The Claremont Murders (2023): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript
With new technology, the police find the killer's DNA on a never-before-tested scrap of fingernail. They discover the Claremont serial killer has struck before.
Sarah is happy.
She is a normal young lady
and she would never go off
without telling us.
What's going on?
Missing girl in Claremont.
You watch, the bosses
will handball this to us.
Welcome to Macro.
On Saturday night, a second girl
went missing from Claremont.
Jane Rimmer, 23.
We're proceeding on the assumption
that the same perpetrator
took Sarah Spiers.
The guy who took Sarah and Jane,
he's the guy who raped me.
I think it could be
the same perpetrator.
We might have a living witness.
Dental records have confirmed that
the body found in Wellard yesterday
is that of Jane Rimmer, the second
girl to go missing from Claremont.
We currently hold grave fears
for the safety of a young woman
who was last seen leaving
the Continental Hotel in Claremont
at approximately midnight on Friday.
Are you looking for a serial killer?
We certainly have fears.
Ciara's injuries are
consistent with Jane's.
What about DNA?
There's a good chance.
She fought hard.
OK, listen up.
We may finally have someone.
Lance Williams.
He's the best suspect we've had
since the beginning.
So every weekend, we're putting 50
people on the ground in Claremont.
Get in. I'll give you a lift.
Police, don't move!
Stay where you are.
Hands on the car.
I'm not the person
you're looking for.
I didn't take anyone.
The fire poker's missing
from Lance's flat.
There's a fireplace,
fire iron set, no poker.
This is the weapon that caused the
wound to the back of Ciara's head.
We think Lance will
consent to a polygraph?
If he doesn't, he'll look guilty.
I've got no comment.
Lance, the police say
you are the number one
Claremont serial killer suspect.
No-one's had anything
to fear from me.
You see, I'm just a person that
got caught up in this whole thing.
I just did a two-hour interview
with Lance Williams.
I don't think it's him.
Lance Williams
fits every profile we have.
And what if you're wrong, and
the real killer's still out there?
Some other guy that
you know nothing about
because you've spent
all this time on Lance?
There is no other guy.
Lance Williams
is the Claremont serial killer.
End of story.
MAN: ..between your neck and cheek.
And then use your body weight
to really lob it forward.
And then just push forward, OK?
Give it a go.
Easy enough. Alright.
That's it.
Oh, wow!
This is, like, day one.
That was amazing.
ALISON: Luckily, the pesky pooch
was found unharmed.
Hopefully he learnt
a valuable lesson
along with his owners.
Alison Fan, 7 Nightly News.
What are you doing here?
I finished early.
Are we still on for dinner?
Oh, you bet.
Um, I'll just finish up here.
Are you still getting wine?
Yeah, sure. What sort?
As long as I'm doing stories about
lost dogs, any wine is good wine.
I thought you might be
back on Claremont.
I heard a rumour.
It all seemed pretty hush-hush,
but it sounded like
there's a team back on it.
What the hell are you
doing out here?
Took me three days to find you.
Why are you looking?
Cold Case Squad
has reopened Claremont.
There's no one from Macro.
Apparently they're the new breed.
They've all got forensic training.
And why are you telling me?
Don't you want in?
I spent six years on Claremont.
Look where it got me.
Don't you wanna find the guy?
I mean, are you really happy
out here with all the cows?
Sarah Spiers is still missing.
I'm sorry.
Mosman Park?
SONG: # Ooh
# Ooh, ooh
# Ooh
# Ooh, ooh...
# Ooh, ooh
# Ooh, ooh...
# Ooh. #
Who's this?
He insisted on being let in.
Gavin Wyatt. He's driven in from...
I worked on the original Macro team.
I want to join you.
I'm sorry.
I know everything about this case.
Yeah, that's the problem.
We're starting with a clean slate,
out of the public eye.
OK, well, maybe I can help
shortcut stuff.
Instead of having to re-read
everything, I can...
I'm sorry, it's...
it's not gonna work.
Alison Fan found me
way out in the country.
It's only a matter of time before
she finds out what you're doing.
You're obviously doing this
on the quiet.
Do the bosses know
you've reopened the case?
Well, it's a cold case.
We're allowed to reopen...
Yeah, but I bet they don't know
you've reopened
this particular can of worms.
The most famous unsolved murder case
in West Australian history.
And I bet there'd be
a few noses out of joint
if the old Macro hierarchy finds out
you're questioning their approach.
Maybe he can explain the fire poker.
Why was Macro so sure that
Lance Williams's poker
was the murder weapon?
Well, once I noticed it
missing from Lance's flat,
we bought an identical poker
and sent it to London.
A pathologist at the Royal College
the poker fitted the wound
to Ciara's skull.
Yeah, he was wrong.
We found Lance's poker.
Well, Lance has never been
to Queensland.
Exactly. We tracked down the woman
who sold the flat to Lance.
She meant to leave the whole set
behind with the fireplace,
but somehow the poker was packed up
by the removalists.
You guys never followed this up?
It fitted so perfectly.
It made sense that she was...
Alright, well, hang on a sec.
What caused the wound
to Ciara's head, then?
Wasn't a wound.
You know, everyone assumes
Claremont was my worst case.
My worst case was
a Christmas Day murder.
There was blood everywhere.
Over presents, the manger.
That indentation?
She was hit over
the back of the head...
No, she wasn't.
I was wrong. This is a Wormian bone.
What's a Wormian bone?
It's a naturally
occurring skull formation
that can look like a fracture.
And no-one noticed this until now?
Well, once the poker was dismissed
as a murder weapon,
we asked the pathologist
to review her findings.
She called in an anthropologist.
That means what, exactly?
Lance Williams is not
the Claremont serial killer.
He has to be.
OK, he was out on the street
every night, stalking girls.
He fits every profile.
A loner, the prostitutes,
he failed the lie detector test...
There is not one shred of evidence
that connects Lance to the murders.
There's no blood in his house,
on his car, on his clothes.
No fibres, no hair.
And none of his DNA was found
anywhere at the crime scene.
Then why did the crimes stop?
The second we started following
Lance, they stopped.
No more girls were taken.
If I was a serial killer
and I knew the police
had a suspect...
..dumbest thing I can do
is kill again.
You still wanna work with us?
Are you sure you want back in
if they're just gonna pour shit
on everything we did?
They're smart, Bobbi.
Dave's DNA trained,
Nikki's a fibre expert.
They've thrown out the suspect book.
It's all about the evidence.
You're gonna solve
Australia's biggest cold case
with three detectives?
Sorry, now it sounds like
I'm the one pouring shit.
I hope you find him.
I really do.
You miss it, don't you?
I've moved on. Corporate's good.
It is.
Some things...
..maybe it's easier
to leave them behind.
I'm going to find him, Bobbi.
Even if it kills me.
Make sure it doesn't.
Ciara's missing thumbnail
and middle finger.
I remember.
All that's left where the nail was
are three red dots.
Yeah, blood.
So she's clawing at him so hard
her nail has ripped off.
You'd think she'd have to scrape
some of his skin.
Yeah, but the nail was never
found at the crime scene.
Caught in his clothes,
fell off somewhere else?
Was any of the remaining nail tested?
Yes, we tested everything,
and I mean everything.
Every jar, every scrap of nail.
Some went to New Zealand,
some to the FBI.
We tested every single one of these.
There's nothing else.
What about AJM40?
It doesn't appear on
any of the test results.
Uh, AJM40.
Let's see here.
Aha! That's why.
'Debris only.
Not suitable for analysis.'
Why not?
Because at the time, there wasn't
enough in there to test.
I think there might be enough now.
For his services
to Little Athletics,
Bradley Edwards.
London lab called. It worked.
Fax coming through now.
They extracted two DNA sets.
The first belonged to Ciara...
..the other to an unknown male.
We've got his DNA.
We've got the Claremont killer's DNA.
Can we have a word
with Lance, please?
When is this gonna stop?
He's only just out of hospital.
Depression, anxiety. Huh! No wonder.
Mr Williams.
Uh, we wanted to tell you officially
that you're no longer a person of
interest in the Claremont matter.
What does that mean?
You won't be hearing from us anymore.
I'm sorry.
You were only doing your job.
The DNA isn't Lance Williams's.
It's from the Karrakatta rapist.
We tested the DNA against
all the original major suspects.
The mayor, Steve Ross. Nothing.
And then I remembered your case.
Lisa. Karrakatta.
And it matched?
Well, it matched Unknown Male #4.
You were right, Bobbi.
Lisa was raped by the man
who went on to become
the Claremont serial killer.
I need you to come back in.
Come on, just to talk to them, OK?
You know this case backwards.
You can tell them better than me.
No way. I'm out. I told you.
This time we are doing
everything by the book,
and when we catch this guy,
we're gonna need you as a witness
to present the statement
you took from Lisa in '96.
Her name was Lisa Todd. She was 17.
A year before Sarah went missing,
she was partying in Claremont.
On her way home,
she was grabbed from Rowe Park.
She was taken to
Karrakatta Cemetery and raped.
But the rape kit didn't match
anyone on file at the time.
So this Unknown Male #4, Macro was
onto him as a suspect for Claremont.
What happened?
Well, Lisa was a blitz attack.
It was thought all three girls
willingly got into vehicles.
These are the shorts
she was wearing.
Her T-shirt, underwear, shoes.
And this is the cord
he used to tie her.
But we could never find any evidence
the Claremont killer
tied up any of the three girls,
or attacked them from behind.
We've gone back over
Jane's post-mortem photographs.
There's a mark on her wrist that
suggests she might have been tied up.
But if the girls got into
the vehicle voluntarily,
when did he tie them -
how would that work?
We found other witnesses.
Girls who accepted lifts around
the same time and had close calls.
This one, Katrina Jones.
Late 1995. She'd been at a wedding.
At 2:30 in the morning,
she was trying to get a lift.
No. As a matter of fact, I'm not.
He offered her a lift.
She said he seemed nice.
Thanks so much.
She asked what he did for a living.
He said he was a Telstra worker,
like her brother.
DAVE: That's when things went wrong.
Yeah, she said she picked up vibes.
She must have sensed
something was wrong
because she got him to drop her off
five houses back from her car.
Next minute, he was behind her.
It's exactly what happened to Lisa.
She'd already told him
she was a blue belt in taekwondo.
He backed off.
She tried to get his numberplate
but all she had to write with
was lipstick.
So when was this?
Late '95.
So after Karrakatta
but before Sarah.
So that's what happened to Sarah.
He actually drove her
to Mosman Park and let her out.
Then he came up behind her.
So these witnesses. They all
got into a Telstra vehicle?
Or a white vehicle
consistent with that.
We're calling them
the Telstra Living Witnesses.
But after Karrakatta, we asked
Telstra for a list of drivers.
We checked every single one.
In '95, Telstra logos were being
changed over from the old Telecom.
Macro asked for Telstra drivers.
That's what you got.
If the killer was still driving a
Telecom vehicle, he missed the net.
That is...
But the problem then
is the problem now.
The Karrakatta rape was unsolved.
How do we identify
Unknown Male #4?
Well, for starters, we're asking
for a list of Telecom drivers
from the '90s,
but that could take some time.
So we're also running his sample
against every single piece of DNA
that Macro ever collected.
We DNA-tested 9,000 local men.
Plus over 2,000 taxi drivers
and their cars.
Yeah, so don't hold your breath.
What happened to
that update you promised me?
We're still working on it.
Do you have anything?
Come on, Gav, I could
run with this any time.
"Cold Case Unit secretly
reopens Claremont."
It's a great story for me.
It's one night.
If you hold off, I'll give you
the biggest story of the year.
When? Gav?
You know Sarah
would have been 38 this year
and that her dad's still
shearing 10 hours a day.
So he never has to stop and think
about his missing daughter.
Don. Carol.
Sorry. It's not you.
We've got his DNA.
We've matched him to
a precursor crime.
Now we've just gotta match
his DNA with a name.
You know what I don't get?
Someone out there knows who it is.
Someone who works with him.
Someone who gave birth to him.
Do they know?
ALISON: Hello?
Got a pen and paper?
It's been nearly 20 years
since Sarah Spiers went missing,
the first victim of
the Claremont serial killer.
Or was she?
In a sensational breakthrough,
sources close to police
have revealed
they have forensic evidence
linking the man who murdered
Ciara Glennon to an earlier victim.
Her identity remains
a closely guarded secret.
If they've got the forensic evidence,
why can't they just arrest him?
..of Claremont and brutally raped
in Karrakatta Cemetery
managed to escape.
They now believe there
may have been earlier attacks,
what they're calling
'precursor crimes'.
They're looking for young women who
were assaulted in the Claremont area
before Sarah...
I can give Maddie
a lift if you like.
Ah, yes. Yeah, OK.
Oh, have you thought more
about her 21st?
Well, thinking about it's one thing,
but how do we pay for it?
I don't understand
why we're always so short.
You know, we're both working,
I'm not spending it on anything.
So where's it all going?
Hey, Dad, can I grab
a lift to uni today?
Yeah, sure, but I'm going now.
Yeah, I'm ready.
See ya, Mum.
We need to talk about this.
It's in all the papers,
all over the TV.
You've completely blown our cover.
Someone needed to put a rocket
under the case.
This will get us
blasted out of the job.
But now we're actually getting calls.
Other women who were picked up
in Claremont at the same time.
Crime Stoppers is getting hammered.
Yeah, and who's gonna process
all the leads if we get fired, hmm?
Yep. Yep, he's here.
It's the boss.
Yes, sir.
No, I understand.
Yes, I should have consulted you.
Are we fired?
No. No, he's, uh,
he's giving us more people.
Thanks. Thanks, Julie.
We are getting
dozens of calls about Claremont.
From who?
Women who accepted lifts
from white cars in the '90s
and never came forward.
Why not?
With all the Lance Williams talk
in the papers,
they thought
you already had the guy.
But, God, it's been so long now,
no-one can ID him.
Any news from the DNA tests?
We've checked the sample against
every single piece of DNA on the
West Australian database - nothing.
We have to wait for the international
and national requests now.
That'll take months.
How can we be so close?
We've got his DNA, for God's sake.
Is there anything else we can do?
We want to test
Jane's hair for fibres.
Jane had been to the hairdresser
the morning before her death,
so any fibres in her hair
can be narrowed down to
having got there after that.
You're hoping to find
something from the perpetrator?
Well, it's a long shot, we know,
but the paperwork says you collected
Jane's entire hair mass
during the post-mortem?
We've searched Trace.
It's not there, so...
Because I sent it to Toxicology,
not Trace.
At the time,
I wanted to test for drugs.
I thought maybe
she'd been administered
something to knock her out.
So it's still at Tox?
As far as I know.
Right, what am I looking at?
Isn't it obvious?
To someone with
a PhD in fibres, sure.
Let's just pretend that's not me.
(LAUGHS) OK. So this is a fibre
we found in Jane's hair.
The Forensic guys managed
to extract 20 of these.
Do we know what they are?
Well, some we have no idea.
Fibres you can't match
with anything.
But this one, this has a name.
Blue Graphite.
And it matches the upholstery
of a...
..Holden Commodore V6 Series 1
station wagon.
Why do I know that vehicle?
Because it's the vehicle
the burger boys described seeing
the night Ciara was taken.
Check her out.
It was a white, late-model
Series 1 VS Holden station wagon.
Did Macro look for Holden
station wagons at the time?
Yep, but that search was shelved
once we started focusing on Lance.
He drove a Toyota Camry.
So is this it? One fibre?
No. Other fibres collected
match a different carpet
made especially for
the cargo area of Holdens.
Suggesting Jane was in the cargo area
sometime after her visit
to the hairdresser.
Yeah, and there's more.
Fibres found on Ciara match the
carpet from the same make of car.
We're going car hunting,
boys and girls.
EDWARDS: I gotta tell you something.
You getting cold feet
about the wedding?
I got a criminal record.
After my first wife cheated on me,
I had...
I just... I couldn't handle it.
I had a brain snap.
What happened?
There was this woman at work, and...
I took it out on her.
No, no, it was nothing like that.
They called it a common assault.
It was stupid.
I don't know what came over me.
It was like I just snapped, you know?
(SOBS) It was so dumb.
It was so dumb.
I just wanted you to know
before we got married.
Hey. Hey!
I just feel so ashamed.
Hey, it's OK. It's alright.
I just wanted to be honest with you.
OK. OK. It's alright.
We went through car lots,
wrecking yards.
Took apart every
'96 V6 Commodore we could find.
BOBBI: Nothing?
And nothing from trying to check
the workers who drove Telecom cars.
They no longer have the records.
It has been 20 years.
Hey, are you seeing anyone?
What? No.
Pick up some random
for the fun of it?
No, just try to have some
sort of life outside this case.
Did I tell you we didn't get
a DNA match from interstate?
It's amazing. This guy just
does not have a criminal record.
He has to. No-one starts
with rape and murder.
There has to be some sort
of apprenticeship.
Something even before Karrakatta.
You just gave me an idea.
Hey, come here. Come here.
What if this guy was involved
in a minor crime and pled guilty?
It's possible his DNA
was collected but never tested.
Because the police didn't
have to prove his guilt.
We need to go back through
the old files.
Any sexual offence pre-1995.
(SIGHS) This box
shouldn't even be here.
This isn't even a sex crime.
Some kind of standover operation
in the '90s.
What's Huntingdale?
Looks like a series of break-ins
in and around Huntingdale.
Women's underwear
being stolen off the line.
Frequent sightings of a prowler
breaking into houses.
Yeah, that was found
at one of the assaults.
A...stockings used as a gag
and bindings.
The attacker brought those with him?
Mostly rapists don't
come with restraints.
The Karrakatta rapist did.
WOMAN: That's it.
That's what he was wearing.
This was...February 1988?
Valentine's Day.
Do you remember what he looked like?
Dad! Dad!
No, I didn't see his face.
Uh, Gavin?
Excuse me.
We just had a call from PathWest.
They got a hit?
Semen on the kimono.
It matches both the Karrakatta
rapist and Ciara's left thumbnail.
Is there anything else
you can tell us about your attacker?
Anything that might
help identify him?
Well, at the time, I had
no idea who the hell he was,
but afterwards, when I started
to tell my story to people,
everyone started telling
their own story about this guy
being around the neighbourhood
at the time.
Other sexual assaults?
No, mostly it was pranking stuff.
This guy would run around
the streets and break into houses.
He'd wear women's underwear
on his head.
Everyone thought it was funny.
They used to call him
the Huntingdale Weirdo.
The Huntingdale Weirdo.
Jeez, he got around.
There must be dozens of break-ins.
We just need one
where he left prints.
Think I've found something.
This was an attempt to break in
not too far from Kylee's house,
and only a few days
after her attack.
He left...
He left prints,
but he didn't get in.
Question is, do they match
anyone in the system?
Bradley Robert Edwards.
It's the only offence
ever recorded against him.
ever recorded against him.
Was it a sex crime?
Apparently the file just says
'common assault',
which is why it wasn't
picked up earlier.
Macro was only looking for
precursor sex crimes.
Is there a witness?
There was nothing 'common' about it.
I thought I was gonna die.
I have no doubt...
he intended to rape me.
The level of aggression... was just insane.
I was on the floor
with a gag in my mouth,
being dragged to the toilets.
And you told all this to the police?
I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Everyone treated it
like it was nothing.
I even had a meeting with his boss.
And they were saying,
"Oh, he's such a nice guy.
"He was having relationship problems.
He just had a brain snap."
I mean, seriously, what kind of guy
broad daylight to fix your phones
turns up to a hospital in
broad daylight to fix your phones
and tries to rape a social worker?
I couldn't believe it was being
swept under the carpet.
Fix the phones?
That's why he was there.
He was a Telstra technician. (SNIFFS)
GAVIN: That's him.
That's our killer.
At the time of the Huntingdale
prowler attacks,
he was an 18-year-old
living at home with his parents.
This is their house.
or sightings were reported.
These are the houses where break-ins
or sightings were reported.
This is the house where
Kylee Cosgrove was attacked
and the kimono found.
Now, he knew this house.
Wasn't too far from where he lived
with his parents.
His vehicles match.
At the time of Karrakatta, he was
driving a Telecom Mitsubishi van.
This matches the description
Lisa Todd gave of the cargo area
she was thrown into in '95.
His next vehicle was a white
Toyota Camry station wagon,
which Sarah Spiers
may have mistaken for a taxi.
But in 1997, he was driving this.
A Holden Commodore V6
Series 1 station wagon,
the exact vehicle
the Burger Boys described.
And we found the car.
it's still in operation.
We've tracked it to
a plant nursery in Chidlow.
The Burger Boys described the wheels
as having teardrop-shaped cutouts.
That wasn't standard
for that model Holden.
We thought they got it wrong.
They didn't.
They didn't.
Now, the question is...
when do we make our move?
And are we absolutely sure
this is our man?
And the big problem -
did he stop after Ciara?
Why would he?
He got married.
We think this gave him
the stability he needed
to put a stopper to the anger.
And if that is true,
then we have another problem,
because it appears the second wife
has just moved out.
So we need to move now.
Police! Don't move!
On the ground! Down on your knees!
On the ground! Down on your knees!
Stay where you are!
Hands on your head!
Hands behind your back.
I have in my possession
a search warrant
issued under
the Criminal Investigation Act.
Right, that's for you.
Bradley Robert Edwards,
you are now being arrested
on suspicion of the wilful murder
of Ciara Glennon...
What? What the...
..Jane Rimmer and Sarah Spiers.
You gotta be joking.
You're also being arrested on
suspicion of a break-in and assault
in Huntingdale in 1988,
and a rape in Karrakatta Cemetery
in 1995.
As a person arrested on suspicion,
you've got rights.
I'm gonna go through
those rights with you now,
OK, so listen carefully.
Do you have to speak to me?
Are you aware that
this is being recorded?
I'm just trying to process
what's going on.
OK. Is there any property here
that belongs to Ciara Glennon...
What? Don't...
..Jane Rimmer or Sarah Spiers?
Why would there be
anything like that here?
Better get him out of here.
Press has got wind of this.
Alright, get him out of here.
Can I just call my parents?
OFFICER: Watch your step.
WOMAN: Detective, any comments?
OK, go. Get out of here.
DAVE: You've got to find us something
from one of the girls,
anything linking Edwards to them.
Ciara's brooch, Jane's clothes,
Sarah, that...that key ring.
A sunflower, yeah. We'll find
something. Is he lawyering up?
DAVE: Not yet.
Said he doesn't want one.
Ring me when you've got something.
DAVE: You lead in there.
You're about the same age.
Build up some rapport.
Keep it friendly,
and let's make him sing.
Oh, shit.
You promised me
the biggest story of the year,
and then I see some blonde bimbo
reporting it live?
I was gonna call you, Alison.
I can't talk right now.
REPORTER: The police have not yet
issued an official statement.
We just wanted to ask you
a couple of questions.
Maybe we can just start
at the beginning?
Why don't you tell us
about your childhood?
But what does my childhood
have to...
Just to get to know you, you know?
OK. We...
We lived in a van for a while
because my dad was always
travelling for work,
but, um, it was good, you know?
We saw my parents' friends a lot.
Had barbecues on weekends.
Pretty normal,
just growing-up stuff.
And you wore glasses?
Yeah, I wasn't the best-looking kid.
I got teased about it.
OK. That's hard.
Mm. So I started wearing
contact lenses when I was about 20.
20. But you wore glasses
before that?
Mm. OK.
Valentine's Day in 1988.
Do you remember where you were?
Come on, mate, I can't even remember
where I was last week.
Do you remember Kylee Cosgrove?
She lived not far from you
in Huntingdale.
Uh, no, I don't think so.
Don't think so?
She didn't go to your school?
I mean, we might have...
I remember...
I remember the name Cosgrove.
I think my brother used to
swim at their pool or something,
but I...I don't...I didn't cross
paths with any Kylee Cosgrove.
OK. Yep.
And you know anything
about a kimono?
Two birds, red flowers on the back.
No. Nothing.
Maybe we can back up a bit.
Can you tell us
about your first marriage?
First marriage.
I was depressed.
Um, I drank a lot.
You know why she left?
We, uh...
We had a lodger
and she took up with him.
But I still kinda loved her,
you know?
And her parents told my parents
that leaving me
was the worst decision
that she ever made.
Your wife left you around
Australia Day '96?
Yeah, probably about then.
That's about when Sarah Spiers
went missing.
Isn't it? Yeah.
And you found out your wife
was pregnant to this lodger...
I guess... Well, if... Yeah, June.
June 1996.
That's about the time
Jane Rimmer went missing.
And I've got here you sold the home
you bought with your first wife
in January of 1997.
That's around the time
Ciara Glennon was abducted.
That's a hell of a coincidence.
Is that right, those dates?
Look, I don't know anything
about any of that.
I'm trying to be as honest
with you blokes as I can.
Will you submit to giving
a DNA sample?
Yeah, for testing.
You can oblige willingly,
or we can get a court order,
but either way, yeah, we'll get it.
No, no, I'll give it. I don't mind.
I keep telling you
I've got nothing to hide.
Just wanna go to sleep
and wake up and this'll all be over,
you know what I mean?
Hey, Dave.
We found porn, snuff films,
women's underwear
with the crotch cut out,
homemade sex toys,
some stuff he's written about rape.
I mean, this guy's a psycho fuck,
There's nothing to connect him
to the girls?
Yeah, not yet. Neither clothing,
nor jewellery. Not one trophy.
He's either hidden it, or...
He got rid of it.
Yeah. How's the interview going?
Uh, he's denying everything.
He's lying, Nikki.
He's making shit up.
But you still have enough
to charge him?
Yeah, but, you know,
a confession would be bloody nice.
I'll get one. I'll get a confession.
We'll have new DNA results
within an hour,
and when they match
with what we found on Ciara,
we won't need a confession.
What, he gave his DNA willingly?
He did.
He either doesn't think we doesn't
have anything to compare it to
or he's not our guy.
He's our guy.
We'll talk soon, eh?
You bet he is.
He's sleeping.
Only guilty bastards sleep.
The innocent are always pacing.
Mr Edwards.
It's time to get up.
Now, in 1996, when you were
working for Telstra,
did you drive
a Holden Commodore station wagon?
Yeah. And a cargo area in the back?
Yeah, there was a caged area
between the driver
and the rear area, but I think every
Telstra vehicle looked like that.
And did you drive around
the nightclubs in Claremont?
Um, I mean, I'm aware of them,
I've never been to them.
I...I don't go out to Claremont.
OK, we'll just take a look
at this map.
Do you know Rowe Park?
Are you positive?
Karrakatta Cemetery?
Yes. I was there for a memorial
for a woman in 2008, I think.
No time before?
Not that I recall.
Come in.
Thank you.
Are you aware of the women
who were abducted from Claremont
in '96 and '97?
I'm aware of them.
I think everybody was aware of them.
But I'm 110, I am 120% certain
that I'm not involved in any of this.
I don't know how many ways
that I can say no.
DNA results have come back
and they confirm that your DNA
is a positive match
for the kimono in Huntingdale...
No, that's not possible. 1988...
..for the rape...
..of a young woman
in Karrakatta Cemetery...
How can that be?
..and for the murder
of Ciara Glennon in 1997.
Can you explain that?
I...I can't.
You can't explain that?
Alright. You're an intelligent man.
You're not dumb.
Now, you know that your DNA
is unique.
You're the only person in the whole
world with that DNA profile.
I can... I can't explain that.
I mean...
Just tell us what happened.
I...I wish I could!
But I can't because I wasn't there!
I...I mean, you're...
Hey, slow down.
You don't believe that I did it...
Slow down.
..but you're the one saying
that I did it.
Listen, the question I asked you
is do you understand
that your DNA profile's unique?
I can't explain that!
I don't understand what's happening!
Well, we found your semen
on the kimono in Huntingdale.
We found your DNA on Lisa Todd
in Karrakatta Cemetery.
Can't explain that?
And we found your DNA
on Ciara Glennon, 27 years of age,
murdered March 14th, 1997, OK?
Your DNA is on her.
Can't explain that one either?
Alright. Are you an honest man?
I'm... Yes.
'Cause we interviewed
your stepdaughter.
And she said that your
most-prized virtue is your honesty.
I am being honest.
Are you a man who accepts
responsibility for your actions?
I accept responsibility
for the stuff that I have done,
not for the stuff that I haven't.
Bradley Robert Edwards,
you're now being charged with
the assault on Kylee Cosgrove...
No, you've got the wrong guy. 1988.
The rape of Lisa Todd in 1995
and the murders of
Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.
I did not do it!
You've got the wrong guy.
TV: I'm here to make
an important announcement...
(PHONE RINGS) the West Australian community.
Detectives from
the Special Crime Squad
have charged
a 48-year-old Kewdale man
with the murders of Jane Rimmer
and Ciara Glennon, and attacks...
..on other young women.
This has already been the biggest...
You watching this?
..and most complex police
investigation in WA's history.
Congratulations, Gav.
Hundreds of police officers...
Now we have to convict him.
..over the past 20 years.
You will.
The commitment of the WA Police
and its officers have never wavered.
We never give up.
He didn't confess and he's pleading
not guilty to every charge.
There's nothing in any of the houses
that links him to the girls.
Not one trophy,
not one hair, nothing.
Just tell him you got
something from his car.
Yeah, we found this.
You see it?
But that doesn't link him
to any of the girls.
You got anything else?
There was no blood or hair from them
in the car.
How can there be no blood?
Well, he must have killed them
where we found them.
But the fibres on Jane and Ciara
match, OK?
These grey ones
were found in the carpet
on the car floor and back well
of a Holden Commodore.
And on the handle that adjusts
the driver's seat,
13 blue fibres we can't ID yet.
But I had an idea about them.
You see it?
The shorts.
Yeah. These could be the source
of the blue fibres.
We've just got to find someone
who kept a pair since 1995.
I swear, OK? I didn't have
anything to do with it.
It's just like with that other guy,
that...public servant that they...
Lance Williams.
That's it.
Yeah. That's what the cops do.
They get tunnel vision,
they zone in on a guy.
But why'd they pick you, Dad?
I don't know.
They're saying that they've got
my DNA from an attack in 1988.
What's that, 30 years ago?
They're just trying to stitch me up,
you'll see.
We'll keep supporting you, Brad.
Don't worry.
So will Mum and Dad.
We all believe you.
I-I don't understand
how he isn't charged
with Sarah's...
with her...her murder.
There's still nothing concrete
that links him with Sarah, yet.
You need a body.
Not necessarily.
But we could use more evidence.
Do you have any kids?
In the country... can sometimes
fear the big city.
But our girls didn't.
They were just so...
But we worried for them and...
..we bought them a flat in a nice
part of town and a good car
and tried to keep them safe.
Still, just... just...
..blows up.
It's just your worst fear.
Don't let 'em forget about her.
Charge the bastard for those other
girls and forget about Sarah.
I'll make sure they don't.
Which way you headed?
Mosman Park.
Oh, that's OK,
I'm headed that way anyway.
Gav, what time is it?
GAVIN: I think
she must have seen his car.
It looked like a cab.
She'd just called one.
So she got in and only after he
started out did she realise that... wasn't a cab.
Yeah, she would have panicked then.
No, but Edwards,
he must have sweet-talked her.
No-one heard anything in Claremont,
so somehow he got her to stay quiet.
That's what we always thought,
but how are you gonna prove
Sarah got in his car?
I'll prove it. I'll prove it.
We don't know what really happened
that night. No-one does.
Defence will say
Sarah ran off with a guy
or went for a midnight swim
and drowned or any...
I don't really care what defence
has to say. She got in his car.
But you have to be able to prove it.
Just take a step back, Gav, and...
I'm not stepping back.
We have to get him.
For Sarah.
For their family. We have to
get him. I have to get him.
I've gotta get him.
A Telstra tech named Jeff Cohen
kept these since 1995.
Never even worn them.
ChemCentre tested them
and the fibres from the dye lot
are an exact match to the fibres
found on Jane, Lisa and Ciara.
This blue is unique to Telstra?
The dye was developed
exclusively for them.
A different blue from police
uniforms or any other tradies.
This puts a Telstra worker
at the scene of all three crimes.
Car fibres, these, they're good,
but they're circumstantial.
This could be
from any Telstra worker.
Only the DNA on Ciara's nail
puts Edwards there.
That's enough, right?
The lawyer that Edwards hired,
Paul Yovich, he's smart.
He knows he'll have to create
doubt about the DNA.
If I were Yovich,
I'd suggest there might have been
cross-contamination at the lab.
Can he prove that?
I'm afraid PathWest has a history
of cross-contamination.
But don't worry, I still think
that we can convict him
for Jane and Ciara's murder.
What about Sarah? You've gotta get
Sarah on the brief.
You can't let him walk on her.
Once we prove Edwards' guilt
on Jane and Ciara with the same MO,
the same propensity of evidence,
we should be able
to connect him to Sarah.
So you're going to add Sarah
to the charge brief?
Yes. The Spiers deserve that.
But prepare yourself.
Justice Hall could still dismiss
her charge for lack of evidence.
Don't let him.
Then I suggest, Detective,
that you get me some more evidence
connecting Edwards to Sarah Spiers.
Doesn't matter
how many times you look at it,
you still can't tell it's Edwards.
It could be him.
If he'd just turn around.
Have you seen this?
I didn't even know he was sick.
I got in his car.
I said it was him.
I was so sure.
So was I.
You know, if Lance had picked up
Jane or any of those girls...
..they'd still be alive.
But now you've got the right guy.
You have his DNA.
No way is he getting out of this.
That's the thing, I didn't have
anything to do with the murders,
I swear.
And I've been thinking.
I want to give evidence.
I want to...
I want to say that at trial.
If you do that, you could be on
the stand for six months in cross.
And they can ask you anything.
You have to answer,
in detail and under oath.
I can do that.
Look, it is your decision in the end.
Could you stop doing that?
Listen to me. Putting you
on the stand, in my opinion,
that would be a mistake.
They'll push you hard, Bradley.
But all this time being locked up,
I've been searching my conscience
and I want to plead guilty
to the assaults at Huntingdale
and Karrakatta.
Yep. Yep. I was a different person
back then. I snapped.
It wasn't really me.
Plus they've got that DNA
at both the crime scenes, right?
That'll hold up in court?
Those samples have been locked away
for 20 years.
They'll be convincing.
Right. So that's what I'm thinking.
Bradley, I can't be a party
to any lies.
I'm not lying.
I did the assaults, but I didn't do
the murders. I couldn't do that.
I'm not guilty of murder.
It's just the cops
are pinning it on me
because they want to blame somebody.
So if you plead guilty
to the assaults,
you plead early,
you save the court time and money.
You could get a reduced sentence.
And of course with time in custody,
probably looking at
three or four years.
That's it?
And if I can prove
the cross-contamination of DNA
taken from Ciara Glennon,
you could be out before you're 55.
So...what about before,
pleading not guilty to the assaults?
Can that work against me?
No, there's no law
against lying to the police.
Justice Hall can't let
lying about an earlier crime
influence his decision
about the murders.
Right. So pleading guilty to
the assaults is my best way forward?
If it's the truth.
That's the truth.
In a shock announcement today,
Bradley Edwards,
the accused Claremont serial killer,
is now pleading guilty to rape and
assault charges from 1988 and 1995.
Since his arrest, Mr Edwards has
steadfastly insisted his innocence.
And though he is now pleading guilty
to the rape and assault charges,
he still maintains
that he never killed anyone,
and will fight those charges
to the utmost of his abilities.
Four years?
With time in custody,
that's the minimum he could get
for the assault and rape.
For everything he did, four years?
That won't happen.
Conviction on the murder charges
will get him life
with no chance of parole.
If the DNA doesn't get thrown out
on some bullshit contamination
argument. Gav, we'll get him.
We haven't got him
for 20 years, Nik.
This guy's had the devil's luck and
I'm not certain it's run out yet.
REPORTER: People lined up outside
the court before sunrise,
hoping for a front-row seat.
REPORTER: ..chilling day of evidence
from the opening
of the Claremont serial killings.
REPORTER: ..with a high level
of public interest.
REPORTER: Edwards is charged
with the murders
of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer...
REPORTER: ..trial by judge alone.
The three women disappeared...
If Trevor was alive, he'd be here.
He loved Janey so much.
We pray for Ciara all the time.
When Una and I see a girl
around her...her age,
we think of her still.
Sarah had something different
about her to most other kids.
She had this lovely warmth
about her, didn't she?
ALISON: The trial of the century
in Western Australia
gets underway today.
The amount of evidence
that's been gathered for this case
has been staggering.
Over 16,000 DNA samples
have been taken.
200 witnesses are expected
to be called,
with 10,000 pages
of interview transcripts.
110 gigabytes
of prosecution disclosures,
a million pages of evidence.
The DNA and fibre evidence alone is
said to be over 60,000 pages long.
In a 14-month period,
three bright, beautiful young women
vanished from the streets
of Claremont.
There were so many questions
for which the lack of answers
cemented a fear
that ran through the community,
a fear that was caused
by an enigma of the dark.
In the coming months,
the state will demystify this enigma
and prove that there was one killer.
And that killer
is Bradley Robert Edwards.
The deaths of these young women
were unlawful killings.
There is no doubt
or dispute about that.
The issue is the identity
of the killer,
and Bradley Edwards' defence
in each case is that.
It wasn't him.
WOMAN: We were happy
in the marriage at first.
Um, but then he became obsessed
with his computer.
So, yeah, he would come home
from work
and disappear into the spare room.
He wasn't interested in me
and he wasn't present
in the marriage, and stuff happened.
MAN: We were laughing
and then she kissed me.
Or I kissed her. I...
I can't remember.
He didn't say anything. He just...
..walked away.
You are one of what has become known
as the 'Living Witnesses'.
And what happened to you
in November of 1996?
I'd been at Club Bayview.
I'd had a bit to drink.
Um, and there were no cabs, but
I was trying to get to Shenton Park.
I didn't care how, you know?
It was a different time back then.
We didn't worry
about things like that.
But then I saw a car, and it looked
like a taxi, and the driver stopped.
What kind of car was it?
It looked like
a Holden station wagon.
Can you give me a lift
to Shenton Park?
Oh, hey, this isn't a taxi.
Oh, that's alright.
I'll take you there anyway.
I didn't feel unsafe,
but something made me say that
I'd left my shoes up on the road...
My shoes! I left my shoes!
..and would it be OK
if I went to grab them?
So I grabbed my shoes and two guys
that I'd been drinking with...
Is it OK if you take these guys too?
We're all going to the same place.
He didn't say anything.
He just drove us to Shenton Park.
Did you notice anything
about the car?
It was a Telecom Telstra car.
When the sample labelled AJM40,
the sample taken
from Ciara Glennon's nail,
was finally tested,
did you recover male DNA from it?
Yes, we did.
What was the result?
The DNA matched the profile
of the defendant, Bradley Edwards.
To clarify, when sample AJM40
was originally taken,
how was it labelled?
What was written on the label
of the container in 1997?
'Debris only.
Not suitable for analysis.'
Not suitable for analysis.
And yet more than 10 years later,
somehow miraculously
it's suitable for testing.
Not miraculously.
The advancements in DNA technology
in the past...
But at the time,
when it was first handled,
it was labelled 'Debris only'.
Have you considered the possibility
of cross-contamination in your lab,
where a bit of DNA gets somewhere
where it shouldn't?
Perhaps the right protocols
aren't being used
and perhaps the same pair of gloves
are being worn for two experiments.
Of course we consider it,
and we take all necessary precautions
to make sure contamination
doesn't happen, but in this case...
Doesn't PathWest have a poor record
of cross-contamination?
I would say, of the hundreds
and thousands of tests,
we have a very good record of...
When intimate swabs collected
from Jane Rimmer were analysed
in 2017 by UK laboratory Cellmark,
did they show the DNA profile
matching that of a male -
not you, sir - PathWest scientist?
Yes, they did.
When intimate swabs collected from
Ciara Glennon were analysed in 2017,
did they yield the profile
of yet another - not you, sir -
PathWest scientist?
And we've all seen videos
collected from the crime scene.
Police officers not wearing gloves.
No shoe protection.
No forensic overalls.
It was a different time.
Indeed it was.
When Mr Edwards was employed
at Telstra,
was he ever called to PathWest
to repair the phones?
Not...not to my knowledge, no.
Not to your knowledge.
There were bombshells in court today
where cross-contamination claims
had the prosecution on their heels.
The verdict in this case
seems to be in the balance.
Hey, what's all this rubbish
you're broadcasting about?
Do you really believe there's
cross-contamination of his DNA?
I'm just reporting what was said.
He murdered three women.
Are you trying to help get him off?
I'm just reporting
what was said in court.
Listen, people don't want
to speak to you anymore, OK?
They're fuckin' pissed off.
You heard the evidence.
Edwards might be acquitted.
Everyone needs to be
prepared for that.
JUDGE: Mr Yovich,
the State has closed.
Is the defence ready to proceed?
Your Honour, the defence is closed.
What? You're not going
to be calling any witnesses?
No, Your Honour. We will address
the case in our closing statement.
Mr Edwards, can you please stand?
The decision to give evidence
is entirely yours,
but given the importance
of this case,
do you wish to make any statement
in your own defence?
No, Your Honour.
Nearly seven months ago,
the State made reference
to an enigma of the dark
and promised to shed light
on that enigma.
It's the forensic evidence
that has cast light
and unmasked a killer.
The fibres, the DNA.
One offender
is responsible for the murders
of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer
and Ciara Glennon.
Bradley Robert Edwards, we say,
is the Claremont killer.
One fifth of one billionth
of one gram.
That's how much DNA was found
on Ciara Glennon's nail.
Your Honour, are you able
to be satisfied,
beyond reasonable doubt,
the DNA finding is only explicable
on the basis that the accused
killed Ciara Glennon?
Contamination events are rare,
but they do happen,
and they only have to happen once.
The carpet fibres, the pant fibres,
they could come from
any Telstra employee.
The only actual evidence that my
client might be the Claremont killer
is the DNA that was found
on Ciara Glennon's nail.
Are you willing, Your Honour,
to put a man in jail
for the rest of his life
on that evidence?
One fifth of one billionth
of one gram.
CARMEL: Hello, Gavin.
The verdict's in.
Do you know what it says?
No. Just get to the court.
After a 20-year police investigation
and subsequent seven-month
Supreme Court trial,
we'll finally get a verdict...
REPORT: The Claremont
serial killings trial...
Onlookers came here earlier today,
queuing up on the steps...
This is a trial like no other.
It's a trial like no other because of
its size and high degree of interest.
Three women went missing
from a popular nightlife area
frequented by many young people.
It inspired a pervasive fear
in the entire Perth community.
But it's a trial like every other,
because the accused
is presumed innocent
and the State must prove its case
beyond reasonable doubt.
I am satisfied
that the evidence
establishes that each of the victims
was abducted and killed.
The issue therefore is the identity
of the killer, or killers.
Having regard to the DNA evidence
and the propensity evidence,
I am satisfied
beyond reasonable doubt
that Bradley Edwards was the killer
of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.
Mr Edwards chose semi-rural locations
and hid the bodies
with the intention of minimising
the chances of them being found
and his offences being discovered.
In respect of Ms Spiers, I have
reached the following conclusions.
There are some similarities
between the circumstances
of Ms Spiers' disappearance
and the death of
Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.
But they do not allow
for a conclusion to be reached
that the person responsible for the
killing of Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer
must necessarily be the same person
as who killed Ms Spiers.
The propensity of evidence
suggests it is likely
that the accused was the killer.
But it cannot be proved
beyond reasonable doubt.
So, based on those findings,
the verdict must be...
..on count six,
the wilful murder of Sarah Spiers,
not guilty.
DENIS GLENNON: We pray for
Ciara all the time.
Whenever Una and I see a young woman
of Ciara's age,
well, we think of her still.
I always said that Ciara...
Ciara would fight for her life.
Little did I know how,
well, how...prophetic
those words would be.
It's hard to understand.
We interviewed 16,000 men
and his name never came up.
He was never on our radar.
And it's hard not to wonder
what Sarah's life...
..and ours would be like
if she hadn't been taken from us.
She would have had kids.
You say something, love?
Sarah loved kids.
This isn't over.
We'll keep looking for her.
Thanks for everything
you've done for us, Detective.
You treated us right.
She is a normal young lady
and she would never go off
without telling us.
What's going on?
Missing girl in Claremont.
You watch, the bosses
will handball this to us.
Welcome to Macro.
On Saturday night, a second girl
went missing from Claremont.
Jane Rimmer, 23.
We're proceeding on the assumption
that the same perpetrator
took Sarah Spiers.
The guy who took Sarah and Jane,
he's the guy who raped me.
I think it could be
the same perpetrator.
We might have a living witness.
Dental records have confirmed that
the body found in Wellard yesterday
is that of Jane Rimmer, the second
girl to go missing from Claremont.
We currently hold grave fears
for the safety of a young woman
who was last seen leaving
the Continental Hotel in Claremont
at approximately midnight on Friday.
Are you looking for a serial killer?
We certainly have fears.
Ciara's injuries are
consistent with Jane's.
What about DNA?
There's a good chance.
She fought hard.
OK, listen up.
We may finally have someone.
Lance Williams.
He's the best suspect we've had
since the beginning.
So every weekend, we're putting 50
people on the ground in Claremont.
Get in. I'll give you a lift.
Police, don't move!
Stay where you are.
Hands on the car.
I'm not the person
you're looking for.
I didn't take anyone.
The fire poker's missing
from Lance's flat.
There's a fireplace,
fire iron set, no poker.
This is the weapon that caused the
wound to the back of Ciara's head.
We think Lance will
consent to a polygraph?
If he doesn't, he'll look guilty.
I've got no comment.
Lance, the police say
you are the number one
Claremont serial killer suspect.
No-one's had anything
to fear from me.
You see, I'm just a person that
got caught up in this whole thing.
I just did a two-hour interview
with Lance Williams.
I don't think it's him.
Lance Williams
fits every profile we have.
And what if you're wrong, and
the real killer's still out there?
Some other guy that
you know nothing about
because you've spent
all this time on Lance?
There is no other guy.
Lance Williams
is the Claremont serial killer.
End of story.
MAN: ..between your neck and cheek.
And then use your body weight
to really lob it forward.
And then just push forward, OK?
Give it a go.
Easy enough. Alright.
That's it.
Oh, wow!
This is, like, day one.
That was amazing.
ALISON: Luckily, the pesky pooch
was found unharmed.
Hopefully he learnt
a valuable lesson
along with his owners.
Alison Fan, 7 Nightly News.
What are you doing here?
I finished early.
Are we still on for dinner?
Oh, you bet.
Um, I'll just finish up here.
Are you still getting wine?
Yeah, sure. What sort?
As long as I'm doing stories about
lost dogs, any wine is good wine.
I thought you might be
back on Claremont.
I heard a rumour.
It all seemed pretty hush-hush,
but it sounded like
there's a team back on it.
What the hell are you
doing out here?
Took me three days to find you.
Why are you looking?
Cold Case Squad
has reopened Claremont.
There's no one from Macro.
Apparently they're the new breed.
They've all got forensic training.
And why are you telling me?
Don't you want in?
I spent six years on Claremont.
Look where it got me.
Don't you wanna find the guy?
I mean, are you really happy
out here with all the cows?
Sarah Spiers is still missing.
I'm sorry.
Mosman Park?
SONG: # Ooh
# Ooh, ooh
# Ooh
# Ooh, ooh...
# Ooh, ooh
# Ooh, ooh...
# Ooh. #
Who's this?
He insisted on being let in.
Gavin Wyatt. He's driven in from...
I worked on the original Macro team.
I want to join you.
I'm sorry.
I know everything about this case.
Yeah, that's the problem.
We're starting with a clean slate,
out of the public eye.
OK, well, maybe I can help
shortcut stuff.
Instead of having to re-read
everything, I can...
I'm sorry, it's...
it's not gonna work.
Alison Fan found me
way out in the country.
It's only a matter of time before
she finds out what you're doing.
You're obviously doing this
on the quiet.
Do the bosses know
you've reopened the case?
Well, it's a cold case.
We're allowed to reopen...
Yeah, but I bet they don't know
you've reopened
this particular can of worms.
The most famous unsolved murder case
in West Australian history.
And I bet there'd be
a few noses out of joint
if the old Macro hierarchy finds out
you're questioning their approach.
Maybe he can explain the fire poker.
Why was Macro so sure that
Lance Williams's poker
was the murder weapon?
Well, once I noticed it
missing from Lance's flat,
we bought an identical poker
and sent it to London.
A pathologist at the Royal College
the poker fitted the wound
to Ciara's skull.
Yeah, he was wrong.
We found Lance's poker.
Well, Lance has never been
to Queensland.
Exactly. We tracked down the woman
who sold the flat to Lance.
She meant to leave the whole set
behind with the fireplace,
but somehow the poker was packed up
by the removalists.
You guys never followed this up?
It fitted so perfectly.
It made sense that she was...
Alright, well, hang on a sec.
What caused the wound
to Ciara's head, then?
Wasn't a wound.
You know, everyone assumes
Claremont was my worst case.
My worst case was
a Christmas Day murder.
There was blood everywhere.
Over presents, the manger.
That indentation?
She was hit over
the back of the head...
No, she wasn't.
I was wrong. This is a Wormian bone.
What's a Wormian bone?
It's a naturally
occurring skull formation
that can look like a fracture.
And no-one noticed this until now?
Well, once the poker was dismissed
as a murder weapon,
we asked the pathologist
to review her findings.
She called in an anthropologist.
That means what, exactly?
Lance Williams is not
the Claremont serial killer.
He has to be.
OK, he was out on the street
every night, stalking girls.
He fits every profile.
A loner, the prostitutes,
he failed the lie detector test...
There is not one shred of evidence
that connects Lance to the murders.
There's no blood in his house,
on his car, on his clothes.
No fibres, no hair.
And none of his DNA was found
anywhere at the crime scene.
Then why did the crimes stop?
The second we started following
Lance, they stopped.
No more girls were taken.
If I was a serial killer
and I knew the police
had a suspect...
..dumbest thing I can do
is kill again.
You still wanna work with us?
Are you sure you want back in
if they're just gonna pour shit
on everything we did?
They're smart, Bobbi.
Dave's DNA trained,
Nikki's a fibre expert.
They've thrown out the suspect book.
It's all about the evidence.
You're gonna solve
Australia's biggest cold case
with three detectives?
Sorry, now it sounds like
I'm the one pouring shit.
I hope you find him.
I really do.
You miss it, don't you?
I've moved on. Corporate's good.
It is.
Some things...
..maybe it's easier
to leave them behind.
I'm going to find him, Bobbi.
Even if it kills me.
Make sure it doesn't.
Ciara's missing thumbnail
and middle finger.
I remember.
All that's left where the nail was
are three red dots.
Yeah, blood.
So she's clawing at him so hard
her nail has ripped off.
You'd think she'd have to scrape
some of his skin.
Yeah, but the nail was never
found at the crime scene.
Caught in his clothes,
fell off somewhere else?
Was any of the remaining nail tested?
Yes, we tested everything,
and I mean everything.
Every jar, every scrap of nail.
Some went to New Zealand,
some to the FBI.
We tested every single one of these.
There's nothing else.
What about AJM40?
It doesn't appear on
any of the test results.
Uh, AJM40.
Let's see here.
Aha! That's why.
'Debris only.
Not suitable for analysis.'
Why not?
Because at the time, there wasn't
enough in there to test.
I think there might be enough now.
For his services
to Little Athletics,
Bradley Edwards.
London lab called. It worked.
Fax coming through now.
They extracted two DNA sets.
The first belonged to Ciara...
..the other to an unknown male.
We've got his DNA.
We've got the Claremont killer's DNA.
Can we have a word
with Lance, please?
When is this gonna stop?
He's only just out of hospital.
Depression, anxiety. Huh! No wonder.
Mr Williams.
Uh, we wanted to tell you officially
that you're no longer a person of
interest in the Claremont matter.
What does that mean?
You won't be hearing from us anymore.
I'm sorry.
You were only doing your job.
The DNA isn't Lance Williams's.
It's from the Karrakatta rapist.
We tested the DNA against
all the original major suspects.
The mayor, Steve Ross. Nothing.
And then I remembered your case.
Lisa. Karrakatta.
And it matched?
Well, it matched Unknown Male #4.
You were right, Bobbi.
Lisa was raped by the man
who went on to become
the Claremont serial killer.
I need you to come back in.
Come on, just to talk to them, OK?
You know this case backwards.
You can tell them better than me.
No way. I'm out. I told you.
This time we are doing
everything by the book,
and when we catch this guy,
we're gonna need you as a witness
to present the statement
you took from Lisa in '96.
Her name was Lisa Todd. She was 17.
A year before Sarah went missing,
she was partying in Claremont.
On her way home,
she was grabbed from Rowe Park.
She was taken to
Karrakatta Cemetery and raped.
But the rape kit didn't match
anyone on file at the time.
So this Unknown Male #4, Macro was
onto him as a suspect for Claremont.
What happened?
Well, Lisa was a blitz attack.
It was thought all three girls
willingly got into vehicles.
These are the shorts
she was wearing.
Her T-shirt, underwear, shoes.
And this is the cord
he used to tie her.
But we could never find any evidence
the Claremont killer
tied up any of the three girls,
or attacked them from behind.
We've gone back over
Jane's post-mortem photographs.
There's a mark on her wrist that
suggests she might have been tied up.
But if the girls got into
the vehicle voluntarily,
when did he tie them -
how would that work?
We found other witnesses.
Girls who accepted lifts around
the same time and had close calls.
This one, Katrina Jones.
Late 1995. She'd been at a wedding.
At 2:30 in the morning,
she was trying to get a lift.
No. As a matter of fact, I'm not.
He offered her a lift.
She said he seemed nice.
Thanks so much.
She asked what he did for a living.
He said he was a Telstra worker,
like her brother.
DAVE: That's when things went wrong.
Yeah, she said she picked up vibes.
She must have sensed
something was wrong
because she got him to drop her off
five houses back from her car.
Next minute, he was behind her.
It's exactly what happened to Lisa.
She'd already told him
she was a blue belt in taekwondo.
He backed off.
She tried to get his numberplate
but all she had to write with
was lipstick.
So when was this?
Late '95.
So after Karrakatta
but before Sarah.
So that's what happened to Sarah.
He actually drove her
to Mosman Park and let her out.
Then he came up behind her.
So these witnesses. They all
got into a Telstra vehicle?
Or a white vehicle
consistent with that.
We're calling them
the Telstra Living Witnesses.
But after Karrakatta, we asked
Telstra for a list of drivers.
We checked every single one.
In '95, Telstra logos were being
changed over from the old Telecom.
Macro asked for Telstra drivers.
That's what you got.
If the killer was still driving a
Telecom vehicle, he missed the net.
That is...
But the problem then
is the problem now.
The Karrakatta rape was unsolved.
How do we identify
Unknown Male #4?
Well, for starters, we're asking
for a list of Telecom drivers
from the '90s,
but that could take some time.
So we're also running his sample
against every single piece of DNA
that Macro ever collected.
We DNA-tested 9,000 local men.
Plus over 2,000 taxi drivers
and their cars.
Yeah, so don't hold your breath.
What happened to
that update you promised me?
We're still working on it.
Do you have anything?
Come on, Gav, I could
run with this any time.
"Cold Case Unit secretly
reopens Claremont."
It's a great story for me.
It's one night.
If you hold off, I'll give you
the biggest story of the year.
When? Gav?
You know Sarah
would have been 38 this year
and that her dad's still
shearing 10 hours a day.
So he never has to stop and think
about his missing daughter.
Don. Carol.
Sorry. It's not you.
We've got his DNA.
We've matched him to
a precursor crime.
Now we've just gotta match
his DNA with a name.
You know what I don't get?
Someone out there knows who it is.
Someone who works with him.
Someone who gave birth to him.
Do they know?
ALISON: Hello?
Got a pen and paper?
It's been nearly 20 years
since Sarah Spiers went missing,
the first victim of
the Claremont serial killer.
Or was she?
In a sensational breakthrough,
sources close to police
have revealed
they have forensic evidence
linking the man who murdered
Ciara Glennon to an earlier victim.
Her identity remains
a closely guarded secret.
If they've got the forensic evidence,
why can't they just arrest him?
..of Claremont and brutally raped
in Karrakatta Cemetery
managed to escape.
They now believe there
may have been earlier attacks,
what they're calling
'precursor crimes'.
They're looking for young women who
were assaulted in the Claremont area
before Sarah...
I can give Maddie
a lift if you like.
Ah, yes. Yeah, OK.
Oh, have you thought more
about her 21st?
Well, thinking about it's one thing,
but how do we pay for it?
I don't understand
why we're always so short.
You know, we're both working,
I'm not spending it on anything.
So where's it all going?
Hey, Dad, can I grab
a lift to uni today?
Yeah, sure, but I'm going now.
Yeah, I'm ready.
See ya, Mum.
We need to talk about this.
It's in all the papers,
all over the TV.
You've completely blown our cover.
Someone needed to put a rocket
under the case.
This will get us
blasted out of the job.
But now we're actually getting calls.
Other women who were picked up
in Claremont at the same time.
Crime Stoppers is getting hammered.
Yeah, and who's gonna process
all the leads if we get fired, hmm?
Yep. Yep, he's here.
It's the boss.
Yes, sir.
No, I understand.
Yes, I should have consulted you.
Are we fired?
No. No, he's, uh,
he's giving us more people.
Thanks. Thanks, Julie.
We are getting
dozens of calls about Claremont.
From who?
Women who accepted lifts
from white cars in the '90s
and never came forward.
Why not?
With all the Lance Williams talk
in the papers,
they thought
you already had the guy.
But, God, it's been so long now,
no-one can ID him.
Any news from the DNA tests?
We've checked the sample against
every single piece of DNA on the
West Australian database - nothing.
We have to wait for the international
and national requests now.
That'll take months.
How can we be so close?
We've got his DNA, for God's sake.
Is there anything else we can do?
We want to test
Jane's hair for fibres.
Jane had been to the hairdresser
the morning before her death,
so any fibres in her hair
can be narrowed down to
having got there after that.
You're hoping to find
something from the perpetrator?
Well, it's a long shot, we know,
but the paperwork says you collected
Jane's entire hair mass
during the post-mortem?
We've searched Trace.
It's not there, so...
Because I sent it to Toxicology,
not Trace.
At the time,
I wanted to test for drugs.
I thought maybe
she'd been administered
something to knock her out.
So it's still at Tox?
As far as I know.
Right, what am I looking at?
Isn't it obvious?
To someone with
a PhD in fibres, sure.
Let's just pretend that's not me.
(LAUGHS) OK. So this is a fibre
we found in Jane's hair.
The Forensic guys managed
to extract 20 of these.
Do we know what they are?
Well, some we have no idea.
Fibres you can't match
with anything.
But this one, this has a name.
Blue Graphite.
And it matches the upholstery
of a...
..Holden Commodore V6 Series 1
station wagon.
Why do I know that vehicle?
Because it's the vehicle
the burger boys described seeing
the night Ciara was taken.
Check her out.
It was a white, late-model
Series 1 VS Holden station wagon.
Did Macro look for Holden
station wagons at the time?
Yep, but that search was shelved
once we started focusing on Lance.
He drove a Toyota Camry.
So is this it? One fibre?
No. Other fibres collected
match a different carpet
made especially for
the cargo area of Holdens.
Suggesting Jane was in the cargo area
sometime after her visit
to the hairdresser.
Yeah, and there's more.
Fibres found on Ciara match the
carpet from the same make of car.
We're going car hunting,
boys and girls.
EDWARDS: I gotta tell you something.
You getting cold feet
about the wedding?
I got a criminal record.
After my first wife cheated on me,
I had...
I just... I couldn't handle it.
I had a brain snap.
What happened?
There was this woman at work, and...
I took it out on her.
No, no, it was nothing like that.
They called it a common assault.
It was stupid.
I don't know what came over me.
It was like I just snapped, you know?
(SOBS) It was so dumb.
It was so dumb.
I just wanted you to know
before we got married.
Hey. Hey!
I just feel so ashamed.
Hey, it's OK. It's alright.
I just wanted to be honest with you.
OK. OK. It's alright.
We went through car lots,
wrecking yards.
Took apart every
'96 V6 Commodore we could find.
BOBBI: Nothing?
And nothing from trying to check
the workers who drove Telecom cars.
They no longer have the records.
It has been 20 years.
Hey, are you seeing anyone?
What? No.
Pick up some random
for the fun of it?
No, just try to have some
sort of life outside this case.
Did I tell you we didn't get
a DNA match from interstate?
It's amazing. This guy just
does not have a criminal record.
He has to. No-one starts
with rape and murder.
There has to be some sort
of apprenticeship.
Something even before Karrakatta.
You just gave me an idea.
Hey, come here. Come here.
What if this guy was involved
in a minor crime and pled guilty?
It's possible his DNA
was collected but never tested.
Because the police didn't
have to prove his guilt.
We need to go back through
the old files.
Any sexual offence pre-1995.
(SIGHS) This box
shouldn't even be here.
This isn't even a sex crime.
Some kind of standover operation
in the '90s.
What's Huntingdale?
Looks like a series of break-ins
in and around Huntingdale.
Women's underwear
being stolen off the line.
Frequent sightings of a prowler
breaking into houses.
Yeah, that was found
at one of the assaults.
A...stockings used as a gag
and bindings.
The attacker brought those with him?
Mostly rapists don't
come with restraints.
The Karrakatta rapist did.
WOMAN: That's it.
That's what he was wearing.
This was...February 1988?
Valentine's Day.
Do you remember what he looked like?
Dad! Dad!
No, I didn't see his face.
Uh, Gavin?
Excuse me.
We just had a call from PathWest.
They got a hit?
Semen on the kimono.
It matches both the Karrakatta
rapist and Ciara's left thumbnail.
Is there anything else
you can tell us about your attacker?
Anything that might
help identify him?
Well, at the time, I had
no idea who the hell he was,
but afterwards, when I started
to tell my story to people,
everyone started telling
their own story about this guy
being around the neighbourhood
at the time.
Other sexual assaults?
No, mostly it was pranking stuff.
This guy would run around
the streets and break into houses.
He'd wear women's underwear
on his head.
Everyone thought it was funny.
They used to call him
the Huntingdale Weirdo.
The Huntingdale Weirdo.
Jeez, he got around.
There must be dozens of break-ins.
We just need one
where he left prints.
Think I've found something.
This was an attempt to break in
not too far from Kylee's house,
and only a few days
after her attack.
He left...
He left prints,
but he didn't get in.
Question is, do they match
anyone in the system?
Bradley Robert Edwards.
It's the only offence
ever recorded against him.
ever recorded against him.
Was it a sex crime?
Apparently the file just says
'common assault',
which is why it wasn't
picked up earlier.
Macro was only looking for
precursor sex crimes.
Is there a witness?
There was nothing 'common' about it.
I thought I was gonna die.
I have no doubt...
he intended to rape me.
The level of aggression... was just insane.
I was on the floor
with a gag in my mouth,
being dragged to the toilets.
And you told all this to the police?
I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Everyone treated it
like it was nothing.
I even had a meeting with his boss.
And they were saying,
"Oh, he's such a nice guy.
"He was having relationship problems.
He just had a brain snap."
I mean, seriously, what kind of guy
broad daylight to fix your phones
turns up to a hospital in
broad daylight to fix your phones
and tries to rape a social worker?
I couldn't believe it was being
swept under the carpet.
Fix the phones?
That's why he was there.
He was a Telstra technician. (SNIFFS)
GAVIN: That's him.
That's our killer.
At the time of the Huntingdale
prowler attacks,
he was an 18-year-old
living at home with his parents.
This is their house.
or sightings were reported.
These are the houses where break-ins
or sightings were reported.
This is the house where
Kylee Cosgrove was attacked
and the kimono found.
Now, he knew this house.
Wasn't too far from where he lived
with his parents.
His vehicles match.
At the time of Karrakatta, he was
driving a Telecom Mitsubishi van.
This matches the description
Lisa Todd gave of the cargo area
she was thrown into in '95.
His next vehicle was a white
Toyota Camry station wagon,
which Sarah Spiers
may have mistaken for a taxi.
But in 1997, he was driving this.
A Holden Commodore V6
Series 1 station wagon,
the exact vehicle
the Burger Boys described.
And we found the car.
it's still in operation.
We've tracked it to
a plant nursery in Chidlow.
The Burger Boys described the wheels
as having teardrop-shaped cutouts.
That wasn't standard
for that model Holden.
We thought they got it wrong.
They didn't.
They didn't.
Now, the question is...
when do we make our move?
And are we absolutely sure
this is our man?
And the big problem -
did he stop after Ciara?
Why would he?
He got married.
We think this gave him
the stability he needed
to put a stopper to the anger.
And if that is true,
then we have another problem,
because it appears the second wife
has just moved out.
So we need to move now.
Police! Don't move!
On the ground! Down on your knees!
On the ground! Down on your knees!
Stay where you are!
Hands on your head!
Hands behind your back.
I have in my possession
a search warrant
issued under
the Criminal Investigation Act.
Right, that's for you.
Bradley Robert Edwards,
you are now being arrested
on suspicion of the wilful murder
of Ciara Glennon...
What? What the...
..Jane Rimmer and Sarah Spiers.
You gotta be joking.
You're also being arrested on
suspicion of a break-in and assault
in Huntingdale in 1988,
and a rape in Karrakatta Cemetery
in 1995.
As a person arrested on suspicion,
you've got rights.
I'm gonna go through
those rights with you now,
OK, so listen carefully.
Do you have to speak to me?
Are you aware that
this is being recorded?
I'm just trying to process
what's going on.
OK. Is there any property here
that belongs to Ciara Glennon...
What? Don't...
..Jane Rimmer or Sarah Spiers?
Why would there be
anything like that here?
Better get him out of here.
Press has got wind of this.
Alright, get him out of here.
Can I just call my parents?
OFFICER: Watch your step.
WOMAN: Detective, any comments?
OK, go. Get out of here.
DAVE: You've got to find us something
from one of the girls,
anything linking Edwards to them.
Ciara's brooch, Jane's clothes,
Sarah, that...that key ring.
A sunflower, yeah. We'll find
something. Is he lawyering up?
DAVE: Not yet.
Said he doesn't want one.
Ring me when you've got something.
DAVE: You lead in there.
You're about the same age.
Build up some rapport.
Keep it friendly,
and let's make him sing.
Oh, shit.
You promised me
the biggest story of the year,
and then I see some blonde bimbo
reporting it live?
I was gonna call you, Alison.
I can't talk right now.
REPORTER: The police have not yet
issued an official statement.
We just wanted to ask you
a couple of questions.
Maybe we can just start
at the beginning?
Why don't you tell us
about your childhood?
But what does my childhood
have to...
Just to get to know you, you know?
OK. We...
We lived in a van for a while
because my dad was always
travelling for work,
but, um, it was good, you know?
We saw my parents' friends a lot.
Had barbecues on weekends.
Pretty normal,
just growing-up stuff.
And you wore glasses?
Yeah, I wasn't the best-looking kid.
I got teased about it.
OK. That's hard.
Mm. So I started wearing
contact lenses when I was about 20.
20. But you wore glasses
before that?
Mm. OK.
Valentine's Day in 1988.
Do you remember where you were?
Come on, mate, I can't even remember
where I was last week.
Do you remember Kylee Cosgrove?
She lived not far from you
in Huntingdale.
Uh, no, I don't think so.
Don't think so?
She didn't go to your school?
I mean, we might have...
I remember...
I remember the name Cosgrove.
I think my brother used to
swim at their pool or something,
but I...I don't...I didn't cross
paths with any Kylee Cosgrove.
OK. Yep.
And you know anything
about a kimono?
Two birds, red flowers on the back.
No. Nothing.
Maybe we can back up a bit.
Can you tell us
about your first marriage?
First marriage.
I was depressed.
Um, I drank a lot.
You know why she left?
We, uh...
We had a lodger
and she took up with him.
But I still kinda loved her,
you know?
And her parents told my parents
that leaving me
was the worst decision
that she ever made.
Your wife left you around
Australia Day '96?
Yeah, probably about then.
That's about when Sarah Spiers
went missing.
Isn't it? Yeah.
And you found out your wife
was pregnant to this lodger...
I guess... Well, if... Yeah, June.
June 1996.
That's about the time
Jane Rimmer went missing.
And I've got here you sold the home
you bought with your first wife
in January of 1997.
That's around the time
Ciara Glennon was abducted.
That's a hell of a coincidence.
Is that right, those dates?
Look, I don't know anything
about any of that.
I'm trying to be as honest
with you blokes as I can.
Will you submit to giving
a DNA sample?
Yeah, for testing.
You can oblige willingly,
or we can get a court order,
but either way, yeah, we'll get it.
No, no, I'll give it. I don't mind.
I keep telling you
I've got nothing to hide.
Just wanna go to sleep
and wake up and this'll all be over,
you know what I mean?
Hey, Dave.
We found porn, snuff films,
women's underwear
with the crotch cut out,
homemade sex toys,
some stuff he's written about rape.
I mean, this guy's a psycho fuck,
There's nothing to connect him
to the girls?
Yeah, not yet. Neither clothing,
nor jewellery. Not one trophy.
He's either hidden it, or...
He got rid of it.
Yeah. How's the interview going?
Uh, he's denying everything.
He's lying, Nikki.
He's making shit up.
But you still have enough
to charge him?
Yeah, but, you know,
a confession would be bloody nice.
I'll get one. I'll get a confession.
We'll have new DNA results
within an hour,
and when they match
with what we found on Ciara,
we won't need a confession.
What, he gave his DNA willingly?
He did.
He either doesn't think we doesn't
have anything to compare it to
or he's not our guy.
He's our guy.
We'll talk soon, eh?
You bet he is.
He's sleeping.
Only guilty bastards sleep.
The innocent are always pacing.
Mr Edwards.
It's time to get up.
Now, in 1996, when you were
working for Telstra,
did you drive
a Holden Commodore station wagon?
Yeah. And a cargo area in the back?
Yeah, there was a caged area
between the driver
and the rear area, but I think every
Telstra vehicle looked like that.
And did you drive around
the nightclubs in Claremont?
Um, I mean, I'm aware of them,
I've never been to them.
I...I don't go out to Claremont.
OK, we'll just take a look
at this map.
Do you know Rowe Park?
Are you positive?
Karrakatta Cemetery?
Yes. I was there for a memorial
for a woman in 2008, I think.
No time before?
Not that I recall.
Come in.
Thank you.
Are you aware of the women
who were abducted from Claremont
in '96 and '97?
I'm aware of them.
I think everybody was aware of them.
But I'm 110, I am 120% certain
that I'm not involved in any of this.
I don't know how many ways
that I can say no.
DNA results have come back
and they confirm that your DNA
is a positive match
for the kimono in Huntingdale...
No, that's not possible. 1988...
..for the rape...
..of a young woman
in Karrakatta Cemetery...
How can that be?
..and for the murder
of Ciara Glennon in 1997.
Can you explain that?
I...I can't.
You can't explain that?
Alright. You're an intelligent man.
You're not dumb.
Now, you know that your DNA
is unique.
You're the only person in the whole
world with that DNA profile.
I can... I can't explain that.
I mean...
Just tell us what happened.
I...I wish I could!
But I can't because I wasn't there!
I...I mean, you're...
Hey, slow down.
You don't believe that I did it...
Slow down.
..but you're the one saying
that I did it.
Listen, the question I asked you
is do you understand
that your DNA profile's unique?
I can't explain that!
I don't understand what's happening!
Well, we found your semen
on the kimono in Huntingdale.
We found your DNA on Lisa Todd
in Karrakatta Cemetery.
Can't explain that?
And we found your DNA
on Ciara Glennon, 27 years of age,
murdered March 14th, 1997, OK?
Your DNA is on her.
Can't explain that one either?
Alright. Are you an honest man?
I'm... Yes.
'Cause we interviewed
your stepdaughter.
And she said that your
most-prized virtue is your honesty.
I am being honest.
Are you a man who accepts
responsibility for your actions?
I accept responsibility
for the stuff that I have done,
not for the stuff that I haven't.
Bradley Robert Edwards,
you're now being charged with
the assault on Kylee Cosgrove...
No, you've got the wrong guy. 1988.
The rape of Lisa Todd in 1995
and the murders of
Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon.
I did not do it!
You've got the wrong guy.
TV: I'm here to make
an important announcement...
(PHONE RINGS) the West Australian community.
Detectives from
the Special Crime Squad
have charged
a 48-year-old Kewdale man
with the murders of Jane Rimmer
and Ciara Glennon, and attacks...
..on other young women.
This has already been the biggest...
You watching this?
..and most complex police
investigation in WA's history.
Congratulations, Gav.
Hundreds of police officers...
Now we have to convict him.
..over the past 20 years.
You will.
The commitment of the WA Police
and its officers have never wavered.
We never give up.
He didn't confess and he's pleading
not guilty to every charge.
There's nothing in any of the houses
that links him to the girls.
Not one trophy,
not one hair, nothing.
Just tell him you got
something from his car.
Yeah, we found this.
You see it?
But that doesn't link him
to any of the girls.
You got anything else?
There was no blood or hair from them
in the car.
How can there be no blood?
Well, he must have killed them
where we found them.
But the fibres on Jane and Ciara
match, OK?
These grey ones
were found in the carpet
on the car floor and back well
of a Holden Commodore.
And on the handle that adjusts
the driver's seat,
13 blue fibres we can't ID yet.
But I had an idea about them.
You see it?
The shorts.
Yeah. These could be the source
of the blue fibres.
We've just got to find someone
who kept a pair since 1995.
I swear, OK? I didn't have
anything to do with it.
It's just like with that other guy,
that...public servant that they...
Lance Williams.
That's it.
Yeah. That's what the cops do.
They get tunnel vision,
they zone in on a guy.
But why'd they pick you, Dad?
I don't know.
They're saying that they've got
my DNA from an attack in 1988.
What's that, 30 years ago?
They're just trying to stitch me up,
you'll see.
We'll keep supporting you, Brad.
Don't worry.
So will Mum and Dad.
We all believe you.
I-I don't understand
how he isn't charged
with Sarah's...
with her...her murder.
There's still nothing concrete
that links him with Sarah, yet.
You need a body.
Not necessarily.
But we could use more evidence.
Do you have any kids?
In the country... can sometimes
fear the big city.
But our girls didn't.
They were just so...
But we worried for them and...
..we bought them a flat in a nice
part of town and a good car
and tried to keep them safe.
Still, just... just...
..blows up.
It's just your worst fear.
Don't let 'em forget about her.
Charge the bastard for those other
girls and forget about Sarah.
I'll make sure they don't.
Which way you headed?
Mosman Park.
Oh, that's OK,
I'm headed that way anyway.
Gav, what time is it?
GAVIN: I think
she must have seen his car.
It looked like a cab.
She'd just called one.
So she got in and only after he
started out did she realise that... wasn't a cab.
Yeah, she would have panicked then.
No, but Edwards,
he must have sweet-talked her.
No-one heard anything in Claremont,
so somehow he got her to stay quiet.
That's what we always thought,
but how are you gonna prove
Sarah got in his car?
I'll prove it. I'll prove it.
We don't know what really happened
that night. No-one does.
Defence will say
Sarah ran off with a guy
or went for a midnight swim
and drowned or any...
I don't really care what defence
has to say. She got in his car.
But you have to be able to prove it.
Just take a step back, Gav, and...
I'm not stepping back.
We have to get him.
For Sarah.
For their family. We have to
get him. I have to get him.
I've gotta get him.
A Telstra tech named Jeff Cohen
kept these since 1995.
Never even worn them.
ChemCentre tested them
and the fibres from the dye lot
are an exact match to the fibres
found on Jane, Lisa and Ciara.
This blue is unique to Telstra?
The dye was developed
exclusively for them.
A different blue from police
uniforms or any other tradies.
This puts a Telstra worker
at the scene of all three crimes.
Car fibres, these, they're good,
but they're circumstantial.
This could be
from any Telstra worker.
Only the DNA on Ciara's nail
puts Edwards there.
That's enough, right?
The lawyer that Edwards hired,
Paul Yovich, he's smart.
He knows he'll have to create
doubt about the DNA.
If I were Yovich,
I'd suggest there might have been
cross-contamination at the lab.
Can he prove that?
I'm afraid PathWest has a history
of cross-contamination.
But don't worry, I still think
that we can convict him
for Jane and Ciara's murder.
What about Sarah? You've gotta get
Sarah on the brief.
You can't let him walk on her.
Once we prove Edwards' guilt
on Jane and Ciara with the same MO,
the same propensity of evidence,
we should be able
to connect him to Sarah.
So you're going to add Sarah
to the charge brief?
Yes. The Spiers deserve that.
But prepare yourself.
Justice Hall could still dismiss
her charge for lack of evidence.
Don't let him.
Then I suggest, Detective,
that you get me some more evidence
connecting Edwards to Sarah Spiers.
Doesn't matter
how many times you look at it,
you still can't tell it's Edwards.
It could be him.
If he'd just turn around.
Have you seen this?
I didn't even know he was sick.
I got in his car.
I said it was him.
I was so sure.
So was I.
You know, if Lance had picked up
Jane or any of those girls...
..they'd still be alive.
But now you've got the right guy.
You have his DNA.
No way is he getting out of this.
That's the thing, I didn't have
anything to do with the murders,
I swear.
And I've been thinking.
I want to give evidence.
I want to...
I want to say that at trial.
If you do that, you could be on
the stand for six months in cross.
And they can ask you anything.
You have to answer,
in detail and under oath.
I can do that.
Look, it is your decision in the end.
Could you stop doing that?
Listen to me. Putting you
on the stand, in my opinion,
that would be a mistake.
They'll push you hard, Bradley.
But all this time being locked up,
I've been searching my conscience
and I want to plead guilty
to the assaults at Huntingdale
and Karrakatta.
Yep. Yep. I was a different person
back then. I snapped.
It wasn't really me.
Plus they've got that DNA
at both the crime scenes, right?
That'll hold up in court?
Those samples have been locked away
for 20 years.
They'll be convincing.
Right. So that's what I'm thinking.
Bradley, I can't be a party
to any lies.
I'm not lying.
I did the assaults, but I didn't do
the murders. I couldn't do that.
I'm not guilty of murder.
It's just the cops
are pinning it on me
because they want to blame somebody.
So if you plead guilty
to the assaults,
you plead early,
you save the court time and money.
You could get a reduced sentence.
And of course with time in custody,
probably looking at
three or four years.
That's it?
And if I can prove
the cross-contamination of DNA
taken from Ciara Glennon,
you could be out before you're 55.
So...what about before,
pleading not guilty to the assaults?
Can that work against me?
No, there's no law
against lying to the police.
Justice Hall can't let
lying about an earlier crime
influence his decision
about the murders.
Right. So pleading guilty to
the assaults is my best way forward?
If it's the truth.
That's the truth.
In a shock announcement today,
Bradley Edwards,
the accused Claremont serial killer,
is now pleading guilty to rape and
assault charges from 1988 and 1995.
Since his arrest, Mr Edwards has
steadfastly insisted his innocence.
And though he is now pleading guilty
to the rape and assault charges,
he still maintains
that he never killed anyone,
and will fight those charges
to the utmost of his abilities.
Four years?
With time in custody,
that's the minimum he could get
for the assault and rape.
For everything he did, four years?
That won't happen.
Conviction on the murder charges
will get him life
with no chance of parole.
If the DNA doesn't get thrown out
on some bullshit contamination
argument. Gav, we'll get him.
We haven't got him
for 20 years, Nik.
This guy's had the devil's luck and
I'm not certain it's run out yet.
REPORTER: People lined up outside
the court before sunrise,
hoping for a front-row seat.
REPORTER: ..chilling day of evidence
from the opening
of the Claremont serial killings.
REPORTER: ..with a high level
of public interest.
REPORTER: Edwards is charged
with the murders
of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer...
REPORTER: ..trial by judge alone.
The three women disappeared...
If Trevor was alive, he'd be here.
He loved Janey so much.
We pray for Ciara all the time.
When Una and I see a girl
around her...her age,
we think of her still.
Sarah had something different
about her to most other kids.
She had this lovely warmth
about her, didn't she?
ALISON: The trial of the century
in Western Australia
gets underway today.
The amount of evidence
that's been gathered for this case
has been staggering.
Over 16,000 DNA samples
have been taken.
200 witnesses are expected
to be called,
with 10,000 pages
of interview transcripts.
110 gigabytes
of prosecution disclosures,
a million pages of evidence.
The DNA and fibre evidence alone is
said to be over 60,000 pages long.
In a 14-month period,
three bright, beautiful young women
vanished from the streets
of Claremont.
There were so many questions
for which the lack of answers
cemented a fear
that ran through the community,
a fear that was caused
by an enigma of the dark.
In the coming months,
the state will demystify this enigma
and prove that there was one killer.
And that killer
is Bradley Robert Edwards.
The deaths of these young women
were unlawful killings.
There is no doubt
or dispute about that.
The issue is the identity
of the killer,
and Bradley Edwards' defence
in each case is that.
It wasn't him.
WOMAN: We were happy
in the marriage at first.
Um, but then he became obsessed
with his computer.
So, yeah, he would come home
from work
and disappear into the spare room.
He wasn't interested in me
and he wasn't present
in the marriage, and stuff happened.
MAN: We were laughing
and then she kissed me.
Or I kissed her. I...
I can't remember.
He didn't say anything. He just...
..walked away.
You are one of what has become known
as the 'Living Witnesses'.
And what happened to you
in November of 1996?
I'd been at Club Bayview.
I'd had a bit to drink.
Um, and there were no cabs, but
I was trying to get to Shenton Park.
I didn't care how, you know?
It was a different time back then.
We didn't worry
about things like that.
But then I saw a car, and it looked
like a taxi, and the driver stopped.
What kind of car was it?
It looked like
a Holden station wagon.
Can you give me a lift
to Shenton Park?
Oh, hey, this isn't a taxi.
Oh, that's alright.
I'll take you there anyway.
I didn't feel unsafe,
but something made me say that
I'd left my shoes up on the road...
My shoes! I left my shoes!
..and would it be OK
if I went to grab them?
So I grabbed my shoes and two guys
that I'd been drinking with...
Is it OK if you take these guys too?
We're all going to the same place.
He didn't say anything.
He just drove us to Shenton Park.
Did you notice anything
about the car?
It was a Telecom Telstra car.
When the sample labelled AJM40,
the sample taken
from Ciara Glennon's nail,
was finally tested,
did you recover male DNA from it?
Yes, we did.
What was the result?
The DNA matched the profile
of the defendant, Bradley Edwards.
To clarify, when sample AJM40
was originally taken,
how was it labelled?
What was written on the label
of the container in 1997?
'Debris only.
Not suitable for analysis.'
Not suitable for analysis.
And yet more than 10 years later,
somehow miraculously
it's suitable for testing.
Not miraculously.
The advancements in DNA technology
in the past...
But at the time,
when it was first handled,
it was labelled 'Debris only'.
Have you considered the possibility
of cross-contamination in your lab,
where a bit of DNA gets somewhere
where it shouldn't?
Perhaps the right protocols
aren't being used
and perhaps the same pair of gloves
are being worn for two experiments.
Of course we consider it,
and we take all necessary precautions
to make sure contamination
doesn't happen, but in this case...
Doesn't PathWest have a poor record
of cross-contamination?
I would say, of the hundreds
and thousands of tests,
we have a very good record of...
When intimate swabs collected
from Jane Rimmer were analysed
in 2017 by UK laboratory Cellmark,
did they show the DNA profile
matching that of a male -
not you, sir - PathWest scientist?
Yes, they did.
When intimate swabs collected from
Ciara Glennon were analysed in 2017,
did they yield the profile
of yet another - not you, sir -
PathWest scientist?
And we've all seen videos
collected from the crime scene.
Police officers not wearing gloves.
No shoe protection.
No forensic overalls.
It was a different time.
Indeed it was.
When Mr Edwards was employed
at Telstra,
was he ever called to PathWest
to repair the phones?
Not...not to my knowledge, no.
Not to your knowledge.
There were bombshells in court today
where cross-contamination claims
had the prosecution on their heels.
The verdict in this case
seems to be in the balance.
Hey, what's all this rubbish
you're broadcasting about?
Do you really believe there's
cross-contamination of his DNA?
I'm just reporting what was said.
He murdered three women.
Are you trying to help get him off?
I'm just reporting
what was said in court.
Listen, people don't want
to speak to you anymore, OK?
They're fuckin' pissed off.
You heard the evidence.
Edwards might be acquitted.
Everyone needs to be
prepared for that.
JUDGE: Mr Yovich,
the State has closed.
Is the defence ready to proceed?
Your Honour, the defence is closed.
What? You're not going
to be calling any witnesses?
No, Your Honour. We will address
the case in our closing statement.
Mr Edwards, can you please stand?
The decision to give evidence
is entirely yours,
but given the importance
of this case,
do you wish to make any statement
in your own defence?
No, Your Honour.
Nearly seven months ago,
the State made reference
to an enigma of the dark
and promised to shed light
on that enigma.
It's the forensic evidence
that has cast light
and unmasked a killer.
The fibres, the DNA.
One offender
is responsible for the murders
of Sarah Spiers, Jane Rimmer
and Ciara Glennon.
Bradley Robert Edwards, we say,
is the Claremont killer.
One fifth of one billionth
of one gram.
That's how much DNA was found
on Ciara Glennon's nail.
Your Honour, are you able
to be satisfied,
beyond reasonable doubt,
the DNA finding is only explicable
on the basis that the accused
killed Ciara Glennon?
Contamination events are rare,
but they do happen,
and they only have to happen once.
The carpet fibres, the pant fibres,
they could come from
any Telstra employee.
The only actual evidence that my
client might be the Claremont killer
is the DNA that was found
on Ciara Glennon's nail.
Are you willing, Your Honour,
to put a man in jail
for the rest of his life
on that evidence?
One fifth of one billionth
of one gram.
CARMEL: Hello, Gavin.
The verdict's in.
Do you know what it says?
No. Just get to the court.
After a 20-year police investigation
and subsequent seven-month
Supreme Court trial,
we'll finally get a verdict...
REPORT: The Claremont
serial killings trial...
Onlookers came here earlier today,
queuing up on the steps...
This is a trial like no other.
It's a trial like no other because of
its size and high degree of interest.
Three women went missing
from a popular nightlife area
frequented by many young people.
It inspired a pervasive fear
in the entire Perth community.
But it's a trial like every other,
because the accused
is presumed innocent
and the State must prove its case
beyond reasonable doubt.
I am satisfied
that the evidence
establishes that each of the victims
was abducted and killed.
The issue therefore is the identity
of the killer, or killers.
Having regard to the DNA evidence
and the propensity evidence,
I am satisfied
beyond reasonable doubt
that Bradley Edwards was the killer
of Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.
Mr Edwards chose semi-rural locations
and hid the bodies
with the intention of minimising
the chances of them being found
and his offences being discovered.
In respect of Ms Spiers, I have
reached the following conclusions.
There are some similarities
between the circumstances
of Ms Spiers' disappearance
and the death of
Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon.
But they do not allow
for a conclusion to be reached
that the person responsible for the
killing of Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer
must necessarily be the same person
as who killed Ms Spiers.
The propensity of evidence
suggests it is likely
that the accused was the killer.
But it cannot be proved
beyond reasonable doubt.
So, based on those findings,
the verdict must be...
..on count six,
the wilful murder of Sarah Spiers,
not guilty.
DENIS GLENNON: We pray for
Ciara all the time.
Whenever Una and I see a young woman
of Ciara's age,
well, we think of her still.
I always said that Ciara...
Ciara would fight for her life.
Little did I know how,
well, how...prophetic
those words would be.
It's hard to understand.
We interviewed 16,000 men
and his name never came up.
He was never on our radar.
And it's hard not to wonder
what Sarah's life...
..and ours would be like
if she hadn't been taken from us.
She would have had kids.
You say something, love?
Sarah loved kids.
This isn't over.
We'll keep looking for her.
Thanks for everything
you've done for us, Detective.
You treated us right.