The Expanse (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 2 - Episode #4.2 - full transcript

[pensive instrumental music]

♪ ♪

[woman singing in Norwegian]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Miller] Okay,
so what do we got here?

[electronic static buzzes]

We reach out and reach out
and reach out,

flipping and flipping
and flipping switches

like a goddamn monkey
to see if something clicks.

What do we got
to show for it?

Coins in the pockets.

They die and leave it
all behind.

Talk to me, Johnny.

Don't ask for a lawyer.
Be smart about this.


So what do we got here?

[electronic static crackles]

[indistinct chatter]

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

[Murtry] Go back through
the sensor logs.

See if you can trace
where those things came from,

and put every scope
that's on the Israel

down on this location.

[crewman] You got it, Chief.

Any more swarms
are heading our way,

I want to know
before they get here.

- What is it?
[Elvi] I'll...

I'll let you know.

[man] Those things
went right through da metal.

Maybe these are the things
that brought down your shuttle.

Yeah, yeah,
that must be it.

Think there's something
to that?

I'll go check out
the crash site.

Amos, go with him.

Alex, do what you can
to help the injured.

Copy that.

Let's go see
what that thing is.

I'll join you.

Stay here.

Keep an eye on things.

I'll be fine.

♪ ♪

It's made out of metal.

So it's a machine?

That's very
terrestrial thinking.

Oh, is it?

Life on Earth developed using

potassium, carbon,
and calcium,

but it could just as easily
have been

arsenic, silicon, and iron.

To us, this looks
like a machine,

but on this planet,
it could be an organism.

It looks like the inside
of the Ring Station.

That's protomolecule tech.

[Naomi] If it's active...
[Holden] Yeah.

We should test everyone
for infection.

[disquieting music]

Care to guess
where it came from?

♪ ♪

We're going there anyway.

♪ ♪

[objects thumping]

♪ ♪


[man speaking indistinctly
over P.A. system]

We only had the bodies
on our scopes

for a few seconds
before they hit the periphery

and dissociated,

but it was enough
to get their trajectory.

We extrapolated back
and checked the flight plans

along the path.

It appears they came
from the Sojourner,

a prospective UN colony ship

at the blockade
for nearly 13 weeks

waiting for permission
to transit the Rings.

Regional Flight Control
lost track of it

a month ago.

Well, those colony ships,

they are packed with supplies:
fat, easy prey.

Belta pirata mosh gut.

It was bound to happen.

I'm sure the UN
will graciously accept

their share of the blame.

Uh, if they were aware
of the incident,

they would have told us by now.

Unless they're waiting to see
if we're honest enough

to tell them ourselves,
which we must.

[uneasy music]

Not much of a pirate,
whoever did this.

Inyalowda can pay ransom.

There is no gain in this.


It sends a message:

that peace cannot change
a century of anger overnight...

and that there are Belters
who still know how to hate.

♪ ♪

[Holden] We're gonna test
the settlers for infection.

It appears to be some form
of protomolecule tech,

and we think we know
where they came from.

We're heading over
with an RCE scientist

to investigate.

We'll let you know
what we find.

What's the transmission delay?

About six hours.

Initial report from RCE

confirms Holden's.

- Shit.
- If there is

active protomolecule
on New Terra...

Holden will deal with it.

He'll have to.

The next closest ship
is two months away.

But this will get out,
one way or another.

- It's going to scare people.
- Maybe that's not so bad.

It'll support your position
that going through the Rings

is too dangerous.

Sometimes I fucking hate
being right.

[electronic chime]

It's time, ma'am.

[pensive music]

♪ ♪

You're very good
in those boots, ma'am.

I had a good teacher.

[Arjun] And I know
it's traditional

for First Gentlemen like myself

to abandon their careers,
but what can I do?

[Diaz] Okay, everybody,
back to your seats.

- I have tenure.
- We'll pick this up later.


♪ ♪

I am so happy you're here.

I wouldn't have missed it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I never thought I'd see
the aurora borealis on Mars.

That's what you get
when you make a magnetosphere.

You're such a romantic.


♪ ♪

They made their own clouds.

Brings to mind
the people who built

the great Gothic cathedrals,

knowing they'd be long dead
before the work was finished,

trusting that
their great-grandchildren

would lay the final stones.

We've lost that kind
of generational thinking

on Earth.

Here, you see it
in everything they do.

I like the things you see

better than the ones I do.

[music swells]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[electronic beep]

[disquieting music]

♪ ♪

Dock seven.

♪ ♪

[alarm blaring]

♪ ♪

[woman] This is a
Mariner Valley Police action.

All individuals
in the vicinity

may be detained or searched.

Remain in place
until you receive

further instructions.

♪ ♪

This is a
Mariner Valley Police action.

All individuals
in the vicinity

may be detained or searched.

Remain in place
until you receive

further instructions.

[electronic beep]

♪ ♪

Demolition Tech Third Class
Roberta W. Draper.

- I prefer Bobbie.
- Formerly Gunnery Sergeant

Roberta Draper
of the Martian Marine Corps.

Before that, I was center
on my basketball team.

Dishonorably discharged

for repeated acts
of insubordination.

No, they moved me
to power forward.

You think you're funny?

Do you?

Customs Inspector First Class
Richard Sanju.

I'm bad at guessing games.

Impeccable record,
family man,

- good Martian.
- I'll take your word for it.

He was found
in a cargo container

this morning
with his neck snapped.

[uneasy music]

Is that what this is all about?

Your file says
you were directly involved

in the deaths of two members
of your marine fire team.

♪ ♪

There's a lot more
to that story,

but I'm betting you don't care.

If you're asking me
if I saw anything, I didn't.

I assume they train
you special forces types

to resist
augmented interrogation.

Yeah, and they also trained me
to snap necks,

but I haven't done
either of those things

since coming home.

♪ ♪

Is it?

Again with
the guessing game shit.

Is Mars still home?

♪ ♪

Having dinner
with the UN secretary-general

is quite an honor

for a Martian dockworker.

♪ ♪

[device chimes]

You seem very fond
of Earthers,

for a Martian, I mean.

Fuck you.

Everything I've ever done
has been for Mars.

I came back here
to willingly face

a court-martial for Mars.

I scrap those bloody ships

every day for Mars.

♪ ♪

All right.

You can go.

♪ ♪

This is just how it's gonna be
from now on, right?

Do let us know
if you learn anything

that might be useful
in our investigation,

Demolition Tech
Third Class Draper.

♪ ♪

You the doc?

I was a med tech on Ganymede.

I run this clinic.

All right.
I need to speak to you.

I'll be right back.

Look, I have a lot of patients
I have to get...

That swarm of bugs,
I just got word

it might be

- What?
- We need to test

everyone who was injured
for infection.

It's all right.
My crew just did it.

We're all fine;
I just need your help

with the settlers
as a precaution.

Is this going to be
another Eros?

No, no.
That's why we're here:

make sure that doesn't happen.

I lost a lot of family
on Ganymede.

This has to work...
this place.

We have nowhere else to go.

What do we need to do?

[device beeps]

It's just a simple test.

- [door clicks open]
- [sighs]

Gif me fo vedi.

[door clicks shut]

[auto-doc beeps]

[somber music]

♪ ♪


How did anyone live
through this?

♪ ♪

I don't see
any of those bugs.

[investigatory synth music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Murtie.

This look like a blasting cap
to you?

It's Murtry.

And yes.
Yes, it does.

See the scorches
on these beams?

You guys didn't have
the main drive on

when you came down, did you?

No, we did not.

♪ ♪

I think someone blew up
this pad.

♪ ♪

There was no sign
of any of those bugs.

The only weird thing
was the blasting cap.

That's not exactly conclusive.

Stay on it.
See what develops.

[Amos] Will do.

We passed over some structures
like this during our descent.

The Israel mapped
hundreds of them

all over the continent,

and they're clearly
not natural formations.

Our scans indicate
they extend underground.

[Holden] How far down?

[Elvi] Deeper than our radar
could penetrate.

Settlers have anything
to say about it?

They've been here longer
than any of us.

Only that there was
no lithium here

and they never found
a way in.

You know how Belters are.

If they can't use it,
it doesn't exist.

Yeah, you've got us
totally figured out.

[engine whirring down]


- [grunts]
- Let me take your pack.

- I'm fine.
- You just got here.

There's no shame
in easing into it.

I'm getting used
to the horizon and open spaces.

If it wasn't for, you know,

this might even be fun.

[breathing heavily]

[drone beeping]

[drone whirring]

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[drone whirring]

[electronic beep]

Yeah, we just got here.

Get the MS702 sampler

and attach it
directly to the side.


♪ ♪

[device whirring]

[device beeps]

[Fayez] Assuming
this solar system

is the same age as our own,

radioisotope dating
puts this structure

at approximately
1.5 billion years old.


You don't see
how strange that is?

Apparently not.

The local-life forms are much,
much younger than that.

This structure

predates multicellular life
on this planet.

It's been here
since the only living things

were bacteria analogs

and whatever fills
viral niches.

Protomolecule hijacks
organic life

and uses it
for its own purposes.

When it landed here,

it would've killed
everything it touched.

So evolution
on this planet

would've had
to start over.

- Three biomes, then.
- Three?

Whatever made
the protomolecule,

the local biosphere,
and now us.

That's a lot
of interacting systems.

There's no way to tell
how they'll mix.

♪ ♪

The structure appears
to be solid.

If the swarm
came out of this,

I can't say where.

[Holden] Leave the drone up.

Another swarm shows up,

maybe it'll see
how they get out.

[device beeps]

♪ ♪



What were you expecting?

I have no idea.

It just feels dead.

♪ ♪

Penya we na know
about the bug

before they kill
da shuttle de.

Ya, shame.


I'm done.

All right.
Left arm, please.

[sniffles, clears throat]

You guys must've done
a lot of shuttle runs, right,

hauling all that ore
up to your ship?

You never saw
a swarm like that?

[Coop] One day,
I see a lizard here

eat a ting
two time its own size

by throw up it own stomach.


Alien planet, ke?

See lot of weird shit
fo first time.

- [auto-doc beeps]
- And look at that.

You are all good.


What, you don't have
an autoclave?

Used to.

Brought it down from the Barb,

but a week later, it died.

Too much dust
in the air here.

You know,
I could probably get Amos

to come and help you out
with that.

He's kind of a genius
when it comes to gizmos.

Yeah? I wouldn't say no.

Well, we are here to help.

I'm actually starting
to believe that.

[device beeping]

Excuse me.

Hey, hoss.

[Holden] Alex, how you doing?

Oh, so far, so good.

We checked out pretty much
everyone in this town

that, uh, had any kind
of injury from those bugs.

No sign of infection,
thank God.

- How about you?
[Holden] Scouted the ruins.

Found nothing.

We're heading back
to the ship.

I think I'm gonna hang out here
for a spell,

you know, make sure
we didn't miss anybody.

[Holden] Copy that.

[clears throat]

So... I heard a little rumor

that, uh, there's a saloon
around here.

Not much of one.

They serve pretty much
the same thing

I've been sterilizing
the scalpels with.



Well, I could really
use a drink.

I think you could too.

I just said the booze
is terrible.

I know,

but personally,
I don't drink for taste.

Looks like we got
two new customers.


This is Jakob, my husband,

and our daughter, Felcia.

Uh, it's a pleasure
to make your acquaintance.


No one at the mine
saw any bugs.

Guess we were
the lucky ones.

We four for dinner?

Alex, you're welcome
to join for dinner.

Oh, yeah, no.

It's been
a long, rough day,

and you guys need
some family time together,


Right, I'll see you soon.

[man] You two, I need you.
Sasa ke?

Let's move.

[man] This.
Take it all down.

[indistinct chatter]

You speak for this camp?

- Where did you get this?
[Amos] At the pad.

Your people blew up
that pad deliberately.

That's what took down
our shuttle.

You killed
a lot of my people.

[people muttering]

That's ridiculous.

We needed that landing pad

to get our lithium
into orbit.

The bugs kill your shuttle!

You trying to pin it on us,

like Inners always do!

[people muttering angrily]

[woman] Earther.
- Do the right thing.

Get the word out,

and you have until morning

to give me the people
that planted the bomb.

We will not be intimidated.

Either they pay for this,

or you all will.

Your friend left.

Who, Marty?

He's not my friend.

What do you got on tap?

What you got to barter?

Prime Minister, from a
business planning perspective,

it will be helpful to know
when we can review your plans

to partition the new worlds
beyond the Rings.

It's a complex situation.

Some people believe
that carving up the map

- at this stage is premature.
- Mm-hmm.

The Belters don't seem
to think so.

They've already begun
mineral extraction on Ilus.

Excuse me, ma'am.

The New Terra is an anomaly.

It will take years
before we can begin

to seriously consider


We just received this
from New York.


[serene music playing]

♪ ♪

[inhales deeply]

♪ ♪

[device beeps]

Hold there, please.

I have an invitation.

You've been flagged
for additional screening.

[woman] I'll handle this.

She's a personal guest

of the secretary-general.

[indistinct chatter]

This way.

♪ ♪

Right here.

- Have a lovely evening.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

Hi, I'm Bobbie.

That's the one who killed
our team on Ganymede.

[man] What is she doing here?

[indistinct chatter]

Sergeant Draper.

I'm not a sergeant anymore,

Of course.
My apologies.

- Roberta...
- Bobbie, please.

Who are you?

Arjun Avasarala,
at your service.

I have wanted to meet you
for such a long time

to thank you in person

for saving my Chrisjen's life.

You're welcome, sir.

And respectfully,

if you married Chrisjen,

you're a hell of a lot braver
than I ever was.

[both laugh]

[indistinct chatter]

[glass clinking]

[chatter stops]

My dear friend
Admiral Michael Souther

once said,

"The war does not end

"when people put down
their guns.

"It ends when they reconcile.

Until then,
the war has only paused."

As we gather here tonight,

it is clear to me
that he was right.

We are one people,

and our true loyalty
is not only

to Earth or Mars alone

but to our shared humanity.

Admiral Souther died
in the war,

killed for following
his conscience.

He died in defense
of Earth

and Mars
and the greater truth

that unites us.

But my planet has no monopoly

on people of courage
and conscience.

They're here as well,

and so let us take a moment

of silence
for Admiral Souther

and all those like him

on both sides,

for they are
the best of us

and our only hope

for a lasting
and permanent peace.

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

In your report, you said

the OPA
had no knowledge

of who might have perpetrated
this atrocity.

Fleet command found that
difficult to believe.

Truth is truth.

How you deal with it
is up to you.

The Sojourner's comms

were likely jammed
during the attack,

but a blockade patrol skiff

picked up an emergency
burst transmission

from the area
at about the same time.

It's a drive signature,
clearly a Belter,

but we were unable
to identify the ship.

I've been ordered
to share the data with you

in the hopes that together,

we may find a way to bring
the guilty to justice.

We will do what we can do.

And rest assured,
so will we.

Medina Station
continues to exist

only by the goodwill
of Earth and Mars

and our fleets.

Belters would do well
to remember that.

♪ ♪

They want a head on a spike
so they don't look weak.

But they are weak.

The Inners can no longer
police the Belt.

Then we had best do it
for them.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Have you decrypted

the nav logs from the wreck?

[crewman] Ya, bosmang.
All done.

Send them to me.

♪ ♪

[Holden] So...

first day on a planet.

How was it?

[tender music]

[Naomi] Terrifying.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I desperately need
a shower.

Yes, you do.

I'm gonna make a tea.
Do you want a coffee?


[doors clank]

[uneasy music]

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

[high-pitched droning]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[device beeping]

Stop fussing.

Too late.

I'm fine.

Just... ugh.

Just a little tired.
That's all.


you ain't taking
to the gravity drugs

as well as we'd hoped.

You said it would take time.

I mean, your bones
are getting denser,

you're building muscle tissue,

but it's
your cardiovascular system.

It just ain't developing
quickly enough.

I guess my body's
a slow learner.

No, Naomi, your heart
just ain't as strong

as it needs to be
in this gravity.

Plain and simple,
you gotta slow down,

take things easier.

If you don't,
you're gonna have palpitations,

and eventually,
your heart, it's...

I'll get through it.

- Naomi...
- Don't say anything

to Holden.
He'll overreact.

He's got enough
on his mind already.


[somber music]

All right.

♪ ♪

So I played a hunch

that the pirate who attacked
the Amberjack

might be related to the one

who spaced
the Sojourner's colonists.

Given the recent number
of attacks,

a reasonable assumption.

Ah, pirates fly dark,
don't trust transponders.

Often, they ID each other
by drive signature,

so I ran
the UNN's unknown

against the wreck's
navs and comm logs,

and look what I found.

[ominous music]

Marco Inaros.

How well do you know him?

Only by reputation.

Naomi said you know
what he did to her.


She's one
of the smartest people

I've ever met.

How did Marco Inaros
get his hooks in her?

Ah, he's charismatic.

He's... he's uncompromising.

He's very dangerous.

Men like that
cast a spell.

They also make
a lot of enemies.

Which factions hate him
the most?

Uh, Sohiro, Dos Arriagas.

This will need
to be sanctioned.

Talk to Dawes.
I'll reach out to Fred Johnson.

It'll take a big bounty
to bring this one in.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Not even a good-bye?

You were busy,

but it was nice
to meet your husband.

Be careful.
He is a charmer,

but he'll only break
your heart.

He was the only one
who would even speak to me.

I'm surprised that Martians
would be so ungracious.

Did Admiral Souther
really say any of that?

Uh, I don't know.

We rarely spoke.

He didn't much care for me.

You were using me tonight,

just like you used him,

playing some game
that I don't understand.

It was humiliating!

I wasn't trying
to embarrass you.

I wanted to see you...

I had no place at that table!

To show the rest
of the idiots in that room

that you still have friends
in high places.

All they saw was Earth
calling its lapdog to heel.

[poignant music]

♪ ♪

Come and work for me.

- What?
- Fuck these people.

If they don't see
how glorious you are,

they don't deserve you.

I don't need you to save me.

You don't owe me this.


Good night, ma'am.

♪ ♪

[ethereal ringing]

[Miller] I gotta file
a report.

I gotta tell them who did it,

just finish the paperwork.

I know. I know.

[indistinct murmuring]

Stop it!
I'm doing what you want.

[echoing] Stop it.


So what do we got here?

[exhales deeply]

[haunting musical tone]

We need to talk.

Where the fuck have you been?

Been busy.

Those bugs...

that attacked us,
was that because of you?

Nothing like
a plague of locusts

to welcome you to town,
though, huh?

Ah, but they're
not important.

They felt really important

when they were slicing up
the fucking camp.

What's important
is where they came from.

You were
on the right track, kid,

but we gotta go.

Just tell me why.

Because I need
your hands, okay?

I still don't have those.

But we're running
out of time.

Ticktock, ticktock.

That door won't stay open

Okay, stop.

Where are we going?

[Holden whispering]
We went there.

We already went there.

There was no way in.

[Naomi] Jim?

What did he say?

[suspenseful music]

[Holden] He wants me
to go back.

[Naomi] Those openings were
definitely not there before.

[Alex] So the answer
to the question

of who killed
the protomolecule builders

is in there?

I don't know.

He said something in there
might help him.

This is why
we came here.

Right, I'm going with you.

We're all going.

Actually, uh, I'd feel
a hell of a lot better

if, uh, someone stayed
at the Roci,

watched our asses
in case we need backup.

You okay with that?


I'll look after you boys.

[computer beeping]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[Alex] Where in the hell
are you?

I'm in town!

I'm keeping an eye on things,
like Holden said.

All right, well,
Holden and I are going

- on this mission...
- Later.

[man] I say to him,

I say to him,

"You don't prescribe"...


[man] " get
bad headache!"


[indistinct chatter]

You trying to take my job?


I got a better one.

Glad to see
you don't need those bullets.

Well, I got plenty of lead
and chemicals on the Roci.

It's easy to make more.

Shit, I could be rich here.


Sure, but there's nothing
to buy.

I bought that.

Oh, wow, they don't let you
sleep on the ship?

I'm gonna sleep outside.

It's like Earth here, except...

less pollution
and more moons.

That was mine.

What else you got?

Where are you going?

Meet some friends.

It's late.

[door lock clicks]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[woman over P.A. system]
Brunel Heights.

Stand clear of the doors.

Brunel Heights.

[speaking foreign language]

♪ ♪

What the hell
are you up to?

Okay, look, you have
to go, please.

I'll... I'll explain later.

- What is this shit?
- It's just focus drugs, okay?

Please, if they see you here,
they'll kill me.

I'll kill you myself.
You're coming home

- with me right now.
- I can't!

- They'll be here any minute.
- Right now!

I... I can't!

Oh, shit.

Ugh, you are such an idiot.

I bet your girlfriend here
knows something

about a customs agent
getting beat to death

down by the docks
this morning.

No, not a thing.

Shut the door.

Better finish this up.

The clock is ticking,

and the boss is waiting.

Yeah, it... it'll just take
a minute to...

No, we're leaving.

Whatever he was doing

for you, it's over.

David, baby, your aunt

is becoming a problem.

Look, I had no idea
she was coming,

- I swear.
- Ah, fuck this!


[electricity crackling]

[uneasy music]

You're so fucked.


David's out for good,

and next time,
there won't be a next time.

♪ ♪

[Bobbie] Get up!

♪ ♪

Hurry up!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'm good!

- Back on Ceres...
- Fuck!

We'd get this water theft.

It was always a big problem.

I must've traced
a hundred pipes

down into the bowels
of that station.

No cop stories.

Hey, it's got a moral.

I don't give a shit.

Well, we'd get these mushrooms
growing down there, see?

Just tell me what the fuck
we're looking for.

Come here.


I need that out of there,

It's clogging up the works.

A root.


Dragging me out

into the middle of the night

to do your fucking gardening.

Hey, we're all doing
someone else's dirty work, kid.

I'm just flipping switches,
you know,

seeing what lights come on,
and right now,

that's a switch I can't flip.

These people built stuff

that lasts
for billions of years

and it can't handle
a few roots?

There weren't any roots here
when they built this stuff.

[Naomi] Jim, I don't know what
that ghost is telling you,

but the last time
you stuck your hand

in something for Miller,
it put you in a coma.

She's got a point.

All right, no coma
this time, kid, I promise.

But we both need
to figure out

who killed the Builders.

I get my answers,

you get yours.

I'd settle for just not having
your voice in my head.

One voice in his head.

Oh, that would be swell.

What does that mean?

A hundred thousand people
died on Eros.

Try carrying that around
in your skull.

[pensive music]

You still hear
their voices?



Old woman humming
her wedding song.

Little kid
having a nightmare.

People screaming

for a death that never comes.

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪


we finish this thing,

maybe we can all
finally get some sleep, huh?

♪ ♪

[both panting]


Shut the fuck up!



[both sigh]

[Scotty] Hey, pampa.

Hey, ju ru ranu!

Yeah, you, pampa!

- The problem is you!
- You hear that?

[Scotty] All you Earthers...

Oh, fuck.

You got no right
to threaten us.

[Coop] Belters...

we build Ganymede.

We turn it from a ball of ice
into a garden.

You fucking Inners,

you come and wreck it all.

And when we need to flee,

do the Inners help us?


They turn us from every port

like we a disease.

We left with nothing.

So we come here.

We start by sleeping
on piles of dirt.

But we build this.

We make something again,

dig up some treasure,

and here come
the fucking Inners

to take it all away again.

Like you always do, mm?

Don't lay your history on me.

I didn't blow up shit
on Ganymede.

You and me,
we have one problem today.

Somebody in this shithole
killed 23 of my friends.

Careful, Earther.

Day ain't over yet.

Now, that was a threat.


[dramatic music]


♪ ♪

[machinery clicking
and whirring]

♪ ♪

[Naomi] Jim?

Something's happening.

[machinery sliding]

♪ ♪


[Naomi] Jim, it's closing!

You need to get out
of there now!

Move it!

♪ ♪

Alex, get him out!

Come on!

♪ ♪ 94300:4