The Dresden Files (2007–2008): Season 1, Episode 10 - What About Bob? - full transcript

A one night stand turns deadly when an old nemesis of Harry's reappears.

Previously on the Dresden Files:


Who the hell are you?

I got a dead billionaire,
I got a possessed cop,

I got a psychotic killer on
the loose and in 4 hours

he's going to meet up
with a Vegas tycoon

and he's going to jump into him.

And in the process he's going
to blow Murphy's brains out!

Come on out Boone! Someone
wants to say bye to you!

What happened to me Harry?

That was quite a hit to
head you took from Miller.

I keep dreaming about you.

Good dreams, bad
dreams, what you got?

Sometimes you're
pretty scary in them,

and I see something else.

Yeah, what's that?

Miller killing himself.

I feel like I was there.

Ah, you weren't there.

Miller clocked you one.

He took me out, he ran off
and he blew his brains

in private and I brought you
back here and you know,

you were completely
out of it Murphy.

Could you make me a promise?


Promise you will never lie to
me about anything ever again.

For the working magician the
best tool in his tool box

is a little thing we like to
call, the false expectation.

If played right it
could stun an audience

into total submission.

Dad, mail came.

Harry, you see my ring,

the one with the blue gem,
the one your mother gave me?

It's missing.


You got a letter,
from the cruise ship line.

Good luck.

Thanks Harry.

Did we get the job?

Sorry Harry,

but you're going to be
spending the next three months

cruising the Caribbean
in Central America

with your old man.

All right!

Two shows nightly,

three on the weekends and
sunny days - it never ends.


The false expectation
is also known

by more aggressive illusionists

as the dashed hope.

Timed just right it
can be a real killer.


Here's the thing
about the dashed hope;

You hit someone hard enough
with it at an early age

and it can make a blind spot
in one's habitual search

for closeness and affection.

Okay, my habitual search.

The current blind
spot's name was Tara,

sweet and funny and willing
to destroy my life

for a fist full of cash.

Of course the hunger
for money can create

its own blind spot,

and what you can't see
coming can kill you.

This is so weird.

Esplanadum, coricsabeous,
plesentatous, sesame.


Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob.

No, no, no, no, oh god.


She stole Bob.

She stole Bob!

Oh shut up.

Shut up!

You okay?

I'm fine.

Do you need something?

I want to let you know
about a closed case,

initially written off
as a heart attack

by our former alcoholic ME.

Okay, and you want to reopen it?


They didn't identify themselves

but what they said and who it's
about I thought it was worth a second look.

Looks like murder.

Who is this guy?

Justin Morningway,
Harry Dresden's uncle.

The caller said Dresden
murdered his uncle

5 years ago and
got away with it.

You look at the autopsy report,

and knowing what you
know about Dresden,

I say the caller
is onto something.

My father's funeral
wasn't a big affair;

Just me, my uncle and a few
devoted fans - very few.

The road is a lonely place
but he was off it now

and I was on my own road,
more alone than ever.

So this is my home now?

Harry, this can be
your home forever.

It's been in our
family for a long time.

Your mother and I played
together in that garden

over many summers.

Uncle Justin, is that real?

That Harry, is your new teacher

and his name is
Rothbert of Bainbridge.

Show yourself!

Is he a genie?

I'm not a genie, I'm a sorcerer.

Former sorcerer.

His soul was damned
for eternity,

trapped inside his own skull.

What did he do?

I can hear you.

He's cranky.

Yes he is, and very smart;
You'll learn a lot from him.


Are you there?


How did it go?


Give me my money, I've
got a plane to catch.

Good work.

Harry didn't give you
any problems did he.

He was asleep when I left.

What's with that door,

some kind of voice
activation thing?

Something like that.

And you left nothing behind?

Only a sweet memory
and a pair of handcuffs.


My instruction was very clear.

You were to leave nothing.

I didn't want him chasing
me out the door, did I?

Well, you left a possession,

he can chase you around
the world with that.

What does that mean?

I'm sorry Tara, I must
alter the agreement.

Give me my money!

What's your problem?

There is no problem,
not anymore.

Oh, that's not good.

Oh come on.

That's really not good.


Okay Tara, well I
guess you're dead.

Nice to meet you.

Harry, it's Murphy!

Good morning.


Not answering your
phone anymore?

You know, I'm actually busy...

I just got a few questions,
it will only take a minute.

Yeah, sure, come.

You okay?

Harry, what happened
to your uncle?

What do you mean?

I mean, in your
opinion, how did he die?

He had a heart attack.

Why, what's going on?

Well, his autopsy suggests...

Did you see the autopsy?

We got an anonymous tip.

Saying what?

That your uncle was
murdered and you did it.

Crazy huh?

That is a little crazy.

Let me get this straight.

Five years after my uncle
drops dad of a heart attack,

you're investigating
me for murder

because of some crank caller.

I'm not investigating
you for murder Harry.

According to the file
you were hiking in Peru.

Yeah, I didn't hear about
it for about three weeks.

I missed the funeral
and everything.

I know.

But I'm still going
to take a second look

at that autopsy report.

It looks like your uncle's
chest was crushed.

It wasn't crushed.

His bones weren't brok,
but his heart was damaged.

Look, if it was so damaged
why do you think it didn't

come up in the
investigation 5 years ago?

Well maybe the ME at
the time didn't know

what he was looking at...

and I didn't know you then.

What does that mean?

It means since I've met you
I've been seeing things a bit differently.

Yeah, but whatever you're
seeing here doesn't exist.

You might be right.

Yeah, Yeah, I am right.

You recognize this?

Yeah, I do.

I haven't seen that
in a long, long time.

Where'd you find it?

Evidence lock up downtown.

It was in your uncle's
hands when he died.

Now, just so we're clear,

your father also died
of a heart attack?

Okay, okay, just so we can
both get something clear here,

if I'm going to discuss
my family's tragedies,

I want to do it with a
really, really close friend,

okay, not with a cop who
seems to be measuring me up

for shackles right now.

Not if you were in Peru.

Murphy, this is me.

Yeah, and this is me...

seeing something that
doesn't look right.

Tell me about it.

No, you tell me about it.

You inherit a fortune
from your uncle

and you're still living here

practically begging
strangers for lunch money.

I gave the money to charity;

You want to see the tax returns?

Your uncle left
you this big house,

why aren't you living in it?

Because it isn't my home.

Then sell it.

It's safer if I don't.

Safer for who?

You know what, this
conversation, it's over.

The conversation's over.

My uncle is dead.

His heart stopped,
now have a nice day.

Kirmani, send the paperwork;
We're exhuming the body.

And tell Butters I
need a full workup.

Come out ghost.

I would say this is a totally

unexpected turn of events but

then again we are talking
about you aren't we?

I need you to perform
a little black magic.

Oh, I think you've cornered
the market on that,

after all I saw you
die, yet here you are.

That was the original;
I'm just a copy.

A failsafe in case
tragedy struck.

It did, and you're going
to help me strike back.

So you're the Morningway Lite.


But with you helping me...

Obviously you've got
the wrong dead

and damned sorcerer.

I serve Harry now.

Serve yourself.

You're trapped in your
skull, inside a hovel,

alongside a man who spends
his life scrounging

for money, preying on
unfortunate weaklings,

cut from the herd and
better left to die.

Why do that when you can
be free from this prison?

Free to affect the
world, to touch it.

Only the original
Morningway has the secret

to making me mortal.

So do I.

You lie just like him.

Like I said, I'm the failsafe,

but you have a talent
for cheating death

and you can't do that unless
you're mortal,

which is where I come in.


So what is the secret?

Lost love.


Is she...?

No, the love I'm
talking about Bob

is the love of life,

your life to feel, to taste,
to touch, to be mortal.

You can end a never-ending
torment if you agree to use

your forbidden talents
and bring Morningway

back from the dead.

The skull is a time bomb.

You never should have
been entrusted with it.

If it gets into
the wrong hands...

Bob is in the wrong hands.

The point is, how are
we going to find him?


The skull is being
shielded by something;

By what I don't know.

What about Murphy, why is she
suddenly investigating

the death of my uncle?

Someone's hobbling you with
Murphy to keep you

too preoccupied from
going after Bob.

I already figured
that out Morgan.

What are you doing
about all this?

What is that?

If the skull is ever unshielded,

this will tell you
where to find it.

It talks?

It will glow; When you touch
you'll know where to go.

Do you have something a
little more proactive?

I just got to sit around
waiting for this...

I really hate that.

Here's the
important thing to remember

about our last lesson.

The dashed hope;

It it's successful

and you've shattered your
subject's illusions of normalcy

then the most unbelievable
and bizarre situations

will be accepted
without question.

With a gentle nudge
you can send your subject

into a world of wonder or
straight off a cliff.

Your choice.

Was that it?

Well that depends,
are you trying to affect

the human being or turn
a walnut inside out?

This is thaumatugy, right?
This is black magic.

No, no, this defense
against black magic.

There are no dolls, no
chance of anyone being hurt,

however you must familiarize
yourself with the darker

aspects of the world
that awaits you.

Now note the resolve at the
end of the first asset.


What's wrong with it?

You tell me.

Yes, you've just
vanquished your first foe!

Why do I have to
learn any of this,

it's not like I'm going to
be using it in daily life?

Oh, you'd be surprised.

Does Uncle Justin?

Use black magic?

No, that would not be tolerated.

What does he do,

besides have lunch
with the governor,

or be a director on some board?

It's not a board.

It's called The High Council

and not everyone is
invited to join.

Will I be invited?

Oh, I think you have
an excellence chance

based on your talents.


And your bloodline,
where you came from,

more specifically your mother.

Did you know her?


Not well,

but enough to know
that she was a force

to be reckoned with.

She was... killed?

Yes she was.

By who?

No one knows Harry.

But, your bloodline

is very important
and very powerful.

You and your uncle will
provide a much needed

stabilizing force,

if you keep up on your lessons.

Is that who you were expecting?

Yeah. How long will it take?

Maybe two hours.

You know what you're
looking for, right?

Yeah, evidence of cardio
vascular compression.

What do I do if I...

Back up.

What are you doing?

You can't just dig up my family!

With a court order, I can.

What are you talking about?

We talked about all this.

I'm doing my job.

No, no, you just got to let
my family rest in peace.

Just let them rest in peace.

- Hey, hey...
- Please, please.

Listen to me.

If you're uncle's
death was a homicide

wouldn't you want to know?

Bob... Have you decided?

If I bring Morningway
back, what then?

You get on with your
life and so does he.

And what about you?

Someone has to fill his coffin.

You'd sacrifice yourself?

That's what I was made for.

What about Harry?

Don't be dense.

I won't have him killed!

You'll need a power source.

Not him.

There's no choice.

Harry must be the battery.

Who's digging up Morningway?

It's been done.

Now it's time to
make you mortal.

What is...

The arrow that pierced
your lover's heart.

Poor dead Winifred, a
powerful sorceress.

In life she kept you close,

in death only she
can set you free.

Where did you find that?

Do you know that in
some far away places,

your love for Winifred
is a mythic tale

of desire and power.

This relic was not
an easy acquisition.

There's power here.

Her life and death, her magic
mixture with yours...

your soul.

Now all we need...

is to add Bob.

Let's try not to
make this personal.

Well I'm sorry Murphy, but
you're the one that dragged

my uncle up out
of his grave, so...

The evidence strongly

suggests that the arteries
leading into and out

of your uncle's heart
were compressed;

Like they were stamped by
some sore of circular

metal object.

Wow, okay.

So what is this, a murder,
what do you think?

Those injuries aren't the
result of a cardiac arrest.

Well what are they
the result of?

The death of your uncle
made you a very rich man.


We just really aren't
friends anymore, are we?

Is this for me?

My new best friends.

They help me sleep,
they keep me calm,

but they don't stop me
from having nightmares.

What did you do?

Something happened to
me, I can still feel it.

You had a close call.

I helped you out.

You'll get better, it's
just going to take time.

Please, if you
get anymore information

on my Uncle's death,
let me know.


Get anything?

Yeah, finger prints.

Get that bottle dusted.

Morgan was right.

Bob's skull was a bomb,

and I had to figure out a way

to keep it from exploding.

I needed to cut a red or
a blue wire somewhere,

but there weren't any wires,
just strings

and they were all
attached to me.

My first Renoir.

Your uncle had a copy of it.

I believed you burned it.

Pretty nasty stuff in there Bob.

Yes, well it served him well.

As did I,

right up until you
self-defensed him to death.

You gonna fill me in on
this thing, or what?


She was a sorceress.

She's the one who
turned you into a ghost?

She's the one I lost my heart
to all those centuries ago.

She died, and I
brought her back.

I wanted her back so
badly I destroyed us both.


Life goes on.

Now it's time for you to keep
your part of the bargain.


No, no, no, no.

What are you doing there Bob?

What are you doing there?

You'll either like
this or you won't.

Just say it.

The dead uncle, he was all
dressed up when he died,

going to some party.

That night they pulled the
print off his cuff link,

it matches that print
off your pill bottle.


Yeah, thumb print.

That puts him at the scene.

My uncle's house.

I hadn't been back for 5 years,

but it looked like whoever
had stolen Bob

had brought him there,

to the place
that had been his home,

and my home too,

until my uncle and I had
our little 'falling out'.


Uncle Justin.

You look wonderful.

Come in, come in.


So, how was Europe?

Asia, China, South America.

Are you ready to meet
The High Council?

Well yeah, if I have to.

What is this thing anyway?

It's just a formality.

Yeah, I feel like a mobster
about to be a made man.

Well, anyone of
influence and power

is going to be there tonight.

Is there going to be any
bombs under the punch bowls?

Just kidding.

Yeah, well it is actually a
concern but we don't have

to worry about it tonight.

Why don't you go to the
kitchen, get a sandwich,

and I'll be back
in a few minutes.

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Hey, how's Bob?

As you know, cranky.




Harry, can you
help me with this?

Yeah, sure.

Can't quite get the angle.

Hey, this,

is Ancient Mai
going to be there?

Oh yeah, so just keep
your head down

and keep the wise
cracks to a minimum.

I think I can manage that.

In fact, why don't we just
dispense with the wise cracks

all together.

She's a stickler for protocol.

This is basically her show,

so why don't we let her run it
the way that she wants.

Harry, you seen my ring?

The blue gem, the one your
mother game me, it's missing?

Uncle Justin, I want to
thank you for everything.


Taking me in after
my father died.

Thank you.

I am everything I have
to be because of you.

I appreciate that.

We'll do great things together.

I can't wait.

I just have to get my jacket.

I'll be right back.

Why do I have to
learn any of this,

it's not like I'm going
to be using it daily life.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

Does Uncle Justin?

Use black magic?


That would not be tolerated.

Harry, leave it be.

How did he get this?

Don't do this.

Please don't do this!

There are no dolls, no
chance of anyone being hurt.

However, you must familiarize
yourself the darker aspects

of the world that awaits.

He killed my father.

Why Bob? Why?

To save you from obscurity.

Now I want
you to listen to me okay?

What you can do, what you have,

that is a loaded gun and
there are people who are

going to want that gun and
they are going to want

to use you to do things that
you're not going to want to do.

Why? Why? Why did you kill him?

For the special gift.

You're a strong soul.

You carry the
Morningway bloodline.

My name is Dresden!

My father's name is Dresden!

He served a purpose!

He anchored your power
with a solid link

to the mortal realm.

Your mother's weakness for
your father resulted

in a positive contribution
to our plans.


Come to the meeting Harry.

You'll see how these plans...

What are you going to do,

you going to wipe out
the High Council,

you gonna kill Ancient Mai?

I'm just clearing weeds Harry.

It's time for us to
offer up new ideas.

What happened to my mother?

Whatever I've done,
I've done for love.


You don't know what love is.


- Don't hurt him anymore.
- Get out of here.

- No, don't hurt him.
- It is not my intention.

Harry I need you to listen
to me very carefully.

I need you to hear this.

I tried to keep you safe,
to keep you in the dark,

but there are plans and
machinations all around us

all the time; Moves
and counter moves.

You think you know what I
did, but you have no idea.

Now is the time to bring
you into the light

and once you see the full
picture you'll understand why.

- Shut up!
- Harry!

I think you've had
my father's ring

in your possession long enough,
for this work, huh?

- Harry, that's black magic!
- Shut up Bob!

Did you kill my mother?

Your mother, my sister, was
filled with dangerous ideas.

I don't want to know
about her ideas.

Yes or no, did you kill her?

No I did not.

Is he telling the truth?



You've taken a
life with black magic.

They will be looking for you,
haunting you,

and they will find you.



Okay, come on, get your
skull and get out of here.

I can't do that.

What are you talking about?

We'll talk about it later.

Let's get out of here.

Come on, let's go.

This is going to hurt.


It'll all be over soon.
Go to sleep.




Welcome back.

Ah, ah...

things need to done,

and I'm the only
who can do them.

I want you to know how hard I
tried to avoid this situation.

Oh, that's not Justin.

It's a copy.

A powerless doppleganger,
charged with one task -

bringing back your uncle.

And to do that...

I need Bob's talent
for raising the dead.

And your power.

It's time to turn
off your lights.

And it's time for me to move on.

I'd like to say it's been fun,

but honestly it's been hell.

Draw his power,
let's get this done.

I'm sorry it took this turn.

How long have I been gone?

Five years.

Welcome back.

There was no other way?

No, he killed you once,
he would do it again.

Harry is not going
to last much longer.

It was his life force
that brought you back.

You brought me back old friend.

Well, you can pick up
right where you left off.

With you to help me.

How has he been?


Your murder weighs
heavily on him.

Yes, well his death will be a
burden that I'll have to bear.

There are things
that must be done.

He will never join me in that.

It is a new day.

I always considered you to
be more than just my nephew,

but in the end, and
this is the end,

you are a disgrace
to your bloodline.

Your mother, impetuous,

married beneath her...

and your father, well,

he was never one to
see the bigger picture.

My only mistake is that I
didn't kill him sooner

and take you in while you
were still young enough

to be... salvaged.

I failed you, and for
that I am truly sorry.

Our world Harry, it needs to
change; It needs to grow.

I wish you could see what
it was going to become,

what I'm going to make of it.

Change of plans!

Bob! Let go!

Bob, let go!

Bob! Bob!


Is the bastard gone?

Yeah, he's gone.

I thought you'd just...

I would never betray you Harry.

I had to come this far in
order to keep him dead;

Him and his double,

they'd just keep coming back.

It's okay Bob, it's okay.

It'll be okay.

If by okay, you mean
dead, then yes, yes, yes.

Please don't die on me Bob.

That is really touching.

Bob, that's not fair.


Once cursed, always cursed.

My soul forever ensnared,
forbidden to move on.

I guess I can live with that.

Yes, I thought you might.

Harry, open the door.

Hold on Murphy,
hold on, hold on.


- Guess what?
- What?

Yeah, my uncle's body no
longer shows bizarre signs

of a crushed heart, right?

What did you do?

Well, I dragged you into
a dangerous world

and I'm really sorry about that.

No, this isn't about me.

It's about us.

Come in.


now listen, we've
done a lot of really

good things together.

We don't always agree,
no, but we help people,

and I need to keep
doing that - with you.

You killed him.

With black magic.

Oh god, Harry!


you have nightmares okay;

It's like something
happened to you?

It did.

I saved you Murphy.

I saved you with black magic.

I can't believe that.

Your world cannot exist
because this world,

the world that I live
in is scary enough.

I know.

No, try raising a kid in it.

Yeah, my father tried
raising a kid in it.


He tried.

My uncle murdered him.

Your father died
of a heart attack.

Black magic.

That's my world.

I can't join you there Harry,

because my rules don't apply
there and I need my rules.

I need them.

I need you Murphy.

I need you to help me
be a better person,

to do something half decent
in this world, okay.

You've gotta help me do that
for as long as I can, please?


For as long as I can.

Take this.