowing you
could've prevented all this,

if only you'd killed me

when you had the chance?

Believe me...

That's a mistake I won't make.

Who's doing this?

Who's doing this?

I am.

You're too late, because your

pathetic avatar is powerless.

You call that power?

This is power.

This is impossible.

No, this is the end.

We're equals now, Thawne.



I have always been,
I will always be

better than you.

This is for Iris...

for everyone you've killed.

What is it?

Some kind of
temporal disruption

coming from inside the stone.


Baby girl.

- Oh.
- Dad.

It's okay.

It's okay.
Damien Darhk showed me

the way back.

That felt like an earthquake.

Or something a lot worse.

Again, our top story,
the deadly new speedster

who has already taken dozens
of lives, has been engaged

by the Flash.

But fallout from the fight

has turned the city
into a war zone.

Residents are advised...

Barry's doing
more harm than good.

They started Armageddon.

Jay, I need you
to take me Downtown... fast.




- Barry, you have to stop.
- No, I have to finish this.

No, Barry, listen to me.

The city can't take
anymore fighting.

That's why
I have to end this.

You can't!

She's right.

We'll never stop
until one of us is dead.

Time to tip the scales.

Get Iris to safety.

Good luck.

I'm done fighting you.

You think I won't kill you?

I'll slaughter you
where you sit!

I just need more power.

Do you hear me?

I just need more power.

We're not meant
to tip the scales.

You won't survive, Thawne!

You lie, Flash!

This is the moment!


It's not supposed to
end like this.

Ah... ah... ah...

a a a ah!


What is that?

It's the universe
resetting itself.

Barry, your Force particles
are gone.

And as for you, Iris,

there's no sign of your
time sickness anywhere.

You're completely cured.

And Gideon says
there's no Thawne anywhere

in the time line.

Then it's really over,

all of it.

Bart, Nora, about the way
I behaved today...


not after all of the things
that you have helped us with.

He's right, Dad.

At the end of the day,
all that matters

is you did the right thing.

And on that note, I think we
should all go back to our lives

in 2049.

Great work today, Flash,
as always.

Thank you.


Guys, guys.

- Thank you for everything.
- Don't sweat it, Pops.

It was all "aster," no "dis."

I have no idea
what that means.

That's all right.

You don't need to.

- All right, love you, Pops, Mom.
- See you guys.

We love you.

How are you feeling?

Like there is so much
I don't know.

But more importantly,

BLOC is no longer working.

It was never my idea, was it?

No, it wasn't.

The Negative Speed Force
used the machine

to pick its avatars.

You were a means to an end.

I'm sorry
you lost your speed.

Don't be.

It was never my dream
to be a speedster.

I know I never
got to meet him, but...

Eobard seems like
a very special person.

He was.

I wanted to give you this.

We found it at STAR Labs.

Thank you...

for everything.

I should go.

Meena, look, if you need
anything, just call us, okay?

- We're here for you.
- I know.

Oh, and if Team Flash ever
needs a helping hand,

as in the technical kind,

you know where to find me.

Good news... your brain's back
to its old empathic capacity.

Dillion has her powers back.

The Queen, too,
who's back in Iron Heights.

I'm gonna miss
being leveled up.

I'm just glad
we all survived this.

Yeah, yeah,
I guess I should be happy.

I mean, we did bring back
the Positive Forces,

and then there was
saving the entire city.

That should be good enough.

Is that a humble brag?

Go ahead, girl... I see you.

Look, here's to
saving the world,

friends, Team Flash, or, or,

as I like to call it...
Team Bad ass.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Team Bad ass.
- Come on.




Okay, that is not
a decaf latte.

And this does not
have three sugars.

Cecile, I'm sorry.
I guess we mixed up coffees.

- I already, uh...
- No worries, it's fine.


Cecile, did you do that?

Uh... yeah?

But, okay, all I did was think

I really wish I had the right
coffee, and then I kind of saw

it in my head, and
then all of a sudden, it was...

Oh, the force
is strong with this one.

Well, that's new.

Well, I never thought
I'd see you again.

I don't mean to be rude
or whatever,

but why am I here?


It's really you?

I didn't know if I'd ever
get out of that place.

I just knew
I had to see you again.

I... how did this happen?

When Iris beat
her time sickness,

it cured the Still Force too,

and then Renee showed up
back at home in Coast City.

We have so much
to catch up on.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Chamber malfunction?

What do you mean
chamber malfunction?

Frost, are you okay?


Who the hell are you?

A friend,

I think.

I never wanna let you go.

Then don't.

I mean, I could stay
like this all week.

- That works for me.
- Mm-hmm.

Iris, last night,
I thought I lost you forever,

'cause I couldn't feel
our connection.

Yeah, when I was
in the Time Stone,

I couldn't feel you either.

That's why I knew
I had to get back to you.

So I reignited our spark.


You're my lightning rod too.

Thank you.


I mean, I know I've been
gone for a while, but...

For reminding me
that even the Flash has limits.

Thawne couldn't
accept that about himself,

which is why he didn't survive.

Barry, you know
the Negative Speed Force

will need to find a new avatar.

I know.

'Cause the universe
is all about balance...

Which means that one day,

the Negative Forces
will have to pick one.

I wonder who they'll choose.

We won't know
until it happens.

But whenever that day comes,

and whoever that avatar is...

We'll be ready for them.

Greg, move your head.