The Expanse (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Dulcinea - full transcript

In the outer solar system near Saturn, James Holden and the crew of the ice-freighter Canterbury, investigate a distress call from a mysterious derelict ship, the Scopuli. On Ceres Station,...

无垠的太空 第一季 第一集
二十三世纪 人类已殖民太阳系
在小行星带 空气和水比金子还要珍贵
数十年来 各方关系日益紧张 地球 火星和小行星带正处在战争爆发的边缘
目标就位 Target in position.
全体成员返回空间站 All hands back to stations.
准备开火 Prepare to fire.
求求你们 Please!
放我出去 Get me out of here!
紧急求救 工程舱
谷神星曾经是一个冰雪覆盖的星球 Ceres was once covered in ice.
谷神星空间站 联合国保护区 位于小行星带
有足够的水供一千代人饮用 Enough water for 1,000 generations.
直到地球和火星抢去供他们自己享用 Until Earth and Mars stripped it away for themselves.
这个空间站成为了小行星带最重要的港口 This station became the most vital port in the Belt.
但从我们大门前流过的无数财富和资源 But, the immense wealth and resources that flow through our gates
却从来都不是为我们准备的 were never meant for us.
小行星带人在码头辛勤工作 Belters work the docks,
忙于装卸珍贵的货物 loading and unloading precious cargo.
我们维护着那些维持这块破石头 We fix the pipes and filters
正常呼吸运转的管道和过滤器 that keep this rock living and breathing.
我们小行星人受尽苦难 We Belters toil and suffer,
既无希望 亦无尽头 without hope and without end.
都是为了什么 And for what?
有一天 火星会用武力从地球手里 One day, Mars will use its might to wrest control
夺取谷神星的控制权 of Ceres from Earth,
然后地球会全面开战以夺回它 and Earth will go to war to take it back.
这对我们来说没有区别 It's all the same to us.
不管是谁控制谷神星 我们的家园 No matter who controls Ceres, our home,
对他们而言 我们永远都是奴隶 to them, we will always be slaves.
在地球人和火星人看来我们仅此而已 That's all we are to the Earthers and Dusters.
他们在我们的脊背上建立起了这个太阳系 They built their solar system on our backs,
用我们数百万弟兄的血汗筑就了这一切 spilled the blood of a million of our brothers.
然而在他们眼里 我们连人都不是 But in their eyes, we're not even human anymore.
所以下次你们照镜子的时候 说这个词 So, the next time you look in the mirror, say the word.
奴隶 Slave.
每次我们试图发出呼声的时候 Every time we demand to be heard,
他们就收紧我们的供水 they hold back our water,
蠢笨的小行星杂种 owkwa beltalowda,
对我们实行空气配额 ration our air,
憋死这些小行星杂种 ereluf beltalowda,
直到我们爬回我们的洞穴 until we crawl back into our holes,
蜷缩在地洞里的小行星杂种 imbobo beltalowda,
乖乖照他们说的去做 and do as we are told.
继续实行供水配给 橙色等级
小心别乱看 Watch your eyes.
在这里 一个眼神不对就可能送命的 People get killed over a wrong look around here.
我们可以以煽动罪逮捕他 We could run him in for inciting.
时机和地点不对 Time and a place.
你 带警章的 Hey, you, Badge.
那一天就快要到了 不是吗 Day's coming soon, keya?
等到血溅当场的那一天 And when the blood is on the wall,
你会站在那一边 sasa ke which side you're on?
我到时候会知道的 Yeah, I'll know.
那就到时候见了 沃瓦拉 See you then, welwala.
沃瓦拉是什么意思 What is welwala?
"人民的叛徒" "Traitor to my people."
走吧 我们还有工作要做 Come on, we have work to do.
告诉我发生了什么事 别着急慢慢说 Just tell me what happened. Take your time.
被遗忘的手 是吗 Forgotten arm, keya?
被遗忘的手 对 Forgotten arm, yeah.
要是他们有人再出现在这附近 就叫我 If any of these guys come round again, shoah.
好了 让法医进来 All right, let in the coroner.
让他清理这里吧 Let him clean it up.
她刚才说"被遗忘的手"是什么意思 What did she mean, "Forgotten arm"?
突如其来 出乎意料的事情 The thing you never see coming.
别费劲了 Don't start.
你永远都没法装成一个小行星带人的 You are never gonna pass for a Belter.
每次他们看到你 都只会看到一个地球人 Every time they look at you, they're always gonna see Earth.
一个模仿地球人穿着打扮的人居然教训我 Coming from a guy dressed like an Earther.
为什么要戴顶帽子 What's the deal with the hat?
免得被雨淋到 Keeps the rain off my head.
好吧 我究竟该看什么 Okay. What am I looking for?
好吧 All right.
看到那边那个劣等小丑了吗 See that piss-poor rock hopper down there?
他试图用那身肥大的飞行服来掩饰 He's trying to cover it up with that baggy flight suit.
看那皮包骨头的样子 See the way the skin hangs off his bones?
看到他眼睛里的红血丝和他颤抖的样子了吗 You get the red eyes and the shakes
那是你的身体拒绝生长荷尔蒙的症状 when your body rejects the growth hormones.
喝了太多威士忌的人也会那样 You also get that from a little too much whiskey.
不 这是神经性震颤 伙计 Nah, tremors, man.
这就是在低重力环境下长大的结果 That's from growing up in low-G.
肌肉无法正常发育 Your muscles don't develop right.
我猜在低重力下经过好几代人就会是那样子吧 I guess that's from generations in low-G, huh?
我肯定总有一天 每个小行星带人 Someday, I'd say every Belter's gonna
都会长成那个样子 look just like that.
那你呢 What about you?
我怎么了 What about me?
你有什么故事 What's your tell?
让我来告诉你 内行星杂种 Let me help you with that, inyaloda.
这一个 他的脊椎顶端有凸起 This one, he has spurs at the top of his spine
这里的骨缝没有正常闭合 where the bones didn't fuse right.
说明他小时候注射过廉价的骨密度提高剂 He got the cheap bone density juice when he was a child.
可能是在空间站上的某个小诊所里 Probably a ward of the station.
即使他伪装了自己 So, even if he disguises himself,
他仍然跟我一样 he's just like me.
我才不像你一样 死瘦子 I am nothing like you, longbone.
带上你那外行星联盟扯淡的说辞 Take your OPA bullshit
回到麦地那去吧 back to the Medina,
和其他受难者一起等待革命的到来 and wait for the Revolution with all the rest of the victims.
拜托 我们出去吧 Please, why don't you go outside...
午餐结束了 Lunch break's over.
你好啊 Hey, voyu...
探长 Detective,
我到处找你呢 I've been looking all over for you.
我想你应该已经换过 Hmm. I trust you changed
空气过滤器了吧 those air filters, right?
完全符合标准 长官 Full compliance, Mi sa-sa.
很好 很好 Good, good.
前方到达 市中心层 Now arriving. Mid-town level...
那就不用去看了 No need to pay a visit, then.
有去往恒星螺旋警局 Exit for Star Helix Police
-以及急救中心的乘客请下车 -失陪了 - and Emergency Services. - Excuse me.
走吧 Come on.
好了 我再问你一遍 Okay, I'm gonna ask you one more time.
别笑得像个傻子 Stop grinning like an idiot
告诉我你的真实姓名 and give me your real name.
我告诉你 I promise you things
如果你不好好说 will not go well for you
会有严重的后果 if you do not...
-天啊 米勒 -你听到她说什么了吗 - Jesus, Miller! - Do you hear her?
米勒 Miller! Hey!
-打开手铐 -如果我想揍他 - Get the cuffs off. - If I want his ass kicked,
我会自己动手 I'll do it myself.
我知道你是谁 I know who you are!
你给我等着 I'll find you!
你给我等着 I'll find you!
有不允许打嫌犯的法律吗 Any laws against beating up suspects?
谷神星上从无法治 No laws in Ceres.
只有警察 Just cops.
我有事要你来做 I have something for you.
新任务 New contract.
你一个人 不带哈弗洛克 Just you. Not Havelock.
他来的时间太短 He's too new.
你是在给我找副业吗 队长 You sidelining me, Captain?
不 这任务是非官方的 No, this is off-book.
用你业余时间完成 On your own time.
这是地球上某个人 A favor someone down on Earth
在帮一个股东的忙 is doing for a shareholder.
我们现在要讨好股东了 Oh, we're groveling to the shareholders now?
我需要足够谨慎的人 I need someone discreet.
不用再说了 Ah. Say no more.
我已经将你联入了档案 I've linked you into the files.
一个寻找失踪女儿的案子 A little lost daughter case.
阿里阿德涅和朱尔斯-皮埃尔·毛的女儿 Ariadne and Jules-Pierre Mao.
毛-奎考斯基商贸 Mao-Kwikowski mercantile?
他们主要在月球发展 They're Luna-based.
他们的运输路线经过这里 They do a lot of shipping through here.
女儿找不到了吗 And they misplaced a daughter?
败家子 上了大学 Black sheep. Went to college,
加入了一个叫做 got involved with a group
"遥远地平线基金会"的组织 called the "Far Horizons Foundation."
学生啊 空有想法和大话 Students. With big ideas and big mouths.
为什么父母突然 Why do the parents want her
想找到她 found all of a sudden?
也许是受够了她让家族蒙羞 Probably got tired of her embarrassing the old man.
信息都在档案里了 It's all in the files.
好的 Okay.
所以 我的任务到底是什么 So... So, what's my contract exactly?
如果朱莉·毛还在谷神星 找到她 Find Julie Mao, if she's still here on Ceres,
扣留她 然后送她回家 detain her, and ship her home.
绑架的活儿啊 Kidnap job.
捕冰船 坎特伯雷号 土星附近
乐意效劳 My pleasure.
等我们把这冰弄到谷神星 So, what you gonna do with your bonus check
你打算拿奖金做什么 when we get this ice to Ceres?
反正我不会犯跟上次一样的错误 Well, I'm not gonna make the same mistake as last time.
先去赌场再去妓院 Casino before brothel.
你输光了 You got cleaned out.
是啊 我跟你说 Yeah. And let me tell you,
谷神星的妓院 brothels on Ceres
可不喜欢赊账 don't like extending credit.
我用一半的时间 Bet I can load twice the ice
就能比你多装两倍的冰 that you do in half the time.
是要打赌吗 Am I smelling a wager, ke?
稍等 Not yet.
但我会拖着 But I will drag my...
小心 Watch out!
你真是太棒了 You're entirely too good at this.
我告诉过你 我没能力 I told you, I've got no power to get you
让你在这船上升职 promoted on this ship.
那我收回那话 Well, then I take it back.
请准备修正推力 Standby for thrust correction.
请注意 重力 Warning. Gravity has...
霍顿 请到驾驶舱报道 Holden, report to the flight deck.
真没想到啊 We never saw it.
抱歉 牛仔 但我们还是想到了 Sorry, cowboy, but we did.
事故代码22 卡梅隆·帕吉 We got a code 22, Cameron Paj.
找不到大副 Can't find the XO.
好了 好了 All right, all right,
我去找他 I'll hunt him down.
别着急穿衣服 Don't get dressed.
帕吉 胳膊怎么样了 Hey, Paj, how's the arm?
还不错 Looking good.
还有几根神经能用 Still got a few nerves, though.
谢德跟我说了假肢怎么装 Shed's been telling me how the prosthetic's gonna hook up.
你是知道一般情况下公司不会想 Well, you know that naturally, the company'll try
给你装高级假肢的 对吧 to screw you out of a good one, right?
我的合约足以得到一个带有力回馈 I've been signed on long enough to get one with force feedback,
压力以及温度传感器等全套配备的假肢 pressure and temp sensors, the whole package.
我知道 但你更应该得到内行星 I know. What you should have is that new bio-gel
研发的那种新型仿生胶 they developed on the inner planets.
那样你就不需要假肢了 Then you wouldn't need a prosthetic.
它能使残肢完美再生 It regrows the limb perfectly.
去他的内行星人和他们神奇的果冻 Screw the Inners and their magic Jell-O.
别见怪 霍顿 No offense, Holden.
我宁愿套上个小行星人生产的假肢 No, I'd rather a Belter-built fake any day.
那因为你太固执了 That's 'cause you're stubborn as hell.
别担心 帕吉 No worries, Paj.
我需要一些安眠药 Hey, I need some Z-PRO.
两星期前就没了 Been cleaned out for two weeks.
你只能数数羊来助眠了 抱歉 You're gonna have to count sheep, sorry.
不过我这还有药效更强一点的 Oh, I do have something a little stronger, though,
如果你有处方的话 if you've got the, uh, scrip.
-没有吗 -没有 - No? - No.
说真的 霍顿 Hey, seriously, Holden,
你不会让他们不给我装假肢吧 you won't let them screw me out of an arm, will you?
我可不想要一只用过的 I don't wanna used one.
我跟你一样也是个打工的 帕吉 I'm just a clock-puncher like you, Paj.
嗨 你看到大副了吗 Hey! Hey, you seen the XO?
没有 怎么了 No, sa-sa.
只要顺着威士忌的气味就能找到 Just follow the reek of whiskey.
这么说可不大友善 That's not nice.
我说的是实话 It's the truth.
《飞船翻新意向书》上你没签字 You didn't sign the PRP.
我没签什么 I didn't sign the what?
飞船翻新 It's the retrofit...
一份翻新飞船的提案 在它四分五裂之前 It's the retrofit proposal to overhaul this bucket
彻底大修一次 before it breaks apart.
如果奈奥米这么说 那肯定八九不离十了 If Naomi says it'll happen, you can take it to the bank.
听着 孩子 我在这待的时间比你俩都长 Listen, kids, I've been here longer than you.
比起对这艘老旧的飞船进行大修 It's way cheaper for the company to settle up with a few widows
安抚几个寡妇便宜多了 than to overhaul this old barge.
这才是真理 The truth.
再说了 坎特号正是因为她的伤痕成为传奇的 Besides, the Cant is a legend for her scars.
饱经历练的徽章 Badges of endurance.
你有撬杆吗 Hey, do you have a pry bar?
用完记得还回来 Make sure I get it back.
当然 Sure.
你一定要告诉我你如何当上二副的 You must tell me the amazing story of how you managed to
传奇故事 become a second officer.
那是我一生最大的失误 My biggest failure in life.
下面小心 Look out below!
欢迎来到竞技场 Welcome to the rodeo.
女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen,
请就坐 放轻松 享受这趟旅程 please sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
谷神星空间站 我们来了 Ceres Station, here we come.
请将你们的餐桌和座椅靠背 Please adjust your tray tables and seat backs
调整到垂直状态 into their upright
并固定好 and locked positions...
闭上嘴好好开 可以吗 Shut up and fly, would ya?
你也是 宝贝 You, too, Boo Boo.
情况怎么样 哥们 How are we looking, kids?
易如反掌 老大 It's easy as picklin' eggs, Hoss.
帕吉要申请接一条新的胳膊 Paj needs approval for a new arm.
我得找大副来处理 I gotta get XO on it.
你看到他了吗 Have you seen him?
如果我说看到了 肯定是骗你的 If I said I had, I'd be lyin'.
大副 Hey, XO!
好吧 那我进来了 All right, I'm coming in,
可别让我看到你的裸体 and I don't wanna see anything hairy.
水仙花 Daffodil...
蔷薇属 Rosa...
玫瑰 Roses.
雏菊 Daisies.
菊科植物 Daisy.
菊科植物 吉米小男孩 Daisy. Ah, Jimmy boy.
你知道我想不通的是什么吗 You know what I just can't figure out?
我们一路来到这里 We make it all this way,
进入了如此幽暗的宇宙里 so far out into the darkness.
我们为什么不能多带一点亮光来呢 Why couldn't we have brought more light?
我知道 I hear ya...
别这样 大副 Okay, come on, now, X.
老天啊 Oh, my God.
躺下去 慢慢来 好吗 Just lay back, real slow, okay?
那是什么 What's that?
一切都会好起来的 好吗 Okay, everything's gonna be fine, all right?
雏菊 蓝铃花 Daisy, bluebell...
绑紧了 Pull that tight.
大概六个月前他开始重复说些植物的名字 He started talking to his plants about six months ago.
我以为他能挺过来 I figured he would've pulled himself out of it.
好不了了 So it goes.
终于到了这一刻 It's been a long time comin'.
你开玩笑吗 Are you kidding?
-不是 -我还以为要解雇我了 - No. - I thought I was getting my walking papers.
为什么 What for?
首先 和领航员乱搞 Well, fraternizing with our navigator, for starters.
什么 What?
听着 像你这样的人 Look, people like you.
你擅长处理事情 You get things done,
你会成为一个好大副的 and you're gonna make a good XO.
你看错我了 船长 You got me pegged wrong, Captain.
船长从来不会错 Captain's never wrong.
给你免费上一课 First lesson, free.
你已经在坎特号上待了五年了 You've been on the Cant five years now.
拒绝了两次调任 Turned down two transfers.
面对现实吧 这里就是你家 Face it, this is your home.
这里就是你的家 It's your family.
这时候是不是该抱一个 Is this where we hug?
那你怎么没离开呢 So, why haven't you moved on, then?
因为从没有人逼着我去做大副 Because no one tried to push an XO badge on me.
我就想保持现状 I like things the way they are.
进化或者死亡 Evolve or die.
至少我是笑着死去的 Then at least I'll die grinning.
别犯傻 Don't be stupid.
总有一天 One of these days,
地球和火星会握手言和 定下协议 Earth and Mars are gonna bury the hatchet and hammer out a treaty.
你这是在做梦 船长 Yeah, and now you're dreamin', Cap.
我是个有远见的人 等着瞧吧 I'm a man of great vision. You'll see.
也就是说我们最终能结束拖冰的工作 Means we'll finally get out of the ice-hauling business
挺进地火贸易 and into the Earth-Mars business.
风险更小 回报更大 Less risk, way better reward.
或许还有机会重见地球 Maybe a chance to see Earth again.
你为什么认为我想再见到地球 What makes you think I wanna see Earth again?
你在蒙大拿是个通缉犯吗 You a "wanted man" back in Montana?
或许是 Maybe I am.
总有一天你会告诉我的 Someday you'll tell me that story.
你先告诉我这些是什么 我就告诉你 Right after you tell me the story about those.
这些是 Well, those are,
我的东西 uh, mine.
只是一些 It's just... there's...
我不在乎你的过去 I don't care about your past.
坎特号上的所有人都是在逃避什么 Everybody on the Cant is hiding from something.
我很感激你的提拔 舰长 Yeah, I appreciate the offer, Cap.
老大 外面需要你 你得看看这个 Hey, boss, we need you out here. You gotta see this.
先干几天 Hang on to this for a couple of days.
也许会感觉不错呢 It might feel good in the pocket.
收到了一个求救信号 Picked up a Mayday.
像是艘小型运输舰 Looks like a light freighter.
自称是海岩号 Calls itself the Scopuli.
附近还有人吗 Anyone else in the vicinity?
没有 方圆三百万公里内 No siree, Bob, we are the only ship in
只有我们这一艘飞船 three million clicks.
当然了 Of course we are.
定位到了 Got it.
在一颗标记过的非星带小行星旁边 Next to a charted, Non-Belt asteroid.
他们在那干什么呢 What the hell were they doing way out there?
我们有义务探明 We're obligated to check it out.
我很清楚条例 尼嘉德小姐 I'm well aware of the statute, Ms. Nygaard.
是海盗诱饵 It's pirate bait.
离运输轨道那么远 That far outside the shipping lanes?
离我们的路径并不远 船长 It's not far out of our way, Captain.
最多两天 Two days at most.
延误了我们在谷神星的船位可就没了 A delay means we lose our berth at Ceres.
准时到达的奖励也没戏了 Kiss our on-time bonus goodbye.
要我说继续航行 让他们听天由命 I say we move on and let the good God Darwin sort it out.
善有善报恶有恶报 What goes around comes around.
也许哪天孤立无援的就是我们 One of these days, it's gonna be us stranded out there.
船长下了命令 各位 Captain gave an order, people.
清除航行日志 Purge the logs.
当我们没收到过那个信号 We never received that signal.
安排好值班 继续航行 Set the watch and proceed.
看 你就是天生的料 See, you're a natural.
刚才俨然就是这船的大副 That was some real XO shit in there.
不 我只是比你更想早点到谷神星而已 No. That was me wanting to get to Ceres worse than you.
真是感谢你在求救信号的事上这么"支持"我 Thanks for backing me up on that distress call.
麦克道尔对危机的嗅觉很敏锐 McDowell's got a nose for trouble.
他干这行比我们久多了 He's been doing this a while longer than we have.
我看你真是觊觎那大副的位置了 I guess you really are sucking up for that XO badge.
我已经干脆地拒绝了 Turned him down flat.
不是吧 You kidding me?
当了大副离船长就一步之遥了 You'd be on the short path to Captain.
问题就在这儿 Exactly.
再说 如果接受 我们就不能在一起了 Besides, if I took it, we'd have to stop seeing each other.
这个 Well. You know.
祸福相依嘛 There's that saying about all good things.
我跟你说过的 I told you.
再几次我可能就会离开了 A couple more rotations and I'd be moving on.
再几次的意思 A couple is...
是至少两次以上 you know, two at least.
我以为 I assumed.
过了今天才是明天 There's right now and there's later.
何必为未来发愁呢 Why worry about later, right?
说的对 Right.
来吧 吉姆 Come on, Jim.
来躺下 Lie down.
我保证不碰你 I promise I won't lay a finger on you.
我睡不着 I can't sleep.
我来盯着吧 I'll take over.
到了谷神星请你喝酒 I'll buy you a bottle on Ceres.
来杯好咖啡就行了 I'll settle for a good cup of coffee.
救救我 Please help me.
有人吗 拜托 Is anybody there? Please.
请救救我 Please help me.
地月 联合国
我跟你说了多少次了 How many times have I told you?
你再这样我要挠你的 This calls for tickling!
不要 No!
不要不要 No, please, no!
你再挠他要尿裤子了 He'll wet himself if you're not careful.
这就是当爷爷奶奶的好处了 That's the advantage of being a grandparent.
有事可以推给他妈妈 I get to hand him off to his mother.
姥姥 你必须得走吗 Amma, Do you have to go?
是的 对不起 Yes, I do. I'm sorry.
我必须和一个人谈谈 There's someone I need to talk to.
人们又要打仗了吗 Are people fighting again?
还没有 Not yet.
所以才需要谈 说出真相 That's why we need to talk, and tell the truth.
当人们不坦诚相待时 When people don't tell the truth,
就会有不好的事发生 it always ends badly.
联合国 黑牢 汉普顿斯岛/纽约
经查你与外行星联盟的某激进组织有关 You've been linked to a radical faction of the OPA.
你只是个送信的吗 Were you just a courier?
他从水舱出来多久了 How long has he been out of the tank?
克里斯金·阿瓦萨罗拉 联合国副秘书长
十小时 Ten hours.
很抱歉真正行星的重力如此痛苦 I'm sorry the gravity of a real planet hurts.
但也正合适 But it's appropriate.
你想伤害地球 You wish to hurt Earth.
而地球正在摧毁你那虚弱的小行星肺 The Earth that is now crushing your weak Belter lungs,
和脆弱的小行星骨头 and your fragile Belter bones.
只要招供 就能结束这种痛苦 All you have to do to make it stop is talk.
你是外行星联盟恐怖分子 You're an OPA terrorist.
你携带了非法隐形技术 You were carrying contraband stealth technology.
用来干什么 What was it for?
一句话就行 我看你也没力气大声说了 A whisper will do, if that's all you can manage.
再十小时 Give him another 10 hours.
还活着的话 打给我 If he survives, call me.
现已到达 Now arriving,
麦迪纳交易区 Medina Exchange District.
怎么了 宝贝儿 What's up, doll?
空气过滤器故障 Cheap-ass air filters crapped out.
这个月第二次了 Second time this month.
我猜这位没少花钱上下打点吧 I guess this guy pays well to be taken care of, huh?
是啊 也没少给我们老板钱 伙计 Yeah, he pays our bosses pretty well, too, pal.
别想着第一天就拯救整个空间站 Look, don't try to save the whole station on your first day.
慢慢来 Pace yourself.
还没下雨吗 Any rain yet?
我们本该没收到的那条求救信号 That distress call we never received,
被标记为了高清信号 it was logged with HQ.
飞船上某个匿名的狗屁好心人干的 By some anonymous, piece-of-shit do-gooder aboard this ship.
至少有人还有灵魂良心 Well, at least somebody has a soul.
我发誓 让我找到那叛徒 I swear, I find the rat...
别看我了 拜尔斯 小心我戳瞎你 Quit lookin' at me, Byers, or I'll put your lights out.
试试看啊 妹子 Any ol' time, girl.
现在我们只能改道了 不然就真是违法了 Now, we're forced to divert, or the firm's legally on the hook.
霍顿 你来指挥这次救援或者说打捞行动 Holden. You'll head up this rescue, or salvage,
管它怎么叫呢 whatever we're calling it.
组建一支穿梭艇小队 Put a shuttle team together.
有什么问题吗 大副 Is there a problem, XO?
是代理大副 长官 Acting XO, sir.
我不去 I ain't goin'.
说什么都不去 No way, no how.
也没想邀请你 Well, you ain't invited.
亚历克斯 通知发信源我们在去的路上了 Alex, ping the beacon that we're on our way
并告诉谷神星那面我们要晚几天了 and let Ceres know that we're gonna be late.
尼嘉德小姐 Ms. Nygaard?
如果我们立刻转向并全速前进 If we flip right now and burn like hell,
我能让船到达五万公里以内的位置 I can get us within 50,000 clicks.
好极了 Oh, great.
接着我们就都会吐自己一身 Then we'll all be puking in our crash-couches
同时货物四散 砸坏飞船 while the cargo busts loose and scuttles the ship.
确保冰都固定好了 Make sure that ice stays put.
奈奥米 骑士号状态如何 Naomi. How's the Knight looking?
就是艘破烂的救生舰 She's one leaky lifeboat.
不过五万公里的真空应该撑得住 She should be able to manage 50,000 clicks of vacuum.
好 那你也一起 All right, then you're on board.
这里霍顿 This is Holden.
我们收到CA-2216862附近的求救信号 We've logged a distress call near CA-2216862.
我们有义务改变航向进行响应 We're obliged to change our course and respond.
确保你们的加速剂分配器充足 Make sure your acceleration drug dispensers are full.
此次将是高重力加速度操作 This will be a High-G maneuver.
准备转向加速 Prepare for flip and burn.
饮料来了 Here comes the juice.
我不明白 I can't figure out
为什么舰长会让你负责这次的小行动 why Cap would put you in charge of this little excursion.
他依然觉得他在培养我干大事 Well, he still thinks he's grooming me for bigger things.
那他就是在浪费时间 Then he's wasting his time.
我一直这么跟他说的 That's what I keep telling him.
如果是你女朋友登记了那条求救信号 If your girlfriend logged that distress call,
她很长一段时间都好过不了了 she's gonna be living it down for a long time.
是我干的 I did it.
我就是没办法就这么算了 I just couldn't shake it.
我是你的话就不会说出来 I'd keep that to myself if I were you.
有什么好消息 伙计们 What's the good word, y'all?
好吧 All right.
我亲爱的老破船今天怎么样 How's my sweet old rust bucket today?
我猜一会就知道了 不是吗 Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we?
是吧 I guess so.
好了 Okay.
事先声明 伙计们 So just for the record, guys,
我可不想待在这儿 I don't wanna be here right now.
我也不想 Me neither.
但我们都在这了 But here we are.
一个开心的小队 One big, happy unit.
骑士号 你们的飞行计划已经设定 Knight, your flight plan is set.
两小时后到达目的地 喷气式飞行 It'll be a two-hour trip to the Tango, flying tea-kettle.
谢谢 坎特伯雷号 Thank you, Canterbury.
不客气 骑士号 Welcome, Knight.
一路平安 Godspeed.
发现有任何不对劲 If you see anything that seems off,
马上收拾东西回来 you pack up the toys and come on home.
绝不逞能 舰长 No heroes, Captain.
准备离开船舱 Clear to leave the barn.
好运 Good luck.
真的吗 Really?
她下班了 She's off the clock.
她可以自己跟我说 Then she can tell me that.
要我就盯紧点那家伙 I'd keep an eye on that guy.
我听说他空闲时收集月岩 I hear he collects moon rocks in his spare time.
想知道他还喜欢什么吗 You wanna know what else he's into?
我只是来找你的 Now. I'm just lookin' out for you.
我需要女人的直觉 I need a woman's intuition.
她是谁 Who is she?
她只是一起失踪案的主角 Oh, she's just a missing persons case
案子我不能说 你懂的 I'm not "permitted to discuss," you know.
朱莉叶·安德洛墨达·毛 Juliette Andromeda Mao.
她是太阳系最富有的单身女子 She's the richest bachelorette in the system.
谷神星上的富家女孩 Now what would a rich girl do
想彻底激怒父亲的话会怎么做呢 to really piss daddy off on Ceres?
你是问我怎么做的吗 Are you asking what I did?
跟每一个能找到的汉子乱搞 Bang every space bucker I could find.
这可没什么帮助 That's not helpful.
抱歉 米勒 Oh, I'm sorry, Miller.
你是来找我帮忙的吗 Did you come here for my help?
拜托 Come on.
承认吧 你想我 Admit it. You miss me.
想念这样的聊天 You miss these little chats.
晚安 米勒 Good night, Miller.
吃点东西吧 老天 Eat something, for God's sake.
你看上去糟透了 You look like hell.
海岩号运输舰 CA-2216862行星轨道
配置与注册信息一致 Config matches the registry information.
绝对是海岩号 It's definitely the Scopuli.
除了求救信号外没有红外线或电磁波信号 No IR or Electro-mag other than the distress beacon.
求救信号 来源 未知 距离
看上去反应堆已关闭 Looks like the reactor's shut down,
但没有发生辐射漏泄 but no radiation leakage.
边上像个大洞的是什么 What about that thing that looks like a big hole in the side?
激光雷达显示那就是个大洞 Uh, LADAR says it's a big hole in the side.
坎特号上的雷达在一百万公里范围内 Well, the big array on the Cant's reading no one
没发现任何人 within a million clicks.
看来只有我们在这里 Looks like we're the only game in town.
我们来了 看见了 离开了 Well, we came, we looked, we, uh, left.
没人会知道我们上没上那艘船 No one's gonna know if we set foot on that thing.
带我们过去 Take us in.
亚历克斯 And, Alex,
要是那船上藏着什么麻烦 If something nasty's hiding in that ship,
我们马上撤退 把身后的东西都烧成灰 we bolt like hell and melt anything behind us into slag.
好计划 老大 Good plan, Hoss.
好吧 我去探索一番 All right, I'll go in and poke around.
我跟他一起 I'll go with him.
真是好日子 Good times.
你觉得发生了什么 How do you think that happened?
不是鱼雷 It wasn't a torpedo.
是冲击弹造成的 A breaching charge did that.
艾莫斯 把枪放一边 Amos. Keep that gun out.
先检修 我想知道为什么反应堆下线了 Engineering first. I wanna know why that reactor's offline.
反应堆并不是因爆炸冲击而断电 Reactor wasn't killed by the blast.
是有人进行了关停反应堆的操作 Someone went through the shutdown procedures.
如果无人存活 那是谁关掉的呢 So, if everyone's dead, who turned it off?
肯定不是太空海盗 Well, it wasn't pirates.
他们不会把这些东西留在这的 They wouldn't have left all that behind.
而且所有的压力门都被打开了 And they left all the pressure doors open.
这样就没人能够躲藏 So no one could hide.
六点钟方向 Six o'clock!
奈奥米 谢德 需要再派些人手 Naomi, Shed, we need more eyes in here.
好 在舰桥与我们汇合 All right. Meet us on the bridge.
各位 Hey, guys?
尸体都哪去了 Where are all the bodies at?
艾莫斯 取出数据核 Amos, cut out the data core.
我们把它带走 We'll take it with us.
收到 Roger that.
这些面板都已失效 These panels are all dead.
如果通讯已失效 How are they sending
他们是怎么发出求救信号的 a distress beacon with dead comms?
这看着像... Does that look like a...
还是先别... Well, maybe not...
如果是炸弹 我们早就被炸飞了 If it was a bomb, we'd be toast.
是个传输器 It's a transmitter.
这肯定就是向我们求救的信号源 This must be the beacon that called us.
有人放在了这里 Somebody planted it.
是海盗诱饵 Pirate bait.
麦克道尔猜得没错 McDowell was right.
老大 转接给你坎特伯雷号发来的A1集束通信 Hoss, forwarding you an A-1 tight-beam from the Canterbury.
骑士号 海岩号
霍顿 有一艘飞船突然出现在你附近 Holden, a ship just appeared near your location.
这怎么可能 How is that possible?
你说过一百万公里内什么都没有 You cleared us out to a million clicks.
我们的所有探测器都没发现 It didn't show up on any of our scopes.
给你设置一个交汇点 We're setting you a rendezvous point.
赶快回来 Get the hell back here.
亚历克斯 脱离 Alex! Disengage!
乐意效劳 My pleasure.
脱离 Disengaging!
那玩意儿是从哪冒出来的 Where did that thing come from?
我怎么知道 Damned if I know!
突然之间就出现了 Just suddenly, it was there.
隐形技术 肯定是这样 Stealth tech. Has to be.
谁会有这种隐形技术 Who the hell has stealth like that?
火星 Mars.
要比正常空气稀薄 明白吗 That's more thinner to the mix, all right?
明白 All right.
看到另外那个了吗 You see that other one?
什么 What was that?
你带着另外那个了吗 You got that other one with you?
可爱的小孩子 That's a cute kid.
多大了 How old?
两岁半 Two and a half.
你呢 有孩子吗 How about you? Any kids?
没有 我错过了良机 Yeah, no. I missed that boat.
给 伙计 There you go, pal.
该我了 My turn.
该我了 该我了 Me turn, me turn!
我们说好了的 警探 说好了的 We had an understanding, Detective! An arrangement!
你不能就... You can't just...
肯定是误会 It was a mistake!
我明白你的意思了 You made your point.
我已经改过自新了 I'm a changed man!
谢谢你让我看清自己 Thank you for opening my eyes!
价格加倍 Twice the money!
我付你双倍的钱 I'll pay you double!
有空气真好 你不这么觉得吗 Air is good, don't you think?
空气很不错 Air is nice.
确保过滤器是干净的 混蛋 Keep those filters clean, asshole.
骑士号 我们把交汇点发给你了 Knight, we have your rendezvous.
不行 无法到达 Negative. Unable.
有什么建议 Advise.
不明船只距离一万两千公里并在继续接近 Bogey is 12,000 clicks and closing.
霍顿 有什么建议 Holden, advise!
鱼雷已发射 Torpedo launch!
我们带着它们兜兜风 We're gonna take 'em for a ride.
亚历克斯 绕到小行星后面 Alex, Go around the asteroid.
赶快 Run 'em! Now!
让鱼雷击中岩石 Lead the torpedoes into the rock.
你们形势如何 What is your situation?
请回应 Please advise!
六千公里 Six thousand clicks.
五千 Five...
四千 Four...
三千 Three...
并不是瞄准我们的 Those weren't meant for us.
坎特伯雷号 该死 是冲着你们去的 Canterbury, burn like hell, you've got incoming!
右转三十 G加速 Right 30, G-Burn.
快照做 Do it! Now!
距离 Range?
两万四 接近中 Two-four. Closing.
准备开启货舱舱门 Standby cargo door.
船长 把冰块弹出作为护盾 Captain, eject the ice as a shield.
我们在想办法 把频道空出来 We're on it! Stay off this channel.
阿迪 Ade?
阿迪 麦克弹出冰块了吗 Ade, did Mac eject the ice?
他弹出冰块了吗 Did he eject the ice?
遭到攻击后 保持冷静 You take a hit, you stay calm.
他们想要的是货 They just want the cargo.
我们会求救并和他们商讨释放人质的事好吗 We'll SOS, start negotiations for prisoner release, okay?
-就... -吉姆 有件事你应该知道 - Just... - Jim. There's something you should know...
她走了 She's gone.
他们摧毁了她 They nuked her.
她走了 She's gone.