The End of the F***ing World (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Episode #2.2 - full transcript

I'm Alyssa. I'm 19.


And I thought I'd already had
the shittest day of my life.

You look like a princess.

But this is actually worse.

MUSIC: Gay Human Bones
by Harlem

I got community service
for what I did,

which wasn't as bad
as going back to school.

It's not easy, what comes after
something like that.

# Getting sick of whatever
you're going through... #

It's like you become
a shit celebrity.

You become someone else.

Even to yourself.

# My basketball team's name

# Is Gay Human Bones... #

But you can't go back
to who you were before.


I think my mum found what happened
to me even worse than I did.

..children. Please, Tony!
Please don't leave me!


I've kicked Tony out.

She hadn't.

Mum went genuinely
a bit mad after that.

She started talking about herself
in the third person.

I think Gwen needs a nap.


It was too much, us staying there,
in that house, that town.

So we took the twins and left.

It meant missing the end of school,
but Mum said that was OK.

You can finish it later.
Or get a job.

Or marry someone rich.


We went to live with my aunt, Leigh,
Mum's half-sister.

She runs a cafe and she doesn't trust
deodorant because of breast cancer.

I like her.

She said we could stay at her place
for as long as we wanted.

GWEN, SOBBING: He'll come
back to me someday!

We've been here over a year now.


I don't think she meant that long.

It's good that Mum
has someone else to talk to.

Good for me.

It makes it easier for me to be OK.

And, actually, I am OK.

I don't really feel anything
any more.

It's good not feeling.

It's like a superpower.


Leigh gave me a job,

mainly so that I had
something to do, I think.

This is what you might call irony.

See if Marvin can make a banana
split for me, you fucking cu...

What can I get you?

Is that your real name?

You know it is.

Billy's Leigh's foster son.

It's shit.

He's a sweet kid.


Work's boring.

But I did meet Todd there.


He teaches canoeing to kids
and he has quite strong opinions.

You know Finland?

Doesn't actually exist.

It's a fabricated landmass made up
by the Russians in the Cold War.


Is this a date?



He's kind of like a dog.

In a good way.

He's also a really good kisser.

MUSIC: Your Very First Love
by The Dubs

My aunt's got a cabin by the lake.


# Your very first love... #

Sex is actually all right,
it turned out.

It's not such a big deal.

I told him about everything.

# There is nothing sweeter... #



# You can try until... #

Do you like chicken fajitas?

# Whoa, whoa

# It's always in vain

He gets it.

Do you wanna get married?

# You'll never forget... #

Yeah, fuck it, why not?

Exactly. Fuck it.

# You can try until the day you die
but in vain... #


My mum's pretty excited
about the wedding.

She's really thrown herself
into the whole thing.

Why are we dong this again?
What, love?

The wedding's tomorrow. It fits.

It fit fine before. Now...'s perfect.

Getting married young
is one of the most renegade things

you can do these days.

Mum's using Tony's divorce money
to pay for it,

which is also pretty maverick.

And I'm happy.

For the first time in ages,
I'm really happy.

# The chills and fever, ooh

# Chills and fever

# Chills and fever's
what you give to me

# When you hold my hand

# And tell me
that I'm your loving man

# Kiss me and squeeze... #

Getting a bullet in the post
should be threatening,

but it's hard to feel frightened

of someone
who can't spell your name right.

# Oooh, chills and fever... #

And clearly doesn't know
where you live.

# Oooh, the chills and fever

# Oooh, chills and fever

# Chills and fever's
what you give to me

# When it's late at night

# And when, when you hold me tight

# Tell me that you love me so

# Never, ever, ever let me go

# Oooh, chills and fever... #

Excuse me.

You thought about killing yourself?


I said, is there service included?

Oh, no, don't worry about it.

Keep the change. Thanks.

Do you know whose car that is?

No. Why?

I dunno.


I used to be really good at knowing
when someone was watching me.


But now I'm not sure.

I'm probably just being paranoid.

I'll be in the office. OK.






What the fuck?

Who are you?

Oh, my God.

MUSIC: The End Of The World
by Julie London

# Why does the sun

# Keep on shining?

# Why does the sea... #

It was a fitting end.

# ..rush to shore? #

A doomed love story.


# Don't they know... #

A perfect tragedy.
# It's the end of the...? #

And then I didn't die.

I was under
24-hour police surveillance

as I waited for a court date.

Are you gonna eat that?


Do you, er... Do you mind?


Where's Alyssa?

Alyssa and I
weren't allowed to see each other.

Not at all.

But I thought about her
all the time.



Hello, James. I've got some results
to discuss with you.

Would you like your dad?

My dad's response to me being shot
was to eat or cry.


Quite often at the same time.

Sorry, James.


No, that's all right.


Well, as you know, James,
the inflammation...

The bullet had done
quite a lot of damage.

She talked about my injuries,

about complications

and things taking time...

..and long roads ahead.

But in many ways, James,
you have been extremely lucky.

I didn't feel lucky.


I felt like I was being punished.


And maybe I deserved it.


I'd never met Alyssa's mum before.

At first, she seemed quite nice.

How are you?

I'm OK.

Would you like a yoghurt?
No, thank you.

How's Alyssa?
You need to break up with her. What?

The thing is,
it's your fault, isn't it?

What happened.
I'm sure you didn't mean it,

but you've ruined her life.

You've ruined everything.


What can you offer her... No offence.

It was quite hard
not to take offence.

Are you going to be able
to walk again?

Think so.

And they say you're going to prison.
Is that right?

I don't know. Probably.

If you loved her, you'd let her go.

It's like that song.

I didn't know the song
she was talking about,

but I had a feeling
she might be right.

I thought you could
write her a letter.

I don't want to.

Well, she needs to move on
and you're no good for her. I'm...

I'm sorry, but that's the truth.

The truth was something
I'd been trying to ignore.

And the harsher, the better.
You know how stubborn she is.

I've got a stamp.

MUSIC: I Love Her Still,
I Always Will by The Outsiders

I had a feeling
that Alyssa got the letter...

..because I never
heard from her again.

# I'm sitting here

# And she's sitting there

# Making me... #

On the upside,
after a number of operations,

I was able to start
learning to walk again.

# I look at her

# And she looks at me... #

And I didn't go to prison after all.

Get in!

The jury agreed I was acting
in defence of another

and found me not guilty of murder.

The videotape definitely helped.

But I was given
a suspended sentence

for various other misdemeanours.

I wanted to give my dad some money
for his new car.


But he wouldn't let me.

It's funny,
the way people lie to be kind.

I think this is actually
nicer to drive.

After I nearly died, Dad signed up
for an online parenting course.

He started talking
about his feelings.

I really value us
spending time together.


I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

I think we should
do more activities together.


Bowling did seem
slightly ambitious,

given that I'd only recently
got the use of my legs back.

This is brilliant, innit?


I did it!

But in the end, it wasn't me
I should've worried about.




MUSIC: Ruler Of My Heart
by Irma Thomas

# Ruler of my heart

# Driver of my soul

# Where can you be?

# I wait patiently... #

I never went back inside our house.

I couldn't even walk up the drive.

There was too much sadness in there.

# Where can you be?

# I wait patiently

# When you're alone

# The going gets rough

# Come back, come back, come back

# I've had enough

# Make me a queen

# Happy again... #

Thank you.

# Hear my cry... #


In a strange way,

the bullet gave me
a new lease of life.

A reason to see Alyssa again.

To check that she was OK.

To see her again.

# If your love

# Was mine alone... #


# If I had your heart

# To call my own

# This would make me happy

# And I'll be

# I'll be satisfied... #

It's strange,
when someone's very important

and you haven't seen them
for a long time,

as soon as you do,
it's easier to breathe.

# Was mine alone

# If I had your heart

# To call my own

# This would make me happy

# And I'll be

# I'll be satisfied... #

I wanted to go and talk to her.

But then I realised that it was OK
if I just watched her.

Watched out for her.

Because you have to be vigilant
with people.

And I hadn't been.

Alyssa was my only person left.

# Like I'm loving you

# And this would make me happy

# And I'll never

# No, I'll never let you go

# Now, I don't believe... #

Shit. Shit.

Shit, shit, shit.


# But sometimes, sometimes

# A dream will come true... #


# And if faith, if faith alone

# Can move a mountain... #

Who are you?

# What's to keep me

# From having you?

Oh, my God.


For fuck's sake.

# I do believe

# I could win your love

# And this would make me happy

# And I know that you

# Would be happy, too

# Yeah

# Yeah, yeah. #