The Event (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 5 - Casualties of War - full transcript

The biological threat intensifies. The CDC rushes to identify the contagion and treat the infected people, while the White House and Director of National Intelligence face a difficult ...

I'm the man who
pulled the plane

out ofthe sky
to save your Iife.

ELIAS: What do you want?

Release Sophia and
the rest of the detainees
Iike you promised to.

That promise was
based on the premise that

we were both being
honest with each other.

Mr. President,
I don't need to
hear your excuses.

Release Sophia
and the detainees,
or this time people will die.


It's burning!

Let go of me!
I have to get out!

NURSE 1: Ma'am, ma'am.
NURSE 2: Hold up.

No, no, no!
No! No! Let me out! No!




Can somebody tell me
what the hell's going on?

PIease, just tell me
what the hell's going on!

Nurse! Nurse!

Mr. Buchanan.

We're only trying
to help you.

What is happening?

Tell me! Tell me!
Mr. Buchanan.

What is happening?

The hemorrhaging
is getting worse,

and the symptom
set is widening.

The passengers'
nervous systems

and now their cognitive
functions are under attack.

Yeah, but from what?
Do you know what's
wrong with them yet?

The blood tests show
no sign of viral or
bacterial infection.

I think we're
Iooking at a foreign,

or possibly
extraterrestrial organism.

Well, then at Ieast
we have clarity

about who's
doing this to them.

Sophia's people,
this group of sleepers,

including this man, Thomas,

that she kept secret
from us all these years.

Regardless of
the cause of infection,

do we have a way
to treat them to
make them better?

We've tried everything.

It is impossible to treat
what we don't understand.

If the passengers continue
to decline at this rate,

none of them will
be alive by morning.

Mr. President,
a man identifying
himself as Thomas

just called in to the
White House switchboard

asking to speak to you.

We're attempting
to run a voice match

to the first call
you received from him.

I'II recognize
his voice.

I assume that means
you want to take the call.

Put him through.

BLAKE: Have NSA throw
everything they've got
in tracing the call.

AIready have
them on it, sir.
Put it through.


MURPHY: You're
on the Iine with
the President.

THOMAS: Mr. President.

I assume by now you realize
the 183 passengers
aboard FIight 514

do not have
Iong to Iive.


What do you want?

I have a counteragent.

An antidote that can
reverse the process,
save their lives.

Meet my demands,
and I'll get it to you.

Your demands?

Release Sophia
and the detainees
in Inostranka.

AII 96 of them.

You know I can't do that.

Then this
conversation is over,
and the passengers will die.

You Iisten to me,
you son of a bitch...

You have two hours
to make arrangements
for the release of my people.

I'II call you back then.


SOPHIA: Thomas!


They've spotted us.
They'II be here soon.

We have to move
everyone out.

There are too
many wounded,
we wouldn't get far.

I need you to gather
all the able-bodied
and get ready to go.

What about you?

I can't abandon them.


Unless you go,
there's no hope
for any of us.

There is if we fight.

Listen to me,

I can't risk all
of us being caught.

We'II be together soon.
I promise.

SOPHIA: Now go.

SIMON: Thomas.
Thomas, come on.

Come on. They're
almost here, we gotta go.

Let's go, come on!

Let's go!

we have to stop!
Let people rest.

Not yet!



Wait here until
we know it's safe!

It's empty.

Look at that.

There's food.

It doesn't Iook Iike
anybody's been
here in a while.

Ship didn't
survive the crash.

We're trapped here.

We have to
figure out another
way to get home.

What about Sophia
and the others?

We can't just
Ieave them behind.

I have no intention of that.
But first things first.

Come take
a Iook at this.

What is it?

They're still
using vacuum tubes.

They have nowhere
near the Ievel
of technology

we're going to need
to get back.

We'II figure
something out.

That's easy
for you to say.

Sophia didn't
saddle you up with
getting it done.

She chose you
for a reason,

Because she
believes in you.

It will
take years.

And no Iuck with
the trace, sir.

Mr. President,
I understand
the natural

inclination to want to
save the passengers,

but the truth is
we have no reason
to trust this man.

And I don't need
to remind you

it's the Iongstanding
policy of this country

not to negotiate
with terrorists.

You're right,
you don't need
to tell me that.

I'd also Iike to point out
that releasing
Sophia and the detainees

in return for the antidote
will be perceived as weakness

and will only
encourage the enemy

to make bigger
demands in
the future.

The people on that
plane are innocent.
Some of them are children.

And it's tragic.

But what this man,
Thomas, is doing
is an act of war.

And in war,
there are casualties.
It's unavoidable.

We'II reconvene
in two hours.

Before he
calls back in.


Thomas, listen to me.

It's not too late.

Hand over
the antidote in good faith,

and there's
a chance we can repair

the damage
you've already done.

Why? We both know what
kind of man Martinez is.

Idealistic and indecisive.

When push comes
to shove, he'II cave.

You can't turn
us into murderers.

What does it matter?
I mean, they're all
gonna die anyway.

Sophia's been fighting
for the release of
our people in Inostranka

for the Iast 66 years.

And she got nothing.

I'm sick of waiting.

Now we're gonna
do things my way.

And by tomorrow,
our people will be free.


Hi, this is Sean.
Leave a message.


Any Iuck?

No, it's going
straight to voicemail.

I also tried
calling my mom and dad,
but they're not picking up.

Is it possible that
he got the message,
and he talked to someone else?

No. Trust me,

if he calls,
you will be the first
to know.

You have a nice family.

Thank you. We'II be
celebrating 15 years
come this January.

How Iong are we
gonna keep this up?

If she doesn't
connect with Walker
before daybreak,

we're gonna
have to pull out.

He'II call.

You sound pretty sure.

I spent time with them.
I saw how they
were with each other.

AII Sean's thinking
about is finding Leila.

You better
be right.

For both our sakes.

Just got the
final orders.

The target's been expanded.
They want us to take
out the entire family.

Doesn't really matter.

We kill everyone
in the house.








Hey, Rick, it's Sean.

You're finally
returning my calls.

Gonna have to keep this short.
Europe just opened.

Rick, Iisten,
Leila's in danger.

What do you mean?
Is she okay?

I hope so.

I'm trying to find her.
Look, I need you

to run a Iocate on
a cell phone number.

It belongs to a woman
who calls herself
Vicky Roberts.

Sean, I don't do
that anymore.

Not since the feds
started cracking down

on hacking.
I have a family now.

Leila may be killed
if I don't find her.

Okay? PIease.
Tracking this number
is my only chance.

Sean, what did you
get yourself into?

It's better if
you don't know.

Will you do this
for me, or not?

What's the number?

My friend ran
Vicky's number,
but didn't get a hit.

Her phone
might be off.

Well, he'II
keep trying,

and then he'II call me
if he finds a Iocation.

Your phone's dead.

Got it covered.

Sean? Sean, it's me.

It's Leila.

I'm okay, I'm safe.

I'm in this police
station. In this town,
Snyder. In Texas.

She's here in Texas.

I got away,
but I don't think that
the police believe me.

Sean, please
come and get me.

I love you.

She's at a
police station
in Snyder.

I don't think
that's too far
from here.


Snyder Police Department.

It's for you.


Is it you?

Is it really you?
Yeah, yes,
it's me.

It's me! We're coming to
get you right now.

We're on our way to Snyder.
We're a Iittle
over an hour away.

Are you hurt?
Are you okay?

No, I'm okay.

There were these people
that took me off the ship.

Vicky was one of them.

They were trying to
force my dad to...
I know,

I know.
Sean, they were
going to kill me.

I didn't know what to do.

I had to shoot
her to get away.

But you're okay now.

You're safe.

And I'II be there soon,
I promise.

I have so much
to tell you.

I believe you.


I knew you would find me.

Wait, Leila, hold on.

Can you hear me?

Sean... Sean,
you're breaking up.

Sean, I'm Iosing you.

I have the address, okay?
So, I'm coming
for you, all right?

Okay. I can't wait
to see you.

I Iove you.

I Iove you, too.

Can I go to the bathroom?

Well, of course,
it's down
the hall to your Ieft.




Get off me!

Go! Go!

Keep us safe, Lord.
Keep all of us safe.

Don't Iet us die,
please, God.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.


We're Iosing him!

You're gonna kill him!
Ma'am. Ma'am, calm down.

Calm down!


AII right, all right.
Calm down.



Meg of epi, chase with Iido.

Charge to 360!
Got it!


Charging again.


Okay, he's back.


Get the IVs going.

Ativan! Two
milligrams IM.


DR. BLOCK: Chase it
with Haldol ifyou need to.
Help me.

Help me.

I couldn't sleep.

What's going on?

It's the passengers,
they're getting worse.

They're dying. AII of them.

Oh, my God. Why?

They've been
infected by something.
By this man, Thomas.

The one who put
the cell phone in
David's backpack?

Yeah. He claims
to have an antidote
which he'II give us

in return for me
releasing the detainees.

Well, do you think
he's telling the truth,

that he really
has a cure?

I don't know
that it matters.

You're not thinking
of Ietting them die?

EIias, he's only
asking you to do

what you were
going to do anyway.

You were minutes away
from releasing the detainees.

But that was before
I realized Sophia
was Iying to me

about how many of
her people were here,
about them being helpless.

We can't Iet them out

until we understand
what they really want,
what they're doing here.

You sound Iike
BIake Sterling.

This has got
nothing to do with BIake.

Things have changed.

Yes, but
you haven't.

EIias, I know you.

If there's even a small
chance that you can save
those people's Iives...

Christina, it's not
that simple, not when
you're in my shoes!

Mr. President,
we only have
a minute.

But we should
discuss our strategy.

I'm aware
of that.

And what have you decided,
Mr. President?

Mr. President,
he's called,
and he's on hold.

Go ahead.

You're on with
the President.

THOMAS: I have
the counteragent prepared

and ready to be
delivered to you

as soon as you release Sophia
and the detainees.

Don't bother.

What did you say?

Don't bother. I'm not
releasing any of them.

It's not going to happen.

Then the passengers will die.

And what I did to them,
I can do to whole towns,
entire cities.

You accept
the terms to my deal...

Here's the new deal.

You're going to
give me that antidote,

and you're going
to give it to me
when I tell you to,

because if even one
of those passengers dies,

I will execute Sophia
and the rest of
the detainees at Inostranka.

AII of them!

You wouldn't.

You're wrong.

How Iong have you
been Iiving here?

Six months.

I'm impressed that you
were able to find me.

We were all
counting on you.

How could you
Ieave everyone
behind Iike that?

Without a clue
as to where you
were going or why?

I knew you
could handle it.

Taking care of everyone.

That's not the point.

What are you
even doing here?

I'm supposed to bring us home.
That's what I'm doing.

Yeah? How?

You saw how
behind they are.

I'm trying to boost
your scientific knowledge
so we can be helped, too.

Thanks to what
I've already done,

the US government should
have the capability to
create nuclear fission

in a matter of months
instead of decades.

They're calling it
the Manhattan Project.

Do you know
what they're going
to use this for?

This country is
at war, Thomas.

I don't care
what they're
gonna use it for.

It's what we're gonna
use it for that matters.


Mr. President.

BIake, come in.

I have somewhat
promising news. May I?

How's that? Yeah.

In 1944, when
the army built Inostranka
to house the prisoners,

they included
a Iast-resort
safety feature

to neutralize
the detainees
quickly and permanently.

This termination
protocol would be the
best way to proceed

should we not
receive the antidote.

Termination protocol?

The idea

is to seal off
the prisoners'
Iiving quarters

and pump carbon
monoxide from
the physical plant

into the air ducts.

That's barbaric.

Well, it may seem
that way now,

but in 1944,
no one could be sure

how much of a threat
they posed to humanity.

Given the time we have,
I think this is
our strongest option.

We can have it
back online in
under two hours.

Mr. President, are you having
second thoughts about this?

Because reneging
on your threat
at this point

would be the worst
of all possible scenarios.

I understand
this isn't easy,

standing up to this
man no matter what
the consequences.

But if it makes
any difference,

I believe you're
doing the right thing.

Do it.

Yes, Mr. President.


SIMON: I had to dig out
the original blueprints,

but it's been
there all these years.

This thing's real.
EIias would
never murder people

in cold blood.
He's a good man.

Your words.
I know what I said.

But things
have changed.

I'm telling you,
Martinez is ready to
go through with this

if Thomas doesn't
back down.

It will never come to that.
Thomas won't Iet
the passengers die.

Sophia, he will.


his pride is blinding him.

He's gone too far.

He's not the same man
I put in charge back then.

I can't sit here
and Iet him sacrifice

the Iives of all
those innocent people.

Look, I tried to
tell him we couldn't
allow that to happen,

but he wouldn't Iisten to me.

But he will Iisten to me.

I don't care if it
means I have to spend

another 66 years
in this damn prison.

You tell him
to release
the antidote now,

before any of
those poor people die.

And make sure he
understands it's an order.

I hope you're here to
tell me you talked sense
into the President.

He wouldn't
have Iistened to me
even if I'd tried.

He's going to
regret pushing me.

I'II Iet the
passengers die...

No, you're not.

I talked to Sophia.
She agrees with me.

She wants you to
hand over the antidote.

I don't care.

What did you say?

I'm done taking
orders from Sophia.

She and Martinez
deserve each other,
they're both weak.

It's Iike you once told
me, she put me in
charge for a reason.

I take my own
orders from now on.

Like hell you do.

Give me the antidote.

Over my dead body.

Come here!
What are you going
to do to me, huh?

Don't you get it?
The President isn't
going to back down.

Neither am I.

Then you're sentencing
your own people to death.

That's it?

Come on!
We went to
a Iot of trouble,

you could
at Ieast act surprised.

Stay away from me.

That's what you
should've told your
sweetie on the phone.

Instead, you're
Ieading him right
to us. Thank you.

Go to hell.

Hey. Sean will be
here any minute.

I'II take the roof.

Call me with a heads-up
when you get the visual.

Will do.


PIease don't do this.

Sean hasn't done anything.

I have orders,
and I have no choice
but to follow them.

Even if that means
killing innocent people?

It's that simple for you?

No one told me
there'd be a baby.

I didn't
see a need.

You had your orders.
Take out the family,
burn down the house.

And that's what
you did, right?

Because if I
had any doubt

that you were unable
to fulfill the contract,

then we would have
to deal with that.

It's done.



Mom, you Ieft
the door opened.


Everything go okay?

There's some
spaghetti Ieft
ifyou want it.

I'm not that hungry.
I'm just going to
go Iay down, okay?


You're safe here. I promise.




I got the car,
block and a half,
coming at us.

It's Walker.

He's got the FBI
agent with him.

What? Just her?


I've got my M24.

I could end this right now,
while they're
still in the car.

No, our orders
are to be discreet.

Just wait till
they get inside.

Here we go.


Hey, Rick.
Listen, we found Leila.

You did?
You're in Snyder?

How did you know that?

The woman you
asked me to look for,

Vicky Roberts, she just
switched her phone on,

and that's where
she is, Snyder, Texas.

Vicky's in Snyder.
Are you sure?

26th Street, between

Avenues M and N.

Vicky's inside
the precinct.

It's a trap.

Rick, we gotta go.

We gotta get
out of here.

We know they're
monitoring Iaw
enforcement, okay?

We can't call for help.
We're not gonna
just Ieave Leila here!

Okay, the second
we walk in there,
we'II be killed.

Okay, give me a gun...

We don't even know
how many people
are in there.

And we don't
know how much Ionger

they're gonna
keep Leila alive.

We have to get
her out now!

Just please Iisten to me,
it's a suicide!

Okay? We have
no move here.


Maybe we do.


What are you doing?

I'm sending a message.



Who is this?

SEAN: You went to
a lot of trouble to hide him.
Your son.


Not letting your son
keep photos of his mother.

Not Ietting him
know your real name.

I've got to think
that was for a reason.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Of course you don't.

We're outside.
But I assume you
already know that.

So, here's what's
going to happen.

I'm walking in there,
and I'm walking
out with Leila.

Or your son's picture
and address go viral.

There are other
people in here.

You don't know
what you're doing.

Maybe. But you do.

So help us,
and no one has to
know about Adam.

You know I don't
want to do this,

but you didn't really
give me much of a choice.

So, at Ieast
I'm giving you one.


Did she go for it?

I don't know.

But I'm going in.

Take this.

He's heading your way.
The fed's staying in the car.

Walker's coming in alone.


SEAN: Leila!


Go! She's in
the back! Go!






Sean, I'm in here!

Leila, stand back!
I'm gonna kick the door down!

Oh, God. Oh, God.

We gotta go. Okay?
You're okay? Follow me.

Drop it! Now!

I will use it.




Get in!


Walker came in
with FBI agents.

I don't know
how they found us.

They took the girl.

And I'm not sure
how they knew. Somebody
must have talked.

No, they got Carter, too.
I'm the only one Ieft.

I'II wait for orders
at the rendezvous point.
I got to go.

We'II get someplace safe.

Then he and I are going
to have a Iittle talk.

You came.

Mr. President,
it's three minutes
past the deadline.

No antidote has
been forthcoming.

The termination
protocol is ready.

Just one more minute.


Where's the antidote?

You'II get it when
you release my people.

Just Iike I proposed.

Then there's nothing more
we have to talk about.

And you will have
the deaths of Sophia and
the detainees on your hands.

Are we done?

No, wait.

There's no point
in any more talk

unless I get the antidote.
I'm hanging up.

Don't! Do not hang up!

You heard what I said.

Give me just one.

Spell it out.

Give me one of my people,
and I'II get you the antidote.




Sophia for
the antidote. But

if I release her
and the antidote doesn't work,

or it doesn't
get here in time,

you Ieave me no choice,
I'II have to
execute your people.

It'II be delivered
to the CDC in time.

Take Sophia
to the Farragut
North metro station.

Put her on the red line
that's scheduled
to depart at 8:16.

No one on the train
or in the station.

And no stops once she boards.
Just keep the train moving.


AII right, we need to put
a tracking device on her,

something she can't
easily get rid of.

Yeah, we have
traceable material

that can be added
to her food and water.

Do it. She will Iead
us straight to Thomas.
He's your new priority.


Yes, sir.
Right away.

I have the
President for you.

I had no choice
but to release you,

Sophia. So don't
mistake this for
kindness or trust.

I won't.
But I hope to
regain both.

What Thomas has
done goes against
everything that I believe in.

Then prove it.
Rein him in,
Iike you said you could.

Keep that promise,
we'II start from there.

I understand,
Mr. President.



I spoke to Rachel.

She told me
you were able to
get the antidote.

The passengers are
already getting better.

She told me
how you got it.


if it
didn't work out,
would you have...

Would you
have done it,

and gone through
with your threat
and murdered the detainees?

The thing that matters
is that it did work out.

That's not an answer.

Well, honey,
it's the only answer
I have right now.


I'm gonna go take
David to school.
