The Borgias (2011–2013): Season 2, Episode 4 - Stray Dogs - full transcript

Cesare learns that Ursula and others at the convent have been slaughtered by the French, and he plans revenge as the Pope organizes a coalition to attack the retreating French.

previously on the Borgias...

Giovanni Sforza.

And my cousin,Catherina Sforza.

You would have a taste of vengeance.

The king is on the move.

He says he will use his cannon
to reduce our walls to dust.

We fight fire with fire.

You tricked the French King
and now he comes for our blood!

Do you expect us to support you twice?

Do you know what this is?

It is the fresco you have
so graciously commissioned.

But it lacks a model.

I would restore this hair to what it
was before God snatched it from me.

Will we meet again,Holy Father?

- Perhaps.
- Am I to be your mistress then?

No. That position is taken.

We will have you go through your accounts
with one we have designated to supervise them.


That monies destined to the
poor should go to the poor?

That a woman have access
to curatorial accounts.

The French are advancing from Naples.

They may murder the Borgia Pope for you.

We would discuss another cousin in whose
hands the survival of our papacy may lie.

Your Holiness refers
to the Duke of Milan.

This is true artistry.

Indeed,my lord.It is but plaster.

There are-

Ninety-five more like it- making their
way from other foundries as we speak.

You are denied entry to Rome,my liege.

My cannon will gain me entry.

Perhaps my cannon will
make their statement first.

I warn you!

I shall take terrible revenge!

On you,your family,and
the papacy itself!


the borgias
Season 2 Episode 04

YTET- ?????

The saving of Rome.

So,of what exactly
were these cannon made?

Plaster,inur HolYoess.


And an armature of wood.

Senior Vittorio had every cast
maker in Rome at work,day and night.

- We had not the bronze nor the time.
- So,deception has a place in warfare.

As in life.


If you will excuse me,Holy Father.

You come to celebrate,I hope.

The French came by the road from Ostia.


Their path took them by
the convent of St.Cecelia.

You have bad news?

Is there any other kind,Your Eminence?

Come on!

We need some blankets.

have at her.

You should spare yourself
this,Your Eminence.

Why?Why should I spare myself?

I should have foreseen this.

Your Eminence.


She chose God,Micheletto.

And God repaid her with mutilation.

I know little of God,Your Eminence.

God is deaf,God is blind,and pitiless.

She has released my heart...
of all emotions but one.


Vengeance is sweet.

So who did this,my friend?

The French.

This flag belongs to
the cavalry of Gascony.

These women were sport for army scouts.


They are renowned for their savagery.

Necklaces of severed ears.

We must give them a
lesson,then,in outrage.

You were once a stray

I found my master in you.

There must be other stray
dogs out there in Rome.

There are many.

Sons of warlike families,condottieri
who have long outlived their usefulness.

Search out a dozen of them whom we
can school in the art of vengeance.

Holy Father.

I have heard whispers about
your beautiful deception.

My congratulations.

Deceit is how we must
conduct ourselves,it seems.

Cardinal Sforza brings a proposition
from his cousin,Ludovico of Milan.

At how the French can be
defeated in open field.

Forgive me for remembering,Cardinal.

Is this the same Ludovico Sforza who gave
the French free passage through Milan?

Ludovico Sforza has received overtures.

From the doge of Venice.

From Francesco,the Duke of Mantua.

To form a league to expel
the French from our peninsula.

But your other cousin,Catherina
Sforza,rides with them.

She has the arms she needed and
has retired at her castle at Forli.

And we forgive her such treachery?

Perhaps.For the moment.

Priorities can change,Cardinal Borgia.

Indeed they can.

Welcome to Rome! Greetings!

What is this?

I have been told by my friend Micheletto that you
know each other well enough to happily hate each other.

I definitely do hate you,Battista.

You piece of piss,Orsini.

As a Colonna,I despise
you and your sorry dick.

But there is one you probably hate more.

Who has ravaged your lands,your families'
estates,your women,on their march to Naples?

The French.

Yes,yes.The French.

You think we can defeat an army?

No. No,my brother tried
that and he failed.

But,but,we can have us some sport.

We can taste revenge.

We can strike them at night and
move like smoke in the darkness.Huh?

To what end,Cardinal?

On your side,booty.

On ours,revenge.

We will ride out,camouflaged,masked.

No one will know of our existence.

Any volunteers?

I have broached the matter
of a league with His Holiness.

He seems receptive.

He can be tempted into battle?

He can be tempted by anything
- that gets him out of those papal robes.

Your Holiness,may I introduce my
cousin,Ludovico Sforza,the Duke of Milan?

Your Holiness,may I
introduce Francesco Gonzaga,

Duke of Mantua,and his new minted
bride,the lovely Duchessa Bianca.

Divine indeed.

Do diplomatic affairs not
bore you rigid,Duchessa?

They do,Your Holiness,but my husband's
affections more than compensate.

If I may be so bold,Your Holiness,we
have all of us one thing in common today.

What,suspicion?Of each
other? Or is it hatred?

- If the cardinal will let me finish...
- Indeed.

The cardinal would find
how hatred turns to love.

My son!

The French have laid waste to the
papal states as they march northwards.

Their king intends to
leave a desert behind him.

By the time he reaches Milan,there will be
nothing left of this paradise we live in.

So why did you welcome them in?

Our proposal is that the
armies of Venice,of Milan,

of the Duke of Mantua will combine
to rid us of this French plague.

Twenty thousand of our troops
will meet them near the Apennines.

We will annihilate their army and
restore the reputation of Tuscan valour.


And Milanese.

Not to speak of Roman.

Under whose leadership?

Under the leadership of
Francesco Gonzaga,Duke of Mantua.

With the blessing of His
Holiness,the Pope of Rome.

His Holiness has proved his
courage to the whole of Italy.

And the whole of Italy
will rally to his cause.

Then why not just let the
French limp their way home?

One word.

- Honour.
- Honour?

The word meant something
once,did it not?

He talks of honour,Father.

- There is nothing
- Interesting concept honour,isn't it?

Like its cousin,valour.

Honour has cousins?

Oh,many cousins.

Like Cardinal Sforza?

And they've all led kings
and armies to their doom.

So why we should now make
common cause with Milan?

Because,when the French
have left this fair paradise,

the Milanese will still be with us.


This league cannot beat the French...

even in their weakened state.

And I doubt the French
can beat this league.

So if the two armies batter each other to
death,as the lawyers often say,cui bono?

Who benefits?

A weakened Milan,a weakened
Venice,a weakened Mantua-

has to be worth a
weekend in Tuscany,surely?


Where is he?

He must be here somewhere.

I hear you before I see you.


You line your scabbard with cotton.

You want the French to hear you coming?

Lose your spurs.All of you.

And wear only soft leather.




When the scouts ride ahead of the
French army,we'll be waiting for them.

We have the light crossbow,

the Spanish garrotte,

the trident,

the paso doble.

Raven's beak.

With weapons like these,we
can reinvent combat.

Now there is talk of a pitched battle.

Of something called honour.

Let us show them another way.

Should His Holiness
not be fitted in armour?

We fight the wars of God,not of man.

Then why travel with the league?

There will be war,surely.

They would have our blessing.

You could have given it by proxy.

But the dead will
have to be prayed over.

I know you,Holy Father,

and know you always
have many ends in view.


If the armies of men will annihilate
each other,what will be left?

The army of God.

I would beg your
permission,then,in your absence,

to investigate the office
of public works even further.

For more irregularities?

There are so many,Holy
Father,in this Vatican of yours.


The army's about 30
miles south,moving slowly.

And the Gascon scouts?

Only about ten miles,at the most.

Checking the army's route.

They ride hard.

They will be hungry.

Condottieri!Let's go.


- The French are coming!
- They're coming!

People!Make ready!

They're coming!


Get the children!

Tuer tout le monde!

The voile libre.

There's nobody here!

A wedding party.

Without a bride.

The party has moved on.

No nuns.

They've heard about the
size of your dick,Sherat.

Let's eat.


Give me some more!

Drink it!

Et tu,mon
- Allez!

On your feet!

French dog!

Show some restraint,gentlemen.

I want these men alive.

With their colours.

They have a tale to tell.

These children need an orphanage.

They do indeed,but the nunneries that
used to care for them are starved of funds.

And the orphanage on Piazza
Navona is now a cardinal's palace.

Here once stood a statue of
the Goddess Sulis Minerva.

And here flowed crystal spring
water from the Alban Hills...

Statues are easily
restored.Water is not.

So,I would use
my wit-and yours-

to outwit those who divert funds-and
water- from poorhouses to palaces.

Cardinals-in the curia.

You are far too clever.

It would be fun to outwit
a brace of cardinals.

More than fun.

It could save lives.

And there is one more brain
I would engage in our cause.

Your mother's.

My mother?

- But she
- You must admit,three minds will be better than two.

And your mother and I are
far beyond such enmities.

Whose idea was this?


And you concurred?

We would use your wit,Mother.

And your wisdom.

I find myself lacking in both.

We have plans for the Roman poor.

We've already restored one bathhouse.

- And the Holy Father has given me full authority to
- Your lover.

And yours.

Given you full authority for what?

To comb through the curatorial accounts.

He knows a lot about
combing through accounts.

And if you would catch a cardinal or two,you
do well to ask one who was a courtesan.

However distasteful this
may sound to you,my daughter,

and to you,la bella Farnese,

you will have to acquaint
yourselves with the brothels of Rome.

You know these colours?

Do you know these colours!

They are the colours of our regiment.

Good answer.

You know where this was found?

It was found on the site of a massacre.

I cannot... speak... my lord.

And these ears cannot hear.

You collect them as trophies?

A convent would have provided
quite a harvest,would it not?


Who was there?

I know not,my lord.

There are many in our regiment.

If I am to die,my lord,I
would prefer to die quickly.

What?Who speaks of dying?

My associate is a master!

He can keep you alive for weeks!

In a universe of pain.

But the truth might yet set you free.

The convent!Who was there?

Who partook?


Show us,Micheletto.

Your expertise.

He was there!

You lying bastard,It was your idea!

He said there was sport to be had.

In a place that had your own protection.


And who told him that?



The Lord Sforza!

So I must punish him then.

My associate may yet prove
merciful.He treasures information.

Do you not Micheletto?

If it proves true,Your Eminence,yes.

The truth then- on troop

may yet set you free.

Would you keep secrets from us?

Why do you ask?

We have heard rumours.

Of skirmishes at night.


You are a cleric,not a soldier.


I have a secret.

The whole of Rome is whispering.

Of our dark son.

So let us instruct you
in the art of vengeance.

Do I need lessons?


Vengeance should never be seen as that.

It should always be unexpected.

And it should rarely be public.

You learnt this from the Lord?

We know little of
war,but much of vengeance.

And the one salient point is
this: vengeance is patient.

It can wait a lifetime if necessary.

Because it never dies.

If you care to ride north with
us,you may see what we mean.

So who will maintain the
house of God in our absence?

The vice chancellor,perhaps?

No,Cardinal Sforza must ride with us.

You mistrust him that much?

Our distrust of the vice
chancellor is bottomless.

As of the entire curia.

Which is why we thought we would leave
them in the safe hands of that one

blessed person in whom we can
utterly,utterly place our trust.

Show me your hands,Cesare.

Is it true what I've heard?

That they are stained with blood?

Must I confess to you?


But we never before
had secrets between us.

Some things are better left unsaid.

So I must divine then... the
dark cloud on my brother's soul.

Are you a shepherd of souls now?

And I see before me a lost sheep.

Utterly lost,my love.

Then by hook or by
crook,I shall save you.

You may kiss my ring.

You may sit,cardinals.

May I sit too,Sister?

Indeed,Cardinal Borgia.

Forgive our haste,your Eminences
but our preparations are endless.

You will have heard;

we have been called to the north where
the dogs of war are once again barking.

We must take the vice chancellor
and Cardinal Borgia with us.

And your prayers would be welcome.

We have signed a bull,leaving our dear
daughter in,so to speak,loco parentis.

Are there any questions?

Cardinal Versucci?

Can a woman,Your Holiness,occupy
the chair of St.Peter?

Well,plainly,one does.

Pax nobiscum.

Dominus nobiscum.He is ready
to impart information,Eminence.

Only to you.

Why me?

Because I know what his pleasures are.

Tell me.

The powder... for the king's cannon.

Travels in the kitchen wagons
disguised as barrels of food.

And without that powder,their
cannon are useless.

As am I,Your Eminence.

Release him.

Have you heard?

He's left his daughter in
the chair of St.Peter's.

We must travel to Florence then.

Talk to our brother Savanarola.

Surely this man cannot
be allowed to live.

We would give the consistory a lesson... cookery.

Or is that husbandry?

Baking a cake.

Pour the flour into a sieve.


The good flour emerges.

The chaff remains.

Am I correct,Cardinal Versucci?

I know little of cookery,my lady.

But you eat cake,surely?


I would hazard that the entire consistory has
been known at times to indulge in its sweet tooth.

To eat said cake.

Is there perhaps a metaphor here?

That the curia,its various offices,devoted
to public works,acts like a sieve.

The good flour emerges.

And what is left?

For the poor,the needy?

The chaff.

And what element do we
lack to make this cake?


Soldiers approaching!



Why have we stopped?

The King of France,Your
Holiness,has requested an audience.

He awaits your presence-
alone- in a church nearby.

We are ill,Your Holiness.

This battle may well be our last.

Which is why we have
requested a private audience.

Not for your confession?

My sins are many,Your Holiness.

And they are all bloody ones.

Perhaps even the Pope of
Rome cannot forgive them.

So why have you requested
our presence here?

To use your diplomatic skills
to spare us this battle.

Well,perhaps if you would surrender the booty
you have pillaged to our Holy Mother Church,

we might do something.

With respect,Your Holiness,you
have fooled me once.

For a man of God,yours was
a most ungodly stratagem.

So,why our presence?

If they are fool enough to join battle
with me,I will destroy them,utterly.

I will be pitiless.

I know no other way.

My cannon will annihilate their armies!

The dead will be numberless!

I will drag you in chains to Avignon
and see you end your days in ignominy!

All this before I die!

Are you listening,Holy Father?

We hear you.

We will convey your words
to the league forces.


Is that the sound of rain?

Can even the King of France
light his cannon in the rain?

You think we don't know
how to keep powder dry?

Do you think the Lord God
doesn't know how to make rain?


We,however,yed their cannohave the
advantageridge.of this higher ridge here.

From which we shall attack.

The rain has stopped.

Beg pardon,Your Holiness?

Would not rain help your cause?

Armies can fight in the rain.

But would it not hinder their cannon?

Rain is not a friend to gunpowder.

We do not fear their cannon,Holy Father.

no?Perhaps you should.

The King of France
requested an audience.

He asks to be let free to
continue his march home.

But if forced to fight,he promises carnage
the like of which none of us has yet seen.

We are here to spill
blood,Your Holiness.

Yours? Or theirs?

I would beg the Holy Father to give these
troops his blessing who may well die tomorrow.

And to hear what may well
be my last confession.

And to retire to my castle
before the battle commences,

lest any harm come to his sacred person.

I have bloodied my hands in battle.

I have killed; I have sent
countless men to their doom.

And I pray that God sees the justice of
our cause and forgives me for our sins.

The Church acknowledges
some wars are just.

Does your conscience tell
you that this is one such?

It does,Your Holiness.

It will restore the
valour of Italian arms.

The honour of our soldiery.

Honour and valour alone
cannot justify warfare.

But I would plead just
cause,Your Holiness.

The weight of booty they carry with them gives
ample evidence of their greed and perfidy.

For this reason alone,I
would seek your blessing.

And your forgiveness.

Do you pledge your arms to the
service of God,and his vicar on earth?

I do,Your Holiness.

And do you promise to fight
in His name and His name alone?

I do,Your Holiness.

And do you pledge the spoils of battle
in its entirety to His Holy Mother Church?

God's blessing comes with a price.

- do,Your Holiness.

Then you have our blessing.


In nomine Patris et
Filli et Spiritus Sancti.


In nomine Patris et
Filli et Spiritus Sancti.


In nomine Patris et
Filli et Spiritus Sancti.


In nomine Patris et
Filli et Spiritus Sancti.

Your Holiness.


So,life has treated you well.

When you gave me your blessing,I
had not yet met my husband.


And now is it we who are to be
blessed with your hospitality.

So it would seem,Your Holiness.

I have not yet forgotten those times.

Some memories endure then?

So it would seem.

We thank God for His blessings upon
this table,and in this household.

We ask Him to watch over the
Lord Gonzaga,and his League,

and we pray for the benediction of
rain upon the field of battle tomorrow.


Is my husband's survival
dependent on rain?

And on valour too.

Your husband,madame,is a
condottieri of the old school.

He believes warfare to be an art.

Cannon a vulgarity.

Let us hope it's not a tragic art.

So we pray then for a downpour
to disarm their cannon.


Your Eminence.

Condottieri!Let's ride!

Yah! Yah!

Forgive me,Holy Father.

You are at prayer.

No,you cannot.

I am afraid I must.

But on... on a night such as this...

I have unfinished business
with the Holy Father.

You now have a husband.

And you have a mistress.

But your husband fights tomorrow.


So let me pray with you.For rain.

What was that sound?


- And after thunder comes...
- The deluge.

The deluge...


Were your prayers answered?

No no no, listen

For what

There is no sound for French cannon

Thank you God! Thank you!

- Holy Father
- Bless you, my sons

So many dead

So much glory!

Right, pull out

These wounds, your holiness
are proof valour lives still

Indeed, and honour.

It was a battle
from the pages of Ariosto.

God answers our pray with sound of thunder

There were explosions last night,
but no thunder

No I heard thunder

The French munitions were destroyed
but not by thunder

By some brave roman souls

You mean?

I mean,
I am now in eternal debt of Rome

And I pledge all booty from this field battle
to our Holy Mother Church

Your salts of mercury,

And the rain

It has finally stopped,

Try to rest

Have you a potion there that would give me
eternal rest?

Half of my army is dead

and cries out for
me to join them.

So your holiness

as you wished it
so did it come to pass.

Indeed, the question is
How did we come to pass

Your meaning, Holy Father?

Do you have anything to confess to me, Cesare
about this past night?

No Holy Father

Last night I was as satisfactory
as I'm sure was yours.

I slept the sleep of
the good and the just...

as I hop you did, Holy Father

the borgias
Season 2 Episode 04

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