The Business (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 3 - Revanche - full transcript

After being humiliated in national news, Karin doubts her convictions and asks Álvaro Sintra for a new invitation to his program for a rematch. Luna has a new fixed client and the relationship takes a dangerous familiar tone.

I might be able
to forgive your profession,

but I can't forgive your lies.

- I told her not to tell you.
- I can't be near you two.

My family is destroyed.
Gone forever.

- Why won't you take my calls ?
- I got over you.

I haven't gotten over you.

Letícia's right.
I can't see you. Goodbye.

Zanini would live with us
if Letícia lets him.

And she'd let him if she wants to also.
I'm going to seduce her.

What ?

What did you do to my son ?
He only lets Milú in his room.

- Who is Milú ?
- His dog, Ariel.

- I killed Milú !
- Eric says he'll kill himself.

I need to help Eric, César.

The bookstore's packed.

That's another launching.
Yours is upstairs.

They changed everything.
I'm going to the media.

Karin, this is Álvaro Sintra. I'd like
to discuss your book on my show.

I'm not sure
that's a good idea, Karin.

It's my life story.
I'm ready for him.

We contacted you mom. I'll read her
email with your permission.

"My daughter is a disgrace
to our family."



- I hate him !
- Sintra's such a jerk !

What a dirty trick. He used
your mom's email to upset you.

It's not fair, without it,
you would've humiliated him.


That was a dirty trick.
You need a rematch.

Go back and rip him to shreds.

I'll think about it.
Let's get back to work.

Isn't a client expecting you ?

Yes, I'm spending the night
with him in Cotia.

- I'd better get going. Bye.
- Bye.

I don't have any clients today.
Just a catfish.

- A catfish ?
- I'll explain later. Bye.


Mia, how's the personal branding
thing going ?

I have a meeting
with Salvador Cordaro.

Good, Debbie worked
at his restaurant.

She knows what angle to use
with him.

Fine. I'll ask her.

Is your family as cool
as they look ?

Mainly my parents.

They are unbelievably cool.
That's why I still live with them.

- I'll only leave if I get married.
- That's great.

- And your folks ? Are they cool too ?
- Yes.

Well, I don't know
if I still have a family.

- How come ?
- Nothing. Never mind.

Tell me.

I won't bore you
with my personal issues.

Don't say that.
You can tell me anything.

Seriously, I won't be bored.

I told my parents I'm an escort.
Now Dad won't speak to me.

Mom and Dad
won't speak to each other.

My brother won't speak
to Mom or me.

Only Mom speaks to me, but she's
so hurt she barely says anything.

- That's sad.
- Yes.

I think I lost my family.

I'll lend you mine if you want.

They'd love to meet you.

But they're out of town.

You know what I think ?

- What ?
- You're so sweet.

Sabrina, are you busy ?

I'm working on the gallery.
What is it ?

I have doubts about my profile
to seduce Letícia.

- Yes ?
- A name.

I still can't say I'm a woman,
or lie and say I'm a man.

So how about a name like I, Poet ?
How about that ?

It's so awful
it's perfect for her.

Okay then.
Help me out with the picture.


This one ? Or...

This one ?

Why don't you place
the rose in your profile,

and the heart on the cover ?

You're a genius.

Letícia will find out your profile is
false because you have no friends.

I'll buy them somewhere.
It's $35 for a thousand friends.


Letícia will be I, Poet's friend
number 1001. And her first lover.

Ariel spent hours
in front of Eric's house,

waiting for his mom to step out
to speak with the kid.

Open up. We need to talk.

- Eric.
- What do you want ?

I want to help you.

The only way you can help me
is by not helping me.

Leave me alone !

Son, son, listen to me !
Please !

I know you're mad at me.
I'm not here to try to change that.

Or to make you like me.
Hate me if you want.

But I'm your dad.
I can't let you live like this.

Come back to the club.
You need a job.

Working will be good for you.

You can't lock yourself up in that room,
escaping from reality.

Why can't I escape from reality ?
Reality is a lost war.

Working with Salvador Cordaro
was a huge mistake.

Why ?

A pot of boiling water
fell on an assistant cook.

It was awful.
I helped undress him.

His socks were glued to him.
He spent 90 days in hospital.

Awful !

And Salvador Cordaro,
Brazil's number one chef,

didn't pay the medical bills,
no indemnity whatsoever,

and on top of that
he fired the guy.

Really ?
I'm calling off the meeting.

He might be the number one chef
in Brazil, but we don't want him.

No way, Karin. I'm not letting you
have dinner alone and blue,

thinking about Sintra,
I just won't let you.

I'm fine. Go on.

No way, we're going
to Henrique's party.

It's not every day
you get a promotion like that.

His workmates are so cool.

We'll have drinks, it'll be fun.
You need to relax.

- Fine. Just one drink.
- One drink.

- I'm so glad you came, Karin.
- Congrats on your promotion.

Thank you so much, honey.

- Paulinho ! I can't believe it !
- How are you, buddy ?

- Fine and you ?
- Great.

The girls want me to ask Sintra
for a rematch.

- It could be a good idea.
- I don't know.

How come ?

- Can I make a confession ?
- Sure.

- I think he's right.
- Who ? Sintra ?

- Yes.
- What do you mean ?

I've hurt so many people already.
My mom, Augusto, Luna's entire family.

You know it's not your fault.

What if I'm trying to convince everybody
to be like me

just because I can't admit
I'm worse than everybody ?

No, Karin.
You're not worse than anyone.

I don't know. I just don't know.

- Excuse me.
- Yes ?

I'm so sorry, but we're not allowed
to attend escorts.

You may finish your drink,
it's on the house,

but then
I must ask you to leave.

- Are you serious ?
- I'm afraid I am.

That's ridiculous.

No problem, César.
I won't ruin Henrique's party.

- You're not bothering anyone.
- I'll leave. You stay.

Of course not, I'm not staying
one more second in this place.

- I'll talk to Henrique.
- As you wish. I'll wait outside.

Henrique's staying a while.
I'm calling a cab.

I'll ask Sintra for a rematch.
And this time I'll crush him.

- Can you stay for lunch ?
- I can.

- Great. You can meet my folks.
- Aren't they out of town ?

They'll be back early.

I said I was with a friend
and they invited you to lunch.

So I'm meeting
the coolest parents ever ?

The parents everyone wants.
You'll see.

Karin phoned Sintra
that morning.

- I want a rematch.
- Sorry, Karin.

I can't repeat the same topic.
You had your chance.

- It's not for me, but for you.
- For me ?

Yes, a chance for you
to really confront me.

Didn't I really confront you ?

No, I was caught off-guard,
I couldn't present my arguments.

That's because I knew where to hit you.
It's part of the game.

Perhaps, but I quit playing
in the middle of the game.

You beat a rival who quit playing.
Now we need to finish the game.

It's your chance
to really confront me.

This month is booked solid.
But I'll see what I can do.


A few minutes later
Karin got a text message.



- Sabrina.
- Yes ?

Letícia confirmed
I, Poet's friend request.

Here goes
the dance of seduction.

- What will you say ?
- How about this ?

Thanks for confirming my friend request.
Your book is so inspiring.

- I have an idea.
- Yes ?

Why not tell her the story
about Verlaine and Baudelaire ?

What story ?

Verlaine had the opportunity
to speak with Baudelaire,

but he didn't
and he regretted it forever.

Say you don't want
to make the same mistake.


- Hi, Mom.
- Hello, son.

- Dad.
- Hello, son.

How was your trip ?

The hotel had an exhibition
of gorgeous porcelain dolls.

- Great. This is Luna.
- Hello.

- Luna, meet my parents.
- Nice to meet you.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Nice to meet you.

Now I remember.
Guess who your eyes look like.

Rita Pavone.
Doesn't she have her eyes ?

Rita Pavone ?

Yes, Rita Pavone.
Hasn't anybody told you so ?


She has no idea who that is.
Ever heard of Rita Pavone ?

- Never.
- I told you.

You never heard of Rita Pavone ?

She is too young to know
who Rita Pavone is.

- How old are you ?
- Twenty-eight.

Our daughter would be your age
if she'd been born.

- My mom lost a baby.
- I'm so sorry.

Thank you.
Would you like some more wine ?


It was
a very pleasant afternoon.

They made me feel at home
and that's just what I needed.

The bastard shut the window
in my face, César.

- But that's a good sign.
- Good ? Why was it good ?

Because although he's miserable,
he had the strength to kick me out,

which means
he isn't that miserable at all.

At least, not when I'm around.

Hatred, César, hatred,
it's a revitalizing feeling.

- Better than supplements.
- So, what now ?

Now I just need
to transform his hatred

into that thing people feel
when they like each other.

- Love ?
- Something like that.

How will you do that ?

By showering the little bastard
with presents

until his little heart is softer
than your dick in a harem, fag.

And he'll come back
to the club.

- Sintra's having the rematch.
- Really ?

Yes, I spent all day
reviewing my arguments.

Can you guys help me
prepare myself ?

The next few days, Karin put
her argument skills to the test.

Karin, I have a question for you.
Not even your mom accepts you.

How can you expect
society to accept you ?

It's the other way around.
If society doesn't accept me,

how can I expect my mom
to accept me ?

Society needs to change.

Isn't it easier
for you to change ?

They said so to Tchaikovsky.
He killed himself for being gay.

Meanwhile, I got closer and closer
to my client's family.

And Magali got closer and closer
to Letícia's heart.

She answered.



Ariel, on the other hand, drifted
further and further from Eric's heart.

No, no, take that back. Take it back.
Take it back. I don't want it.

Mia looked for a personal brand
for the emporium.

Preferably one who didn't fire
a worker who was hurt at work.

I won first place of course,
the others were all women.

Sure, some women
are good in the kitchen.

But you ladies
are generally good in bed.

And not a sexist.

Bigotry forces us escorts
to live a double life.

And living a double life is hardly
living at all, which is very cruel.


If you hate margarine,
why do you advertise it ?

I hate margarine, but not money.

Prostitution isn't violent.
People are violent.

Prostitution isn't sexist.
People are sexist.

Prostitution isn't immoral.
People are immoral.

People who are violent,
sexist and immoral

should be punished,
but not prostitution.

Prostitution has to be free.

Good job, Karin.

Thanks. I'll get some coffee.
Then we continue.

I think she's ready.

- No, César, she's not ready.
- You don't think she is ?

We have to hit her hard.
We have to hurt Karin.

How can you say that ?

Isn't that what Sintra did ?
And he'll do it again.

We need to harden Karin,
prepare her for any kind of humiliation.

- Ready ?
- Yes.

Karin, let me ask you this.

You claim that prostitution
doesn't interfere with anything,

that you can be a totally normal person
even as an escort, right ?


But I heard some time ago
you got pregnant.

And you were so happy
you even wept tears of joy.

Then you had an abortion.

You killed a baby you wanted
just so you could continue working.

Is that normal to you ?

You know how tough that topic is for me.
You crossed the line.

What the hell, Ariel ?

- I had to do that, César.
- I'm going to talk to her.

No, no, leave her alone.
Let her think.

She'll understand and she'll be back.
I know Karin.

Yes ?

He won't take anything ?
Have it delivered here.


The gifts aren't working, fag.
I need to help Eric some other way.

What way ?

The traditional way.
By destroying his family.

Give me a break !

Eric's mom works in a grade school,
and as fate would have it,

she took some sexy photos
when she was an escort.

I have the photos
and if I play my cards right,

they will show up
in the director's mailbox.

They will fire her.

She will be fired,
won't have money for the rent.

I'll offer Eric a salary
of 20,000 reais

which will force him
to get out of depression.

Let's continue.
You can break me into pieces.

Okay, Mom, fine. Call me
if anything comes up, alright ?

Love you.

My dad took my brother
back to the Canadian college.

Really ?

Yes, he's studying English.
Doesn't know when he'll be back.

- And how's your mom ?
- Still blue for all I know.

- I'd better get going.
- Back to Cotia ?

Yes, he paid for several evenings.

- He did ?
- Yes.

Let me rob
part of his evening.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Camilo. I'm available.

- We're screwed.
- What happened ?

- Letícia.
- What about her ?

She wants to meet I, Poet now.
She says she's in love.

Why are we screwed ?
That was the plan.

Not so soon.
She doesn't know I'm a girl.

Plus I'm her husband's ex-wife.
That might shock her.

What to do ?

Say yes.
Don't miss this opportunity.

She's married.
She could change her mind.

We'll think of something.




You lost the man you loved
because you were an escort.

Is it okay to put your job
ahead of the people you love ?

I never put my job ahead of anyone.
People put my job ahead of me.

They judge me by that,
not by who I am.

So a whore isn't a whore ?

Did I go too far ?
Was that gross ?

That's precisely the idea, fag.

Keep up the good work.
You're a great scumbag.

Whore isn't offensive. Dishonest
is offensive. So is prejudiced.

Conservative TV host
is also offensive.

I need a bathroom.

Use the one in the hall.
This one's sink's broken.

What's wrong ?

Nothing, I accidentally entered
a baby's room.

My sister's room.
My parents left it like that.

What is this, Magali ?
Is this some kind of joke ?

No, I swear.

I'm out of here and please,
stay away from me.


- Hear me out.
- What ?

- I... I love you, Letícia Bilyk.
- Liar.

I swear it's true.

First of all,
I don't like women.

Secondly, if I did like them
I wouldn't like you.

You're so hot rejecting me.
Reject me more.

- Stay away from me.
- More.

- You disgust me.
- More.

How dare you come so close to me
with all those clothes on ?

I'm dressed ?
What's the matter with me ?

- You're so hot.
- Keep going, I, Poet, keep going.

After rehearsing a few lines
and a few orgasms,

Magali decided to wing it
at her date with Letícia.

I almost forgot.
I want you to have this.

Really ?

I hope you like it.
I told you I love sewing.

She's nuts about sewing.

- I made it just for you.
- It's beautiful.

See if it fits.

No, put it on.
I want to see how it fits.


- What do you think ?
- It's perfect.

You were born to use it.

- Zanini ?
- Magali ?

What are you doing here ?

Following a guy,
but he isn't here yet.

What guy ?

- Don't you know ?
- What ?

I know Letícia's contacting
some guy online.

- Really ? Letícia ?
- Yes, Letícia.

I sent him messages
imitating her,

said I loved him
and would meet him here.

He's bringing her poetry book
to taste my poetic fist.

Does she know
you impersonated her ?

Of course not.
I deleted my messages.

She would've warned him.
She doesn't know I'm onto her.

- Zanini.
- What ?

I'm that guy.

- What ?
- I'm I, Poet guy.

What kind of joke is this ?
What's going on ?

It's no joke, I just wanted her
to fall in love with me

to get you in
our poly love group.

I can't believe this.
You went too far this time !

I did it because I love you.

You want to screw her
because you love me ?


Listen, Magali.
I forbid you to contact Leticia.

Got it ? I forbid you !

You want to be free
to do anything you want, right ?

You want to be free
to do your dirty work. Don't you ?

The issue with bashing freedom,
my dear Álvaro Sintra,

is you end up with guys
like Stalin and Hitler.

- I think you're ready, Karin.
- I agree. You'll kill him tomorrow.

I hope so.

I'm calling it a day.

- See you tomorrow.
- Bye.

Bye, Karin.

- I did it, fag, I did it.
- What ?

A friend of Eric's mom,
who I represented for many years,

just sent me a message.

They fired Cibele.
She was crying on the phone.

The world just adjusted its axis
a little bit.

Decency just won a minor,
but very important battle.

You're nuts, Ariel.

- Stay a little longer.
- Thanks, but it's getting late.

- We love having you, Rita Pavone.
- Thank you !

Shall we ?
I'll walk you to the car.

- Yes. Bye.
- Bye.

Aren't my folks the coolest
in the world ?

Yes, they are really nice.

- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.

- It won't start.
- I'll take a look. Open the hood.

I can fix it. Wait inside.

Zanini went home in a rage,
ready to fight with Letícia.

Her online flirting
was totally unacceptable.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you okay ?

I can't stop thinking
about your trio.

It was love at first sight
with poly love.

Seriously ?

Yes, I'll help you seduce her.
Nobody knows her like I do.

I'm your Cyrano de Bergerac.

- There you are ! Did you fix it ?
- No, you need a spare part.

I'll get it
first thing tomorrow morning.

- Tomorrow morning ?
- Yes, you can stay here.

Yes. Stay.

- I have nothing to wear.
- Use the pajamas I gave you.

I don't know.
I think I'd better go.

What's the problem ?
Don't you like our company ?

- Of course. I love you guys.
- So stay.

- Yes, stay, Luna.
- Stay, Luna.

- Alright.
- I want to show you something.

We're sleeping in separate rooms.
My parents are kind of old-fashioned.

But I'll go to your room later.
Is that okay ?

Where's my room ?


That's when I realized
I had to get out of there right away.

And I swore never to see
that client again.

After all,
I don't commit incest.

We need to talk.

Leave me alone, Ariel.

Eric, I'm here to help you
and your mom.

We don't want your help.

I heard she lost her job.
I know you guys need money.

So what ?

You might think I have
all the character flaws ever,

but my money doesn't.
My money is morally impeccable.

- You want to give us money ?
- No. Give you money ? No.

I'm offering
to give you your job back.

With a 20,000 reais salary.

More than enough
for you and your mom.

She could finally retire. Don't you
think she could use a little rest ?

Get lost, Ariel.

Think about my offer.

Think about your mother
who's done so much for you.

Thanks for coming so quickly.
I was terrified.

This is crazy.
Are you leaving your car ?

I'll have it towed tomorrow.
Let's go. Let's go.

How could I get so close
to them ?

I need my own family.
I need my family back.

You're dressed up as a priest ?

Hustling again, are you ?

Not exactly.
I'm just giving Camilo a hand.

Don't worry.
I've had it with that lifestyle.

How are you feeling ?

I confess I feel like Mr. Miyagi

coaching Karate Kid
for his final battle.

I'm a little tense.

- Ariel.
- Yes ?

Eric is here.

I knew he'd be back.
Where is he ?

Eric, I'm so glad you're back !

Let me make one thing clear.
We can't speak to each other.

Why not ?

The deal was I'd come back
and that I did.

But I don't have to talk to you.
I'm not talking to you.

Fine, I won't say a word.
I won't even tell you your fly is open.

No, no, I'm not saying a word.

Let me know
if you need anything.

Have a seat, Debbie.
Karin's debate is next.

- This is amazing !
- Thank you.

No. Seriously.
This is really good.

- Thanks.
- It's delicious.

It's among the first recipes
I created in chef school.

- Really ?
- Yes.

You love cooking, right ? And you worked
for some big restaurants.

Yes, I did. Why ?

Would you like to be
the emporium's personal brand ?

What ?

No famous chef deserves
to be in our building.

So we can make you
a famous chef.

- Are you serious ?
- Yes.

How can you make me
a famous chef ?


- It's starting.
- Be quiet.


Good evening.

On the first day of October, 1975,
in Manila, Philippines,

Muhammad Ali
faced Joe Frazier.

It was the greatest rematch
in history,

and Ali won
by technical knockout.

Today in my show
I'm again facing the activist

and ex-escort Joana Segall,
better known as Karin.

Let's see who Muhammad Ali is
and who Joe Frazier is.

Good evening, Karin.
Welcome back to the show.

Thank you.

The last time you were here
I read an email from your mom

in which she says your lifestyle
is degrading and immoral,

and that you're a disgrace
to the family.

Isn't that enough for you
to rethink your position ?

No, that's enough
to reaffirm my position.

How so ?

The greatest,
most unconditional love

is a mother's love
for her daughter.

And not even that love
survived society's prejudice.

The greatest love of all
was massacred by values

my mom doesn't even know
why she believes in them.

And if those values
are so terrible, so cruel,

so hideous they can destroy
such a powerful kind of love,

what's more pressing
than fighting those values ?

What's more pressing that showing
society the harm those values do ?

All my mom's email did was to prove
once and for all that I was right.

I'll stop defending this
when no mother

rejects her child
because of her job.

When all escorts can sit
with their parents and say,

"I am an escort."

That's what you want ?

You want all escorts to tell
their folks they are escorts ?

Yes. That's what I want.

You want them to have abortions
if they get pregnant ?

- You mean my abortion ?
- Yes.

I was in college.
It was a tough choice.

That has nothing to do
with escorting.

You're changing the topic
to confuse me.

Do you need to be so gross
just to win an argument ?


Don't you think we should focus
on the issue at hand ?

I agree.

Good, so let's keep it classy
for your show's sake.

Karin knocked out Sintra.
He was Joe Frazier.


Congrats, Karin.

And thanks for giving me
the chance to lose.

This program
has an old tradition.

The winner lets the loser
buy them a drink.

Thanks, but I'm tired.

Karin, are you going to let me
celebrate my defeat by myself ?

One quick drink.

But I'll pick the bar.

Excuse me.
I saw today's show.

I love what you said.


I'll tell you one thing.

A bunch of reporters
will call you tomorrow.

You'll get the space you want
in the media.

Sorry, Dad. I had to tell you.
That woman on TV opened my eyes.

- I can't hide what I do.
- I'll show you what shame is !