The Colony (2009–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Comfort in Chaos - full transcript

We are on the edge of a global
catastrophic disaster.

Human conflict.

Nuclear bombs.

Natural disasters.

Chemical and biological warfare.

Without warning,
the world as we know it

can come to an end.

12 days ago,

these volunteers entered
a 10-week experiment

designed to see if they can
survive and rebuild

after a simulated
global disaster.

Their world...
constructed to mirror

what survivors could experience

if a viral outbreak
left los angeles

and the rest of the planet

The volunteers' backgrounds
and skill sets

represent a cross section
of modern society.

Their new home...

a cordoned-off,
80,000-square-foot warehouse

near downtown los angeles.

An old manufacturing
plant for something.

Inside, they've been provided

with limited tools,
supplies, and food.

They have no electricity...
no running water...


...and no communication
with the outside world.

As part of the experiment,

a gang of looters and thugs

will attempt to compromise

the colonists' resources
and security.



So far, the colonists
have built sustainable energy...

...filtered water,

and scavenged for food.

What we got,
and go on back.

What we got,
and go on back!

Now tempers reach
the boiling point...

so, next time
i use the saw,

i'll let you guys
all know.

This is not
to be made light of!

And they face
the ultimate security test.

Yeah! It's over!


I know.

This is disgusting.

They're never this dirty.

We are living in a very dirty,
grimy climate and place

to the point where you feel
a little...

i don't know...
down in certain ways.

At least something smells good.

It's not me, though.

Cleanliness is really important.

With all this dirt
and all the crap we're doing,

you know,
a little cut could mean...

life-threatening sickness.

We have hundreds
of bacteria on our skin,

and, in very
unsanitary conditions,

if these bacteria
aren't kept in check,

they certainly
can lead to very severe

and potentially
fatal infections.

All right. Let's get this show
on the road.

Let's do some more talking.

All right, guys. So, let's try
to make this quick.

I think we had a very
productive week last week.

I think we all think that.
And let's have another one.

At the colonists'
morning project meeting,

Dr. George brings up
a perpetually important issue.

I think we need
to always continue to return

and address security.

At some point, we need to
completely secure the perimeter.

I think we should brainstorm

and get into making
more weapons.

But the rest of
the colonists have other plans.

Right now, what's going
through my mind is...

we need a shower.

I wanted to work
on a shower.

I'm gonna start it today,

Obviously, we have to put energy
into things for survival...

water, food, security.

But then, i think we need to
build enough creature comforts

to keep our strength
and our health

and our morale up

so that we can build our way
out of here.

I want to get
the framing first

so we can see
exactly where it's gonna be

and what the best positioning
for that will be.

I'll get the drainage
where we want to get it going.

Shower is definitely
a necessity.

It's not a luxury.
It's being human.

A disaster disrupts daily life

and takes away everything
that was once familiar.

Bringing some of those

into the post-disaster world

can actually help survivors

cope with their new reality.

Why don't you show me what
you were talking about? Okay.

Got this platform right here.
The steps are going down.

I'm gonna frame this in
so this actually becomes a room.

Sticking outside
of the building.

I want to get a tank
up here...

on the roof.

Joey has designed
a heated outdoor shower

that will be constructed
in two stages.

On the roof, a hot-water tank

will serve as a reservoir
and solar heater.

A hose will carry heated water
down to a stall,

constructed on the top
of an exterior stairwell,

and the gray water
will be piped out of the bottom.

We have to be careful
not to become too complacent

with our surroundings
after disaster.

When we start getting
into that creature-comfort mode,

we have to remember,

what got us to that point in
the first place was a disaster,

and we also have to remember
that our resources

can be depleted or stolen
in an instant.

I'm so excited because that's a
little dinky thing in the bathroom.

I knew you would be.
This is gonna be fabulous!

All right! All right!

Using material

scrounged from items
around the colony,

contractor Joey gets back
to familiar territory

building the shower stall.

I want to make sure we're gonna
have a drain in the center.

I just want to make sure

this is what we're gonna be
building off of.

Plastic shipping material

will work as a shower floor,

but most importantly,
it will provide enough room

to drain and preserve
their most precious commodity...


This will just kind of fit
down in there,

and we'll put the drain on there

and just shoot it off
to the side,

and we're gonna frame up
some walls...

nice, strong walls.

I actually saw some stuff
that i can just put together

that should fit nicely.

Thanks to fuel provided by

the volunteers' wood gas system
built last week,

a few other colonists
jump in to help Joey

cut walls for the shower.


Get that
and set her down.

Should we take her down?

What do you mean?

Thank you, sir.

You're welcome, sir.

Who is using all the power?

What's that
drain sound from?

Is that your belts?

That's my alternator
freaking out

'cause someone's using
too much power.

I mean, the only person
out there's probably Joey.

That's it.
It sounds awful.

He's gonna blow
the alternator.

So, now i turn off
the power.

When they come here
about it,

I'm gonna tell them why.

I got the damn genny running,
and we have power,

so now everyone
goes nilly-willy,

"oh, I'm gonna grab
a power tool

and start building
something i like,"

without realizing that

if we overheat it, it shuts off.

If we overheat it
too many times, it blows,

and we're back
in the dark again.

I just need people not to use
electricity right now.

All of the colony's power

comes from a string
of 20 old car batteries

that they've daisy-chained

To maintain their charge,
Mike assembled a generator

built from
an old pressure washer,

a pulley from an electric fan,

and a car alternator,

which provides electricity.

As long as the generator
is running,

the batteries stay alive,

but now, with Joey's power-tool
use on the shower project,

they're using more energy
than they're making.

Until Mike can figure out
a solution,

he turns the genny off,
so no power tools.

Just let me know. I'm in
the middle of the building.

As soon as i got them,
I'm ready to go.

But contractor Joey has trouble

leaving a job half-finished.

I have my walls built,

but now i need to attach them,

and i don't have power tools,

i mean, this is gonna be
a problem.

We need that alternator,

and the only way
we're gonna get that alternator

is if we right-side up
the car.

Adding a second
alternator to the generator

will add more power
and solve the problem,

but now they have to flip a car
to get it.

Should we use
a come-along?

I believe
that we have a...

i was thinking
a combination of come-along

and a whole bunch of people. Yeah.


A "come-along" is another name

for a block and tackle,

and earlier, engineer Vlad

noticed one inside the shop.



A block and tackle works
by trading force for distance.

By looping a chain
across a series of pulleys,

one person can lift many times
their own weight.

It's going over.

There we go.

Two... three.


There goes the tires.

Now let's hope
the alternator's worth it.


One alternator.

Hopefully a good alternator.

So, here's the plan.

Second alternator,
first alternator...

they're gonna piggyback

and double our output.

Michael has to build
a bracket

to attach both alternators
to the generator.

Of course.
Why should it fit?

Anything worth doing
is difficult

and never simple.

If it was simple and easy,

the fluffy bunnies
would be in here

fabricating and welding.

Amy has started her own project

and has a quick cut
she needs to make,

so she disregards
Mike's rules,

but she's pulling power

from the already-drained

without the generator on
to recharge them.

If they get drained too far,

she could destroy
their entire power grid.

I was making my own slingshot,

and i had a threaded pipe
i needed to cut.

You are breaking
rule number one.

Michael, please.

We don't have
our generator on.

Oh, we don't?

Do you hear the generator? No.

It's not on.
It's not on.

They don't get it, man!

That electrical system...

if we harm it in any way,

we got nothing.

We got no lights,
no power tools,

no fabrication... nothing.

I just watched
people do it today.

The guys could get away with it,
but, apparently...

no. If i saw them doing it,
they'd get an earful.

That's wrong.

My rules are my rules,

otherwise what's the point?

It's just
a miscommunication.



It's gonna get ugly tonight
at dinner,

and I'm gonna be the ugly.

Coming up on "the colony,"

signs of life from outside.

They're not broadcasting.
They're just transmitting.

Then, an attack.

Gather 'round.

We have rice, peas,
and canned beef.

Yum, yum.

The generator is still down,

and Mike,
the 47-year-old handyman,

is in a dark mood.

I'm gonna have to tell
them tonight during dinner...

there will be rules.

There will be strict rules
in the shop about electricity.

Hey, guys. Why don't
we have the light on today?

Wasn't there a light on the
other night? Oh, are we saving?


We used electricity
with the generator off,

and we shouldn't have
done that.

Now i turned off
the generator.

We ran
our batteries down,

so we're at a minimum
on lighting tonight.

What do we have,
13 or 12?

You just can't jump into
a shop and know what you're doing.

It takes years...
years of experience!

Let's see the hands
of people

that worked
in a fabrication shop

for a year or more.

I have been in a shop.
I'm sorry.

Worked in a shop,

everything else.

Mike decides to go off
on some rampage

about power at the table
in a very aggressive way.

I felt like
i was the object of it.

I noticed people were
using tools all day long.

I don't know if the generator
was on or off,

so he can't get mad at me.

He just can't.

I think you're making
really good points.

They're just not getting through

because of the way
you're saying it.

It was a very awkward,
you know, tense moment.

You know, michael,
there's a very lot of ego

involved in the stuff
that he does,

and his way of teaching

is to tell you
that you're doing it wrong.

On the other hand,
he's often right.

So, next time
i use the saw,

i'll let you guys
all know.

You should probably
actually take cover.

Actually, i think we'll take it
out of your hand.

You know, that's cute.

That's cute and funny,
but this is serious, okay?

So can we get back
to a serious discussion here

and leave the cutesy stuff
until we're finished?

Can we do that, please?

I think she was just trying
to make light

of an already tense

This is not
to be made light of!

It doesn't have to be
an argument either.

This is serious!

If we break it,
we don't have it, period!

And if we break it
and we can't fix it,

then we'll be sitting
in the dark.


when a person presents

in a situation where they know
that they have the skill set

and they know that they have the
upper hand and the advantage,

then there's a real
power differential,

which means that the group
now has to acquiesce

and has to give in
whether they want to or not.

So, there are reasons for it.

There are reasons for it,
so we'll all keep that in mind,

and... we'll get it down
to a science.

Last night, the blowup
between michael and some people,

and his very valid concern

of the conspicuous utilization
of energy and power,

and it's just a testament
to how fragile we are.

That alternator or
the gasifier generator goes out,

and we're done.

No more power tools.

No more lights.

Without the electricity,

it's back
to the dark ages again.

With the generator down,

all projects are at a standstill

until Mike can get it
going again.

Got to trim
this piece of metal off

so it goes onto the alternator.

Oh, well.

The bracket that holds
both alternators

doesn't fit on the engine.

Mike has to cut the end off
without using power tools.

Now, normally you shouldn't
use tin snips to do this.


You can cut some pretty
thick crap with tin snips.

Here we go.

You know...

and i just got to put a bolt
in there to adjust it tight,

and there it is.

I can actually fire it up.

He tests it out

using some of their
precious gasoline.

There you go.

With the engine running,

Mike can finally
test the batteries

to see if the new alternator
is boosting the power outlet.

I just went from 11 volts
to 13 volts

in, like, 20 minutes.


With the generator's
increased power output

and the wood gasifier
generating fuel...

hit it!

...Joey can finally get back

to fabricating the shower stall.

Oh, my!

Oh. They just cut out a big
peephole is what they did.

That's not a peephole.
It's for solar-heating reasons.


Step by step there.

Got it?

We're good.

But let me get it
from stop swinging.

With the stall complete,

it's time to assemble
the hot-water heater.

Lunch is ready, guys!

I was sitting up there
on the roof,

trying to get a job done,

trying to incorporate other
people that wanted to help,

and... i think the last thing
i heard was,

"we'll bring some stuff up,"

and... time's going by.

Time's going by.
I'm like, "you know what?

"While this is going on,
i can go down

and start bringing
some stuff up,"

'cause nobody was bringing
anything up.

And i went down,
and it was soup time

or, you know, sunbathing.

People were making something...
some cute clothes.

Like my outfit today?

I think the prioriti

to survive an apocalypse

are getting
a little bit confused.

You know, we just talked
about... you know what?

Hey. Let's
bust some

people just don't know
what the work is!

So i said it.

Joey decides to lift
the 170-pound water heater

up the three-story building
by himself.

Nobody's doing
a thing in there,

and I'm lifting this
whatever the hell...

i don't even know if I'm gonna
be able to lift this

but I'm gonna try.

I'm gonna do something.

Two weeks of long days
and little food

are taking their toll
on Joey's stamina.

Damn it!

Hey, how'd you get that
up there? Huh?

You minx.
How'd you get that up there?


Mike gives Joey some praise.

That's determination.

He bit off
more than he could chew,

and he chewed it,
and he swallowed it.

Inspired by Joey's work ethic,

the other colonists refocus
on the business of survival.

Leilani tackles a project
of universal importance...

the making of toilet paper
from a roll of muslin.

We're out of toilet paper.

For right now,
this is what it is.

Allison and Vlad milk the goat

they found on their street
scavenge last week...

if i would have to redesign
the goat,

I'd make a larger hole.

...while John c. Teams up
with Joey

to maximize the water tank's
heating capacity.

This is black,
so it's gonna absorb a lot,

but, obviously, i would like
to bounce a little bit more,

just like getting it a suntan
with those old-time reflectors.

Yep, yep.
That's what we're doing.

They hoist up a piece
of flexible board

and line it
with recycled insulation

they found in the warehouse.

They then wrap the outside
of the tank with the reflector

to catch the sun's rays.


And the final step is
to wrap the tank in plastic.

We're gonna shrink-wrap the
whole thing in clear plastic,

so we warm it up during the day,

and it doesn't cool off
completely during the night.

Does it need
another slip?

As night falls on the sanctuary,

Dr. George again brings up
the issue of colony security.

I think we're all agreed

we're relatively secure at night

when we lock down in here,

and we're most vulnerable
during the day

'cause our easiest breach

is that side yard
over that gate.

Michael secured
the colony perimeter

when they first moved in,

but they're still vulnerable
on the west wall.

It might be a good idea

to run razor wire
out on the side yard.


It's easy to scale that fence. Yeah.

I don't think
we need to kill ourselves

with the... detail.

These doors...
I'm not worried about them

the way i was
a little while ago.

It seems like security keeps
getting put on the back burner

for other, bigger projects
that need to be finished.

It seems like we have to do
"a," "b," "c," "d," and "e"

and fit in "f," "g," and "h,"

and there's only so many hours
in the day.

Croatian engineer Vlad
is chef tonight.

Well, it is doctored-up
top ramen.

I speak about
seven or eight languages.

But saying it in french

doesn't change the fact

that they're having rice
and ramen for dinner.

We need real food here
versus just this canned stuff

because what little
we're eating...

we're gonna start losing
our energy,

and we're not
gonna be productive.

They could eat the goats,

but a steady milk supply

is more valuable
than a few days of fresh meat.

You can survive
off of canned goods for weeks,

but for long-term survival,

you need to find
an alternate food source.

The previous night's dinner

was the last straw
for the hungry colonists.

They need fresh food,

and that means leaving
the safety of their colony.

Something that
i would like to do is...

to get out of the warehouse

and go forage for fruit
and go fishing.

On the way to the sanctuary,

George remembered
seeing citrus trees

up the river a few miles.

Head upriver
and have a couple hours to fish,

get citrus,
and do that.

Citrus is important
for nutrition.

A lack of vitamin "c"
can cause scurvy,

which leads to a weakening
of the bones.

This is a disease

that certainly
can eventually be fatal.

In preparation for fishing,

Amy has been working
on a fish trap

that she learned to make
in the peace corps.

So, it's wide open
for the fish to go in

but a smaller diameter
at the end.

So once it gets to the back,
it can't find its way out.

But food isn't the only concern.

For the last 10 days,

the colonists have been
living off of rainwater.

Now they only have
a two-day supply left.

We're installing a shower.

That'll be pleasant,

but we're running low on water.

No, i don't have it.

Choose your weapon.

Who's going? I'm in.
I know you're in.

Everybody have a weapon?

Do you have
a multi-tool?

Okay, guys. Are we ready? We're ready.

Only Morgan, John v.,
and Mike will stay behind.

Although leaving the colony
is intimidating,

the three staying behind
face the biggest challenge...

to protect their goods
from outsiders.

Two weeks ago,
the warehouse was threatened

by hostile marauders
as part of the experiment.

You know, i believe

that all humans are good,

because i've never experienced
anything else,

and I'm realizing that

that's a very dangerous...

way to feel about it
in a world like this

that is full of people
who want our stuff.

After two weeks
of living in the warehouse,

Morgan starts a visual diary

of their experiences.

So, day five was,
like, a research day.

Like, i learned
how to make cheese.

We learned how to make
a solar bike.

So, we were just researching
about future projects.

I mean, it's kind of
cool-looking, i guess, you know.

It's pretty cool to be able
to look back

and see how far we've come,

how much further
we'll have to go.

These walls are pretty white.

Let's see here.

We just hear
some squawking going on.

I'm like...

"did someone leave
a record player on?

"We don't have a record player
that works.

We don't have anything
that works,"

and no one else was here.

Hey! Tv's on!

Emergency broadcast.

This is a not test.

They're not broadcasting.
They're just transmitting.

They're not broadcasting
anything yet.

It was a one, two punch.

"Hey, someone's transmitting
an emergency-broadcast signal,

and the power's
coming from the wall."

So that was like, "wow!"

Let's power up,

For 15 days,

the colonists have been
struggling to squeeze power

out of a busted-up bank
of old car batteries.

If power from the grid stays up,

it could change everything.

Any form of outside

becomes a beacon of hope
for survivors.

The question is...
will the grid stay on?

But just as suddenly
as it came on,

the grid goes back down.

Guys, the power's already
back off.

The tv's
not working anymore.

What's going on here?

After collecting water,

the colonists locate the fruit

that George was looking for.

Are those lemons
or oranges?


Let's jump it.
You want to jump the gate?

Let's do it.

Here. Step on my back.

Step on my back.
Step on my back.

Are you good?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Right here.
Right here.

Good job.
Drop, drop, drop.

Oh, hurry.
As many as you can get.

All right. I'm trying.
I've got two.


Oh, my god!
This is heaven!

It is so funny

how... the simplest things

can be the most amazing things

when you are truly
in survival mode.

Crawling over the fence,

just grabbing as many oranges
as we could,

as the orange blossoms
fall down.

Oranges were falling
all over the ground.

It was raining oranges,

and it was the most
amazing experience i've had

since i've been here.

You guys
get everything you can.

We don't know if we'll ever
get this chance again.

I've never gone so many weeks

without eating fresh fruit,

and it was just
a phenomenal experience.

We've still got a couple left. Let's go.

Oh, yeah, it is.

Thank you, tree.

All right. Let's go.

A few miles upstream,

the river deepens,

and the colonists break out
the fishing gear.

In the context
of the experiment,

animals and wildlife
have a natural immunity

to the viral outbreak,

so the l.a. River is still home
to many species of fish,

including tilapia and carp.

Although the river
is heavily polluted,

most of the fish are too small

to contain dangerous amounts
of toxins

and should be safe to eat.

The fishing situation

could have gone so much better.

I think bringing a bow and arrow
to catch carp...

it just wasn't gonna happen.


Did i get it?

After a few hours
of frustration,

the colonists
decide to head home

before it gets dark.

On the way,
Joey makes one last attempt

to catch a fish
using Amy's trap.

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa!

Okay. You got him.

You got him, Joey!
You got him, Joey!

Good shot!


You got him.

Yee-hah! We got the carp!
We got the carp!

There was, like, three of them
right here.


Joey got a fish with Amy's net.

Good job, joe-joe.

Amy, look at you.

That's amazing.

The morale of the crew was high.

There was a palpable euphoria

in all of us walking back.

I think
we're a ways off, guys.

Yeah, because my feet
are wet, you know?

Are you okay?


Yep, there he is.

On the way back home,

the colonists spot
a familiar foe...

the same thug they encountered
on their last foraging trip.

That's a nice bike!
I like that bike!

After a major disaster,

resources such as food
and water, medical supplies,

are going to become depleted
very quickly,

and that's when we can have
a very volatile situation

of very normal people
on a day-to-day basis

becoming very animal-like
in the aftermath of a disaster

to fight for their survival.

What that means is they're gonna
be ready for us over there.

We were certainly concerned

that he was gonna round up
some friends

and be there waiting for us
at the bridge.

Hey, guys,
protect your oranges.

Less than a mile
from the warehouse,

the colonists spot a hostile
outsider on the bridge.

He rides away,

but the group hustles
to get their resources

back to the safety
of the colony.

They're gonna be ready
for us over there.

You guys, watch out.


Fortunately for the colonists,

they're able to make it home,

but the marauder sighting
is a reminder

that, as long as they remain
in the city,

they can never be truly safe.

1, 2, 3.

Seeing that marauder,

that was the alarm clock

"The dream is over,

"and we need to get back
to the...

post-apocalyptic mind-set."

Do you want to hear
the really good news

or the really bad news?

The good news is,

the emergency-broadcast system
came on,

- on the tv.
- Wow.

We get electricity
from the grid.

So they must be testing
or some... no kidding?

The really bad news

the electricity
is sporadic.

The electricity grid
coming up even briefly

means probably more to me

than anything else.

That's the biggest hope to me
right now.

- It only came on for a few minutes.
- It doesn't matter.

The colonists
who went to the river

have some good news
of their own.

We got probably

160 to 170 gallons of water.

You guys, we have
five full bags of oranges.


Here it is.

And the big catch
of the day.


Well, well, well,
well, well.

Amy's amazing trap.

This is what Amy's amazing trap

and a piece of pvc
over the head got.

What a day.
Know a good chef?

First things first,

the colonists filter the water

and then fill the shower tank
so they can heat it up.

Then Vlad takes charge
of the dinner menu.

We can have carp

with a nice drizzle

of orange gravy.

Orange marmalade?

I can make that
and then drizzle that over it.

I love you, Vlad.

I know. Right?


This is excellent,
if i say so myself.

Yum, yum.
I'm very excited.

You guys want to bring that
to the table?

Who didn't get rice?
I didn't.

They're getting rice
right now.

This is for you.

There's so many things to thank.
How do we do this?

Okay, guys, dig in.
I just did.

I didn't hear it.

Thank you, Joey. Ooh. Yeah. It is good.

Good job, Joey.

Everyone contributed
to the dinner,

but Amy gets special recognition
for her fish trap,

even from Mike.

At least Amy didn't
hold a grudge from last night.

I mean, she's starting to get
that get-it-done attitude,

so i'll give her
two brownie points for that.

It's called

We spent all day
yesterday at the river

collecting water and fruit.

Things just keep getting better
day by day,

but I'm just covered in filth,

and it's kind of gross.

So it would be nice
to have a shower.

The colonists have
160 gallons of river water.

Now Joey can put the finishing
touches on the shower.

He has two steps left...

build the showerhead

and construct the ramp
up to the stall.

I just want to make
a little ramp

so we can walk up
into the shower,

and, luckily, i found
some of these...

i don't know
what the hell they are,

but they'll work great.

I can just cut them down.

Right there.

I don't know.

We'll see what they say. All right.

I found this curtain
at the bottom of all the fabric.

Boy, you're gonna get
a shower.

- Perfect!
- Looking good.

With the ramp ready to roll,

it's time for Joey to construct
a showerhead

from spare fittings.

Right now, I'm looking
at everything we got,

and this is what i've come up
with so far.

I mean, you can see it's just
a bunch of connections.

Now Joey mounts the showerhead

and connects it
to the water heater.

And, finally,
with the addition of a barrel

to catch the precious
gray water runoff,

the shower is ready to test.

Let's go, everybody!
Front and center.

Everybody in the shower,
naked, now! Is this everybody?

That's a big...

okay. Very simple.
Walk the plank on up.

Got your curtain right here.


Okay. Ready?

We have... vertical.
There you go.

Coming up on "the colony"...

...the consequences
of ignoring security.

Got your curtain right here.


We have... vertical.
There you go.

Oh, my god.

All righty.

I like feeling like i busted
my on something.

I like the fast pace of...
"get it done, get it done."

And we got it done.

Aah! Aah!

Thank you!

Totally psyched.

To conserve water,

only two colonists
can shower per day.


That is just brilliant.

Just to feel human again.

Is it good?
Is it warm?

Good! It's warm,
and it's freaking fabulous!

I'm very happy!

All right.

The shower and river trip

have raised
the colonists' spirits.

They can finally relax
and let their guard down.

How did you propose?

I got down on my knees,

and i gave my wife
an engagement ring

that i had made
in blacksmithing

which was made out of
quarter-inch bar stock.

It rusted, but it was nice.
She said "yes."

Does she still have it?

The finger?
No, the ring.


As part of the next
phase in the experiment,

the colonists are being attacked

for their food resources.

A diversion in the yard

will allow marauders on foot

to break into the back.

In any post-disaster scenario,

lawlessness will become
a huge factor,

much as we saw
during the l.a. Riots,

when people took
what they wanted,

and what they couldn't carry,
they destroyed.

If I knelt down
in front of my ex-wife,

she would put an ashtray
on my head.

You were married?

Is that what you said, Mike?
You were married?

The attackers have been directed

not to physically harm
the colonists,

but the colonists
don't know that.

Where's Joey and everybody?
Where's Morgan?

Get me a fire extinguisher.
Go grab me a fire extinguisher.

They're in our kitchen!

Oh, my god!
Tear gas, Joey!

They're everywhere!

It's over!

It's the end of days,


How did they get up
in the kitchen?

'Cause we didn't secure
the back gate.

The colonists'
worst fears are realized.

The hole in the razor wire
was never patched,

and, as a result,
two days worth of food is gone.

"Let's build a shower!

Let's build everything
but security!"

Anytime that stress
is placed upon us,

most of these men
just start screaming at us.

Every person is safe!

To my core,
I'm a peaceful person.

The fact that i was angry
at other humans,

that i was in a situation that i
had to be angry at other humans,

just was...
it was so hard for me.

It was so hard for me.

- John...
- yeah.

Anybody comes
over that fence,

swing and throw this
in their face.

I think the others
need to toughen the up

and grab on to a little anger.

Anger can be a gift.

Our kitchen is trashed!

We'll fix it.
It'll be okay.

"fix it! It'll be okay"!

Maybe I'm tired
of fixing!

You know, we're in a big mess

because their priorities
are wrong.

We're not safe,
we're not secure,

and, you know, we better start
thinking about it

a little more seriously.