The Business (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 12 - Destruição - full transcript

HD. 'Destruction.' Series finale. Karin takes up Giancarlo on an offer to play one of his games--with very high stakes.

- What's this ?
- My son robbed you.

The detective located Oscar
in a Panama City hotel.

There must be an explanation.

Get a new wardrobe,
refurnish your place and forget him.


I can't have sex with Magali.
I think about how many johns she has.

It's like a diner fork
that's been in so many mouths

it's enough to make you puke.

The girls aren't as open-minded
as I am, but that's our secret.

- Our community comes first.
- Is this a hammock ?

A hammock for us to be together.

- My reading chair is there.
- You can read in the hammock.

I have to please everybody.

I guess they'll hang a bell
on my front door now.

Deco Gouvea is one of our johns.

- The actor ?
- He'll be at tomorrow's opening.

- Can I have some more ?
- Sure.

- I've never seen anyone eat that much.
- He really loved it.

Are you okay ?

I got food poisoning
at that filthy restaurant.

Nobody else got sick.

He's lying.
He made up the whole thing.

- Why would he do that ?
- No idea.

Cibele said he's my kid.
I believed her but he isn't.

I forged the lab results.
I bribed the lab staff.

I can't believe it, Ariel.

Eric knocked up
one of the club's girls.

I'm having a grandson.
I'm desperate !

- Calm down.
- You have to help me !

I volunteer at a daycare center.
I'll take you there.

I saw my future and it's apocalyptic.
I need to run.

The kids loved you.
Today is Gui's birthday.

He wants you to be there.

- I know how to beat my enemies.
- So you're not running ?

No, I'm staying put.
I'll train the kid.

Show him the ropes.
He'll be a mini pimp.

He's obviously self-destructive,
he invests in risky deals

and he's obsessed
with having dangerous sex.

But his self-destruction
is more complex than I thought.

He doesn't think he deserves
such a good life.

He tries to hurt himself
by hurting others.

If he loves you,
you're a target.

I want you to move in with me.
I love you.

Damn !

Karin, did you see the news ?


I saw a picture of Sintra's accuser.
She was here a few days ago.

Giancarlo paid Valentina
to find a girl to lie about him.

- What's your plan ?
- I'm dissolving our company.

- I want to buy the building.
- It's not for sale.

We lost the building.

Karin, I changed my mind.
You can have the building.

But first we play a game.
Your goal is to destroy me.

Do it and the building is yours.

It's a deal.



The game started with a box.


Hi, Karin. Welcome to the game.

This game has very few rules.
First rule.

You can't ask the girls
to help you out.

If I find out
you contacted them, you lose.

It's only fair.

They passed my tests,
but you haven't yet.

Second rule. You'll get a daily clue
as long as the game lasts.

A clue and a file
on several people you love.

You need to solve the clue
before sunset.

If you can't solve it, you lose, and
the dossier will be sent to the cops.

Today's clue is the sheet of paper
with black spots which is in the box.

The dossier proves
that your dad is a weed dealer.

Solve the clue
and the game continues.

If you don't solve it,
your daddy goes to jail.

Good luck, Karin.

Hi, Karin.

I didn't know about the rules.
I'm not playing.

You have no choice.
You're already playing.

I saw Oscar
with another woman in Panama

and realized
he really scammed me.

I knew he had gone too far,
but no.

He was cheeky enough

to ask me to meet him
so he'd explain everything.

He is so incredibly stupid.

He's always creating new limits
just so he can cross them.

- What are you going to do ?
- What should I do ?

I don't know.
I'm dying to see what he says.

So you think
I should meet the jerk ?

I would, you guys were together
for such a long time.

He might prove
aliens abducted him.

Oscar is capable
of proving anything.

I'm the one
that can't believe him anymore.

So you're not going ?

No. I'm going.

Can you feel it ?

What, Ariel ?

The load on your shoulders, the sudden
weight of a father's responsibility.

Yes, Ariel.

That's only natural, I guess.
But I'm going to help you.

- I'm going to train the kid.
- Great.

The first gesture
the kid will learn is this.

The first word
he'll learn to say is "moron".

The guy is insane.
He is totally insane.

- What can it be ?
- I don't know.

- Maybe it's unsolvable ?
- I don't know.

- Maybe...
- What ?

My grandma had a music box
which read melodies

from sheets of paper
with perforated notes,

very much like this,
so maybe it's a song.

I copied the notes for the pianola.
Let's see what tune it plays.

Thank you.

It's not a known melody.
Maybe it's not even music.


- So these aren't musical notes ?
- No, they're something else.

You probably need this
more than this.

Why ?

Because, I'm not sure,
I'm not an expert,

but maybe these dots represent
the stars in the sky.

This part at least looks like
the Swan Constellation.


It looks like a bird.

It's a swan.

All I can say is, if it's music,
it's way too modern for me.

I went to meet Oscar that afternoon.
He didn't want to go to the club.

He didn't want to see anyone
until he explained everything.

So I told him to meet me
at our apartment.

- Hi, Luna.
- Hi.

I'm glad you accepted to see me.
I'm so...

I missed you too.
Shut up and kiss me.

- Take it easy, Luna.
- Shut up.

- What is this ? Luna, let me go !
- Go ahead. Yell all you want.

The neighbors will call
the fire department.

Luna, let me explain
what happened.

I'm not interested, Oscar.

Camilo was planning a huge scam
against the Blue Building !

That's the lie
you planned to tell me ?

It's not a lie.
Please let me explain.

You have until it comes back.

I found out about Camilo's scam
but I didn't know what it was.

I couldn't find out
the details of the scam.

I thought about telling Ariel,

but Black Tear goes around
breaking people's legs.

And I was scared
Ariel would have Camilo killed.

So ?

So I pretended I was in, to be able
to stop him from scamming you guys.

But to prove I was capable of ripping
off Blue, Camilo made me rob you first.

But I told you I quit hustling
so I couldn't say anything.

I only wanted you to know
after I saved Blue.

- Are you going in ?
- No.

Excuse me.

Keep talking.

I robbed you, then we went to Panama
where I saw what the scam was.

Camilo has a phony company
trading Blue Building stock.

We organized promotional events
and got bank leasing papers.

And Panama is the perfect
money-laundering center.

What about your wife ?

The woman with me ?
How do you know about her ?

- I know.
- That was just a charade.

We pretended we were married,
respectable family guys

to give us more credibility.

- But that's the problem.
- That's the problem ?

Yes. Camilo wasn't scamming
all those people.

- He was scamming me.
- You ?

Yes, he made me invest money
in the fake company,

he invested too, I trusted him,
but I was a fool.

Swindlers need to be wary
of their partners

because one day
they'll try to rob you.

A swindler's greatest challenge
is robbing another swindler.

It's almost irresistible.
I thought Camilo was different.

We were sworn buddies,
the St. Crispin Street Jackals.

But I was wrong. He robbed me.

I tried to follow him,
but he vanished into thin air.

I didn't want to come back without
my cash and your stuff, but I couldn't.

I lost everything.

I'm sorry.

I only robbed you
so I could save you.

I wanted to do something great,
be a hero.

Let's forget all this
and move on, please.

I don't know, Oscar.
I don't know. I need to think it over.

I love you, Luna.

Goodbye, Oscar.

Magali's still mad at Guga.

She got rid of the hammock
and the little bell on the door.

She says she's in charge now,

and from what I see,
Guga's hanging by a thread.

It's complicated, but I see all this
as a huge opportunity.

You must be wondering why.
I'll explain.

Because I'll tell Guga they'll only
kick him out if he has sex with Magali.

And if he can't get it up for a hooker,
what does he have to do ?

Make her stop hooking.

I'll convince Guga to convince the girls
to convince Magali to stop hooking.

She might just cave in
to all that pressure.

The bad thing is that Guga
would have sex with her.

But on the other hand,
I'm trading 2,000 rivals for just one.

It's implacable math. You just can't
argue with that kind of math.

Look, there he is,
I see his ponytail

moving between the shelves
of whiskey and sake.

Hi, Zanini.
You wanted to see me ?

Sit down.

Here's how to make Magali
treat you better.

- We have no reservations today.
- Don't worry. We'll fix that.

Mia, I spoke with the girls
like you said,

and heard something
about Deco Gouveia.

Yes ?

Renatinha spoke with him
several times,

she says he's bulimic,
but he won't admit it.

It's his little secret.

No wonder he ate so much
at the opening.

He puked and then lied
saying our food was bad.

- The bastard !
- Don't be upset. That's good for us.

Good ?

Yes. Eric,
how many girls are available ?

They need to date reporters and get
them to write about bulimia right away.

Got it.

The Swan Constellation.


The Southern Fish.


And here...

- We have Phoenix.
- What's this dot ?

- No idea.
- Can you find out ?

It could be millions of things.

I need to know
what it means, please.

Fine, I'll try to find out.
Can I keep the paper ?

- How long will it take ?
- Not much. A few days.

I don't have a few days.
I just have a few minutes.

But that's impossible.

Please, it's very important.
Very important.

If Oscar's lying, he's a genius.
What a waste of talent.

The worst part is
I think it's true.

But I'm not sure
about making up with him.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi. Got a minute ?

- Sure.
- See you later.

I'd like you to help me
with a marital issue.

I'll do anything I can.

My wife cheated on me.

I caught her red-handed
with another guy.

- That's awful.
- She begged me to forgive her.

I want to forgive her,
I love her,

but I can't stop thinking
of her screwing another guy.

What can I do to help ?

I can only forgive her
by doing the same thing to her.

I want her to see us
having sex.

What ?

It's the only way
to save my marriage.

No, I won't feel comfortable
doing that.

- Please, Luna.
- Why don't you hire another girl ?

Because I only have the courage
to talk about it with you.

I wouldn't dare ask anyone else.

I'm sorry.

I can't be absolutely sure,
but if I had to take a risk,

I'd say that dot represents
Supernova 2002 GE.

- 2002 GE ?
- That's right.

It exploded in Galaxy NGC 7400,

and was seen for the first time
in this exact spot, in the fall of 2002.

I figured out the clue.
The extra dot is Supernova 2002 GE.

You'll have the next clue tomorrow.

I wanted us to get together
without Magali,

because it's about her
I want to talk.

What's the problem, Guga ?

Magali's cool,
she's an awesome person,

but I think we need
to talk to her about her job.

- What about her job ?
- I'll explain.

We are a poly love community.
A community.

And what's a good symbol
of a loving community ?

A circle. A ring.

And circles and rings are what ?
They're closed.

That kind of love
can only exist among us.

Not among us
and anybody who can afford it.

Not among us and a stranger
with an hour to spare.

- Yes, it does bother me a little.
- It bothers me too.

- But that's her job.
- Hold on.

The whole idea of poly love
is sharing love and sex

but they need
to be shared naturally.

Because love and sex
occur naturally, right ?

- Right.
- Right.

But if money's part of the deal love and
sex start occurring in a different way,

one that's anything but natural.

In a corrupt way,
a way our society created.

Not the way
they're meant to be shared

in a community of people
who love each other freely,

without the contamination
of financial gain.

And that's what Magali's doing
although she's a great person.

She's polluting
our community's energy

with the energy of money,
which is sad.

- Don't you guys feel it ?
- I always did.

It gives me the shivers.

Do you agree ?

I don't like it either.

Sure, I'd like Magali to quit escorting,
but how do we convince her ?



Want a bite ?

- Thanks.
- Yes, thanks or no, thanks ?

No, thanks.

You need energy to be a dad.
Are you sure ?

No, thanks.

I was thinking.
You can continue working.

I was thinking it's our responsibility
to teach the kid not to be a moron.

Because education today
as I see it,

is designed to teach you
to be a moron.

- Really ?
- Yes, look at César, for example.

He's so polite,
polished to the fingertips,

but he can't even split
the lunch check

to avoid being robbed
shamelessly by me.

The most important thing
we need to learn

the first years of our lives
is the math of splitting a bill.

It's of the utmost importance.

How is Alberto Moravia
connected to a supernova ?

An Italian writer
to a star that exploded ?

Giancarlo is insane.
He's totally insane.


What if we look at the date
the supernova was discovered

and try to find out
if anything stands out

that's connected
to Alberto Moravia that day ?




- Luna.
- Hi.

My wife wants to speak
with you.

- Your wife ?
- Yes.


- Hi.
- Hi.

I know you rejected my husband's
request, but couldn't you reconsider ?

I want our marriage to work
and if you do this for us,

I think we'd be able to move on.


Please, do it for us.
Help us save our marriage.

- Maybe...
- What ?

Maybe Alberto Moravia
isn't the writer.

No ?

No, maybe it's a building,
a square, a street, whatever.

There's an Alberto Moravia
Italian school in São Paulo.

Didn't Giancarlo live there
when he was a kid ?

I think so.

I'm Giancarlo Tardelli's P.A.
calling on his behalf.

He's planning
an ex-student get-together.

I'd like to know
if he was in class A or B.

Sure. I'll hold.

Yes ?

His class was C ?
Thank you very much.

How is that school
connected to a supernova ?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Maybe something happened there
the day it was discovered.

Unbelievable, the one day
in that school's history

on which absolutely nothing

was the day they discovered
that damn supernova.

Never mind, César.
We've lost.

- Wait.
- What ?

- Class C-2 ? I found something.
- What ?

Look, there was a play the day
the supernova was discovered.

You were casted
in the play "The Seagull."

It opened the day
the supernova was discovered.

Well done.
We continue tomorrow.

What a boring movie.

Did he have to get off
the platform so slowly ?

Now he'll walk
all the way to the corner.

My God ! This is even worse !
He stopped to pick up a coin.

Not yet.
He dropped the coin. My God !

Bri, are you okay ?

Sure, I'm bored too.
If you want, change it.

No, you tell me.
I actually think it's funny this way.

Are you sure you're okay ?

- I was just thinking.
- About what ?

Why don't you quit escorting ?
I was just wondering.

I didn't know it bothered you.

It doesn't, I was just thinking,
trying to understand.

You don't need the money.

You could have fun all day
without doing a thing.

I think that's what I'd do.

It's what I do.
I need to keep busy.

You could run a boutique.

I don't mean to be nosy.
It's your life.

It doesn't bother me at all.
It's just an idea.

Why would that occur to you now ?

I don't know, I saw the guy
not doing any kind of work,

and I thought you
don't need to work either.

But I'm not insisting.
It's just a conversation.

- I like what I do.
- Sure. It was just a comment.

Don't tell me she's making
coffee in real time.

Yes, she is !

What's wrong ?

I've had enough of this.
I can't do it anymore.

It's your turn, César.

What a bastard !
What's the clue this time ?


"Konstantin has Alzheimer's."
What does that mean ?

Konstantin is a character
in "The Seagull."

We need to go back
to the school.


Another very important thing
to teach the kid. Classical music.

- Ask me why.
- Why, Ariel ?

So he'll learn certain things
are totally useless.

I remember Giancarlo. Shy, intelligent.
I also remember the play.

Sadly, it was one of a few
performances of "The Swan."

We should have staged the play
more often.

Do you know what this means ?
"Konstantin has Alzheimer's" ?

Konstantin has Alzheimer's.

It doesn't mean anything,
he tried to commit suicide.

He didn't have Alzheimer's,
so it doesn't mean anything.

I remember that.

"Konstantin has Alzheimer's."
I remember that.

The kid playing Konstantin
forgot his lines several times

until somebody yelled
"Konstantin has Alzheimer's !"

Everybody in the theatre
roared with laughter.

They made fun of the kid
long after it happened.

Gosh, when was that exactly ?
More than a decade ago.


I know the answer.

You were humiliated at school
the day of the play.

We finally solved it
with time to spare.

Thanks for saving me
from prison.

I'll never let the cops
see that folder.

You failed, Karin.
I forgot to tell you that rule.

You may only fail once.
Next time, you lose.

It worked, Luna.
You saved our marriage. Talk to her.

Excuse me.


You were amazing, Luna.
Thank you.

You're welcome.
I'm glad you're back together.

Can I ask you
to do something else ?

- Yes ?
- Have sex with him again.

You want me to have sex
with him again ?

Yes, but this time
I want to do it with you.

Are all poets that wild in bed ?

Was Cecilia Meirelles like that ?

I wouldn't know,
but Lord Byron was wild in bed.

He was ?
I'm his female version.

- Ma.
- Yes ?

- You know what I'd like ?
- What ?

For you to take a vacation.

Or better yet, stop working as an escort
so we can all travel together.

We could go to Venice,
ride a gondola,

and have sex in all the palaces
Lord Byron made love to his mistresses.

We could go on vacation,

But having a return date
is such a drag.

I could take some time off
and you could quit escorting.

Guga can paint anywhere.

Bri and Zanini, who knows ?
But we'll figure it out.

Imagine how great it would be
if you quit working.

We'd spend a whole year
traveling and making love.

Magali. I'm reading an article
by a Cambridge ethics professor,

and guess what I decided.

If I see an ethics professor
on a dark street,

I'd cross the street
to avoid being murdered.

- Zanini.
- Look what it says.

"And so we can conclude
there's nothing wrong with..."

Put the magazine down.

Let me finish.
"There's nothing wrong..."


Did you make Sabrina and Letícia
tell me to quit escorting ?

- Who, me ?
- Yes, you.

I had no idea
they asked you to stop.

You didn't know ?
I know when you're lying.

Lying to you ?
Are you calling me a liar ?

It's just a question.

Just a question.
Questions aren't just questions.

Questions are also accusations,
that one in particular.

It makes a statement
and convicts me.

Answer me, Zanini.

Listen, Magali,
if you think my personality,

my character,
everything you know about me

isn't more than enough
to answer your question,

then I have nothing
to say to you, honey.

- Zanini !
- I need to calm down.

Zanini !

Don't speak to me.
I am very disappointed.

Deco Gouveia's bulimia story
is all over the news.

Poor guy. He'll be devastated.
I know him.

He'll be even more depressed
than before.

- I think it's good for him.
- Good ?

Yes, he won't be devastated.
He'll be healed.

We're activating
part two of our plan.

He will be treated
and we'll recover Içá's image.

How ?

We convince Deco
to launch a joint campaign

to make the public aware
of certain eating disorders.

We have fund-raiser dinners,
Deco gets treated,

and the media will adore us.

Get ready for stardom, Debbie.

- Look at this, César.
- What ?

Giancarlo's not in the picture.
How many characters are there ?


- Eleven.
- What does that mean ?

- Giancarlo wasn't in the play.
- But he's in the poster.

He could've been replaced
at the last minute.

The other guy didn't have time
to learn his lines, forgot them,

so Konstantin has Alzheimer's.

That's it, but if not,
we're running out of time.

You weren't in the play.
You were somewhere else.

You're right.

Magali regretted accusing Zanini
unfairly, thinking she had been unfair.

So she decided to apologize.

My turn.

- Look.
- No way.

Hi. Was Zanini here ?

A Tom Collins, please.

No, a shot of that grappa
he talks about.

I shouldn't feel guilty,
but I do.

This is great.
Monster has good taste.

But isn't it weird ? First Sabrina
tells me to quit escorting.

Just like that, out of the blue.

Then Letícia says
the exact same thing.

How can I not think
Zanini's involved ?

It could've been Guga.
Or simply a coincidence.

I shouldn't have accused Zanini.
I have to trust him.

But it's hard
knowing it's about Zanini.

And Zanini is, you know,

But I have to trust him.
Suspicion will kill any relationship.

And I like him. He's my little monster,
my Chucky, my little Freddy Krueger.

I really like him.

He's not taking my calls.

I'll wait until he calms down
to apologize.

More grappa, please.

I need to tell you something.

And while Magali
listened to something

that would affect
her relationship with the group,

I consolidated
the marriage I saved.

Then what ?

I sold the beetle,
but I lost all the tamarinds.

You're so funny, Zanini.

Magali. You scared me.
What are you doing here ?

I'm glad you're buddies,
and enjoy each other's company,

because you can forget about me.

- What ?
- Yes. What ?

- Is everything okay ?
- Come, you need to hear this.

He compared me to a diner fork

that goes in so many mouths
it's enough to make you puke.

Me ?

Yes, you said escorts
make you sick.

And you told me nothing.
You covered up for him.

Covered up isn't fair.
I didn't tell you.

- You didn't tell me. Exactly.
- What's going on ?

I swear I was mad at him.

You two get out of our group.
Go pack your bags.

What are you saying ?

Let's calm down
and discuss this civilly.

I made up my mind.
I'm a very polite fork, right ?


You know what ?
You two can go with them.

She's insane.
I knew this was coming.

Let her calm down.
She will calm down. I think.

Right ?

I'm not changing my mind !
Screw the community !

Son of a bitch.

It's the same drawing ?

Yes but now it has
the word "alley" too.

- Alley ?
- Yes. Alley.

Alley could mean anything.
How can we figure that out ?

I saw an alley at his school.
That might be the clue.

Nothing on "alley."
Apparently it's just an alley.

Let's take a look at it.

Can you believe
we actually had a threesome ?

- I can't believe they did it again.
- What do you mean again ?

I serviced the couple.
They've done it a lot.

They split up and make up.
Always the same old story.

He catches her cheating,
humiliates her,

and they end up
in bed with a hooker.

- Are you kidding me ?
- It's true. It's a cycle.

Magali dreamed of organizing
a community

of people who love each other,

with no lying, no fighting and no rules,
like the bonobos.

But that day she decided

humans would never be able
to match up to the bonobos.


You forgot your painting.

It's a gift for you.
I finally finished it.

It's called "The Community".

There's nothing here.

Maybe they know something
at the school.

Yes. Maybe.

Nobody knew anything
at the school.

The alley was just an alley.

Looks like we finally lost.

Sorry, Karin.
I don't know how to help you.

You helped me a lot.

I need to use the restroom.
I'll be right back.



Karin !
It was a party. The alley party.


What ?

- It was a crime.
- A crime ?

In 2002, the day Giancarlo
missed the play,

some kids left the alley party
and beat up a cross-dresser.

He almost died.
He was disabled for life.

My God, Karin !

- Hi, Karin.
- Son of a bitch !

Calm down.

You beat up the cross-dresser ?
Is that it ?

Calm down. You're almost there.
Then you'll get it.

Get what ?

Be patient. You passed the first part.
I knew you would.

But I don't know
if you can do it again tomorrow.

I'm not doing anything else.
The game's over.

No, Karin, it's not over.

You can tie me up nude anywhere
if that'll make you forgive me.

Anywhere you want.
Right here and now if you want.

Stop it.
I'm not doing any of that.

You don't ?

No, I don't want to be
like those couples

that split up and make up
all the time.

I won't be stuck
in some crazy relationship.

I don't want to go crazy
with you.

But we're not like that.
We love each other.

Yes, you're right.

- We love each other.
- So you forgive me ?

- I forgive you.
- Really ?

But there's a problem.

What problem ?

If you forgive the man you love
more than 16 times,

he becomes your brother.

You're my brother, Oscar.
I'm sorry.

We're not a couple anymore.

There's one more thing
we'll teach that baby pimp...

I've made up my mind.

You can't teach him anything.
Let me do that, okay ?

Listen to me very carefully,
young man.

I didn't have the chance
to raise you properly,

and that dumb mom of yours
spoiled you rotten.

So I'm making up for it
by educating your son.

So stay out of it.

Keep on being the idiot
that you are.

Stop trying to be the man you're not.
It's too late for that.

Are we partners
of a cross-dresser basher ?

An SOB that destroys people
with his lies and his violence ?

I'm not playing anymore.
I just won't !

But you're almost done.
He said so himself.

Son of a bitch.

- To us.
- To us.

Another Tom Collins, please.
Anything but grappa.

I don't know about you,
but I've really had it with dating.

Me too.

- The creeps we've been with !
- You can say that again.

And the women
weren't too great either.

- Well, think about this.
- What ?

Some people marry themselves.
I can't because I'd divorce myself.

But it's an option.

Luna, when you called off
your wedding reception,

didn't they credit it
to the buffet ?

Yes, but I'm not using it.

- Can I use it ?
- You ?

Yes, that's a great idea.
Getting married to myself.

- I mean it.
- I don't doubt it.

- Would you be my maid of honor ?
- Wait. Seriously ?

- Seriously.
- Yes. Of course !

That evening César went to see
if things were okay at the club.

But he himself wasn't okay.
And Eric was even worse.

Don't do that, Eric.

I can't stand Ariel.

He's a horrible person.
Just horrible.

Having a dad like him is awful.

I don't want him to be my dad.

Anybody else
would be a better dad to me.

But he's the dad I've got.

It's awful.
It's awful, César.

César was so upset
about what was going on,

that he couldn't help but tell
Eric he wasn't Ariel's son,

that Ariel
made the whole thing up.

But right after he told him,
César was sorry he did.

But it was too late.

The next day Eric showed up
for work bright and early.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

He pretended not to know
what he knew,

as if he hadn't spoken
with César the night before.

Hi, Karin.
This is the last stage of our game.

The video you saw
was taped by a kid

who helped beat up
that poor boy.

He handed me the camera
so he could punch him too.

I never gave it back.

I kept this video secretly
all these years.

I was with those morons.

But here's the thing.
I didn't beat up anybody.

I just stood there.

I was just sixteen
and I was standing there.

I saw it but I didn't have
the courage to stop it.

I never touched the kid,
but I was such a coward and so weak,

I couldn't stop them
from beating him up.

The kid was in bad shape, but
he managed to identify his attackers.

My parents paid them off

to make sure they kept quiet
about me being there

and sent me back to Italy.

Shortly afterwards
I designed my first game

and soon I was among
the world's wealthiest men.

If that video
ever gets to the media,

they'll think I was involved
in the beating.

My reputation would be ruined.

My companies' stock
would hit rock bottom.

I wouldn't sell a single game.

Now it's up to you to decide
if I deserve to be ruined

for a crime I didn't commit.

It's your chance to do to me
what I did to Sintra.

It's your chance to do to me what you
criticized so much that I did to him.

It's your chance to prove

that you're capable of doing
what it takes to change society.

Do that and the building is yours.
And you won't have a partner like me.

It would be just you.

He's insane, he's using me
to get rid of his guilt.

He doesn't have the guts
to destroy himself,

so he wants me to do it for him.

What are you going to do ?


Karin ruined Giancarlo.

He sent her a message thanking her,
took his private jet,

and fled to somewhere
in Europe.

The fundraiser campaign for people
with eating disorders was a success.

After that,
Içá attracted a lot of attention

and the country's number one
food writer

came to check out
the restaurant.

He said it was his best meal
that year.

Debbie became a celebrity chef,

and said she'd open a restaurant
in the Blue building.

So thanks to Mia's plan,
many other restaurant chains

also wanted to have a branch
in the building.

That attracted designer clothing
and perfumes, and accessories.

Yuri finally finished
his movie.

But the influence of the woman who
produced it ruined most of the scenes.

So he made a tough choice.

He deleted all the copies of the movie.

To you, sweet Prince of Porn.

One day I'll shoot a movie
that's worthy of you. I swear.

With your permission.

César kept trying
to get Henrique to change.

Until Henrique moved out.

And César was free
to search for a new love.

Preferably someone who doesn't
take phone calls at the movies.

Ariel learned how to change diapers
and Eric decorated the nursery himself.

But when the baby was born,
he was Japanese.

He won't stop crying.

Of course he won't stop crying.
He faces 13 years of virginity.

What did you expect him to do ?
Let him get all his anguish out.

Grandpa wasn't Daddy's dad,
Dad wasn't the baby's dad,

and the baby
wasn't Granddad's grandson.

They were not related
in any way whatsoever,

but they still became a family.

- Is he hungry ?
- Isn't he feeding properly ?

Is that bitch Naomi charging us
to breastfeed the baby ?

Single and broke,
Oscar decided to start all over again.

He took the heirs course again
hoping to pick up an heiress.

I've said enough.
It's time to introduce yourselves.

Why don't you go first ?

Me ? I haven't inherited a thing.
I was just passing by.

Do they serve any food here ?

Well, my name is Oscar,

my family invested in the iron
and steel industry and farming,

and also heavily in Oceano Azul.

Really ? I read all about Karin.
I think she's awesome.

Do you know her ?

Sure, I'm Luna's brother.
One of the founders.

I did well without Oscar.
I redecorated my place.

And adapted perfectly well
to my new bed.


Magali kept her promise.

She married herself
in a beautiful ceremony at the club.

Zanini was very jealous.

He apologized profusely,
begging her to get a divorce.

She didn't get a divorce,
but she accepted his apology,

and soon afterwards,
cheated on herself with him.

Sintra won his legal battle,
but lost his TV program.

He never recovered his image.

But he recovered
his friendship with Karin.

He considered her the perfect woman
to be the mother of his kids

and wanted
to be more than friends.

But Karin was against
having another relationship,

and was determined
not to have any children.

But she had her eggs frozen
just in case.

She continued working
as an activist.

And against all odds
she managed to inaugurate her building.

But she didn't go
to the inauguration.

She preferred watching
her building from another angle.