The Business (2013–2018): Season 4, Episode 10 - Hipocrisia - full transcript

HD. 'Hypocrisy.' (Season Four) Karin enlists fellow escorts to expose those trying to shut them down: many of them are clients.

- I'm scamming Blue.
- I'm in.

- You'll feel guilty and quit.
- I swear I won't.

Then you need to prove it.

- What's this ?
- My son ripped you off.

I'm against prostitution. I don't think
I can have sex with Magali.

We need a new guy.

Control your ego
and let us be happy.

I know this lady tycoon
who produces porn.

She might produce yours
if she likes the script.

Right now,
something else interests me.

I could produce the whole film
if we get together.

My fantasy is having sex
in dangerous places.

Let's make your fantasy
come true.

If you want me,
it's sex in bed from now on.

Giancarlo left again
without saying where to.

Thanks for taking care of me.

I won't fall in love.

He took your advice
and went out with Naomi.

- Did you like her ?
- I kept thinking about Bruna.

Bruna. It's Eric.

We're here to apologize
and get you out of here.

Thanks, girls.

We need to move fast
and prove it was a setup.

Setting up Karin was tough.
Wasn't it ?

The cops already have it.

Thanks for everything.



- Must you go to that dinner ?
- I don't want to, but I must.

I don't get
this business dinner thing.

Dinner is dinner.
Business is business.

I agree, honey.
But it's also a commitment.

Good night, Governor.

Send everybody home.
I'm going out alone.

- Are you sure, sir ?
- Yes.

The first thing Karin did
upon being released

was to throw a party at Blue
for the Governor of São Paulo

and other important people

to negotiate an end
to their judgmental mentality.

As you know, all this started
because the DA set me up.

- But we already proved I was right.
- Right.

It's not fair for our State
to be punished

for the doings
of a few dishonest people.

Because it is being punished.

With clubs shut down and girls
unable to work in the streets,

how many jobs were lost ?

People go out less,
restaurants lose business,

bars sell less cocktails,
hotels lose their guests,

people go out of business,
the damage is incalculable.

Yes, but you forgot to mention
something important.

- What's that ?
- People have less fun.

A lot less.

The first thing I did after Oscar
took off with everything we owned,

was to borrow some clothes

and move to the club
with his mom temporarily.

I like Oscar's mom.

He's okay but he insists
Oscar ripped me off.

You don't think so ?

Of course not.
You think he'd do that ?

What do you think happened ?

I don't know but I'm worried,
maybe he lost big time at poker,

had to sell everything
to pay off his debt

but they killed him anyway.

That's awful, Luna.
I think he just ripped you off.

No, Magali. I know he loves me.

Couldn't he rip you off
and love you all the same ?

No. No way.

Love and what people do
are very different things.

- Shut up, Magali.
- I'm serious.

What about the community
and the impotent Vinicius ?

No, I hate him.
But I know what to do.

What ?

- I'll be extra nice to him.
- What for ?

To be a better person.
I will not be a Cláudio Nunes.

Cláudio Nunes ?

That selfish bastard that craves
being in the spotlight.

- But you're not like that.
- And I don't want to be.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Thanks for supporting
my peace negotiations.

It was only fair
after what they did to you.

But I'm not here
just to support you.

- No ?
- No. I came to apologize.

What for ?

Because for a moment
all alone in my room at night,

I thought about the possibility of you
overstepping the bounds of morality.

Really ?

Just for a moment, but still enough
to make me feel guilty.

- Am I forgiven ?
- But of course.

I'm glad you were released.

There aren't many smart guys
to disagree with here.

- I disagree.
- Great.

The party was a success.

The governor promised to use his
influence to get things back to normal.

And then...

"The governor was seen exiting
a house of prostitution at high speed

when he lost control of the car.

His advisers have yet
to comment on the incident."

What a jerk.

What else can you expect
from the governor ?

Oscar ?

- Hi, Luna.
- How are you ?

That's why I called.
To tell you I'm okay.

- What happened ?
- I'll explain later. I have to go now.

- No, Oscar, wait.
- Don't worry. I'm fine.

- Oscar.
- Bye.


What did he say ?
He'll explain later ?

How do you know that ?

They say that to gain time
until the victim calls the cops.

"I'll explain later"
is the last stage of all scams.

That's not true.

Maybe one day he'll come to you
with some crazy story

to justify what he did.

But only if he needs something
from you.

Fran, I know you're his mom,
but you don't know him as I do.

Of course not.
I know him much better.

I'm hiring a detective to find out
what happened and see who's right.

- Okay.
- Hurry, it's the governor on TV.

Good morning, governor.
Thanks for being here.

My pleasure, Lorena.

You became famous
all over the country

for supporting
the Wave of Morality Operation

that cracked down
on prostitution.


But then as you know
you went viral on the Internet

after crashing your car
in front of a brothel.

So I have to ask
if you were leaving that place.

Of course not, Lorena.

What's more,
that brothel was shut down

on my administration's
own initiative.

I want to reaffirm my commitment
to the people of São Paulo

to keep these places closed and stop
public spaces from being used illegally

for this kind of activity.

What's more,
we're also tightening the reins,

by working twice as hard

to guarantee our residents
the kind of town they deserve.

Thank you, governor.
With regard to the increase...

What a hypocrite !

He's the governor.
What did you expect ?

Is there any chance
he'll keep his word after this ?

- No chance whatsoever.
- What now, Karin ?

We need to find a way to expose
these hypocrites once and for all.

How ?

By using their own hypocrisy
against them.

While Karin organized her plan
to stop the Wave of Morality,

Magali serviced a john of hers,

keeping alive the precious flame
of immorality.

Shakespeare compares women
to a summer's day in a poem.

Crappy flattery.
Just one day is nothing.

To me you're all of summer.

Three months of daiquiris
on a Caribbean beach.

You always use cocktails
to flatter me.

Last week I was as perfect
as a Negroni.

A week before, I was sweeter
than a gin and tonic.

I can't talk about anything else
after I opened my bar.

All ready for opening night ?
It's next week, right ?

- Everything's ready but me.
- How come ?

I'm kind of tense
because I worked so hard for it,

any criticism
could make me lose it.

Be nice to your customers
even if they criticize you.

I know that but I can't.

Sure you can. Try this.
I'm your customer.

This mojito is disgusting.

- Really ?
- Really.

You know what I think ?
You're disgusting.

Are you insane ?
You can't treat them like that.

- I can't ?
- No. Let me try again.

I'm sorry, I ordered a Cosmo
that doesn't taste like crap.

- My Cosmo takes like crap ?
- It does.

It goes with everything you say
which is crap.

Get out of my bar, you moron.
I don't need your money.

Better ?

Great, you'll be a huge success
with that kind of service.

- You think ?
- I know it.

Since Magali's john
couldn't deal with rejection,

she made the effort
to live with it.

- Hi. Look what I got you.
- That's for me ? What is it ?

"Abade de Priscos" pudding.
Sabrina says it's your favorite dessert.

Yes, it's so hard to find.
Thank you.

You're welcome.
I'll leave it here for you.

Yes, Karin wants to speak
with the girls at the club.

Yes, tomorrow. Can you make it ?
Great. Thanks, Estela. Big kiss.


- You're back ?
- Yes. I'm back.

- Got a minute to talk ?
- Sure.

I tried. I swear I tried.
But I can't get you out of my head.

- I see.
- It's true.

And I came
to a terrifying conclusion.

What conclusion ?

I want to be with you, Mia.
Even if we only have sex in bed.

Even if it means
being like those couples

that walk around the mall
holding hands,

buying all kinds of food
in different places,

taking their little trays
to the food fair

to celebrate their five years together.

You'd never celebrate
five years together in a mall.

I would with you,
and I'd even enjoy it,

even if you were smothered
with tons of tartar sauce.

What do you want from me ?

Nothing. Just you.

I can't play this game anymore.
I've had it.

I'm not playing anymore.

- I don't believe you.
- I swear.

- I still don't believe you.
- I'll prove it to you.

- You won't convince me.
- I will.

No holding hands
until you prove it.

At least have dinner with me tomorrow.
With two trays if you like.

I'm not having dinner
with you, Giancarlo. Sorry.

The next day Karin explained her plan
to end the Wave of Morality

to a group
of strategically selected girls.

I called you because you're the best
escorts with the best contacts in town,

and we need to join forces
to save our trade.

- What's your plan ?
- Putting a dossier together.

A file ?

Yes, the guys behind
all the repression of escorts

are the same guys
that hire escorts.

They take us off the streets one day,
then to bed the next day.

They're a bunch of hypocrites.
We must use that against them.

You want us to gather proof
that they hire us

so we can blackmail them ?


We're in this mess
because you went after them.

Now you want
to go even further ?

We're not in this mess
because I went after them.

I'm just their excuse this time.

They always have an excuse
to come after us.

Unless we're no longer scared
to fight back.

I don't know what you think,
but here's what I think.

They call it
The Wave of Morality.

It's a wave and like all waves
it has to recede.

If we just wait,
things will go back to normal.

But if we confront the wave,
we'll all be drowned.

I don't agree, Estela.
Yes, it's true, waves do recede.

But it's also true that waves
keep coming one after the other.

And if we do nothing,
then we'll really be drowned.

Let me tell you this, Karin,
I admire you and I like you,

but your weak point is
you don't know when to quit.

There's only one time to quit.

When we can work in peace
with our heads held high.

Who's with me ?

Thanks, girls.

Yuri, I've been thinking
about your movie.

What ?

I don't know if I should.
Who am I to give my opinion ?

Who are you ?
Aren't you producing the movie ?

- Yes, I am.
- So you can speak up your mind.

Okay. I'm not so sure I like the idea
of that killer sex fiend.

You don't ?

- No. Do you really need her ?
- She saves them at the end.

Okay, now that you mention
the end...

On the following days
a huge number of top state officials

had the pleasant surprise
of getting two hours free

with some of the country's
hottest escorts.

The lucky ones.

Meanwhile, I kept trying to find out
where Oscar was.

Okay. Thanks.

- Did the detective find out anything ?
- Not yet.

And Magali made a huge effort
to avoid being a Cláudio Nunes.

Would you like me to get you
a nice cold beer, Guga ?

Sure. Thanks.

And Giancarlo
tried to convince Mia

he wasn't playing with her
when he said he wasn't.

He did so by playing with her.



"If I were playing with you
I'd never send you roses

with a poem
by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

See poem on the back."

- Can I make one more critique ?
- You can.

I don't think Luna
would try to trick the guard.

- But you don't know Luna.
- So what ?

Nothing yet ?

This is for you.

Mia. You have visitors.

I have the perfect actress
to play Greta.

Xana de Almeida.

- Xana ? But she's twenty.
- Yes, so she's perfect.

"This could go public.
It's up to you."

Okay. Thanks.

You can switch
to any channel you want.

I don't want to impose.

My house is your house.



Must it be in the future ?



It's beautiful.

I think so too. I can't believe
I'm going to be a chef.

I'm so anxious !

With your looks and our marketing,
you'll be the country's number one chef.

- You don't even need any talent.
- Thanks, Mia.

- When's the kitchen opening ?
- I'm glad you mention that.

Can you come
to a tasting menu tomorrow ?

- Sure. I'd love to.
- I'm so nervous about this.


- Hello.
- Hi.

- What's up ? You wanted to see me ?
- What are you up to ?

What am I up to ?
What are you talking about ?

They're blackmailing my friend
at the DA's office.

Why is he being blackmailed ?

For trying to destroy
something he uses ?

- The motive doesn't matter.
- It does. Enough hypocrisy.

- No, Karin, hypocrisy is important.
- It's important ?

- More than important. Fundamental.
- I thought you were serious.

I am serious. The options are either
hypocrisy or barbarity.

If we only stood up
for what we do,

we'd be defending dishonesty,
brutality, fraud and crime.

Society's values
would be the worst possible.

But thank God there's hypocrisy.

Thanks to hypocrisy
we can have ideals.

Thanks to hypocrisy
we can dream of a better world.

Without hypocrisy
we'd be nothing but beasts.

It's time to make a better world
without hypocrisy.

Because hypocrites
step all over people like me,

they use our heads as steps
to reach their ideals.

And that's no longer acceptable.

You're crossing a moral line
you shouldn't cross.

You're getting your hands dirty.

- I had a great evening.
- Me too.

You're the cutest girl I know.

No way, you're surrounded
by perfect women at work.

None can hold a candle to you.

- Right.
- Can I ask you something ?

- Sure.
- Are we dating ?

- Do you want us to ?
- I do. Very much.

Then we're dating.

Thanks for the lift.

- Eric.
- Hey, Naomi.

- We need to talk.
- About what ?


What is it ?

- The detective found Oscar.
- Where ?

At a Panama City hotel.
I'm flying there tomorrow to get him.

You can stay here.
I'll keep you informed.

- I'm coming with you.
- You don't need to.

- I'm his mother. I'm coming.
- Alright.

- What's the matter ?
- Nothing.

So what's that leaking
from your eyes, drops of dew ?

He's pouring his heart out.
We'll tell you later.

No, César. I'm his dad, not you.

You never slept with a woman.
You're not a dad.

Talk to me, Eric.
Talk to me. That's an order.

- Naomi's pregnant.
- What have you got to do with it ?

Don't tell me
you have anything to do with it.

I'm the dad.

You had sex with her
without a condom ?

She didn't want to.
She said I was special, not just a john.

- I know her. She's a good person.
- How could you be so stupid ?

Bruna's going to dump me.

I don't want an abortion,
but I can't lose Bruna.

What am I going to do ?

Calm down. Calm down.
Everything's going to be okay.

You'll have a beautiful kid.
Bruna and you will still be together.

It will all be fine, you'll see.
Listen to your dad.

You just need to keep calm.

You bitch ! You whore !
What were you thinking ?

You'd trick my son like that
and get away with it ?

Are you insane ?

I swear I didn't want
to get pregnant.

Now you'll do something else
you don't want to.

- What ?
- Go away.

Have your kid far away from here.
In another town, another state.

I'll send you monthly payments
until the kid's eighteen

as long as you never come back.

As long as you don't ruin
my kid's live.

Is that clear ?

That evening Karin went home
earlier than usual.

- Hi, César.
- Are you watching Sintra's show ?

No, I'm not sure
I want to see it again.

I think you should.

The discourse
in favor of prostitution

can be very appealing with its idea
of a world that's freer and less biased.

But the truth is that discourse
has terrible consequences for society.

The destruction of families,
depraved young girls,

the degradation of the physical
expression of love

and the trivialization of the feelings
that forged our society

and took us where we are today.

So I totally support the efforts of the
Attorney General against prostitution

and I ask all of you

to help stop the construction of Karin's
building in the heart of São Paulo.

That building would represent
the demise of the values

which are the building blocks
of our civilization.

Panama City

Fran and I landed in Panama City
the next afternoon.

Hi, I'm looking for
a guest of yours.

- What's his name ?
- Oscar Braga.

Oscar. Right.
They checked out this morning.

- They ?
- He and his wife.

His wife ? What's her name ?

Sorry, our guests' information
is confidential.

It's very important.

Are you sure
there's nothing you can do ?

I don't have her name.
The manager does.

Can I speak with him ?

I'll try to locate him.
Would you like a room meanwhile ?


- Zanini.
- Yes ?

Have you seen
how Magali treats me ?

What about it ?

She's being so nice to me.
It's awful.

- Why ?
- Because I feel guilty.

I reject her in bed
and she's being nice to me ?

I have to talk to her about it.

You'd be nuts to tell her
you're against prostitution.

No, I'll tell her
I have certain issues,

that it's not her,
I like her as much as the others

and she can count on me
for anything.

- What do you think ?
- I think it's a good idea.

Magali, I need to speak with you.
Can we go somewhere for a drink ?

I have to go to the opening
of a client's bar.

A john ?

Yes. A john of mine.
Why don't you come with me ?

Sure. Why not ?

- Hi, Mia.
- Hello.

Come in.
Can I get you a drink ?

- White wine ?
- Sure. I'll get it.

- Debbie.
- Yes ?

Was today's tasting menu
Giancarlo's idea ?

Sorry, Mia. He asked me to.

He said it's the only way
to get you to dine with him.

Alright. Get the wine.

I'm still upset about what Sintra did.

He really went after
the building last night.

He's never denied his opinion,
but even so...

Yes, I swear I never expected
that from him.

I've been thinking.
You know what you need to do ?

What ?

Ask him for another interview.
You need to stand up for it.

Your arguments are way better.
He can't deny your right to a retort.

He just can't.

Ariel ! What have you done ?
Did you threaten Naomi ?

Who, me ?

She says she's raising my kid
far away from here.

- What did you tell her ?
- I told her nothing.

You're making her
have an abortion ?

- No, Eric.
- Tell me the truth !

I just gave her some money
to raise the kid away from here.

I can't believe you did that.

I did it for you.
Bruna doesn't need to know.

No, Ariel. You didn't do it for me.
You did it for yourself.

What ?

To avoid the responsibility
of being a granddad.

You did it because you're selfish.
Because you're a monster.

Aren't you overreacting ?

You have one day
to undo what you did. One day.

I'm not a crook.

This will do.

Oscar organized an event
at our hotel.

An event ?

Yes, to launch
a real estate venture.

It was one of the best parties
we've ever had.

Do you know
what real estate venture ?

A building in Brazil, I think.
But that's all I know.

Do you have any literature
about this business venture ?

I don't. But the photographer
took pictures for our website.

- Would you like to see them ?
- Yes.

Van Gogh ate paint,
burned his hands with candles,

sliced his ear off for a hooker,

and he's normal
compared to this art collector.

Really ?

Yes, he sold a Renoir he owned
of a nude woman sitting on a chair,

and while it was being certified
they discovered some stains.

Guess what of.

- What ?
- Semen.

No !

I swear, the guy jerked off
to a Renoir.

What a weirdo !

Weirder still was finding
his semen on a Mondrian.

Are there are lots of paintings
with semen in museums ?

Why do you think
they're behind glass panels ?

- So...
- Yes ?

What did you want to talk about ?

I know things
didn't work out for us.

But it had nothing to do with you,
nothing at all.

Sometimes I'm a jerk
for no apparent reason.

It's an issue of mine.

It's not a food fair,
there are no trays,

but it's still nice, don't you think ?

You know you're proving you're not
playing me by playing with me ?

Sure, you need to play
to not play, right ?

- So what's your next move ?
- Can't you guess ?


A likely move, but to prove
I'm not playing you,

I need to play like that.

Let's see it.

Now you say,
"Let me put it on you."

Right. Let me put it on you.
You say, "You shouldn't have".

You shouldn't have,
but you keep insisting.

- I have to insist.
- And I have to say no.

- But we end up yielding.
- Yes, I end up yielding.

You spoke your mind.
Now let me speak my mind.

No, Karin.
You can't speak your mind.

- Why not ?
- Only a part of what you think.

I don't follow you.

You blackmail people
because you hate hypocrisy.

And you're the hypocrite.

- Me ?
- Do you agree with blackmail ?

- In this case I do.
- Is that what you'll say ?

You know that could trigger a war

that could hurt many women
and ruin my cause.

Fine, but if I interview you
I'll ask you that.

And if you lie
I'll say what I know.

It's my job.
And it's what I believe in.

Excuse me.
I have a program to tape.

I told you so. I know Oscar.
He is my son.

Do you understand ? It's not you,
it's these mental blocks I have

that appear suddenly
for no reason whatsoever.

Got it, Guga. I heard you.

I'm just making sure
you know it's not you.

You're repeating it so much
I think it's me.

No, I swear it's not you.

Fine. Let's talk about
something else.

Alright, but don't get upset.

- I'm not upset.
- You swear ?

- Yes. Can we change the subject ?
- See ? You're upset.

- Can you fetch me a drink ?
- Sure. Right away.

But don't get upset.

Hi, Magali.

- You sneaked out of the bar ?
- Finally. How is your drink ?

- My drink ?
- Yes.

- Awful.
- Really ?


Guga knew he crossed a line with Magali,
and he'd do whatever it took to fix it.

And when he came back with the drinks
he saw his chance.

- My Cosmo takes like crap ?
- It does.

It goes with everything you say
which is a bunch of crap.

Get out of my bar, you moron.
I don't need your money.

Watch your filthy mouth, bitch !

No, Guga, he's one of my johns !
He's just kidding ! Stop it !

So you rented a house
in São Paulo ?


You did that to convince me
you're staying.

I'm staying to convince you
I'm staying.

And when we've had the wine,
you'll want me to see it.

And you'll say yes.

This is enough shrimp
for the risotto, right ?

- Yes, it is.
- Okay. Talk to you later.

- Henrique.
- Yes ?

Don't leave the cart out there.
Take it inside.

What's with all the bitching ?
First I ignored the waiter.

Then I didn't recycle the garbage.
What a drag !

- Henrique.
- Bye.

Unbelievable, faggot ! Eric gave me
just one day to undo what I did.

Imagine that kid giving me
an ultimatum ? That's pathetic !

But he's right. Did you do it to save
his relationship with Bruna,

or to avoid the responsibilities
of a granddad ?

- What do you want me to say ?
- The truth.

César, think of all the lies
that come to mind.

And pick out the most boring lie.
That's the truth.

The truth is nothing
but such a boring lie

that it doesn't even work
as a lie.

Ariel, I'm serious.

Fine. I hate kids.
Is that what you wanted to hear ?

Kids are like human beings,
just disproportionate.

They're human maggots.
They're scary.

A tooth falls out
and another grows up.

Did you know that, César ?
Just like a lizard's tail. That's scary.

You need to take your foot
out of your big mouth.

You have one day.

Naomi sent Eric a message
the next day.

She wasn't leaving.

She was staying in São Paulo
to have her baby here.

What will you do ?

I'll tell Bruna the truth.
Like an adult would.

What an idiot !

And Bruna dumped Eric.

- Good morning. You must be Mia.
- Good morning.

I'm Dmitri, Giancarlo's P.A.
Can I get you anything ?

No, thanks.

Why are those things
on the bull's-eye ?

Giancarlo's very intelligent
as you know.

He thinks that if you place
valuable things

around the spot you want to hit,
you can't miss.

Why is the CD and the watch
so important to him ?

They're important to the people
he cares about.

That way
it's all more important, right ?

If he ruins them, he loses
not the object but somebody.

- Right.
- Does his theory work ?

Almost always.

He's clearly self-destructive.
He invests in venture deals.

Insisted in having sex
in risky places.

But his self-destruction
is more complex than I thought.

Why, Mia ?

For some reason
I haven't figured out,

he doesn't think he deserves
what he has.

So he punishes himself
by punishing them.

If he loves you, you're a target.
Then he destroys the relationship.

- You think he loves you ?
- I don't know.

I don't know if he's just playing.
I hope he is.

The only way this will work
is if he doesn't love me.

Mia, you left
without saying goodbye.

I didn't have the chance to tell you
I want you to move in with me.

Call me when you can.
I love you.

Damn !

You dumped Guga
on behalf of our group ?

- We liked him.
- But he didn't like me.

What do you mean ?
Didn't he defend you ?

- He punched my john !
- For your sake.

- My john wasn't yelling at me.
- He thought he was.

We find a new guy.
What's the problem ?

- You're being so selfish.
- Really ?

You're imposing your will on us

- You're Cláudio Nunes again.
- Stop it.

Admit it, you overreacted.
It was just a misunderstanding.

He didn't deserve to get dumped,
much less without asking us.

I agree.

Let's take a walk, shall we ?
Magali needs to think a little.

That same day,
Karin decided Sintra was right.

She was being hypocritical

and she needed his interview
to face his questions and accusations.

But then...

Karin, did you hear
the latest news ?

- No. What news ?
- You'd better come with me.

"Appalling sex abuse charges against
Sintra, according to an attorney."

- Unbelievable.
- The details are horrific.

It's a terrible world.
A real hellhole.

That bastard
called you a hypocrite.

My God !

It's a terrible world.
A real hellhole.

What do you want ?

- You had no right to do that.
- What are you talking about ?

You're ruining my life.

I don't agree with you,
but I'm not an idea, I'm human.

I'm against your tower,
but I'm a human being.

A person that doesn't deserve
to be ruined

just because
I don't agree with you.

What are you thinking ? That I'm behind
that report ? Is that it ?

I'm no fool, Karin.

The next day
thanks to those dossiers,

we reopened the club
with a huge party.

Everybody had a lot of fun.

Except a few of us.