The Enid Blyton Adventure Series (1996–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Island of Adventure - full transcript

(dramatic music)

(thunder crashing)

(man panting)

(man screaming)

(man laughing)

(upbeat music)

♪ Whatever the danger
you gotta be strong ♪

♪ So trust in your heart ♪

♪ You can't go wrong being true ♪

♪ I'll always stand by you ♪

(suspenseful music)

(bird screeching)

(boy shouts)

(guns firing)

- Gotcha.

- [Boy] I knew you were there.

- No, you didn't.

If it hadn't been for that stupid bird,

you wouldn't have found me.

- Kiki's not stupid,
she's my secret weapon.

- I'll get you tomorrow.

- You won't.

- I will!

- We're going home, twit.

- Oh, yeah.

(ferret dooking)

Hold this.

- Careful, it's liable to bite.

- Don't worry, I'll be all right.

Don't worry, little one,
I only want to help you.

Here, here.


Here, little buddy.


- Wow.

- All right.

Okay, little buddy, come on.


(ferret dooking)

- How did you do that?

- I don't know.

I've just always had a way with animals.

- I wonder what's for lunch.

- Oh, you and your stomach.

You're always hungry.

- I'm growing.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Jack, Jack!

- What's the matter, Lucy-Ann?

- We can't go home.

- What?

- What's wrong?

- Our Uncle Pete has got chicken pox.

- I've had that, it's not dangerous.

- They won't let him fly back

in case he gives it to
the other passengers.

- And Aunty Steph's got to
stay with him in quarantine.

- So there's nobody back
home to look after us.

- Are you going to stay here, then?

- No, they're going to find some neighbor

who'll take us in till they get back.

- I'll bet it's that
horrible Mrs. Mounser.

- Well, why not come and stay with us?

- Could we?

- Of course.

We've just moved into this massive house.

We've got loads of room.

- Well, what will your mother say?

(dog barking nearby)

- Is that the lot?

- No, he hasn't finished yours yet.

- What?

- Don't panic, he'll deliver it tomorrow.

- We're never gonna be ready in time.

I've got to pick Phillip up
from the station tomorrow.

That'll take me all morning.

- I'll pick him up, yeah?

- Would you?

Oh, Joe, you're an angel.

(suspenseful music)

(engine starting)


(telephone ringing)

(muffled music through headphones)


- [Dinah] What?

- The phone!

- I didn't hear it.

- I'm not surprised.


Oh, hello, Uncle Joss.


Is he all right?

He's what?

But who?

And a what?

A parrot?

Right, well, thanks.


- What's wrong, Mum?

- Your brother goes to camp for one week

and he's bringing back
two orphans and a parrot.

- Did he win the raffle?

- It's not funny, Joe.


(laughs) Oh, Philip!


(suspenseful music)

- Is your house by the sea?

- Yeah, on the cliffs.

- Great, there must be
lots of birds there.

- Boring birds.

- Birds aren't boring.

(Kiki assenting)

Right, Kiki.


- [Lucy-Ann] How long
till we get there, Jack?

- Um, if we're on time...


In 16 and a half minutes
at an average speed

of 45 miles an hour.

- And what color are the driver's socks?

- Funny.

- Philip, are you sure your mother

won't mind us coming to stay?

- 'Course not, there's loads of room.

It's only my sister Dinah and Uncle Joss.

- What's he like?

- Ancient.

He's always going on about
when he was in India.

(imitating Joss) "When
I was in the Punjab"

and stuff like that.

- Is he Indian?

- No.

He was in the army there, centuries ago.

Don't take any notice of him.

He seems grumpy, but he's
a good laugh, really.

(train speeding)

- Did you ever know your dad?

- Not really.

Um, he died when we were young.

- Same as us.

- And our mother.

- [Kiki] Achoo, blow your nose!

(train whistle blowing)

(train braking)

- Philip!

- She doesn't normally do this.

Jack, Lucy-Ann, Dinah.

- Hi.

- And Kiki.

- Does he bite?

- She.

- No, she just talks a lot.

- [Kiki] Hello, hello.

- Um, this is Joe.

He's helping Mum out at the gallery.

- Hi.

Let me take those bags.

(car door shuts)

(engine revving)

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat music)

(birds singing)

- [Philip] Jack, can you grab my bag?

- [Jack] Sure thing!

(car door shuts)

What have you got in this bag?

It's heavy!

- Looks like a damn school outing.

- Hi, Uncle Joss.

- These are Philip's friends, Uncle Joss.

- Oh.

- Their Uncle's in
America with chicken pox,

so he can't come home and look after them.

- Ah, chicken pox!

I'll bet he's never had
yellow fever in Rangoon

or Beriberi in Jawarabad.

- Uh, can't say he has.

(Kiki squawks)

- Can't abide parrots.

(Kiki squawks)

- Oh, she doesn't bite.

- No, better not.

We used to have parrot stew in Taiwan.

(Kiki squawks)

- Joss, you've scared her!

- Mrs. Mannering asked me to bring up

a couple of spare beds from the cellar.

- We'll give you a hand.

- Come on, Lucy-Ann,
I'll show you my bedroom.

(door shuts)

- Er, excuse me, sir.

Could you look after Kiki while I go

and help Philip and Joe?

- Heh?

(dramatic music)

- Spooky!

- It's supposed to be
an old smuggler's house.

- Are there any secret tunnels?

- Well, I don't know.

I haven't explored yet.

- Bette head back
upstairs before Uncle Joss

puts Kiki in the pot, don't you think?

(mysterious music)

- Leave it here, we'll put it up later.

- Wow, what's that island?

- [Philip] The island of gloom.

- It looks pretty gloomy.

Is it inhabited?

- No.

There used to be an old
copper mine over there,

but they closed it down years ago.

- Looks like a great place for birds.

- Hmm.

- Have you ever been over there?

- No, no one goes there anymore.

- Have you got a boat, Joe?

- [Joe] Yeah, still do
a bit of night fishing.

- Could you take us over there?

- Uh, no chance.

Too dangerous.

- Why?

- Well, it's strictly tides and rocks.

- [Jack] I can't see any rocks.

- They're there, just below the surface.

There's only one narrow channel

and if you miss it...

They say it's haunted, too.

- Haunted, brilliant!

Joe, we've got to go.

- No way.

You're not going there with me

or anyone else for that matter.

(mysterious music)

- After we've made your bed
up, I'll show you around.

Oh, what's wrong?

Don't let Uncle Joss scare you.

He's nice, really.

He just pretends to be fierce.

- No, it's not him, it's just...

It's all a bit strange, that's all.

- You'll be fine once you get used to us.

I'm really pleased you've come.

- So am I.

- The sitting room is through here

and this is the piano room.

And the kitchen and the
cellar are through there.

- Is this your mum?

She looks nice.

- Yeah.

You'll meet her later.

I'll take some up for Jack.

Bring your bag up and then
I'll introduce you to Humphrey.

- Who's Humphrey?

- A very special teddy bear.

(guests chatting)

- Evening, sir.

Program and a glass of champagne?

- No, thanks.

(classical music)

- Hello, I haven't seen you for ages.

- [Philip] I wonder who's
supposed to haunt it.

- Dead sailors, maybe,

who drowned trying to get to it.

- Or copper miners, killed
in a rock fall or something.

- I bet there's masses of birds there.

I wish we could go.

- We could hire a boat.

- On our own?

- Yeah, I'm an ace sailor.

- Great!

(birds singing)

- I'm sorry, sir, but it's not for sale.

- It doesn't say so in the catalog.

- Yes, I know that, but I--

- Is there a problem?

I'm Allison Mannering, the gallery owner.

- Hello, Bill Cunningham.

I'd like to buy this painting,

but apparently it's not for sale.

- Oh, it is.


- I wanted to buy it, Mrs. Mannering,

but I haven't had the time
to put the sticker on.

- So technically it is still for sale.

- Well, yes.

- Then I'd like to buy it.

- So would I.

- (laughs) Well, I'm very
flattered because I painted it.

- Really?

- That's why I want to buy it.

- Ah.

- Well, I'm sure Mrs. Mannering
can paint another one.

- Of course.

- But I'm afraid I
won't be here that long.

In fact, I'd like to
take it with me tonight.

- Oh, you can't.

We don't allow them go to
until the exhibition ends

at the end of the month.

- You see, I may be called
away at a moment's notice.

Could be tomorrow morning.

- And you won't be coming back?

- Sadly, no.

I only just managed to
scrape a few days off

for a spot of birdwatching.

- Oh, well, that case I suppose
we could make an exception.

- [Bill] Thank you.

(suspenseful music)

(door creaking)

(cutting canvas)

(mysterious music)

(Philip snoring)

(door shutting nearby)

(mysterious music)

(waves lapping)


(man coughing)

(dramatic music)

- [Philip] Get up, lazy!

- I'm tired.

- You should have gone to bed instead of

gazing at Gloom Island all night.

- It wasn't that.

It was your Uncle Joss.

- What?

- Oh, his going out and coming back again.

It woke me up.

- [Philip] Last night?

- Yeah.

- I wonder what he was up to.

- Yes, well it was rather careless of you

not to know they'd follow you.

They know you're onto
them, be very careful.


Yes, well the woman is a new element.

Do you think she's part of it?

The children may just be a cover.

Don't be misled by a pretty face.

Better men than you have been...

On the other hand...

She just might be a way in.

Well, if you use your
masculine charm, Cunningham,

but a word of warning:

Don't get involved.

(radio playing)

- [Jack] Kiki.
- [Dinah] Philip, cut it out!

(dishes clattering)

- There, that should keep
the wolves from the door

till suppertime.

- Are you going to the art gallery today?

- Yes, will you lot be
all right on your own?

- Of course.

- What are you gonna do?

- I want to hire a boat and
take Jack to Gloom Island.

- [Allison] No, Philip,
you can't go there.

It's too dangerous.

- But Mum!

- I said no.

Joe mentioned you were both keen to go,

but he said it's much too dangerous.

- Snitch.

- Philip!

He was worried about you.

Now, you're not to go there, all right?


- All right.

(mysterious music)

Can we go to the beach instead?

- Yes, if you're careful.

- Can we go swimming?

- I'm not, the water's too cold.

- You always say that because
you swim like a brick.

- [Dinah] (scoffs) I do not!

I swim as well as you!

- [Philip] You don't.

- [Dinah] I do.

- [Philip] Prove it.

- Now, don't fight, you two.

- Hmm.

- Well, whatever you do, be
back for supper by six, okay?

And be careful down on the beach.

The tide comes in very fast,
you can easily get cut off.

Are you listening, Philip?

- Yes, Mum.


- [Kiki] Come in, come in!

Come in, come in!

Wipe your feet, wipe your feet!

Wipe your feet, wipe your feet!

- Hello.

- Good morning.

Sorry to barge in, but I'm afraid I've

damaged the frame on your painting

and I was wondering where
I could get it repaired.

- Oh, um...

Well, I use a framers in town.

I could take it in for you.

- Oh, that's very kind.

Uh, could I be very cheeky and ask you

to give me a lift as well?

Um, I'm afraid my car is on the blink.

- Of course.

Oh, um, this is...

- Bill Cunningham.

- He's here on holiday, birdwatching.

- Really?

What have you seen?

- Uh, quite a lot, really.

The lesser crested guillemot.

- I hate to break up this
little birdwatchers conference,

but I've got work to go to.

- Fine, I'm ready.

- Right, well, uh, bye kids.

Bye, Uncle Joss.

See you all about six.

- Bye.

- Bye.
- [Dinah] See ya.

- I think your mum fancies him.

- Don't be daft.

She wouldn't fancy a twitcher.

- A what?

- A twitcher, a birdwatcher.

- He's not a birdwatcher.

- How do you know?

- There's no such bird as
a lesser crested guillemot.

He made it up.

I think he's a con man.

(upbeat pop music)

- Goodness, you did make a mess.

- I tried to fix it myself, but...

- Well, it's not the end of the world.

- No.

- What?

- Sorry?

- You're staring.

- Sorry.

Bad habit of mine.

Shall we go?

- [Lucy-Ann] I want a go.

- [Philip] In a minute.

I want to catch something first.

- [Dinah] There's lots
of lovely shells here.

- [Lucy-Ann] Can I have a go?

- [Dinah] Philip, let her have a go.

- [Jack] Yes, let her have a go, Philip.

- Stop scaring the fish, Jack.

- [Jack] Skimming bouncers.

- [Philip] I've got something!

- What is it?

- I don't know.

It's putting up a fight, though.

- [Lucy-Ann] It's massive.

- Watch out, it's Jaws!

- [Lucy-Ann] It's seaweed.

- No, it's not.

It's a seaweed monster!

- Good job we're not starving

waiting for you to catch a fish!

- Why don't you have a go, then?

- No, I'll catch the
chips for you, though.

- Can I have go?

- Here.

- What do I do?

- You hold it like this.

Then you get the line ready.

Gentle swing, then right back,

and as far out as you can.

- Don't forget to keep hold of the rod!

- Funny.

- All right, ready, cast!

- Hey!

(Philip laughs)

- Brilliant, we've caught a whale!

(Jack laughs)

- Sharp?

(dramatic music)

- You gave me a shock.

I didn't hear you.

- We've got a poorly frame for you, Jake.

- Ah.

Leave it with me, Mrs. Mannering.

(waves lapping)

- Look!

- Let's go in.

You have to be careful, it's slippery.

- [Jack] Yeah, all right.

- You okay, Jack?

- No probs.

- Come on!

You're not afraid of the dark, are you?

- Oh, no!

- We'll wait here for you.

- Scaredy-cats!

- Come on, Lucy-Ann.

We'll be all right.

- Here, have my torch.

- [Kiki] Lock the door, wipe your feet!

- There isn't a door, Kiki.

- [Jack] Phew, what's that awful smell?

- [Philip] Oh, it's just
seaweed and fish bones.

- [Jack] Yuck.

- [Lucy-Ann] I can't see!

- [Dinah] Your eyes will
get used to it in a minute.

- It goes on for miles.

- Philip, I think this is far enough.

- Don't be daft, we've got to
see where it goes, haven't we?

- Why?

- Because...

(Philip screams)

- Philip!

- Philip!

- Dinah, shine your torch over here.

I think there's a hole.

(Jack screams)

- Jack!

(Jack and Philip grunting)



- [Jack] I'm okay, I
landed on something soft.

(Kiki's feathers flapping)

- [Philip] Yes, me, you twit!

- [Jack] Sorry.

Where's your torch?

- Here.

Oh, it's bust!

- [Jack] Great.

- Dinah, drop me your
torch down, I'll catch it.

- We won't be able to see then.

- You're not going anywhere, are you?

We've got to find a way out of here.

It's too steep to climb.

- Who's fault is that?

I said we should go back.

- All right, you were right.

Just drop the torch down.

- What else?

- Eh?

- Please.

- Please?

- Don't drop it.

- [Philip] I wasn't planning to.

- Ready?

- Yep.

There's no way up.

Wow, look at that.

- It must be where the seawater goes.

- There's a tunnel here.

We'll follow it through.

Wait there.

- We can't go anywhere, can we?

We can't see.

(Kiki screeching)

- [Jack] Kiki!

We'll follow the tunnel
and see where she went.



- She's probably further ahead.

We'll find her.

This tunnel is amazing.

- It must be an old smuggler's tunnel.

- Yeah, years ago people
round here used to

lure the ships onto the rocks

and then steal the cargo from the wrecks.

- You think we'll find some booty?

- Or kegs of rum.

That'll please Uncle Joss.

- Or buried treasure.

(Philip laughs)

- I'll just be happy
if we get out of here.

(upbeat music)

♪ Wherever we go ♪

♪ Only the brave will follow ♪

♪ Together we stand that's
what friends are for ♪

♪ Forever we try ♪

♪ We know the final sacrifice ♪

♪ Whatever the price ♪

♪ And when the night falls ♪

♪ Don't be afraid ♪

♪ But whisper that forever you'll stay ♪

♪ Whatever the danger
you gotta be strong ♪

♪ So trust in your heart ♪

♪ We can't go wrong being true ♪

♪ I'll always stand by you ♪

♪ I will always stand by you ♪

♪ I will always be true ♪

♪ And I will always stand by you ♪

- [Kiki] See you next week.

(electronic tones)